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A Heidelberg Holiday (2023)

Posted: 12/17/23 21:58
by bunniefuu
Hey, honey.


Oh, Heidi.

I wish you wouldn't put these
rejection letters up like this.

It's for motivation, Mom.

How else am I going to get good
enough to get in next year?

You are good enough.

The art is one of a kind.

Technically, There
are 12 of a kind.

They're incredible and they're
going to sell like crazy.

In Boulder, maybe.

But no matter what
I do, I can't seem

to break out of this bubble.

You know how competitive the
German Christmas markets are.

Especially, the
Heidelberg market.

I know.

I just put everything into
my ornaments this year.

You put everything into
your art every year.

I wish I had more
to show for it.

I work out of my parent's
garage and my best friend

is a blowtorch.

I just thought I'd be
further along by now.

Honey, you get to travel
all over the country selling

your art.

But I don't really
get to appreciate it.

I'm working so much, I barely
see the outside of my booth.

Well, that's on you.

Maybe it's time
to start thinking

about grad school again.

Do you still feel
inspired by your work?

I don't know anymore.

I don't really doubt my
talent, but I do wonder

if I could be fulfilled
doing something else.

I can't help but feel
like I'm letting Oma down.

Oma could never be
disappointed in you.

She just wants you to see
the city she grew up in.

Well it seems that
city has other plans.

I know how difficult it must
be to work so hard at your art

and still feel like
you're failing,

but you've got to hang in there.


Now let's go get some
turkey and stuffing.

Your brother's been basting
that bird since breakfast.

Say no more.

When I get cleaned up,
I'll be right behind you.


Wanna go outside?


Hi, baby.

Oh, Auntie loves you, mwah.

Good job.

Dad, you know it's still
Thanksgiving for another nine



But my countdown to Christmas
started the last week

of October.


Well, don't do too
much without me.

I wouldn't dare, sweetie.

Heidi, I need some advice.

This year's Christmas
cards, what are you feeling?

Tough call.

But I'm going to have to
say, ugly Christmas sweater.

Thank you.

Cam, I was right.

Ugly sweaters it is.

Don't distract me, I am
delivering a masterpiece.


Cameron, that smells delicious.

Where's your mom?

I don't know.

She was upstairs on the
phone last I saw her.

My German's too rusty to
keep up with her speech.

She was speaking German?

She still is.

What she's saying?

She's thanking something.

Oh for what?

Something's wonderful.

It's got to be good news, right?

What is she talking about?


Totally in the dark now.

No idea.

Someone's headed to Heidelberg.


Yes, Heidi.

Are you kidding?

I told you.

Did I not tell her?

Oh my.



I still don't understand
how someone dropped out

after only a week.

Who cares how it happened?


It happened.


You are finally getting
the break you deserve.

And in the same
market where my mother

used to sell her paintings.

It's nothing short of a miracle.


The real miracle is going
to be booking the flights

and shipping the ornaments.

Gosh, I got to find
a place to stay.

Let me see what I can do.

And we will help
you with the rest.




It just seems a bit
rushed, doesn't it?

And I'll have to cancel
Boulder Festival.

Maybe Heidelberg will let
me defer till next year.


Are you sure?

You can't do that.

This is an opportunity.

You are Heidi Heidelberg.

Your ancestors transported
the great columns

of Charlemagne's Palace
in Ingelheim all the way

to the Heidelberg Castle.

So I am sure you can arrange
some last-minute travel.

Well when you put it that way.

Looks like I'm
going to Heidelberg.


That's my daughter!

Now we're talking.


And, as our ancestors
would say, prost.




You're practicing.

As much as I can.

But I have mostly been working
on packaging my ornaments.


I have to ship them
out as soon as I can.

Eh, what is that for?

This is my display set that
I'm taking on the plane

and then I'll ship the rest.

Ta da!

You have some wood for me?

No, I said stolz, not holz.


You're proud of me.

I swear.

I have forgotten half
my high school German.

Keep at it.

It will come back.

I have some good news for you.

An old friend of
mine has a friend

that has a guest cottage
that is close to the market

and quite affordable.

They will email you
with the details.

Oma, that's amazing.

Right, sorry.

Wish you were coming with me.

Maybe we can talk to your
friend to see if there's

room in the guest cottage.

I have a feeling
this is something

you need to do on your own.

I'll be thinking of
you every moment.

You'd better.

And to remind you of
that, I made you a list.

These are pieces of my youth.

I hope you will be able
to put them together.

I promise to be home on the 24th
with a phone full of pictures

and a suitcase
full of chocolate.

Now you're speaking
my true language.

You must bring me

What's that?

That's your job to find out.

Mission accepted.


I mean that's a lot of boxes.

Are you sure that's
the best you can do?

Yeah, the prices
are what they are.

Especially with Christmas
right around the corner

and how fast you want
these delivered, you know.

I understand.

What you quoted me
is almost as much

as the value of my shipment.

I'm sorry.

I wish there was something
I could do, but I can't.

Unless, no, never mind.

Unless what?

Well, unless you are
willing to explore

some alternative
shipping options.

What do you mean alternative?

You heard of a little
company called UPS?


I just told you they quoted me--

No, no, no, not that one.

I'm talking about
universal private shipping.

They're the lesser
known of the UPSes.

If you gave them a chance,
they would do their darndest

to get your packages delivered
by first week of December.

Do their darndest?

Oh, yeah.

That doesn't sound
too promising.

Their price sure does.


That is like way cheaper
than any of the other bids.

Yeah, right.

I mean, it doesn't
seem real, but it is.

Guys are great.

Now what do you say?

I don't know.

Maybe it's too cheap?

They offer verified
international tracking number

and full insurance.


Let's give them a try.


You want to add
the insurance then?

Yes, as much as you can give me.

And can I have some
extra fragile stickers?

You, betcha.

Hey, these are on the house.

Ha, thanks.

Well one of them
is on the house.

We're going to charge
for the rest of those.

They are pricey.

Bye, honey!

Have a wonderful time!

Everything is so festive.


Can you stop here, please?

I want to see if I
can find my booth.

It'll only take a second.

I promise I won't take long.

Ok, ok.

Just give me one minute.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


Thank you so much.

I just had to see that.


The house number, bitte.

House number, right.

Ah, ja.





Oh, danke schoen.


My bags.

Thank you.

Danke schoen!

You're welcome!

Are you kidding me?

I said 124.

It's probably just a block up.


What is going on here?


Cobblestones, of course.

Oh boy!

Ah, 76.


Halfway there.

I'm sorry.

I'm too exhausted to
speak German right now.

That's OK.

I speak English as well.

Can I help you?


Can you tell me why the
house numbers in Germany

only go up two at a time?


That would be because our
system is extremely efficient.

We don't like waste even when
it comes to house numbers.

Well, where I come
from, when you

get to the end of the block,
the numbers automatically

go up by a 100.

That sounds highly
illogical if you ask me.

Either way, I wish I had
known that before the cab

driver dropped me off 50 houses
back from where I needed to be.

That doesn't sound
very German of him.

Be honest, what did you do?

What do you mean what did I do?

I mean, maybe he got a
little annoyed with me

because I asked him to make
a pit stop at the Christmas


That could do it.

But more likely it was
because I got nervous

and said, ja, even though I
had no idea what he was saying.

It's all making sense now.



I thought my German
was pretty good.

But everyone here speaks so
fast and if they have a dialect,

forget about it.


Yeah, sorry.

Probably can't help you
to understand the dialect,

but I can help you
the rest of your way.

That won't be necessary.

You sure about that?

Yeah, I got it.


Let me just take
this one for you.

Thank you.

Sorry to bother you.

Not at all.

Besides, my mother would never
forgive me if I didn't help.

How would she know?

Oh, she could sense it.

Trust me.

Are you serious?


In fact, I'd better take the
other bag too just in case.

Where to?

Just up a way a little bit.

All right.


What about your bike?

I dare someone to steal it.

Honestly, it would end
up saving me money.

It belongs to my father.

But somehow, he always
tricks me into fixing it.

Hmm, sounds like you
have quite the parents.

Ah, they are very--

let's see, how would
the Americans put it?



Say no more.


Well I'm gonna take it.

How do you ride this
bike up at hill?

Ah, years of training.

I'm Lukas.

I'd shake your hand,
but my hands are full.

I'm Heidi.

Pleasure to meet you.

So Heidi, that's a
pretty German name

for a pretty American girl.

Wait till you hear my last name.

How long do I have to wait?

I actually decided
not to tell you.

That's quite strange.

You'll never believe it.

At least give me a chance.

What's your last name?


You see how easy that was?

Do you live at 124

Heavens, no.


That's where I'm going.


Then you are in luck.


Because you're about to see how
extra my parents really are.

Thank you.

Listen, I don't want
to stress them out.

Maybe you could just
show me the guest cottage

and I can meet them tomorrow?


They would insist you
join us for dinner

and to celebrate the
lighting of the first candle.

I'm really too jet-lagged
to celebrate anything.

Interesting argument.

We'll see how that holds up.

Heidi Heidelberg.

Oh, thank goodness.

You have arrived in one piece.

Welcome, mwah, mwah.

I'm still learning.

Oh, you must be hungry.

Would you like some
soup before dinner?

Actually, I'm not hungry.

I just--

Save me.

Hold it.

Your last name is Heidelberg?

I know you wouldn't believe it.

Heidi Heidelberg?


I don't even know
where to start.

Start by telling them that I
can't stay for dinner, please?

I'm wrecked.

I can try, but I think it's
best if you just give in.

Heidi Heidelberg!

What a pleasure to
welcome you home

to the city of your ancestors.

You must excuse me
for not heating up

the soup before greeting you,
but we have so looked forward

to hosting you that I simply
have to meet you immediately.

Welcome to the Oppermannn home.

It's so good to meet all of you.

But really, you do not
have to make me any soup.

Would you rather have spatzle?

You poor thing.

You must be exhausted.


Then come in and
don't mind the mess.


What is happening?

You said, "ja," before
you understood everything,

didn't you?


I got to stop doing that.

Theresa, Mark, we have a guest.

Mark, can you set another
plate at the table?

Got it.

All right.

Who's hungry?

Here we go.

As we gather
together as a family

on this very first advent
Sunday of the Christmas season,

we would like to extend
a special welcome

to our honored guest,
Fraulein Heidi Heidelberg.

May her time here in Germany
be fruitful and festive.

Here are the dumplings.


Homemade schnitzel.

Fried potatoes.

You're going to love these.

I'm sure that's
quite enough, mama.


I was on baking duty
when you arrived.

I'm Teresa, the older and
much smarter sister of Lukas.

I have no rebuttal.

It's great to meet you.

And these must be your boys?


Jona is 9 and Dani is 7.

Oh, and we're expecting
a little girl.


Thank you.


Oh, no.

What did I say?

Futter is for cows and
essen is for people.


Futter sounds like food
so I always mix that up.

It's OK.

Daddy makes way worse
mistakes than that.


I've been here over a decade
and I still have a hard time.

I thought I detected
an American accent.

Yep, I'm Mark.

I got stationed out here
for the Army and never left.

No wonder your boys speak
such perfect English.

And because they watch way
too many Ninjago cartoons.

I don't know that cartoon.

They're LEGO ninjas.

We wrote Saint Nicholas
to bring us one this year.

What day does he come again?

I don't think she's teasing.

Where she lives, Santa
Claus visits the children,

while Saint Nicholas takes
care of us out here in Europe.

Saint Nicholas doesn't
come to America?

It's usually just Santa.

I'm never going to
America for Christmas.

Grandma Knudtson will be
very sad to hear that.

Maybe you should teach Heidi
about the Saint Nicholas Day



After all, she'll be celebrating
her first one this year.

I want to know everything.

It all started with the
Saint named Nicholas.

He was very nice and
lived a long time ago.

He loved children and always
brought them presents.

And he still comes around at
the ninth of December the fifth

and drop some presents off.

Only if you're good.

If you're bad, you get
a visit from belsnickel.

Who is belsnickel?

He is friends with
Saint Nicholas.

But he's very hairy,
and he wears fur,

and has a lot of horns,
and he never takes a bath.


If you're naughty, he
brings you something

bad in your stocking
like coal or sticks.


Has he ever come to visit you?

No, but he almost came for Dani.

Yeah, when I burn
mommy's bathrobe.

Oh, yes.

Oh my.

It's OK.

I said, I was sorry and Saint
Nicholas brought her a new one.


I am so glad you apologized.

I'm glad he didn't burn
the whole house down.

That too.

So what brings
you to Heidelberg?

I'm here to sell my artwork
at the Christmas market.

That's amazing.

I'll be there too.

Oh, what kind of art do you do?

The tasty kind.

Baked goods.

Pastries, cakes, cookies.

I can't wait to try them.

Well, you won't
have to wait long.

I baked some
cookies for dessert.



It's going to be a
long evening, you know?

We've got lots of stuff planned.

Stories and carols singing.

And, of course, we play games.

It's going to be a long night.

I guess I was hungry
then I thought--

My parents cooking has
a way of doing that.

Well, your sister's baking
is a problem as well.

Oh, tell me about it.

Oh, come on.

Wow, the market is so magical.

