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01x14 - Newton The New Kid and A Colorful Encounter

Posted: 12/09/23 16:00
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Coming up next on "Betsy's

Kindergarten Adventures."

-I'd like to introduce you all to a brand new student.

This is Newton.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): He sure looked nervous,

and then I thought, maybe I could help him.

MRS. O'CONNOR: I want you all to create an art project

and discover the secret to primary colors.

-Why don't you guys make your monster

and we will make a doll?

THEME SONG: A, B, C and one, two, three.

It's kindergarten time for you and me.

So climb aboard and take a seat for kindergarten fun

with Betsy.

We'll make new friends along the way

and have adventures every day.

It's "Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures."

-Kitty, were you chasing birds again?


Mom, Kitty's chasing birds again.

-Oh, that silly cat.

Why you cause so much mischief?

Oh, you like that, do you?

You should give up, Kitty.

The birds are all on to your tricks.

-Yeah, but what if a new bird shows up

and he doesn't know all of Kitty's tricks?

-That's why I'm putting this on Kitty's collar.

There, now they'll hear Kitty coming.


BETSY: I don't think Kitty likes her new bell.

-Well, it may take Kitty a little time to get used to it.

She doesn't like to try new things.

-Sometimes, I'm the same way.

DAPHNE: Sometimes?

Remember how you weren't sure if you

were going to like kindergarten?

-Oh, yeah.

And now I love it.


You just have to be willing to try something new.

Now, let's get going.

You don't want to miss your bus, do you?

-No way.

When I got on the bus, I was thinking about what

my mom said, about trying new things.

Who knows how many wonderful new things you might discover?

-Good morning, everyone.

-(IN UNISON) Good morning, Mrs. O'Connor.

-Did anyone bring in anything for show and tell today?

-Oh, oh, I did, Mrs. O'Connor.

I did.

-Well, would you like to come up front and tell us all about it?

-I sure would.

Yesterday, I went to an audition for a TV commercial,

and they let me keep this hat.

-Oh, my, that's quite a hat, Maria.

-I had to sing, too.

It went like this--

(SINGING) If you want a big bologna,

take a taste of [INAUDIBLE].

It's by far the best bologna.

Others simply are the [INAUDIBLE].

It's not phony, gummy, or bony.

It's the bologna kids ask for.

[INAUDIBLE] makes good bologna.

No fillers, it's simply pure.


We've been full of bologna since .


-Thank you, Maria.

That was wonderful.

-That was the first time I ever sang at an audition.

At first, I didn't want to, but my mom

said I should always try something new.

-Well, Maria, I think your mom was absolutely right.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): Wow, even Maria

has been trying new things.


-Sounds like someone's at the door.

Come in.

Good morning, Principal Warner.

Good morning, Mrs. O'Connor.

Good morning, children.

-(IN UNISON) Good morning, Principal Warner.

-Sorry to interrupt your class time,

but I'd like to introduce you all to a brand new student.

This is Newton.

His family just moved here from New York City,

so he's new to Lakeshore School.

But I'm sure you'll all help make him feel welcome.

Goodness gracious, where did he go?

Well, that's funny.

He was right next to me just a moment ago.

-There he is.

I see him.

He's outside the door.


-Hello, Newton.

I'm Mrs. O'Connor.

I'll be your teacher.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): He sure looked nervous.

I could tell because I felt the same way

when I first came here.

And then I thought, maybe I could help him.

-Welcome to Lakeshore School, Newton.

-Thank you, sir.

-Goodbye, children.

-(IN UNISON) Goodbye, Principal Warner.

-Newton, please take a seat over here.


-Well, it's now time for recess, so this would be a good time

for you all to introduce yourselves

to our new student, Newton.

And when we all get back inside, we'll talk about shapes.


-Hi there.


-Welcome to Lakeshore School.

You seem kind of sad.

Is anything wrong?

-This place is so different from my old school.

I don't know if I'm going to like it here

and I miss all my friends in New York.

-Then you just need to make some new friends.

What kind of things do you like to do?


Well, uh, I like to build things with blocks.


I know just the person you should meet.

What other things do you like to do, Newton?

-Well, I like to ride on my skateboard.


That's great.

This is Newton.

Guess what?

He likes to build things with blocks, too.

-You do?

-Then, please take some blocks and play with us.

