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06x05 - The Grass Is Always Finer

Posted: 01/09/24 09:38
by bunniefuu
Hey, uh, tamera.

Are you happy with Jordan?

Why? Did he say something?

I bet those little

dorm hoochies

are jockin' my man.

I can't believe.

Tamera, tamera, Jordan

didn't say anything.

Oh, well, then we happy.


Well, because tyreke is

starting to feel so high school.

Tia, six months ago,

you were so in high school.

- Here you go,
- baby.

What's that?

- This is the - kiss that I
- Threw you.

- You accidentally
- dropped it.

- Ohh.
- Oh.

All right, baby.


That was so sweet.

Yeah, it was

the first 500 times.

Now it's just... silly.

Tia, you used to think

silly was cute.

Oh, come on, tamera.

You can't tell me that Jordan

isn't immature sometimes.

Tia, Jordan is

an intellectual, okay?

He is very mature.

Cheatin', man.

It's my move.

Okay, okay, okay.

Sometimes he may be a baby.

But... he's my baby.

♪ I do my own style

in my own time ♪

♪ how different

we have come to be ♪

♪ even though I'm glad

to be with you ♪

- ♪ I got to feel
- what's real for me ♪

♪ Like you got to do

what's right for you ♪

Oh, good. He's not here.

Time to freshen up.

Diavian, he's our

teaching assistant.

Well, I could surely use

a private lesson.

Good morning, class.

Sorry I'm late.


- he gets finer
- every time I see him.

You just saw him two days ago.

And he's gotten two days finer.

He is delicious,

but too bad he's in academia.

He'll never have a dime.

You guys are sad...

Drooling over the t.A.

Okay, my scholars-in-training,

pass your homework forward.


You hear that?

Yeah, he asked for our homework.

See, that's what

he wants you to think.

You're being hoodwinked,

bamboozled, led astray.

If you ask me...

He's nothing but

an operative for "the man."

You know, Jamal... you are

always talking about "the man."

I want to know,

who is "the man"?

- The man...
- Yeah.

Is the one who's planting

all these suave brothers

around campus to distract

- the sisters
- from the struggle.

You stop studying.

Your grades drop.

You're kicked out.

- Next thing you know,
- you're begging for quarters

Outside krispy kreme.

Tia Landry.

Right here.

- Looks like you know
- a little something

About differential calculus.

I guess I do.

Brilliant and modest.

Class, take note.

Her homework's on time,

it's legible

- and she did
- the extra-credit problem

- Which, at first glance,
- looks correct.

Gee, thanks.

I'm starting

to really like chemistry...

I mean, calculus.


Over here?

I did my homework, too.

What about me?

Forgive me.

Class, Jamal's homework...

Is on time, too.

Oh, oh.

Tamera, I hope

this coffee's strong.

- Were you up late working
- on that motown cafe account?

Yeah, and it's going

to take smokey Robinson

and every last one of them

miracles to keep my eyes open.

Oh, must be fun

designing costumes.

Oh, yeah, the costumes are fun

but those look-a-likes

are getting on my nerves.

Oh, Jordan's here.

You hear me?

Jordan's here.

You're a mess.

Do something.

Pinch your cheeks.

Do something.

Ow. Lisa, it's just Jordan.

I don't have to pretend

to be something I'm not.

And I don't have to pretend

that that even makes sense.

Morning, folks.


Hey, Jordan.

- Boy, did you even bother
- to wash your face this morning?

Yeah. Why?

I got stuff in my eyes?

That's disgusting.

Next, you'll be trying to floss

with one of my forks.

Oh, baby, my ear is sore.

Will you look in it?

- Oh, it's probably
- just a little blackhead.

Let me see, sweetie.

Ow, ow, ow.

Ew! That's so nasty!

What? I know. It's just...


Um, excuse me, Keith.

You marked this

problem incomplete.

What's missing?

- Can we discuss it
- during office hours?

I have to run to a meeting.

- I have class during
- your office hours.

- I'll tell you what,
- I'm going to be in the cellar

Tonight checking out

the amazing Edgar...

Oh, the hypnotist.

Me and my friends

are going there, too.

- Why don't you show up
- a few minutes early

- And we can chat
- before the show?

- Okay.
- What's up, Tia?


Tyreke Scott... Tia's boyfriend.

Keith Brooks, Tia's t.A.

Nice to meet you;

I'll see you tonight.



What is wrong with you?

- What's wrong with me?
- Yeah.

- Well, I come in here
- to walk you to your car

- I see some chump
- pushing up on you.

