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Endless Desire (1958)

Posted: 12/18/23 17:10
by bunniefuu
A local train for Hiroshima
is arriving on Platform Two.

Please stand behind the line
until the train comes to a stop.

Himeno! Himeno!

This train will depart at 12:05.

This is a local train for Hiroshima.

Passengers transferring to the
Banshu Line,

and wait for the train departing at 12:10.

An express train for Kagoshima
will depart at 12:02.

The train will stop for 10 minutes
at this station.

Long time no see.


We're just missing the Lieutenant.

Maybe he's got the wrong time.

The Lieutenant never makes mistakes.


Are you the Lieutenant's replacement?

- Where's Lieutenant Hashimoto?
- Did you dig it up already?

Who the hell are you?

This is weird.

There's one too many.

- Shut up!
- Hey.

Don't start fighting here.

He's right. Let's move.


Here, little one.

Come over here.

Good dog. Good dog.

Don't push me.

Keep moving.

Who are you?

Where did you come from?

I'm from Tokyo.

I'm Ryoji Sawaki,
a former army private.

I teach English now.

Why are you suspicious of me?

What's that?

I don't know who you are either.

I should be suspicious of you.

You don't trust me?

It's not just you.

I buried the oil drum with my own hands
in the No. 2 air-raid shelter.

I assisted the Lieutenant.
- Now I remember.

You're Private Yamamoto.

I remember your face.

You were a lance corporal
in the nursing department.

You kept sending us Aspirin.

That's right.
You had access to the pharmacy.

I'm Private First-Class Onuma.
You used to get me alcohol.

I remember you now.

You were a useless draftee.

You used to stick your chin out
while marching.

Now I remember you.

I remember you, too.

I've never seen you.

You ever seen him?

I never stand out.

I've been like that since I was born.

I watched the back gate.

Don't make stuff up.

The Lieutenant wouldn't hire
trash like you for this job.

I'm not lying.

I was watching the back gate.

When did the three of us become four?

I heard directly from the Lieutenant.

He said it was a job
for himself and three soldiers.

That's right.

He told us to meet at the station
in 10 years to get our equal shares.

You just put on a fake star.
You can't be one of us now.

Get out of our sight!

- Stop it. - Idiot!
- Someone may see us.

That's right.

We'll get the truth
once the Lieutenant arrives.

- But this fool...
- Stop it now!

Stop acting like a bunch of chumps.

Four grown men fighting like kids.

Who the hell are you?

I'm Shima Hashimoto,
the Lieutenant's little sister.

My brother d*ed last year.

Stop wasting time fooling around.

- The place has completely changed.
- What place?

The area around the old army hospital,
of course.

The hospital is now the city clinic.

The yard area was sold off
for residential housing and stores.

A butcher shop stands near the No. 2 air-raid
shelter where my brother buried it.

The area is called
the Shinamachi Shopping District.

How do you know all that?

Don't play dumb.

You know a lot yourself.

Which one of you
scouted the area last year?

What are you talking about?

I know about everything.

And it wasn't just you.

I know who went there
to get the scoop on that place.

Okay, let's move on.

None of us had the patience
to wait till today.

The main concern
is how to dig the stuff up.

That's right. Let's get going.
We'll go see it.



- Hello. Would you like a croquette?
- No, actually...

That's the spot.
I'll bet my life on it.

Southwest of the water tower.
Eight paces. Then four paces.

Our treasure is directly beneath
the butcher shop.

Alright, I've got it.

We sneak into the
butcher shop at night.

We break through the floor
and the five of us dig it out in no time.

Even if we dug it up,
we'd leave a trace.

What do you suggest then?
Got a better idea?



I have an idea.

We can dig a tunnel
from this empty store.

All the way from over here?

It's a lot for one or two,
but if all of us pitch in...

You're smarter than I thought.

Grown men acting like groundhogs.

- No one's forcing you.
- What? You gonna leave me out?

Keep it down.

Can I ask you a question?

Do you know who owns this space?

Who owns this space?

The owner is...

Where did you come from?

- I'm from Tokyo.
- Is that right?

I was in Tokyo once 30 years ago.
I didn't like it there.

Where's the owner?

The owner runs the bathhouse
right down this street.

Sorry, the rest is up to you.


I told you I'm not renting!

I won't rent it! Just leave.

I'm on my way to an urgent
community meeting.

As I've told you, we're all veterans.
We've been through hard times.

Then I definitely won't rent to you.
Veterans don't have money.

You don't care about
paying the rent.

Why are you giving us
the cold shoulder?

People should be cold.
Water should be hot.

I understand. We'll rent it
for what you're asking.

- He wants a 250.000 yen deposit.
- We don't have a choice.

The rent is 10,000 yen.
You must pay in advance.

Got it. Is that okay with you?

We'll get the deposit together
and come back.

Hey, lady. I like you. I'll lower your
deposit by 20,000 yen.

Thank you very much.

But you must hire my son, Satoru.
He's unemployed. That's him.

