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03x17 - Oswald in the Machine/The B-Team

Posted: 01/03/24 08:33
by bunniefuu
[Opal] Coming up next on Odd Squad...

A float-inator gadget is being held at a warehouse.

We need to find a way in and get the gadget back.

[Oswald] They're going to figure out who I am.

[Opal] No, they're not. You're a robot!

-[robot] Who are you? -Uh-oh...

[Opal] My name is Agent Opal.

These are my partners: Omar, Orla and Oswald.

This is my least favorite toe.

We travel the world investigating

anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.

[adventurous music]

[agents cheering]

[all] Shields up!

[Opal] Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

[Opal] Oswald in the Machine

[pensive music]

Hey, partner. What's up?

I figured out what all these buttons do,

except for this one.

Looks like a pile of pencils and papers.

Hm. What happens when you press it?


[mechanical whirring]

-Oh... -Totally makes sense now.

[Van Computer] Agents! You have an incoming call

from the Big O.

[Ms. O] There you four are.

Something very odd has happened.

-[boy] Cool! -[agents screaming]

Hi, guys!

Who are you?

I'm Oxley!

He keeps the van stocked with food and juice.

Well, in that case, welcome aboard!

I've been making weekly deliveries since August.

-Seriously? -Wow.

He keeps a low profile,

isn't that right, Oxley?

Ah! He turned into juice boxes!

[Oxley] No, I didn't.

I just walked away quietly.

See you next week!

[Ms. O] Now, let's get back to business.

Something very odd has happened.

How can we help?

A float-inator gadget was stolen by a villain,

and is now being held at a warehouse in Stockholm, Sweden.

Even worse, the warehouse is being guarded by evil robots.

[agents gasping]

You need to find a way in and get the gadget back.

Any questions?

-[all] No. -All clear.

Hm. I thought you would have questions,

so I left time for that.

We can just wait it out.

[drawer scraping]

-Time's up! -[agents gasping]

Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

So, what's the plan to get the gadget back?

I do my classic "Smash and Grab".

I smash through the wall and grab the gadget.

Orla, only a robot can get past the scanners

and into the room where the gadget is being kept.

So, we're going to attach this device to a robot.

And then, we'll be able to program it

to bring us the float-inator.

Robots follow a set of instructions,

or code that tell them what to do.

We can build our own code for the robot to follow.

Yeah, but, how do we get inside and attach the gadget

to a robot without getting caught?

I made the perfect robot disguise.

So, who's gonna wear it?

[ponderous music]


Omar and I decided you'd make the best robot.

You're organized, knowledgeable,

and have you seen yourself dance?

[funky techno music]

I love your robot moves.

Those are my normal moves.

Ugh! This'll never work.

Uh, just needs a little tape.

Oswald, I promise you'll be in and out in no time.

[Oswald] In and out. Got it.

This helmet will let us talk to you and see what you're seeing.

[Oswald] It's kind of dark in here.

-[thud] -Oh,

I forgot to add the eye holes.

[Oswald, quietly] This is crazy.

Head right for that door, Oswald.

[Oswald] Uh, beep, boop.

Robot going to work.

I'm officially inside the robot facility.

[Omar] Love your robot voice!

This is my normal voice.

[robots beeping]

[Oswald] Guys, this is not good.

There's robots everywhere.

I need to hide.

[Opal] Oswald, you just need to attach the device

like we talked about.

[Oswald] They're going to figure out who I am.

[Opal] No, they're not. You're a robot, so act like one!

[Oswald gasping] -[robot beeping]

[robot] Possible intruder.

[Oswald] Beep, boop. I am a robot.

Beep, boop.

[robot beeping]

[robot] Oh. OK.

Totally cool.

[Oswald] Beep boop.

-[gadget whirring] -I did it!

The device is attached!

-[gadget pinging] -[Opal] Great job, Oswald!

[Oswald] Okay, I'm getting out of here.


[robot] Who are you?

[Oswald] Os-bot.

Os-bot, yes, that is my name.

I am a security robot sent to protect the Odd Squad gadget.

It is protected. I shall be going now.

[robot] You are not going anywhere.

[Oswald] Uh-oh.