Nobody's pushing up on anybody.

- That's 'cause
- I blocked the pushing.

Tyreke, he's my teacher.

Whoa, but he is man first.

Trust me, Tia...

Guys know these things.

- You know what?
- This is silly.

Well, you know what?

- I'm going to keep
- a silly eye on dark gable.

Can you please just

walk me to my car?

Thank you.

Trying to check my girl, boy.

You better learn...

Tyreke don't play that.


Tia! There's my baby.

Hi, Keith.

Hey. This is Tia, one

of my calculus students.

Ah, yes, one of your

brilliant students

we hear so much about.

Don't mind Bradford.

He's just bitter because he's

stuck teaching remedial math.

- I figured out
- what I did wrong

On that calculus problem.

The differential equation

was separable.

- Right. You could have
- solved the problem by...

Integrating both...

Integrating both sides

of the equation.

You know, I must be

a really good teacher.

You must be. Bye.


Good evening, ladies

and gentlemen.

I'm the amazing Edgar.

Who would like to be

our first volunteers, hmm?

Ah, about you and you and...

You, over there.

He's pointing to you, Tia.

Oh, I don't think so. Mm-mm.

No, thank you.

- Let's give the pretty girl
- in the corner

Some encouragement.

Go on up. She's coming.

Don't worry.

Yeah, and you're coming with me.

Oh, no. No. No.

Now when I snap

my fingers

you'll wake up and go stand

next to the sexiest person

in the room.


- Thank you. Let's give them
- a round of applause

Ladies and gentlemen.

It ain't easy being sexy.

You got that right.

So, uh...

Are you winning?


Still picking my warrior.

Good choice.

You are the expert

on choosing.

Look, I got lost, okay?

All of the tables,

they look the same.

Yeah, but the people

around them don't.

Tyreke, it's just

a stupid game.

You're the one that

told me to go up there.

And that's your excuse?

That I made you do it?

Look, I don't like

Keith like that.


Now, can't you just act

like a mature adult

and let it go?

- Every time we have
- a disagreement

- Why am I always the one
- acting immature?

Look at how you're

acting right now.

No, I don't care.

- Seeing my girl checking
- her math teacher upsets me

But, Tia, that's who I am.

- Well, maybe
- that's the problem.

What's that supposed to mean?

Maybe who you are...

Doesn't work with

who I am anymore.

And who are you, Tia?

Look, tyreke,

we're in college now.

We... we both need

space to... to grow...

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

To see other people?

Huh? Is that what you want?

Well, I... I guess.

Okay. I got it.

- Hi.
- Hey.

I just talked

to tyreke.

I can't believe

they broke up.

They were like

the perfect couple.

What happened?


- Remember when you used
- to call me

Just to say good morning?


Why'd you stop doing that?

Because Tia said

stop waking her up at 5:00 A.M.

Oh, yeah.

- You remember
- when you used to slide over

And unlock the car door?

Why'd you stop doing that?

I didn't realize I did.

I guess that's

how it happens.

You wake up one day,

and you're no longer dating.

You're just... hanging out.

Tamera Campbell, may I have

the pleasure of your company

for dinner tomorrow night?

A real date?

I would love to.

- Oh, go ahead, baby.
- It's yours.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- You, sweetie.

No, I insist.

- No, no, no.
- It's all yours.

- It's all yours.
- Okay, fine.

Can I have a bite?

- Hey, Tia.
- Keith's here.

Just walk out.

Don't say anything.

Hey, Keith!

Now you knew she was

going to do that.

You already know Tia.

This is one of my

other students deann.


This is my sister tamera.

Hi. Are you

in Keith's class, also?


Yeah, right.

Tia, help me out here.

Every Tuesday

- me and these
- predictable eggheads

- Go to the same
- old Sushi joint.

Oh, well, it sounds like

it's time for a change.

You read my mind, danitra.

I know a great Sushi place.

You hate Sushi.

That doesn't mean

I don't know a place.

Wok n' roll.

Their Sushi...

Oh, it's the b*mb.

The undergraduate has spoken.

- Since you hipped us
- to this place

You have to join us.

Okay... Keith.

I will.

We've really

got to run.



Later, Kevin.


She just call me "Kevin"?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Hey, where you off to?

Got a date.

Oh... you wearing that?

Oh, no, no, no.

- I'm changing
- at diavian's.

This dress is for ray.

I didn't want to go

through 20 minutes

of, "that dress could stand

to be a little longer."