He doesn't want
to take over the bathhouse.

There are no jobs out there
for him.

No, we can't.
We don't hire outsiders.

You can use him
for your real estate business.

He knows this area well.

You can't force that on us.

I won't rent to people
who have no sympathy.

We already have three employees.

Too bad we can't do business.
I have to go. So you should leave.

Hey, wait a minute.

How about we give him a test first?

That won't work. He's never
passed a test in his life.

Dad, don't be so pushy.
You should be ashamed.

He's upset today. The love of his life
may be getting married.

- Dad!
- Relax.

You'll impress her if you get a job.

He's still green.
Please take good care of him.

What's taking them so long?

Maybe it isn't going well.

Old fatso might be
having a good time with that bitch.

What, you jealous?


Don't use force.

It shows you've got no brains.

You got quite an attitude
for a dimwit.

Take it easy.

- You giving me orders?
- That's not it.

- Just don't start fighting.
- I don't want to fight.

But I cant stand this liar.

I couldn't focus on anything for
10 years because of that oil drum.

Now people call me a hooligan.

I've waited 10 years only to find out
there's one too many of us.

I won't accept it.

Got any proof this guy is a fake?

One extra man
means there's less for us.

- I'd like to make him disappear.
- That's right.

But it's not that easy.

If he rats on us, those 10 years
would be for nothing.

It's better to split it five ways.
It's too big a job for one or two men.

Even so...

Once you start doubting, there's no end.
Any one of us could be suspicious.

They're back.

Chew with your mouth closed,
you dog!

This is for you.

Thanks for your help.

- Hello.
- Hi, Satoru.

Ryuko, guess what!
I got a job today.

That sounds nice.

Your father must be relieved.

- What's your salary?
- What?

What's your monthly wage?

I haven't discussed that.

Don't be rude.
Money isn't the point.

Of course the higher, the better.

Which company?

A real estate agency is renting
that vacant space over there.

That vacant space?
Over there?


You fools. Want me to get rid
of that useless son?

We'll ask him to make the rounds.

We need someone to look for
properties for us.

Hey, that's right.
You're smart.

Don't rub it in, old fool.

How are we gonna
come up with the deposit?

230,000, plus 10,000 for the rent, plus
enough money to feed the five of us.

I reckon we'll need
a week to 10 days for digging.

To cover the expenses
for five people and tools,

I'd say we'll need an
additional 60,000 yen.

That totals 300,000 yen.

- Each of us puts in 60,000 yen.
- Right.

I calculate that morphine can bring in
60 million yen in the current market.

That's 12 million a piece.

60,000 yen is nothing compared to that.

How do we sell the goods?

- You're in the pharmacy business.
- Yes.

But I don't know about distribution.

Okay. I'll handle distribution.
I've already set something up in Osaka.

Running a ramen shop,

you come across all types. But you all need
to give me 200,000 yen as a handling fee.

Any objections?

No objections. But I'll k*ll you
if you cheat us.

I won't cheat you. I may be greedy,
but I'm honest.

I don't have 60,000 yen on me.

None of us has.

Why don't we meet again at the end
of the month with the money?

I'm a teacher.
I don't have money.

If you can't get the money,
don't come back.

That's right.

Can you cover me?
I'll pay you back from my share.

I can't do that.
My ramen shop doesn't make a lot.

- Where are you going?
- To the police.

- You idiot!
- Wait a minute.

We can't split up now.

Okay. I'll cover you.

Thanks. I appreciate it.

I also need 10,000 yen
to cover for my absence.

What do you mean?

I can't afford to go out often.
I'll stay here and work.


I need to grade the summer homework.

So you really are a teacher.

Make sure to keep track
of your expenses.

- Okay.
- Remember, 10% interest.




That looks nice.

All those odd jobs I did
come in handy.

That's true. It's good
to have experience.

Your boss will be impressed.

We're just starting out now.

He must be jealous.

- Wait a second.
- Okay.

He's so kind.

What do you mean?

He's getting you a new shirt
to celebrate your new job.

- I won't accept it from him.
- I got it already.

Ryuko, that guy proposed to you.

But I declined his offer.
That's all it was.

You don't seem to be concerned at all.

You don't get it. He's obviously
trying to win you over.

That's a different matter.

It's a gift for you.
Just accept it.

Wait a minute.

That sign is spelled wrong.

It's not an "A". It's an "E".

I'm not wearing his shirt.

Thanks for the ladder.
- Sure.

- Thanks for waiting.
- What?

- The usual.
- Shumai again.

Oops, it fell.

Thanks for your business.

Are you going to fix the spelling?

I'll fix it later.

Mr. Sawai.

Mr. Sawai.

Your shumai is here.

- Shumai?
- You scared me.

Here it is.

Excuse me.
That window needs cleaning.

- You don't have to do that.
- I can't just do nothing.

I owe your uncle a lot.

My uncle?

You have a nice uncle.

He's not that nice.
He looks like a pig.

His wife is beautiful.

