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Bowery Bugs (1949)

Posted: 12/18/23 16:44
by bunniefuu
["The merry-Go-Round broke down"

[Lullaby of broadway playing]

Bugs: this is the famous
brooklyn bridge,

133 feet high,

1,500 feet long, contains
hundreds of miles of cable.

From it, steve brody
made his sensational leap

Into the east river.

Heh heh heh.

What in tarnation
did he do that fer?

I'm glad you asked that,

It happened in 1886.

When steve brody had

A terrific run of luck--

Heh heh heh heh heh--

All bad.

Then one day, an idea.

He needed
a good luck charm,

But what?

Right! A rabbit's foot.

But where to find
a rabbit in the big city?

Nope, nowhere.

He must go back
to the woods,

To the forest primeval...

to flatbush.

And there he found
the object of his search--

A rabbit.

Bugs: all is not gold
that glitters

all is not pure
that shines

follow your mother's

and happiness
will be thine

will be thine,

Eh, what's up, doc?

Sorry, mac,
me luck's run out,

And I gotta have
a good luck charm,

And you're it.

Now wait a minute,

Let's not be hasty.

Rabbit's feet
ain't lucky.


No. Look at the life
rabbits lead.

Dogs, hunters,

These rabbit's feet
never brought me any luck.

But you need help,

Here's just the guy
to give it to you.

"Swami rabbitima

"Knows all, tells all.

"Good luck charms."

Hmm. Okay, but if me luck
don't change,

I'm comin' back
to get ya.

Bugs: enter,
o seeker of knowledge.

That's you, fathead!

Eh, what's
on your mind, doc?

Well, swami, I've had
nothin' but bad luck for...

Say no more. Leave us
get to the case.

Now, uh, you want
your palm read?


How about readin'
the bumps on your head?

I ain't got no bumps
on me head!

Now you have.

Eh, let's see now,

hold it, doc,
this'll change your luck.

Hmm. The cards say
you got a meetin' comin' up

With a handsome gent
wearin' a carnation.

Now, keep him with you
at all times.


Never let him go.

He is your mascot.

Mr. Good luck himself.


Oh, boy!

Hey, you!

What kind of flower
is dat?

It's a carnation, doc.


Come on!

You're me mascot, see?

You gotta 'fluence
these dice.

[Dice rattling]

Eenie meenie ming-Mong
ping-Pong ching-Chong,

Goes a-Picky-Pockety,
yes, a-Velly-Vex.

Hey! I lost!

Well, even us mascots
gotta warm up a little.

Here. On these, I am
practically un-Fallible.

[Jackpot rattling]

You ain't no good luck
charm, you!

At it again,
eh, brody?

I'll have to call
the bouncer.

Hey, gorilla!





I done
what the cards said,

And look what happened.

Please, doc,
I'm in a transom.



Here's your answer.

The stars.
When was you born?

I don't remember.

I was pretty young

Never mind. Round
and round she goes.

There's a winner
every time.

Watch you numbers,

And it stops on lobo,
the sign of the wolf.

There's the answer.

Unlucky at cards,
you must be lucky
in love.

Eww, you kid,

Heh heh heh.

Chicken inspector.

Aww-Haw! Gosh.

You should strive
for l'amour,
as we swamis say.

Now go on out
and knock 'em dead.


Oh, you masher!

Cad! Ruffian!

Help! Police!

Ya sappy swami!

I'm gonna
mobilize ya!

Wait, doc! Wait!

Just why do you want
your luck changed?

So I can get me hands
on some dough.

Well, why didn't you
say so?

The crystal ball can
make you a genuine,
sure-sh*t offer.

One moment,
it's comin' through now.

Go to 29 river street.

Yeah, that's it!
29 river street.

I know you got
a mess o' dough here!

Let me have it!

If you insist.

Grandma's happy home bakery
is glad to oblige.

Hee hee hee hee hee!

What a ca-Ra-Ra-

Hee hee hee hee!

Hey! I know you!

You're that rabbit
that sent me...

that sent me, uh...

oh, no!
It couldn't be!

What's up, doc?

What's up, doc?

Eh, what--

Uh, don't tell me.
I know.

What's up, doc?


Everybody's a rabbit!

Aw, come on, now,

Get hold of yourself.

You ain't a rabbit!

Eh hee hee hee hee!

What's up doc?!

What's up, doc?!

What's up, doc?!

Please, officer,
ya gotta help me!

I'm flippin' me lid!

Everybody's turnin'
into rabbits!

[Irish accent]
what's all this
about rabbits, doc?

Heh heh heh heh heh!

And that's
why steve brody

Jumped off
the brooklyn bridge.

Eh, anything more
you want to know?

that's enough, son.

I'll buy it!