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01x32 - The Hatch/Sounds of the Forest

Posted: 01/01/24 16:58
by bunniefuu



SNOOK: ♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Don't you agree

♪ Big enough ♪ Don't you agrefor you and me

♪ I'm a big old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world after all.

Ohh! It's a big one.

Oh! There you go.

That's funny-looking one.

BURDETTE: Oh, monkeys! Where are you?

Hey, Burdette, we're in here!

Smooch! Winslow! I'm so excited.

I have something to show you two.

Ooh! Ooh! What is it?

Something to eat?

I wanted you to see this.

It's so precious and important to me.

My very own eggsll!

And I wanted to share it with you.

Your what?

My eggshell!

Isn't it adorable?

When I was just a little baby bird,

I hatched from

this very eggshell!

You mean you fit inside there?

Of course.

I was a baby, and then I hatched,

like we all do.

BOTH: Uh... Like we all do?

Well, of course,

you two hatched from separate eggs.

BOTH: We hatched?!

Hold it! You mean Winslow and I

hatched from an egg, too?

I always wondered how we were born.

What color are your eggs?

As you can see,

mine is a very pretty blue.

And where do you keep them?

Can I see them?

Uh... keep them? Our eggshells?

Oh, we keep them, uh... somewhere.

Yeah. Somewhere.

Somewhere really safe.

Actually, we don't know where they are.

Do you, Smooch?

I have no clue, actually.

Really? Oh, dear.

You should take better care

of the shell you were hatched from.

You'll never have another one.

Well, I'm going straight home

to put my eggshell in a safe place.


Yeah, ta!

Smooch, I can't believe we managed to lose something

that we never even knew we had. Huh?

Oh, oh, oh!

Smooch, don't tell me you threw them out.

Well, I've actually never seen them, Winslow.

But they have to be here somewhere.

There are no eggshells in this tree house.

Well, if they aren't here, where are they?

Maybe they fell out of the monkey hut a long time ago.

They must be in the tree or on the ground.

I'm going to go look.

If Burdette has a pretty blue eggshell,

we'd better have a pretty one, too!

Wait for me !

[ snoring ]

Found anything yet?

No. Not yet. Keep looking.

Uh... Hey, guys.

Keep looking for what?

You scared us.

Yeah, Snook.

What are you doing here?

Smooch and I are looking for our eggshells.

I think Smooch threw them away, and she won't admit it.

I never saw them.

Oh, I did not throw them away!

How could you say that?

Uh... your eggshells?

Yeah. Burdette told us we should take better care

of the shells we were hatched from,

and we can't find them anywhere!

Oh. Um... you know, I d't know

how to break this to you guys,

but there's a very good reason

why you haven't found your eggshells. You see...

Come on, Winslow.

We still haven't looked near the bottom of the tree.

You go to Ick's,

and I'll go look around that Sappenwood tree.

Okay, Smooch. See you, Snook!

Hey, guys, wait!

Whoa! Smooch and Winslow

think they were hatched from inside an egg.

Do you think that's true?

I better go find them and explain.

So the fish says he can't hear.

So I tell him-- get this--

What you need is a herring aid!

Get it? A herring is

a kind of a fish, Wartz.

Try to stay with me here.

Oh, that's... that's funny, Ick.

Really. Oh. Oh, hi, Winslow.

What are you looking for?

Ick! Oh, hi. Smooch and I have lost our eggshells.

You know, the ones we hatched from.

Have you seen any around?

Eggshells?Not me.

How about your eggshells, Ick?

Where do you keep them?


In my stomach. I ate them.

You ate them?

Yeah. I ate mine, too.

That's what fish and frogs do,Winslow.

Do you think maybe I ate mine?

I can't remember.

Ahh! I remember mine like it was only yesterday.

It was delicious. Oh, yeah!

Mine, too!

That's weird.

Not really, monkey.

See, our eggshells are kinda like jelly,

and full of good stuff to eat after we hatch.

So that we have enough food

until we're big enough

to find it for ourselves.

Then maybe my eggshells were jelly, too?

Nah. You guys weren't hatched in the water,

so I'm betting yours are hard like Burdette's.

