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01x12 - SpitBalls / Popcorn Pandemonium

Posted: 12/11/23 17:14
by bunniefuu
[Buzzing and chirping]


Good as new.

♪ Rocko's modern life ♪

Rocko's modern life.

♪ Rocko's modern life ♪

Rocko's modern life.



♪ Rocko's modern life. ♪

Rocko's modern life.


That was a hoot!

Are we going to play or what?

Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.

Just got to get me prize foul ball out.

Did I ever tell you how I got this, heff?

[Sighing:] ten or times.

I was a little joey at my first game

And this kindhearted fan caught it for me.

Hey, you bum, you overpriced stupid excuse for a shortstop.

You hit like a girl, you--

Nice catch, pal.


It's the only time I've caught a foul ball.

And I haven't been close since.

Do we have to go through this every time?

Rocko on the mound.

Here's the pitch.

Oh, it's a long drive ball.

I got it.


What the..?

Uh-oh. Uh-oh.


Why, those no-good, little...

And I bet they want their ball back.

Well, they're not getting it!

Say bye-bye.


[Cackling mercilessly]

Stupid old toad.

Nice toss, heff.

Nice catch.

We'll just get another one.

Where am I going to find another foul ball?



Man: programs, get your programs.

Zeros programs, $, right over here.

Heffer, you really think I can get another ball?

Just think positive, rock.

The o-town zeros hit more foul balls

Than any other team.

I just hope I can get old hammer's autograph today.

Look at this crowd.

Yeah, it's jockstrap day.

Two, please.

Dang, no autograph today.

Man: psst, hey, buddy.

You need a ticket?

Come here.

Man: peanuts, get your red-hot peanuts...

Hey, don't forget your jockstrap.

Uh, thanks.

Here you go, big guy.

Come on, heff, I don't want to miss the first pitch.

Let's go find our seats, heffer.

Yeah, bucks apiece, they must be behind home plate.

Can you show us the lower boxes?

We need to find our seats.

Lower boxes, right down there.

But, uh...

Your seats are up... There.


[Wild bird crying]

Oh, bugger.

They look like ants down there.

Heffer, I'm not going to get a foul ball up here.

Rocko! Look at this.

Down on the first base line, front row.

Two seats with no butts in 'em.

Let's sneak down.

I don't know, heff, I don't think it's right.

What are you, stupid?

You want that foul ball, don't you?

Go on, kid.

Good things come to those who wait.

Oh, brother.

Hey, fauntleroy, get a load of this.

You can't see squat from up here.

What are you, stupid?

Grab those good seats before someone else does.

Right, let's go, then.

Be careful, heff.

Announcer: now pitching for the psychos, wild horse myers.

I never sat this close.

I'm sure I'll get a ball now.

Nice try, rock.

Maybe he'll toss another one over here.

Crowd: charge!

I got it.


Red-hot tamales!

Get your red-hots!


Down here!

Tamales make my bottom burble.

Here, pal.





Excuse me.


We got a real pitcher's duel here today, fans.

Ha, ha! What's this?

Looks like the kissing bandit is making an appearance.

[Thundering footsteps]


Get off of me, you big crazy.

Heff, look, it's gumbo, the mascot.

[Crowd booing]

Heff: why does everybody hate him?

Rocko: 'cause he's the mascot.

Announcer: we're going to the bottom of the eighth

Still tied zero-zero and nobody is leaving this game

Traffic or no traffic.

Rocko: heffer, they're all gone.

We're the only ones left.

I'll get the next foul ball no matter where it goes.

I'm so happy.


It's him.



I'm going to get his autograph right after he hits this homer.



I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope.

Wild horse into his wind-up...

Here's the pitch...


Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup...

Hey, spike, can I have your autograph?

Can I see your tickets, please?

These aren't your seats, sir.

It's useless sitting up here.

We can't even tell if they're still playing down there.

Yeah, I guess so.

Too bad you didn't get a ball.

Yeah, too bad you didn't get an autograph.

d*ck duck up at the plate.

He swings and pops it up...

Man, that's way up there.

It's a foul ball.

Wait, wait, wait, wait...

Mine! All mine!

Hey, a ball!


Foul ball.

Don't even think about it.

Let him get his own foul ball.

It is better to give than receive.

Well, junior?



Foul ball.


What a bummer.

I was this close to getting spike's autograph

And I didn't get nothing

Except this stupid jockstrap.

I blew my only chance.

Looks like you'll get a second chance.

Heff: oh!

Mr. Hammerhead.

Mr. Hammerhead!

What now?

Can I have your autograph?

I usually charge ten bucks for an autograph, kid.

No, no, put that thing away.

It's all right, kid.

Just don't tell your friends

I did this for free.

Got a pen?





Okay, okay, stop it.

Enough with the waterworks.

I usually charge five bucks for this.



You know, heffer

I'm glad I was able to make that kid's day.

Maybe when he grows up he'll tell his children

Of the nice chap who gavehima foul ball.

Let's see, I got popcorn, nachos, hot dogs, candy bars

Cotton candy, red sh*ts, couple of sodas

Candy apples, caramel corn, trail mix, licorice.

Oh, and I got some peanuts for you.

Nothing like a drive-in movie, huh, rock?

It's not quite the same, heff.

Heffer: well, at least mr. Bighead has a big-screen tv.