You are a very good builder, Newton.

-Thanks, Kenji.

Building blocks are fun.

But what I really like is science.


I like science, too.

-You do?

-I sure do.


You know, sometimes I even help my big brother

with his science experiments.

He's in the eighth grade.


-How do you do?

I'm Molly, and these are my friends, Sarah.

-Hi, Newton.

MOLLY: And Maria.

-I heard you're from New York.

Have you ever been to any plays?

-Oh, yeah.

My mom and I, we go to see plays all the time.


You've been to the theater in New York City?


-Oh, that has always been my dream.

I would love to see a play in New York City.

Oh, I think I'm going to faint.

Somebody catch me.

-I thought you were going to catch her.

-I caught her the last time.

It's your turn.

-Oh, never mind.

-Oh, it's nice to meet you, Sarah.

And Maria.

And, uh--



-Newton, this is Billy.

-Hi, Newton.


-Billy likes to skateboard, too.

-You do?

-Well, I'm not really sure if I like it or not.

I just got this skateboard for my birthday

and I kept falling off it all weekend.

-Didn't you use any pads?



Whenever you ride on a skateboard,

you need to wear elbow pads, knee pads.

Oh, and always wear your helmet.

That's the first thing my big brother taught me.


-Gee, you mean this stuff?


Those are your pads.

Let me show you how to wear them.

-Is there a helmet in there, too?


Whoa, Newton.

You make it look so easy.


-Thanks, Billy.

But you know, it took a lot of practice

to learn how to do this.



-Well then, I'm not sure if I want to try.

-Hey, like my big brother always says,

you can do anything if you're willing to try something new.

-Even make new friends?

-Yeah, even make new friends.

-Could you teach me some of those cool skateboard moves?

-Sure, Billy.


-Way cool.

-I think I'm going to like it here at Lakeshore School.

-You're going to like Mrs. O'Connor, too.


She is a wonderful teacher.

-She sure is.

And-- oh my goodness.

-What is it, Betsy?

-I just remembered.

Mrs. O'Connor said we were going to talk

about shapes when we got back from recess.


Oh, no.

Not the shapes!

Why does it have to be the shapes?




-Do you even know what shapes are?

-Uh, no, not really.


-Shapes are what things look like on the outside.


-You mean like a block has a square shape?

-Or a ball has a round shape?


Some basic shapes are-- first, there

is the circle, which is a basic round shape.

Then, the square shape, like Kenji said.

Then, there's diamond shape.

MARIA: The diamond shape looks a lot

like a square sitting on one of its points.

SARAH: Yeah, or a baseball diamond.

NEWTON: Then we have the triangle.

This looks like a piece of pizza.

And another is the rectangle shape.

A rectangle looks a lot like a square,

only it looks like it's been stretched.

-Looks like recess is over.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): It looked to me

like Newton was going to be fine.

I guess everyone needs a little help now

and then trying something new.

-I hope you all enjoyed recess and are ready to learn.

SARAH: Yeah.


-Does anybody know the name for this shape?

Oh my goodness.

OK, Sarah, I saw your hand go up first.

Do you know the name for this shape?

-Yes, ma'am.

That's a circle.

A circle is round like a baseball,

or a soccer ball, or a tire.

Or a donut.

MRS. O'CONNOR: Very good, Sarah.

Does anybody know the name for this shape?

OK, Newton.

What's this shape called?

-Oh, that's easy.

That's a square, Mrs. O'Connor.

MRS. O'CONNOR: That's right.

My goodness, this is shaping up to be a great day.


OK Molly, do you know what this shape is called?

-Yes, I do, Mrs. O'Connor.

That's a diamond shape.

A diamond is a square that's sitting on its side.

MRS. O'CONNOR: That's right.

-I know.

-Does anybody know the name of this shape?

OK, Betsy, please tell everyone what the shape is called.

-That's a rectangle, Mrs. O'Connor.

MRS. O'CONNOR: That's absolutely right.

Well, we only have one shape left today.

Does anybody know this shape's name?

All right, Maria.

What's the shape called?

-It's bologna shape, Mrs. O'Connor.




I mean, it's triangle shaped.


It's the same shape as the one on my hat.

-That's right, Maria.

They are both triangles.

Yes, Billy?

-All this talk about bologna has made me really hungry.

Is it lunchtime yet?