I can't believe I get to spend
the next three weeks on it.

I just can't wait to get out
there and get all set up.

Let's get you a good
night's rest first.

Good idea.

Come on down you two,
we're about to light

the first candle.

You don't have to stay.

I can show you to the cottage--

Your sister's cookies are
giving me a second wind.

You sure it's not the coffee?

Hmm, maybe that too.

On the first Sunday
before Christmas,

we light the candle to remember
to spread light to those

around us who are in darkness.


Only three more candles
through Christmas.

And only six more days
until Saint Nicholas comes.

And only 15 more minutes
till your bedtime.

I love that you have
your own advent wreath.

I mean, we have one at
church, but it's really neat

that you have this
tradition in your home.

What kind of traditions
do you have at home?

Well, we all go caroling
on Christmas Eve

and then we act out the
nativity story as a family.

That must be quite
the production.

Hmm, you have no idea.

But probably my
favorite tradition

is called stocking secrets.

I've never heard of that.

Neither I.

Because my mother made it up.


It's not a present
you give someone,

it's a secret wish or a goal you
make during the holiday season.

You write it down
and you stick it

into the toe of your stocking.

And you only reveal it if
and when the wish comes true.

A goal like in football?

Not exactly.

I'm not sure of
the word in German.


I'll give you an example.

One year my stocking secret
was to make a glass ornament.

I'd always wanted to, but
I was too nervous to try.

But somehow, writing it down
and sticking it into my stocking

gave me the courage to
sign up for a class.

It was not perfect, but it
still hangs on my family's tree.



That is wonderful.

In honor of our
welcome guest, why

don't we all join in
the stocking secret

tradition this Christmas?




Then I get pen and paper.

And I have an extra stocking
with your name on it.

How do you already have a
stocking with my name on it?

Well, I stitched at the moment
I knew that you were coming.

I told you so.

I know what I want to write.

Me too!

You will learn we
Oppermannns quite

enjoy our Christmas traditions.

We're happy to share on yours.

Thank you.

Oh, all right.

We have officially tired
out the guest of honor.

That's our cue for the
Knudtson family to head home.

But what about Heidi's artwork?

Yeah, I want to see it.

I think we can wait
until tomorrow.


It's OK.

I can show them quickly.




These are absolutely stunning.

May I?

Of course.

We just have to
be really careful

because it's my display set.

Oh, that's very unique.

There's nothing quite
like this at the market.

Oh, that means a lot coming
from a fellow artist like Lukas.

You didn't tell me
you're an artist.

Because I'm not.

I'm a craftsman at best.

The word "artist" should be
reserved for people with talent

like this.

Thank you.

But now I'm curious, what
kind of artist are you?

I make and repair furniture.

Speaking of which,
I should be off.

There's a lot to
finish tomorrow.

Before you start
your day tomorrow,

why don't you show
Heidi to her booth?

I'll probably be fine.

Oh, the Christmas market
can be very confusing.

Yeah, I think it's a great idea.

I can handle the
finishing at the shop

so you don't get behind.

Does this mean you unretired?

For a few hours, I presume.

If you would like
the company, I'd

be glad to show
you to your booth.

I can't believe you already
carried over my suitcase.

Oh my mother made sure of that.

Well, the market
doesn't open till 11.

So I'm going to sleep in a bit.

Asleep as long as you need.

I have plenty to do.

Just meet me in the woodshop
whenever you're ready.


Can you give me the address?

Oh, that makes it easy.

Oh, that
means woodwork, right?


And perfect pronunciation.


It's so cute.

I can't believe it.

I think I'm going to cry.

You wouldn't be the first.

Right this way.

Are you kidding?

Oh, my mom would die.

Sorry, but I really have
a lot of work to do.

So if we can hurry?



Well, as you see, it gets quite
busy in here so stay close.

Oh, seriously?


Hey, come on.

You have plenty of time
to look around at anything

you want after
you're all set up.

Oh, homemade soaps.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

All right.

Here we are.

Booth number 260.

I told you I was going to cry.

As well you should.

Just being here is a
big accomplishment.

Well, if everything is in order,
I'll head back to the woodshop.

Oh, please do.

You've done so much already.

I'm all set here.


I'm all good.

Maybe I'll just help
you get set up quick?

Thank you.

That's beautiful.

You really thought
of everything.

And thank you for
your finishing touch.

I just wish I had
all my inventory.

When does that arrive?

December 4th by noon.

Look at this.

Your first customer.


I can't believe
this is happening.


I'm Heidi.

I'm the artist.

So if you have any questions,
feel free to ask me.

These are handcrafted
from the glass blowing

to the hand-painted designs.

And all the designs are
completely original.

I make them from

so they're very eco-friendly.

I mean, if that's
important to you.

Rest assured the quality is
not compromised, of course.

Guess what my last name is?


Isn't that crazy?



Discounts available if
you buy multiple sets.

What did I say?

Maybe you should
wait until they want

to buy one set before
you push multiples.

They were leaving.

I panicked.

I don't get it.

Usually the customers
love talking to me.

Can I give you a little
unsolicited advice

on your solicitation?


All right.

In Germany, we have a
little different mindset.

We are not really a
shop-till-you-drop culture like

you, Americans.

It's how you see us?

It's not bad.

It's just different.

Germans love the black forest.

Americans love the Black Friday.

The deals are pretty amazing.

I can only imagine.


Hm-hmm, enlighten me.

Perhaps, you should try a
little more laid back approach.

Let your art speak for itself.

Like a soft sell situation?

I've never heard that
term, but I like it.


How would you say it in German?


I think I'll stick to
the English version.

Yeah, probably for the best.

Look at this booth.

I'd like to buy every
last ornament, please.

Yes, of course.


Oh my goodness.

I'm so sorry.

That was a horrible joke.

No, no.

It was a pretty great joke.

I'm just a little bit
too sensitive right now.

I feel like nobody
likes my booth.

Very common feeling for your
first time in the market.

Don't worry.

You'll find ways to get over it.


Like how?

Why don't you come
by my pastry booth

and eat your worries away.

I would love to.

But I just got
here, I can't leave.

Well we all take care
of each other here.

I'll just ask the
neighbors to watch over it.

But what if other
customers come?

They can read your lovely
sign and look at the website.

And if they want
it badly enough,

they will come back for it.

Trust me.

Plus, most people are
just browsing this early.

Soft sell, remember?


Uncomfortably soft.



Yes, I would love to leave
my booth on my first day.

Just breathe.

You'll be fine.

Hey, you coming along.

Unfortunately, I
have to head back

to the woodshop
for real this time.

Thank you so much for your help.

Of course.

Auf wiedersehen.

Auf wiedersehen.


Come on.

We're really leaving?



You don't think anything's
going to happen?

It will be fine.

It'll be fine.

Come on.

I literally just got here.

I hope you don't mind
me taking a shortcut.

It's not exactly
the scenic route.

Are you kidding me?

Every street you take out
here is the scenic route.

What was going on in there?

They sell a chocolate
called a ..

Very popular.

My Oma wanted one of those.

Does she have a secret
crush on someone?

What do you mean?

Traditionally, if you
give someone a ,,

it's a way to tell them that
you have a crush on them.


It goes back to the 1800s, it
started at the university here.

That's so cute.

Are they any good?

Oh, delicious and made
by a local chocolatier.

Oh, that's the real
reason my Oma wanted one.

She's a chocolate fiend.

Oh, I'll have to
come back and get

her one on the line dies down.

Oh, yeah.

Good luck with that.

This city is full of love.

So they're always busy.


OK, I don't know where to start.

I would start in Paris
and then head to Berlin.

Good call.


And once you're done with that,
I have a whole tour of Europe

to take you on.

Lead the way.



It's great, let's go.



It's good.

It is good.


Merry Christmas to you.

Holly jolly, fa la
la-ly Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas, holly jolly,

Merry Christmas, fa la la-ly

I am so glad I skipped lunch.


Oh my goodness.


Someone just bought a set
of ornaments for my QR code.

My first sale.


I guess, Lukas was right
about the soft sell.

You should leave your
booth more often.


So is any of your family coming
to visit while you're here?

Oh, I wish.

It was so last minute.

It was even a stretch
for me to get here.

But everyone agreed it was
too big an opportunity for me

to pass up.

Well, I'm glad you made it out.

Mark and I were
talking about how sweet

you are with the boys.

They had so much fun
with you last night.

They are delightful.

The whole family is.

I've been wanting to
ask you, how did you

end up marrying an American?

I ask myself that all the time.

Um, our paths crossed at
a Christmas charity event.

But the soldiers always
volunteer and the rest

is history.


I'm lucky that he loves Germany
enough to stay and start

a life here after he retired.

Do you know how rare that is?

I do and I'm very grateful.

How about you?

Are you looking or just
focusing on your art?

A little bit of both actually.

Now the problem is,
once people realize

how much I work and travel,
they seem to lose interest.

I think some people would find
what you do very interesting.


Never the ones I meet.

Well, here's to finding
the balance between love

and doing what you love.


The colors are so vibrant.

And the detail of the
painting is amazing.

It must have taken you
hours to do each one.

Many hours.

But people like you
make it all worthwhile.

My father's going to love this.

It's his favorite carol.

He sings it once a day
starting exactly 12 days

before Christmas.

What a sweet tradition.

The older he gets, the
more off key he sings.

But, to me, he will always
sound like an angel.

He will love these.

They're really perfect.

That makes me so happy.

Do you take cash?


But it has to be a pre-order
because all my inventory

doesn't arrive until
tomorrow afternoon.

It'll be worth the wait.

Thank you.

open sleigh.

Over the fields we go
laughing all the way.

What are you working on?

It's nothing.

Come on.

I showed you my artwork.

Let me see yours.

Maybe I don't want to
be judged by someone

of your artistic talent.

Says the man who makes the
best handcrafted furniture

in Heidelberg.

That's right.

I did a little
cyberstalking last night.

Your family's business
is known and respected

all across Germany.

So don't tell me
you're not an artist.

You create the joy of
Christmas with your work.

I create a place to keep
your socks and underwear.

Come on now.



I know it's not finished.

But I can tell when it is,
it's going to be extraordinary.

Unfortunately, I rarely
ever finish them.


I mainly do it to clear my head.

There's so much actual
work to be done.

I don't really have the time
to mess around with a hobby.

So why aren't you at your booth?

I took a break to see if
a certain someone could

go to the post office with me.

You need some backup?

And maybe a vehicle
to pick up the boxes.

All right.

I'll get my bike then.

I have 20 boxes.

I think I was thinking
more the van out front.


I take the van, you the bike.

Thank you so much for your help.

I know how busy you are.

You are busy yourself.

I heard sales are going well.


You were so right.

The laid back approach
is really working for me.

I had a feeling it would.

I don't know how else I would
have gotten the boxes home.

But I promise not
to make a habit out

of distracting you
from your work.

Listen, you somehow got my
father helping in the shop


I am not complaining
in the least.

How long ago did he retire?

Well, five months ago, then five
years too early if you ask me.

What happened?

I'm not exactly sure of myself.

One day, out of the blue,
he handed me his apron

and said the business was mine.

Along with the reputation
of four generations

of Oppermannns.


That's a lot of pressure.

Why do you think I eat so
many of Theresa's pastries?


I admit.

This is very efficient, but
also equally nerve-wracking.

You got to track number
and photo ID, right?


And you've got nothing
to worry about.

I'll be right behind you.



Hmm, of course.

Sending or receiving?


My boxes should be here today.


Tracking number
and identification.

Thank you.

I promise it's real.

People always think,
Heidi Heidelberg,

that must be a fake name.

But no, it's real.

I'll show you my
birth certificate.

That won't be necessary.

To be honest, I find your name
quite unremarkable actually.


Heidelberg is a very common
family name in this region.

Furthermore, seeing
as many Americans

are quite fond of
little Russians.

It would be very
probable for your parents

to choose "Heidi"
as your given name.

Hold, please.


What he's saying?

It seems there's a
bit of a problem.

What problem?


I don't know.


I gave him the tracking number.

Not there?

What does that mean?


It's supposed to be here today.

Oh, OK.

I'm very sorry for
the delay, but I

have located your packages.

Oh good.

You got me so worried
there for a second.

They are currently being held
at a customs office in Iceland.


Why would they be there?

Seems they're subcontracted
through a second-tier provider.


Yeah, you're right.

Probably third-tier at best.

Why was it subcontracted?

To save money perhaps.


I was told it was
a reliable service.

I have no idea who gives
you this information.

But, on the bright side,
as long as the items

are clear customs
in Reykjavik, they

could be here on next Thursday.


In the future, may
I suggest that you

entrust your shipping needs to
the ever reliable and extremely

efficient German Postal Service.

Have a very Merry Christmas.

Auf wiedersehen.

Please stop.

Let's go.

I have to talk to him.

I don't understand.

How are they not here yet?

I'm going to talk
to the manager.

At least they made it to
European soil, technically.

I'm sure they will arrive
next week exactly as he said.

What he said exactly was that
as long as they clear customs,

they should arrive.

That hardly sounds
like a guarantee.

What am I going to do?

If I can't deliver these
ornaments by a reasonable time,

all my customers
are going to cancel.

Have you ever eaten a maron?


