01x08 - Prisoner

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bitten". Aired January 2014 - April 2016.*
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Elena Michaels is a werewolf who is torn between a normal life with her human boyfriend Philip in Toronto and her "family" obligations as a werewolf in upstate New York. Among her "pack" is her ex-fiancé Clayton, who is responsible for her becoming a werewolf.
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01x08 - Prisoner

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Bitten"...

When did you get this?

Oh, six-month anniversary present.

Gentlemen, what do you think?

Amanda, here, is going to overhaul the place for me.

My ad agency wants to acquire some of the footage you shot.

Wolves running at Cherry Beach.

I wish there was a way to improve the quality though.


(Mixed grunts)

( ♪ )




It's time for you to rest now.

We should start our own pack.

It doesn't work like that, you're not one of us.

Just one little bite and I could be your werewolf queen.

So where do we start?



Don't k*ll him, we need him!

I guarantee you will tell me where to find them before I'm done with you.


(Panicked breathing)


♪ When you tremble

♪ You tremble for me

♪ When you tremble

♪ You tremble with me

♪ When you lie

♪ You lie for me

♪ When you lie

♪ Your lies are for me


We should get the pyre built.

I don't know if I can do any more funerals.

Nothing is going to happen until Nick gets back and Jeremy gets better.

I feel like we failed Antonio.

We did.

( ♪ )

I thought I collapsed from blood loss.

But a night's rest should've fixed that.

There's something wrong, Elena.

Very difficult to breathe.

(Laboured breathing)

I don't understand.

You're healing normally but you're burning up.

There has to be some sort of poison in my bloodstream.

They must've dipped the knife in a toxin.

What do I need to do to find an antidote?

We need to figure out what the toxin is first.

The wrong course of treatment could be fatal.

Jeremy's been poisoned.

We have to find out what they used on the knife.

How much time do we have?

I don't know.

Doesn't look good. It could be hours.

I'm going to find the Mutts.

Give me a chance.

Cain will know, I'll get it out of him.

What if you can't?

We'll figure something out.

Better go fast then.

I'll make him talk.

(Clattering, clanking)

(Snarling, growling)

I don't think he wants to talk.


( ♪ )

Bitten 1x08 - Prisoner Original air date March 1, 2014

Where are you going?

I have to find the Mutts.

And if you tell me that I can't go by myself, I'll break your arm.

You can't go out there by yourself.

We don't have time for this.

Stay here, I'll work on Cain.

You know what? Last time I checked, wolves don't talk.

I'm going to find out what they poisoned Jeremy with.

Your vengeance can come later.

What's your plan?

You're going to drive around and hope they're out for a stroll?

There was a woman with them.

I'm going to find her.

Any sign of the Mutts, you're going to call me.

I'll be there. We do this together.

I'm not going to do anything without backup.

Any sign of trouble, I'll call, all right?


( ♪ )


I sent everyone home.

You won't be disturbed.

Sorry about this.

I needed a quiet spot.

We can start back on the renos tomorrow.

No problem.

I only have one set of keys.

Can you come back around 6:00?

I'll be here.


Jorge: Please welcome Brandy to the main stage.





You look great!

Look at you, get in here!


What are we doing meeting at a strip joint, huh?

It's not a s...

Never mind that.

Have a seat, okay?


You want a drink?

It's not even noon yet.

You haven't changed, huh? Always a party with you.

You got a bunch of girls back there?

No girls, Jorge.

I called you because I need your help as a lawyer.

Yeah! Whatever you need, Nicky.

My father is dead.

Nicky... (Chuckle) don't joke around like that, man.

I wish I were.

I have to give you a little respect.

I'm starting to think you're not that stupid after all.

You're thinking as long as you stay a wolf, I won't be able to question you.

Not a bad plan.

You'd be right, except for one thing...


I've done this before.




( ♪ )

Now this is looking pretty good.

I was doing frame-grabs as I went.

You want to hear something weird?

I don't think this Nate guy was being totally honest with us.

No? - He said he was out at Cherry Beach just hanging.

At night...

I don't think he was out there for the fresh air.

Our little Nate's a perv.

Look at this.

See that?

It's clothes.


See how they're nicely stacked and tucked out of the way?

It looks like someone was getting naked out there.

I think Nate was busy creeping on some lovers.

What is it?

Nothing, I...

I just hope you're wrong.

What difference does it make? You...

You can still use it for your campaign, right?

That's the thing: if we use this and we find out later that he was sh**ting people having sex, that is what's going to be splashed all over the internet.

