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08x05 - Air Apparent

Posted: 12/24/23 08:26
by bunniefuu
There is nothing
like New York City ADL basketball.

Welcome to the Mecca.

Tonight's main attraction,
the top high school

point guard in the city,
Riley Frazier.

Riley! Riley! Riley! Riley!

Ladies and gentlemen,

we are two minutes away
from game time.

Lights out!


We're in the fourth
quarter with 45 seconds to go.

Coach Gavin's Dots trail by one.

The Higher Risers
have been dominating

the second half of this game.

Jamal White slams one home.

High Risers lead to three.

Looks like Riley Frazier's

first appearance here at the Mecca

will end in defeat, unless
he makes something happen.

Hemmingway passes the ball
to Frazier.

Frazier makes a move.

Oh, this game is not over yet!

Riley Frazier sh**t a two-pointer,

cutting the deficit to one.

But there's little time left
on the clock.

Jones brings the ball in.

Pow! Frazier steals the ball!

12 seconds left in the game.

Come on. Just like we practiced, now.

Dribble between your legs.

And behind your back.

Second defender will rotate.

No time to pass.
Pump, fake and sh**t.

Riley takes the sh*t...

It's a sh*t from heaven!
It's good.

Frazier makes the game-winning sh*t.

Frazier, with 29 points,
is definitely the MVP

of tonight's game.

This is another victory
for Coach Gavin Lewenten,

the winningest coach in ADL history.

The game tonight was brought
to you by our corporate sponsor.

There he is.

Heard your game

on the radio yesterday,
little brother.

You know, if it were me,

I would have just jumped
over everybody and dunked it.

- Know what I'm saying?
- Oh, yeah.

Then your new ten-inch vertical
would have woken up.

That game was for you...
a welcome home present.

Ah, thanks.

Uh... consider this my gift.

I'm clean.

No more dr*gs, and this
time, I'm staying out.

And only two things kept
me sane in that cell.

Listening to your games on the radio,

and the, uh, thought of seeing
this pretty face again.

Right there,
down to the left...

Our vic is Angela Kelly,
stabbed several times.

Landlord called it in
when she didn't answer the door.

She have a roommate?

Boyfriend moved in three
weeks ago after he was released

from prison.

According to these letters
I found in her bedroom...

...his name was Hank Frazier.

Looks like Angela left us a message.

Eight seconds on the clock.

He sh**t.

He scores!
Hank Frazier has done it again!

Heavenly Father, we thank You.

From Your hand comes
every good thing.

We thank You
for every earthly blessing,

strength and health.

The eyes of all wait upon You, O God.

And it is You who fills
all living things

with the breath of life.

Thank You for family and fellowship.

We thank You for food
and nourishment.

Bless Your name.

By this meal,
feed us for Your holy service,

that we may be diligent

in the responsibilities
You've given us.


Police. Hank Frazier,
you're coming with us. Stand up,

put your hands behind your head.

What are you doing to my brother?

Hey, hey, stand back.

You're under arrest
for the m*rder of Angela Kelly.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, wait a minute.

H-Hold on.

This is crazy.

You know, some guys wait
till after family dinner

before they go out and s*ab
their girlfriends to death.

I'm just saying.

It's okay. You-You really expect me

to believe what you're saying?

Who do you suppose Hank is?

She wrote your name

on the door in her own blood.

No. No, no, no, no. I...

I didn't do this.
I love Angie.

Hey, you don't know
anything about me, man.


What I do know...

there was no forced entry
at the crime scene.

That means she either
knew her k*ller,

or her k*ller had a key.

Or in your case,


Cocaine found in the bedroom.

Preliminary tox screen says
you got coke in your system.

You got out of prison three weeks ago

after doing a stint for possession.

How many times did you promise
her you were gonna change?

Open your hand.

Ange, come on.

You've only been out of jail for three weeks,
and you couldn't stay clean.

- For me.
- I tried. You got to believe me.

Brought that into my home.

I'm done. I am so done.

I want you out.

I want you out now!

No, I ain't going anywhere.

Put my stuff down.

Put it down.

What kind of game
you playing then, huh?

Isn't a game.

Yeah, well, I couldn't have done that

because I wasn't there.

I was in a dope house getting high.