-Yes, Billy, as a matter of fact it is lunchtime.


-You know something, Mrs. O'Connor?

I think I'm going to like Lakeshore School.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): One of the things I really

like about kindergarten is that you

never know what to expect each day.

Weekends are fun, but I like school better.

There are days when you think nothing much will surprise you,

and you think that everyone sees the world pretty much

the same way that you do.

I was about to find out that not everyone

sees the world the same.

-I will show you my treasure, but you

can't tell anyone what it is.


I want to see that one.

-Ah, the tiger's eye.

-Ooh, look at that beautiful green color.

-Yes, but the most beautiful one is-- ah.

-Oh, no, this is terrible.

Billy lost his marbles.


Oh, the marbles must be found.

-Oh, I found a yellow one.

Isn't that color wonderful?

-I found the pink one.

-My best one is still missing.

The blue one.

That's my favorite color.

-There it goes, Billy.

-Oh, thanks.

-Let's go to your classroom.

No dawdling, children.

And no running.


-And no marbles.

-Good morning, class.

-Good morning, Mrs. O'Connor.

-Today, we're going to learn about colors.

Do you have a favorite color?

-Yellow is the coolest color.

-No it isn't, purple is the most beautiful color.

-Yellow and purple are nice, but there's

no color as beautiful as pink.

-Colors are an important part of life.

We use colors every day to help us identify things,

like little round things to eat might be?


-Yes, if they're blue.

But if they are green?

-I know.

I know, peas.

-That's right.

Sometimes we can even use colors to describe how we feel.

If someone's feelings sad, you could

say that they were feeling blue.

Or when someone is jealous of another person,

they may be acting like a green-eyed monster.

-Well, that must be why the green-eyed monster

I heard about is so unhappy.

He's jealous.


-Could be.

Pink usually means happy.

Colors also play an important role in art.

And art, like colors, helps us to express ourselves.

This weekend, I what you all to create an art

project for parents' night and discover

the secret to primary colors.

-What are primary colors?

-Primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

-They have a secret?

-All I will tell you is that they are more than they appear.

-Who has an idea for the art project?

-I know, let's build a giant robot.

-That sounds like fun.

-Robots are not art.

We need to paint a beautiful picture.

-A picture of a monster.

-Oh, monsters are creepy, horrible, and ugly.

-Hey, what if we made a monster?

-That's it, perfect.



-I don't want to make a monster.

What if we make a doll?

-That is a great idea.

-No way.

-Look, why don't you guys make your monster

and we will make a doll?

-All right, Betsy.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): The secret of the primary colors

would have to wait for now.

We needed to come up with a great idea for our doll.

-Now, what kind of doll are we going to make?

-How about an action hero?

One with superpowers.

-I think we should make a princess doll.

-I think they're prettier.

-We could make a fairy princess.

She'd be beautiful and have magical powers.


What a great idea.

Our project will be the best ever.

-It's not as good as my idea, but it's OK.


Let's get started.




-Now what are we going to do?

Half of our supplies are ruined.

-We're doomed.

-The monster has to be really big.


-I don't know if we have enough to make it really big.

-And he should have three eyes, and slimy goop

dripping from his body.


I'm scary.


-I don't think we have any slimy goop.

-And fur.

And a tail.

-Oh, um, nope.


No tails or fur here, either.

We just don't have the right stuff to make a cool monster.

-Don't be blue.

What exactly do we have?

-Uh, poster board, glue, paint brushes, construction paper,

scissors, and colored paper.

-Well, we'll just have to find what we need.

-Make way for the queen.

-I don't like basements.

They're gray like a cloudy day.

-We've been looking all day and we

still haven't found what we need.

-Don't worry, we still have tomorrow.

Heads up.

-Hey, that's it.

We can use this old ball for her head.

-I wonder how the boys are doing.

-We could use the big, blue marbles for eyes.


And if we mix the glue with dirt,

we can make our own slimy goop.

-Hey, this grass would make great green fur.

-Uh, what will we use for his body?

-She needs hair.

A fairy princess can't be bald.

What are we going to do for her hair?

-I could get some corn husks for her hair.

-Oh, no.

No, that will not do.

She should have beautiful curly hair.

-We have to find something.

We're running out of time.

DAPHNE: Gracie, no.


-(IN UNISON) The mop!



-Hey, the trash can.

