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01x17 - The Power of God (Archangel)

Posted: 01/12/24 19:19
by bunniefuu
In order to stop Angel Fall,

we must either defeat the spell's caster

or destroy the site of the ritual.

Suspicious of Misha's recent behavior,

Tsuchimikado and I followed her to my parents' new home,

where she had gone with my mother earlier in the day.

However, when we arrived,

we found a surprise waiting for us.



You're back, huh...?

Did your mother come with you?

So, you saw the house...

What do you think about our new place?

Why the long face, son? Is something the matter...?

Have you and your mother gotten into a fight, or something?

I wanna know why.

I want to know...

Why did you get involved with the occult?

Whoa, slow down. What are you--

Don't play dumb!

Yeah... I know you're mixed up in sorcery,

now I wanna know the reason why!

Oh, is that what you meant...?...

Give me a second to think.

Where should I begin?

Toma.... think back a bit to when you were a kid,

there was a nickname everybody called you by.

You remember what it was?

Everybody called you... Jinx.

For whatever reason, one unlucky thing

after another always seemed to happen

when you were around.

At first it was just your peers, but in time,

even adults started giving you a wide berth.

That was the reason I decided to send you

to school in Academy City.

All the superstitious people who surrounded us

back home were terrified of you.

So I sent you to a world that was devoid

of such superstitions...

or so I thought.

However... even though you were in a city of science...

you began to be treated the same way you always

had been at home...

Clearly, science couldn't rid you of your bad luck,

but I had to keep searching for something that could.

And so, in a last desperate move, I turned to the occult.

Ludicrous, isn't it...?

I was so determined to eliminate other peoples' superstitions

that I found some of my own.

You blind idiot.

Yeah... I've got rotten luck, all right...

Even so...

It's a part of who I am, and I accept that.

You should accept it, too.

I still have to walk my own path,

despite whatever bad luck may come my way.

You were happy... just the way you were?

Well, you were right... I was blind.

By trying to help, instead I threatened

to take your happiness away from you...

Of course, I think a part of me always knew

that collecting all of those good luck souvenirs

wasn't going to change anything for you in the end, anyway.

Good luck souvenirs?

That's right... but don't worry.

I'm gonna give up souvenir hunting now.

Wait... What are you talking about...?

You are the person responsible for

bringing on Angel Fall, aren't you?

I don't know this "Angel Fall."

What country does that souvenir come from?

I have one more question...

Do you know where Mom is right now? Answer honestly.

You're the one who insisted on following her

to the new house...

You would've had a better idea

of where she is than I would.

He isn't aware of the switch...

Which means, he is under the influence of Angel Fall.

Hey, Misha!

Thanks a lot...

I really appreciate you keeping my wife company today.

I know why you're here, but stop.

It's true that Dad's appearance

hasn't been switched with anyone else's...

I know that seems suspicious,

but he hasn't noticed the changes in anybody else, either

So couldn't that mean-- Response to question...


Target acquisition completed.

Personal opinion one...

the solution to the problem is simple.

Misha... stop.

You're not supposed to k*ll anyone without a divine order.

Or have you forgotten even that principle?

I'll be taking over now...

Please get your father safely away from here

as quickly as you can manage it.

Misha has the wrong impression...

my father's not--

We've all been tricked...

Her name isn't Misha.

I made an inquiry to the Russian Church...

As it turns out, they only have one Kruezhev on file,

and her name is Sasha.

This is probably just an assumed form

that she switched into.

I don't understand what you're saying...

If she's not a member of the Russian Orthodox Church,

who is she?

There are beings in this world without a fixed gender.

Rather, they are portrayed in mythology as having

aspects of both male and female within them.

They hold great power...

power far beyond the realm of human understanding...

One would never randomly choose

to swap identities with another being.

Can you back up...? I'm not really following this.

Stop and think for a moment...

Have you forgotten the name by which we refer

to this devastating spell?

What happened? Where's the sun?

I see what she's doing.

By turning day into night like this,

she's enhancing her power.

Controller of the blue, symbol of the water.

Guardian of the moon, protector of the rear side.

Her name is...

"The Power of God."

A sweep... a deluge of flaming arrows

that has burned out entire civilizations.

You fell from Heaven unexpectedly,

and you desire to return.

And to do so, you are willing to destroy

the entire world?

Well, we can't let that happen.

What do you mean "we?"

She wouldn't touch my right hand, remember...?

Why was that...?

It must mean that Imagine Breaker works on angels, too.

No. From this point on,

the fight against her does not involve you...

Your place isn't here right now.

There's something more important

that I need you to do for me.

You and your father must destroy

the ritual site used for the spell.

Do that, and it will no longer be necessary

for the Power of God to k*ll Mr. oya

or unleash the sweep.

But there isn't much time.

Hurry, before the formula's complete

and it's too late.