That's your alibi... you were
in a cr*ck house getting high?


Your Honor, I'd like

to call my next witnesses...
Two Tooth Willy

and Crackhead Pooky.

You think that's gonna fly in
front of a judge and a jury?

Most likely, since your coke
got tossed around the room,

you were out trying to get more.

Look, fine.

Yeah, I'll tell you everything.

I'll-I'll give you the whole thing.

But first, I...

I need to talk to my brother.

They say death by 1,000
paper cuts is t*rture.

Death by ten s*ab wounds
isn't much better.

Oh, fits the theory.

Crime of passion.

Any dr*gs in her system?

Tox results say no.

Judging by the shape of the wounds,

the m*rder w*apon was
most likely a Kn*fe.

Most wounds are on her right side.

On the palm, the forearm.

Defensive wounds.

All, except one.

At the top of her spine.

Yeah, probably inflicted

when she was trying to run away.

Indeed, but her will to fight

may help us.

I found epithelials under her nails.

In addition to that,

I also found...
something else.

It appears to be laminated plastic

with a reflective surface.

I'll have Adam take a closer look.

Finally, I found this interesting.

While three of the victim's
wounds show hilt marks,

the other seven do not.

Well, maybe they were delivered

with less force.

Maybe the k*ller got fatigued.

A sobering thought, to say the least.

However, using dissection,
I discovered

that the deepest wound tracts belong

to the wounds without hilt marks.

Well, how could that be

if they were delivered
with less force?

# We ain't got not name,
no, we ain't got no name #

# They're rougher in this thing #

# 'Cause there's status here
to claim #

# Want it in my hand,
don't want it in my head #

# Searching for a win
and a battle's on the way #

# Hustle make you high, high #

# Hustle make you low #

# Say I want, say I want #

# What I want,
they'll never know #

# We #

# Steal the game #

# We are the fame #

# Only want the fame #

# All the same #

# We are all the same #

# We are the fame #

# We want the fame #

# All the same #

# We are all the same #

# We are the fame. #

Hey, Mac, Hank's younger
brother, Riley, just showed up.

No, he came alone.

He says his mother wrote
Hank off years ago.

Seems like Riley might be
all he has left.

We should definitely
get something out of this.

All right.

There he is...

little brother.

Riley, you know I'm innocent.
No matter what, you can't...


Or maybe not.

What are you doing, Riley?!

I didn't k*ll Angie.

Hey! Step back!

You know I loved her.

Hey, you know me!

I'm still your brother!

"Consider this an agreement
between brothers,

"that I, Riley Frazier,

"promise to not allow anyone
or anything to distract me

from my goal of playing
professional basketball."

Signed by you with your brother
as witness.

We made that contract
when I was seven.

Makes me sick to hear it now.

Was he on dr*gs?

We found coke in his system.

He promised he was clean this time.

You really think he k*lled Angie?

Looks that way.

My brother,

I grew up wanting to be him.

Okay, that guy in there,

was one of the best high school
basketball players

to come out of Brooklyn.

So, what happened?

He tore his Achilles.

That meant rehab, dr*gs.

But no college wanted to recruit him.

He got depressed.

Was never the same.

Soon enough, it was
less rehab, more dr*gs.

God bless Angie.

She stayed with him
through thick and thin.

Addiction's a pain in the ass.

Can make someone a thr*at to
anyone or anything in his way.

So, how is your sister?

That obvious?

I used to live in fear of this.

Getting a call after
she did something stupid,

while she was all boozed up.

There was a time not too long ago

she very easily could've
wound up in that chair.

You speak with her regularly?

Depends on how you define regularly.

Hey, Sid.

I believe our k*ller
gave us the finger.

When I opened the victim's body,

I discovered that the s*ab wound
at the top of her spine

partially transected the left side

of her spinal cord

between the 3rd and 4th
cervical vertebrae.

That would cause paralysis
on the left side.

Which explains why most of
the defensive wounds were on

the right side of her body.

But she had blood
on her left index finger.

A finger she was incapable of using.

So Angela Kelly did not write
Hank's name on that door.

Someone else did.

You said you had something for me?

Yes. A second piece of evidence

that was staged at our crime scene.

