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02x33 - Saving Agent Orson / The Scientist

Posted: 01/02/24 11:18
by bunniefuu
[Oona] Coming up next

on Odd Squad...

We're kicking Orson off the squad.

[Olympia] This is crazy.

I can tell you a story about Orson

that will change your mind.

Orson saved this entire headquarters

from being destroyed.

Orson, you're a genius.

We're f*ring the baby!

My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This will spoil the broth.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.





Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Ms. O] "Saving Agent Orson."

[Orson crying]

Whoa. What's going on?

We're kicking Orson off the squad.

What? Why?

Because all he ever does

is nap, cry, and eat mushy food.

He's a baby.

And this is a place of business,

not a daycare.

Orson can rejoin the squad

once he gets all his teeth.

In the meantime, he'll be getting

a very generous exit package.

It's got a bouncy ball, a rattle,

and some pureed peas.

We give this to everyone we let go,

but I think it's the first time

someone would really appreciate it.

[both laugh]

This is crazy.

You can't kick Orson off the squad.

He won Agent of the Month a whole bunch of times.

Probably because of his cute, chubby cheeks.

It's taking everything for me not to pinch them right now.

Chubby cheeks aside, we need Orson.

He's the only agent who can drive

the ice cream surveillance van.

We know.

These are his speeding tickets...

from yesterday!

Now, if you'll excuse us,

we're f*ring the baby!

Wait. I can tell you a story about Orson

that will change your mind.

Can you do it quickly?

Can I do it quickly?

Of course I can do it quickly.

If there's one thing my friends have told me--


Otis and I were trying to cr*ck

one of our most difficult cases ever.

We understand you do a lot of multimedia work

for the villains.

Yep, audio, video, arts and crafts,

I do it all.

That's why they call me Multimedia Mike.

Which also happens to be my father's name.

He's a doctor.

He's not very good at what he does.

The Villain League is meeting today

to plan something odd, and we need to know where.

[Multimedia Mike] Honestly, I don't know.

All I can tell you is where they've met in the past.

Fine, then start talking.

I think you mean "multimedia-ing".

- What? - Huh?

[deep voice] Hello, Lady Bread.

[falsetto] Hello, Father Time.

Do you remember when the Villain League met

at the bowling alley?

[deep voice] Of course I do.

Almost as much fun as when we met

at the barber shop.

- Bowling alley. - Barber shop.


♪ [tuning guitar]

♪ [tuning guitar]

You're good.

- Yeah, really, it's okay. - Go ahead.

And a two, and a three, and a four.

♪ Sometimes villains meet in the park ♪

Okay, the park.

[both] Forest!

[both] Grocery store!

- Hmm... - Yeah, this is a hard one.


Really? Are you serious?

[Olympia] Maybe a place where rectangles live?

It's a library.


- Yeah, yeah, I see that. - ...okay.

You still don't see it.

- No, not at all. - No.

By the time Mike was done with his multimedia presentation,

we were left with piles of notes.

Alright, he said "grocery store"

eight times,

"the park" twelve times, and...

This is way too much information.

I don't know how to organize it in time.

[Orson squealing]

[both] Orson?

[Olympia] Otis, I think he's trying to tell us something.

Those block towers look like bars from a bar graph.

Orson, are you telling us to put all this data

into a bar graph?


[Otis] The line across the bottom shows the places

the villains have met in the past.

[Olympia] And the line going up and down

shows the number of times they've been to each place.

The tallest bar is this one here: the park.

That's where they met the most

and that's the place they're most likely to go.

[Orson whines]

Looks like we have a driver.

Let's move.

[Orson giggles]

Once we got to the park,

we found the villains and stopped their odd plan.

Orson even drew a picture of it.

This red squiggly line is me,

and this blue blotch is Otis, and over--

I'm not buying any of this story.


Orson wasn't telling you to make a bar graph,

he was stacking wooden blocks -

because he's a baby!

We're f*ring the baby!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

What's going on?

The Xs are kicking Orson off the squad.

That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Well, second craziest.

One time, I met a dog who could say my name.


Owen, you're wasting our time.

What if I told you a story that proved

how important Orson is to the squad?

Does it have anything to do with Orson

playing with baby toys?


Can you tell it quickly?

They don't call me "Quicky Owen-icky" for nothing.

I've never heard anybody call you that.

I've got a few people in maintenance saying it.

- Oh. - It's early days.

[both] Owen!

We were trying to catch the Shapeshifter,

so all of us were hiding in our living room.

How did she not see all of you?

We were perfectly disguised.

Everything was going according to plan,

until it wasn't.

[Ozlyn] Hey, Owen, I'm getting hungry.

Ozlyn, get back into position.