It'll be a PR disaster.

Peeping Tom Vodka.


I am going to have to go and talk to Nate and see if he has any additional footage that he hasn't shown us.

I told you we make a great team.

We did.

(Laptop slams)

It's all on there.

I even threw in an app I wrote to tweak the settings: gamma, contrast, stuff like that.

Sylvie... I believe you with all this "I love my girlfriend" stuff.

You're a good guy, Philip.

But think for a second.

You know six of my friends who could've done this for you, but you called me.

Why put yourself in that position unless somewhere, deep down, you wanted me to be here?

I was hoping that we could be mature.


I'm looking around.

Where is she?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

( ♪ )


Santos, Marsten, Cain. They've organized.

They took out the Stillwells and they k*lled Pete.

I should talk to Jeremy.

I love you, cuz.

But you're not inner circle.

Jeremy asked me to talk to you, and that's how it's going to be.

All right, no problem. I didn't mean anything by it.

They caught us off-guard, but nothing has changed.

We are still the Pack.

These assholes think they can come at Stonehaven, but we're going to teach them a lesson once and for all.

What do you need from me?

There is the matter of my father's life in the human world.

We need to erase it before anyone starts asking questions.

Everyone else can think that Jeremy let him retire.

I need to trust your discretion.

(Heavy sigh)

I'll take that drink.

Don't worry, Jorge.

Everything's under control.

All right.

Okay, Nicky.

One more thing.

No more "Nicky".



All right.

( ♪ )

(Panicked breathing, grunting)

I wouldn't do that.

That only gets tighter when you pull.

What do you want?

Just to talk.

I ain't got nothing to say.

Well, that's up to you.

But you see the way the rope's looped.

A wolf's shoulder can't rotate in that direction.

So if you try to change, your arms will rip out of their sockets.

That's also up to you.

(Birds chirping)

(Cellphone chiming)



Hey, I was just thinking about you.

Thought I'd check in.

Everything's fine.

Philip: Have you been running?

I just noticed you left all of your running gear here, and I know how much you like to run.


(Nervous chuckle)

I'm not really thinking about that.

Philip: No, no, I get that.

But you and Logan
run together.

You have that spot somewhere down in Cherry Beach, right?

Look, I know this is difficult, 'kay, me being away and dealing with family but... it'll be done soon.

That necklace I gave you for our anniversary...

Are you wearing it now?

You're acting strange. What's going on?


I just want things to be normal.

Come back soon.

Love you.

Me too.

What was used to poison the blade?

What are you talking about?

I don't know anything about any poison.


LeBlanc poisoned his blade?


Holy shit!

Looks like Santos bit a winner after all.

Just tell me where they are so I can find out what he used.

Shove it up your ass, bro.


Take a look around. Huh?

This place wasn't built for quiet reflection.

So why don't you start talking while I'm still feeling friendly.


Okay, Mr. Friendly.

You know that shitheel, Pete?

I held him down.

Sat on his chest.

He was like a helpless, snot-nosed little kid in a schoolyard.

Squealing and crying like a little girl.

(Fake crying)

"Oh, please don't hurt me."

"Please! Plea-ase!

It hurts!"

And I was staring right in his face when LeBlanc took that knife and ran it across his throat.

And this was the last thing he saw.

I'm not afraid of you.

So bring it.

Come on, bring it, you son of a b*tch!

That's it! Bring it!

Come on, you know you want to finish it.

So do it!

Do it. Do it.


You're not getting off that easy.


(Remote phone ringing)

What have you got?

Well, the mystery girl's with Cain.

(High-pitched ring)

I just found their love nest, an RV off the 275.

Any trouble?

No, all their stuff's still here.

I think I'll just sit on it and hope that she comes back.

Maybe she'll lead us to where the Mutts are hiding.

Okay. You remember the deal?

I'll call.

I'm not interested in taking them on by myself.

(Heavy sigh)

Who's the girl?

I got an idea.

How about you untie me and we finish this the old-fashioned way?

We found your RV.

Won't be long before we find her.

Who is she?

Some skank I picked up in Jonestown.

I took her off a biker.

She stabbed Jeremy.



I guess she'll do anything for a bag of coke and a couple of rocks of crystal, huh?

She don't know shit from shingles.

Then where is she?

How do I know? I'm in here.

She's probably tweaked out of her mind and blowing some trucker on the way back to Bumblast, Pennsylvania.

What do I care?

All right, I closed out Antonio's accounts, moved them offshore: you'll be the only one with access.


Now they're expecting him in New York next week.

