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06x17 - P.S. Your Shrink Is Dead

Posted: 12/19/23 07:50
by bunniefuu
Sorry about the time out.


I have the granddaddy of all heart burns.

So, you've been trying to talk things over with Roxanne.

Yeah, but she shuts me down.

She won't even think about it.

[birds chirp]

How do I get her to listen to me? To believe me?

Arnie, why did you agree to go to Julie's apartment?

Because I, uh...

wanted to...

I wanted her.

But you didn't follow through.

That's a first for you, that's real progress.

What the hell kind of progress is it

when I lose the woman that I love?

Arnie: You know what the worst thing is?

Part of me is relieved, part of me wants to go back there,

sleep with Julie, sleep with anybody I want to!

Best of all, it wasn't my fault!

I didn't fall off the wagon this time at least

I can enjoy myself with a clear conscience.

[sighs] Except for one thing...

I still love Roxanne.

I miss her and I want her back.

Birch: God, I really feel terrible.

Yeah, me too. [soft thud]

Arnie: Doc?

Doctor Birch?


This is just great!

Now I'm gonna have to establish intimacy with a whole new guy.

[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Douglas: I see where Mr. DePalma has a new client, Nelson Quinn.

Quinn's a jeweler under investigation for stealing gems

and substituting fake stones in their place.

No charges have been filed yet.

We're meeting with prosecutors today.

Another sting job for the D.A.?

Please! Once was enough.

Oh, and what is happening with our old friend, Judge Kelton?

Zoey's handling the case for the D.A.

She thinks he'll plead.

Who would have thought he was crooked?

After years of exemplary service.

From what I've heard, a lot of judges

feel that Kelton was entrapped.

I'll let Zoey worry about that.

Alex, I'd like a word with you after the meeting.

Sure, no problem.

That leaves us with Brackman vs. Brackman.

What's going on, Douglas?

Sheila's looking to modify child support.

On what grounds?

Douglas: I'll spare us all the gory details.

Suffice it to say, that if Sheila could legally find a way

to remove my spleen with a dull spoon, she'd do it.

[giggles] Douglas: And on that note

Sorry to bust in on you.

I'll only stay long enough to invite you all

to the biggest event of the season.

- Dodger's tickets?
- Bigger.

My wedding.

Friday afternoon, o'clock, my place.

Kids and animals welcome, don't worry about

I will not take no for an answer.

You're getting married?

Does the groom know?

Le, this must be a real blow to you

but you had your chance, sweetie.

-get" just doesn't work for me.

Look, I'm late for a trousseau fitting, ciao, babies.

[clink on glass] Maybe he's gay.

- Or comatose.
- Stuart!

My mother always used to say, "There's a lid for every pot."

- That must be some lid.
- Oh!

On that unsettling thought, we're adjourned.


[clinks on door]

This sting operation you took part in... [clinks on door]

now I know you acted with the best intentions

and I applaud your willingness to help the D.A.

[sighs] But?

Leland: But you should have come to me first.

You have a duty to apprise this firm before taking on

any outside commitments, especially

in delicate situations like this one.

The D.A. swore me to secrecy.

You solicited a bribe from the judge's intermediary

before you knew the D.A. was involved.

I had to meet with Ventresca!

How else could I know if Kelton was for sale?

You were a potential target of this sting.

That meeting alone could've resulted in

your arrest, possible disbarment.

It was a calculated risk on behalf of my client!

It was a foolish risk that exposed this entire firm

to potentially serious consequences!

Well, if you ask me, things turned out pretty well!

Alex DePalma is not a law unto himself!

Leland: You are a member of this firm!

You can call on the talent and resources here.

But in return, you have a responsibility.

To let the people here know just what the hell you're up to!

- Is that it?
- That's it.

[clinks on door]


This has got to stop.

Flowers, candy.

Roxanne: Fortune cookies with apologies inside them.

You are not going to buy back my affection.

I'm not trying to buy anything, Rox, I...