We know that when a s*ab wound
is delivered with force

it will leave a hilt mark bruise
on the skin, right?

However, according to Sid,

it was the s*ab wounds
without hilt marks

that left the deepest wound
impressions on our vic's body.

So the question remains,
how does a s*ab delivered

with less force leave
a deeper wound tract?

Right. So I bought the same
brand of knives we found

at Angela Kelly's kitchen

and used the Kn*fe
that was missing from her set.

The hilt marks match.

The missing Kn*fe from Angela's

is our m*rder w*apon.

Doesn't explain the difference
in the wound depth.

What I discovered

is that when the Kn*fe is
pressed into soft tissue,

instead of being stabbed
with force and retracted,

it may not leave
a bruise on the skin,

but it does push
the soft tissue out of the way.

So, pressing into tissue
creates a deeper wound tract.

That means the seven wounds
without hilt marks on our victim

were pressed, not stabbed with force.


Someone stabbed our vic three times,

and then pressed another
seven wounds into her body.

To increase the number

of wounds and make it seem
like a crime of passion.

Someone took their time with this,

precisely thinking it through.

# #

# #

Hank Frazier's name on the door.

Angela Kelly's s*ab wounds.

Both staged at our crime scene.

We have to reevaluate everything.

I haven't finished analyzing
all the spatter,

but I did find one stain
particularly interesting.

Satellite spatter;
it's blood in blood.

I analyzed it for DNA,
and I got two profiles.

One was a match to our victim,

but the other one wasn't
a match to our victim or Hank.

A foreign donor at the scene.
Most likely our k*ller.

We need to figure out who that
second blood drop belongs to.

Danny, help Lindsay
with the blood analysis.

You got it.

Hawkes says the epithelials
under our vic's nails

were a low-level sample,
so he's reamplifying and

running it again.

In addition to that,

maybe there's a connection on paper.

I've been working on
that torn document

from Angela's apartment.

Could be another piece
of staged evidence,

but it might get us some prints.

Whoever did this probably knew

Angela's schedule and knew that
she was living with Hank.

Could have had something to do
with his drug problem, too, right?

They k*ll her

to get back at him.

Whatever the motive, Hank may
still be connected to this.

NYPD, open up.

Just a second.

You've been knocking on my door

like that since what, the Academy?

You're not careful,

you're gonna scare
my boyfriends away.

Exactly what a brother should do.

You cut your hair.

You did.
It looks nice.

Thank you.

I could tell you that I just happened

to be in the neighborhood,

but honestly, since four
of my last five calls

to your phone went
straight to voicemail

and the fifth one told me
your number was changed,

I don't feel like justifying myself.

Yeah? Well, what's the real
reason for this visit?

Let me take a guess...
you caught a homicide.

Maybe a sibling thing.

I don't know, an addict?


You got to thinking,

"You know who I haven't spoken
to in a stretch?"

I'm fine, Don.
I mean,

I'm little bit hungover

from that rave party
I threw last night,

but, other than that...

You know, part of my 12 steps
was getting you to smile.

I just need to know that you're okay.

I'm fine.

And I'll get you my new number.

I've been sober
as a church mouse, Don.

That's why all I do

all day is stay inside

watching The Young and the Restless.

That's the worst part
about working the day tour...

missing my stories.


What have you got for me, Adam?

I took a closer look at the fragment

that Sid pulled from our vic.

It turns out the reflective surface

is a photopolymer film.

Stuck it under the microscope,

and I noticed the edge
of a 3-D image.

A hologram. Pretty cool.

Yeah. Check this out, though.

Even fragments of holograms

have the entire image.

Just needed to project it.

Thus, the laser show.

Which you appear to be very proud of.

I am.

I did a photo image search

on that particular hologram,
and it turns out

to be a business logo.

Asantewaa Living.


It's a holistic company
in California.

They sell energy supplements,

vitamins, promote
a healthy lifestyle.

Their logo was found on trace
from our victim's body.

Not so healthy.

Hey, Mac, I finished re-amplifying

the epithelials from our vic's nails.

Got a hit in CODIS.

he graduated to being Priors for
a street pharmacist.

Meth, coke, heroin.

Yeah, and that's not all.