If I hadn't gotten this job,

I would have lost my girl
to the guy next door.

He knew I was unemployed.

He used a matchmaker
to propose to her.

She's well-known in this neighborhood.
Ryuko of the butcher shop.

- The butcher shop?
- What?

That's right.

She's the oldest child
of the Kaneyama family.

She's frying croquettes now.

Here's 100 yen.

You better take it easy on Satoru.

- It's good for him.
- Are you sure?

- Leave me alone.
- What?

I refuse to be controlled
by a husband nor a family.

She's very kind
and obedient to her parents.

She's a nice girl. Nicely done.

You mean her croquette?

I'm going to clean this room next.

You're back already?

- Am I the only one?
- Yes.

Why are you so early?

I don't want to wait much longer.
Did you buy the shovels?

You want to get a head start.

Today's the 18th.

There are still 12 days
until the end of the month.

If the two of us dig two meters a day,

we'll reach the butcher shop
by the end of the month.

I thought you were greedy
but honest.

Shut up!

You with me or not?

What shall I do?

- Why are you here? - Welcome back.
I'm still tidying things up.

What's that?
- Why aren't you making your rounds?

That's not a problem.
I have tons of energy left.

I'll clean the shelves and the closet.

What are these?
- Maybe the previous renter forgot them.

Maybe we should report it
to the police.

We should keep them.
They may come back.

They've been gone for a while.
I don't know where they went.

Okay. Can you leave for today?

I need to talk to this guy in private.

Thanks for your help.

I'll let you know when
we pay the deposit.

So take some time off until then. - But...
- Say hello to your father.

What are you laughing at?

What's he doing here?

He came in on his own.

Try digging.

If the soil is too hard,
we'll need a pickax.

I know you're greedy
but honest, too.

You're not doing it right.

- Just as I thought.
- It's not what you think.

I knew this would happen.

It's not what you think.
Hey, wait.

I wasn't going to start without you.

Hey, check this out.

If I was going to cheat, I wouldn't
have bought this for you.

It looks great on you.

I want to partner with you.

We have to pretend
we're married now.

I've had a crush on you.

What do you think?

Hey, you.


That's cruel. You're cheating on us.
- Let me explain.

- Don't worry. We're all the same.
- I'm not...

Yamamoto got arrested
for burglary in Osaka.


The fool also hurt the wife
of the homeowner.

Ms. Shima, you have too much powder
on your face.

This isn't good. We need to start now.
There's no point in waiting.

Let's get started.

Come with me.

It's your turn.

We can finish the vertical hole tonight.

- What shall we do with the soil?
- What?

We'll sneak it out at night.

I hit a gas line.


- Get me something to stop the leak.
- Okay.

Hey, open up.

- The landlord.
- Don't answer.

- What?
- Hide in there.

Just open up.

I'm coming.

What are you doing?
What's with your face?

We were trying to fix
the plumbing.

Plumbing? Where is it?

It was nothing.
We fixed it already.

Just tell me where it was.

- I smell gas.
- You do?

- I think there's a leak.
- No, no. - Here it is.

It was the gas main.

I'm glad you found the cause.

Okay, it's stopped now.

That stupid pig.

- You people are coldhearted.
- What do you mean?

Why didn't you come see
your landlord to say you're back?

Oh, that's right.

I want to make this clear:
I'm your landlord. You're the renter.

Of course, as you say.

Where are your employees today?

Didn't you see them wandering
around the neighborhood?

Why are you asking me?

You people on top need to know,
what the people below you are doing.

You're absolutely right.

I apologize for our rudeness.
Here's our deposit and the rent.

Thanks. I'll leave now.

- What about Yamamoto's share?
- You're covering for him.

- That's my wallet.
- Your receipt. Thanks.

Hello, Mr. Bathhouse.

Hello, Grandpa Taki.

I'm collecting donations for the festival.

Madam, the donation is 1,000 yen
across the board.

I hope you can help.

There you go.

Thank you for your contribution.

It's not easy to collect donations.

Especially in this heat.

My back hurts and I'm thirsty.

Can you give him some cold tea?

I'd prefer beer if you're serving me.

Since we just moved in,
we don't have any beer or cold tea.

I recommend Naniwaya at the corner.
They sell draft beer in bulk.

This isn't a beer hall or a coffee shop.
This is a private residence.

That's why I'm asking
for neighborly hospitality.

No thanks. We're self-reliant people.

We don't waste our time with
neighbors who won't benefit us.

- You're greedy to the core.
- Yeah, I am greedy, and proud of it.

I'm impressed.
You're quite the man.

I was just like you
when I was your age.

By the time you realize
how hopeless your greed is,

you'll have no hair left
on your head.

I guess you lose, Mr. Onuma.
You have to buy him some beer.

I've known Grandpa here
since we were in elementary school.

No one can compete with his wit.

Take these two men somewhere.

- Why me?
- Just go.

Your wife has a slight edge on you.

Don't take a summer cold lightly.

Let's go.

