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04x03 - The Battle of Canoga Park

Posted: 01/15/24 08:59
by bunniefuu
You recognize that, Rockford?
Don't answer that.

Jimmy never k*lled nobody.

Jimmy's g*n did.


You ever consider
it might be to your
benefit to cooperate?

What do I get?
A gold star on
my rap sheet?

Now I gotta find out
what happened to my g*n.

Why, I took it, of course.
You did?

Those people are connected
in someway or another

and if you don't prove it,
I will.


This is Jim Rockford.

At the tone, leave your name
and message.

I'll get back to you.


BETTY.. It's Betty
from up the street.

I'm phoning
all the neighbors

because Spotty is loose.

If you see him, call me.

Oh, don't wear musk cologne.

Leopards have a thing
about that.


It's only a jelly glass.

The glasses are
supposed to be
kept in there.

Oh, now since
when you been so particular
about where things are kept?

Ever since I haven't been
able to find anything.

I don't know why
I let you talk me into it.

I knew it was a mistake.

Why does she
have to hide things?

Viola ain't hiding things.

She just tiding up and
you ain't used to that yet.

And I'll never
get used to it,

Oh, now look, Son,
you give her a chance.

She's only been
here three weeks.

And three weeks it's been
since I've seen my binoculars.

Viola would not
take your binoculars.

I didn't say
she'd take them.

She just squirreled
them away somewhere.

Oh, look,
you don't like
cleaning up.

You don't have
time for it.

And, well, this place
was beginning to look
downright seedy.

I never wanted to hire a maid.
I never thought it was a good

Yeah, well, anyone who keeps
dirty laundry in their desk,
I think it's pretty...

I knew right where
to find it, didn't l?

I've got
tickets to the ball game
and I want my binoculars.

Oh, now, look,
Viola will be
here any minute.

She'll know where they are.

What makes you think
she'll tell?

Pick me up around 5:00,

You will be done by then?

Won't take me that long.

There ain't much
to this place.

Okay. See you at 5:00.


Thought you'd be
out and about by now.

I've been trying
to find my binoculars.

They're right
where I put them.

Well, that's not
where I keep them.

that's where I keep them.

That's where they
ought to be kept.

You can't be too careful
living at the beach with
this damp air

and all the rust and rot.

How's your boy, Viola?

He's doing as well
as can be expected.

Leonard's very sensitive,
you know.

It's a big
shock to his system,
getting beat up like that.

You know, he only went to
that there massage parlor

to talk young
Danny Tortorello
into going home.

Next thing they say,

Leonard's out in the sidewalk
yelling all kinds of

at some man
he don't even know.

Oh, isn't that awful?

The streets ain't
even safe anymore.

Hey, Sonny,
did you hear about Leonard?

Yeah, yeah.

are you going to keep
my binoculars in there?

That's where I keep them.

I said to him this morning,
I said,

you don't even have to
think about looking for work,

''not until you get
your strength back.''

He don't feel right,
you know,

sitting around watching TV.

That boy never
thinks about his health.

Well, anyway,
I'm glad he's better.

Only not that much better.

Bye-bye, Viola.

Rust and rot.

Oh, she don't mean nothing.
That's just her way.

OFFICER: Hold it.
Stay where you are.

What is it with today?

We want to hear
about last night,

I know this may come
as a blow to your ego,

but I don't care what
you want to hear about.

I have nothing to say
till my lawyer gets here.

You ever consider
it might be to your
benefit to cooperate?

What do I get?
A gold star on
my rap sheet?

Okay, Rockford,
you play it any
way you want.

But I know
where you were,
I know what happened.

All I'm looking for is a why.

And I got you nailed
down on this one, buddy.

I'm going to push it
for all it's worth.

What's the matter with you?

You know
Diehl doesn't like you.

Why do you keep
making it worse?

all he wants to know is,
where were you last night?

What is it gonna hurt
to answer the question?

Hey, come on, Dennis.

What is this, huh?
Good cop, bad cop?

Diehl goes
slamming out of here
and you turn on the charm.

I'm supposed to
start answering and I
don't even know why I'm here?

Am I your friend?

You're taking a long time
to answer that.

You're my friend.

Then where were
you last night?

Doing what?
Looking for my binoculars.

No, I organized
a search party.

Of course, I was alone.

Any calls
come in to verify
that's where you were?

No, and why do
I have to verify?