He's probably got a bunch of board meetings and a schedule.

Book him on a flight to Frankfurt.

Six-hour layover, and then Rome.

We're going to need a cover story.

That bunch on Wall Street, they... gossip more than a quilting bee.

Anyone looking for him will think he had a midlife crisis.

I'll start dropping hints.

He wanted out, he'd had enough.

He wanted to grow grapes and make wine.

Let the rumour mill take care of the rest.

Before you know it, there'll be 20 different stories about why he disappeared.

That should do it.

I learned from the best.

Nobody could make a dead wolf disappear quite like my dad.


Here's to Antonio.

After today, he takes his place in the Legacy.

Long may it last.

( ♪ )

Your blood pressure is dangerously low.

Where is Elena?

Tracking the woman who stabbed you.

No. You need to tell her about the first day in Stonehaven.

This isn't your deathbed.

Not yet.

What about Cain?

Doesn't seem to know about the poison.

Do what you have to do: hurt him.

I don't think that'll work.

He wants me to finish him off.

The closer he gets, the longer he'll hold out.

He was always a strong one.

Yeah, he's loyal even for a Mutt.

Would've made a good Pack member if he wasn't such an assh*le.

My first Change was at Rushford Lake.

My father tied a rock around my neck and threw me in the water.

We don't need to talk about Malcolm now.

You're nothing like he was.

He wanted me to experience the feeling of death as a boy... and as a wolf.

He wanted me to feel it.


I can still feel the black... waters.

I would do anything to trade places with you.

My father is the poison in my blood.


It's my blood... that's the poison.

My father's the poison...

(Rock ♪)

( ♪ )


Must be tough to get your share when you live with someone like Cain.

Let's talk.

(Suspenseful ♪)

Tell me Cain is still alive.

He's alive.

For now.

Is he hurt?

I don't know, I've been busy looking for you.

How did you find me?

You forgot about Cain's truck.

I assume you know who I am.

Elena, right?

I'm Amber.

You stabbed my friend, Amber.

You mean your Alpha?

What did Cain tell you?

You mean about the whole werewolf thing?

(Mixed chatter)

Lower your voice.

Maybe I'll shout it from the rooftops.

Where is my man?

He's alive.

And whether or not he stays that way depends on you.

I can't feel my arms.

Rub under your armpits. It'll get the circulation going.

You hungry?

I'm starving.


Zachary Cain.

Father: Theo Cain, werewolf from Holcomb, Kansas.

Where do I know that from?

I don't know. It's my old man's hometown.

"In Cold Blood".

Truman Capote wrote a book about a pair of drifters who went to Holcomb and m*rder*d a family.

Happens all the time, why write a book?

I think you must know the drifter life.

Your father was never Pack.

Alone, cut off.

Never staying anywhere long enough to feel at home.


What would you know about it?

I was bit when I was seven.

Campsite outside of Baton Rouge.

I ended up feral and alone.

My family couldn't find me and eventually, they gave up.

I know what it feels like to be alone.

In the swamps.

Nothing but a crazy hunger and a need.


We all got a little bit of that.

My old man taught me how to stay alive.

It was Jeremy who found me.

Gave me a home.

A place... this place.

Well, isn't that good for you.

Could be for you too.

We don't have to fight each other.

You don't have to be going from one shitty town to another in a string of stolen cars.

You can have a place of your own.

Join the Pack.

Why not?

What about Pete?

All that's forgiven?

Or do I wake up one day with a noose around my neck?

Pete always put the Pack ahead of vengeance.

So will I.

Just tell me where to find them.

Elena: Cain signed your death warrant.

It's a basic rule.

You can't know about us.

That's your rule, not Cain's.

It's the only reason we've survived this long.

The Pack can't let you live.

You will be trapped and k*lled by the best hunters in the world.

So why don't you k*ll me?

I'm not the only one you should be worried about.

Cain told me the rule when I found out.

He couldn't do it though.

He'd rather risk punishment than k*ll me.

I thought, "A real live werewolf."

"And he loves me."

And then I found out about you.

The one woman who survived being bitten.

You're living the life I want.

I could be with Cain and no one would hunt me.

You asked him to bite you.

He won't do it.

He's afraid of losing me.

Says it would break his heart.

He's got this thing... (Sniffling) in his big thick head that you're special somehow.

But I could survive it.

You know I could.

I could be just like you.

Trust me.

You don't want this.

Want to know something else my old man showed me, hmm?

How to live free.

See, I was born a wolf, baby.

I come from a long line going back hundreds of years, and I don't owe anybody anything.