Be careful.

Here we go.

This is the last one today.

Not bad for our first day.

We dug a hole three meters deep.

We removed the earth from below.

Not an easy task at my age.

You can always quit.


Don't forget who's covering for you.

- You put tons of interest on it.
- That's normal.

Unlike you, I don't have
my whole life in front of me.

That's why...

You're doing us a favor
by not living long.

What's so funny?
You'll never understand how I feel.

Ten years for me is not the same
as for you.

I support my sick wife and five kids.

I can't even describe
the hardships I've been through.

I'll buy myself some time
with this money.

I'm going to buy back 10 years.

I doubt a fool like you
could understand what that's like.

Just laugh if you can.

I told you to laugh.

I can't laugh.

I've never laughed in my life.

My blood is cursed.

My dad drank himself to death.
My mom hung herself.

My sister was a hooker.

She only slept with foreigners.

I don't mean to win your sympathy
by telling you my background.

I'm also a greedy pig.

I'm happy to share my story
with my fellow pigs.

You're a strange one.

What are you saying?

I'll quit my job after we get
our goods and money.

I'll sleep with women.

I hope I get to laugh
before I lose my mind.

If we could escape from it all,

we'd go to the ends of the earth.

But that's not realistic in this world.

The Lieutenant left the treasure for us.

That's our last chance for freedom.

We need it to end our struggles.

You're right.

Once we have the goods in hand,
we can say good-bye to this sorry talk.

Our purposes may be different,
but our tactics are the same.

Your purpose may be to laugh.

We need to work together
and dig that stuff out.

Hey, someone's coming.

Hey, Ryuko.

No, you can't.

Why not?

We're getting married next year.

I told you no. I'm not some loose girl.

Let's sit down here.

- You've got a dirty mind.
- I haven't done anything yet.

Men take advantage as soon as
women show the slightest weakness.

I can't believe how lucky I am
to be able to marry you.

I've loved you since we were
in seventh grade.

You're all talk.


Selling real estate is
all talk and no action.

I can't trust you.

You're wrong.
It's a serious business.


Come on. Just a little bit.

- Okay. Just a little bit then.
- Yes.

That's it. Let's go back.

- How about a little more?
- That's it. Let's go back.

That was close.

Enough lying around as mosquito bait.

We start early again tomorrow. Let's go.

You pervert!

If you want me,
you should work harder.

You look tired already
after one day of digging.

The one who digs the most
can have me.

I'm risking my own life for this task.

She's one tough lady.

That was an eye-opener.

- Where you going?
- Upstairs.

- Sleeping upstairs?
- Right, I'm the head of this household.

What's that for?

You said we needed to get along.
Was that just empty talk?

- I see. You're jealous.
- What?

You're worried I'll get her first.

Idiot. I'm worried about us.

I don't want that wicked woman
to ruin our team.

Enough of your babbling.

You're the one who's all talk.

If you want a woman, just say so.

Why don't you just say
you want to sleep with her?

Let's draw to see who gets her.


You should get some fresh air.

Shut up!

I am a plum blossom

Blooming along the Mamuro River

And you are, and you are

The nightingale of this town

You wait patiently

For my flower to bloom

For my bud to open

What's the matter?

What are you doing?

You shouldn't complain
if I get her by my own efforts.

I'll get her legitimately.

Damn it!





I'm sorry. Are you okay?

You fool. Keep working.

She's quite a woman.

I'm starting to doubt if she's really
the Lieutenant's little sister.

I don't see any resemblance.

When I went back to Osaka,
I decided to have her checked out.

I can't wait to show her
what they find out.

- Hey, wait up.
- Hurry up.

Don't be in such a hurry.

You're doing that again!

Why can't you obey me?

How many times do I have to tell you?


Let's see...

Mr. Sawai.

- What are you doing with this?
- It's the shelf.

- This? For the shelf?
- I don't know.

Let me know when a good place
becomes available.

- Let me carry that for you.
- That's okay. - Let me do it.

- No, you don't have to.
- I'll do it.

Heave-ho, heave-ho!


- You're such a wimp.
- Just put up with it.

This vitamin sh*t may hurt,
but it works well.

You're hurting me
with those leftover vitamin sh*ts.

My body hurts all over.

I don't have the strength I used to.

What if we take a break tonight?
I'm too exhausted to work.

We'll be more productive
if we take a break tonight.

There's a festival tonight.

Don't be lazy. We'll have our own
festival when we get the goods.

That's easy for you to say.
But I'm getting dizzy.

- Just leave me alone.
- Let me help.

- Thanks anyway.
- What needs fixing?

You shouldn't work during the festival.
Your father will get angry.

- Don't worry about my Dad?
- Why don't you go home tonight?

Let me give you the
information I got today.

Why don't you just leave like we ask?

Be more courteous.
He's working hard for us.

I apologize for my husband.
He's stubborn.

Give me your notebook.
Just go home now.

I'll do that. Thank you.

- Good-bye.
- Have a good night.

