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01x09 - Red Thunder / Putting it all Together

Posted: 12/10/23 11:55
by bunniefuu
♪ It's a brand new day

♪ So come on and play

♪ In a world that's waiting

♪ For you

♪ We're about to begin

♪ So come on in

♪ There's so much

♪ To do at school

♪ And you can do anything

♪ If you try

♪ With friends like timothy

♪ By your side

♪ There's a new adventure

♪ In everything we do

♪ We'll all be together

♪ And you can come too

♪ When timothy goes to school

♪ Anything can happen

♪ Anything can happen
♪ when timothy goes to school

♪ When timothy goes to school

All righty, this is the last

Bike so it must belong to--


Timothy, this

Is new, isn't it?

Yeah, it's my

New red thunder.

Wow, timothy got a new bike.

That is timothy's bike?

It's beautiful, timothy.

Nice wheels.

Yeah, really nice wheels.

Almost as nice as ours.

I think it's even nicer

Than the franks'.

Thanks, charles.

Good morning, children,

And welcome to bicycle

Fun and safety day.

I'm going to hand everything

Over to our transportation

Expert, henry.


Thanks, mrs. J.

Now, first things first

As I like to say.

Let's do a little

Bike inspection.

How about if each of you

Introduces your bike to us.

Me first!

Me first!


Okay, we'll both go first.

My bike is like frank's.

My bike is like frank's.

My bike is like frank's.



I don't think wheelies

Are part of bike fun

And safety day, boys.

This is my bell.

[Ringing bell]

And this is my horn.

[Tooting horn]

And if I make them go at the

Same time, it sounds like this:

Same time, it sounds like this:
[ringing and tooting]

[Ringing and tooting]

Well, everyone will

Sure hear you coming.


And going.

My bike has this basket

So I can help my mother carry

Groceries home from the store.

My bike is designed

For speed and distance.

That's why I have this bottle

Attached here so I can get to

My water without even stopping.

My bike is my

Favourite colour.

My mom says I'm

Outgrowing my bike.

Soon I'll get one

Of my brothers'.

My bike is just my size.

...and when I turn this

Wheel, it turns a generator

And that sends the power to

The fan on the handlebars

And cools me down

When I'm riding.

That's a fine

Idea there, fritz.

And last but certainly not least

Is timothy's new bike.

Want to tell us about it,


This is my red thunder.

I got it for my birthday.

It's aero...



It means it's designed to move

Smoothly through the air.


And it has a new kind of seat

That's really comfy, and it has

A lightning bolt.

Yup, you've sure got yourself

One nicely decked out bike.


Now, everyone bring your

Bikes and your helmets and

Let's all go over to

Let's all go over to
the safety course.

The safety course.

All righty.

Timothy, let's see what

You can do on your brand

New red thunder.

Strap on your helmet there and

Let's take it for a spin.

Okay, henry.

All righty now, timothy.

We're going to demonstrate

What to do when you come

To a stop sign.

Now, you have to stop and wait

Until the intersection is clear

Of other traffic.

Got it?

Got it?
Got it, henry.

Got it, henry.


See how timothy used his brakes

To slow down and stop?

Then he looked both ways and

When he saw that there was no

Cars coming, he rode through.

That was excellent.

All righty then, timothy,

Why don't you lead the others?

Why don't you lead the others?
All righty, henry.

All righty, henry.

All righty, henry.
[Bells ringing]

[Bells ringing]

[Blowing whistle]


I think you've done so well

You deserve a lunch break.

All righty?

All righty!

All righty!


Hmm, where should I sit?

Franks: oh!

Frank: sit here, timothy.

Yeah, sit with us.

Sit here, timothy.

Beside me.

Or here!

You could sit here

You could sit here
if you want, timothy.

If you want, timothy.

What's going on?

Even claude's being nice to me.

I think it's

Your new red thunder.

You seem...


What do you mean, different?

What do you mean, different?
Well, bigger.

Well, bigger.

All righty.

Now we're going to do

The obstacle course.

The object is to ride through

The course obeying all signs and

Steering around the pylons

Without knocking any over.

I will be scoring based on

Speed, accuracy, safety,

And overall bike-manship.

Now, let's get riding.

Now, let's get riding.
[Blowing whistle]

[Blowing whistle]

I think it's safe to go, grace.

Okay, henry.

[Ringing bell]

Nora, you don't have

To ring your bell if

There's nobody coming.

There's nobody coming.
I know, but I like it.

I know, but I like it.

I know, but I like it.
Very good, claude.

Very good, claude.

Very good, claude.


That fan sure works, fritz.

That fan sure works, fritz.
Thanks, henry.

Thanks, henry.

Thanks, henry.
Good work, timothy.

Good work, timothy.

Very nice figure eights, yoko.

Eight is my favourite

Number, henry.

We're done, henry.

We're done, henry.
And we got them all.

And we got them all.

I think you missed the point

Of the exercise, boys.