I just want you to know how sorry I am

I agree, you're pretty sorry!

Look, I'm in a vulnerable place right now.

If you can not relate to me in a professional context

tell me now and I will give Douglas my resignation.

Otherwise, leave me alone!


[instrumental music]

- What did they say?
- They're gonna charge you.

[murmurs] But I didn't take those stones! My partner did.

[soft indistinct chatter]

He set me up and now I'm going to jail.

No, you're not.

Since you were cooperative and you came in voluntarily,

they're letting you go O.R.

until your bail hearing day after tomorrow.

- I can go home?
- Yeah!

But first a detective's gonna take you across

the street to get pictures and prints.

- Oh, God!
- Relax, it's painless.

You'll be in and out in minutes.

Alex! [footsteps] Excuse me.

We're gonna need your testimony at the prelim tomorrow.

- Kelton wouldn't roll over.
- Wonderful.

What about my case? Don't we need to prepare?

We'll have plenty of time after we set your bail.

Prelim? :?

Alex: I'll be there.
- Thank you.



- Ready, Mr. Quinn?
- It's okay.

[soft indistinct chatter] It's okay.

[knocks on door]

[paper rustling]

One sec.


[clinks on door]

- Judge
- Mr. DePalma.

I know this is highly irregular

but it's important I speak with you.

Look, I'm a prosecution witness.

I'm really not comfortable having

This has nothing to do with my case, this is personal.

Mr. DePalma, please...


[clinks on door]


Mr. DePalma, there is no way that
-that you can possibly

fathom the humiliation that this episode has caused me

and my family, but you
-you've only seen

a tiny corner of the picture.

Kelton: And there are certain things about me

that I think that you should know.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can't hear this.

Not without your lawyer present.

Mr. DePalma, you owe me this much.

I've never been a religious man.

Kelton: But all my life I've felt the presence of a...

moral center that I could always refer to for guidance.

Last year, my wife fell critically ill, Mr. DePalma.

Judge Kelton

I watched the woman that I'd loved for years waste away.

Half the time she doesn't even recognize me.


I didn't realize it at the time.

But the pressure of her illnesses have led me

to behave in ways that I now see were...


I lost sight of myself.

Now perhaps if I had, had looked for professional help

I'm, I'm sorry about all this, too, Judge Kelton.

I am.

But I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.

Mr. DePalma, I have a daughter who's just about your age.

She's in her third year of law sch

[crying] God!

[crying] How could it come to this?


Can I, uh...

- Call someone to take you home?
- No!

No, that won't be necessary, I...

I apologize.


[instrumental music]

[clinks on door]


[indistinct chatter]



- Stuart, is that you? Ned: It's me, Ann!

Ned? [clinks on door]

I forgot my term paper.

[clinks on door] Where's Stuart?

Working late, again.

I just got Matthew off to sleep. [paper rustling]

Ned: Want me to hang around?

No, thanks, I'm fine, you go on home.

Ann, I hope I'm not out of line, but I...

I've noticed a little tension between you and Stuart.

Ned: Is everything alright?

You mean aside from the fact that his

-old daughter has appeared out of nowhere

and is totally disrupting our lives?

That bad?

I just have to get used to the idea that...

it'll never be the same for us, now that Sarah's come along.

Can you do that?

I don't know.

[smacking lips] Ned!

Have you been drinking?

I had a few beers.

I'm not drunk, but maybe I am just

loose enough to show you how I really feel.

We had an agreement! You said you weren't gonna do this again!

- Ann, you deserve better than
- You listen to me

Ann: Stuart Markowitz is the best thing that ever

happened to me, do you actually think I could choose some

-struck boy over the man that I've built my life with?

- Had my son with?
- I am not a love

- Get out!
- What about Matthew?

That's no longer your concern, you're fired.

[clinks on door]

Yeah, I second the motion.

And if I ever see your face around my wife again

I'll turn it into a coaster, now get outta here.

Let's go.