Shapeshifter could be here any minute.

You said that four hours ago.

Yeah, we're all getting hungry.

Fine, I'll go get pizza.

Can we do sandwiches instead?

I was thinking hotdogs.

I still like the pizza idea.

What about everyone else?

[other agents] Hotdogs! Pizza! Sandwiches!


I only had time to go to one restaurant,

so I told everybody to write down what they wanted.

The place with the most votes would win.

But I couldn't figure out

how to organize the information.

This is impossible.

A bunch of people want pizza,

some want hotdogs,

some want sandwiches.

At least Orson got some food.


Pie! Orson, you're a genius!

So you gave everyone pie?

No, Orson was telling me to organize all the data

into a pie chart.

And... done.

[Ozlyn] How does the pie chart help us?

It can help us organize the data

so we can see what most people want.

Think of this chart as a whole pie,

cut into three slices of different sizes.

The larger the slice,

the more people voted for that food.

[Ozlyn] Hotdogs got votes,

pizza got votes,

and sandwiches got .

Which is why we're getting hotdogs.

[all cheer]

[agent] That's a fair way to decide things.

Who is that again?

No idea.

Once we ate, we stayed hidden

until we finally took down the Shapeshifter.

Orson even made a clay sculpture

to commemorate it.

That's a mashed-up piece of clay.

Oops, I'm holding it upside down.

This round part here is me, and the smashed-down part is...

Stop with sculptures.

And this idea Orson is a graph genius is crazy.

He was eating pie because babies eat anything.

Xena, call it.

We're f*ring the baby!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

What's going on here?

They want to fire Agent Orson.

What? That's the craziest thing I've ever heard.

Well, second craziest.


I know that dog!

Ms. O, we were sent by the Big O

to make this Odd Squad run better,

and it will run better without a baby!

Strike three,

baby is out!

The only reason why you're here

is because Orson saved this entire headquarters

from being destroyed.

Oh, yeah, there's a story.

Does it have anything to do with Orson

playing with his food?

- Nope. - Or his toys?

This case was all work, no play.

Wordplay! Nice!

Not now.

We were up in my office,

and things were not looking good.

Yes, I'm reading you. Are you in position?

I need an update!

There's a Hydraclops headed for Odd Squad!

[Xena] Hold on a second.

The Hydraclops wasn't supposed to rise

for another years.

You're right. This was his brother.

And if that wasn't bad enough...

He's got his sister with him, too.

Here's the live video from the Odd Squad helicopter.



I know what you're all thinking,

so I'm just going to go ahead and say it.

The sister is the one without the eyebrow.

Kind of hard to see from this distance, but trust me--


How do we stop them?

We need to scare them off

with stuff they're grossed out by.

Luckily, I did some research.

The sister doesn't like gooey stuff,

like jam, glue, or egg yolks.

And it looks like the brother doesn't like anything yellow,

like tennis balls, school buses, and dandelions.

So, all we need to do is load up our two catapults

with all this stuff,

launch it at them, and celebrate our victory! Woohoo!

Yeah, one problem:

we only have one catapult

and we only have time for one sh*t.

So two problems, I guess.

Well, it was nice working here.

Unless, we can find one thing

they're both equally grossed out by.

[Oona] How?

Look at the circles, Ms. O:

they're totally different things.

We use a Venn diagram.

- A what now? - A Venn diagram.

It's a visual way to show the relationship

between two or more things.

It can show us what they both don't like.


The first circle is filled with gooey stuff,

the second circle is filled with yellow stuff,

so the thing that they'd both be grossed out by

would go here in this middle overlap.

It needs to be something that's gooey and yellow.

- Egg yolks. - It's hopeless.

Or egg yolks. Let's go egg yolks.

[Ms. O] We didn't have much time,

but we pulled it together to make it happen.

Team is ready.

On your word, Ms. O.

Give me a visual of the Hydraclops.

Launch the egg yolks.

The egg yolks were headed straight for them.

Unfortunately, they ducked.

It's a miss. I repeat, it's a miss.

[Ms. O] We had no choice.

we had to leave HQ

before the Hydraclops destroyed it.

I was so upset to lose another HQ.

Then Oona and I spotted Orson in the corner of my office,

but something about him was different.

[siren blaring]


What's happening?

I don't think Orson wants to give up headquarters.



[both] Seriously?

Yep. Orson grew to times his size,

got a diaper that fit, and walked into town

and scared both Hydraclops away for good.

I don't believe it.

Why do you think we painted the ceiling like that?

[Xena & Xavier] Whoa.

[Ms. O] We had artists b*ating down our door

to immortalize this heroic battle.



So... Orson has super powers to grow?

