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29x15 - Episode 15

Posted: 12/17/23 08:10
by bunniefuu

-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in the neighborhood with you.

So, let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please,

please won't you be my neighbor?

How are you, neighbor?

Oh my.

I'm glad we're together
again, you and I.


Is that the telephone?


I should get it right away.


Oh, well, I wasn't sure when
you might want us to come.

Well, certainly.

Thanks very much.

See you in a few minutes.

That was a Laurie Tarter at
the neighborhood dance studio,

and she thought we might
like to visit and see

how their dancers
practice and learn.

Did you ever watch people dance?

Well, let's just go
and see some neighbors

doing that right away.

Come along to the
neighborhood dance studio!

Here we are.


Twos, change your shape.

Ones-- beautiful.

And twos, change your shape.


OK, kids, remember I told you
that we were going to have

a visitor today from
the neighborhood.

Here's our friend Mister
Rogers come to visit us!


-Laurie, I'd like you to
know my television neighbor.

Laurie Tarter.

-How do you do?

-What were you all
doing when I came in?

All these different shapes.

-But that's exactly
what we were doing.

We were making shapes
on a high level,

a middle level, or a low level.

Would you like to sit and watch?

We're going to do a story now.


-And I thought maybe you'd
enjoy watching our story.

-I would.

You mean, you tell a
story and then they--


-They act it out?

Is that it?


Kids, have a seat,
and I'm gonna invite

our neighbor to come
and sit over here.

We don't have any chairs
in our dance studio.

We sit on the floor.


-All right.

-It's clean.

-It's clean, yeah.


Mister Rogers,
that's Charles Hall.

He's our accompanist.

-Hi Charles!

-Hi Mister Rogers!

-Glad to meet you.


-And Charles is going to play.

He's going to
accompany my story.

You're going to do the moving.


All right.

So, find a perfect spot
where you have a lot of space

around you, and sit
on the floor please.

Not too far in the
corner, Margaret.

That's a girl.

Jonah, here's a
good spot for you.

CHILD: Here's a perfect spot.

-So I'm gonna be
the storyteller,

and you are gonna be
the movers, right?

CHILD: Yeah!

-This story, Mister Rogers,
has some changes in it,

and you're going
to see them make

the changes physically
in their bodies.



You ready?

You just listen to the words,
and do what the words say.

One day, it was gloomy and rainy
and kind of chilly outside.

I had nobody to play with.

How do you look when you're
kind of feeling lonely?

I decided that I
might go outside.

So, I got up, I put my coat
on, and I went outside.

And I didn't walk very fast.

I just walked around
outside, not very fast.

I jumped in a puddle of water.

And I just strolled
along a little bit.

It was so gloomy and I
had nobody to play with.

When all of the sudden,
I saw on the sidewalk

a beautiful sea shell.

And I reached down,
and I picked it up,

and I took a good look
at it, and I thought,

what is this beautiful
sea shell doing here?

I put in my pocket
to look at it later.

It made me feel pretty happy.

So I started to skip now.

And I was skipping around, round
the space, skipping around.

I stopped, because I
couldn't believe what I saw.

There was an ice skating rink.

And outside the ice skating
rink was a pair of ice skates

just my size.

And I put them on.

And I skated on the ice.

And I was a really good skater
and I turned, oh, and I jumped.


I glide on the ice.

Yes, beautiful skating.

I started to feel warm.

I started to feel really warm.

I looked up, and
there was the sun.

The sun had come
out, and there was

a beautiful rainbow
right in front of me.

I'm feeling really good now,
and I sort of skip some more.

I skip around some more.

Skipped around and
skipped around.

And there was a
friend to play with.


I stop and I see a
friend to play with.

And I do a little
hopscotch with my friend.

Jump on two legs, jump on
one leg, jump on two legs,

jump on one leg.

Oh boy, am I feeling tired.

I think I need to sit down
and rest a little bit.

So I sat on the ground,
and [GASP] look!

I sat very still.

A butterfly landed
right on my knee.

So I sat very still.

I didn't move a muscle.

And I waited.

I hoped that she would stay.

But off she flew
up into the sky.

And I waved to her and I said--


-The way they move
is just wonderful.

-They have lots of
fun doing that story.

-The best part is when you
find a friend to share with.

-Yes, yes.

-You know what, I loved it
when you did that hopscotch.

Would you mind doing that
hopscotch once more for me?

-Two feet, one foot.

That's excellent.