[clinks on door]

[clinks on door]


You want how much more?

, a month is not unreasonable!

If you're a rock star.

If you're Walter Annenberg.

But if you're me., it damned well is unreasonable!

You parsimonious piece of phlegm.

You want name
-calling? Try this!

Profligate, extravagant, spendthrift.

You're gonna have to demonstrate need, Sheila, not want.

Fine! You wanna talk need.

Let's talk about Alexander's therapy sessions.

Three times a week, a a session

that's , a month right there.

Three times a week?

Jeffrey Dahmer doesn't need three times a week.

And this a week for private tutoring

in Math and English, this is necessary?

For God's sakes, he gets straight "A" s in math!

Nations have risen and fallen since he got an "A" in math.

This isn't about Alexander, it's about Veronica.

You're gouging me for sleeping with your sister.

- That's outta line!
- Well, this is about Alexander!

Last week I found empty beer cans

Well, let's call in the FBI!

What the hell is your problem today?

How do you know those weren't his brother's beer cans?

I could believe this of him, but Alexander?

What do you know about Alexander?

You get him twice a month, a weekend here and there.

But you don't live with him! You don't know him!

I could do a hell of a lot better job

of raising him than you!

Oh, you think so?

Just give him to me for two weeks, I'll prove it!

Douglas, wait a minute

If, during that time, I see some evidence

of these grave transgressions you'll get your money.

Arnie: Douglas
- Really you shouldn't.

Douglas: If not, you don't get another dime.

- Agreed?
- Pick him up tonight.

- o'clock.
- Fine.

[paper rustling]

Women! All you have to do is call their bluff.

Hi! I need Arnie to take a look at this custody agreement.

The paternal grandparents are involved.

Sure, how's the nanny hunt going?

[sighs] Unbelievable.

Actually, we have a lead

on a good one Maritza from Guatemala.

We're gonna see her this afternoon.

Oh, great, Matthew's such a sweet little...

Gwen: Wow. Kelsey: Oh my.

Hey, what are you two...

- Who is that? Bloom: Mikhail!

[phone rings and soft rattling]



[phone rings]

[smacking lips]

I'd give up chocolate if I could have

one of those eight or nine times a day.

Mikhail: Suzy, we should go.

I picked out some wonderful rings

I think you might like.

Adios, muchachas!

You catch flies that way.



I give it six months.

Six months? I give it six weeks.

- Come on.
- Two years and a day.

Immigration scam, they've got to stay married at least

two years to guarantee his residency.

You are all so jaded!

Have you considered they may actually be in love?



And when you turned the $, over

to Mr. Ventresca, what did he say?

He said he was sure I'd be hearing from him again.

One last question, Mr. DePalma.

Have you spoken with Judge Kelton since his arrest?

Yes, last night...

he came to my apartment, he wanted to talk.

Zoey: What did he say?

He mentioned some personal problems he'd been having,

at which point I asked him to leave.

You then reported your meeting

to the District Attorney's office?

After consulting with my law firm, yes, I reported it to you.

Thank you, Mr. DePalma, I have nothing further.

Conover: You may step down.

Your Honor, if this concludes the evidence

against Judge Kelton I move for an immediate

dismissal of all charges.

- On what grounds? Jaeckel: Your Honor, this...

so called investigation relied on

false representations to the court.

Jaeckel: To coerce an innocent man into breaking the law.

There's no coercion here.

Judge Kelton, through his agent, initiated contact

with our undercover officer.

We merely constructed a sting

to expose the Judge's bribe taking.

They filed a phony indictment against a cop

posing as a drug defendant.

A cop who knowingly gave false testimony

at his arraignment and prelim.

That is a fraud on the court!

If a crooked judge isn't

a "fraud on the court," I don't know what is.

Maybe so, Ms. Thomas, but what kind of example

does it set when the District Attorney

enforces the law by arguably breaking the law?

Your Honor, there is no other way to get at a judge

without creating this kind of scenario.

