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03x19 - Misaka Worst

Posted: 01/14/24 09:15
by bunniefuu



[ACCELERATOR] What's going on with their power?

It didn't reflect; it just decomposed.

And not into water, ice, or steam, either.

Into light.

Is this what that son of a bitch Aiwass

was talking about when he mentioned

"a completely different set of rules

unlike you've ever seen before"?

Tch. What a pain.

I guess I could beat it out of them.



[ACCELERATOR] Who are you?

[MISAKA WORST] If I told you "Third Season,"

would you recognize Misaka?

[ACCELERATOR gasps] What?

[MISAKA WORST] Misaka doesn't care about the outcome

of the w*r.

No orders concerning that have been input.

Misaka's only objective is to slaughter the first-ranked.

That's why Misaka has come.

It is the reason, the only reason,

Misaka was taken out of her culture solution.

I thought your magical item had been destroyed.

Nonetheless, I doubt you've successfully restored

your Divine Retribution.

And even supposing that you have...

...your resistance is futile.

You won't be able to defeat me with its methodology.

Hah! A hollow threat when you as Michael

cannot wield your full power in this state.

That's true enough.

Compensating for that limitation is why I need Sasha Kruezhev

and Imagine Breaker.

[VENTO] I know the restrictions that right arm of yours has

on its use!

You fool.

You've been so busy playing around with those nobodies.

I bet it's already disintegrating into the air.

You're the fool.

Are you suggesting that's enough to make up the gap

between us?

[VENTO] This is where things start getting interesting.

[GROUP gasps]

[FIAMMA grunts]

[VENTO] Blind, arrogant idiot.

Are you aware that Biagio Buzoni commanded

the Queen of the Adriatic and the Queen's Fleet

escort at Chioggia in Italy?

And did you know that I am the one who calibrated

one of the Ten Holy Spirit Spells to a practical level?

True, controlling the entire Queen of the Adriatic

might not have been possible.

I can't wield that particular w*apon on my own.

However, I do have the affinity to control

at least a part of the fleet.

Not to mention, I can do this.

I could lecture you about wasting so many of your sh*ts,

except it's not like you can hear me.

[FIAMMA] Is that right?

Actually, I take better care of my things

than you give me credit for.

[FIAMMA] I may not be able to avoid it disintegrating

into the air,

but as you can see, I have managed to secure it

in that state.

I no longer have any limitations on my power,

and that will be your undoing, Vento of the Front.


I don't need destructive force.

I can finish someone with a touch,

so demolishing my opponent requires no exertion.

[KAMIJO] Vento! What's going on?


[FIAMMA] I'm in no hurry.

[VENTO gasps]

I can hit someone with a wave, so besting my enemy

requires no speed.

[VENTO yells]


Stay back!

Come, now, it's not as though I yanked out

your whole tongue.

I only tore it a little bit. You're overreacting.

This is bad.

His power is beyond crazy.

So what now?

How're we supposed to beat him?

[VENTO coughs] What did you--?

[FIAMMA] It's simple, really.

What I possess isn't the right arm itself,

but the power that comes with the right arm.

Can your feeble mind understand what that means?

I'll help.

It means that I possess full command over all

the church of the cross's many supernatural phenomena.

I'll let you imagine the rest.

You're not too inept to do that much, right?

No, that's impossible.

[FIAMMA] You're right, of course.

It's still incomplete.

However, because the world is in such a state of flux,

I can use it even in this unfinished form.

[VENTO gasps]

Tell me, are you aware of the full extent of the fallout?

That the four great attributes have slowly started going awry?

No... You don't mean...

How could I not have known?

The aftershocks of Angel Fall were truly that serious?

No, actually.

It's thanks to the distortions in the great laws

that were there to begin with.

Those are what created the opening for such

a spectacularly powerful spell to be invoked.

You understand?

Because I would like to get on with this.

[VENTO gasps]

[KAMIJO yelling]

Oh, no!

[FIAMMA] How many poor unfortunates have you taken

a stand for at this point?

You know, you really are a delightful fellow.

The thing I enjoy most

is the way it always comes back to you.

You're inspired by so many others to leap headlong

into danger time and again, but who earns the rewards

from doing so?

Who keeps them all for himself?