[Olympia] That's one of his powers.

He can also fly.


And he can duplicate.


- Okay, he can stay. - Yeah, totally.




[Oona] Odd Squad Training Video number :

♪ Always Be Ready. ♪

Howdy-do, agents.

At Odd Squad, we live by...

You know what? Let's do this somewhere else.

Much better.

At Odd Squad, we live by a simple saying:

"Don't forget the mustard."

But when we're not talking about hotdogs,

we live by another saying:

"Always be ready."

This is Agent Orchid,

and if I don't get the gadget she wants fast,

she will be very upset.


But I can always be ready by predicting

which gadget she'll be most likely to ask for

by using information I collected called "data".

As you can see,

the bar with the toast-inator is the highest.

She's asked for it seven times this week.

The upside-down-inator, the least.

She's only asked for it two times.

And the toothbrush-inator is somewhere in between

at five times.

So, since she's asked for the toast-inator

more than the others,

it's most likely she'll ask for...

♪ bum-ba-da-baa

...the toast-inator.

[Ms. O] "The Scientist."

Okay, red light's on. Recording.

Video journal: Day one.

Uh, howdy-do to whoever

might find this video one day.

My name is Oona,

and I'm a scientist...

and I'm lost in another dimension.

I realize that was confusing

and I should probably explain a little bit more.

So, this morning, I was in my normal world,

but I zapped myself into this other world

that kind of looks like my world,

but it's a totally different world.

Still confusing. I have an idea!

So, I was working in my lab -

♪ "Doot-dee-doo" -

when my friends Olympia and Otis came in asking for a gadget.

"Hey, Oona. Can we have a gadget?"

"Sure you can!"

Except, on my way to get the gadget,

I accidentally knocked over the dimension-inator.

It zapped me.


And then there were these crazy lights,

and I was like, "Whoa!

Look at these crazy lights!"

And I landed here: In another dimension.

There are two big differences

between my world and this world.

Difference number one: There are no people here,

just bright pink exercise equipment.


Even more in here.

[whispering] They're everywhere.

[normal] Ah. The ball must be sick.

Difference number two:

Things don't work the same here.

Like this light switch:

The lights are on, but the switch is down.

See, in my world,

the switch down means the lights are off.

And watch: Up is off, down on.

Up off, down on,

up off, down on, up off, down on.

I feel like I explained this really well.

Hey, what do you think?

Just one more?

Yeah, why not? Just one more.


Okay, here's the deal:

The fact that things don't work the same here

is a big problem,

because the only way for me to get back home

is by zapping myself with the dimension-ator gadget...

but guess what.

Ooh, I know!

Yes, Oona?

Gadgets don't work the same here, either.


See, this is gadget number four,

the hair-brush-inator...

Except... It doesn't make hair brushes.

It makes garlic bread.


But that's not the point.

Could I zap myself with the dimension-ator?

Yes, but it wouldn't work like the dimension-ator.

It would do something random...


Gadget number seven.

It's supposed to be the clean-your-clothes-inator,

but it's actually the freeze-inator.

So, anyway, uh, how's your day going?

Mine? Pretty chilly.

Video journal: Day five.

Yeah, I was in ice for four days.

Look, whoever finds this,

I don't want you to feel bad for me.

I've got enough garlic bread to last me a lifetime!

Sure, my breath will be horrible,

but nobody will be around to smell it.

Also, I have headquarters all to myself!






[quietly] Whee...

♪ [music slowing]

♪ [music slowing]


That's gotta be old.

♪ [music slows and stops]

I have to get out of here!

Video journal: Day ten.

I'm a scientist, and a scientist's job

is to understand the world.

This world has different rules.

I just have to figure them out.

For example, what if the gadgets here

aren't random?

What if there's some kind of a pattern

to how they work, like...

Like a rule that repeats?

I just have to figure out that pattern,

then I can find the gadget to zap me home.

Whew, I can really feel this in my arms!

Here's the data I have so far.

So, in this world,

gadget number four makes garlic bread,

but in my world, the garlic-bread-inator

is gadget number forty,

so gadget number four

is acting like gadget number forty.

It's like four, ten times,

which you can also write like this.

Also, gadget number seven acts like gadget number seventy.

Seven times ten!

Do you see the pattern, Oona?

Sure do, Oona!

Do you want to say it, or should I?

You take this one.

All the gadgets in this world multiply by ten!

Which means...

Gadget will act like times ,

which is ...

And gadget is the fireworks-inator!


It made a sock.

Gadget does here

what gadget does in my world...

So I guess some are the same and some are different.

Uh... I need some time to think.

Day . Still thinking.

Day . Still thinking.

Video journal: Day .