But the kind of behavior your office engaged in

runs the risk of discrediting the judicial system.

Conovel: It breeds contempt for the law.

However... the idea that a judge could sell his position

and not be held accountable is even more reprehensible.

Therefore, I deny Defense Counsel's motion

and order that Judge Kelton stand trial for bribery.

Conover: This court is adjourned.

[indistinct murmurs]

- You busy, Le?
- Yes.

But that's not gonna stop you, is it?

Actually, I need to ask you a favor.

Whatever it is, the answer is "no."

I'm serious, Le. [clinks on door]

This marriage thing has been a big decision for me.

I don't take commitment lightly and

I want you to be the one to give me away.


Bloom: You're a stand
-up kinda of guy.

Honest, honorable.

Kind of how I always imagined my father would be

if he hadn't been such a [gasps] philandering schnook.

You'd lend dignity to the proceeding.

Look, I may be a lot of things, but I'm not stupid

and I am not blind, I know what people are saying.

"Why would anyone, let alone a handsome young hunk

wanna marry loud, obnoxious Susan Bloom?"

No, no, no, I'm sure they're just...

uh, surprised that you're interested in marriage.

No, they just can't believe that he could really love me.

Oh, Suzy...

And do you care for him?

So much it scares the hell outta me.

I have absolutely no reason to believe that

anything you're telling me is the truth.

No, you don't.

But it is.

Alright, and I'll probably regret this, but I'll do it.

Oh, great! Thanks, Le! [smacking lips]


Susan... congratulations.

[light laugh]

[clinks on door]


[clinks on door]

- You wanted to see me?
- I did.

I thought you'd be interested to know

that after your performance on the stand today

Judge Kelton copped to the bribery charge.

He's off the bench for good, and you won't have

to testify at his trial.


And, in appreciation

of your distinguished service

to this office above and beyond

the call and all that...

this is for you.

What is it?

Thomas: My home phone number,

you know, not many have it.

The Mayor does, Chief of Police,

my secretary, and now you.

If there's ever an emergency and you need

a friend high up in the D.A.'s office...

I owe you one.


Thomas: It's only good once.

Choose your favor wisely.

[paper rustling]

[clinks on door]


[indistinct chatter]

- Hey!
- What?

[indistinct chatter]


- Hi.
- Hi.

Something wrong?

Oh, Roxanne and I split up, a couple a days ago.

Oh God, Arnie, I'm sorry.

- It wasn't because
- Julie!

Save it for someone who cares.

Excuse me?

You lied to her.

You told her that we slept together.

- What? I never said
- Julie!

Don't kid a kidder.

When it comes to liars, you're talking to the best.

Why would you do it?

I don't know, I've never done anything like it before.

So far this year.

God, Arnie, I know what I did!

I know it was cheap, and underhanded.

I knew it when I was doing it, and I didn't care.

Haven't you ever wanted someone so badly that...

you didn't care how you got them.

And I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't thought somehow...

some part of you... wanted me to do it.

[chuckles in background]

Was I right?


Can I call you?


[indistinct chatter]

See you at the studio.




[click on recorder]

[metal clinks]


[indistinct chatter]

You were gone a long time.

Bad case of the runs.

Curse of the Brackman constitution.

Douglas: I thought we might go over your math homework tonight.

I understand you've been having a little trouble.

I suck at math.

[mellow music in background]

Give me those.

So... how are your other subjects?

I got an "A
-minus" in biology.

Well, if that's where your strength lies, maybe

one day you could be a scientist, or a doctor.

I want to be a mortician.

- A mortician?
- Yeah.

Lazlo Marks' dad, he runs this funeral home.

Alexander: We go there after school, It is really cool.

And I've already had a lot of practice dissecting.

You dissect dead bodies?

[scoffs] I wish!

See, I have to practice on animals.

I set up this little lab in my room.

Squirrels are my favorite.

I have to trap them first, see? Here's a skull.

- Oh, you want to hold it?
- Not at the table, son.