You're acting awfully ladylike.

You said, "Just go home now."

It sounded fake to me.

You better watch your mouth.
He may suspect something.

If you've got time to feel jealous,
you better start digging.

Everyone's here tonight.

I brought you a gift.

Is that in place of beer?

It's my treat tonight.

People donated beer to the town hall.

Why don't you all come?

Let's go.

We've got lots of work left to do.

Shut up...

It's rude to decline his invitation.

Let's get going.


Can I have some money?

What for?

The beauty parlor. I want
to have my hair done.

You're wasting money!

Thank you.

I'll see you later. Have fun.

That was quite a show.

Let's go.


- We spent our honeymoon...
- At the zoo.

With a gorilla.

- My suitcase in my right hand...
- A bunch of carrots in the left hand...

We looked very comical.

- Both of our faces were red...
- And so were our bottoms.

Think about it, okay?

- What were you talking about?
- A job.

- A job?
- Yes.

Mr. Sugai wants me
to help him at his store.

He'll pay 10,000 yen a month.
- 10,000?

That's 3,000 yen more than me.

I want to earn my own money
to pay for my own wedding.

I make nothing helping my parents.

I want to try it at least
until the end of the year.

I don't like it. I object.

What's wrong?

You shouldn't work for Sugai.

Don't be narrow-minded.

You're narrow-minded, too.

If you need money,
I can ask my Dad.

You're just a spoiled child.

Didn't you say you wouldn't depend
on your parents anymore?

You're never serious.
That's why you're so jealous.

You don't have any confidence.

Young men today are told
that the economy is depressed.

We want to be confident,
but confidence just slips away.

Stop it already. I'll find someone
who's more secure of himself.

Don't leave me, Ryuko.

Hello, Mrs. Onuma.

Come with me.

Mrs. Onuma.

- Taking a walk?
- Kind of.

This is Mrs. Onuma.
My fiancée, Ryuko.

- I'm not your fiancée yet.
- Stop saying that already.

She's got a lot of spunk.

Let me know when it's official.
We'd like to celebrate.

Thank you very much.

See you. Ryuko,
please stop by anytime.

Thank you. Please take care.

Why do you suck up to her?

What's wrong with that?
She's nice and pretty.

I don't like her.

Something's not right about her.

- You don't know her.
- I do.

I also know her husband
is a sleepwalker.


Mr. Sugai told me about it.

Her husband leaves the house at night
carrying big buckets.

He goes to the river to get water.

They don't come out till late in the day.
Who knows what's going on in there?

Sugai cannot be trusted.

He's in a woman's business.
He's got nothing to show for it.

He's much more responsible
than an unreliable real estate agent.

He's just sweet-talking you.

Fine. I'm going to work for him.

Hey, Ryuko. Wait!

- Good evening.
- Yes.

Please get your business running.
I want to work in the office here.

What's the matter?

Sugai next door is
approaching Ryuko again.

He offered her a job at
10,000 yen a month.

He tries to get girls
by showing off his money.

- So you want to keep an eye on him.
- That's right.

- You must be kidding.
- Sugai cannot be trusted.

He told Ryuko your husband
is a sleepwalker.

A sleepwalker!

Your husband goes to the river at night
carrying buckets.

What's wrong?

I don't feel well. Upstairs...

Are you all right?
Can you get up?

Can you make it up?

- Futon...
- What? Futon?

Can you rub my back?


Thank you.

I hope you'll forgive me. I shouldn't
have told you what I heard.

Don't worry.

Sugai is trying to hurt me
by spreading rumors.

- But it's true.
- What?

Sugai is telling the truth.

It's embarrassing,
but my husband is ill.

He wanders around at night.
He hits me hard sometimes.

Every day is a torment.

I suffer emotionally and physically.

There's so much I want to tell you.

But I shouldn't.

You wouldn't understand
a woman's struggle.

You're still young.


That's okay. You don't
have to understand.

But that's how my husband behaves.

All our employees are unreliable.

There's nobody I can count on.

That's why I want you...

No, I shouldn't say it.

You have Ryuko.

Leave now!

I want to be alone.

It's my fate to suffer on my own
for the rest of my life.

Please leave now!

Mrs. Onuma.

Mrs. Onuma.

No, I shouldn't.

I really shouldn't.

But I can't help it.

Can I count on you?

The word of my husband's illness
will eventually spread.

- But I want you to...
- I'll deny it!

You'll do that for me?

Yes, for you.

I want you to be there for me
when I need to talk.

You make me happy.

I like you, Satoru.

Someone's here.

Leave now. Don't make a sound.

Who is it?


Hey, let me have that.
Let me try.

I'll make lots of money.

I'll build the biggest shrine
for the procession.

You're lying!

I'm telling you the truth.

I'm digging a hole now.

This is the last one.

Stop that, pervert!

Excuse me.
- What's wrong?

Looks like everyone's
having a good time.

Enjoy it to the fullest now.

This is the last festival for
the Shinmachi Shopping District.