[robot] Until we throw you a welcome party.

Everybody, please welcome Os-bot.

[robots in unison] Welcome, Os-bot.

Welcome, Os-bot.

Guys, this is weird.

You're doing great, Oswald.

Keep the robots busy and we'll get the gadget.

Hurry, 'cause I don't know how long I can keep this up.

[robot] Nuts? Bolts?

Computer chips?

[Omar] OK, this is a map of the building.

The grey squares show the hallway

and the black squares show the rooms.

Here's the robot, and here's the float-inator.

[Opal] To get the gadget,

we need to code the robot using these blocks.

[Orla] Ah, I see.

Each of these colored blocks

tell the robot to do something different.

Wow, you picked that up really fast.

I am old, but I am brilliant.

OK. So, the gadget is down the hall and to the left.

So, let's start with the forward direction block

to make him move forward.

[gadget beeping]

Now, go robot! Go!

Hang on.

First, we need to tell the robot

how many squares to move.

One, two, three, four squares.

So, we'll add four number blocks.

Go, robot, go!

Hold on, Orla.

At the end of the hall, we want the robot to turn.

So, let's add a left turning block.

And now, we press this green button to make it go,

right after Orla says...


-No. -The other thing.

Pretty please?

-[both] The robot thing. -Ah.

I wish you'd been clearer from the beginning.

Go, robot, go!

[gadget buzzing]

[robot beeping]

[retro video game music]

[Omar] The robot is making its way to the end of the hall,

where it will turn left.

[Orla] Hark, the robot will not stop turning left!

Oh, no. I forgot to add a number block

to make it turn left only once!

Now, it'll just keep turning.

Well, it can't turn forever.

[electricity crackling]

[dramatic music]

[robot beeping stopping]

See? I was right.

We have but only one choice left.

Smash and Grab!

I think I have a better idea.

[Oswald] So, how you guys climb these stairs?

[robot] We do not.

That is why we need the float-inator gadget.

And to cause oddness worldwide.

[robots laughing]

[Oswald] Ha, ha, ha...

Right, yes. I knew that.

Beep boop.

[robot] Os-bot, it is time for the dance competition.

New robots go first.

[Oswald] That is very nice, but no thanks.

[robot] Dance! You must dance!

[Oswald] OK, OK, dancing.

[robots] Go, Os-bot. Go Os-bot.

Go, go, go.

Go, Os-bot.

[Opal] Oswald, we need your help.


[Opal] Yes! The robot needs a reset.

Find a way to get out of there.

[Oswald] Do not stop the party, robots.

I just need some fresh air.

Beep boop.

[robot] Fresh air?

Robots do not need air.

[robots] Confusing. Confusing. Confusing.

Os-bot is not a robot.

[Oswald sighing]

OK, I hit the reset button.

I can see the gadget from here.

It's straight down this hall through the lasers.

[Opal] We got it from here.

Come on back.

I'm on my way.

[robots] Os-bot, we suspect

that you are actually an Odd Squad agent.

[Oswald] Me? What? No way.

I am totally a robot. See?


I am dancing like a robot.

-[robot] Odd Squad badge! -Oh!

Put your human hands where I can see them.

Robots! While I go scan

the building for other Odd Squad agents,

bring the human to the meeting room, please.


Oswald's been captured!

We need to stop the mission and get him back.

Or, perhaps, the robot can do both.

Orla, it's impossible.

The robot would have to grab the gadget here.

Then, we would have to code it to turn around,

go down this hall, down another hall,

all the way to the meeting room entrance.

But, we shall not use the entrance.

-Huh? -What?

Look at which room is next to the gadget room.

[Opal and Omar] The meeting room?

Where Oswald is.

I still don't get--

We shall move the robot forward five squares.

Once inside, we shall use the grab block

to grab the gadget from the wall,

and we shall add one number block as well.

Then, we shall move the robot forward.

[gadget buzzing]

And how many number blocks are we gonna add?


Then, it'll just keep going.


Right through the wall that is connected to the Meeting Room.

Smash and Grab,

but with coding.

[all] Go, robot, go!

[gadget pinging]

[robot whirring]


[robot] Tell us everything you know about Odd Squad.