This is where the eyes go in here.

- Put it away, put it away. Bernie: Douglas Brackman?

- Bernie!
- I thought it was you.

Good to see you!

I'm sitting with a table full of Japanese

that I'd like you to meet.

Maybe they can throw a little yen your way.

[music continues]

- This your boy?
- My son, Alexander.

[soft indistinct chatter]

- What's he got there?
- Nothing, a toy.

I'd love to meet these friends of yours.

Put that away.




[glass clinks and liquid burbling]

[glass clinks]


No slouching.

[indistinct chatter]


[alarm blaring]

- What is it?
- Fire in the men's room.

No need to panic.

Everyone could please evacuate

the restaurant in an orderly fashion.

[indistinct chatter]

Man : We're outta here. Man : Right this way.

[loud indistinct chatter]

[instrumental music]

Julie on recorder: God, Arnie, I know what I did!

I know it was cheap and underhanded.

I knew it when I was doing it, and I didn't care.

Haven't you ever wanted someone so badly

that you didn't care how you got them?

[click on recorder]

I don't know what to say.

Say you believe me.

I believe you.

Anything else?

Arnie, I
- I, I need some time.

To think about all this.

What's to think about? She was lying!

Doesn't it bother you that I was so quick to believe her?

Does it bother you?

Yes, it does.

What does it say about us?

I don't care.

I love you, Rox, I want you back.

[smacking lips]

Let me sort this out.


[clinks on door]

Your Honor, given that Mr. Quinn has no record

of any kind, has a home and family and poses

no flight risk, we ask he be released O.R. pending trial.

Ms. Peters?

Mr. Quinn is being charged with stealing

over $, worth of precious stones.

Given this, we believe he does pose a flight risk

and recommend bail at $,.

I agree with the District Attorney.

If convicted, defendant could spend four years

in the State pen, that's plenty of incentive

to skip out on $,.

Accordingly, I'm going to raise bail to $,.

- What?
- Your Honor!

I ask you to reconsider, there is no indication

Denied! I've made my ruling.

Sidebar, your Honor?

[paper rustling]

[footsteps and indistinct chatter]

What's going on here? A , is absurd.

My client has cooperated with the D.A.

and came here today voluntarily.

You think just because your guy's charged

with a white
-collar crime it's not serious?

Of course not, but the D.A. would be happy

with and there's no way he can raise more than that.

Then I guess he's going to jail, step back, Mr. DePalma.

Your Honor, this is outrageous!

You raise your voice again, I'm holding you in contempt.

You'll get no special consideration

from this judge, is that clear?

The defendant will be remanded into custody! Next case.

Bailiff: People versus...
- You said this wouldn't happen!

Listen, I'll talk to a bondsman, hang in there! Hang in there!


Lowell: Deputy, district...

Boy, what did he have for breakfast?

Lowell: Counsel...
- Me! [paper rustling]

Man : Your Honor, this time I like to

seek continuance of this...

The file will be on your desk start of business tomorrow.

Yeah, absolutely.

Okay, yeah, goodbye.

I only have a little more to copy

and then I can call the messenger service.

No, no look, you have a test tomorrow.

I'll take care of it, you go home.

[sighs] And I'm doing it again, aren't I?

- Yeah. Stuart: Sorry.

Don't mind me, you keep working.

Work! Work! Work! [chuckles]

[knocks on door]

[clinks on door]

- Hi. Sarah: Hi.

Listen, Sarah, thanks for taking

the filings to the courthouse for me.

Sure, no problem.

Excuse me.


[clinks on door]

- She's really a good kid.
- I know.

So maybe things are gonna start to settle down around here?

Maybe. And at home, too.

Did you see how Maritza and Matthew were this morning?

He likes her better than he liked Ned.

Yeah, he's not the only one. [inhales sharply]

So, do you think you might make it home for dinner tonight?

No, I thought I'd wait and see if

the gardener made a move on you first.

Hm, obviously, I'm not getting enough affection at home.