I just heard from the city.

What are you talking about?

The demolition of the shops
starts next month.

Is that true?

That's the truth.

You'll receive official notice tomorrow.

The demolition starts
on the first of the month.

Mr. Landlord, it's only five days
till the end of the month.

This matter has been
pending for four years.

It's been postponed five times already.

The city can't postpone it forever.

Where's your courtesy?

- You didn't mention that when we rented.
- You forced me to rent the space.

- That's no excuse. - You're a real estate agent.
You should know about this.

- You'll get compensation.
- I don't want compensation.

- You tell him.
- Leave it.

I need to tell him.

This is unacceptable!

Mr. Bathhouse, did you
encourage the city

so you'd get lots of
compensation money?

You're walking too slow.

This isn't good.
This is a catastrophe.

Why did you stop him?
Get rid of this beast now!

He must have escaped from prison.

So what? Are you afraid
of this crazy beast?

Don't raise your voice.
The neighbors can hear us.

He's a fugitive on the run.
He'll ruin our mission.

We have to get rid of him.

You fools.

We're a team.

I came to be part of the team.

- How dare you speak to me like that?
- You're not part of the team!

You'll get your share. But you must
leave and wait for us somewhere.

- You should do it, Yamamoto.
- You think I'll fall for that?

I can't let you have the
goods without me.

If I leave, I'll get arrested.

If I get arrested, I'll talk.

You okay with that?

Serves you right.

Now I'm here with you.
That can't be changed.

Stop it! No one can live
with an animal like you.

I don't want you here.

Let me tell you what we just heard.

This place is going to be
demolished in five days.

It's been put off for four years.
They need to start demolition.

There's nothing we can do about it.
We need to dig it out in five days.

On second thought, it's safer
for Yamamoto to stay here.

We could use more people.

We're so close to our goal.
Let's not ruin it now.

I hope you'll understand
and work with us.

You promise not to touch Shima.


Let's start. Good deeds
should be done quickly.

Good deeds...

Working side-by-side with a crook.

What did you say?

I won't forget this.

Attention, everyone. Please make sure
to be out by tomorrow night.

Starting at 8:00 a.m. the
day after tomorrow

In accordance with City Ordiance 580,
the demolition will start.

The demolition may begin tomorrow

on structures vacated today.

Come on. Hurry up.

Starting the day after tomorrow

in accordance with City Ordinance 580,
the demolition will start.

Welcome back.

Don't use the pail as a pillow.

Isn't your cold getting better?

You've rested for three days.
Go to work now.

It's not that easy to go there now.

I'm not responsible for the demolition.
It was decided by the law.

- Politics... - It's not about that.
- What is it then? - I can't say.

If you can't say why
then get to work, idiot!

This is the time when a real estate
agency makes money.

You must be smart enough to ask for
commissions if you want to be successful.

What do you think about moving
into the new store as my wife?

- Hey!
- Watch where you're going.

I want your answer by the end of today
when we have to move.

I can't do that.

- Is it because of Satoru?
No! I'm not thinking of him at all.

Mr. Sugai asked me to marry him again.

What should I do?

He wants my answer later today.

I might say yes.


I may just marry him.

Mr. Sugai is a go-getter.

Unlike a certain unreliable person.

Sugai's no good.
You can't marry him.

But I'm not in any position to say that.

Why do you say that?

I'm thinking of quitting my job.

Something must have happened
in the last few days.

I can't face Mrs. Onuma.

What? Did something happen
between you two?

- Well...
- That's it.

What happened? Did you kiss her?
Well, I need to rescue her.

Why you?

I can't say.

What happened between you two?
Tell me. Just tell me.

I can't.


You're such a fool!


Have you seen this man around here?

I don't know him.

Hey, young man.

Let's go.

Here's some extra for you.

Nakata, where are we now?

We're about here.

Between the butcher's
and the vegetable shop.

We're making good progress.
We'll get to the oil drum in a day.

sh**t! They're back.

Damn it!

A little to the right.

We're close. Let's keep at it.


Try harder, fake teacher!

Can't you carry a little dirt?

Use your legs!

You wimp!

Hey, woman. Bring us some food.
We're hungry.

Don't boss me around.

Just hurry it up.

You're slow. Move over.

Where are you going, old man?

To take a sh*t.

Hey, someone's here.

Mr. Onuma?

Mr. Onuma?
- Yes, I'm coming.

We're with the police.
We heard you're new here.

- Yes, we...
- Yes.

Why are you dirty?

We were in the kitchen.

We were cleaning the drain.

Why are all your windows closed?

We heard there could be theft
during the move.

- I hear you're from Osaka.
Yes, I'm from Osaka.

Did anyone from Osaka stop by
several days ago?

No, Officer.

We're looking for a fugitive from Osaka.

We'd like to take a look around.

Where's your furniture?

We don't have any. I'm a veteran.
We hope to buy little by little.

I feel for you.

- Our kitchen is a mess.
- Too messy to show you.