CHILD: I can do that.

CHILD: I can do that.

MISTER ROGERS: Let's all try it.


Good Rachel!


Good, Divia!

-Woo, you're so good!

I'd like to see Charles' music.

Charles making the music.


-Hi, Mister Rogers!

How are you?


I like to see what he
does here, don't you?

Don't you love to
see his instruments?

-Well, Mister Rogers, this
is called a Conga drum.

-Conga drum?

-Yes, and you play it with
your fingertips, like so.

That's pretty good.

-What were those-- those--
it sounded like bells,

or something--
that you were doing

when you said one and two?

-We call them vibratones.


-Can you sing that?


Very nice.

-Let's make a circle
over here, shall we?

Right over here.

What's going to happen is the
grown-ups are going to come,

the dancers are gonna come,
and we're going to rehearse.

So, I have to--
their class is over,

and I'm going to rehearse.

Would you like to stay
and watch a little while?

-I certainly would.

You mean, adult dancers?

-Yes, grown-ups, big kids.

-Could we watch together?

-Kids, would you
like to watch too?


-What we need to
do, then-- let's

sit against this wall
over here, out of the way.

Sit beside one another--

-Right beside--

-Sit beside one another, and
I'm going go join my friends,

and we're going to
do some rehearsing.

So, you're welcome
to stay and watch.

-Well, we'll look forward
to seeing you when you come.


-In the meantime, maybe
we'll dance with our fingers.


Want to?

Want to dance with your fingers?






you enjoy that?


-We've enjoyed it very
much, did we ever.

I need to get back
to my place, Laurie,

but, oh, what a tremendous
treat that was for me.

Thank you very much.

And I saw so many-- so many of
the movements of the children

were making before that
you all were doing.

-Yes, yes.

-Thank you for today.

-Thank you for joining
us, Mister Rogers.

-See you soon!

-See you soon!

-Thanks to all!


Kids, we're going to
run that piece again.

The dancers- we're going to
rehearse it one more time,

and I want you to watch.

-Let's go back to my place.

There are all kinds of ways
to express who we are inside,

aren't there?

Big circle, little circle.

Let's have some make-believe
about round things.

Come on, trolley.

Last time, King
Friday XIII said he

was sorry for having
broken Lady Aberlin's toys.

Handyman Negri fixed
it, and now it's

part of some round surprise
at the museum-go-round.

So let's pretend about that
some more, as the trolley

goes into the neighborhood
of make-believe.

-Yes, yes, fine Hula Mouse!


-Oh, well, you're
a good teacher.



-Oh, here he comes now!

See ya!

-Hula Mouse, I presume?


-Ah, you are an accomplished
mouse with that round hoop.

--[CHUCKLES] Muchas
gracias, Senor.

-Did you ever try
using a square hoop?

-Oh, cuadrado?

-Yes, like this one down here?


Como este?




-A square is certainly
different from round.



-By the way, did
you hear the news?

-Que noticias, Senor?

-Did you not hear that
I said I was sorry?

-Oh, si.


-Yeah, a big news.

Well, I'm saying it to you, too.

HM, I'm sorry.

-Uh, does that mean that I
can go to the round party

at the museum?

-Is that what the
surprise is all about?

-[LAUGHS] Si, Senor.


-Hmm, everyone's bringing
something round, eh?

Well, I shall bring my crown.



-Of course.

You are most royal mouse, HM.

-Muchas gracias, Senor.


-Hi, Hula Mouse!

You sound happy!



Do you have something
round that I could take?



-I'll try.

-Ah ha!


-Let's go-- vamos!


-I think it is time.

Some of the neighbors
are already there.

I told Neighbor Aber I'd
meet him there inside.




-Well, well, well.

You all came.

How do you like my
round get-up? [LAUGHS]

-Oh, Lady Elaine, you
look really splendid.


-Friday's coming?

Well, it's about time.

I was really upset with him.


-Now's your chance to tell him.

-Uh, Mayor, Mouse, and
Fairchilde, I presume?

-[TOGETHER] Correct
as usual, King Friday.

-Sometimes correct, Friday.

-Did you wish to say
something, Fairchilde?

-I was really upset with you.

-I know, and I know why.

I acted badly, and I'm sorry.

-Will wonders never cease!

-I not only say I'm
sorry, I am sorry.

-Well, Friday, I'm speechless.

-And where is this round party?

-It's in the R room, toots,
and you're welcome to come.