My life is falling apart and
you're offering me a snack?

Are you ready for this?

That doesn't look
like a macaroon.

Not a macaroon, maron.

It's a chestnut roasted
on an open fire just

like this Christmas carol all
Americans are obsessed with.

It's a pretty great song.

And why have you never had one?

It doesn't look very appetizing.

Wait till you taste it.


Pretty good.

All right, that Bing Crosby
knew what he was singing about.

What the song doesn't
say is that chestnuts

have a very spiky husk
on top of the hard shell.

If you saw it on the
tree, you'd never

think to pluck it, peel
it, roast it, and turn it

into something delicious.

And how does this anecdote help
me get my ornaments delivered?

Maybe a situation's
like a chestnut.

It looks horrible on the
outside, but peel away the bad,

it's positive energy
this trip may turn out

better than you expected.

It's a bit of a stretch.

But I can see what you're doing.

Honestly, I was just
trying to prevent

an altercation between
you and the postal worker.

So I need to trust
that my ornaments will

arrive eventually and try to
enjoy my life in the meantime.

Where do you want to start?


With Oma's list.

It contains pieces
of her childhood

that she wants me to
experience while I'm here.


You've got some work to do.


I don't know how I'm going to
balance it all with the market.

Why not start with the
castle your ancestors built?

I should have some
time Saturday morning,

if you'd like some company.

We could be then back before
the market even opens.

That'd be great.

But will it be open that early?

Even if it's closed,
we'll tell them

Heidi Heidelberg is coming.

Apparently, it's a
very common name.

Even so, I think it's lovely.

Can I have another macaroon?

A maron.


A maron, yeah.


Here we go.

I love the architecture.

So much history.


It's incredible.

This is like just up the
street from your house.

Look how tall it is.

And this is actually
the flag of Heidelberg.

Heidi Heidelberg?

Yeah, probably.

Look at this.

I love this piece.

The details are incredible.

And it's also made
by Alexander Colin.

This is a ginormous keg.

Yes, it is.

And wait till you
see it this one.

Are you kidding me?

I've never seen
anything like it.

It's a keg fit for a king.

This is called the Powder Tower.

In the 1600s, the
French blew it up.

This part's granite with
the rest of its sandstone.

Actually, I never
noticed that before.

According to my Oma.

My ancestors transported
these pillars

from the ruins of Charlemagne's
Palace in Ingelheim

to here to use around the well.

That's over 100 kilometers away.

Yeah, it's really far.

It is.

That's my favorite
thing about this Castle.


No matter what
horrible thing happened

from being struck by lightning
or under siege of w*r, people

of Heidelberg were always
ready to pick up the pieces

and make it beautiful again.

It amazes me what
lengths humans are

willing to go to for beauty.

And we still do it today.

Well, at least, you do.

I mean, I'm still
amazed by your artwork.

It reminds me of 19th century
Bohemian glass makers.


Well for someone
who specifically

claims not to be an artist, you
sure do know a lot about art.

There might be a
reason for that.

I studied art here at my time
at Heidelberg University.


That's why you know so much.

I credit that to the
school more than to myself.

I noticed the woodcarving
you were working on

looked a little bit like
the Renaissance relief

we saw in the castle.

Did that inspired you?

I would say it's
most blatant copy.

Stop doing that.

Doing what?

You keep downplaying
yourself as an artist.

You are talented.

You should embrace it.


I really wish I
could embrace it,

but I've lost my
inspiration for it.

And why is that?

I thought woodworking would
fulfill the need to create

and it did for a while.

But now it feels so
routine and I'm just

going through the motions.

Especially since my father
turned it all over to me,

I don't have the time to be
artistic even if I wanted to.

Do you regret taking it over?

Not exactly.

I really am proud of
what my family has

built over so many generations.



But now that it was
just dropped in my lap,

I feel a lot of pressure
not to let people down,

especially my father.

He seemed so happy to hand
over the keys to the shop.

I didn't want to disappoint him.

Maybe you should talk to him.

Let him know how you feel.

In a way it's too late.

I mean, I can't really run off
and pursue something else now,

can I?

I can't answer that for you.

But I do know that you need
an outlet for your creativity.

Otherwise, it'll dry up.

So whether it's at
work or somewhere else,

you've got to find it.

You really didn't
have to walk me home.

It's fine.

I still have some work to do
in the shop tonight anyway.

Someone has been
distracting me lately.

Oh, shame on them.

That's OK.

I told Saint Nicholas to
put in belsnickel list.


Well, hey, he's
already on his way.

The wheelbarrow of coal.

Oh, goodness.

That's tonight, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Did the boys collect
one of your shoes yet?

Yes, it was so cute.

I gave them one of my boots
so I could maximize the amount

of chocolate I'll get.

Or the amount of coal.

I guess we'll see.

Hey, boys.

Saint Nicholas came.

He did.

What did he bring?

You have to look for yourself.

Come on.


I'll be right there.

Maybe it's that one.


I already built it.

Good morning.

Happy Saint Nicholas Day.

Good morning.

How are you?

So what did everyone get?

A Ninjago set.

Just like we asked for.

You must have been good.

What are you building?

Saints' robot.

Here's yours.


I'm rich.

They're not real.

They're made out of chocolate.

Even better.

Well you also got
something in here.

But my boots are already full.

Well the boot is
from Saint Nicholas.

But the stocking is for
surprises from friends or loved


A .

Did you pick this up for me?

It wasn't me actually.

Then who did it?

Oh, oh.

Someone wants to kiss you.

He wants to kiss you, Heidi.

Nobody wants to kiss her.

Really, Lukas?

Well, of course, people
want to kiss you.

Probably hundreds of men.


Who do you think I am?


Obviously, that's
not what I meant.

Well, what did you mean?

Yes, do tell.

So somebody has
a crush on Heidi.

Can you blame them?


But traditionally, if
a suitor was brave,

they would put their name on
it like I did with your mother.

Maybe your suitor
isn't very brave.

Oh, perhaps the suitor
didn't even know about this

and the chocolate was
put in your stocking

by someone who fancies
themselves a matchmaker.

Well, secret admirer or
not, this looks delicious.

I'll have to get Oma another.

I'm going to try this one.

I'll have a bite.

Oh, Dani.

I think you've had quite
enough chocolate today.


You can never have
too much chocolate

on Saint Nicholas Day.


This is good.

What do you say?

You'll get an email the
second they're available

and you can pick
them up right here.

Thank you.


You're ready for round two?

Oh my goodness.

The post office.

I brought some liquid
courage just in case.

I hope I don't need it.

This has to be
some kind of joke.

I assure you, neither I
or any of my colleagues

find this amusing in any way.

If I want to make you
laugh, I want to say--



If you check next week--

But it's already been a week.

Once again, I cannot speak
to the inefficiencies

of the provider you engaged.

I can only assure you--

That I should have used
the incredibly flawless,

world-renowned service
of the German Post.

I know.

Your words.

But I don't disagree.


Maybe this place will help
you clear your head a bit.

Philosopher's Way is the most
famous hiking trail in Germany.

It's been used by many great
minds, including Gott himself.


Gott must have been
really in shape.

This is no joke.

It's a bit steep.

But look at this, it's my
favorite view of the city.

And I can see why.

I do some of my best
thinking up here.


Why do you think you got
so defensive last Sunday

with the whole scandal?

Maybe I was upset that
someone b*at me to the punch.

Is that so?

But I still think my
parents were behind this.

They've been trying to fix
me up for a decade now.

Why hasn't it worked?

Because so far nobody has
met what I'm looking for.


And what are you looking for?

Someone with real passion,
that's for certain.

I can be too passive at times.

I don't know.

I just want someone who's driven
to do what they believe in

and then help me do the same.

I love that.

What else?

Well, I'm not sure exactly, but
I'm starting to figure it out.

Come on.

Only two kilometers to go.

Let's go.

I have no idea how far that is.

You will find out soon enough.

What's my favorite ornament?


What I love about this one
is what the five golden rings


For me, it's my family.

They are the most precious.

Hence, the gold and the symbol
of the ring goes on forever.


And I really believe that
families are forever.

It's really nice.

Thank you.

Speaking of tannenbaums,
we're halfway to Christmas,

where is your Christmas tree?

In Germany we usually put up
the tree on Christmas Eve.

When does your family put it up?

Well when most Americans are
shopping on Black Friday,

my family celebrates what
we call "Green Friday."

We go up into the mountains
and cut down a fresh evergreen

and bring it home that
night to decorate it.


Reminds me that it's time to
light the third advent candle.

And to share another Oppermannn
tradition, this week's theme

is all about joy.

We are all very
thankful for the gifts

that Saint Nicholas
gave us last week.

So this week, we focus on how we
can give back to our community

this Christmas season.

We'll go first.

As you know, Mark and I met at
the Christmas charity dinner

for the senior care facility.

Well we're excited
to tell you that we

decided to volunteer to host
the entire event this year.

That's a good idea.

That's great.

Maybe we can all volunteer
to serve at the event.

Your mother and I could be
in charge of the cooking.

We'll take all the
help we can get.

I could sing a Christmas
carol for the program.

I can sing too.

That would be lovely.

Lukas, what about you?

What else do you need?

What about gifts for the guests?

Well that would
be a lovely idea,

but there might be too many
guests to arrange that.


After covering food
and decorations,

we usually don't have
the budget for gifts.

I have an idea that
won't cost you a thing.


Are the horns really necessary?

We're Santa's helpers,
we have to look the part.

This sort of thing may
work in the States,

but I'm a bit worried how
it's going to go over here.

Lukas, it's for a good cause.


Try to have a better attitude.

I apologize.

Engaging cheery smile.


Watch and learn.

This is how you do a hard sell.

Hi, Anja.

Hi, hello.

Oh, thanks again for
watching my booth yesterday.

I think I made more
sales in those two hours

than I did the rest of the day.

Oh, your work is brilliant.

It sells itself.

You're so kind.

Hey, Anja.

I was wondering, would
you be willing to donate

one of your pieces to charity?

What kind of charity?

It's for senior citizens
who don't have a place

to go for Christmas.

Please, take
whatever you'd like.

Thank you.

How about the socks?

Oh, these are perfect.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

And that's how it's done.

I think it was the ears.

I think so too.

Santa, won't
you come and help me please?

'Cause you're the only one--

You're the only one--

--that can make it be.

That can make it be.

I won't ask for
nothing else this year.

And make a promise
this is all I,

This is all I want.

Please, let it be one
of these other guys.

Of course not.

Mr. Wiedmann.

Fraulein Heidi Heidelberg.

I'm surprised you remember
such a boring and common name.

Please, tell me my shipment
cleared Icelandic customs.

I can see here
that your packages

have left Iceland safely.

But they were shipped to
Ireland, unfortunately.

And must clear a
similar protocol.


Why Ireland?

It seems you have become a
victim of poor penmanship.

Apparently, The letter R looked
much like a C, I'm afraid.

Your carrier did not
catch this originally

and forwarded it
to Ireland instead

of the final destination.

That happens quite often.

Not by the ever efficient
German Post, of course.

Of course.

But why would it have been
to either Iceland or Ireland

in the first place?

To save money.

A multi-step delivery
is much cheaper,

albeit a much less
viable option.

Can you take me to
the Christus church?

I'm sorry, Madam.

But I cannot leave my post
during business hours.

Not you.


Of course.

Mr. Wiedmann.

It is clear that you are an
exceptional representative

of the German Post.

Which is why I am
going to empower

you to contact me the moment
you hear anything regarding

my shipment.

Can you do that?

I will proudly present the
service, Ms. Heidelberg.

Have a very Merry Christmas.


Auf wiedersehen

Hark the
herald angel sing.

How are you feeling?

I'm fine, really.

I just needed a
little perspective.

This is where Oma would come
for Christmas Eve service.

I thought it would
bring me a little peace.

I still can't believe how
well you handled that.

I do need to start thinking
about alternatives though.

Maybe I can find a glassblowing
shop nearby that I can use.

Do you really think you can
remake all those ornaments

in two weeks?


Just be patient
and try to focus--

I know.

I know.

Peel back the negative.

Focus on the positive.

So what are we
looking for exactly?

The painting behind
the third column.

Do you think that's
that over there?

I think it's this
nativity painting.

Right here.

It's beautiful.

It really is.

It was the winner of a
painting contest in 1932.

Marie Keller?

That's my great grandma.

That's Oma's mom.

My Oma always said I
got my artistic sense

from my great grandma, Keller.

The talent definitely runs deep.


Do you want to take
a walk with me?

I can see why my Oma
preferred the bridge at night.

I would have to agree with her.

I'm having such
a wonderful time.

Honestly, if it
wasn't for you, I

don't think I ever would
have seen outside the market.

No, seriously.

Sometimes, I get so
obsessed about what

I think is important
that I lose sight

of what's actually important.

And now I'm seeing this
whole side of the city

that I wouldn't
have seen otherwise.

I'm finally learning how
special this place is.

I'm learning how
special you are.

I thought we'd
talk at the Castle.

I decided to work
on my art again

and to make it
more of a priority.

I told you that I lost
my passion for art,

but I think I found
my muse again in you.

That makes me really happy.

You're unlike anyone
I've ever met before.