- We don't care.
- It's really...

- Is everything okay?
- Yes.

Sorry to bother you.

- Thanks for your time.
- Yes.

I'm from the police.
Have you seen this man?

- Do you know him?
- No, I don't know him.

- Is Ryuko home?
- Yes, she is.

But she doesn't want to see
anybody. Here you go.

She told me to tell you
she's declining your offer.

I really need to see her.

What are you doing?

You can't see her. She won't even let me
near her because I'm a man.

Is it that bad?

Don't worry about it.
Thieves outnumber police officers.

They won't find me.

Keep your voice down.

- That's my cigarette.
- Don't be stingy, fake teacher.

Nakata, what's your estimate?

Can we get to the goods
by midday tomorrow?

Yes, if we keep this pace.

That's a relief.

By tomorrow night,
we'll have the goods.

How long do you need
to sell the goods?

Five days.

Can't you get it done sooner?

- It doesn't matter if you get caught.
- You want me to get caught?

I didn't say that.
I don't care.

Can't you chew with your mouth shut?

You don't do much work,
but you sure eat a lot.

Why don't you drop dead?

I don't want to be ordered around
by a fool like you.

Shut up, fake teacher!
What's with your attitude?

You bastard.

Stop it.


Son of a bitch!

I told you to stop!

Enough, already!

Stop it now.

Just stop.

Are you all right?

I hope he's not dead.

That would be nice.
But rats like him never die.

Hey, old man. Let's get back to work.

I can't take it!
What have we gotten ourselves into?

Any old metal for sale?

How about tin, galvanized iron,
copper or power cord?

- I'll pay a lot for a faucet.
- No, thanks.

How about copper,
scrap iron or empty bottles?

Okay, then.

Takeda, what are you loading?
You're taking the tatami mats and shoji doors?

We paid for these tatami.
You didn't want to pay for them.

- Are these tatami? - Those are shoji doors.
- Leave them!

- Unload them.
- Don't take anything that's not yours.

I'll inspect it. Got it?

- Unload them.
- Okay.

Get his legs.

Take him over there.

I knew something like this would happen.
I don't know what to do.

Why don't you quit then?

It's a well.

Let's bury him in shallower ground.

Hey, you. Hurry up!

Bend his knees.

Give me the shovel.

I refuse.

I refuse to sleep in the same room
with this guy.

He doesn't care how many he kills.

He'll k*ll me in my sleep.

Do you plan on sleeping tonight?

There's no time to waste.

We're working all night.

We need to keep digging.

His leg is sticking out.

Living God and God
of Heaven and Earth.

Everyone in Shinmachi
Shopping District.

Today is the last day of evacuation.

Demolition of the empty
structures will start now.

We appreciate your cooperation.

For the city's beautification
and sanitation,

we ask for your cooperation.

- Idiot! What have you done?
- Give me some towels.

It's the beam for the air-raid shelter!

Check this out. We can see something.

Soldier's boots and a canteen.

That means we're inside the shelter.

- That's right.
- That's why the soil is softer.

Let's dig some more.



- This is it.
- We got it.

Don't touch it.

It's mine.

I found it.

We need to get him out.

It's too late. His intestines are crushed.

- What are you saying?
- Let's relieve his pain.

- What are you going to do?
- I'm going to give him a sh*t.

Forget the sh*t. We need to get this out
before we're buried alive.

Wait. He won't let go of my leg.

- Then you'll be buried with him.
- Hey, wait for me.

Wait for me.

Let go! Let go! Living God and God
of Heaven and Earth.

Forgive me for leaving you.

Living God.

- How do we open this rusted can?
- You go ahead and get the drill.

Plug it in.

- It broke!
- How about a pickax?

I don't want to break the bottles inside.

It's only 4:00 p.m. No need to rush.
Go buy a few more drill bits.

- What?
- Money.

- My money keeps disappearing?
- This is the last time.

Easy for you to say.

It was here. We found it.

Not many people have 20 million yen
in cash these days.

That's 20 times a million yen.

Why is it quiet all of a sudden?

You're right.

I'll go check it out.

I'm scared!

- The demolition was canceled due to the rain.
- The butcher's leaving tomorrow morning.

The door keep sticking these days.

Here are some eggs.

The house is tilted.

I wonder why?

Where are you going in this rain?


Where are you going?

- But, Mrs. Onuma...
- I can't stand it any longer.

I'm leaving for Tokyo on the last train.
I know you'll come with me.

Well, Mrs. Onuma...

I have to go pack. Make sure
to pick me up at midnight.

- Buy tickets with this.
- Wait, I...

- I'm counting on you.
- Oh, Mrs. Onuma...

- This is all sand.
- These are only for packing. We'll find it.

Here it is.


These are packed well.

Well done, everybody.

Only thing left is to cover
the vertical hole.

Forget the hole.

We need to cover it
or they'll find the bodies.

Just relax. We have to put
one more person in there.

One more person?

You mean her?

This letter for you
came a few days ago.

