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01x45 - Vulture's Statue

Posted: 12/12/23 13:57
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

And to make even the simplest repairs in space,

ya need the right tools.

Like this rudder here.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Sorry!Excuse me.

My bad.

So, what do we have here?

A screw that needs to be screwed in.

And what tool should we use for the job?

A screwdriver!

Very good.

Like I always say,

the right tools get the job done!

Hawk, why don't you give this one a try?

Yes, sir.

Remember, Hawk, the right tool.

I don't understand, Coot.

We use a screwdriver to screw in screws, don't we?

I've got the right tool, don't I?

Well, yes and no.


You're having trouble

because the tool you're using is too small.

Maybe you just need a bigger tool!

How about this one?


[students laughing]Actually I was thinking of a different tool, Raven.

Wait! I know!

You're gonna screw that in with a magnifying glass?

No. I'm going to look at the screw through the magnifying glass!

What good is THAT gonna do?

Wait and see.


Hey, nice work, Robyn!

Coot: Very nice work!

A magnifying glass was the correct tool.

It allowed you to see that tiny screw

so you could accomplish your goal.

This screwdriver is getting hot.

Whatta ya mean?

I mean, hot.


That's because a magnifying glass does something else, too.


If ya hold it so it catches the Sun's rays --

the way you're doing right now --

it focuses the Sun's energy,

which can make things very hot.

[chuckles] Neat.

Next time I want some hot chocolate fuel,

Hawk can use his trusty magnifying glass

to whip it up for me!


Vulture, how nice of you to visit us.

Yes, I'm sure it is.

And what's your name, young cadet?

Sparrow. What's yours?

You don't know who I am?

No. Should I?

This is an outrage!

I am the chairman of the school board!

What kind of education

are these children getting anyway?

As a wise rocket once said,

can you teach the stars how to hang in the sky?


Sparrow, aren't you going to be late for class?

Yes, Headmaster Crane.

I-I mean, no, Headmaster Crane.

Uh, good-bye, Headmaster Crane.

Good-bye, Mister...Whoever You Are!

I am Vulture.


Chairman of your school board!

Something must be done about this.

Let me think...

Let me see...

[imitating] "Let me see..."

Let me...Oh! Ow!

What are you doing?!

Nothin', Boss.

Just tryin' to help you think. Heh.

Well, help me over there!

I know--

We'll put up a statue!

A statue?

Yes, of me!

That way everyone in school

will know exactly who I am.

I am afraid this year's budget

won't cover a statue.

As a wise rocket once said...

Never mind the wise rocket.

Just get rid of something else.

You must have lots of useless junk around here.

That, for instance.

My telescope!

Useless junk?

Of course.

Why do you need eyes on the ground

when you've got Space Racers

soaring among the stars?

Actually, they don't always

soar among the stars.

They mostly stay in our Solar System,

which is light years away from any stars...

other than the Sun, of course,

which is itself a star.


Get rid of the telescope

and build me my statue!

It should only take you a few weeks.

I'll expect to see it upon my return!

Uh, eh, Boss, wait for me!

Ow! Ooh!


Doesn't Vulture know

that when you need to see far out in space,

telescopes are the only way to go?

Nobody can fly that far.

Maybe you can't!

Come on. Robyn's right.

It would take a gazillion years

for you to see what a telescope sees.

Not if you're as fast as me!

Raven, they're right.

A telescope can see things

in the far reaches of the solar system

long before any of us can.

Well, we can still protect the Academy.

Even if we have to fly extra missions.

I don't know.

Without that telescope to warn us,

if something bad comes our way,

I'm afraid we won't know what hit us.

Something's gonna hit us? What?

I only wish I knew.

Vulture: A little to your left!

Uh, no, no, no, your other left.

Uhh, eh, uhh...left?

Uh, left...right..ri-, lef-, le- left...uhh..

That's right. Yes.

Yes! There.


Is everything all right?

Everything is wonderful!

See for yourself!

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

Cadet Eagle, reporting from Moon orbit.

I see the Space Racers are doing their jobs.

Just as I predicted.

What do you need a telescope for?

[sighs] As a wise rocket once said,

chairmen of school boards

should be seen and not heard.

[chuckling] Correction: not seen either!

Raven: Nothing unusual to report out here, sir.

Told ya. We don't need any old telescope.

We can see everything fine!

Like the Moon... and Earth...

and that thing over there.

What thing over where?

That thing. There. What is it?

Robyn: A comet.Eagle: Which way is it headed?

Ava: According to my calculations,

the comet is headed directly for our Lunar Base.

Oh no!!!

If it crashes into Lunar Base One,

our campus on the Moon will be destroyed.

And we'll have to build a new base,

which could take years!

And with no lunar base,

we may have to cut back on Space Racing!

Cut back on Space Racing?!

No way!

When will it reach the Moon, Ava?

Ava: Estimated time of arrival is minutes.


If we still had our telescope,

we would have known about this comet weeks ago!

We could have fixed things then.

So what can we do now?

First, we'd better catch up to it!

Ooh, yuck! Dusty!

Achooo!Bless you!

A comet's tail is made of dust. Dust and gas.


Goggle wipers -- it's good to have the right tools!

So now that we're here,

what can we do to stop this thing?

We could chip away at it to make it smaller

before it reaches the Moon.

But the comet's way too big,

and we don't have enough time to make it small enough!

Ugghh. Or we could build a giant net

and catch it before it hits!

No time for that either.

Remember what Coot said,

we just need the right tool for the job.

Ha! Yeah!

Like that magnifying glass of yours?

"Ooh, it's hot! Ouch!" Ha ha!

Wait -- Raven, that's it!

That's what?What's a comet made of?

A comet is mostly made up of dust, gas and ice.

Ice. Get it? We can melt it!

Melt it? With what?

Remember how Hawk's magnifying glass

focused the Sun's rays and made things very hot?

Eagle, that just might work!

Yes! Now aim it so the sun is shining through!

Ugh! I'm not generating enough heat!

Then let's all try it!

C'mon, Raven. Help us out here!

It's never gonna work.

Hawky, can you knock it off course now?

Roger, Eagle! Uhh!

[chuckles] Talk about the right tool!

Great work, Hawk!

Great work indeed, Space Racers.

That was quick thinking.

We couldn't have done it without Coot.

He was the one who taught us

all about how to use

the right tools for the job.

Gee. Thanks, Robyn.

Let that be a lesson to the rest of you.

Pay attention in class!!!

Oh, and speaking of class...

Martian Geography in five minutes!

Vulture: A little more to your right.

No, no, your other right.

Ava: Warning! Small space rock approaching Stardust Bay.

Whoa. Look!

It's a piece of the comet that we melted!

And it's headed right towards...

Vulture: Aaaauuugghh!

Thank Jupiter it's alright!

[statue cracking]No...


My statue!

My beautiful statue!

It's okay, Boss.

A shame that we had no telescope.

That piece of comet

should never have reached Earth.

As a wise rocket once said,

the future will happen.

It's only a matter of time.

Oh, ha-ha-ha-oh!

Coot: On the count of three.


All: Uhhhhh!

Perfect. Take a look.

Hawk: What's that?

Eagle: Another comet.

Headed this way.

Estimated time of arrival:

About three weeks.

Plenty of time to fly up

and take care of it.

Then what are ya waitin' for?

Booster rockets?



Space visors?Down!

The right tools for the job?

Got 'em!