Still thinking...

And walking.

Video journal: Day .

I don't have the answer,

but I realized why I don't have the answer:

Because I need more data.

I'm going to blast all of these,

see what number does what, and hopefully,

that information will let me figure out the pattern.

Unless it doesn't.

Why would you say that?

I'm just thinking out loud. Never mind.

I'm totally with you on this!


Video journal: Day .

I did it!

The good news? I got a lot more data.

The bad news?

I'm kind of ruinining this world.

Sorry, pink exercise equipment!

Here we go.

Okay, what are we looking at now?

Calm down. I'm getting to it.

Maybe you could get to it a little faster.

So you remember, when I fired gadget number ,

it acted just like in my world.

Well, the same thing happened with gadgets ,

, and .

But guess what:

When I fired gadget number ,

it didn't act like .

It acted just like ,

which means in this world,

some gadgets are the same and some are different!

Which is what I knew before!

Told ya.

No, I will not let you do that.

Do what? Make me give up.

I'm a scientist, and scientists never quit!

Sometimes they quit.

Okay. Data. I need more.

So, uh...

Where is she going?

In my world, gadget number is the napkin-inator.

Let's see what it does in this world.


Huh. It acted like the grow-inator.


Ooh, boy!


Can't forget you!

Video Journal: Day .

So, I've been living in this broom closet

for half a year...

because it's terrifying out there!

But I've enjoyed my time.

I worked out. A lot.

I wrote my autobiography.

I ate a lot of garlic bread.

So... Much... Garlic bread.

But good news: I have a theory.

Look at this board.

It's a little hard to see.

Wait a minute.

Is that a light?

I wish I found that six months ago!

So, you know how gadget acted like the grow-inator?

Well, in my world, the grow-inator

is gadget number .

So became

and became .

The digits are flipped!

What do you mean by "flipped"?

Thirty-eight has a three in the tens place

and an eight in the ones place.

That flips to ,

which has an eight in the tens place

and a three in the ones place.

But , , , and didn't flip.

Yes, they did. What?

We just can't tell they flipped

because they have the same digit in the tens and ones place.

Okay, but what about four and seven?

They can't flip.

There's nothing in the tens place.

Wait a second...


What if...

What if you wrote four and seven like this?

Because nothing is zero,

so there's a zero in the tens place!

You cracked the pattern!

Now I can go home!

Because I know the dimension-ator

is gadget number ,

which means, in this world,

it'll be...


So I just have to go to the lab and get it!

Except there's a giant, crazy plant blocking me.

You can do this.

You really think so?


I know I've said some stuff these past six months, but...

Deep down, I want you to know...

I always believed in you.

Aww. Thanks.

Alright... Let's...

Do this!


It's a good thing I've been working out.

Let's go.







Should have done more cardio.









[Olympia] Oona?

Olympia! Otis!

What's going on?

Didn't you wonder where I've been for the past six months?

Six months?

You accidentally dropped the gadget

and were gone for, like, two seconds.

Whoa. Time must be different there.

Different where?

In the other dimension.

It was just me and some pink exercise equipment,

and all I had to eat was garlic bread,

and I battled this giant plant...

but the real thing I battled was myself...

and I won.

It's all in my autobiography!

Uh... Good. Good for you.


Do you have that gadget we asked for?

You bet.

Whoops! I've been working out a ton.

[Ms. O] Odd Squad:

Teaming Up with Teamwork Together as a Team.


My name's Oona, and I work in the lab.

I've also been told that I say "Howdy-do" a lot.

[repeating] Howdy-do!

That was only a few times.

[repeating] Howdy-do!

Uh, we have a little more time?

Of course, nobody's perfect,

and making mistakes is a really big part

of being a scientist...

Which means I'm really, really good at science!



[zaps and clattering]

It's like my hands are covered in butter!

More about me? Did I mention I could lasso?



Well, I guess that's it. Howdy-do!

It also means "Goodbye"

and "What is your soup of the day?"

It's a pretty useful saying. Howdy-do!

[girl] Oona, it's ready.

Oh. Soup's up! Better go get some.

[Ms. O] Odd Squad: Teams Working in Teams

Together as a Team Together, I think that was it.

[Oona] Welcome to Odd Squad:

♪ A Guide to Your Gadgets. ♪

Behold the flower-inator.

What better way to say "I love you"

than with the gift of a gadget that makes flowers?

It can make flowers like this,

or this, or this, or this!

But not these.

When the gadget gets some downtime,

it likes to listen to polka music.

Even though the flowers smell nice,

the gadget itself smells horrible.

This has been a helpful guide to the flower-inator.

Remember, knowledge is power,

power is gadgets, and gadgets is power.