What do you mean?

I don't know.

It's like we have
this understanding.

This connection that
I've never felt before.

It's like we speak
the same language.

This is actually
my favorite spot.



Gosh, it's perfect.

You know, there's
only two things

that could make this
trip any better.

What would those be?

The first would be for my
packages to finally arrive.

And the second would be for
me to figure out if I truly

have a secret admirer.

Ah, the mysterious .

Yeah, I would love to
get to the bottom of it.

But I don't know who
gave you the chocolate,

but I can show you that it's not
a secret how much I admire you.

It's that so?

There it is.

It's so beautiful.

I can't believe
it's still there.

Gosh, you're such
a brilliant artist.

I told you, that's
where you get it.

It looks like you're working
on a masterpiece of your own.

Just a little something
for Christmas.

Well, thank you for
making that list.

It's been so much
fun piecing together

the picture of your youth here.

How many have you
completed so far?

A bunch, but I still
have a lot to go.

I have to fit it in between
my time at the market.

But Lukas thinks we can finish
all of them before I go home.


How have sales been?

Well, pre-sales are
going really well.

People are ordering
off the display sets.

So as long as the real sets
arrive in the next week,

I should be able to
fulfill all the orders

in time for Christmas.

If not, I need to find a shop
out here and get to work.

That must be so stressful.

It is.

But Lukas has helped me keep
a really good perspective

about it all.

You keep mentioning
Lukas, is there

anything else going on there?

Come on, Oma.

You know I can't hide
anything from you.

I won't say a word
to your mother.

It has developed a bit
since we last talked.

I don't know if it's

a product of how magical
everything is here,

but he's really special.

I only have one piece of advice.


Treat this relationship
like you treat your art.

Whatever you do,
let it be inspired.

I love you so much.

Did you hang
my stocking by the fire?

And the holly
berries in the hall?


Did I use up all of my wishes
dreaming of your mistletoe


Or is there room
for just one more?

Christmas is not
the same on my own.


baby, with you,
I swear I belong.

And now I know.

Oh, Santa.

Santa, won't you take me home.

Take me home.

Oh, Santa.

Santa won't you take me home.

Oh, Santa.

Santa won't you take me home.

Santa take me home.

Oh, Santa.

Santa won't you take me home.

And that was the last
thing on the list.

Yes, we've done everything.


To completing all of
the items on Oma's list.

And a few of our own as well.

Oh, sorry.

Just in case it's Mr. Wiedmann.

He's not going to text you.

He texted me.

Are you serious?


What does it say?

I am pleased to inform you
that your shipment arrived

at the Frankfurt hub today.

Unfortunately, there is
no service on Sunday,

but I took the liberty to
expedite the delivery of all

of your packages to the
given address at 124


Expect them first
thing Monday morning.

Merry Christmas and
auf wiedersehen,

Lawrence Wiedmann of the
ever reliable and extremely

efficient German Postal Service.

To Mr. Wiedmann.

A very strange,
but honorable man.


Don't mix the sweet
with the savory, OK.

Honey, just leave them alone.

We'll have to get into costume.

And serve seconds and
thirds to anyone who asks.

Nobody goes hungry, all right?

Thank you for doing this.

Everybody's so happy.

Thank you so much
for the opportunity.

Of course.

I can't wait to see
the look on their faces

when we hand these out.

Speaking of which, where's our
Saint Nicholas and belsnickel?

I'm sure they'll
be here on time.


Ladies and gentlemen, we
have some special guests.

Ho, ho, ho.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Merry Christmas.

old Saint Nicholas,

lean your ear this way.

Don't you tell a single
soul what I'm going to say.

Christmas Eve is coming soon.

Now you dear old man,
whisper what you'll bring--

So Merry Christmas, everyone.


old Saint Nicholas,

lean your ear this way.

Don't you tell a single
soul what I'm going to say.

Christmas Eve is coming soon.

Now you dear old man, whisper
what you'll bring to me.

Tell me if you can.

Merry Christmas!

The fourth week of
advent represents peace.

It's a virtue that is very
difficult to find these days.

But if you want to see
our world in harmony,

it's important that
we are the peacemakers

at home and in our community.

Is anybody closer to fulfilling
their striking secret yet?

We actually just fulfilled ours.


I can't wait to hear.

You may have guessed
it already, but we

got inspired to host the
seniors dinner together.

And with all your help, we
were able to make it more

special than it's ever been.

Anybody else fulfilled their--

I did!

So did I!

I wanted to join the
kinder choir at school,

but I thought it was just want
to sing with the older kids.

But I asked my teacher
and she's letting

me join the spring concert.


That's amazing!

My secret was to make a new
friend, not a best friend.

Because Jona is my best friend.

But someone that's
in my same class.

So I made friends with
Max from my football team.


Well, my stocking secret is
one I thought might never

be possible to achieve.

But with a little Christmas
luck and some amazing advice

from Lukas and Theresa,
I was able to sell out

all of my ornaments on
pre-sale orders alone.


That's awesome.


And now that my shipment is
finally arriving tomorrow,

I'll be able to give
everyone their ornaments

in time for Christmas.


What about you brother?

Any luck with your secret?

My secret was to dedicate
more time to something

that I've always been passionate
about, but always too scared

to really pursue it.

My artwork.

When I took over the woodshop,
I felt a lot of pressure

to put the artistic side of me
away and focus on the family


Only the pressure wasn't
coming from anyone else.

It was put on by myself.

But I'm not going
to do this anymore.

But this doesn't mean I'm
quitting the business,

it just means that
I will do whatever

it takes to find time to work
on my own creations as well.

Even if that means that I need
to bring on some other help.

I especially want to thank,
Heidi, for inspiring me

and for that, I want
you to have this.

It was one of my
first pieces of work.

But thanks to you,
it won't be my last.

All right, you two.

What about you?

Have your stocking
secrets come true?

Oh, Rudy and I, we
share the same secret.

Any updates on how it's going?

Well, it's a little
early to be certain,

but I must say things are
looking pretty positive.


Thank you for taking
this tradition to heart.

It's really helped
me feel at home.

When can you see the next one?

Dani, not yet.

It's fine.

I think, it's time?





Time for what?

You know I can speak
German kind of.

I'm not peeking.

I'm not peeking.

Two, one, surprise!

It's a few weeks late by
your tradition and a week

too early by ours, but
we wanted to compromise.

That's beautiful.

Imagine when we
finished decorating.

Come on.

Let's get it started.


Come on, just get one.

It smells so good.

I want that one on
the top actually.

Hey, the boxes are
pretty b*at up.

Are you sure they're OK?

I'm sorry, Madam.

That's the condition
they were in when

they arrived in Frankfurt.

Thank you.

No, no, no, no.


No, no, no, no, no.

I'm sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.

Oh, you guys can stop.

You can stop.

There's no point.

Well, at least you
got the insurance.

The shipping company will
have to pay for this disaster.

He's right.

At least you will be able
to refund your customers.

I don't care about the money.

I don't even care about
the countless hours

I spent making them.

What I care about is letting
all those people down.

You know one woman told me how
excited she was to give these

to her elderly father.

"12 Days of Christmas"
is his favorite carol

and she wanted to give
him something special.

Something to lift his spirits.

Said she couldn't wait to
see the look on his face.

It breaks my heart to
know that won't happen.

Heidi, you have to know
that this is not your fault.

It doesn't matter
whose fault it is.

It still happened.

And there's nothing
I can do about it.

I was so close to
fulfilling my dream.

And now it's all just--


Come in.

I guess that means
you're leaving.

What else should I do?

I don't have a reason
to stay anymore.

Well, I can think of a few.

There's almost a week
of the market left

and I have nothing to sell.

I can't talk about
this right now.

I just-- I think it's best if
we leave things as they are.


It means I don't
want all the memories

we shared these last few
weeks to be tied to that mess

out there.

I want to wrap it in
a perfect snow globe

and remember it all
on its own forever.

Look at you.

You understood everything that
I said without any translation.

What does that tell you?

Heidi, I want to
tell you something.

I know what you're going to say.

No, no, you don't actually.

So please, just let me say it.

I found these three ornaments
among the shards, the only ones

that remain unharmed.

And I believe, they were
meant to survive the journey.

This one reminds me of
your grace and your beauty.

Maybe the doves will
give you some peace.

And the milkmaid, it's
still a mystery to me.

But just give me some time,
I'll find a connection.

I can only imagine how
heartbroken you are

and I know that there's
nothing that you or I can

do to fix it right now.

But I have no
doubt that you will

be able to pick up the pieces
and move on to something

even more beautiful.

Promise you'll at least say
goodbye before you leave.

Lukas, we're going
to need some glue.

Well, I'm not--

It's for the ornaments.

Well, sort of.

Come here.

Come on, come on, come on.

It's a concept piece I
was inspired and wanted

to show you.

It's interesting, it's unique.

I love it.

Do you think we
have something here?

I know it.

How many more of
these do you have?

And a few more boxes in storage.

How is this going to work?

Most of these are
still rough carvings,

it will take forever
to finish them.

That's the beauty
of this new design.

The carving serve as the
foundation and the mosaic

that we built together
from the broken glass

will be the finishing.

There's a lesson
in there somewhere.

We're going to need some help.


Easy, boys, easy.

We're looking for
LEGO-sized pieces here.

Nothing smaller, OK?

Here we go.

Here is some glue.


Oh, it looks amazing.

What do you think?

Will they sell at the market?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Yeah, of course.

Of course.

But they take so long to make.

Good thing we don't have
to do it all in one night.

There's still three full
days left at the market.

So we'll work as late as we
can tonight and pick up again

in the morning.

I mean, Lukas and I. You
all have done your part.

Now, please.

Get these boys to bed.

Copy that.

Come on, guys.

Say goodnight.


Goodnight, kids.


Sleep tight.

If you need more time
to finish the mosaics,

then Rudy and I can
handle the customers.

Oh, that would be amazing.

I'll email everyone
and update the website.

Some people might
be upset so I'm

sorry if you have
to deal with that.

No, no, no.

Once they see these
new creations,

they will be thrilled
to get one in exchange.

I hope so.

I know so.

It's such an interesting
blend of two.

Very different styles,
but somehow perfectly


I guess, it was meant to be.

All right, you
two, time for bed.


Lukas, uhm, can I speak
to you for a moment?

Of course.

I'll walk you out.

Thank you.


I'm sorry for stepping away
from the business so suddenly.

It was meant to be a token of
how much I trust and appreciate

your work.

And I realize now that it must
have put a tremendous amount

of pressure on you.

The last few weeks in
the shop have taught me,

I miss working with
you more than ever.

It has been quite nice.

Maybe I can delay my
retirement until we

can make a plan for what you
want the future to look like.



Come here.

I'm proud of you


Do you need some glue?

Oh, this is almost finished.

Hey, that's perfect.


I'm going to add some
red for the boots.

I like that idea.

We better hurry.

Just taking it all in.

Only one more day at the market.

One more day in Heidelberg.

Try not to think about it.

Just enjoy yourself.

Is that working for you?

Not in the slightest.


But good thing for both of us.

I reached out to the head
of the selection committee

for the Christmas market.

And even though it was
in really broken German,

I explained what happened
with the shipments

and the pre-orders and
I asked if we could

secure a spot for next year.


What did they say?

It was a resounding yeah.

You said it back I hope.


I know a lot can
happen in a year.

But come on,
spending the holidays

in Heidelberg, that's a
tradition I could get used to.

Come on.

That's amazing

I'm right behind you.

There you go.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for your patience.

I'm so glad you still
wanted to order.

Here you go.

Oh, hey.

This is the woman I
was telling you about.

Just give me a sec.



I got your email
about the ornaments.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

It was tragic.

But that tragedy inspired
something just as beautiful.


They're quite exquisite.

You're welcome to
anyone you want, but--

I have a feeling you'd
rather have these.

It's your only set.

It's a special gift for
a very special father.

This will keep them singing
for many years to come.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas.

Thank you, merry Christmas.

I can't believe it.

The last one.

How did you-- when did you--


I couldn't miss your first
Christmas in Heidelberg.

I want you to meet Lukas.


I hope you're ready because I
have my own list to show you.

Oh, is that so?

You have to try Theresa's
black forest cake.

And then I have to show
you the most gorgeous,

hand-knit stockings.

I'm so glad you're here.

Lukas, what are you doing?

Why don't the two
of you go on alone?

I don't want to interfere.

I can catch up with you later.



I can't argue with that.

Hear the bells
ringing, hear the kids singing.

This is how it should be.

When the snow's swirling
and the fires burning,

I can finally believe.

This Christmas I am
right where I want to be.

This Christmas I'm
holding love close to me.

It's family and friends--

So, on behalf of the
Oppermannn family,

we want you to have this.

Oh, thank you.

Oh my goodness.

We talked to our
pastor and she felt

it was time that it
went back to the family.

I don't know what to say.

Are you sure?

She insisted.


Come here, come here.

You don't know what
this means to me.

Thank you so much.

Oh, darling!

Thank you.

I understand you did
our stocking secret

edition this year.

Yes, we did indeed.


And did your secret
wish come true?

I believe so.

Make this Christmas

the best we'd ever see.