I hear you.

I change in the garage.


You know, Tia, honey

I am so glad that you

and tyreke worked it out.

- I'm not
- going out with tyreke.

Back it up

and make it plain.

Okay, well...

His name's Keith.

He's smart, intelligent,

mature, fine...

And... what about tyreke?

It's over with tyreke.

I don't understand

why everybody wants me

to sit around and mope about it.

- Tia, I don't think
- you should mope

But I think

you should take it slow.

Okay, mom...

- Tia, now, I know the grass
- always looks finer

- On the other side,
- but... well, don't throw out

The old just because it isold.

Yes, ma'am. Can I go now?


Thank you.

She don't hear me, though.

( "The only one for me"

( by Brian mcknight playing )

You looking for me?

You know I am.

♪ La, la, la, la,

la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,

la, la, la, la ♪

♪ say you've seen

too many things ♪

♪ that turned out

too good to be true ♪

♪ against your better judgement

opened up your heart ♪

♪ till you found

the joke was on you ♪

♪ looking out

on the rest of our lives ♪

♪ if we're gonna be

together or apart ♪

♪ about the only way

that I know how to come ♪

♪ is right straight

from my heart ♪

♪ I can be the man

you need me to be ♪

♪ that you're

the only one for me ♪

♪ you say you'll never

fall again ♪

♪ you won't subject yourself

to such pain ♪

♪ but if you give me

half the chance, I'll win ♪

♪ I'll never leave you

standing out in the rain ♪

♪ but if you think that I could

look you in the face ♪

♪ and lie right

through my teeth ♪

♪ then turn around

and walk away ♪


You looking for me?

You know I...

Don't know you.

No, we've never met.

- Tia, this is my
- girlfriend donielle.

Sweetheart, this is my

favorite student Tia.

- Donielle's working
- on her Ph.D. at Michigan state.

Nice to meet you.

Keith is always talking

about how smart and mature

you are for a freshman;

he really likes you.

Yeah, and I like him, too.

So, uh...

Where are suzette and Bradford?

- Oh, Bradford's
- going to be late.

He had to pick up

his wife from work.

Got to get the wife.

So what do you

recommend, Tia?

Uh, anything wrapped

in something else.

I'll be right back.

I see some friends.

Excuse me.

Hey, Tia...

Now, look, I know

you told us not to come

and you wanted...

Who's that kissing

Keith's neck?

And why is she wearing that

coat from three seasons ago?

Who is that with Keith?

That's donielle...

Keith's girlfriend.


Tres embarrassing.

I feel so stupid.

- I can't believe
- he led you on like that.

Tamera, he didn't lead me on.

I saw what I wanted to see.

Oh, god.

- You know,
- let's just get out of here.

♪ La, la, la, la, la,

la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,

la, la, la ♪

♪ say you've seen

too many things ♪

♪ that turned out

to be too good to be true ♪

♪ against your better judgement

opened up your heart ♪

♪ till you found the joke

was on you ♪

♪ looking out on the rest

of our lives ♪

♪ if we're gonna be

together or apart ♪

♪ about the only way

that I know how to come ♪

♪ is right straight

from my heart... ♪


I was just coming to see you.

Are you all right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine.


Yeah. Yeah, I'm cool.


Um, can I talk to you

for a minute?

- You know i'm
- on the clocks.

Oh, no, no. It won't take long.

Yeah, okay. Cool.



I guess... no, no, no.

Uh, I know.

sh**t. Uh...

- Tia, what's on
- your mind?

I really feel stupid

about what happened

and I'd like to try again.


I said it.

I guess you did.

I'm really sorry, tyreke.


I'm sorry, too, Tia...

But it's not that simple.

Look, I'm not going to say

I haven't missed you, Tia

'cause I really have.

I mean, I really have.

But I just think

I need to kick it

by myself for a while.


Tia, you did what you

had to do for you.


Now I got to do what

I got to do for me.

Look, I don't want us

to stop being friends.

Sure... friends.


Well, look, I got

to get back to work

but you call me if you

need an escort to your car.

All right.

Jamal, your mother's a dor...

Jamal, your mother's...

Jamal, your mother's a lawyer...

No, your mama's a doctor.

- Jamal, your mama's a doctor,
- your father's a lawyer

And you...

I was trying. I'm sorry.


- Man:
- Take a deep breath.

- Okay, ready?
- I'm ready.

Who's that kissing...?


Keith's neck?

Why is she wearing that

coat from three the sea...

I was going

to say, "Brian."