I can't leave you.

I'm not planning on sacrificing myself,

if that's what you're worried about...

I'm counting on you.

I've seen you save a girl from death once before,

so I'd be grateful if this time

my life was the one you saved.

What is this, son...? Please, what's going on?

All right, Kanzaki. I'll leave it to you now.


I hope you're ready, because now you have to face me!

It has begun. I will employ my Single Flash

and speak my name.

Salvare Zero zero zero!

Well, at this point, things don't really

seem to be going our way.

Sorry about this, Kami.

We've got a tough decision to make.

It looks like we have to offer someone as sacrifice

if we want to get this situation under control.

What I'm doing is nothing short of reckless...

I myself am aligned to the church of the cross...

How can I hope to destroy an angel

who is similarly aligned?

I must!

Fortunately, I am no ordinary member

of the Church of the Cross.

I am one of the Amakusa Puritans,

the independent form of the church in Japan,

born from the intolerance of the Edo period.

Amakusa Puritanism is a fusion of several diverse religions.

Christianity had been banned.

They merged their faith with Shinto and Buddhism

to mask their beliefs and avoid persecution.

A normal Church of the Cross member

may not be able to defeat an angel,

but one of the Japanese Shinto sect can!

Japanese Shinto is polytheistic.

Interestingly, it even contains certain forms

for countering a god.

Included in the religion's commandments

is the instruction never to cause harm to a god.

Why would such a law be necessary...?

Unless, of course, someone had tried it before.

It makes no sense that I'm still relatively unharmed

after facing an angel.

If this keeps up, it's going to become a w*r of attrition.

And meanwhile, the sweep will be carried out.

Please succeed in this, Toma Kamijo.

Put a stop to Angel Fall before it's too late!

What's wrong...? Come on, wake up!

She's sleeping too deeply. Did someone drug her?

Why would anybody do such a thing to her?


Would you explain all this...?

Tell me what on earth is going on here!

Listen carefully...

The way things stand, a lot of people are gonna die...

The only way to stop that from happening

is if we cancel out Angel Fall.

I still don't understand what you're saying.

-What is Angel Fall -Areyou still playing dumb? !

At least show me where the ritual site is hidden!

You've got it wrong, Kami. Put him down.


Haven't you figured out what's going on here yet?

Well... I guess I can't blame you...

You're still pretty new to all this magic stuff.

Wait... What do you mean? Figured out what truth?

You mean my dad isn't responsible for all this?

He isn't the one who activated Angel Fall?

Not exactly.

Toya Kamijo is most definitely the culprit.

However, he is completely unaware of having done anything.

But how is that possible...?

I thought you needed a large ritual site...

that that was the only way to invoke Angel Fall.

Yes. We already found the ritual site...

It's your parents' new house, Kami...

All the good luck charms, the folk art, the statues,

the occult goods...

Individually, they have no real significance ...

but if they're all placed in the correct

feng shui arrangement, it's a very different story.

When that happens, they create a synergistic effect

and become a single, immense power.

For example, remember the red post box

that was in the foyer?

Red is an attribute of the south...

Also, there was a water guardian turtle

in the bathroom...

And metal guardian white tigers

on the kitchen counter, as well.

Add in three thousand good luck charms

your dad had collected from all over the world,

and suddenly your ordinary house becomes a temple.

Strange as it sounds, when your parents came to the beach

and left the house empty, the ritual ground was complete...

it must have activated.

So, my dad built it by accident?

Yes... it was a simple accident...

Angel Fall is nothing more than a spell created

by the coincidental arrangement of some objects.

If we had interfered with the set-up while we were there,

we could have invoked an even more dangerous spell.

In order to cancel out the magic of the ritual site,

we have to destroy the whole thing in one go...

If we cannot...

then we'll have to destroy the caster... my dad.

An unfortunate situation...

but what else can we do...?

After all, I can't use my magic.

In times like this, the English Puritan Church

gives its followers some very unsavory instructions.

I'm sorry, but it's my job.

No, I won't let you!

Back off, Kami...

You'll just get yourself hurt.

Toma, what is this? !

Stay behind me!

I don't accept this...

The church thinks they can demand my dad be used

as a human sacrifice to stop Angel Fall?

Well, that's too bad. They've got another thing coming!


It's over. Ya might as well stay down there.

Wanna do something to me...?

then, by all means, have at it...

But don't do anything else to hurt my son!


I'm dead serious.

If you harm so much as another hair on Toma's head,

I swear you're going to regret it!

Now you're just bein' silly...

You can't actually believe you'd be able to take me.

You're right. I don't...

I may not win, but if you hurt Toma,

I'll inflict as much pain on you as I can before I go down.

Have I made myself clear enough...?

I am Toma's father.

Anyone who threatens him will answer to me!

Don't do it, Dad.