What did you bring
that is round?

-My crown, of course.

-I should have known.

-Oh, Daddy, I'm glad you came!

And HM too!

Oh and Mayor Maggie!

-Yes, son, we are all here.



demonstration, Tuesday.

-Thanks, Daddy.

-Come on, everyone!

Let's all go to the R room.

Everybody else is there.

-Oh, hi trolley!


I think I'm late for the party.


Something round?


Oh, that's right!

We have to take something round.

I forgot my clicker!



In the garden?


Well, where?



Thanks, trolley, but
this is a square.


You mean, like this?


That's amazing!

I'm going to show
this to everybody!

Thanks, trolley!

-Now, that's really
make-believe and magic--

turning something square
into something round.

Let's feed the fish.

Here we are, fish.

A little food.

Oh, look.

This is round--
here, top of this,

and little round holes there.


There's somebody at the door.

Let's see who that is.

Speedy delivery.

Mr. McFeely!

-Would you like
to see how people

make marbles in a factory?

-I'd like to see that very much.

-Well, I thought you might,
since they're nice and round.

-Will you tell us about it?

-I'd be glad to!

-Come along, let's put
it in Picture Picture.

-All righty.

-How people make marbles.

MR. MCFEELY: People make
most marbles from glass,

old pieces of glass,
pieces of glass

that people don't need anymore.

MISTER ROGERS: Recycled glass.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

at all that glass.

What's this man going to do?

MR. MCFEELY: Well, he's going
to shovel some of that old glass

into a bucket and weigh it.

And the scale tells
him how much to use.

it weighs about 51 pounds.

MR. MCFEELY: Mm-hmm.

And those are very
hot ovens there.

MISTER ROGERS: Does he put
the glass in the ovens?


He puts the old glass into those
ovens so the glass will melt.

MISTER ROGERS: So if it melts,
it's going to be liquid.

MR. MCFEELY: It'll be liquid.

And he's very careful
to stay far enough away.

He knows what to do because
he's worked there for a while.

very hot in there, isn't it?

MR. MCFEELY: See, glass will
melt if the fire is hot enough.

happening here?

MR. MCFEELY: Well, when it's
all melted and it's soft,

then this machine takes
the pieces of red-hot glass

and rolls them
around and around.

MISTER ROGERS: Red-hot glass.


But as it gets
cooler and cooler,

it loses its red-hot color.

those pieces of glass

are really starting to
look like marbles now.

MR. MCFEELY: They certainly are.

are they going?

they're taking

a ride along that
sorting machine.

look like they're jumping.

lot of marbles there.

look at all those marbles.

What's this person doing?

MR. MCFEELY: Checking to make
sure they're made just right.

Well, he certainly

looks carefully at all
of them, doesn't he?

MR. MCFEELY: Yes, he does.

wearing gloves, too.

Big bin.

MR. MCFEELY: Bin of marbles.

Here's my favorite part.

those beautiful colors!

What's this machine doing?

MR. MCFEELY: That machine counts
them and puts them into bags.


MISTER ROGERS: Bag, mm-hmm.

Fill it up, fill
it up, fill it up.

Now, where are the bags going?

MR. MCFEELY: Now, those
bags go to the packing room

where a person
puts on the label.

You'll see that in a moment.

There she's putting
on the labels.

Then she packs the
bags into boxes,

and they're ready to
go off to the store.

-Oh, thank you, Mr. McFeely.

-Oh, you're quite welcome.


-All kinds of round things
in this world, aren't there?

-Oh, yes.

-Well, I have more
deliveries, but--


-[SINGING] If there's
anything you want,

if there's anything you
need, McFeely's Delivery

brings it to you
here with speed.

Yes, our speedy delivery
is a speedy delivery,

speedy delivery to you.

Speedy delivery!

-Thank you, Mr. McFeely.

-And I'll see you
around the neighborhood!

-All right.

-OK, bye bye!

-Bye bye.

Oh, what a great neighbor.

Isn't it wonderful when people
can live with other people

and have all kinds
of feelings and it's

safe to talk about
those feelings?

Even say you're
sorry and be sorry.

That's what loving people is
all about-- making a safe place

to live and move
and play and sing.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy today.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the week is new,

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

We will have things
we want to talk about.

We always do when
we're together.

You know how I feel about you.

You make each day a
special day for me

by just your being yourself.

You're the only person in
this whole world who's exactly

like you, and people can
like you exactly as you are.

I'll be back.