[smacking lips]


[knocks on door]


I gotta problem.

Leland: I heard about Judge Lowell today.

That was just the beginning.

Then I went before Judge Draybeck to get an extension

to find a key witness he denied my motion

out of hand and moved up the trial date.

I don't get the connection.

I helped nail a judge, and now they're out to punish me.

[stammering] Hold on.

Two judges rule against you and you think

it mean that's a conspiracy?

My former clients sure as hell think it does.

Two of 'em dumped me 'cause they heard I'm a marked man.

Alex: Quinn's hanging by a thread.

I'm starting' to feel like a leper!

Alright, just calm down now.

I don't doubt that there may be

a mis
-perception out there, but I can't believe

that these judges are out to get you.

I'm not imagining this!

Maybe I should hand over my criminal cases

to Jonathan and Grace 'til this blows over.

-uh! Do that, you look desperate.

Then you'll really start losing clients.

Just don't overreact.

Concentrate on representing your people as best you can.

In the meantime, I'll look into this other thing.

And even if there's something to it

I don't want you obsessing about it.

Now, I'm serious!

You keep your head in the game.

[soft rattling]

[clinks on door]

[instrumental music]

You first noticed the switch a week

after you returned from your vacation?

That's right, a , worth of fine Ceylon sapphires gone.

Reed: In their place bucks worth

of cubic zirconia crystals.

Peters: Do you believe your partner

Nelson Quinn, stole those gems

Objection, speculative.

- His belief is irrelevant.
- Overruled.

There's no jury here, I want to hear his answer.

Yes, I believe he took the stones.

And what is the basis for your belief?

My secretary told me that a customer

overheard Nelson ordering the fakes.

Objection, double hearsay, move to strike.

She's just laying foundation. Denied.

Your Honor, you can't lay foundation on improper hearsay!

You're overruled, Counselor, the answer stands.

Peters: I have nothing further, your Honor.

Your witness.

Your Honor, Leland McKenzie, McKenzie Brackman.

With your permission I'd like to join

Mr. DePalma as second chair.

By all means, have a seat.

Mr. Reed, you didn't see your partner

steal these gems, did you?

Like I said I was on vacation.

- No one else was there
- Mr. Reed!

He was the only one with the know
-how and

Reed: Access to do the switch.
- Objection! Non

Your Honor, I respectfully ask that you instruct

the witness to limit his answers to the questions put forth

and move that his last remarks be stricken from the record.


Mr. Reed, you said Mr. Quinn

was the only one with access to these sapphires

but you had access, too, didn't you?

Irrelevant, the witness isn't on trial here.

- Sustained.
- Your Honor!

Counsel has every right to ask

Who's conducting the examination here?

You or Mr. DePalma?

The question goes directly to the credibility of the witness.

I've made my ruling, Mr. McKenzie.

The objection is sustained.

Your Honor, might we have a brief conference in chambers?

What's this all about?

I think you know.

You just quashed half a dozen

legitimate objections by Mr. DePalma.

I abide by the rules of evidence.

You know 'em better than that.

What are you saying?

You're sabotaging my case.

Mr. McKenzie, you tell your co
-Counsel he makes another

reckless charge like that I'll bounce his ass in jail.

You do and you better reserve a cell for me, too!

Don't think I won't!

Just how far are you gonna take this?

I can understand that you believe your colleague

was taken down unfairly.

Leland: But it was the District Attorney's

operation, not Mr. DePalma's.

To blame him only compounds one judicial error with another.

Your Honor, I never felt anything but respect

for Judge Kelton, I didn't want to believe he was dirty either.

But the fact is he took the money.

I resent what's being implied here.

Well, I suppose we could be drawing the wrong conclusion.

Maybe Mr. DePalma's run of bad luck is nothing more than that.

But if I do see any judge treating him with prejudice

I won't hesitate to file a claim of misconduct

with the Committee on Judicial Performance.