[Ringing bell]

Bike fun and safety day is over.

Did everyone enjoy it?


Yoko: it was fun.

And we have our own

Transportation expert,

Henry, to thank.

Yay, henry!

Now, henry,

What are today's results?

All righty.

Bicycle badges for speed

Go to frank and frank.

Go, franks, go!


Bicycle badges for accuracy

Go to claude and grace.

Thanks, henry.

And for all-round safety

And bike-manship,

A bicycle badge goes to timothy

And his new red thunder.


Thanks, henry.

Thanks, henry.

There you go, doris.

Thanks, henry.

Bye, doris.

Bye, doris.


Wow, did you see that?

Yeah, that was neat.

Really neat.

Let's do it.

Uh, uh, uh.

Those boys are much

Bigger than you guys.

Bike tricks like that are only

For very experienced riders.

All righty?

All righty?
All righty.

All righty.

Hey, timothy,

Why don't you come to

Our place on the weekend?

You can ride bikes with us.



I'll ask my parents.

I'll ask my parents.

Hi, frank.

Hi, frank.

Hi, timothy.

See timothy's

Red thunder, dad?

Nice wheels, huh?

Very nice wheels.

Our boys are getting to

Be big now, aren't they?

Well, they sure are.

Okay, be careful.

I'll come back to

Pick you up later.

All righty, dad.

Come on, timothy.

Let's go.

Let's go.
Time to ride!

Time to ride!

Okay, timothy.

Your turn.

Show us again.

Go red thunder!

It's not that hard.

You just have to ride

Around the markers instead

Around the markers instead
of through them.

Of through them.


Looks like you boys can learn

Something from this guy.

Yeah, timothy's good.

He is great.

He's the best!


Now you just keep on riding

Safely while I mow the

Lawn out front, okay?

Okay, dad.

Yeah, dad.

Why don't you try

It again, frank?

It again, frank?


I'm tired of this game.

Yeah, let's

Do something else.

But what?

But what?


I know.

Remember when we saw doris'

Brothers riding over that ramp?

All righty!

All righty!


It looks good.

Who wants to go first?

Me before you, me first.

No, me before you, me first.

Frank, I'll go first.

Frank, I will go first.


I'll go first.

I'll go first.

I'll go first.
Oh, you'll go first.

Oh, you'll go first.




Are you okay?


What happened?



I'm okay.

Now, what did I say

About riding safely?

You're not ready for ramps.

But, dad!

It wasn't their fault.

It was my idea.

I thought I was big enough

To do it, but I wasn't.

Well, as long

As you're all right.

Timothy may be all right...

Timothy may be all right...
...but his bike is not.

...but his bike is not.

Don't worry, timothy.

I can fix that.

That's right, timothy.

That's right, timothy.
Dad can fix anything.

Dad can fix anything.

Wow, it looks as good as new.

Thank you.

Told you dad could fix it.

Dad is the best.

He sure is.

Oh, boys.


Hi, guys.


You ready to go home yet?


Bye, frank.

Bye, frank.

Bye, big frank, and thanks.

Bye, timothy!

Did you have fun with

Your red thunder?

Well, it's kind of a long

Story, dad, you see, first we

Set up this course to bike

Around, but the franks got kind

Of tired of running into things.

So then I had this idea,

So then I had this idea,
to build a ramp...

To build a ramp...

To build a ramp...

Timothy: got it.

Supper's ready, dear.

Goodness me, look

At all those puzzles.


We're having a surprise puzzle

Day at school tomorrow, mom.

That sounds like fun.

I can't wait!

I love doing puzzles.

I like puzzles too,

But right now it's suppertime.


Can I just do the outside

Pieces, mom?

Well, okay.

Just the outside pieces.

Just the outside pieces.


Welcome to hilltop school's

Surprise puzzle day.

I practised doing

Puzzles all night.

So did i.

Me too.

I made all my flower puzzles.

We made our football puzzle.

Yeah, five times.

Goodness me,

You have been busy.

Now, everyone listen

Carefully because I have an

Important announcement to make.



There's something special

About today's surprise puzzle.


The pieces are hidden.

First you have to find them all.

It sounds like

A treasure hunt.

Or like an egg hunt.

Where are the pieces hidden?

All over the school.

In the playground?

That's right.

In the coat room?


In the class room, in the

Dress-up corner, in the gym.

So, what's the surprise?

If you put all the pieces

Together before lunch time,

You'll find out.

This will tell us

When time's up.


What is it?

It's called an hour glass.

It tells you the time,

It tells you the time,
like a clock.

Like a clock.


But it doesn't tick.

It's not supposed to, frank.

When all the sand goes from

This end to this end, we know

A whole hour has gone by.



Now, does everyone understand

What they have to do?

First we find all the pieces.

Then we put

The puzzle together.

Before lunch time.

Then we find

Out the surprise.

That's right.

Is everyone ready?