What are you trying to say?

I'm simply asking you to consider whether your actions

are entirely in the right and utterly devoid

of selfish motivations.

Think about it: I use the power of my right arm

to sort out whatever problems I might encounter.

In a similar manner, you use your right hand

to sort out whatever pesky incidents might arise

around you.

And we both do it in a way that shatters with one blow--

something that someone else has taken desperate pains

to build up.


I have a firm conviction in myself and in my actions.

I can proceed with a clean conscience

because I fully believe that the choices I make

will pave the way for the absolute good.

So I should give up, then?

Let Index lie there in agony because you think

you're doing what's right?

Well screw that idea!

All right.

So are you saying you're good for putting a stop to it?

Whether I'm good or not isn't the issue here!

I just know that Index is suffering!

Do you even realize how many people you're hurting here?

How much damage this w*r of yours has caused?

If fighting for a girl who can't wake up is such a bad thing,

then maybe I don't want to be on the side of good.

How delightful!

Would you repeat that to the sweet sister

you've gone to such trouble to lie to for all this time?

Via this remote control magical item,

there are periods when our two consciousnesses become linked.

Which means that sometimes, the things that I see

and hear are conveyed to her, as well.

[KAMIJO] No... Is he saying...?

Now, then, are you going to tell me you're on the side

of good in that situation, as well?

You carry on with this shameless act of yours,

supposedly for her benefit.

Maybe you've convinced yourself that you're not doing it

for your own self-satisfaction.

But when all is said and done, will your hypothetically noble

act actually be her salvation?

I can't wait for the judgment to come down.

I'll be taking this.


[KAMIJO] Fiamma!

I would like to bring you along, too,

but I'm afraid carrying you both at once would be

rather difficult.

Not to mention, your right hand would inhibit me

from transporting you.

Speaking of which, don't get yourself k*lled.

I'm going to need that right hand.

[KAMIJO] Wait!

Damn it.

[FIAMMA] But when all is said and done,

will your hypothetically noble act actually be her salvation?

I can't wait for the judgment to come down.

[HAMAZURA] How is she?

[DIGURV] It's the effects of an Academy City-made drug.

This is a small facility.

They don't have the means to treat it properly.

Makes sense.

Even so, at least she's got a decent bed to sleep in.

That's more than I was able to manage.

[CHILD A coughing]

[CHILD A coughs]

[HAMAZURA chuckles]

I guess since I'm from Academy City,

the Russian people must see me as the ultimate enemy.

An enemy wouldn't offer fuel to help us.


The truth is, this place has always been a questionable area.

Even before World w*r Three started.

Problem is, with the Elizalina Alliance

of Independent Nations' border not far from here,

the Russian army wants to raze our homes to the ground

and build a frontline base.

They're greedy for land.

They've even gone so far as to scatter landmines

throughout the area under the pretext of preventing

an invasion from the alliance.

You're kidding!

Hey, now, it's not really as bad as it might seem.

We collect the mines and give them to an NGO,

and they exchange them for food or other goods.

[HAMAZURA] Why am I here?

What exactly am I trying to find in the middle of this w*r?

[DIGURV gasps]

Looks like things have taken a turn for the worse.



[DIGURV] They're kind of like officially recognized bandits.

Blank units that exist within the Russian military

but have no official members.

They take in thugs, wannabe soldiers,

the type of people who specialize in doing

the dirty work.

Why send an outfit like that here?

Hold on, are you saying--?

Yeah. Now's their chance.

They're going to exploit this w*r to level our land.

Then we have to get out of here, now!

Except we don't have any fuel to drive with.

So then what do we do?

Should we try to run somewhere?

Just hang tight.

I'm working on that.

[ACCELERATOR] This one appears to be an irregular unit,

created to draw out and focus the animosity

of the entire Misaka Network.



[MISAKA WORST chuckles]

[ACCELERATOR] I already made the decision not to hurt

any of them ever again.

So I can't use my Reflection.

This is ridiculous.

What did she say? "Third Season"?

Was this the reason the jerks of Academy City created her?

For the sole purpose of mentally tearing me down?

[MISAKA WORST] Don't tell me you're starting to have

delusions about protecting Misaka.

Because no one asked you to do that.