[wall cracking]

[robots] Ah. Oh.

[Opal] Grab the gadget, Oswald!

[robot] Not, not human. Do not touch that gadget.

It's called a float-inator.

[Oswald grunting]

[robot] Uh-oh. This is not fun.

I am floating.

[robot] Stop him.

-[Oswald grunting] -[gadget buzzing]

[robot] Uh-oh.

[robot] I am floating.

[robot] We thought you were one of us.

I may walk like a robot,

talk like a robot,

and even dance a robot,

but I'm Odd Squad to the core.

Great party, though.

[robot] Oh, no.

But, thank you for saying nice words about the party.

Gotta hand it to you, Orla.

You really got in touch with your computer-y side.

Thanks, but I do not think I'll ever be as in touch as Oswald.

Go, Os-bot! Go, Os-bot! Go. Os-bot. Go, Os-bot!

[m*llitary march]

[jackalope roaring]

[Opal] Odd Squad Training Video #,:

A Guide to Cleaning Up

Agent Orla here.

And I must declare a truth that will shock you.

Even I make mistakes.

Sometimes, I make far too much popcorn.

And sometimes, I put too much butter on that popcorn.

And sometimes, that makes my fingers slippery,

causing me to drop a container of radioactive goo

that could destroy the entire van.

[Orla growling]

Fortunately, I have a chore bot I shall code

to help clean up that mess.

Code is a set of instructions to tell a computer,

or in my case, chore bot, what to do.

Let us begin!

I must tell chore bot to move from here to here.

To do that, I will use programming blocks.

Each of these colored blocks tell chore bot to do something.

These blocks tell chore bot to move forward.

So, I shall start with

an orange forward direction block.

Next, I need to tell chore bot how many square to moves.

So, I will use these blue number blocks.

They tell chore bot how many times to do his action.

In this case, chore bot needs to move forward

one, two, three, four, five squares.

So, I shall add five number blocks.

Next, I add a cleaning block,

so chore bot will suck up the goo.

[inhaling deeply]

Followed by a stop button,

so it will stop when the chore is done.

Go, robot, go!

Oh, I must hit the go button.

[button buzzing]

[robot beeping]

Hooray! The van is safe.

And, from this day forward,

my fingers shall remain butter free.

[Opal] The B-Team

[Opal] That was easy.

[Omar] So much fun.

-Yeah. -It was a victory

I shall look back upon fondly in years.

[Ms. O] Well done, agents.

[agents screaming]

[Orla] Big O, what are you doing here?

You saved Cincinnati from laser chickens, and in record time.

So, I came here to eat chili and congratulate you in person.

-No problem. -Thanks.

Seriously, Big O?

What would you have done if the four of us

hadn't joined the Odd Squad Mobile Unit?

I would've hired my back up plan agents.

[all] You had back up plan agents?

Of course.

If Opal and Omar decided they didn't want to join,

I would've asked Arctic Mr. O.

Our old boss?

I can't imagine what that would've been like.

Last time Olive and Otto said that to me,

I gave them these.

Imagine-what-it-would-have-been- like-inators.


-Thank you. -[Big O] One for you,

and lastly, one for you.


Now, buckle your brains in.

[gadgets whirring]

[electronics beeping]

Mr. O, do you know which button to press to start the van?

Of course I do.

I read the thingy Oswald gave me.

You mean the van manual.

Right. We don't have many manuals in the arctic.

The pages all freeze together,

so we mostly read labels on jars.

The amount of salt in a pickle would shock you.

Mr. O, the ON button?

Easy peasy. Right there.

[bell dinging]

Ha! Yes! I won!

[Orla and Oswald] You did not win.

[Van Computer] Agents. You have

an incoming call from the Big O.

There you three are. Something very odd has happened.

A wormhole to the laser chicken world

has opened up in Cincinnati.

If you don't close it, the city will be overrun

by laser chickens!

I don't need to tell you why this is important, but I will.

My favorite chili place is in Cincinnati,

and no one else gets the meat to bean ratio right.

[all] We're on it, Big O!

Well, what are you waiting for? Go!

Van computer, set a course for Cincinnati.

