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02x05 - Digby's Egg

Posted: 12/08/23 17:12
by bunniefuu
♪ In Applecross Wood a dragon tries to fly ♪


♪ It's Digby Dragon, there's magic with a twist ♪

♪ With Fizzy, Cheeky Chips and Grumpy Goblin in the mix ♪

♪ Join the fun with Digby ♪

♪ Digby tries to breathe fire learns to fly higher ♪

♪ Digby Dragon always aims for the sky ♪♪

[birds chirping]




Could have sworn I heard something.

Huh?[high-pitched humming]

An egg?


Hello there.

Hey, where did you come from?

[humming continues]Ah.

Maybe you're lost.


Hey... that tickles!


[humming stops][gasping]

[humming resumes]Huh?



Okay, Fizzy, you can do this.

Be light as a feather,

hover like a bee,

lift into the air

and float for...


Oh, yeah, me!


[panting] Come back!


[humming]What's going on?


That egg made me trip!

Aw, you didn't mean any harm, did you?

You're ticklin' an egg, Digby.

Not just any egg.

My new pet.

Since when?

Since she knocked on my door earlier.

She chose me to look after her.


Well, keep her under control.

She's already crumpled my wings.

Not on purpose!

And she can't exactly see where she's going.

Are you sure about that?


[humming continues][gasping]

Wait! Come back!

[gasping] My floating spell!

It worked!




[humming continues]

♪ Oh nothing better than a lovely bucket of nuts ♪♪



You're a funny-looking nut.


I wonder what you taste like.

Chips, no!




[groaning][humming continues]

[gasping] Are you okay?

Not really.[panting]






You've cracked her!


[Digby gasping]

My egg!

It's got legs,

just like mine!

You must be a dragon egg!

No wonder we get on so well!


So, ahem, you're absolutely,


sure that's not a nut?

Of course she's not a nut!

She's... Eggletta.


Eggletta indeed!

I'd call her a tree house safety hazard!

She didn't mean any harm, Chips.

[humming resumes]I promise.

I'll do a better job of keeping an eye on her from now on.

Uh, Digby?

We'll be inseparable.

But, Digby...

I won't let her out of my...

... sight!



Who'd want a clumsy old dragon egg anyway?

Nuts are far better company.


[Fizzy] Stop that spell!






A sky nut!

I knew they existed!

That's not a sky nut, Chips.

It's my floating spell.

[panting] No!

Don't leave me, Nutty!



A-ha! Got ya!




Oh no.

My wings are still wonky.

Just hold on!

What else am I meant to do?!

[wrench clicking]


Ah, finally.

No more annoying creaks and squeaks.



Who's there?

[tools clattering][gasping]





It's an eggling.

[humming continues]

Get down from there!

It's dangerous.

[humming continues]

Don't touch that!


[engine rumbling]

[humming continues]


[Digby] What are you doing?!

Eggletta's not old enough to drive!

She hasn't even hatched yet!

It wasn't exactly my decision.

Oh, Eggletta!

Oh no!

I'm coming!


Oh, I'm so glad we can share this, Mr. Sky Nut.



[humming continues]



Got ya!


Come on.

That's enough excitement for one day.

You're not thinking about keeping that eggling,

are you, Digby?

She nearly blew Scottie up.

And she made me crinkle

my favorite wings.

She's not an eggling.

She's a dragon.

Like me!

By the way, she's obviously very young

and must have a family.

Shouldn't you find out who she belongs to?

I can look after her.

Uh, are you sure?

It's not been going too well so far.

We're fine.

Aren't we, Eggletta?


Eggletta, come back!



[Chips] Hello!

A little help?!

Oh, sorry, Chips!

Why is Chips floating on a--

Come on!


[humming in the distance]

[humming continues]


Hurry up, Grumpy!

Have I ever told you I don't like heights?

You don't like lots of things.

Here he comes!

Let go of that nut, Chips!

But he'll float away!

If you don't let go, you'll float away.


[Fizzy whimpering]


That went well.


[panting] Eggletta!

No, wait!

[humming continues]





Oh... whoa!


[Grumpy] Chips, no!




Hold on, Digby!


Oh, Eggletta!

The others were right.

I can't look after you.

I've gotten us into such a mess.

[Chips yelling]

[Digby] Huh?

Grab on, Digby!



Thanks, Chips.

Oh... oh no!

My beautiful sky nut.

We've been through so much together.

I thought you and your eggling

were in trouble for a moment.

Me too.

I think it's time we found someone

to look after you properly.[humming]

[humming in the distance]


[humming continues]


So, Eggletta is not a dragon egg after all.

She's an egg... thing.


I did try to tell you.

Wonderful things, egglings.

So mystical and musical.


Oh, well, if you're into that sort of thing.




[humming continues]

[humming continues]

Sorry you haven't got an eggling

to look after anymore, Digby.

That's okay.

I'll have more time to spend with my friends.

Strange, but I think I'll miss that little eggling.

I'll tell you one thing I won't miss.

Those bumps on the head!


Oh, I think my floating spell has worn off.

I'd say you're right, Fizzy.

You came back to me!


Never ever leave me again!




Slow down, Chips.

Rumble Mountain is dangerous.

There are rock falls all over the place.

So... why are we claiming it then?

To find the dragon's amulet.

Albert gave me this map

he found in an old book.

It says here it leads to a necklace

with magical powers that helps dragon's fly.

But you can fly, Digby.

Nearly, almost.

Oh, you'll be amazing when you're older.