You get bitten in.

You think you know the score.


Boo-hoo, you lived in a swamp!

You see... that's the trouble with the Pack.

They'll let any Johnny-come-lately Louisiana turd stink up the clubhouse.

Your father died with a bottle of corn liquor in his hand and a baseball bat to the back of the head.

Is that how you want to go?

Antonio Sorrentino spilled his guts on a dirt road.

We all got to go somehow.

(Frustrated growl)


(Vehicle approaching)
Sheriff Morgan: Mr. Danvers!

I'm so glad you're home.

Clay: Jeremy isn't here.

Oh, it's you I wanted to talk to.

I came by the other day.

You were supposed to call me?

What's it about?

Well, we're investigating the m*rder of Michael Braxton.

It's a terrible thing.

I was hoping to clear up a few things.

Scratch you off my list.

Wow, I'm on a list!

It's the way these things work.

Everyone's on the list until we narrow it down.

Just a couple questions. Shouldn't take too long.

It's um... not really something I can do standing on your stoop.

Right. Well, um...

I was just about to head into town, so...

I'll stop by the station.

Great! Shouldn't take too much of your time.

I'll grab my jacket.

I need to know about the poison.

Poison? What are you talking about?

You coated your knife with something.

I need to know what it is.

That must've been LeBlanc.

I try to stay away from him.

The guy skeeves me out.

He should.

He's a serial k*ller, Amber.

Bring Cain back to me, and I'll tell you where to find LeBlanc.

Let's go. You show me where they are, and I will do what I can to get Cain back to you, I promise.

How do I know you're not going to k*ll him and me anyway?

All I can do is talk to Jeremy, but it is your only hope.

They told me you would say something like that.

They were right about a lot of things.

(High-pitched ring)

Here they are.

(Suspenseful ♪)

( ♪ )

Marsten: Oh, run along, dearie.

We'll take it from here.

Hello, Elena.

Biting in psychos was one thing.

But I never thought you'd be this reckless, Karl.

How could you let a human know about us?

Are you out of your mind?

It wasn't my call.

I'm merely a passenger on this ride.

Still looking out for yourself, I see.

I believe they call it "looking out for number one," and yes, indeed. I am.

Something you should be thinking about doing too.

All I'm thinking about is snapping your neck.


I like that.

The ones that try to fight back are the most fun.


Well, then you're going to have a blast with me.

I believe Daniel Santos made you an offer?

It still stands.

You don't want to end up on your own out there.

Believe me, it's no picnic.

I don't get it, Karl.

What did the Pack ever do against you?

Hasn't done much for me either.

How many times must I ask for territory?

I could k*ll you right now.

A slice down your femoral artery would be so easy.

You'd bleed out in 30 seconds.

(Heavy sigh)

You could try.

These are rash, these ones.

But Mr. LeBlanc knows better, don't you?


(Grunt of pain)

What are you doing?

You make a public scene, and it won't take long until the cops grab you and bring you back to wherever it is that you came from.

I'm an expert at keeping a low profile.




(Grunt of pain)


Remember... low profile.

You b*tch!

Tell me about the poison.

(Strained chuckling)

It won't do you any good.

It's already too late.


(Continued grunting)

Ricin. Damn it!


You're going to stand up.

And you're going to let me out of this booth.

Do as the lady says.

(Laboured breathing)


(Suspenseful ♪)

( ♪ )


You've been poisoned with ricin.

With ricin?

Tell me what you need me to do.

I need a blood transfusion.

( ♪ )

(Heavy sigh)

We never checked for compatibility.

We're the same.

( ♪ )

What are we drinking to?


We're just drinking.

'96 Toscana.



I was there when these grapes were grown.

Little villa outside of Peralta.

Just my father and me.

A vacation?

Life lessons.

We roamed the hills and olive orchards... lemon trees, jasmine...

He taught me how to track wild boar through chestnut groves using just smell.

I've never heard you talk about your father before.

He taught me everything I know.

(Cork popping)

Like what?

The chase is about feeling what your prey is feeling.

Is that right?

It's timing when you make your move.

Not when you're ready, but when they are.

That beat of anticipation.

When you know it's coming.

When every nerve ending is crackling.

(Deep inhalation)

Ready for it.

It's the moment when they are most alive.

Are you trying to seduce me, Nick?



That part's already done.