It's from Osaka Private
Detective Agency.

I opened it. I hope you don't mind.

- What are you doing?
- Check out page two.

Hey, you.

That's the Lieutenant.

"It's believed he was m*rder*d.
The case is still unsolved.

His common-law wife, Shima,
and Nakata,

who was a pharmacist
at the army hospital" -

That'd be her and me.

"They were arrested as suspects,
but later released due to lack of evidence.

They have been close
since Hashimoto was alive.

They live together
at Nakata Pharmacy in Kobe."

They really did their homework.
Right, old man?

This is all true.

That means the one
extra person... was you.

That's right.

It wasn't just one person, but a couple.
And now the extra person is you.

I guess it's time now.

Get in the hole.

Don't do that. Forgive me.

I'm not going in the hole.

Please forgive me.

This place is locked up.
The neighbors have all left.

There's a typhoon outside.

No one can hear you.

If you save me now,
I'll give you 10 percent of my share.

10 percent?

How about half?

- Not good enough.
- Two thirds? Ouch! That's hot!

Okay. It's a deal.

We'll take it.

Old man, make sure...

to sign here.

I should have dug it up myself
when I was here last year.

- Hurry up and sign.
- I'm not taking my time.

Let's have a drink
to celebrate our agreement.

This is not an agreement.

There you go.

You used it.

Just the two of us now. Cheers.

I'm not surprised.

We've been together for eight years.

It's time to end it.

I took what was inside.

I'll give it back.
But I'll keep the b*ll*ts.

I don't like putting an old friend
in the hole.

I don't like fighting either.

Get up. Go to the hole.

Help me carry the old man.

Please wait.

Please make love to me
one last time.

Please make love to me.


Get the wallet
from the old man's clothes.

It's all your fault. This time and
the time you k*lled Hashimoto.

Shut up and do it.

Grab his legs.

Hurry up.

Hurry up now.

Pick him up.


Mrs. Onuma, are you there?

I heard a strange voice.

It's my husband again. Take my bags
before he wakes up.

I'm sorry but I can't.

- What do you mean you can't?
- I can't go with you to Tokyo. No way.

I bought one train ticket.

Coward! You promised me.
Now you betray me.

Damn it.


Ryuko, open up!


Don't come after me!

Ryuko, please open up!

- It's cold.
- What's happening?

What's the matter?

What happened?

A m*rder! A m*rder!

Ryuko, what shall I do?

Did you k*ll Sugai?

No, no. You got it wrong!

Hey, stop!

Damn you.

- Where is it?
- Inside that door.

Are you sure?

- Where to, Ma'am?
- The train to see my sister.

It only goes as far as Shiohama
because of a mud slide.

I was also worried about my grandkids.

- What about a car?
- You can't get a car in this rain.

The suspect is taking the train
with her baggage.

- Okay. I'll leave this to you.
- Yes.

I bet your husband is ready
to make it up to you.

I'll teach him a lesson.

That's the way to do it.
Tease him as long as you want.

The bridge?

It may be dangerous to cross
in this rain.

But it's the shortest route.

You'll get to Shiohama in 20 minutes
if you cross that bridge.

Hey, old man.

Have you seen a woman?

An attractive woman
carrying two or three bags.

I haven't seen her.

- What did she do?
- She's a m*rder suspect.

- Let us know if you see her.
- Okay.

Thank you. I can't tell you everything.
I'm falsely charged.

But don't tell a soul.

Wait a minute.

I need 100 yen for carrying your bags.

Are you crazy?
You trying to get k*lled?

- Is there a reward?
- What are you saying?

That woman crossing the bridge
could be the suspect.

Let's go.

Damn it.

Hey, old man.

The fish are affected by the morphine.
You'll get sick if you eat them.

My stomach is different from yours.

I'm buying Shochu
with the money the police gave me.

I'm going to enjoy this fish
with the Shochu.

- You're one tough guy.
- That's true. He's a tough man.

He can drink along with the money
those thugs earned him.

The one who lives a long hard life wins.

You need to outdo the thugs

to make it past 70.

Those five thugs hurried
because of their greed.

They b*rned up like fireworks
in just two weeks.

I've finely honed my greed
over decades.

That's the ideal way to live.
Remember what I tell you.

Don't split hairs.
You're just a dirty old man.

- You'll pay for your sins.
- Don't get angry about it.

The one you're waiting for is here.

I'm not waiting for that scum.
He's here to catch fish.

I'm off to see the wholesaler.

- Ryuko, let me explain.
- No!

I'm making a fresh start.
I've got a completely different attitude.

- I don't want to hear it. I hate you.
- Ryuko, wait.

Go after her and get her.
Confidence is everything in life.

Shut up. Leave me alone.

Be tough.

The nasty always win.

Hey, bird.

Stop that! You wicked thing! Thief!

Give back my fish!

Where are you going?
You devil!

That's my fish!

He got what he deserved.

You're so right.

I hate you!

Ryuko, wait for me.


Wait for me.

I hate you!