Merry Christmas.

Hey, honey.


Oh, Heidi.

I wish you wouldn't put these
rejection letters up like this.

It's for motivation, Mom.

How else am I going to get good
enough to get in next year?

You are good enough.

The art is one of a kind.

Technically, There
are 12 of a kind.

They're incredible and they're
going to sell like crazy.

In Boulder, maybe.

But no matter what
I do, I can't seem

to break out of this bubble.

You know how competitive the
German Christmas markets are.

Especially, the
Heidelberg market.

I know.

I just put everything into
my ornaments this year.

You put everything into
your art every year.

I wish I had more
to show for it.

I work out of my parent's
garage and my best friend

is a blowtorch.

I just thought I'd be
further along by now.

Honey, you get to travel
all over the country selling

your art.

But I don't really
get to appreciate it.

I'm working so much, I barely
see the outside of my booth.

Well, that's on you.

Maybe it's time
to start thinking

about grad school again.

Do you still feel
inspired by your work?

I don't know anymore.

I don't really doubt my
talent, but I do wonder

if I could be fulfilled
doing something else.

I can't help but feel
like I'm letting Oma down.

Oma could never be
disappointed in you.

She just wants you to see
the city she grew up in.

Well it seems that
city has other plans.

I know how difficult it must
be to work so hard at your art

and still feel like
you're failing,

but you've got to hang in there.


Now let's go get some
turkey and stuffing.

Your brother's been basting
that bird since breakfast.

Say no more.

When I get cleaned up,
I'll be right behind you.


Wanna go outside?


Hi, baby.

Oh, Auntie loves you, mwah.

Good job.

Dad, you know it's still
Thanksgiving for another nine



But my countdown to Christmas
started the last week

of October.


Well, don't do too
much without me.

I wouldn't dare, sweetie.

Heidi, I need some advice.

This year's Christmas
cards, what are you feeling?

Tough call.

But I'm going to have to
say, ugly Christmas sweater.

Thank you.

Cam, I was right.

Ugly sweaters it is.

Don't distract me, I am
delivering a masterpiece.


Cameron, that smells delicious.

Where's your mom?

I don't know.

She was upstairs on the
phone last I saw her.

My German's too rusty to
keep up with her speech.

She was speaking German?

She still is.

What she's saying?

She's thanking something.

Oh for what?

Something's wonderful.

It's got to be good news, right?

What is she talking about?


Totally in the dark now.

No idea.

Someone's headed to Heidelberg.


Yes, Heidi.

Are you kidding?

I told you.

Did I not tell her?

Oh my.



I still don't understand
how someone dropped out

after only a week.

Who cares how it happened?


It happened.


You are finally getting
the break you deserve.

And in the same
market where my mother

used to sell her paintings.

It's nothing short of a miracle.


The real miracle is going
to be booking the flights

and shipping the ornaments.

Gosh, I got to find
a place to stay.

Let me see what I can do.

And we will help
you with the rest.




It just seems a bit
rushed, doesn't it?

And I'll have to cancel
Boulder Festival.

Maybe Heidelberg will let
me defer till next year.


Are you sure?

You can't do that.

This is an opportunity.

You are Heidi Heidelberg.

Your ancestors transported
the great columns

of Charlemagne's Palace
in Ingelheim all the way

to the Heidelberg Castle.

So I am sure you can arrange
some last-minute travel.

Well when you put it that way.

Looks like I'm
going to Heidelberg.


That's my daughter!

Now we're talking.


And, as our ancestors
would say, prost.




You're practicing.

As much as I can.

But I have mostly been working
on packaging my ornaments.


I have to ship them
out as soon as I can.

Eh, what is that for?

This is my display set that
I'm taking on the plane

and then I'll ship the rest.

Ta da!

You have some wood for me?

No, I said stolz, not holz.


You're proud of me.

I swear.

I have forgotten half
my high school German.

Keep at it.

It will come back.

I have some good news for you.

An old friend of
mine has a friend

that has a guest cottage
that is close to the market

and quite affordable.

They will email you
with the details.

Oma, that's amazing.

Right, sorry.

Wish you were coming with me.

Maybe we can talk to your
friend to see if there's

room in the guest cottage.

I have a feeling
this is something

you need to do on your own.

I'll be thinking of
you every moment.

You'd better.

And to remind you of
that, I made you a list.

These are pieces of my youth.

I hope you will be able
to put them together.

I promise to be home on the 24th
with a phone full of pictures

and a suitcase
full of chocolate.

Now you're speaking
my true language.

You must bring me

What's that?

That's your job to find out.

Mission accepted.


I mean that's a lot of boxes.

Are you sure that's
the best you can do?

Yeah, the prices
are what they are.

Especially with Christmas
right around the corner

and how fast you want
these delivered, you know.

I understand.

What you quoted me
is almost as much

as the value of my shipment.

I'm sorry.

I wish there was something
I could do, but I can't.

Unless, no, never mind.

Unless what?

Well, unless you are
willing to explore

some alternative
shipping options.

What do you mean alternative?

You heard of a little
company called UPS?


I just told you they quoted me--

No, no, no, not that one.

I'm talking about
universal private shipping.

They're the lesser
known of the UPSes.

If you gave them a chance,
they would do their darndest

to get your packages delivered
by first week of December.

Do their darndest?

Oh, yeah.

That doesn't sound
too promising.

Their price sure does.


That is like way cheaper
than any of the other bids.

Yeah, right.

I mean, it doesn't
seem real, but it is.

Guys are great.

Now what do you say?

I don't know.

Maybe it's too cheap?

They offer verified
international tracking number

and full insurance.


Let's give them a try.


You want to add
the insurance then?

Yes, as much as you can give me.

And can I have some
extra fragile stickers?

You, betcha.

Hey, these are on the house.

Ha, thanks.

Well one of them
is on the house.

We're going to charge
for the rest of those.

They are pricey.

Bye, honey!

Have a wonderful time!

Everything is so festive.


Can you stop here, please?

I want to see if I
can find my booth.

It'll only take a second.

I promise I won't take long.

Ok, ok.

Just give me one minute.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry.


Thank you so much.

I just had to see that.


The house number, bitte.

House number, right.

Ah, ja.





Oh, danke schoen.


My bags.

Thank you.

Danke schoen!

You're welcome!

Are you kidding me?

I said 124.

It's probably just a block up.


What is going on here?


Cobblestones, of course.

Oh boy!

Ah, 76.


Halfway there.

I'm sorry.

I'm too exhausted to
speak German right now.

That's OK.

I speak English as well.

Can I help you?


Can you tell me why the
house numbers in Germany

only go up two at a time?


That would be because our
system is extremely efficient.

We don't like waste even when
it comes to house numbers.

Well, where I come
from, when you

get to the end of the block,
the numbers automatically

go up by a 100.

That sounds highly
illogical if you ask me.

Either way, I wish I had
known that before the cab

driver dropped me off 50 houses
back from where I needed to be.

That doesn't sound
very German of him.

Be honest, what did you do?

What do you mean what did I do?

I mean, maybe he got a
little annoyed with me

because I asked him to make
a pit stop at the Christmas


That could do it.

But more likely it was
because I got nervous

and said, ja, even though I
had no idea what he was saying.

It's all making sense now.



I thought my German
was pretty good.

But everyone here speaks so
fast and if they have a dialect,

forget about it.


Yeah, sorry.

Probably can't help you
to understand the dialect,

but I can help you
the rest of your way.

That won't be necessary.

You sure about that?

Yeah, I got it.


Let me just take
this one for you.

Thank you.

Sorry to bother you.

Not at all.

Besides, my mother would never
forgive me if I didn't help.

How would she know?

Oh, she could sense it.

Trust me.

Are you serious?


In fact, I'd better take the
other bag too just in case.

Where to?

Just up a way a little bit.

All right.


What about your bike?

I dare someone to steal it.

Honestly, it would end
up saving me money.

It belongs to my father.

But somehow, he always
tricks me into fixing it.

Hmm, sounds like you
have quite the parents.

Ah, they are very--

let's see, how would
the Americans put it?



Say no more.


Well I'm gonna take it.

How do you ride this
bike up at hill?

Ah, years of training.

I'm Lukas.

I'd shake your hand,
but my hands are full.

I'm Heidi.

Pleasure to meet you.

So Heidi, that's a
pretty German name

for a pretty American girl.

Wait till you hear my last name.

How long do I have to wait?

I actually decided
not to tell you.

That's quite strange.

You'll never believe it.

At least give me a chance.

What's your last name?


You see how easy that was?

Do you live at 124

Heavens, no.


That's where I'm going.


Then you are in luck.


Because you're about to see how
extra my parents really are.

Thank you.

Listen, I don't want
to stress them out.

Maybe you could just
show me the guest cottage

and I can meet them tomorrow?


They would insist you
join us for dinner

and to celebrate the
lighting of the first candle.

I'm really too jet-lagged
to celebrate anything.

Interesting argument.

We'll see how that holds up.

Heidi Heidelberg.

Oh, thank goodness.

You have arrived in one piece.

Welcome, mwah, mwah.

I'm still learning.

Oh, you must be hungry.

Would you like some
soup before dinner?

Actually, I'm not hungry.

I just--

Save me.

Hold it.

Your last name is Heidelberg?

I know you wouldn't believe it.

Heidi Heidelberg?


I don't even know
where to start.

Start by telling them that I
can't stay for dinner, please?

I'm wrecked.

I can try, but I think it's
best if you just give in.

Heidi Heidelberg!

What a pleasure to
welcome you home

to the city of your ancestors.

You must excuse me
for not heating up

the soup before greeting you,
but we have so looked forward

to hosting you that I simply
have to meet you immediately.

Welcome to the Oppermannn home.

It's so good to meet all of you.

But really, you do not
have to make me any soup.

Would you rather have spatzle?

You poor thing.

You must be exhausted.


Then come in and
don't mind the mess.


What is happening?

You said, "ja," before
you understood everything,

didn't you?


I got to stop doing that.

Theresa, Mark, we have a guest.

Mark, can you set another
plate at the table?

Got it.

All right.

Who's hungry?

Here we go.

As we gather
together as a family

on this very first advent
Sunday of the Christmas season,

we would like to extend
a special welcome

to our honored guest,
Fraulein Heidi Heidelberg.

May her time here in Germany
be fruitful and festive.

Here are the dumplings.


Homemade schnitzel.

Fried potatoes.

You're going to love these.

I'm sure that's
quite enough, mama.


I was on baking duty
when you arrived.

I'm Teresa, the older and
much smarter sister of Lukas.

I have no rebuttal.

It's great to meet you.

And these must be your boys?


Jona is 9 and Dani is 7.

Oh, and we're expecting
a little girl.


Thank you.


Oh, no.

What did I say?

Futter is for cows and
essen is for people.


Futter sounds like food
so I always mix that up.

It's OK.

Daddy makes way worse
mistakes than that.


I've been here over a decade
and I still have a hard time.

I thought I detected
an American accent.

Yep, I'm Mark.

I got stationed out here
for the Army and never left.

No wonder your boys speak
such perfect English.

And because they watch way
too many Ninjago cartoons.

I don't know that cartoon.

They're LEGO ninjas.

We wrote Saint Nicholas
to bring us one this year.

What day does he come again?

I don't think she's teasing.

Where she lives, Santa
Claus visits the children,

while Saint Nicholas takes
care of us out here in Europe.

Saint Nicholas doesn't
come to America?

It's usually just Santa.

I'm never going to
America for Christmas.

Grandma Knudtson will be
very sad to hear that.

Maybe you should teach Heidi
about the Saint Nicholas Day



After all, she'll be celebrating
her first one this year.

I want to know everything.

It all started with the
Saint named Nicholas.

He was very nice and
lived a long time ago.

He loved children and always
brought them presents.

And he still comes around at
the ninth of December the fifth

and drop some presents off.

Only if you're good.

If you're bad, you get
a visit from belsnickel.

Who is belsnickel?

He is friends with
Saint Nicholas.

But he's very hairy,
and he wears fur,

and has a lot of horns,
and he never takes a bath.


If you're naughty, he
brings you something

bad in your stocking
like coal or sticks.


Has he ever come to visit you?

No, but he almost came for Dani.

Yeah, when I burn
mommy's bathrobe.

Oh, yes.

Oh my.

It's OK.

I said, I was sorry and Saint
Nicholas brought her a new one.


I am so glad you apologized.

I'm glad he didn't burn
the whole house down.

That too.

So what brings
you to Heidelberg?

I'm here to sell my artwork
at the Christmas market.

That's amazing.

I'll be there too.

Oh, what kind of art do you do?

The tasty kind.

Baked goods.

Pastries, cakes, cookies.

I can't wait to try them.

Well, you won't
have to wait long.

I baked some
cookies for dessert.



It's going to be a
long evening, you know?

We've got lots of stuff planned.

Stories and carols singing.

And, of course, we play games.

It's going to be a long night.

I guess I was hungry
then I thought--

My parents cooking has
a way of doing that.

Well, your sister's baking
is a problem as well.

Oh, tell me about it.

Oh, come on.

Wow, the market is so magical.

I can't believe I get to spend
the next three weeks on it.

I just can't wait to get out
there and get all set up.

