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02x03 - An "Okri"-Dokey Day

Posted: 12/11/23 08:27
by bunniefuu

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends, as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team,
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next,
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends, as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister... ♪

[Car horn honks]


I couldn't eat
another bite!

[Knock on door]

BOTH: I'll get it!

Hello, Maya.
Hello, Miguel.

¡Mamá! ¡Papi!

It's Greg and Isoka!

GREG: Hello.
Good evening.

Hi, Greg. Hi, Isoka.


Oh, please.
Come on in.

How are you?

GREG: I hope we're not
interrupting dinner.

Of course not.

Please sit down.

Well, I was just
making puff-puffs,

and I know that they're
your favorite snack.


As usual,
Isoka made way more

than the two of us
could ever eat.

Ah! Did you make
the kind

with the powdered
sugar on top?

Of course.


Thanks, Isoka!

PACO: Mmm, puff-puffs!


Oh, no.
Not for you, Paco.

And you--I thought
you couldn't eat
another bite.

Please, Papi.
I can't be rude to Isoka!


Thank you
so much, Isoka.

Oh, yes. Thanks!

Lucky for you,
we don't have kids of our own,

or else we wouldn't
have all these extra
puff-puffs around.


Hmm. That's true.


Well, we should
be going.

We'll see you

Hey, thanks again.
What a treat.


Bye! Thanks
for the puff-puffs!

¿Mamá? ¿Papi?

ROSA: What is it, Maya?

Greg and Isoka
don't have any children.

Pero, mi reina,
some families
have children,

and some don't.

But don't you
feel bad for them?

I mean, you always
say that having kids

was the best thing
that ever happened to you.

¡Claro que sí!

You're the light
of our lives.

You kids make
every day a joy--

most of the time.

But Greg and Isoka
will never know
what it's like--

like when you take
your kids to the park,

or when they paint
a rainbow

and bring it home
from school...

or on Mother's Day

when they make you
breakfast in bed.

I remember the first time
you made me a card.

SANTIAGO: We still have
glue in the carpet.

Well, doesn't Isoka
deserve a card, too?

Greg and Isoka
seem very happy
the way they are.

MIGUEL: Translation--
Don't start getting
any of your big ideas.

I was just feeling bad
for them.

No te preocupes, Maya.

They seem to be just fine
without your help.

Bueno, Mamá.


Miguel, despierta.


no school today, Mamá.
It's Groundhog Day.

It's not Mamá.
It's me--

Maya, your
favorite sister.


All righty,
your only sister.

Come on, wake up.

Maya? ¿Qué pasa?

Estoy pensando...

Oh, no.

It's about Greg
and Isoka.

OK, I'm sorry
I ate your puff-puff.

No! Miguel,

we need to show them
how much fun kids
like us are.

With only two adults
in the house,

how could they
have any fun?

Adults know how
to have fun.


[Music playing]

[Greg laughing]

Come on, Miguel.

How boring would it be
to have to dance

with the same person
all the time?

Imagine if it were
only the two of us.

[Music playing]

Hmm. When you
put it that way...

What's going to happen
to them later,

when they're old,
like when they turn 30?

They won't have anyone
to play games with them

and do the things
older people need
their kids to do.

estás confundida.

I think you're
confusing old people
with dogs.

You know what I mean.

I just wish
there was something
we could do.

There's something
you could do
for me, Maya.

What's that?

Go to sleep.

OK, Miguelito.

Buenas noches.


Maya, Maya, Maya!

I just can't help
feeling bad for them.

Please, just leave
them alone, Maya.

Awk! Leave them alone.

Leave them alone.

ROSA: Santiago,
¿Qué vamos hacer?

This Saturday is
that dinner to honor Mamá,

and we're invited.

Let's go!

I hope they have
good food.

ROSA: But who will
watch Maya and Miguel?

Teresa and Ernesto
are away,

and the evening
goes very late.



¡Eso es!

What is it, Maya?

It's a bad idea, Mamá.

You haven't even
heard it, Miguel!

It doesn't matter.
I can tell.

Mamá, Papi, why don't we
stay with Greg and Isoka?

They're practically family.

Hey, that actually
sounds like fun!

Mmm, I don't think
we should impose.

BOTH: Please, please,
please, please, please, please?

Awk. Pretty please?

We'd love to!

Oh, we'd love to.

It would be a pleasure!

In fact, we don't spend
enough time with Maya
and Miguel.

I told you
they needed us.

MAYA: Hey, why don't we
spend the whole day together?

You could pick us up
in the morning,

and we could go out
for breakfast

and then to the arcade...

ROSA: Maya.