♪ Close your eyes

♪ And wait for better days

♪ It's no surprise ♪
♪ That it ended this way

♪ Put your mouth on my mouth

♪ And breathe

♪ Put your mouth on my mouth

♪ And breathe

( ♪ )

♪ I heard you're hunting for nothing ♪
♪ I heard you caught a disease

♪ I heard that you been fishin' ♪
♪ On some temperate seas

Man: You're looking to rent?

Oh, God...

No, I'm, uh, just looking for the guy that used to live here.

I think you mean woman.

No-no, it was a young guy. Um...


Only person that lived here was an old hag named Liz.

Maybe it was her grandson or something?

And there was... there was computers and stuff.

She didn't know a computer from a toaster.

She died here about a month ago.

She was a bit of a shut-in.

No friends, no family, and definitely no Nate.


What are you talking about?

I was here yesterday.

There was equipment everywhere.

Buddy, what do you want me to tell you?

You either got the wrong building, or you're remembering wrong.

Come on.

How's Jeremy?

It was ricin.

Gave him some of my blood, he should be okay.

Where were you?

The sheriff came by.

She wanted to ask questions about Braxton.

I had to get her out of here.

They think you did it.

They don't have anything.

They're fishing.

How did you know it was ricin?

I had a talk with LeBlanc at the diner.

Before you say anything, he left with a broken wrist and I got the information.

(Clattering, glass breaking)

(Frustrated panting)

Every time we get close, they slip away.

Saving Jeremy was more important, don't you think?

Goddammit, you were supposed to call me!

What is it, Clay?

Are you angry because I was right?

No, I'm pissed that you fight me on every simple thing I ask you to do.

Oh, I'm sorry that I don't follow your orders.

I'm trying to protect you.

Where was that attitude four years ago?

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I talked to Cain's girlfriend, Amber.

She knows about us.

About the werewolves.

That's who he's protecting, not the rest of the Mutts.

She knows and you let her go?

You're not listening to me.

Cain fell in love with a girl so much so that he told her who he really was.

He trusted her and she accepted it.

Then she has to die.

Don't you see?

No matter how much she asks him to bite her, he can't do it because he's afraid of losing her.

He won't take that chance and he won't risk her life.

That's love!


(Ominous ♪)

( ♪ )

Oh, is that supposed to scare me?

(Nervous chuckle)

(Needle clicking)


You son of a b*tch!


( ♪ )

There's no point in pretending anymore.

I know about Amber.



No, you got to listen to me.

You got to...

You told her about us.

She knows.

Yeah, but she won't say anything.

You got to believe me, you got to believe me.

Tell me where they're hiding.

I can't, you'll k*ll her.

I have to k*ll her anyways.

Maybe I'll let her have her wish.

I'll find her in the night and I'll bite her, only I won't stop biting.

No, it's Santos.

He has a backup plan... I heard him on his phone.

Tell me where they're hiding!

It's Jimmy Koenig!

He's coming real soon, Clay.


Don't hurt her.

k*ll me, but don't hurt her.

Don't hurt her. Look at me, Clay.


Don't hurt her. Don't hurt her.


Do you love her?

More than anything.

Is that why you joined Santos?

'Cause you knew what we'd do if we found out about her?

I just want to protect her and keep her safe.

Do you play out your life with her in your head?

Picture the two of you growing old together?

All the time.

You imagine what it'd be like to have kids?

A family you never had?

Yeah. She's my soul mate.


(Heavy sigh)

You were right about one thing.



Oh, my God!

For k*lling Pete, you will never be forgiven.

(Metallic click)


( ♪ )

Nick: You're looking better.

Were you able to reach Logan?

I texted him a few times.

I didn't hear back.

But I can see he's picking them up.

You need to find out what's going on with him.


I want your opinion.

I'm never going to fill my father's shoes.

I wouldn't even try.

Go on, Nick.

Logan knows his place.

We'll hear from him.

Right now, we need to focus on finding Marsten, Santos, LeBlanc, and anyone else in league with them.

I will k*ll them myself with pleasure.

(Door closing)


He's done.

I'll help you with the body.

It's my responsibility.

I'll deal with it.

We have another problem.

Santos hired Jimmy Koenig.

He's coming for us.

Koenig... why do I know that name?

He was the Pack enforcer, long before I became Alpha.

You know all those files about dead Mutts down there?

Koenig is responsible for most of them.

My father used to call him "the k*lling Machine".


We'll start planning for Koenig in the morning.

( ♪ )

You were right.

He loved her more than life.


You can hate me for biting you but how we got here doesn't matter.

We are who we are, Elena, right here, right now in this moment.

What we have between us is a real thing or it's not.

You decide.

( ♪ )
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