His place of employment...

same place our vic
Angela Kelly worked...

a barber shop in Brooklyn
called Groove Cutz.

I'm taking my talent
to South Beach, bitch!

What up?!

Really? When you leaving?


I... I... I'm... I'm actually
not-not going anywhere.

Unless I keep doing
stupid stuff like this.

Um, but listen, it's all for
a really good purpose, I swear.

I'm all ears.
Okay, um,

I contacted the holistic company
in California.

Turns out, they just teamed up

with an athletic apparel
company, Wyandotte Sports.

They're making bracelets
for athletes, okay?

And these holograms are supposed

to give you stamina
and keep up your energy

during the game.
They're super

exclusive and super expensive.

And super ridiculous.

If they're so exclusive,
is there an I.D. factor

on these bracelets?

You mean, like a serial number

- that might link us to the owner?
- Yeah.

# #

I see how it is.

You come in here, and you don't
talk to the barbers and whatnot,

but you want to pick on the ex-con

that's sweeping up everybody's hair.

Makes it a little easier

when the ex-con leaves
evidence at a m*rder scene.

How about you spare us the pity
party and answer the question?

Why, what you got?

Epithelials under her
nails or something?


Five of my cell mates got
put away off that stuff.

As for me, I got
a perfect explanation.

You see, Angela... she was
the best stylist in this place.

A real artist. So, she
hooked me up with a cut.

And after she got done cutting
my hair, she massaged my scalp.

You think I'm playing?

Ask anybody in here.

Hey, it's Lindsay.
Go ahead.

Anna, what you got for me?

Okay, so you got
a scalp massage.

That doesn't exactly
clear you, Mr. Blount.

How well do you know Hank Frazier?

You guys like BFFs?

Hey, hey, hey!


Back away!
Drop that razor now!

Back away, or I'll slice her open!

Think I'm playing?

No, but right now,
I'm aiming at your head.

And I can put a pretty
nice hole in your brain

before you have time to even
think about hurting her.

You think I'm playing?

That's what happens when
you bring a Kn*fe to a gunfight.

Yeah. Great. Thanks.

Patrol found a bloody
kitchen Kn*fe in a Dumpster

outside Blount's apartment.

Chances are,
that's our m*rder w*apon.

So that just leaves two
unanswered questions.

Why did Nick k*ll Angela,
and why did he want

to make it look like
Hank Frazier did it?

Just came from the hospital, Mac.

Nick Blount suffered
a severe concussion.

He's got a knot on his head the size

of New Jersey; they
had to induce a coma.

But he'll live,
so he'll face his day in court.

Yes, and it won't be a good one.

Found his prints
on the m*rder w*apon.

Went to his apartment,
found this cell phone,

and also a kit used
for making key molds.

Probably used it

to make a copy of Angela's key,
and that's why

there were no signs of
forced entry at the crime scene.

That leaves Hank Frazier
off the hook for now.

I've gone over everything
that pertains to Nick Blount.

There's no indication
that he had motive

to k*ll Angela Kelly,
or a beef with Hank Frazier.

Well, I might be able
to help with that.

The blood I found
in the satellite spatter

at the crime scene...
it's not a match to Nick Blount.

There was another person with him.

Ooh, this the torn up paper

from our vic's apartment?

Yeah. I was so hoping

it would give us a print, trace,

anything that would lead us

to our mystery third person, but no.


All of these

are love letters...
there was definitely

some strong feelings between them.

My first assumption was
that the torn-up letter

was a casualty of Hank
and Angela's fight.

But now that you know that
some evidence was staged,

you have a different outlook.

Well, I just couldn't figure out why

someone would choose
this particular letter

to tear to shreds.
Listen to it:

"My Dearest Angie,

"I couldn't fall asleep last
night just thinking about you.

"You've been better
to me than I deserve.

"With my mother being herself,

"and Riley heading off
to attend Kansas,

"it's like everybody's
moving on without me.

"I've never understood why
you don't do the same.


Well, one thing that sticks out

is that Riley made a verbal
commitment to Redtown State,

and this letter says that he was
heading off to attend Kansas.

Well, maybe Riley lied to his
brother about his college decision.

Something else I noticed
was this is the only letter

where Hank's mother and Riley
are mentioned together.