Greg and Isoka
are being very
generous already.

Sounds like
a great idea.

In fact, let's make it
a sleepover.

It'll be fun.

Whoa, wait a second.

You want to take Maya
and Miguel for the whole night?

That's right.

No hay problema.

That's, uh, wonderful.



Great. We'll pick them up
Saturday morning.

See you then.


Good-bye now!

I can't wait!

Greg and Isoka
are gonna have
a blast!



¿Tienen sus suéters?

Sí, Mamá.

Have a good time.

If you need anything,
I have my phone.

Don't worry.
We'll take good care
of them.

PACO: What about me?

We can't forget Paco.

PACO: Awk!

The more the merrier.



You're going to love
having kids around.

Yeah. I can't wait
to show you

all the rides
at Magestic Mountain!

I'm so excited!

Are you sure
we're ready for this?

How hard can it be
to look after two
kids for 24 hours?

MIGUEL: I can't believe
you've never been here
for breakfast.

Yeah, it's great.

And it's the kind of
place you'll come to
all the time

with your own kids.

You know, I'm supposed
to keep to a strict diet.

I have a bit of
a sensitive stomach

Oh, it's Saturday,

You can go crazy
once in a while.

That's the way
it is with kids.

Well, I suppose
you're right.

And I was eyeing
the Fat Stack
Blueberry Barge.

[Playing fanfare]


You know if you finish
the whole thing,

you get another one
for free.

Wow! That's so cool!

Oh, you have to
finish it.

Awk! Blueberry Barge!

Blueberry Barge! Yum!

Well, I don't know
about that.

Oh, you have to,

Then you get to
come back next week

and get a free one.

ISOKA: You can do it.



I can't believe
you did it!

You ate
the whole thing.

You know,
for a while there,

I wasn't sure if I ate it...


or it ate me.


They're having
a great time.

Yeah, but wait
until we get to
Magestic Mountain.

Then they'll
really have fun.

We have to go
on every ride.

Yeah, especially
the Behemoth roller coaster.

Oh, yeah.
That's the best ride.

If you had
your own kids,

you'd be doing this
stuff all the time,

or you could
just take us.



PACO: Sorry.


Ha ha ha!


¡Mi almuerzo favorito!

Mmm! Favorite lunch!

Favorite lunch!

Greg, do you want
to try my cheese
and chili french fries?

Oh, thank you,
but I'm going
to skip lunch.

You know, Miguel,
I'm not really big
on roller coasters.

I get a little dizzy

and I'm still a little full
from that big breakfast.

Come on, Greg.
It's so much fun.
You'll love it.

Don't worry. You're going
to have a great time.

GREG: Oh, this is not--
No, no! Aah!


Ha ha ha!

Oh! Aah!

Ha ha ha! I told you
you'd like it!


Ha ha ha!

See? I told you
you'd love it.


Is it over now?

Is that thing
stuck again?

Oh, that's been
happening a lot.

Sorry, sir, you're
just gonna have to
take the ride again

until we can get
somebody down here
from maintenance.


Ay, no.

GREG: Aah!

He's so lucky.
He gets to ride it again.

I know, right?

This is so great.

Thanks, Isoka.

I hope you're having
as much fun as we are.

[Greg screaming]

Ha ha ha!

What happened
to your shoes?


Oh, no.

Oh, yes.

Toda va bien.

Yeah. They're having
a great time.

After today,
they're definitely
going to wish

they had
their own kids.

Well, that was
certainly fun.

I guess it's time to head home
and get some rest.

Oh, but it's
still early.

Yeah, and besides,
we haven't had dinner yet.

Yeah. I'll help you
shop and cook and--

we're a little tired.

Why don't we eat out?

Hey! Great idea!

I know a really fun
restaurant for dinner

that's not
too expensive.

It's a good place
to take kids.

Well, a nice,
quiet dinner out
might be relaxing.

Yes, it might.


Awk. Quiet and relaxing.

Isn't this place
the greatest?

It's really fun.

Come on.

I can't believe
you've never seen
a ball pit.

You can jump in
if you want.

It's really fun.

Oh, no. That's OK.

Ah, you kids go
ahead if you want.


Help! Help me, please!


Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Don't worry, Isoka.
They can't hurt you.

Don't worry, dear!

I'll save you!

Look how much fun
they're having!

Ah, should we
help them?

I think we better.


Oh, thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you very much.

You two should be
able to sleep well

after the big day
we had.

We always sleep well.

Somehow that does
not surprise me.

So did you have
a fun time today...

I mean, being with us?

Oh, of course.

It was quite
an experience.

Do you think Greg
had a good time?

GREG: I sure did.