Because it's a lousy alibi.

For what?

Hi, Jim.

Has my client
been informed of
the charges against him?

We haven't filed any
charges against him yet.

You haven't informed
him of the charges?

I suppose
you've also neglected to
inform him of his rights.

If you can give us
an accounting of your
whereabouts last night,

along with a reliable
witness to back you up...

That's what I thought.

What was your relationship
with Robert Reidy?

Don't answer that.

Business? Personal?
Don't answer that.

A relationship did exist.

We'll find out what it was.

You recognize that, Rockford?
Don't answer that.

He doesn't have to.

It's the m*rder w*apon
used to k*ll Robert Reidy
in his gas station last night.

We traced it
to Mr. Rockford.

He has got his
fingerprints all over it.

I'd call that probable cause,
Miss Davenport.

Book him!

sure wanna thank you
for going bail, Rocky.

I don't think
I could have eaten
another county meal.

Where'd you get
the five grand?

ROCKY: Oh, I got it.

I took out a second
mortgage on my house.

Oh, Rocky, I'm sorry.

Well, it ain't your fault.

This is one time I can say
it ain't your fault.

I'll see you get it back,

You know that
Lieutenant Diehl,
he never did like you.

I'll bet he's the one
who got you in this thing.

Diehl didn't
have any alternative.
Neither did the judge.

They do have
probable cause.

I don't care what they got.

Jimmy never k*lled nobody.

Jimmy's g*n did.

He hasn't been indicted,

That was just
an arraignment.

If we can prove that
the g*n was stolen...

The only way
you're gonna do that
is to find out who took it.

Any ideas?


Who's Viola?

That don't make
any sense.

Why would Viola
want your g*n?
I don't know.

But she had a key,
she had access to
that trailer.

That g*n's been
in my cookie jar
for a long time.

Well, I can't
hardly wait to hear
you explain that in court.

And where did you keep
the w*apon, Mr. Rockford?

In my cookie jar.

You think
I will be indicted?

I think
there's a possibility.

Who's Viola?

Oh, she's a very fine woman
who's got no reason on earth
to take Jim's g*n.

Oh, yeah?

Yeah, well, look,

now what if Viola happened
to mention it to Leonard
and he took it, huh?

She said herself he's
always getting into trouble.

Of course,
it's never his fault.

Now somebody beat him up
last week.

What if it was Reidy

and what if Leonard
decided to even the score?

What if? What if?

Give me the keys
to the truck.

What for?

Give me the keys!

What are you going to do?

I'm going to go
have a little chat
with Viola and Leonard.

Who's Leonard?

somebody's at the door.


You must be Leonard.
Yeah. Who are you?

I'm Jim Rockford.
I just wanted to...
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

I would have
got it, honey.

Now you're supposed
to be resting.

Yeah. Fat chance.

Oh. They let you out, huh?

Well, for the time being.

I didn't know
whether I was supposed
to come this week or not.

They put you
back in jail,

you better let
the office know.

I'll be frank with you,
Mr. Rockford.

I don't much like what
went on there the other day.

And I think
I got a right to know

how come they hauled you
off like that.

A man named
Robert Reidy was shot
to death with my g*n...

I don't know anybody
named Robert Reidy.

Do you?
No, sir, I don't.

And I don't like the way
that come out sounding.

Well, does Leonard know him?

Viola, I'm in
a lot of trouble.

Now I gotta find out
what happened to my g*n.

Why, I took it, of course.
You did?

Ain't that what you
come out here thinking?

Oh, it ain't the first time.

Something gets broke,
something turns up missing,

Viola must have done it.

I never say boo to that.

I never say
one single word.

Folks' gonna think
what they wanna think.

But I got no intention
of letting you stand there

saying that me
and Leonard k*lled

some man
we never even heard of,

with a g*n
we never even seen.

you must have seen it
when you were cleaning.

I keep it
right in the...
I told you I never
seen it and I never!

I wouldn't have
no cause to see it.

You ask anybody
that knows me.

I never ate
a store-bought
cookie in my whole life.

Well, now, strange
you should say that,

'cause that's just
where I keep my g*n.

In with the store-bought


I got it.

Sergeant Becker.

Hi, Dennis, it's...
I know who it is.

What's the matter with you,
calling me here?

Relax, will you?

They don't know
who you're talking to.

I got it, Billings.

Okay, Sarge.