Okay, when I turn over the

Hour glass, the hilltop school

Hour glass, the hilltop school
surprise puzzle day begins.

Surprise puzzle day begins.

Good luck, everyone.

Good luck, everyone.


I was going to

Look in the coat room.

I was here first.

Have you found

Any pieces yet?

Not yet, and I've

Looked and looked.

You won't find any like that.

Why not?

You're making such a mess

You'd never see them.

Yes I would.

Hey, that's my jacket.

There might be a piece

Of puzzle in it.


There isn't.

How do you know?


Is anyone looking

In the coat room?





Don't go up there.

Why not?

Because I'm going up

There and I'm really good

At finding pieces.

So am i.

Well, I found seven already.

How many have you got?


See what I mean?

Why don't you look

By the swings.

I tried.

There's nothing there.

Hey, guys.

Is anyone looking in the tower?

Is anyone looking in the tower?


Hi, yoko.

Have you found any pieces yet?

I found four.

Have you found any, lilly?

I found five.


Oh, no!

Oh, no!
I've lost them.

I've lost them.


Hi, guys.

Have you found any yet?

I found five,

But I lost them.

But I lost them.
I found eight.

I found eight.

Did you find any in

The coat room, charles?

Doris: hey, no fair!

I told you you wouldn't

Find any pieces if you made

A mess like that.

There weren't any there.

But they must be in

There somewhere, doris.

You find them, then.

All right!

All right!
I found fifteen pieces.

I found fifteen pieces.

How many did you find, nora?



Look, the time's running out.

We haven't even found

The pieces yet.

We can't find out the

Surprise if we don't

Have all the pieces.

I want the surprise!

Me too.

We've got to work together.

What are we going to do?

If we help each other,

We'll find the pieces faster.

I'm good at finding pieces.

I'll look in the playground.

I'll go with claude.

It's faster with two.

I'll look in the dress-up

Corner, timothy.

No one's tried there.

Can I come?

Of course you can, lilly.

Where should I look, timothy?

Try the hall.

There must be lots

Of pieces out there.


We'll look in the sandbox.

No, you look inside

The sandbox and I will

Look outside the sandbox.

Oh, great idea.


What about me?

You can help me

In the coat room.

I found one!

Come on, everybody.

Time's running out.

Time's running out.




Oh, I found one.

Me too.

Let's dig deeper.

All right.

Have you found any?

Not yet.


I've got an idea.

I've got an idea.

I thought so.

I thought so.
Look under the swings.

Look under the swings.

Claude, you're a genius.

Claude, you're a genius.
I know.

I know.

Wow, what a mess.

I'll never find anything here.


I found two.

I found two.


I found three.

Hey, charles, every time

I put two shoes together

I find a piece.

I found four.



You take one corner,

I'll take the other.






There's nothing here.

They must be hiding

They must be hiding
somewhere, lilly.

Somewhere, lilly.

Are you thinking

What I'm thinking?

What I'm thinking?
Let's lift them up and see.

Let's lift them up and see.


Quick, let's take

Quick, let's take
them to timothy.

Them to timothy.

Let's turn the pieces over.

I always put the

Same colours together.

We got some brown ones.


They're not brown,

They're dirty.


See, they're green.

Oh, I've got green ones.

I'm doing the edges.

Who's doing corners?


We're getting there.

We're getting there.

Does anyone have

Blue and white pieces?

I do!

Let's fit them together.


What is it?

It's not sky.

It's not water, either.

I've got a chair.

I've got a table.

Who's got green?

Who's got green?


We have a tree.

What have you got, claude?

I've got...


I've got a giant

Ice cream sundae.

Ice cream sundae.


Timothy: there must be some

More pieces somewhere.

We've looked everywhere

In the coat room.

We've looked everywhere in

The dress-up corner, too.

And in the hallway.

I'll look in the class room.

I'll look in the class room.
I'll help you.

I'll help you.

I found some!

I found some too.

I found some too.
Quick, bring them here.

Quick, bring them here.

We'll do it.

We only need a few more.

It's a blue and

White tablecloth.

I can see a watermelon.

Hey, peanut butter


I love strawberries.

Do you think

That's butterscotch?

There's one piece missing.

Oh, no.


We're not going to

We're not going to
finish the puzzle on time.

Finish the puzzle on time.

Finish the puzzle on time.


We did it!



Claude: that is one giant

Ice cream sundae.

Timothy: you can

Say that again.

Grace: bright red balloons

Are my favourite.

Well done, everyone.

Do we get our surprise?

You certainly do.

Goodness me,

It's almost lunch time.

But what's our surprise?

But what's our surprise?
Follow me, children.

Follow me, children.



...neat-o! looks like the puzzle.

Mrs. Jenkins:


You did a wonderful job.

We couldn't have done it

Without timothy, mrs. Jenkins.

Nice job, timothy.

Picnic time, everyone!

Picnic time, everyone!

