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04x08 - Boys' Night Out

Posted: 12/10/23 08:23
by bunniefuu
[all shouting]




Fear not, tiny friends,
for Sea Hawk is here!


Well, perhaps we should fear a little.

Let's go!


[powering up]

- Hang on!
- Huh?



Netossa, this is the last of them!

Sound the...

Wait. Where's Sea Hawk?




[Sea Hawk grunts]

Okay. Now sound the retreat.


[sea elf 1 crying]

[sea elf 2 crying]



I'll be back for you.

♪ We're on the edge of greatness ♪

♪ Turning darkness to light ♪

♪ We're right beside you ♪

♪ Ready to fight ♪

♪ We're gonna win in the end ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪

♪ And we must be brave ♪

♪ We must be brave ♪

♪ We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have and never let it go ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪

I know it's been tough going
with losing Salineas,

but we're picking up the pieces.

I'm sure we can turn this around.

I mean, we captured Double Trouble.

They're refusing to talk to us, but still.

So, uh...

- Swift Wind.
- Hm?

You just got back
from scouting the Southern Coast.

What does it look like?

On fire!

Anything more specific?

On lots of fire.



You came from Plumeria,
what's their status?

Any good news?

Perfuma is securing the Whispering Woods,

and Frosta reports her kingdom
has not been breached.

- Great.
- Yet.

But the Horde's working on it.

Day and night. Nonstop.

Well, that is okay.

Because Sea Hawk, Spinnerella
and Netossa just saved everyone

in Sea Elf Village.

With, uh, Glimmer.

Who didn't tell us she was going,
but just kind of showed up.

Again? Glimmer,
you can't just keep going off on your own.

Hmm. Where have I heard that before?

Oh, right.

When I stayed here to find the Horde spy
and Salineas fell.

That's not fair. We didn't know.

- Tell that to Mermista.
- Hey, where is Mermista?

[Mermista groaning]

Oh, look.

More ice cream.

'Cause I'm the princess of ice cream now.


She's, uh, taking some me time.

Me time. Great.

We all could use some of that.

So, let's check in with each other
more often,

and, Glimmer, if you could...

I'm not going to hide inside the castle
while our people are in danger.

I'm the queen.

You don't give me orders.

Okay. I get that you're upset, but...

Don't talk to Bow like that.

Adora, it's fine. Glimmer's just...

I need to stop the Horde, any way I can.

We're done for today.

Ugh. Fine.

Clearly we aren't going to get
anything done right now.

[door slams]

All in all,
not the worst meeting we've had.

I've never seen Glimmer like this.

Or Adora.

I just wish I knew how to help them.

Ah, don't blame yourself, lad.

Hey, you know, I just had an idea,
not preplanned at all.

Let's take a break
and have a boys' night out on the town!


Can I come, too?

I should really stay here
in case Glimmer and Adora need me.

One night off won't hurt.

What do you say?

[Swift Wind] Boys' night out.
Boys' night out.

Boys' night out! Boys' night out!

Why am I the only one doing this?

You know what? Why not?


And then my brilliant secret plan
can begin.

- What's that?
- Nothing.

Forward to a friendship adventure!

[Catra] Lord Hordak.

Sounds like congratulations are in order.

[Hordak] Yes.

The princesses are in utter disarray,

abandoning territory,

scattering before us
like the cowards they are.

We're crushing them.
Once you return to the Fright Zone,

I'll march our troops
on the rest of the coastal towns.

No. Now that Horde Prime's arrival
is imminent,

I shall remain in the field
to ensure victory.

Besides, out of all the princesses,
Entrapta has yet to face me on the field.

[Hordak laughing]

And what exactly am I supposed to do
while you remain in the field?

Whatever I deem necessary to win.

Return to your post in the Fright Zone
and await my orders.

Soon, all of Etheria will be at my feet.


Force Captain Octavia,
have you finished your perimeter?

[Octavia] We're doing the final sweep.

Excellent. Double Trouble
should be breaking radio silence soon.

They'll have new coordinates for you.

Force Captain Scorpia, come in.

[Horde soldier] Watch out! [grunting]

Aw, man. Even when he's winning,
Hordak is annoying.

Now he suddenly loves fighting,

and I'm getting stuck
with whatever he deems necessary.

[groans] Never thought I'd miss
shut-in Hordak.

Meet me at the Sea Gate.
I wanna take a break anyway.

[medieval music playing]

Sea Hawk,
I thought you said boys' night out.

It's the middle of day.

New experiences!


Day, night, it matters not.

You're overdue for some levity.

Last time I was here,
it was with Adora and Glimmer,

and things were great.

Not like now.

It is true.

Things are looking dour.


This drink is...

- extra sour.
- [shrieks]

Could be the Rebellion's...


darkest hour.


You know why?

Hit it!