Nothing but ears
in this joint.

Can you tell me one thing?

It depends.

Boy, you're all cooperation.

Would it violate
departmental standards to
tell me if there's any kind of

investigation going on?
Or am I it?

It was your g*n.

You're not even looking
for anyone else?

Lieutenant DiehI's trying to
prove a relationship between
you and Reidy.

There wasn't any.

Then you've got
nothing to worry about.

I'm out five grand
in bail money,

Beth thinks there
may be an indictment,

what do you mean
I've got nothing
to worry about?

You didn't know the guy,

Well, it was an execution
type k*lling. Very personal.

We know
it wasn't a robbery

who wants to holdup
a gas station at night?

There's nothing there.

Where's the station?

Do yourself a favor,
stay out of it.

First I have
to get out of it.

Reidy's Ready-Serve
on Cahuenga.

Very well.

Very nice. Very nice.

It's a gas station.

Yeah, good location.
Lot of commuter traffic.

You know,
just as a matter of policy,

let's say that
I'm not a regular,

you know,
let's say you've
never seen me before.

I never seen you before.

I come in here, cold, right?
Would you do the windshield,

and ask to check
under the hood?

What is this?
Some kinda poll...
Would you?

Well, yeah, but...
Good, good.

Now that's where your
repeat business comes in.

That's good
customer relations.

How long you been
with the firm, Brian?

I've been here a while.

What is it you want, pal?

Well, I just want
to see for myself

if this is the all-fired
good deal Leonard said it was.

So far...

Of course I'm not going
to make any quick decisions

till I get a good chance
to look at the books.

You're gonna
buy the place?

Oh, no.

I just kind of
looking it over,
looking it over.


Do a little hunting,
do you?

Oh, no,
this don't belong to me.

This was Mr. Reidy's.

I was just keeping it
cleaned up, you know?

Listen, you want me
to show you around?

maybe a quick
once-over, yeah.

Mr. Reidy didn't
do too much hunting.

He was into target
practice mostly, I think.

Skeets, stuff like that.

We got a real good
service department.

Sam, over here,
he's the head of it.

Robert Reidy
in this group?

Yeah, he's in there

Sam's really good.

Now I could
introduce you
if you like.

Unless you're planning on
bringing your own people
in with you.

Was Reidy
in the Fifth RCT?


Yeah. Regimental Combat Team.
I don't know.

That's before my time.
That's Korea.

Listen. You wanna meet Sam?
No. No, some other time.

I was supposed to
meet Leonard here,

but knowing Leonard,
he's always late.

I really don't have
time to wait for him.

So why don't you
tell him I showed up?

And that we'll be
in touch, all right?

Yeah. Leonard Wenke.

Well, you are
bound to know him.

I mean, he is
a good friend
of Mr. Reidy's.

Leonard's the one who told me
the station was on the market.

Never heard of him.

Of course I didn't know
many of Mr. Reidy's friends.

Except Mr. Chalco.

He runs that cycle shop
up the street.

Oh, they was real tight.
All the time back and forth.

But Leonard...
Yeah, well,
it don't matter.

You know, knowing Leonard,
he might not even show up
at all.

Hey, Brian,
you've been a big help.

Anytime, pal.


I'll be with you
just a moment.

Well, listen,
you boys just
take your time.

I mean,
the longer you look,
the more sure you will be

you'll not get
a better deal than that.

If you got any questions,
well, you just give me
a holler.

They ain't gonna
buy anything.

You know, I get their kind
in here a dozen times a day.

Yeah, well,
I was looking
for Mr. Chalco.

Well, you found him.
And you got my attention, too.

But I got to
keep my eye on
them two out there.

If I don't,
they will have that thing
stripped down in five minutes

and there's not a thing
I can do about it.

If I ask them to leave,

they'd start bellowing
about their civil rights.

What about my civil rights,
that's what I'd like to know.

Yeah, well, my name
is Taggart, Mr. Chalco.

Happy knowing you,
Mr. Taggart.

You know,
I don't know
where they come from.

You can hear them coming,

you can see them coming,
you can smell them coming.

Yeah, well. Look,
Mr. Chalco, I was...

Listen, you boys
come back any time here.

If they are figuring on
knocking this place over

they're in for
one big surprise.

I have got
more burglar alarms
here than I got bikes.

Well, listen,
what can I do for you?

