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02x70 - The Happiest Rocket in the World

Posted: 12/13/23 13:18
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪


♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪


♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪


Hey, wait for me!


Where in blazing blue comets

are those files I asked for?

It's been five whole minutes already!

I haven't got all day you know.

Aah! Ohh!

You clumsy oaf!

I need those files on my desk,

not on the floor.

Yes, boss. Right away, Boss.

You can count on me, Boss.



If one wants a job done right,

I suppose one must do it oneself.


Dodo, you...

sweet fellow and dear friend.

Oh, uh...

Thank you, dear Dodo.

You are a prince among rockets,

a sage of the galaxy.

I am?

Um, gee... thanks, Boss.

You're that-- that sage thing too.

And-- And even better than a prince.

You're a king!

And you are a treasured companion

who gives me joy every day.

And you are a great boss

who orders me around every day.

And might I say,

you are absolutely adorable, Dodo!

And you're the bestest rocket

in the whole universe!

And you are the cleverest.

And you're the kindest.


You are a credit to our academy, young rocket.


Please allow me to help you with those heavy books.

Mustn't strain those tender young muscles.

My, my, aren't you a clever rocket.



Pigeon: ♪ Five floating rings, four fuel injectors ♪

♪ Three planetoids, two training wheels ♪

♪ And an extra set of cargo bay doors ♪

My dear Coach Pigeon,

please let me help you tidy up.


Uh, thank you,

but it's not necessary.

You see, I-- No trouble at all, Coach.

No trouble at all.

There, now. That's much better.

Opens the room up, don't you think?

No need to thank me.

Happy to help.


Oops. Uh, I'm sorry.

No worries at all, young cadet.

No harm done.

There's a good lad.

Gee, thanks, mister, uh, whoever you are.

You don't know who I am?

Why, I'm Vulture, your school board chairman.

Here, please take one of these delicious fuel bars

from my private supply.

They're my favorite flavor-- liver.

Whenever you munch on one,

you can think of me.

Thank you, I think.

Ah, youth, so full of promise.

[bell rings]

Starling: More tea, Mr. Rocket Baby?


Don't worry, Miss Pony.

There's enough for you too.

Such a charming tea party.

Is there room at the table for moi?


Well... Mr. Rocket Baby,

Mr. Vulture would like to join us.

Is that okay?

He says yes.

How delightful!

Another fuel cookie, Mr. Vulture?

Why, thank you. I believe I will.

Ah, the joys of nature.

The warm sunshine, the lovely trees.

♪ Ska boodle-bopp ♪

♪ Ding-dong bouncy bing ♪

♪ The day is so bright ♪

Ha-ha! ♪ I have to sing ♪

♪ Ska-beedle-boop ♪

♪ Flip-flop fancy-pants ♪

♪ My heart is so light, I have to dance ♪

Is that Vulture?

He's acting all weird.

It sure looks like him,

but he's... Dancing?

Rocket engines use thrust to achieve liftoff.

Can anyone explain rocket thrust?

Rocket thrust is when you push in the opposite direction

from where you want to go.

That's right!

So, when a rocket fires his thrusters

down against the launch pad,

he moves in the opposite direction-- up.

This is also known

as Newton's Third Law of Motion.

For every action,

there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Bravo, Cadet Hawk!

That was an expert definition of thrust.

We need more smart, young rockets like you in our world.


And you, Professor Coot,

are a credit to the academic community.

I am?

Boss? Hey, Boss, wait for--

What in the name of velocity is going on with Vulture?

Well, he's a-- He's so nice!

The boss is just-- It's like he's under a magic spell or something.

I suddenly... love him!

This is super weird!


Robyn: We need to talk to you.

What brings all of you in here?

He's so nice now. Magic spell!

Calm down, everyone.

I cannot help if you all shout at the same time.

Now, am I to understand

that Vulture has been transformed

into someone sweet-tempered and nice?

That is odd.

Do any of you know how this happened?