[squeeze box playing]

♪ Oh, when the seas are rough and dire
We turn to friends and we conspire ♪

♪ To relight the sacred fire
Of rebellion ♪

♪ When the Horde tightens the noose
Around our daring sea rescues ♪

♪ We take some time
To cut loose from the Rebellion ♪

♪ Sure friends aren't seeing eye to eye ♪

♪ 'Tis no reason to curl up and die ♪

♪ Friendship just needs a resupply ♪

[both] Oh, it's fun
It's fun to be friends with friends ♪

♪ Oh, it's fun
It's fun to be friends with friends ♪

♪ And when Hordak hits us robotical
We'll respond with tunes most nautical ♪

♪ And take a moment to... ♪

♪ To ♪

♪ To-to-to-to, to-to... ♪

♪ Uh, to pop ♪

♪ Soda botticals ♪

[man coughing]

Oh, man. Third rhyme. Rough stuff.

[both] Oh, how fun
How fun to be friends with friends ♪

♪ Oh, how fun
How fun to be friends with friends ♪

♪ Sometimes we'll fight, but that's okay
We'll work it out another day ♪

- ♪ I know things'll work out in the end ♪
- ♪ Oh, yes ♪

♪ [all] 'Cause it's fun
To be friends with friends ♪

♪ Oh, it's fun to be friends
With friends ♪

♪ Friends with friends ♪

It's an ambush!

Whoo! Better! It's a kidnapping!

Sea Hawk, what are you doing?

Don't worry,
it's all part of my brilliant secret plan.

What plan?

To unite the princesses
and cheer up my dearest Mermista.

They love rescuing people...

so I paid my friend Bill to kidnap us.

The ladies will put aside their problems
to rescue us,

go on a mission of fun,

and then it's a happy ending for all!

Wait, you paid them to... [grunts]

♪ The princesses will stop their fight ♪

♪ When they save us, it'll be all right ♪

♪ We'll hang with Bill
The rest of the night ♪

♪ It's fun to be friends with friends ♪

♪ Sha-boombitty-boom-ba-boo ♪

♪ Hey, Bill, did you get taller? ♪

♪ And when did you get that scar? ♪

You, uh, didn't have a scar.

This might not be Bill.

- No, this isn't Bill.
- What?


What do we do?

We have to get a message to our friends.

Swift Wind, try to contact Adora
through your sacred bond.

[chuckles] Yeah, yes. Yes.

My plan can still work.

They'll just unite to rescue us
for real this time.


Nothing's spun out of control.

Do your thing, noble steed.


Come on, Adora, pick up.

Pick up.

[Swift Wind grunting]

Mermista? Are you alone?

[Mermista] Totally.


[Glimmer clearing throat]

- I thought you said you were alone.
- I am.

Deep down inside.

So alone.

Ugh. Are you two gonna fight again?

I was just checking up on Mermista,
but clearly you have it covered.

Glimmer, what is going on with you?

I know things are bad right now,
but we can fix it.

Why is that always your answer
to everything?

Because it's the only thing we can do.

Things are worse than ever.

The Horde has Salineas,
the coast is falling.

We haven't fixed anything!

That's why we need to work together
instead of you pushing us away,

and if you'd just listened to us
you'd know that,

and why can I hear the ocean right now?


Ah. She hung up on me.

But I could tell that she's in distress.

I should be at her side right now.

- Swift Wind, calm down.
- [grunting]

It'll be okay. We'll figure something out.

Fear not.

I know how to get a message
to my sweet Mermista.

After all, she taught me
how to speak seagull!



I may be a bit rusty.

[man] What's all this yammering about?

Admiral... [clearing throat]
Admiral Scurvy!

My old friend.

It's just like you to, uh, take over
someone else's jovial prank.

Isn't it fun being friends?


[Scurvy] Absolutely not.

Friends? Heh.

We were friends.

But I've had to rebuild
my last three ships

because you set them on fire.

Honestly, who does that?


[yelps] Come on now, Scurvy,
isn't this all just a bit extreme?


[seagull squawks]

[Bow] Admiral Scurvy! Sir!

Whatever Sea Hawk has done in the past,

can you put that aside
for the sake of your friendship?

[all laughing]


Oh, boy.

Listen up, kid, friendship is overrated.

There's only one thing in this world
that matters.


And lucky for you,

the three of you
have some value to me yet.

This was all a terrible idea.

Why didn't anyone stop me?

Because you didn't tell us.

Why didn't you tell us?

If I told you, you would have stopped me!

It's okay.

♪ 'Cause it's fun to be
Friends with friends ♪


This is no time for songs.

Yeah, read the room, Bow.

Look, as soon as they realize we're gone,

Adora and Glimmer will stop fighting
and come for us.

I know they will.

Hey, Scorpia. Where are you?
It's not like you to be late.

[radio static]

Listen, I'll k*ll you
if you tell anyone this, but...

I thought winning would be different.

Or at least more...

I don't know. Fun?

[radio static]

Come on.

You're not still mad about before,
are you?

Stop being so sensitive.
Get over it and talk to me, Scorpia.





[Scurvy] Good news, boys.

Someone cared enough about you three
to pay a hefty ransom.

Yes! Yeah!

The princesses. Of course!