If you don't see it,
just ask for it.

I'm not in the market
for a bike right now.

But what I do have is
a business proposition.

You mean, you're selling?
Well, why didn't you say so?

I got no time to...

For something
that stands a chance to
make us both some money, huh?

Give you a good image
and promote

good community relations,

See, I've been checking out
Reidy's Ready-Serve.

And, well,
it's not official yet

but you maybe
looking at the new owner.

You bought
Bob's old place?

Just how's that supposed
to make me money?

Well, that's because
I happen to be a firm
believer in tub-thumping.


The squeaky wheel
gets the grease

and the high profile company
gets the higher profits.

Now what I propose
is a publicity tie-in

between your cycle shop
and my gas station.

I don't think
I could afford...

Now hear me out,
hear me out, huh?

I'm talking
about a minimal
financial outlay

and maximum results.

Now I know
this kind of thing works.

I used it
in my flagship
operation in Modesto.

I used it in
Salinas, Fresno...

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
wait just a minute.

Used what?

Look, let's say that
you and I went in together,

and we sponsored
an enduro or motocross.

Now I don't know what kind of
advertising budget you carry,

but I know
this kind of thing
pays off in goodwill.

Well, just how much
would I have to kick in?

Oh, well,
we send out some flyers,

now that doesn't cost much.

And, then for the grand prize,
you could put up a year's
free service.

Not including parts.

And then I'll throw in
a year's free gas and oil.

We will make
Chalco's Cycle Shop
and Reidy's Ready-Serve...

Oh, oh, hey, I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.

[STUTTERING] About what?

Oh, well,
you and Reidy
were good friends...

Yeah, yeah, we did
go back quite a ways.

He sure deserved better
than getting blown up
by some punk kid.

Well, I mean,
It's always some punk kid.
Oh, yeah.

Hey, Walt?
I'm busy right now.

Don't let me hold you up.

Hey, listen, I'll get
in touch with you later

and we'll work out
the details.
Fine. Fine.

Say, listen,
if you should
run into Leonard...

Leonard Wenke?

That name's
not familiar.

Oh, really?
I thought he mentioned
that he was a friend of yours.

Hey, really,
it's not important.

Hey, I'll be talking
to you later, Walt.

You betcha.
Take it easy.

What were you doing
talking to that guy?

Well, I mean,
he's taking over
Reidy's old place.

The hell he is.
What's the matter with you?
We don't have enough trouble?

What did he ask you?
What kind of questions?

Well, look here,
all he wanted to do
is sponsor a motocross

or something like that.
His name's Taggart.

His name's Rockford!

Does that mean
anything to you?


Better get on
the phone fast.

The one who makes the mess
is the one who cleans it up.

That's the way
I feel about it.

Red-Eye Leader,
this is Red-Eye One.

Uncle Julius
just picked up
the Christmas trees.

The kid at the gas station
never heard of Leonard Wenke.

Chalco never heard of him.

Well, maybe Leonard never
had nothing to do with it.

Maybe. But Chalco said
some punk kid shot Reidy.

that don't mean
it was Leonard.

There's lots of punk kids.


Chalco's got a hate on
for anybody under 40.

Hey, Sonny,
would you please
quit pacing up and down?

I ain't gonna have no
nap left on my carpet.

There isn't
any nap on it now.

I don't know, Dad.

It just doesn't
make any sense.

The more I look,
the deeper I get
into this thing.

You mean because
that Reidy fellow
once served in Korea?

Yeah, in the Fifth RCT.

I recognized the patch,
a Taro leaf.

DiehI's been looking
for a connection
between me and Reidy.

That's my old outfit.

Well, there's 3,000
men in a battalion!

That's close enough
for Diehl.

I just hope
he doesn't find out.

Would you
give me a lift home?

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

I got no leads,
I got nothing.

they can't put you in jail
for something you didn't do.

Isn't that what you said

just before I spent those
fun-filled years in Quentin?


ROCKFORD: What a mess.

You ought to
consider yourself lucky.

Do you mind if I don't?

If I'd wanted a skylight,
I would have had one put in.

Who saved you the trouble?

That's what you're
supposed to find out.

Well, we know it happened
some time after you'd gone
to sleep.

Can you pinpoint the time?

My clock blew up
along with my bed,
my stereo...

It's not so bad.
You had a little
fire damage,

some water damage...

Yeah, that's from
putting out the fire.