That would make a great body.

SARAH: Oh, Betsy, those eyes are beautiful.


But we still have a lot of work to do.

And not much time left.

-All we have to do now is paint her.

-I'm so excited about our pink fairy princess.



Who said we were going to paint her dress pink?

-Wait, I thought it was going to be yellow.

-I prefer red.

-If we wanted the prettiest art project,

her dress must be purple.

-Well, Sarah.

We could paint her hair yellow.

-Oh, she could have golden yellow hair.


-And Maria, you could paint her lips red.

-Yes, red lipstick, like a [INAUDIBLE].

-Betsy, her dress must be purple.

-Well, you think purple is the best and I think pink is.

So what are we going to do?

-It's alive. it's alive.


-I'm just about done with this fur.

-And this is the last of the slimy goop.

-All that's left to do is paint his face green.


His face has to be blue.


-Because I like blue.

Besides, there's no green paint.


No green?

Where's the green?

-I have an idea.

Make half of him blue and half yellow.

-Fine, I guess it will have to work.

-Mrs. O'Connor only gave us the primary colors--

red, yellow and blue.

I don't know what she has against green.

-I can't believe it.

-(IN UNISON) What?


KENJI: Wow, that's cool.

-At the far edge of the Earth, battling the hairy grass

monster, we discovered the secret of the primary colors.

-Mrs. O'Connor was right.

They are more than they appear.

It looks like we have green paint after all.


All I have do is paint blue over the yellow half

and it will be green.


Let's get this guy finished.

-Molly, if it's all right with you,

maybe we could paint the top half of her dress

pink and the bottom half purple.


Well, let me think about it.

Yes, I guess that would be OK.

-We only have an hour left.

Let's get out the paints.

-Where, um-- where's the purple paint?

-This is terrible.

There is no purple paint.

Ooh, but there is the most beautiful shade of red.

-The yellow is perfect.

But there is no purple or pink.

-Pink is easy, you just mix white and red.


Wow, that's a pretty neat trick.

-Red, blue, and yellow.

Didn't Mrs. O'Connor say those were the primary colors?


-And she also said that they had a secret,

that they were more than they appear.

-All that appears to me is that everyone

has their favorite colors except me.

-I'm sorry, Molly.

I don't know the secret, but don't be blue.

Pink will be really pretty, I know it.

You'll see.

DAPHNE: Gracie, no!





No, Gracie, not the red paint, too.

-Oh, no.

Not my red paint.

This is terrible.

Now we're never going to finish in time.

-Gracie, you're purple.

Where did you get purple on you?


Red and blue mixed together makes purple.

Oh, Betsy, your dog is a genius.

He discovered the secret of primary colors.

-Welcome, and thank you all for coming.

This is our parent night art show.

The children have done a wonderful job

of creating some beautiful and unique art pieces.

I wasn't really expecting two art projects,

but I must say it is a pleasant surprise.

Anyway, enjoy yourselves.

-Wait, Mrs. O'Connor, you haven't said which one is best.

-There's no reason to pick, they're both equally wonderful.

-How can they both be best?

-You see, each person has their own likes and dislikes.

Their own opinion.

Their own special way of looking at art, colors, and the world.

There's no right or wrong in art.

-So even though I think pink is the most beautiful color ever,

someone else might like red or yellow.

Or purple.

-I still think blue is the greatest.

But I do like the monster's face being half green.

-Your monster's not so bad.

He's really kind of cool.

-Oh, thanks.

I guess the fairy princess doll is kind of nice, too.

BETSY (VOICEOVER): These last few days

really did open my eyes to see how other people see the world.

That people have different ideas of beauty, art, and colors.

And that can be a good thing.

Everyone was very happy with the way things turned out.

As for me?

I guess you could say I was tickled pink.

NARRATOR: Visit the "Betsy's Kindergarten Adventures"

website and see how Betsy's getting ready for school,

play games, color pictures, and meet all of Betsy's friends


BETSY (VOICEOVER): My friends and I love to read.

You can find all kinds of fun and interesting books

to read at your local library.

Visit the library in your town today

to have your own adventures just like me.

-Of course, garbage will have to be

taken out by somebody strong.

-When someone gives you a responsibility,

you should always do your very best.

MRS. O'CONNOR: How about Billy?

-All right, I get to take out the garbage.