But I want to fly now, Chips.

Growing up takes forever.

Claiming this mountain takes forever.

Wish we could fly up.

Once we find the amulet,

I'll be able to fly you down.

Come on!


Watch it, flutter fingers!


This is priceless!

Hey, Grizel.

Getting rid of your rubbish?

How dare you?!

I'll have you know these are my very precious things.

I need to find somewhere to keep them safe.

You never know who's sneaking about.

This isn't a good spot, Grizel.

Rumble Mountain is dangerous.

Rock falls, don't you know?


That's why it's perfect.

Nobody is going to come poking around up here.

Do you want a hand?

Keep your paws to yourself!

These are my things.

Go find your own.

That's the plan.

Come on, Chips.


Is it nighttime already?


The map says the amulet is right about... there!


Look at it twinkle!

But how are we going to get it?

This is a job

for the Chipster!





I know.

Uh, maybe get the amulet.


Oh, yeah, right.


It's beautiful.




Uh, Digby!


I know!

The amulet is supposed to help dragons fly.

Put it on.

But I'm a squirrel, not a dragon.

"This amulet makes dragons fly.

"Why not be brave?

"Give it a try.

"If others choose to wear it too,

it will tell them what to do."

Go on!

It'll be fine.

Well, okay.

If the poem says so.





The amulet works!

[chuckling] 'mazing.

Look at 'em!






Oh, that looks so cool!

Give us a go?!


In a minute.

You've already got wings.

Not like those.

Tell you what.

You can have a go once we get to the tree at the bottom.


Whoo-hoo, yeah!


You said I can have a go

when we got to this tree.

Did I say that?

Nope, I meant the next tree.

[chuckling] Yee-ha!

Come on, Chips.

It's got to be my turn now.

I know!

How about I hand it over

when we get home?

Uh, but...




Right, we're home.

My turn.

I don't think so.



I think I should keep it for now.


Fine, be like that.

See how much fun you have on your own.

[Fizzy humming]






Chips, you can fly.


That looks pretty.

Yeah, it's great!

And it's all mine!



Is that a magic flying necklace?

Oh, I know your game, Fizzy.

You just keep your fairy fingers to yourself.



Are you okay?

♪ It's mine-y mine, mine, mine ♪♪

I can fly and no one can stop me!


Ha-ha![whistle blowing]

[Grumpy] Look out!






You are enough trouble on two feet.

Who thought wings were a good idea?



What's that, then?

It doesn't matter what it is,

Mr. Grumpy Chops.

You can't have it!


Mr. Grumpy Chops?


Splash down!



Splash down's no fun without Chips.

Digby, Chips has got wings

and he's being all weird.


Tell me about it.

I took him all the way to get

the dragon's amulet,

and now he won't let me have a go.

But that's not like Chips.

He's not being himself.

You can say that again.

And I don't just mean the wings.

You need to talk to him.

You're his best friend.

I don't think I am anymore.

Oh, I wish I'd never found the dragon's amulet.

If it's a dragon's amulet, then why is Chip's wearing it?

Well, the map said it was fine.

"If others choose to wear it too."

"It will tell them what to do."

Tell them what to do?

That sounds like it's controlling them.


Chips has been acting all weird

ever since he put that amulet on.

I thought he was just being selfish.

But you're right.

That's not like Chips.

Oh no!

We have to get that amulet off him

and get the real Chips back.

The last time I saw him he was sweeping towards

Rumble Mountain.

Come on, let's go!

The amulet is mine, I tell you!

Mine, mine, mine-y, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine!

[Grizel] My very own cave.

This place is perfect!

Mungo, start unloading!

Okay, Grizel.

[Chips laughing]

Out of my way!





Oh, Grizel!

Are you okay?

No, I am not!

That flying squirrel knocked us flying

and flew into my cave!

[Chips] Mine, mine-y, mine-ee-oh!

Mine, oh mine, oh mine...

You two help Grizel.

I'm going to get my friend back.


I know exactly what's here!

Don't take anything.

I'll do my best to resist.


Where are you?

[Chips] I'm not here!

This place is dangerous, Chips!

Come out!

[Chips] Never ever, not ever, not ever!

We've got to get out.




I'm having a brilliant time

and you're never having the amulet.

This isn't the real you, Chips.

It's the amulet's fault.

You have to take it off!


Ah, you're right.

Here you go.

Tricked you!


Got you that time!


Chips-- whoa!


Come on then.

Catch me if you can!






Sorry, Chips, but we can't stay in here any longer.


[Chips] Missed me!



Ha-ha, yes!

Ah... ah...



Where am I?

Oh, hey, DD!

Oh, Chips, it's great to have you back.


We've got to get out of here!


Oh no, the amulet!

No, leave it!

It's not worth it.

[amulet shattering]



I'm sorry, Chips.

I should have realized that selfish squirrel

wasn't the real you.

[Grizel] No!

My cave!

Ooh, the cave's gone.

Ooh... magic!

Sorry, Grizel.

You're gonna need to find another

hidey-hole for your precious things.

Don't worry, Grizel.

I can find you some 'mazing places

to stash all of this, um, uh, stuff.

Priceless stuff.

This would go nicely in a bush.

Don't touch that.

This says "tree stump" to me.

What? No, it doesn't!

Riverbank, classic.

Leave it alone!

Or maybe swamp.


Stop trying to be helpful!


♪ Hey! ♪


♪ Hey! ♪

♪ Hey! ♪♪