And anyone with any ambition to higher judicial office

should consider that it's people like me who make

recommendations before such appointments are made.

I appreciate your input.

But there's no prejudice in my court.

Now that we've got that off our chests, let's get back to work.

Good! Come on, we've got a client to defend.

[engines rumbling]

[clinks on door]

We shouldn't be too late tonight, Maritza.

The wedding starts at :.

Matthew, we home.

We home, darling.

[thud] And I have a wonderful gift for you.

Are you Maritza Delano?

- Si.
- I'm Ann Kelsey.

This is my house, what's going on here?

Agent Gruber, this is Agent Sanchez.

Immigration and Naturalization Service.

Could we see your identification

and your work permit, Mrs. Delano?

Senora... [baby crying]

- Let's go.
- No.

Uh, wait a minute, do you have a warrant?

Why don't you and your son just go inside

Mrs. Kelsey, and let us do our job?

Excuse me, excuse me, I am an attorney, Agent Gruber.

[crying] This is not a police state!

We have civilized procedures to handle this sort of thing!

The I.N.S. believes Mrs. Delano is in this country illegally.

If she can't produce legitimate I.D., she'll be deported.

Millions of dollars of dr*gs flowing across our borders

and you guys are out rousting nannies!

- Step aside, Mrs. Kelsey!
- Don't you thr*aten me!

Senora, you don't know, por favor.

What are you doing? You're under arrest, Mrs. Kelsey.

- Are you kidding? What!
- Obstructing justice

And suspicion of employing an illegal alien.

Have you read the Constitution, for God's sakes?

[baby crying] The Bill of Rights!

Don't cry, sweetie.

We're just going for a ride with these nice men.

[muffled chatter and cry]

[engine rumbling]

[siren wailing in distance]

[indistinct chatter]


[mellow music in background]

Have you seen Ann anywhere?

I think I see Luke Perry.

She should be here by now.

[sighs] Would Luke Perry really come to your friend's wedding?

Who's that? Somebody you go to school with?

[indistinct chatter]

Are you related to that guy?

He's my foster dad.

I'm with chrome dome.

You're the kid with the fancy birthday watch.

Yeah, how'd you know?

I borrowed it from your dad for a while.

Wanted to make sure it was waterproof.

Oh. [laughs]

You, uh, wanna hang with the fossils?

Not if you got a better idea.

[music continues]

Come on.

[footsteps and indistinct chatter]

Thanks for helping out today.

Oh, my pleasure.

It felt good to be back in a courtroom.

Well, your client's out on bail, hopefully this heralds

a thaw in your relations with the judiciary.

I'm not too sure.

Nelson called me from Tijuana.

I think he skipped out with the stolen gems.


[indistinct chatter]

Arnie: I was, I was just talking to her.

Roxanne: I am.

- Roxanne!
- Arnie.

Just because you said "no" this time

doesn't mean you won't say "yes" next time.

It doesn't mean I will say "yes" either.

I know.

[music continues]

But I just can't live

with this hanging over my head.

Wondering if you really are working late.

If that business lunch at Rondo's

is a nooner at the Hyatt.

I love you, Arnie.

But I don't think I can ever really trust you.

Isn't there anything I can do to make you change your mind?

We've got too much history...

between us to be anything but friends.

[music continues]

If you still wanna be.

I've lived in five homes over the last twelve years.

I've gone to bed with dozens of women. [scoffs]

I can't remember half their faces.

You're the only constant in my life, Roxanne.

I don't want to lose that.

You need someone new.

You need someone to see you as you are not as you were.


I love you, Rox, I really do.

[music continues]

I know... me, too.

[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct chatter and laughs]


[sighs] Where have you been?

[baby cooing] If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.

Well, why
-why is Matthew here? [baby crying]

Where's Maritza? [baby crying]

It's okay, honey.

Probably half way to Guatemala by now.

What! [baby crying]

[baby crying] Ann: Maritza was in this country illegally.

[baby crying] Poor, Maritza, what's she gonna do?