Well... whoever tore this up
may have been trying

to send a message of their own.

What, no NYPD announcement?

I barely recognized the knock.

Listen, I don't have a lot of time.

I gotta get back to work.

But I want to talk about
what's going on with you.

Excuse me?

I followed you earlier.

A temp agency?

Why didn't you just tell me
you were looking for a job?

Don, you have got to stop
following me, okay?

I am out of AA.

I am sober.
I am a grown woman.

You're giving me attitude

after you lied on your application?

What'd you do, walk in
there and flash a badge

and they just hand it to you?

What was I supposed to say?

You're supposed to tell
the truth, Sam.

Lying about your prior arrests
and your substance abuse problem

is not the way
to turn your life around.

Okay, I have tried
doing it the right way.

You want to know what happens

when you try doing it the right way?

You get a bunch of
"I am sorry, miss"es...

I get it.
I know it's hard.

I just...

I feel like you have
a second lease on life.

You have a chance to do
whatever you want.

Says who? You and Dad?

You always knew what
you were gonna do.

You Flack men... you have
NYPD in your blood.

But me?
I was always the one...

Don't give me the "I was always
a screw-up" crap, okay?

Not too long ago, you had ideas.

What about your writing?

I thought you wanted
to be a journalist.

I understand where
you're coming from with this,

but I made mistakes, Don.

I don't have the option of
going that route anymore.

Those days are over.

Nobody wants to hire
a girl with priors.

I don't want to see you
give up on your dreams.

Look, no offense, but can
this rah-rah pep talk!

You want to be honest...

half the reason why you're here

is because you care about me,
and I do appreciate that.

But the other half is
you feeling guilty

for not coming around more often.

Just save yourself the trouble.

Let yourself out.


I found it odd that a low-paid
ex-con like Nick Blount

owned an expensive,
exclusive sports wristband.

So I took a little
closer look at the company...

Wyandotte Sports...

Says here they
have a merchandising deal

with Riley Frazier's ADL team?


And the exact model bracelet

that Nick Blount was wearing

was made exclusively
for Riley's team,

and only 20 people own them.

So how did Nick Blount
get his hands on one?

Typically, the way that
these merchandise deals work

is that a company donates
some apparel to the person

that's in charge of the team.

So, in this case, that
would be the coach.


Coach Gavin, the legend.

It gets more interesting.

Riley Frazier committed to attending

Redtown State College, right?

According to the letter
that his brother sent to Angela,

he previously committed
to going to Kansas.

Kids change their college
decisions all the time.

The timing of this is
a little too suspicious.

I did some homework.

According to on-line sports sites,

Riley has always stated publicly

that his heart was set on Kansas,

'cause that was the favored
choice of his brother.

Now he suddenly changes his mind,

after his brother's arrested.

Sounds like a tug of w*r
over Riley's future,

between Hank and Coach Gavin.

And ADL coaches are often
used as go-betweens.

Colleges and pro agents will
often pay coaches like Gavin

to deliver top players.

Gavin stands to make millions

by hip-pocketing a superstar
like Riley.

That's all the motive in the world

for Gavin to want Hank's
influence out of the way.

Took a closer look at the phone
we found at Nick Blount's apartment.

He made a call from that cell

the night of the m*rder.

I'll give you a hint who he called...

it wasn't Phil Jackson.

Coach Gavin was the third person
in Angela's apartment.

But Hank had to know Gavin
had motive to do this.

Why wouldn't he say anything?

There's only one reason
that makes sense...

'cause he plans to do
something about it.

All right, boys!

Good job! Good job!
Bring it in! Bring it in!

Good job.
Thanks, Coach.

Coach. Looking good.

Not too bad, huh?

We gotta get Riley if you want to...

- What?
- Raise your hands up on your head.

You're under arrest for
the m*rder of Angela Kelly.

Let it go, Hank.

You want to be a part
of your brother's life?

Stay out of jail and be smart
and let us handle this.

Hands behind your back.

All right, let's go.

Five city championships,

24 All-Americans,

seven NBA All-Stars...

three felonies.

You know, whatever you're accusing
me of, I can assure you...

Oh, this goes
well beyond accusation.

We matched your DNA to
a blood drop at our crime scene.

All due respect, Detective,
I think you're full of crap.