[ACCELERATOR] Hold on a second.

Something about this doesn't check out.

All of the Sisters connected to the Misaka Network

can have their actions shut down with a single command

from Last Order.

So, sending one of those units against me

wouldn't make sense.

Which means this one has to be--a fake!

[ACCELERATOR] No! She's the real thing!

You should know that there is a device installed

inside of Misaka's body which will ensure

that a shutdown command from Last Order is rejected.

Relying on her would be foolish.

She won't do anything to stop this Misaka.

So, it's up to you.

If you wanna stop this one, you'll have to fight

with the intent to k*ll her.

But you can't do that, can you?

Because if you do, that would mean all your other efforts

up to now would be rendered meaningless.

Well, I guess, you'll just have to sit back

and take your beating.


"I'm so scared.

Help me."


Misaka is going to toss you around like a toy

until you're unrecognizable!

You'll see! It's going to be so much fun!

There you go, keep on dodging!

Aren't you the one who k*lled over ten thousand Misakas?

Not only once, but over ten thousand times?

So that means you have to have your human rights

trampled on at least ten thousand times

just to balance it out!

And if we factor in interest,

tripling that exchange won't be enough!

Here! Have another!



[MISAKA WORST] Here's a question for you.

None of the other Misakas, including Last Order,

have called you out.

Did you ever stop to wonder why that might be?

If not, you should!


[MISAKA WORST] It's not that they decided on their own

not to hate you!

Because believe me, they do.

They just couldn't show it.

They're built with a different system for processing

human emotions.

Which is to say, it's impossible for them to understand

or express them!


Little by little, all your precious Misakas

are becoming more human!

Which means many of them will realize their hatred very soon!

They'll end up considering their legitimate right

to vindication!

Let's see.

Maybe Misaka will start with the damaged goods over there.

That would be much more effective, anyway.

The Misakas will experience a drastic overhaul

under Third Season.

The network will be expanded, redeployed,

and improved overall.

Their performance will be enhanced,

and breakthroughs will be great.

And then, the older-generation Last Order will no longer

be needed to call the sh*ts!



So that's the way this whole thing plays out.

None of us are gonna get out of this stupid,

screwed-up situation until somebody dies.



--[bone snaps] --[yelling]

[ACCELERATOR] You're done here.

But this isn't how it ends, is it?

I'm sure one of those other Sisters will be arriving next.

Or maybe they'll use Yomikawa or Yoshikawa instead,

and wipe out some completely irrelevant village or town

without reason.

Well, enough.

I'm not putting up with it anymore.

Help... Help me.

Someone please help...

Make it stop...

[ACCELERATOR whimpering]


--[beeping] --[blast]

[ACCELERATOR laughing]

[MISAKA WORST] It's... your fault.

[grunts] Your... fault.

[ACCELERATOR coughs, retches]

Well, screw a whole load of that!

Screw it all! Screw it all! Screw it all!


She was created and k*lled for my sake

as a pawn in a twisted plan to break me.

That's why she was sent!

That's what the scum in Academy City is after, right?

No matter how much we've suffered,

this kid has to die, and my mind has to be blown to pieces!

Meanwhile, some jerks are off lounging in a nice, warm room!

Probably having a drink and smiling about

how clever they are.

Congratulating themselves for putting this whole twisted plan

of theirs into motion.

Well, I'm onto them.

Which means now I'll have to throw it all back

in their faces!

If the only way their plan will succeed is if this kid dies,

then I'll make sure that doesn't happen.

I'll save her life and guarantee their project's failure!

Watch closely, you filthy sons of b*tches!

I'm done putting up with your crap.

I'm gonna wipe those smug expressions off your faces,

starting right now!

Stupid punk-ass, scum-sucking, dirt-eating sons of b*tches!

You rotten bastards think you have me all figured out,

don't you?

You look down on me and think all I know how to do

is cause pain and k*ll!

I'll show you right now that I am much more than that.

I have what it takes to protect something, too!


Just watch!

[KAMIJO] Black wings cast a hue over the snowy plain.

Blood-soaked fists clench tightly.

The mightiest and the lowliest clash once again.

Next time, "A Reason to Protect."

When science and magic cross paths, a story is born.