Normal amount of damage
from concussion.

What's normal about
a grenade in your bedroom?

So, it's a mess.
Does that make you
feel better?


We're about through in here,

Yeah, what did you find out?
Enough to run through the lab.

It was
a fragmentation grenade.

Just a guess,

but I'd say
surplus from Korea.


Well, there's
only one difference
between the grenades

they used in Korean w*r
and those that they used
in Nam.

The fuse length
was shortened from
seven seconds to four.

You couldn't have got out
of here in four seconds.

I'll copy you the report.

All right.
Thanks a lot.

Any ideas?

I spent yesterday
nosing around
Reidy's gas station.

And I dropped in
on one of his friends.

I didn't think
I turned up anything.

But I must have made
somebody nervous.
Now who?

Good Lord!

I hope you don't
expect me to clean it up.

After our little chat,
I didn't think you'd
show up.

I don't walk off a job
without giving notice.

I'm giving notice.


Hello. Oh, yeah,
yeah, he's right here.

It's for you.

Sergeant Becker.

Oh, yeah, Mazursky.
Let me get something
to write it on.

Yeah, go ahead.
How's Leonard?

Keeping his nose clean.

Which is more
than I can say for some.

every time I'm out here,
so are half the cops in LA.

What'd you do this time?
I ducked.

BECKER: You got
a spelling on that?

Maybe I can vacuum.

I don't know.
The van don't show up.

I gotta transfer
three times to get here.

And now this.

You don't have to worry
about changing the bed.
There isn't any.

I got a name with that
plate number you gave me.

Lee Ronstadt. Know him?

Ask her if Leonard
knows him.

He don't know
nobody named Lee.

I know all of
Leonard's friends.

You sure you got
the right number?

Red panel truck.

Well, I'm gonna
take a backup unit
and check him out.

I'm going with you.

You do all the talking.

I just want to see
what kind of guy

drops a grenade
down a ventilating shaft.

I'm gonna get dressed now,
Viola, if you don't mind.

Big deal.

you go around back.

you cover us from here.
Okay, Sarge.

You get back in the car.

ROCKFORD: Hey, I didn't
come all this way to
wait in the car.

I won't get in your way.

Suppose this guy Ronstadt
hands you another pineapple?

You know how it's
going down, Dennis.

He's going to
deny the whole thing.


But you let me handle it
and you keep your mouth shut.

Would I interfere?

Well, come on.

I'm Sergeant Becker
from the Police Department.

What do you want?
I'd like to speak
to Lee Ronstadt.

I'm on hold.

I've been trying 20 minutes
to get through and now
I'm on hold.

You better come in.


RAY.. ...wanted to make
a personal contribution
towards solving it, so...

BILLY.. So I tore out
all the flowers.

My wife like to k*ll me.

Is Mr. Ronstadt at home?

Planted cactus instead.

We got ourselves a garden
takes no water at all.

Well, next to none.

Ma'am, there are
some questions...
Just a minute.

That was Billy of Pacoima
with his ideas on beating
the water shortage.

Let's see who's up next.

Hello, this is Ray Parton.
You're on the air.

This is Lee Ronstadt.

Come on, Lee, you're
not a first-time caller.

You know
you're not supposed
to give your last name.

And how about turning down
the radio so we don't get
any feedback?

Yeah, okay, it's down.

Now, you wanna know
what I think about
the water shortage, right?


There isn't any.
What do you mean,
there isn't any?

Look, Ray,
I heard all about
your so-called drought.

The fact is,
we got plenty of water.

Is that so? Where?

I'll tell you where it is.

We're selling it to the Arabs.
The who?

The Arabs!

They got nothing
but sand and money.

Look, Lee,
get to the point.

if you were sitting
in the middle of a desert,

what would you
be looking to import?

Lee, you're pretty
off base today.

And who suffers? We do.

I can remember a time,
here in California,

when we grew tomatoes
the size of cantaloupes,

and cantaloupes the size of...

That's a pretty flaky theory.
Who would sell our water?

Well, it's them
bleeding hearts back
in Washington, that's who.

Trying to keep
the whole world happy

and to hell with
the American people.

Well, I got
my sprinklers going,

and I'm gonna
keep them going,

and to hell with the Arabs.

Okay, Sergeant,
what do you want?

Are you Lee Ronstadt?
That's right.

Is there a Mr. Ronstadt?
There was.