No cuts on your hands, no abrasions.

I'm guessing it was a bloody nose.

You hired Nick because
he worked with Angela.

He had access to her apartment
keys and could make copies.

Still think I'm full of crap?

How much did you pay Nick?

Did you pay him with cash
or with sports merchandise?

Whatever the price,

it won't be enough to save you.

As soon as Nick is conscious
and able,

he'll tell us everything
we need to know.


Look, I simply paid him
to plant dr*gs

in Hank's gym bag.

The plan was

to make a call, violate his parole.

That's it.


What are you doing here?

She wasn't supposed to be home.

He wasn't supposed to k*ll her.

But you received a phone call
from him.

I had no idea what had happened
until I saw for myself.

You dumb-ass!

Why did you do this?
Me? You're the lookout, okay?

How was I supposed to know
she was just going to walk in?

Yo, if you don't get off me...

Nick is a m*rder*r,

but you're the one who made
things go from bad to worse.

You decided to fix things,

by finishing what you
went there to do.

We are screwed,

both of us,

unless you help with this.

So you staged that scene
to pin it all on Hank.

I just wanted Hank out of the way.

He screwed up his own life.

I didn't want him
screwing up Riley's, too.

No, that's not it.

Come on, it wasn't Riley's life

you care about, it's
his earning potential.

People like you are gatekeepers.

College decisions are
important for players,

but big business for coaches

who can get players to sign
with certain schools.

How much is Redtown State paying you?

How much do you stand to make
after Riley leaves college

if you can steer him to the
right professional agent?

The right endorsement opportunities?

Kids like Riley... they're not
just basketball players,

they're future millionaires.

Meal tickets for leeches like you.

I spent my life coaching kids.

Teaching them the game.

You know how many
fall by the wayside?

You know how many
pan out, become stars?

Do you know how many move one
and forget about me?

Finding Riley was,

for once,

like winning the lottery.

Except in this case, you lose.

Detective Taylor.

Never got a chance to thank you
for everything you've done.

No need.

But can I offer some advice?


Hank's trying.

You gotta know that.

You can see it in his face that
he hates disappointing you.

Just imagine if basketball
was taken away from you.

With Angela's death, he could easily
turn back to bad influences right now.

Don't give up on him.


Just so you know, I...
I start rehab tomorrow.

Detective Taylor said that he's
going to be checking in on me.

There's something about that guy
makes me think he's serious.

Okay. Well, go ahead, keep up
the silent treatment.

You're just afraid that if we
play, you'll get embarrassed.

People always said
I was the better brother.

Better-looking, better at basketball,


Now, if I remember correctly,
last time we played,

I won.

The last time we played?

What's the overall record?

I got like, what, 953 wins

to... I'm sorry, how many
do you have again?

# Feedback, feedback, feedback,
feedback, feedback, feedback #

Check ball.

# I don't need
no introduction, you know me #

# I don't need to be
someone I'm not, you know me #

# I ain't talkin' about these
people around me that's phony #

# I'm talkin' about when there
was just you and me only #

# I guess it all worked out,
made us who we are #

# Chicks think it looks cool,
I'll take the scars #

# We do whatever today,
we make it to tomorrow #

# Grandmamma taught me well,
shake it off #

# Shake it off, shake it off,
let 'em talk. #

I got you something.

I don't take things from strangers.

Please take it.

Look, I appreciate the gift...

It's not a gift.

It's a job.

You got me a job with the NYPD?

Well, slow down.
I don't want you in my precinct

any more than you want me
in your hair.

It's with the Executive Office

of Media Relations for the NYPD.

They need people with
journalism backgrounds.

They had an opening,
I called in a favor.

Why are you doing this for me?

This is what siblings do.

They look out... good times and bad.

Look, I... I don't know, I mean,
what if I screw up?

Won't that reflect bad on you?

Just take the job.

Sometimes nepotism is a good thing.

It's not a handout.

Just an opportunity for you
to get back on track

with some of those dreams of yours.

Become the next Lesley Stahl
like you always talked about.

That would make you Andy Rooney.

I'll take it.

And if you happen to do an expos?

on the most interesting
people in the world...

your brother's not above
doing interviews.


Got a minute?