[Van Computer] I will make it so.

Now, let us find the un-wormhole-inators.

Um, funny story.

I broke all the un-wormhole-inators.

How is that a funny story?

Oh, how I broke them was funny.

So, it was a regular Tuesday...

or at least what I thought was a regular Tuesday--

We do not have time for this!

We must come up with a different solution.

I know...

We can combine gadgets to create the one we need.

Excellent thinking, young Oswald.

What gadget number is the un-wormhole-inator?


Maybe we could use this double-inator.

[Orla] That is gadget #.

[Oswald] We need numbers smaller than eight

to add together to make eight. Like this.

The frog-inator. Gadget #.

And four is smaller than eight.

So, we can use it to add up to eight.

I also have a frog-inator.

And four plus four equals...


Which makes an un-wormhole-inator.


[Van Computer] We have arrived in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Chili capital of America.

Well, looks like things all worked out in the end.

Now all there is to do is open the hatch door.

-Not that one! -[Oswald] No, no, no, no, no!

[Van Computer] Self-destruct mode initiated.

Evacuate van immediately.

Ah! No, no! Orla!

-[Van Computer] Evacuate! [gadget whirring]

-So bad. -That was horrible!

Arctic Mr. O could be a great agent,

if he were paired with the right teammate.

That's where Oswald's replacement would've come in.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. I had a replacement too?

Yup. A fellow library museum person based in Chicago.

I believe you've met. Her name is Oceana.

Oh, yeah! I remember her!

She was so nice,

but she did things so slowly.

Here we go.

[gadgets whirring]

All there is to do now is to open the hatch do--

Oh! Uh, wait a second,

I almost pressed the self-destruct button.

Thanks for labelling all of this, Oceana.

No problem, Mr. O. Like I always say:

labels, labels, labels.

I really love labels.

Labels, labels, labels.

One more. Labels.

I shall open the door.

[door whirring]

Now, let us venture forth to defeat these most foul fowl.

Chickens. I'm speaking of laser chickens.


[Orla] Behold, the wormhole.

Huh. I expected more worms.

Oh. Wormholes don't have any actual worms.

I read about them recently.

Wormholes are gateways

that bring faraway places close together.

It's fascinating. Here, hold this.

-Imagine a flat piece of paper. -[Orla sighing]

The ends of the paper look far away from each other.

But, if we fold it together--

We must stop the wormhole before we run out of time!

There's always time for knowledge, Orla.

It's true.

-[laser zapping] -[agents screaming]

[Mr. O] My un-wormhole-inator.

Take cover!

[agents screaming]

Well, we did our best.

There is still hope. We can combine gadgets again

to create a new un-wormhole-inator.

How about this double-inator?

It is #.

Remember, we need numbers smaller than eight.

All I have on me is this toothbrush-inator #

and this sandwich-inator #

I have those as well.

If we put together our two toothbrush-inators

to make two...

One plus one equals two.


And if we combine our two sandwich-inators,

both gadget #.

Three plus three equals six.


Hang on a second.

-[laser zapping] -[agents screaming]

Speak quickly!

You combined gadgets to equal a two and six.

Neither of those is an eight for an un-wormhole-inator.

I was not finished combining. Gadget # plus gadget #...

Six plus two equals eight!

Combining gadgets!

[all] Ooh.

An un-wormhole-inator. We did it.

[agents screaming]

Oceana, I will provide cover while you blast the wormhole.

Shields up!

[agents yelling]

-And shield! And shield! -[lasers zapping]

[agents shouting]

Do it now, Oceana! Hurry!

Just a second! I still need to label this gadget!

Is "un-wormhole" capitalized or lower case?

Now is not the time!

[lasers zapping]

[agents shouting]

I think Van Computer would agree.

[Van Computer] Van critically damaged.

Self-destruct mode initiated.

[gadget whirring]

I would like to go next.

Who would have been my replacement?

My top choice was Esmerelda Kim.

[gadget whirring]

[both] Ooh.

An un-wormhole-inator. We did it!


can you give me some cover while I blast the wormhole?

Sure. But first, I have to practice my flute.

Then, I have swim lessons.