I've got to find them!

They must be here somewhere.

Crazy monkey.

I heard that.

Oh, there you are.

I've been trying to find you, Smooch.

Hi. What's up, Snook?

Oh. Hey, Winslow.

I'm guessing you've had no luck

with the great egg hunt thing, right?

Yeah. It's so weird.

Burdette's eggshell was hard,

but Ick and Wartz said theirs were like jelly,

and they ate them.

Whoa. That's weird.

If only we hadn't lost ours.

Winslow, let's just keep looking.

Okay! Everybody,freeze!

Uh... guys, this has gone on long enough.

It's a very interesting thing, this egg hunt, but I think

the three of us need to take a quick trip

to Madge's to clear this whole thing up.

Come on.

Uh... Snook, can we unfreeze now?

[ laughs]

So, my dears, I understand you're on an eggshell hunt!

We haven't found a thing!

Yeah. Hey, what about you, Madge?

Do you have your egg?

Hmm. Now, let me see.

I do like to save things.

It must be here somewhere.

Ow! My head.

Oh, my. Ah!

Yes. Here it is.

Wow! That's a big one.

And leathery!

Oh, how come everyone has their eggshell except us?

Everyone? Did you ask Bob or Oko about their eggshells?

Bob or Oko? Um... no.

We were too busy searching.

And you never asked me about myeggshell, did you?

Oh, sorry, I-I didn't mean to leave you out, Snook.

Wow, that must have been a big one.

[ laughs]

Well, just like you guys,

I can't find my eggshell, either.

You know why?

Um, is this a trick question?

[ chuckles]: I never had one.

But Burdette told us everyone had one.

MADGE: Well, my dears,

Burdette is quite lovely,

but she does tend to think

that the bird's way is everyone's way.

And in the case of hatching, that's just not so.

You ready for this, guys?

Some animals don't hatch.


Exactly the point, dears.

Fish, like Ick, amphibians, like Wartz,

reptiles, like myself, and birds, like Burdette,

all hatch from eggs,

but mammals, like Snook, don't hatch.

That's right-- we mammals are carried

by our mothers in a special place in their bellies

that's just for babies.

We grow there and are kept warm and safe

before we're born.

Mammals are born without shells.

Hold it!

Bob is a mammal, too.

He must have been born without a shell.

A-And Oko's a mammal, too.

Are there any other mammals you can think of?

Can you?



And you guys out there,

you're mammals, too.

Wait, Smooch, that means we never hatched at all!

I knew there was a reason we couldn't find our eggshells.

Well, I'm glad we cleared that up.

So long, Madge!See ya!

Gee, Snook,

I wonder what we were like as babies when we were born.

♪ You were a beautiful baby

♪ Such a delightful soul

♪ You were a beautiful baby

♪ Such a sight to behold

♪ Lying there, dressed like a little lovable lump of gold ♪

♪ You were such beautiful babies when you were one day old ♪

♪ Now we've grown up for a while ♪

♪ And it's been a lovely ride ♪

[ both giggle ]

♪ I was just happy to be there ♪

♪ Growing up by your side

♪ But I can never forget

♪ The first day your eyes opened wide ♪

♪ You were such beautiful babies ♪

♪ No, I just can't deny

♪ Yes, two of the most beautiful babies ♪

♪ That I could ever find.

[ chuckles]: So cute.

[ chuckles]

[ birds chirping]

♪ From a distance I can see

♪ A world that is for everyone ♪

♪ I can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere I go

♪ I see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ Everybody sing it, yeah

ALL: ♪ The curve of the world♪

♪ Is blue and green and green and blue♪

BOTH: ♪ Green and blue

♪ The curve of the world is for you and me and me and you ♪

BOTH: ♪ Me and you, hey

♪ We can see a world that is for everyone♪

♪ And we can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere we go♪ ♪ Yes

♪ We see creatures that are big and small♪

♪ Big and small, yeah

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ Everybody sing it now ♪

♪ You and me and the curve of the world. ♪

[ laughter]

[ forest creature warbles ]

Hey, Wartz, how's the new log working out?