It's still not like a real drive-in.

But there isn't a drive-in within a hundred miles.

Work with me here.

There's an old drive-in-type monster movie

On channel .


What the--



Announcer: stay tuned for more sweatin' in your undies.




Oh, well, that's that.

Wait, rock, we can go to the googaplex cinema.

It may not be the drive-in

But there's hundreds of movies to choose from.

Well, that makes the choice easy.

Come on, heff, let's buy our tickets.

Two, please.

And, might I say, what a dapper shirt you have on.

Oh, yeah.

Managementmakesus wear these stupid things.

That'll be $., Please.

For that much money, this film better be brilliant.

[Alarms and bells ringing]

What's the problem, officer?

I'm so ashamed.

I got to stop for more snacks before we go in.

Heff, I don't know if we have time for this.

Oh, it'll just take a second.

See, it's moving.

Look, we can always make the midnight show.

Wake up, rock, we're next.

Now, let me see, I'll have a mega-tub of popcorn

Extra salt, extra butter.

Industrial-size raisin oots, nachos

Gummi cheese with choco sauce

And a diet cola.

After all, I've got to watch my girlish figure.

Hurry, rocko, the previews are starting.

Quick, find a seat.

[Squishing noise]

Hey, rock, I think somebody spilled something on my chair.

It's all wet.

[Toilet flushing]

Excuse me, where is theater number ?

You should know, you work here.

I don't work here.

Yeah, me neither, unless the boss is watching.

There it is, rocko.

Eww, sticky floor.

Eww, uh, eww...

Blech, eww...

My gum, my gum, mommy-- the weasel's got my gum.

You give him his gum back.

Give me back my gum, you mean old weasel.

You didn't chew that gum, it's not yours.

Mine! Mine!

Don't you have any manners?

Mean old weasel.

My taffy.

Heffer: look, rock, previews of coming attractions.

You've seen him kick.

You've seen him bite.

You've seen him run in his treadmill.

He is lang-chao, gerbil of death.

He defeated kung fu warlords from east of pittsburgh.

We're samurai kung fu warlords from east of pittsburgh.

Our kung fu is better than your kung fu.

Oh, yeah?

We'll see about that.

And you've seen him make mincemeat

Out of the cleveland warthogs.


Now see him...

Make breakfast.

Inenter the rodent, part vii.

Not before I've had my coffee, coming to a theater near you.

Lang-chao: hi-ya.

I can't see a thing, heff.

Let's try another theater.

It seemed like a harmless hairstyle

Until it began to crave...


...raw flesh.

The doo.

A hair-raising film, coming this holiday season.

Well, it's small, but at least we can see.

Man: hey, empty seats.

Come in, honey, there's plenty of room.

They're cute, they're adorable, they're moist

And they have a full line of expensive licensed products.

They're the cuddly little poots

Starring in their own full-length feature

With special guest really, really big man.

Little poots.

Little poots.

[Squishing noise]

Oh, dear.


[Crying:] the little poots...


Hello there, little fellow.



Mother: oh, did babe-ums have to make

A little burp-burp?

Now, you spit that out.

You don't know where that's been.

Come on, heff, let's go find another theater.

And don't miss the cute little poots

On a world w*r ii submarine

In their next adventure,das poot.

[Audience groans]


Uh, no, ma'am, I'm not a--

That man over there is smoking a cigar.

I paid good money for my seat

And I don't want any ill-mannered cigar-smoking warthog

Ruining my viewing experience.

I want you to throw him out.


Oh, follow me.

All right, you're in big trouble now, bub.

I got an usher.


Ahem... Sir?

The lady has requested that you please...

Refrain from...

[Laughs nervously]

From what?

Smack him with your flashlight.

I don't have a flashlight.


Smack him!

[Laughing nervously]


Hurry up, rocko, the previews are almost over.

You've seen it in the news

You've smelled it in the streets.

Now chameleon brothers pictures presents a story

Straight from today's headlines.

Get ready for... Garbage strike

The musical.

♪ We're on strike, we're on strike ♪

♪ We can do anything that we like ♪

♪ We won't pick up cans or bottles ♪

♪ Rags or junk or coffee grounds ♪

♪ We won't pick up old newspapers ♪

♪ Dirty diapers, wedding gowns ♪

♪ We're not touching your used cotton swabs ♪

♪ Or old banana peels ♪

♪ We're not wading through your refuse ♪

♪ While it oozes and congeals ♪

♪ And why is that? ♪

♪ 'Cause we're on strike!.. ♪

The book was better.

[Wolf howling]

It's not new.

It's not original.

It isn't even very interesting.

But it is coming this summer.

All right, dracula.

You're in for it now.

We're going to...

Dracula as you've never seen him before.


Our work here is finished.

Yup, yup.

Get some bagels?

All right.


It's been done...



And now, finally, our feature presentation.

[Audience yelling:] hey! Focus it! Focus!

What are they talking about?

Oh, no.

Oopsy-daisy, oh, boy.

Wow, cool special effects.

You should see how real this looks.


Audience: shh.

What's that rumbling?

I think that's my stomach.

I'm out of popcorn.



All: shh.

[Muffled groaning]


Let's get out of here.

No, wait, look.

It's just like a drive-in.

I'm not cleaning up this mess.

Me neither.

And why is that?

♪ 'Cause we're on strike. ♪