But I think now it's time
for you to get some sleep.

OK. Good night.

Buenos noches.

Buenos noches.

Buenos noches.

Good night.

Good night,

Well, I think
we did it, Miguel.

We showed them
how great it is
to have kids around.

For sure.

And I got to show Greg
how much fun it is

at Magestic Mountain.

Are you thirsty?

No, just sleepy.

I'm going to get
a drink of water.


ISOKA: Maya and Miguel
are both adorable
and terrific kids,

but I have to admit,
I'm a little worn out.

Ah, can you adjust
that cold pack?

I get to have it
when you're done!

Thank you,

What a day!

Having kids around
is exhausting.

Miguel, despierta.

What? Why are you always
waking me up?

I heard Greg
and Isoka talking

when I was getting
a drink of water.

I'm not completely

they had a really
great time today.

They didn't?

They sounded like
they were kind of tired.

Hmm. That's funny.
I'm kind of tired, too.


No, Maya. No, Maya.

Hmm, I think tomorrow
we should show them

how helpful kids can be.

Or we could just forget
about it and go to sleep.

Ah! And I know
exactly how
we'll do it.

Uh-oh. No, Maya.

MAYA: Miguel, cuidado.

MIGUEL: I'm being
careful, Maya.

Just don't mess
anything up in here.

Don't worry. Relax.

OK. This is
going to be

a perfect

Mmm. Desayuno.



Good morning!

We made you a very special
relaxing breakfast.

You made this for us?

You got it!


This is fantastic.

Really delicious.

We just wanted to show you

that kids can be
very helpful.

We can do all
kinds of things,

like make breakfast
and do chores
around the house

and just everything.

Oh, well,
that's, uh, very...

very, umm...

Good to know.

We'll be right back
with more orange juice.


OK, we know we made
a little bit of a mess,

but don't worry,
we'll clean it up.

Yeah, just leave it to us.


Leave it to us!

No, no. Don't you worry
about cleaning up.
I'll do it.

After all, I--I know
where everything is...

or where it used to be.

OK, if you're sure.

We just want
to be helpful.

Why don't you go see
if you can help Greg?

Mmm. OK.


But later today,
right before we go,

we're going to
make you lunch!

Is your chair
sticking, Greg?

Well, I don't know,
but it doesn't seem
to be going back.

Oh, we can fix that.

You know, kids can be
very helpful

when grown-ups want to
relax and take it easy.

Oh, well, if you think
you can fix it...

No problem.

Don't worry
about a thing.

Miguel can fix
almost anything.

All I have to do
is twist this knob,

and your chair will
move back nice and easy.



That's nice, Maya,

but I've been giving myself
the same beauty treatment

for 10 years.

But I could give you
a much better beauty

It's the one Mamá
and my aunt use.

It's guaranteed
to make you look

and it uses
all natural products.

All natural products?

Yes, mostly vegetables
and fruits and things,

and after mi tia--
my aunt--started
using it,

everyone said
she never looked
more beautiful.

Well, maybe
it's worth a try.

Just leave
everything to me.


This feels nice.

Are you ready?

I can't wait.

Prepare to see
the most beautiful
woman in the world.


What--what happened?

You know, that
didn't quite turn out
like I thought.

I look horrible!

Yeah, I had to
substitute a few things.


Like instead of
cucumbers for your eyes,
I used beets.

W-will this come off?


So how did it go?

ISOKA: I look hideous!

It could have
been better.


Well, at least
the good news is,

it's almost time
to go home.


I guess my plan
didn't work.

Don't worry, Maya.
At least we tried.

Come on, guys.

Your parents are
expecting you home.

OK. I just need
to do one thing.

So did you have fun
this weekend?

Mmm, sí, pero...

But what?
¿Qué pasa, hija?

Well, I guess we've learned
something about having kids.

It's not easy.

Still, it was sort of fun,
don't you think?


And my skin actually
does feel pretty soft.


Hey, what's this?

It's just too bad

because Greg and Isoka
took such good care of us.

Yeah, they did
everything we wanted,

and they never got mad,

even when we kept
messing up.

And we should have seen
that they're happy

just the way they are.


[Knock on door]

ROSA: Come on in!
How are you?

Hi, Greg. Don't worry.

Whatever it was,
we will pay you for it!

It's OK.

We just wanted
to say thank you

for the lovely card!

If Greg and I
ever have children,

I hope they're
just like you two.

MAYA: So that was our 24 hours
with Greg and Isoka.

They had so much fun

that Miguel and I
decided to plan
a big surprise

for their wedding anniversary!

Oh, I bet they love it!

Ha ha ha!