Is it, um, everything you always dreamed of?

It sure is, Bob.

My very own jungle palace!

That's very exciting, Wartz.

Um, congratulations.

Ah, thanks, Bob.

Well, it looks like I'm all settled in.

I think I'm really gonna like it here in my new spot.

[ creatures squawking, chattering] Wow! Hey, listen to that!

From this spot, you can hear all the sounds of the forest.

Hey, you're right.

Ah, I love all those sounds.


Uh, well, I just came by to wish you a good night's sleep

in your new home.

Thanks, Bob.

Have a good night, too.

And remember, don't let the bedbugs bite.


Are those tasty?

Um, I think it's just an expression.

Oh, darn.

[ low-pitched whooshing ] Huh? Hah?

What is that?

[ air whooshing softly]

[ high-pitched whooshing]

[ higher-pitched whooshing]

[ high-pitched whistling]

[ air whooshing ] Waah!

[ loud thud ] [ grunts]

[ high-pitched knocking ] Huh?

Not another sound!

What's going on out there?

I just want to get some sleep!

I've been tossing and turning for hours!

What does a frog have to do to get some sleep?!

[ frustrated groan]

[ sighs ]

So much for my brand-new jungle palace.

This place was supposed to be everything I ever dreamed of.

[ groans]: Too bad I can't get to sleep long enough to dream at all.

Maybe I should go see Snook.

He's a sleeping expert.

Good morning, Wartz!

[ yawns ]: If you say so, Snook.

Whoa, you're looking a tad snoozy there, Wartz.

And looking snoozy is usually my job around here.

I heard you're trying out a new log.

How's it going?

It's too noisy.


A log too noisy?

Wh-What do you mean?

It's a whistling log.

And then I woke up this morning to a very noisy knocking.

Oh, that doesn't sound too restful.

Uh, so you say it's

[ whistles "S"]: a whis... tling log. Yeah.

It's full of holes, and it makes loud whistle noises

whenever the wind blows.

A-And the knocking, what was making that sound?

I don't know. Did you hear it, Snook?

Nah, but us sloths are known for sound sleeping.


[ yawns ]: I'm going home to take a nap.

A nap!

Good idea, Wartz!

Hey, uh, call me if you need my help napping.


I wonder what could be making all of those sounds.

Hey, Wartz, have you seen Winslow?

He left this morning, and I don't know where he's gone.

[ yawns ]: Nope. Sorry, Smooch.


how's the new log?Well,

you can hear so many sounds everywhere,

and it whistles, and then there's this knocking sound.


That sounds perfect for me.

I love listening to the sounds of the World Tree.

Well, I love listening to the sounds of the forest, too,

but now these new sounds are making it awfully hard to sleep.

Hi, guys!

There you are!

Where have you been?

[ nervous chuckle ]: Um... you know, here and there.

I was looking for you, Smooch, uh...

but I didn't see you-- really, I was.

Well, that's because I was out looking for you.

[ nervous chuckle ]: Heh... sorry about that, Smooch.

Um... well, I'll...

see you guys... later.

But where are you off to now?

Huh? Oh. You know, here and there,

places to go, creatures to see.

You know how it is. [ nervous chuckle ]


That is one suspicious-acting marmoset.

Well, I've got too many mysteries to figure out today already.

Oh, Wartz, my dear little froggy.

I came by to see how you were getting on in your new log.

It's okay, Madge.

But there sure are a whole lot of things to get used to.

It always takes a while to get used to what's unfamiliar

in a new place, but I assure you, my dear,

that in no time it will feel like

you've been here forever.

What's that?

Oh, I almost forgot.

I brought u a housewarming present.

Some moss to line your log with.

Thanks, Madge.

I might need to put some over my ears

if I want to get any sleep.

Oh dear, Wartz.

Are the sounds of the forest keeping you awake?

Well, the wind whistling through my log does.

It's really loud.

[ musical note]

Hey, Madge, now you're blowing like the wind.

Air passing over these holes at just the right angle

makes that lovely sound.

[ musical note]

Wow, Madge.

That's the same sound.