Let's get you a good
night's rest first.

Good idea.

Come on down you two,
we're about to light

the first candle.

You don't have to stay.

I can show you to the cottage--

Your sister's cookies are
giving me a second wind.

You sure it's not the coffee?

Hmm, maybe that too.

On the first Sunday
before Christmas,

we light the candle to remember
to spread light to those

around us who are in darkness.


Only three more candles
through Christmas.

And only six more days
until Saint Nicholas comes.

And only 15 more minutes
till your bedtime.

I love that you have
your own advent wreath.

I mean, we have one at
church, but it's really neat

that you have this
tradition in your home.

What kind of traditions
do you have at home?

Well, we all go caroling
on Christmas Eve

and then we act out the
nativity story as a family.

That must be quite
the production.

Hmm, you have no idea.

But probably my
favorite tradition

is called stocking secrets.

I've never heard of that.

Neither I.

Because my mother made it up.


It's not a present
you give someone,

it's a secret wish or a goal you
make during the holiday season.

You write it down
and you stick it

into the toe of your stocking.

And you only reveal it if
and when the wish comes true.

A goal like in football?

Not exactly.

I'm not sure of
the word in German.


I'll give you an example.

One year my stocking secret
was to make a glass ornament.

I'd always wanted to, but
I was too nervous to try.

But somehow, writing it down
and sticking it into my stocking

gave me the courage to
sign up for a class.

It was not perfect, but it
still hangs on my family's tree.



That is wonderful.

In honor of our
welcome guest, why

don't we all join in
the stocking secret

tradition this Christmas?




Then I get pen and paper.

And I have an extra stocking
with your name on it.

How do you already have a
stocking with my name on it?

Well, I stitched at the moment
I knew that you were coming.

I told you so.

I know what I want to write.

Me too!

You will learn we
Oppermannns quite

enjoy our Christmas traditions.

We're happy to share on yours.

Thank you.

Oh, all right.

We have officially tired
out the guest of honor.

That's our cue for the
Knudtson family to head home.

But what about Heidi's artwork?

Yeah, I want to see it.

I think we can wait
until tomorrow.


It's OK.

I can show them quickly.




These are absolutely stunning.

May I?

Of course.

We just have to
be really careful

because it's my display set.

Oh, that's very unique.

There's nothing quite
like this at the market.

Oh, that means a lot coming
from a fellow artist like Lukas.

You didn't tell me
you're an artist.

Because I'm not.

I'm a craftsman at best.

The word "artist" should be
reserved for people with talent

like this.

Thank you.

But now I'm curious, what
kind of artist are you?

I make and repair furniture.

Speaking of which,
I should be off.

There's a lot to
finish tomorrow.

Before you start
your day tomorrow,

why don't you show
Heidi to her booth?

I'll probably be fine.

Oh, the Christmas market
can be very confusing.

Yeah, I think it's a great idea.

I can handle the
finishing at the shop

so you don't get behind.

Does this mean you unretired?

For a few hours, I presume.

If you would like
the company, I'd

be glad to show
you to your booth.

I can't believe you already
carried over my suitcase.

Oh my mother made sure of that.

Well, the market
doesn't open till 11.

So I'm going to sleep in a bit.

Asleep as long as you need.

I have plenty to do.

Just meet me in the woodshop
whenever you're ready.


Can you give me the address?

Oh, that makes it easy.

Oh, that
means woodwork, right?


And perfect pronunciation.


It's so cute.

I can't believe it.

I think I'm going to cry.

You wouldn't be the first.

Right this way.

Are you kidding?

Oh, my mom would die.

Sorry, but I really have
a lot of work to do.

So if we can hurry?



Well, as you see, it gets quite
busy in here so stay close.

Oh, seriously?


Hey, come on.

You have plenty of time
to look around at anything

you want after
you're all set up.

Oh, homemade soaps.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

All right.

Here we are.

Booth number 260.

I told you I was going to cry.

As well you should.

Just being here is a
big accomplishment.

Well, if everything is in order,
I'll head back to the woodshop.

Oh, please do.

You've done so much already.

I'm all set here.


I'm all good.

Maybe I'll just help
you get set up quick?

Thank you.

That's beautiful.

You really thought
of everything.

And thank you for
your finishing touch.

I just wish I had
all my inventory.

When does that arrive?

December 4th by noon.

Look at this.

Your first customer.


I can't believe
this is happening.


I'm Heidi.

I'm the artist.

So if you have any questions,
feel free to ask me.

These are handcrafted
from the glass blowing

to the hand-painted designs.

And all the designs are
completely original.

I make them from

so they're very eco-friendly.

I mean, if that's
important to you.

Rest assured the quality is
not compromised, of course.

Guess what my last name is?


Isn't that crazy?



Discounts available if
you buy multiple sets.

What did I say?

Maybe you should
wait until they want

to buy one set before
you push multiples.

They were leaving.

I panicked.

I don't get it.

Usually the customers
love talking to me.

Can I give you a little
unsolicited advice

on your solicitation?


All right.

In Germany, we have a
little different mindset.

We are not really a
shop-till-you-drop culture like

you, Americans.

It's how you see us?

It's not bad.

It's just different.

Germans love the black forest.

Americans love the Black Friday.

The deals are pretty amazing.

I can only imagine.


Hm-hmm, enlighten me.

Perhaps, you should try a
little more laid back approach.

Let your art speak for itself.

Like a soft sell situation?

I've never heard that
term, but I like it.


How would you say it in German?


I think I'll stick to
the English version.

Yeah, probably for the best.

Look at this booth.

I'd like to buy every
last ornament, please.

Yes, of course.


Oh my goodness.

I'm so sorry.

That was a horrible joke.

No, no.

It was a pretty great joke.

I'm just a little bit
too sensitive right now.

I feel like nobody
likes my booth.

Very common feeling for your
first time in the market.

Don't worry.

You'll find ways to get over it.


Like how?

Why don't you come
by my pastry booth

and eat your worries away.

I would love to.

But I just got
here, I can't leave.

Well we all take care
of each other here.

I'll just ask the
neighbors to watch over it.

But what if other
customers come?

They can read your lovely
sign and look at the website.

And if they want
it badly enough,

they will come back for it.

Trust me.

Plus, most people are
just browsing this early.

Soft sell, remember?


Uncomfortably soft.



Yes, I would love to leave
my booth on my first day.

Just breathe.

You'll be fine.

Hey, you coming along.

Unfortunately, I
have to head back

to the woodshop
for real this time.

Thank you so much for your help.

Of course.

Auf wiedersehen.

Auf wiedersehen.


Come on.

We're really leaving?



You don't think anything's
going to happen?

It will be fine.

It'll be fine.

Come on.

I literally just got here.

I hope you don't mind
me taking a shortcut.

It's not exactly
the scenic route.

Are you kidding me?

Every street you take out
here is the scenic route.

What was going on in there?

They sell a chocolate
called a ..

Very popular.

My Oma wanted one of those.

Does she have a secret
crush on someone?

What do you mean?

Traditionally, if you
give someone a ,,

it's a way to tell them that
you have a crush on them.


It goes back to the 1800s, it
started at the university here.

That's so cute.

Are they any good?

Oh, delicious and made
by a local chocolatier.

Oh, that's the real
reason my Oma wanted one.

She's a chocolate fiend.

Oh, I'll have to
come back and get

her one on the line dies down.

Oh, yeah.

Good luck with that.

This city is full of love.

So they're always busy.


OK, I don't know where to start.

I would start in Paris
and then head to Berlin.

Good call.


And once you're done with that,
I have a whole tour of Europe

to take you on.

Lead the way.



It's great, let's go.



It's good.

It is good.


Merry Christmas to you.

Holly jolly, fa la
la-ly Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas, holly jolly,

Merry Christmas, fa la la-ly

I am so glad I skipped lunch.


Oh my goodness.


Someone just bought a set
of ornaments for my QR code.

My first sale.


I guess, Lukas was right
about the soft sell.

You should leave your
booth more often.


So is any of your family coming
to visit while you're here?

Oh, I wish.

It was so last minute.

It was even a stretch
for me to get here.

But everyone agreed it was
too big an opportunity for me

to pass up.

Well, I'm glad you made it out.

Mark and I were
talking about how sweet

you are with the boys.

They had so much fun
with you last night.

They are delightful.

The whole family is.

I've been wanting to
ask you, how did you

end up marrying an American?

I ask myself that all the time.

Um, our paths crossed at
a Christmas charity event.

But the soldiers always
volunteer and the rest

is history.


I'm lucky that he loves Germany
enough to stay and start

a life here after he retired.

Do you know how rare that is?

I do and I'm very grateful.

How about you?

Are you looking or just
focusing on your art?

A little bit of both actually.

Now the problem is,
once people realize

how much I work and travel,
they seem to lose interest.

I think some people would find
what you do very interesting.


Never the ones I meet.

Well, here's to finding
the balance between love

and doing what you love.


The colors are so vibrant.

And the detail of the
painting is amazing.

It must have taken you
hours to do each one.

Many hours.

But people like you
make it all worthwhile.

My father's going to love this.

It's his favorite carol.

He sings it once a day
starting exactly 12 days

before Christmas.

What a sweet tradition.

The older he gets, the
more off key he sings.

But, to me, he will always
sound like an angel.

He will love these.

They're really perfect.

That makes me so happy.

Do you take cash?


But it has to be a pre-order
because all my inventory

doesn't arrive until
tomorrow afternoon.

It'll be worth the wait.

Thank you.

open sleigh.

Over the fields we go
laughing all the way.

What are you working on?

It's nothing.

Come on.

I showed you my artwork.

Let me see yours.

Maybe I don't want to
be judged by someone

of your artistic talent.

Says the man who makes the
best handcrafted furniture

in Heidelberg.

That's right.

I did a little
cyberstalking last night.

Your family's business
is known and respected

all across Germany.

So don't tell me
you're not an artist.

You create the joy of
Christmas with your work.

I create a place to keep
your socks and underwear.

Come on now.



I know it's not finished.

But I can tell when it is,
it's going to be extraordinary.

Unfortunately, I rarely
ever finish them.


I mainly do it to clear my head.

There's so much actual
work to be done.

I don't really have the time
to mess around with a hobby.

So why aren't you at your booth?

I took a break to see if
a certain someone could

go to the post office with me.

You need some backup?

And maybe a vehicle
to pick up the boxes.

All right.

I'll get my bike then.

I have 20 boxes.

I think I was thinking
more the van out front.


I take the van, you the bike.

Thank you so much for your help.

I know how busy you are.

You are busy yourself.

I heard sales are going well.


You were so right.

The laid back approach
is really working for me.

I had a feeling it would.

I don't know how else I would
have gotten the boxes home.

But I promise not
to make a habit out

of distracting you
from your work.

Listen, you somehow got my
father helping in the shop


I am not complaining
in the least.

How long ago did he retire?

Well, five months ago, then five
years too early if you ask me.

What happened?

I'm not exactly sure of myself.

One day, out of the blue,
he handed me his apron

and said the business was mine.

Along with the reputation
of four generations

of Oppermannns.


That's a lot of pressure.

Why do you think I eat so
many of Theresa's pastries?


I admit.

This is very efficient, but
also equally nerve-wracking.

You got to track number
and photo ID, right?


And you've got nothing
to worry about.

I'll be right behind you.



Hmm, of course.

Sending or receiving?


My boxes should be here today.


Tracking number
and identification.

Thank you.

I promise it's real.

People always think,
Heidi Heidelberg,

that must be a fake name.

But no, it's real.

I'll show you my
birth certificate.

That won't be necessary.

To be honest, I find your name
quite unremarkable actually.


Heidelberg is a very common
family name in this region.

Furthermore, seeing
as many Americans

are quite fond of
little Russians.

It would be very
probable for your parents

to choose "Heidi"
as your given name.

Hold, please.


What he's saying?

It seems there's a
bit of a problem.

What problem?


I don't know.


I gave him the tracking number.

Not there?

What does that mean?


It's supposed to be here today.

Oh, OK.

I'm very sorry for
the delay, but I

have located your packages.

Oh good.

You got me so worried
there for a second.

They are currently being held
at a customs office in Iceland.


Why would they be there?

Seems they're subcontracted
through a second-tier provider.


Yeah, you're right.

Probably third-tier at best.

Why was it subcontracted?

To save money perhaps.


I was told it was
a reliable service.

I have no idea who gives
you this information.

But, on the bright side,
as long as the items

are clear customs
in Reykjavik, they

could be here on next Thursday.


In the future, may
I suggest that you

entrust your shipping needs to
the ever reliable and extremely

efficient German Postal Service.

Have a very Merry Christmas.

Auf wiedersehen.

Please stop.

Let's go.

I have to talk to him.

I don't understand.

How are they not here yet?

I'm going to talk
to the manager.

At least they made it to
European soil, technically.

I'm sure they will arrive
next week exactly as he said.

What he said exactly was that
as long as they clear customs,

they should arrive.

That hardly sounds
like a guarantee.

What am I going to do?

If I can't deliver these
ornaments by a reasonable time,

all my customers
are going to cancel.

Have you ever eaten a maron?


My life is falling apart and
you're offering me a snack?

Are you ready for this?