I dropped a bunch of files on the floor,

and the boss went under the desk,

and there was a loud bonk,

and then he said I was his sweet friend,

and then we hugged and--

You are the soul of our school, Headmaster Crane,

and I for one bow to your wisdom.


♪ La, da-da, da, de-dum, de-dum ♪

♪ Dee-dee-dee, do-do, do ♪


Ah, what an exquisite perfume!

♪ La, da-da, da ♪

Is he possessed?

It's not natural!

Unnatural indeed.

And... And...


Oh... Oh...


Oh, oh, dear.


My allergies.


Oh, these flowers.

Thank you, Coot.

[relieved sigh]

As a wise rocket once said,

beware of school board chairmen bearing daisies

to those who are allergic.

The boss doesn't even like flowers.

He says they don't belong in a school of science.


I never thought I'd say this,

but we need the old, not-so-nice Vulture back.

Yes, Dodo, we are a school of science.

Say, that's it!

Perhaps we can cure him with science.


Maybe we can create a medicine

that'll make him his normal self again.

I'll start my calculations.

Or maybe we can find some cosmic dust

to sprinkle on him. No!

We need a magic spell.

I admire your creative enthusiasm, cadets,

but we need a more practical science.

Dodo, tell us of Vulture's like and dislikes.

Well, he likes soothing oil baths,

and he likes big pictures of himself.

And he likes to talk a lot.

And he likes everyone else to be quiet and listen.

Ah, yes! Much better color coordination now.

[Headmaster Crane gasps]

My garden!

What is he doing?

We must act quickly, cadets.

Leave it to us, sir. We'll get this done.

Dodo, what doesn't he like?

Mr. Vulture doesn't like surprises.

He really hates those.

So if we can surprise him,

it might shock him back to his old self.


Hey, wait up, Boss!


Why, Dodo, my dear Dodo.

How are you Do-doing today?


That's just it, Boss.

I, um, wanted to ask you something.

Yes, Dodo? How can I help you?

Boo! Aah!


Oh, you mischievous little rockets.

That was a good one indeed.

Blluugghhh! [screaming]


Got you back.

Well, that didn't work.

Hey, what if we got him angry?

Really, really steaming mad.

Yeah. That might snap him out of it.

I think I know just how to do it too.

Be right back!

Hi again, Mr. Vulture.

See this big, beautiful painting of you?

Why, yes.


That's better!

What an unhappy-looking portrait.

I think we can make it even better.


Aah! What's it gonna take to cure him?

Dodo, didn't you say you heard a bonk sound

when Vulture was under his desk?

Um... yeah.

I bet he hit his head under there.

That's probably what caused this.

So we need to use Newton's Third Law of Motion.

And create an equal and opposite reaction.


Guys, I think it's time for a little game of Orb-O.

Huh? Now?


Hawkie, would you please set me up

for a Quintuple-Fling Za-Za-Zing?




Vulture, angrily: Dodo!

[relieved sigh]

Coming, Boss.

What is the meaning of this?

I gave you simple instructions

to bring me some files

and suddenly find myself outside

in... [shudders] bright sunshine

surrounded by flowers and trees!


You know we do not do nature.

I know, Boss. [chuckles]

Sorry about that.

And no worries.

Those files are coming right up.

[chuckles] You can count on me.

[chuckles] Yeah.

Well, we did it.

Good old Vulture--

I mean, bad old Vulture is back.


Vulture: ♪ Ska boodle-bopp ♪

♪ Ding-dong bouncy bing ♪

♪ The day is so bright ♪

Ha-ha! ♪ I have to sing ♪

♪ Ska-beedle-boop ♪

♪ Flip-flop fancy-pants ♪

♪ My heart is so light ♪

♪ I have to dance ♪

Dodo: Ha-ha!

♪ Ska boodily-bopp ♪

♪ Flip-floppy, floopy, do ♪

♪ Sha-boopy, boopy ♪

♪ Dangle, dingle, diddly, do ♪

♪ Da-la-da, da-lee ♪

♪ Dum, dum, da-diddly, do ♪ [music stops]


Hey, Boss, where'd the music go?