[instrumental music]

What are we going to do? [baby blabbering and crying]

[deep breath]

[baby cooing]

[camera clicks] Hey!

Just take it in stride, Le, you're in the big leagues here.

[camera clicks] Come on, let's go.



Susan and Mikhail.

We have all come here today not only to wish you well

on your new life, but to celebrate the wonder

and the power of love, the bride and groom

have written their own vows.


[camera clicks] Suzy.

My English isn't perfect yet.

But you have taught me the meaning

of the most important words.

Love, trust, and joy.

I am yours, Suzy.



Mikhail, I never thought I'd do this.

And then I met you.

Bloom: You make me feel precious.

Like I'm the only one.

And you make me want to make you feel that way, too.

I plan to spend the rest of my life doing that.

I love you, babe.

Susan, Mikhail...

with these vows, you give yourselves to one another

for now and always, in good times and in bad.

It is with great pleasure that I pronounce you husband and wife.

Minister: Congratulations, you may kiss the bride.

[cheers and applause]

[Bill and Jennifer singing "The Time of My Life"]

♪ Now I've had the time of my life ♪

♪ No, I never felt like this before ♪

♪ Yes I swear, it's the truth

♪ And I owe it all to you

♪ 'Cause I've

♪ Had the time of my life

♪ And I owe it all to you

Oh, this is a party!

Not a recital! You've got to participate.

Bloom: Come on dance.

- Come on dance.
- Me!

[laughing] Come on, Le!

- I'll let you lead!
- Come on!

♪ I've finally found someone to stand by me ♪


♪ We saw the writing on the wall ♪

♪ As we felt this magical fantasy ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ Now with passion in our eyes

♪ There's no way we could disguise it secretly ♪

[indistinct chatter]

♪ So we take each other's hand

♪ 'Cause we seem to understand the urgency ♪

♪ Just remember

♪ You're the one thing

♪ I can't get enough of

[indistinct chatter]

♪ So I'll tell you something

♪ This could be love, because

♪ I've had

Go ahead and finish it.

The guy's got taste.


♪ No, I never felt this way before ♪

♪ Yes, I swear

♪ It's the truth

♪ And I owe it all to you

The music's faster now.

I'm not very good at that kind of dancing.

Well, you're pretty good at this kind.

We haven't seen you around the office much lately.

Well, the Flanagan case was a real back breaker.

[clicks tongue]

But my schedule looks pretty open

for the next couple of weeks.

♪ Don't be afraid

Do you think you might be available?

♪ Yes, I know what's on your mind ♪

♪ When you say, "Stay with me tonight" ♪

♪ Stay with me

♪ Stay with me, oh

I'm available right now.

♪ Oh, hey

♪ I can't get enough of

♪ So I'll tell you something

[camera clicks and footsteps]

♪ This could be love ♪


This is a modern wedding.

Men and women, so...


C'mon, Le, get up front! This may be your big chance.


Okay, NBA rules apply.

- No elbows!
- Oh!

[cheers and applause]

[drum music]

Douglas, is that your boy out there?

[loud drum music] Hey! Hey!

[loud drum music] C'mon, knock it off!

- That's a , dollar set!
- Sam!

Get your hands off me, Futtbace!

Futtbace? [laughs]


Good Lord, they're soused!

Man, I'm getting' stoned from the fumes.

Sam, come here.

Alexander. [chuckles]





[shouts] Alexander!

[indistinct chatter and footsteps]

[engines rumbling]


To us... and our future years together.

[glass clinks]

You were incredible today, Suzy.

I had you to inspire me.

I promise not to disappoint you.

That's quite a promise.

After all you've done for me to stay in this country?

How could I do any less.

[glass clinks]

[fire crackling]

- I'm exhausted.
- Me, too.

I'll see you for breakfast.

I'll be here.

[smacking lips]

[instrumental music]

Sleep well.

[smacking lips]

[fire crackling]

[clinks on door]

[theme music]