Just like I planned.

[Scurvy laughing]

All that very loud,
very public singing about the Rebellion,

and you think your ransom was paid
by the princesses?

[foghorn blowing]

The Horde controls the seas now,

and they're paying top dollar
for high-ranking rebel prisoners.

As promised.

Scurvy, don't do this.

You and I lived by a sacred code.

The law of the sea.

We are like brothers.

If our friendship ever meant anything
to you...

It didn't.

[Sea Hawk grunts]



Your friends aren't coming, kid.

I don't think they've even noticed
you're gone.


Oh, friends.

Just because you're She-Ra doesn't mean

- you can order people!
- [Adora] You're pushing us away.

- [Glimmer] I am queen of Etheria, not...
- [Adora] And going rogue and leaving!

What are we supposed to do with that?
We're trying our best!

- [squawking]
- [gasps]

You think you can just transform
into She-Ra

and hit things with your sword
and it will fix everything!

Well, guess what.

It's not working!

Why are you blaming this all on me?

It is not my fault that Salineas fell!

The Horde manipulated all of us!

She-Ra was supposed to save us.

But the Rebellion's in a worse place
than ever since you showed up!

I'm trying my best.
Why can't you see that?

Well, maybe your best isn't good enough!

If it was, my mother would still be here!


Adora. Adora, I'm sor...

The boys are in trouble!

A seagull told me!

I may have lost my kingdom,
but I'm not losing anyone else!

Sea-Ra is back in action!

- Let's go!
- [shouts]

[Sea Hawk] So...

what happened to the eye?

[chuckles] Oh, this?

Catra scratched it out when she was 6.

And now...

I bet she's gonna do the exact same thing
to all of you!

I don't care.

Hey! I'm threatening you!

I don't care!

You know what?

It's not easy being the friendly
and upbeat guy all the time.

And I get that it's hard
being friends sometimes.

You gotta work at it.

So, why am I always the only one
who's willing to work at it?

I mean, they didn't even notice I'm gone.

Do whatever you want. I don't care.

It's terrible being friends with friends.

[scoffs] Yeesh.

- Ready at the rendezvous point.
- [radio static]

You guys gotta get this kid off my ship.
He's bringing me down.


- Scorpia. Come in.
- Force Captain Octavia!

- We got magic incoming!
- What?


For the honor of Grayskull!




- [laughing]
- [shouting]

Look out!


Mermista! You're back in the game!

Never felt better.

Rescuing people is my jam.

I knew it.

Never doubted my brilliant plan
for a moment.

Oh, how fun...

- [singing]
- No shanties!

Hit it!

[gasps] I thought you said no shanties?

This isn't a shanty.
It's like a rock remix. So, it's cool.

[rock music playing]

[shouting and grunting]

♪ You can't keep me down ♪

♪ Can't throw this Princess around ♪

♪ 'Cause you know how this all ends ♪

♪ With punches and kicks
And magical tricks ♪

♪ On each other we all depend ♪

♪ I'll blast you away
And fight another day ♪

♪ For Salineas ♪

[both] Yeah, it's fun
To fight hard with friends ♪

♪ Fight with friends ♪

♪ - Fight with friends ♪
- ♪ Fight with friends ♪

♪ It's hard to fight with friends ♪

[grunting and shouting]

♪ Yeah, it's fun
To fight hard with friends ♪

♪ Fight with friends ♪

♪ Fight with friends ♪
♪ Fight with friends ♪

♪ Fight with friends ♪

♪ It's hard to fight with friends ♪


[all] Yeah!

[all cheering]

[Sea Hawk] Adventure!




[over radio] Scorpia?


And that is the tale
of how I united everyone

- with my brilliant plan!
- Whatever, you goober.

Your plan was terrible.
But I'm done moping in a bathtub.

I'm ready to fight, to destroy the Horde
and get my kingdom back.

That's my girl!

- Also Bright Moon ran out of ice cream.
- That's also my girl!

[both laughing]

[Sea Hawk] Sea Hawk...

[Mermista] We should always fight
to music. It's awesome.


Adora, you and Glimmer...

[sighs] I know what I have to do, Bow.

I'm going to look for Mara's w*apon.
The one she mentioned in the message.

Maybe it can turn the tide of the w*r
for us. It has to.

What are you talking about?

Glimmer doesn't need a w*apon.
She needs her friends.

No, she doesn't.

But it doesn't matter. I will fix this,
no matter what Glimmer thinks of me.

♪ The Best Friends Squad on the sea ♪

♪ We subdued the thr*at
The thr*at with ease ♪

♪ We sail the world, come near or far ♪

♪ We're best friends, we are, we are ♪

♪ We're best friends, we are, we are ♪

♪ Oh, how fun
How fun to be friends with friends ♪

♪ Oh, how fun
How fun to be friends with friends ♪

♪ Sometimes we'll fight, but that's okay
We'll work it out another day ♪

♪ I know things will work out in the end ♪

Oh, yes!

♪ 'Cause it's fun
To be friends with friends ♪