That doesn't look
like a macaroon.

Not a macaroon, maron.

It's a chestnut roasted
on an open fire just

like this Christmas carol all
Americans are obsessed with.

It's a pretty great song.

And why have you never had one?

It doesn't look very appetizing.

Wait till you taste it.


Pretty good.

All right, that Bing Crosby
knew what he was singing about.

What the song doesn't
say is that chestnuts

have a very spiky husk
on top of the hard shell.

If you saw it on the
tree, you'd never

think to pluck it, peel
it, roast it, and turn it

into something delicious.

And how does this anecdote help
me get my ornaments delivered?

Maybe a situation's
like a chestnut.

It looks horrible on the
outside, but peel away the bad,

it's positive energy
this trip may turn out

better than you expected.

It's a bit of a stretch.

But I can see what you're doing.

Honestly, I was just
trying to prevent

an altercation between
you and the postal worker.

So I need to trust
that my ornaments will

arrive eventually and try to
enjoy my life in the meantime.

Where do you want to start?


With Oma's list.

It contains pieces
of her childhood

that she wants me to
experience while I'm here.


You've got some work to do.


I don't know how I'm going to
balance it all with the market.

Why not start with the
castle your ancestors built?

I should have some
time Saturday morning,

if you'd like some company.

We could be then back before
the market even opens.

That'd be great.

But will it be open that early?

Even if it's closed,
we'll tell them

Heidi Heidelberg is coming.

Apparently, it's a
very common name.

Even so, I think it's lovely.

Can I have another macaroon?

A maron.


A maron, yeah.


Here we go.

I love the architecture.

So much history.


It's incredible.

This is like just up the
street from your house.

Look how tall it is.

And this is actually
the flag of Heidelberg.

Heidi Heidelberg?

Yeah, probably.

Look at this.

I love this piece.

The details are incredible.

And it's also made
by Alexander Colin.

This is a ginormous keg.

Yes, it is.

And wait till you
see it this one.

Are you kidding me?

I've never seen
anything like it.

It's a keg fit for a king.

This is called the Powder Tower.

In the 1600s, the
French blew it up.

This part's granite with
the rest of its sandstone.

Actually, I never
noticed that before.

According to my Oma.

My ancestors transported
these pillars

from the ruins of Charlemagne's
Palace in Ingelheim

to here to use around the well.

That's over 100 kilometers away.

Yeah, it's really far.

It is.

That's my favorite
thing about this Castle.


No matter what
horrible thing happened

from being struck by lightning
or under siege of w*r, people

of Heidelberg were always
ready to pick up the pieces

and make it beautiful again.

It amazes me what
lengths humans are

willing to go to for beauty.

And we still do it today.

Well, at least, you do.

I mean, I'm still
amazed by your artwork.

It reminds me of 19th century
Bohemian glass makers.


Well for someone
who specifically

claims not to be an artist, you
sure do know a lot about art.

There might be a
reason for that.

I studied art here at my time
at Heidelberg University.


That's why you know so much.

I credit that to the
school more than to myself.

I noticed the woodcarving
you were working on

looked a little bit like
the Renaissance relief

we saw in the castle.

Did that inspired you?

I would say it's
most blatant copy.

Stop doing that.

Doing what?

You keep downplaying
yourself as an artist.

You are talented.

You should embrace it.


I really wish I
could embrace it,

but I've lost my
inspiration for it.

And why is that?

I thought woodworking would
fulfill the need to create

and it did for a while.

But now it feels so
routine and I'm just

going through the motions.

Especially since my father
turned it all over to me,

I don't have the time to be
artistic even if I wanted to.

Do you regret taking it over?

Not exactly.

I really am proud of
what my family has

built over so many generations.



But now that it was
just dropped in my lap,

I feel a lot of pressure
not to let people down,

especially my father.

He seemed so happy to hand
over the keys to the shop.

I didn't want to disappoint him.

Maybe you should talk to him.

Let him know how you feel.

In a way it's too late.

I mean, I can't really run off
and pursue something else now,

can I?

I can't answer that for you.

But I do know that you need
an outlet for your creativity.

Otherwise, it'll dry up.

So whether it's at
work or somewhere else,

you've got to find it.

You really didn't
have to walk me home.

It's fine.

I still have some work to do
in the shop tonight anyway.

Someone has been
distracting me lately.

Oh, shame on them.

That's OK.

I told Saint Nicholas to
put in belsnickel list.


Well, hey, he's
already on his way.

The wheelbarrow of coal.

Oh, goodness.

That's tonight, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Did the boys collect
one of your shoes yet?

Yes, it was so cute.

I gave them one of my boots
so I could maximize the amount

of chocolate I'll get.

Or the amount of coal.

I guess we'll see.

Hey, boys.

Saint Nicholas came.

He did.

What did he bring?

You have to look for yourself.

Come on.


I'll be right there.

Maybe it's that one.


I already built it.

Good morning.

Happy Saint Nicholas Day.

Good morning.

How are you?

So what did everyone get?

A Ninjago set.

Just like we asked for.

You must have been good.

What are you building?

Saints' robot.

Here's yours.


I'm rich.

They're not real.

They're made out of chocolate.

Even better.

Well you also got
something in here.

But my boots are already full.

Well the boot is
from Saint Nicholas.

But the stocking is for
surprises from friends or loved


A .

Did you pick this up for me?

It wasn't me actually.

Then who did it?

Oh, oh.

Someone wants to kiss you.

He wants to kiss you, Heidi.

Nobody wants to kiss her.

Really, Lukas?

Well, of course, people
want to kiss you.

Probably hundreds of men.


Who do you think I am?


Obviously, that's
not what I meant.

Well, what did you mean?

Yes, do tell.

So somebody has
a crush on Heidi.

Can you blame them?


But traditionally, if
a suitor was brave,

they would put their name on
it like I did with your mother.

Maybe your suitor
isn't very brave.

Oh, perhaps the suitor
didn't even know about this

and the chocolate was
put in your stocking

by someone who fancies
themselves a matchmaker.

Well, secret admirer or
not, this looks delicious.

I'll have to get Oma another.

I'm going to try this one.

I'll have a bite.

Oh, Dani.

I think you've had quite
enough chocolate today.


You can never have
too much chocolate

on Saint Nicholas Day.


This is good.

What do you say?

You'll get an email the
second they're available

and you can pick
them up right here.

Thank you.


You're ready for round two?

Oh my goodness.

The post office.

I brought some liquid
courage just in case.

I hope I don't need it.

This has to be
some kind of joke.

I assure you, neither I
or any of my colleagues

find this amusing in any way.

If I want to make you
laugh, I want to say--



If you check next week--

But it's already been a week.

Once again, I cannot speak
to the inefficiencies

of the provider you engaged.

I can only assure you--

That I should have used
the incredibly flawless,

world-renowned service
of the German Post.

I know.

Your words.

But I don't disagree.


Maybe this place will help
you clear your head a bit.

Philosopher's Way is the most
famous hiking trail in Germany.

It's been used by many great
minds, including Gott himself.


Gott must have been
really in shape.

This is no joke.

It's a bit steep.

But look at this, it's my
favorite view of the city.

And I can see why.

I do some of my best
thinking up here.


Why do you think you got
so defensive last Sunday

with the whole scandal?

Maybe I was upset that
someone b*at me to the punch.

Is that so?

But I still think my
parents were behind this.

They've been trying to fix
me up for a decade now.

Why hasn't it worked?

Because so far nobody has
met what I'm looking for.


And what are you looking for?

Someone with real passion,
that's for certain.

I can be too passive at times.

I don't know.

I just want someone who's driven
to do what they believe in

and then help me do the same.

I love that.

What else?

Well, I'm not sure exactly, but
I'm starting to figure it out.

Come on.

Only two kilometers to go.

Let's go.

I have no idea how far that is.

You will find out soon enough.

What's my favorite ornament?


What I love about this one
is what the five golden rings


For me, it's my family.

They are the most precious.

Hence, the gold and the symbol
of the ring goes on forever.


And I really believe that
families are forever.

It's really nice.

Thank you.

Speaking of tannenbaums,
we're halfway to Christmas,

where is your Christmas tree?

In Germany we usually put up
the tree on Christmas Eve.

When does your family put it up?

Well when most Americans are
shopping on Black Friday,

my family celebrates what
we call "Green Friday."

We go up into the mountains
and cut down a fresh evergreen

and bring it home that
night to decorate it.


Reminds me that it's time to
light the third advent candle.

And to share another Oppermannn
tradition, this week's theme

is all about joy.

We are all very
thankful for the gifts

that Saint Nicholas
gave us last week.

So this week, we focus on how we
can give back to our community

this Christmas season.

We'll go first.

As you know, Mark and I met at
the Christmas charity dinner

for the senior care facility.

Well we're excited
to tell you that we

decided to volunteer to host
the entire event this year.

That's a good idea.

That's great.

Maybe we can all volunteer
to serve at the event.

Your mother and I could be
in charge of the cooking.

We'll take all the
help we can get.

I could sing a Christmas
carol for the program.

I can sing too.

That would be lovely.

Lukas, what about you?

What else do you need?

What about gifts for the guests?

Well that would
be a lovely idea,

but there might be too many
guests to arrange that.


After covering food
and decorations,

we usually don't have
the budget for gifts.

I have an idea that
won't cost you a thing.


Are the horns really necessary?

We're Santa's helpers,
we have to look the part.

This sort of thing may
work in the States,

but I'm a bit worried how
it's going to go over here.

Lukas, it's for a good cause.


Try to have a better attitude.

I apologize.

Engaging cheery smile.


Watch and learn.

This is how you do a hard sell.

Hi, Anja.

Hi, hello.

Oh, thanks again for
watching my booth yesterday.

I think I made more
sales in those two hours

than I did the rest of the day.

Oh, your work is brilliant.

It sells itself.

You're so kind.

Hey, Anja.

I was wondering, would
you be willing to donate

one of your pieces to charity?

What kind of charity?

It's for senior citizens
who don't have a place

to go for Christmas.

Please, take
whatever you'd like.

Thank you.

How about the socks?

Oh, these are perfect.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

And that's how it's done.

I think it was the ears.

I think so too.

Santa, won't
you come and help me please?

'Cause you're the only one--

You're the only one--

--that can make it be.

That can make it be.

I won't ask for
nothing else this year.

And make a promise
this is all I,

This is all I want.

Please, let it be one
of these other guys.

Of course not.

Mr. Wiedmann.

Fraulein Heidi Heidelberg.

I'm surprised you remember
such a boring and common name.

Please, tell me my shipment
cleared Icelandic customs.

I can see here
that your packages

have left Iceland safely.

But they were shipped to
Ireland, unfortunately.

And must clear a
similar protocol.


Why Ireland?

It seems you have become a
victim of poor penmanship.

Apparently, The letter R looked
much like a C, I'm afraid.

Your carrier did not
catch this originally

and forwarded it
to Ireland instead

of the final destination.

That happens quite often.

Not by the ever efficient
German Post, of course.

Of course.

But why would it have been
to either Iceland or Ireland

in the first place?

To save money.

A multi-step delivery
is much cheaper,

albeit a much less
viable option.

Can you take me to
the Christus church?

I'm sorry, Madam.

But I cannot leave my post
during business hours.

Not you.


Of course.

Mr. Wiedmann.

It is clear that you are an
exceptional representative

of the German Post.

Which is why I am
going to empower

you to contact me the moment
you hear anything regarding

my shipment.

Can you do that?

I will proudly present the
service, Ms. Heidelberg.

Have a very Merry Christmas.


Auf wiedersehen

Hark the
herald angel sing.

How are you feeling?

I'm fine, really.

I just needed a
little perspective.

This is where Oma would come
for Christmas Eve service.

I thought it would
bring me a little peace.

I still can't believe how
well you handled that.

I do need to start thinking
about alternatives though.

Maybe I can find a glassblowing
shop nearby that I can use.

Do you really think you can
remake all those ornaments

in two weeks?


Just be patient
and try to focus--

I know.

I know.

Peel back the negative.

Focus on the positive.

So what are we
looking for exactly?

The painting behind
the third column.

Do you think that's
that over there?

I think it's this
nativity painting.

Right here.

It's beautiful.

It really is.

It was the winner of a
painting contest in 1932.

Marie Keller?

That's my great grandma.

That's Oma's mom.

My Oma always said I
got my artistic sense

from my great grandma, Keller.

The talent definitely runs deep.


Do you want to take
a walk with me?

I can see why my Oma
preferred the bridge at night.

I would have to agree with her.

I'm having such
a wonderful time.

Honestly, if it
wasn't for you, I

don't think I ever would
have seen outside the market.

No, seriously.

Sometimes, I get so
obsessed about what

I think is important
that I lose sight

of what's actually important.

And now I'm seeing this
whole side of the city

that I wouldn't
have seen otherwise.

I'm finally learning how
special this place is.

I'm learning how
special you are.

I thought we'd
talk at the Castle.

I decided to work
on my art again

and to make it
more of a priority.

I told you that I lost
my passion for art,

but I think I found
my muse again in you.

That makes me really happy.

You're unlike anyone
I've ever met before.

What do you mean?

I don't know.

It's like we have
this understanding.