Passed on eight years ago.

we're investigating
a little incident that

happened late last night
or early this morning
in the Malibu area.

Do you own
a red panel truck?


Well, we...
Sergeant Becker traced
the license plate to you.

I own a white panel truck.

Virgil bought it.

When he went,
I didn't bother selling.

Don't use it much,
but it comes in handy.

Hauling things to Goodwill
and stuff like that.

Were you in
the Malibu area last night?

No. Neither was the truck.

It was locked up
in the garage.

Do you mind
if we have a look at it?

Wouldn't mind,
but can't do it.

Loaned it to my
sister-in-law this morning.

She's moving to
Castaic with the kids.

Would anyone else
have access to the truck?


You live alone?

My boy lives with me.


I learned my lesson
with Henry a long time ago.

Gave him the keys,
he took the truck out,

drove it around
some dry crick bed.

It cost me close to $300
to get the insides put right.

And that's
the first and last time
I ever let him drive it.

Kids got no respect
for property.

How old is the boy?

Henry's not even in town.

He's up at Sparks,
Nevada on vacation.

You must have
got that license
plate number mixed up.

Yeah. Well,
thanks a lot,
Mrs. Ronstadt.

Aren't you going
to ask her about the...

You wouldn't happen to
have any hand grenades
around the house...

Sorry for the trouble,

Did you have
to ask her that?

Does she look like
the kind of woman

that got hand grenades
tucked under her hairnet?

Well, I wasn't wrong
about the license plate,

and I'm not too sure
about Henry, either.

How long has he been
in Sparks?

You didn't bother
to ask that.

You're wrong, Jim, admit it.

Oh, come on, Dennis,
are you going to take
the word of a woman

who leaves her sprinklers
going full blast all day long

just to get
even with the Arabs
for buying our water?

So she's weird.
That doesn't mean
that she's lying.

Go get, O'Hanian.

Run her through
the computer, Dennis.

And Henry, too.
And while you're at it,

you might as well
punch out Reidy,

and Chalco and Leonard
and Viola Wenke.

You're taking that
servant of the people
thing a bit too far, buddy.

you see that car?
I saw it when I came in.

Now it's got
to belong to her.

It's a two car family.

look at the bumper.

You see it?

Now Reidy had
a bumper sticker
on his pickup.

It's anti-g*n control,
but it has the same feeling.

What do you mean, feeling?

Got a million bumper
stickers all over town.

I'm telling you, Dennis,

those people are connected
in someway or another

and if you don't prove it,
I will.

You're good at this
sort of stuff, Sonny,
but, me...

Oh, you'll be fine, Dad.

Just read what I wrote
down on the paper there.

Well, supposing this fellow
here starts to ask me
some questions?

Dad, I can't call him.

He might
recognize my voice.
Now it's important.

If Chalco admits that
he knows Lee Ronstadt,

then I know
I'm on the right track.

Well, all right, all right.

But if I mess up,
don't you go yelling at me.

You will be fine.

CHALCO.. Chalco's Cycle Shop.

Mr. Chalco?

This is Otto Brubaker
from Costa Mesa.

Yeah. What can I do
for you, Mr. Brubaker?

It's about this newspaper
that we're putting out.

The Right On Target.

That's sort of
a double meaning,
if you get the drift.

Yeah, yeah. So?

So, we're planning to
publish it once a month,

to start with, that is.

And what we're
aiming to do is,

we want to
give you the news
right straight out.

None of this here
left-wing glop like them

present day newspapers
is doing.

Are you looking
for a subscription?

Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, sir.

What we're looking to do
is to spread the news. Yes.

Mrs. Lee Ronstadt
gave me your name.

She said you'd be interested.

Lee Ronstadt?

Mmm, yes.
I had the pleasure of
meeting her and her son, Henry

at the Stars
and Stripes Forever
meeting a few months ago.

They're fine Americans,
them two, you betcha.

Yeah, well, I mean
if Lee Ronstadt
is interested in it,

I guess I would be, too.

Fine. Fine.

you will be getting
the first publication

in just a couple of weeks

and say, Mr. Chalco,
would you let me know
what you think of it, huh?

Yeah, yeah.

I'll do that, Mr. Brubaker.

Thanks for calling.

Okay. So long.

I knew it. I knew it.



ROCKFORD.. Dennis?
Where've you been?

I've been trying
to get you all day.