Don't, get involved Toma...! It's useless.

If you try to protect me,

none of us are getting out of this mess alive.

That isn't true Dad!

I don't care what it takes.

We are gonna survive this...

'cause whatever happens, I'm my father's son.

That's my boy...

If that's how this is gonna play out, so be it...

I think we should make it formal, don't you?

As of now, Toma Kamijo is officially

the enemy of Motoharu Tsuchimikado.

What d'you say...? Had enough yet?


-Dad... -Takes care of that.

All right, everybody.

Prepare yourselves for an amazing display

of honest-to-goodness sorcery.

This room will act as our humble stage for today.

The first order of business is properly setting the stage.

With that taken care of,

allow me to introduce you to my magic troupe.

Time to get to work, you guys.





The p*stol has been assembled...

but we still need to see about loading it.


The spell we're performing is like a g*n:

made up of individual parts,

each with a different function...

For the barrel of the g*n, we have a barrier.

For the b*llet, we have a shikigami spirit.

What's he doing...?

I thought Tsuchimikado said he couldn't use magic anymore.

And for the trigger, I'll be using my own hand.

Remember what I said, Kami?

There's more than one way to skin a cat

and the same goes for Angel Fall...

One option is to k*ll the spell's caster...

and the other is to destroy the magic circle.

No, don't.

You know, Kami, when you say stuff like that,

you remind me a lot of Kanzaki...

If she knew I was doing things this way,

she would do everything in her power to stop me.

Exactly like you would...

I had to find a way to prevent you from interfering.

Unfortunately, that meant I had to beat you up ...

but let's look at the bright side, shall we...?

Now I can use my magic to blow the whole ritual site away.

Just stop it...

You don't have to do this.

I'm afraid I can't grant that particular request, sorry.

If there's something you should know about me by now...

it's that I'm a big, fat liar.

I don't know how you managed to do it, Toma Kamijo...

but now I owe you another one.

Dad...! Wake up...! Dad!


There had to be another way.

There had to be...

What good could sacrificing yourself

like that do anybody?

Hey, what's happening, Kami?

Long time no see.

You been hangin' in there all right?

Huh? ... What's wrong...?

You're white as a sheet.

You look like you've just seen a ghost.

How can you be here?

You used magic again and you died, didn't you?


-that was a lie. -Huh? !

My esper power is Auto Regeneration.

I'm a Level Zero, but I can still restore my body...

Between you and me, I think I can use magic

a few more times before I keel over.

It's kind of a pain to explain it all,

so I just didn't bother.

Really? That's your reason?

How many more times do I have to tell you

before you believe me: I am a liar...

That bit about sneaking into Academy City

to do spy work was a lie...

In reality, I'm a counter spy and only pretending

to be on the side of the English Puritan Church.

Actually, to tell the truth, that's a lie, too...!

In fact, I'm a freelance spy

hired by multiple agencies for espionage.

Why, you little...

Oh, come on, don't be like that.

All's well that ends well, right...?

But, I thought you might react that way,

so I brought some folks along to help cheer you up.

I'm telling you, it's true!

Hitotsui Hajime was standing right there in the house!

It's my mom... for real.

How are you feeling, Toma dear?


okay, I guess...

I mean, I'm starting to get kinda used to being here.

Oh my goodness, dear...

We can't have you getting used to being

hospitalized, can we?

Good to see you, son...

I'm glad you're looking better now.

Thanks, Dad...

You look better, too.

Well, our house is completely gone now,

but I consider that a small price to pay for your safety.

Huh? ...

What did you say...? What's wrong with the house?

You know how we built a new house just a while ago?

Well, apparently it was blown to pieces

in some mysterious expl*si*n.

Where'd Tsuchimikado go?

Well, these things do happen...

It's not so big a deal, really.

We can just stay in the old house

until we can get the new one rebuilt.

You guys still have the old one?

Sort of...

We were just renting it from somebody all these years...

but fortunately, they haven't re-let it yet.

We may not have owned it, but it was still our home.

We lived there from the time we got married up

until we built the new place.

You remember.

You were always groaning about how cramped it was.

Yeah, that's right.


Oh, hey, Index. Is something wrong...?

Why are you just peeking around the wall like that?

Yes something's wrong...

You strangled me with your bare hands.

At the beach, you buried me in the sand up to my neck.

Um... I promise I had a good reason for doing all of that.

Then you nearly smooshed me to death behind a door.

No fair! That one wasn't me!

I was on the floor in pain and you just ignored me!

Uh, yeah, I guess that one was me...

I mean--! Well... you see...

Damn my luck!


A kid named Unabara starts pestering Mikoto.

To keep him away,

she asks me to pretend I'm her boyfriend.

Wait, me on a date with bug zapper?

Next time, "Replica."

When science and magic cross paths, a story is born.