This connection that
I've never felt before.

It's like we speak
the same language.

This is actually
my favorite spot.



Gosh, it's perfect.

You know, there's
only two things

that could make this
trip any better.

What would those be?

The first would be for my
packages to finally arrive.

And the second would be for
me to figure out if I truly

have a secret admirer.

Ah, the mysterious .

Yeah, I would love to
get to the bottom of it.

But I don't know who
gave you the chocolate,

but I can show you that it's not
a secret how much I admire you.

It's that so?

There it is.

It's so beautiful.

I can't believe
it's still there.

Gosh, you're such
a brilliant artist.

I told you, that's
where you get it.

It looks like you're working
on a masterpiece of your own.

Just a little something
for Christmas.

Well, thank you for
making that list.

It's been so much
fun piecing together

the picture of your youth here.

How many have you
completed so far?

A bunch, but I still
have a lot to go.

I have to fit it in between
my time at the market.

But Lukas thinks we can finish
all of them before I go home.


How have sales been?

Well, pre-sales are
going really well.

People are ordering
off the display sets.

So as long as the real sets
arrive in the next week,

I should be able to
fulfill all the orders

in time for Christmas.

If not, I need to find a shop
out here and get to work.

That must be so stressful.

It is.

But Lukas has helped me keep
a really good perspective

about it all.

You keep mentioning
Lukas, is there

anything else going on there?

Come on, Oma.

You know I can't hide
anything from you.

I won't say a word
to your mother.

It has developed a bit
since we last talked.

I don't know if it's

a product of how magical
everything is here,

but he's really special.

I only have one piece of advice.


Treat this relationship
like you treat your art.

Whatever you do,
let it be inspired.

I love you so much.

Did you hang
my stocking by the fire?

And the holly
berries in the hall?


Did I use up all of my wishes
dreaming of your mistletoe


Or is there room
for just one more?

Christmas is not
the same on my own.


baby, with you,
I swear I belong.

And now I know.

Oh, Santa.

Santa, won't you take me home.

Take me home.

Oh, Santa.

Santa won't you take me home.

Oh, Santa.

Santa won't you take me home.

Santa take me home.

Oh, Santa.

Santa won't you take me home.

And that was the last
thing on the list.

Yes, we've done everything.


To completing all of
the items on Oma's list.

And a few of our own as well.

Oh, sorry.

Just in case it's Mr. Wiedmann.

He's not going to text you.

He texted me.

Are you serious?


What does it say?

I am pleased to inform you
that your shipment arrived

at the Frankfurt hub today.

Unfortunately, there is
no service on Sunday,

but I took the liberty to
expedite the delivery of all

of your packages to the
given address at 124


Expect them first
thing Monday morning.

Merry Christmas and
auf wiedersehen,

Lawrence Wiedmann of the
ever reliable and extremely

efficient German Postal Service.

To Mr. Wiedmann.

A very strange,
but honorable man.


Don't mix the sweet
with the savory, OK.

Honey, just leave them alone.

We'll have to get into costume.

And serve seconds and
thirds to anyone who asks.

Nobody goes hungry, all right?

Thank you for doing this.

Everybody's so happy.

Thank you so much
for the opportunity.

Of course.

I can't wait to see
the look on their faces

when we hand these out.

Speaking of which, where's our
Saint Nicholas and belsnickel?

I'm sure they'll
be here on time.


Ladies and gentlemen, we
have some special guests.

Ho, ho, ho.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

Merry Christmas.

old Saint Nicholas,

lean your ear this way.

Don't you tell a single
soul what I'm going to say.

Christmas Eve is coming soon.

Now you dear old man,
whisper what you'll bring--

So Merry Christmas, everyone.


old Saint Nicholas,

lean your ear this way.

Don't you tell a single
soul what I'm going to say.

Christmas Eve is coming soon.

Now you dear old man, whisper
what you'll bring to me.

Tell me if you can.

Merry Christmas!

The fourth week of
advent represents peace.

It's a virtue that is very
difficult to find these days.

But if you want to see
our world in harmony,

it's important that
we are the peacemakers

at home and in our community.

Is anybody closer to fulfilling
their striking secret yet?

We actually just fulfilled ours.


I can't wait to hear.

You may have guessed
it already, but we

got inspired to host the
seniors dinner together.

And with all your help, we
were able to make it more

special than it's ever been.

Anybody else fulfilled their--

I did!

So did I!

I wanted to join the
kinder choir at school,

but I thought it was just want
to sing with the older kids.

But I asked my teacher
and she's letting

me join the spring concert.


That's amazing!

My secret was to make a new
friend, not a best friend.

Because Jona is my best friend.

But someone that's
in my same class.

So I made friends with
Max from my football team.


Well, my stocking secret is
one I thought might never

be possible to achieve.

But with a little Christmas
luck and some amazing advice

from Lukas and Theresa,
I was able to sell out

all of my ornaments on
pre-sale orders alone.


That's awesome.


And now that my shipment is
finally arriving tomorrow,

I'll be able to give
everyone their ornaments

in time for Christmas.


What about you brother?

Any luck with your secret?

My secret was to dedicate
more time to something

that I've always been passionate
about, but always too scared

to really pursue it.

My artwork.

When I took over the woodshop,
I felt a lot of pressure

to put the artistic side of me
away and focus on the family


Only the pressure wasn't
coming from anyone else.

It was put on by myself.

But I'm not going
to do this anymore.

But this doesn't mean I'm
quitting the business,

it just means that
I will do whatever

it takes to find time to work
on my own creations as well.

Even if that means that I need
to bring on some other help.

I especially want to thank,
Heidi, for inspiring me

and for that, I want
you to have this.

It was one of my
first pieces of work.

But thanks to you,
it won't be my last.

All right, you two.

What about you?

Have your stocking
secrets come true?

Oh, Rudy and I, we
share the same secret.

Any updates on how it's going?

Well, it's a little
early to be certain,

but I must say things are
looking pretty positive.


Thank you for taking
this tradition to heart.

It's really helped
me feel at home.

When can you see the next one?

Dani, not yet.

It's fine.

I think, it's time?





Time for what?

You know I can speak
German kind of.

I'm not peeking.

I'm not peeking.

Two, one, surprise!

It's a few weeks late by
your tradition and a week

too early by ours, but
we wanted to compromise.

That's beautiful.

Imagine when we
finished decorating.

Come on.

Let's get it started.


Come on, just get one.

It smells so good.

I want that one on
the top actually.

Hey, the boxes are
pretty b*at up.

Are you sure they're OK?

I'm sorry, Madam.

That's the condition
they were in when

they arrived in Frankfurt.

Thank you.

No, no, no, no.


No, no, no, no, no.

I'm sorry.

I'm so, so sorry.

Oh, you guys can stop.

You can stop.

There's no point.

Well, at least you
got the insurance.

The shipping company will
have to pay for this disaster.

He's right.

At least you will be able
to refund your customers.

I don't care about the money.

I don't even care about
the countless hours

I spent making them.

What I care about is letting
all those people down.

You know one woman told me how
excited she was to give these

to her elderly father.

"12 Days of Christmas"
is his favorite carol

and she wanted to give
him something special.

Something to lift his spirits.

Said she couldn't wait to
see the look on his face.

It breaks my heart to
know that won't happen.

Heidi, you have to know
that this is not your fault.

It doesn't matter
whose fault it is.

It still happened.

And there's nothing
I can do about it.

I was so close to
fulfilling my dream.

And now it's all just--


Come in.

I guess that means
you're leaving.

What else should I do?

I don't have a reason
to stay anymore.

Well, I can think of a few.

There's almost a week
of the market left

and I have nothing to sell.

I can't talk about
this right now.

I just-- I think it's best if
we leave things as they are.


It means I don't
want all the memories

we shared these last few
weeks to be tied to that mess

out there.

I want to wrap it in
a perfect snow globe

and remember it all
on its own forever.

Look at you.

You understood everything that
I said without any translation.

What does that tell you?

Heidi, I want to
tell you something.

I know what you're going to say.

No, no, you don't actually.

So please, just let me say it.

I found these three ornaments
among the shards, the only ones

that remain unharmed.

And I believe, they were
meant to survive the journey.

This one reminds me of
your grace and your beauty.

Maybe the doves will
give you some peace.

And the milkmaid, it's
still a mystery to me.

But just give me some time,
I'll find a connection.

I can only imagine how
heartbroken you are

and I know that there's
nothing that you or I can

do to fix it right now.

But I have no
doubt that you will

be able to pick up the pieces
and move on to something

even more beautiful.

Promise you'll at least say
goodbye before you leave.

Lukas, we're going
to need some glue.

Well, I'm not--

It's for the ornaments.

Well, sort of.

Come here.

Come on, come on, come on.

It's a concept piece I
was inspired and wanted

to show you.

It's interesting, it's unique.

I love it.

Do you think we
have something here?

I know it.

How many more of
these do you have?

And a few more boxes in storage.

How is this going to work?

Most of these are
still rough carvings,

it will take forever
to finish them.

That's the beauty
of this new design.

The carving serve as the
foundation and the mosaic

that we built together
from the broken glass

will be the finishing.

There's a lesson
in there somewhere.

We're going to need some help.


Easy, boys, easy.

We're looking for
LEGO-sized pieces here.

Nothing smaller, OK?

Here we go.

Here is some glue.


Oh, it looks amazing.

What do you think?

Will they sell at the market?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Yeah, of course.

Of course.

But they take so long to make.

Good thing we don't have
to do it all in one night.

There's still three full
days left at the market.

So we'll work as late as we
can tonight and pick up again

in the morning.

I mean, Lukas and I. You
all have done your part.

Now, please.

Get these boys to bed.

Copy that.

Come on, guys.

Say goodnight.


Goodnight, kids.


Sleep tight.

If you need more time
to finish the mosaics,

then Rudy and I can
handle the customers.

Oh, that would be amazing.

I'll email everyone
and update the website.

Some people might
be upset so I'm

sorry if you have
to deal with that.

No, no, no.

Once they see these
new creations,

they will be thrilled
to get one in exchange.

I hope so.

I know so.

It's such an interesting
blend of two.

Very different styles,
but somehow perfectly


I guess, it was meant to be.

All right, you
two, time for bed.


Lukas, uhm, can I speak
to you for a moment?

Of course.

I'll walk you out.

Thank you.


I'm sorry for stepping away
from the business so suddenly.

It was meant to be a token of
how much I trust and appreciate

your work.

And I realize now that it must
have put a tremendous amount

of pressure on you.

The last few weeks in
the shop have taught me,

I miss working with
you more than ever.

It has been quite nice.

Maybe I can delay my
retirement until we

can make a plan for what you
want the future to look like.



Come here.

I'm proud of you


Do you need some glue?

Oh, this is almost finished.

Hey, that's perfect.


I'm going to add some
red for the boots.

I like that idea.

We better hurry.

Just taking it all in.

Only one more day at the market.

One more day in Heidelberg.

Try not to think about it.

Just enjoy yourself.

Is that working for you?

Not in the slightest.


But good thing for both of us.

I reached out to the head
of the selection committee

for the Christmas market.

And even though it was
in really broken German,

I explained what happened
with the shipments

and the pre-orders and
I asked if we could

secure a spot for next year.


What did they say?

It was a resounding yeah.

You said it back I hope.


I know a lot can
happen in a year.

But come on,
spending the holidays

in Heidelberg, that's a
tradition I could get used to.

Come on.

That's amazing

I'm right behind you.

There you go.

Thank you so much.

Thank you for your patience.

I'm so glad you still
wanted to order.

Here you go.

Oh, hey.

This is the woman I
was telling you about.

Just give me a sec.



I got your email
about the ornaments.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

It was tragic.

But that tragedy inspired
something just as beautiful.


They're quite exquisite.

You're welcome to
anyone you want, but--

I have a feeling you'd
rather have these.

It's your only set.

It's a special gift for
a very special father.

This will keep them singing
for many years to come.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas.

Thank you, merry Christmas.

I can't believe it.

The last one.

How did you-- when did you--


I couldn't miss your first
Christmas in Heidelberg.

I want you to meet Lukas.


I hope you're ready because I
have my own list to show you.

Oh, is that so?

You have to try Theresa's
black forest cake.

And then I have to show
you the most gorgeous,

hand-knit stockings.

I'm so glad you're here.

Lukas, what are you doing?

Why don't the two
of you go on alone?

I don't want to interfere.

I can catch up with you later.



I can't argue with that.

Hear the bells
ringing, hear the kids singing.

This is how it should be.

When the snow's swirling
and the fires burning,

I can finally believe.

This Christmas I am
right where I want to be.

This Christmas I'm
holding love close to me.

It's family and friends--

So, on behalf of the
Oppermannn family,

we want you to have this.

Oh, thank you.

Oh my goodness.

We talked to our
pastor and she felt

it was time that it
went back to the family.

I don't know what to say.

Are you sure?

She insisted.


Come here, come here.

You don't know what
this means to me.

Thank you so much.

Oh, darling!

Thank you.

I understand you did
our stocking secret

edition this year.

Yes, we did indeed.


And did your secret
wish come true?

I believe so.

Make this Christmas

the best we'd ever see.

Merry Christmas.