It sure is lovely now.

But it's not so lovely when you're trying to sleep.

Yes, but I have an idea how we can stop these vibrations.


What are vibrations?

Vibrations are when something moves back and forth

very quickly.

Oh, like this?

Wow. But I still don't get it.

Well, dear, the air passing over the holes in your log

makes the log vibrate, or shake very, very fast.

This vibration creates a wave of sound

that travels through the air to our ears.

Then that, in turn, makes our ears vibrate

and we hear it as sound.

So the air in my log is vibrating,

and that makes those whistling sounds.

Gee, I didn't know that.

Let's see...

If we plug the holes

with this moss,

then the wind can't get through anymore.

So no more whistling sound.

Thanks, Madge.

Now if I could only figure out

where that strange knocking sound

that woke me up this morning was coming from.

A knocking sound... hmm.

That is a little harder to explain.

Where was it coming from?

Somewhere over there.

Well, maybe you'll find out tonight.

I just hope I don't hear it.

Thanks, Madge. See you soon.

[ musical knocking]


That sound again.

This time I'm going to find out what's going on.

Hmm, it sounds like it's coming from... over there.

[ musical knocking]



Uh, uh-huh.


It's you, Winslow.

You're making the knocking sound.

What...? Oh, hey, Wartz.

No one was supposed to find out.

Besides, I had to go somewhere to practice.

What are you practicing,

how to wake up tree frogs?

I've discovered these pieces of wood

make a great sound. Listen.

[ playing musical scale ]

Wow, that does sound nice.

I've been learning how to play on my own.

I wanted to surprise everyone

with a concert.

Well, how does it work?

See, each block is a different length.

So you get a different sound when you hit each one.

The shorter the block...

[ high note ]

...the higher the sound.

The longer the block...

[ low note]

...the lower the sound.


Your blocks are vibrating, Winslow.

Madge was telling me all about vibration.

What is a vibration?

Oh, a vibration is what makes a sound.

So when I hit one of these wooden blocks

it vibrates and makes a cool sound.


[ playing tune]

♪ La-la-la-la-la- la-la-la ♪

♪ Huh-huh-huh-huh, la-la-la. ♪

Hey, we sound great.

Hey, I have an idea.

[ clearing throat ]

We will now play our new song,

"Jungle Vibrations for Frog and Marmoset."

This is exciting.

♪ Can you hear the jungle vibrations ♪

♪ They're sending sensations

♪ All over the world

♪ Yes, my ears are being awakened ♪

♪ By the sweetest creation ♪

♪ That I've ever heard

♪ If you want a little sizzle play a tambourine ♪

♪ If you want a little thump, then play a log ♪

♪ And we'll see you dancing to a jungle fantasy ♪

♪ Courtesy of one wild monkey and one groovy frog ♪

♪ 'Cause it's clear those jungle vibrations ♪

♪ Are truly the vibey-est, best vibrations of them. ♪


That was fun.

There's just one thing.

Yes, my singing buddy?

Maybe we could avoid practicing in the morning.

I don't want to get up that early.

Got ya.

Hey, let's sing it again.

♪ Can you hear the jungle vibrations... ♪

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hanging upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So give me five

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la... ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, oh, hey., la... ♪

There are so many cool animals in the big, big world

and so many great facts to know about them.

One way to find out more is to read.

Go to your local library

and get a book about your favorite animal.

My friend Burdette is one beautiful animal.

Burdette's a Quetzal bird,

and Quetzal birds have bright green and red feathers

and very long white tails.

Oh, yeah, and their tails can get two times as long

as their whole bodies.

Can you imagine that?

When they fly, their tails flow behind them.

Quetzal birds like my friend Burdette

sure are beautiful.

Which animals do you think are beautiful?

My friend Wartz is a red-eyed tree frog.

And they are really interesting animals.

Red-eyed tree frogs are so green

that when they're sitting on a leaf

and they have their big red eyes closed,

well, you can hardly see them.

Pretty neat, huh?

When an animal can blend in

with its surroundings, that's called camouflage.

Camouflage sure would come in handy

in a game of hide-and-seek, don't you think?