And after that, I have to rehearse a play.

But, we need your help now.

Guess it didn't work out.

[light flute music]

But, Esmerelda was always so busy.

So, who was second choice?

Honestly, I couldn't think of anyone else.

Opal and Omar worked in the arctic

with arctic Mr. O, so I picked him.

And Oswald was a library museum person

just like Oceana, so I chose her.

But, Orla worked alone in the Odd Squad ruins.

Not completely alone.

Buckle your brains in!

[gadget whirring]

All done with this label!

-Thanks for the cover, Bouldy! -Yeah, thanks.

Hold on. You chose a rock to replace you?

Not a rock. A boulder.

Now, please let me finish.

[gadget whirring]

[both] Woo-hoo!

-[heavy thud] -Oh no! A laser chicken got out.

[laser zapping]

Bouldy, cover us!

We need an un-laser-chicken-inator.

But, I used up all my gadgets on this un-wormhole-inator.

We could do the combining thing again.

What's the number for the un-laser-chicken-inator?

#. But, we only have this un-wormhole-inator which is #.

[laser zapping]

Perhaps my double-inator would be of service.

Mr. O, you're a genius!

Thank you.

Prepare to get double-inated, chicken!

[Bouldy] Whoa.

Instead of using the double-inator

on the laser chicken,

use it on the un-wormhole-inator.

Bouldy's right. Doubling is what

we've been doing this whole time.

[Bouldy] Doubling just means adding a number to itself.

So, if you double the un-wormhole-inator,

you'll have two eights.

[rocks crumbling]

[Mr. O] Are those his... fingers?

Maybe they're his children.

I wonder what their names are.

[Bouldy] And eight plus eight equals .

[both] The un-laser-chicken-inator!

[gadget whirring]

[dramatic instrumental]

[both] For Odd Squad!

[triumphant music]

[chicken clucking]

-[both] Yeah! -[Mr O.] Whoo!

-Yeah! -We did it!

Good job, Bouldy.

[gadget whirring]

So, the world would be just as safe

if we weren't the members of OSMU?

Not exactly. You all work much faster.

You closed the wormhole in seconds.

It took them hours.

I left out a lot of the story.

Mostly labelling,

and figuring out how to talk to a boulder.

Well, this has been fun,

but I have meetings to get to today.

[Van Computer] Big O, wait!

I have a question.

If I, the OSMU van,

were not part of the mobile unit,

was there also a plan B for me?


[gadget whirring]

[Ms. O] There you three are.

Something very odd has happened in Cairo, Egypt.

I need you there right away.

[both] We're on it, Big O!

[both grunting]

Push a little harder!

-You push harder! -I am!

[Oswald] Welcome to Odd Squad: A Guide to Your Gadgets!

Behold! The flower-inator!

What better way to say I love you

than with a gift of a gadget that makes flowers?

It can make flowers like this, or this, or this,

or this, but not these.

When the gadget gets some down time,

it likes to listen to polka music.

Even though the flowers smell nice,

the gadget itself smells horrible.

This has been a helpful guide to the flower-inator.

Remember, knowledge is power.

Power is gadgets.

And gadgets is power!

[Opal] Odd Squad. Teaming Up with Teamwork

Together as a Team.

[Van Computer] Hello, I am van computer.

Not only do I provide the Odd Squad Mobile Unit

with helpful information on their missions,

but I also consider myself the fifth member of the team.

Maybe even the most fun member!

Let's get this party started!

[Opal] Crank it up!

[Omar] There's a candy wall?

Mini golf.

[Oswald] Go, Os-bot!

[Van Computer] Every group needs a wild card.

Activating streamers.

-[party whistle blowing] -Bam!

Bet you did not see that one coming.

Perhaps the best indication that I am also a member of OSMU,

I have my very own catchphrase.

Agents! You have an incoming call from the Big O.

Agents! You have an incoming call from the Big O.

Agents! You have an incoming call from the Big O.

I can even sing.

♪ Van computer! Van computer! ♪

♪ Flying through the sky, bam! ♪

[Opal] Odd Squad. Teams Working with Teams

Together as a Team Together. I think that was it.

[dynamic instrumental]