Didn't you get my messages?

I got them.

why didn't you tell me

that you were in the same
outfit with Reidy in Korea?

How'd you find that out?

I didn't.
Diehl found out.

He gave it to the DA.

there are 3,000
men in a battalion!

That's close enough
for Diehl.

I also
ran those names
through the computer.

They came out clean,

They don't even live
in the same parts of town.

Yeah, well, I had
Rocky phone Chalco today.

And he as much as
admitted he knew Ronstadt.

As much as?
You're gonna have
to do better than that.

Then get it for me.
Talk to him.

Dennis, do you want
me to be indicted?

All right.
I'll stop by the Cycle Shop

the first thing when I
go in tomorrow morning,
all right?

I'll meet you there.


I'll let you know
what I find out,
if anything.

I gotta tell you this,
I don't buy it.

As if there could
be some connection

a motorcycle dealer
and a lady in a hairnet.


Chalco said
you was supposed
to get him out of town.

Chalco don't give orders,
he follows them.

I'm Director of Ordnance.

And shut up about Henry.
He's here to help.

He's the reason
we're in this trouble.

I should have let
Reidy go to the Feds.

That wouldn't
have been a mess?

He wasn't going
to the Feds.

Every time Bob got
a couple a beers
under his belt,

he started
talking that way.
He never done nothing.

You had no call
to sh**t him.

Look, I'm tired
of hearing about it.

All right.

Henry should have
checked first.

He made a mistake.

It would have come down
to that sooner or later.
Reidy was weak.

He was smart enough
not to go around

k*lling people
with a g*n belongs
to a private detective.

I didn't know
he was a detective.

That's the kind of thing
you're supposed to find out.

Now, we got to
move all the stuff.

It's done! That's it!

That's not it, Lee.

That phone call
Chalco got yesterday?

Ten to one
it was someone
calling for Rockford.

And Chalco goes ahead
and admits that he knows you.

That ties Chalco to you,
that ties me to the both
of you,

that ties up the whole thing!

I'll take care of Rockford.

With another
hand grenade?

What's the matter
with a hand grenade?
The cops can't trace it.

It didn't do the job,
that's what's wrong.
You missed.

You missed
with a hand grenade.

I won't miss next time.

Stay out of it, Hank.

You keep him out of it,
you hear?


How come Chalco's so late?

Truck was overheating.
He probably had to pull
into a gas station.

Now you boys are gonna
have to help him offload.

He's got my whole
garage in there.


Walt always open by 8:00.

I can't believe it.

I just can't believe this,


You're sure
it was Mr. Chalco?

Looks that way.

He was observed
driving off in a truck

early this morning.

How many locks
you got here, anyway?


Sergeant Becker.

Hey, Dennis,

do you know
how long I've been
waiting at Chalco's?

You said you were
gonna be here early.

I told you
I'd be in touch.

Which is what
I've been trying to do.

What's going on?

A black and white and some
plainclothes men just
rolled in

with Chalco's mechanic
in tow.

Chalco had a little
accident this morning.

What kind of an accident?

He blew himself up.

We still don't know
what he was doing

driving around Canoga Park
with a truckload of dynamite.


Don't know what set it off.

Even if it was old
and starting to sweat,

you know,
dynamite is pretty stable.

And lucky he was out
in the boondocks when
it happened.

Where did it happen?
I mean, exactly.

A county access road
runs by the Zuckerman tract.

Where's that?

It's nothing but
undeveloped property.


Van Owen off-ramp
and you hang a right.

But there's nothing out there,

But get this.

His wife said that they own
some property in Arrowhead.

She said she didn't know
where he got the dynamite,

only that they were gonna
blow out some tree stumps.

By way of Canoga Park?

I know, wrong direction.

Lee Ronstadt
lives in the Valley.

Not in Canoga Park.

Look, do you think
she's going to admit
knowing Chalco anyway?

We'll see
what turns up
at the cycle shop,

we'll see what
turns up at the house.

If anything
points to Mrs. Ronstadt,
then we'll see about that.


You see who it is?

HANK: Rockford.
You sure?

I wonder
what we should do.

Nothing. Cops have
already been all over it.

There's nothing to see.

I don't know.
Red-Eye Leader said...

Red-Eye Leader?
You always call her that.

She's your mother!
She's Director of Ordnance.


If he leaves,
we follow him.
We're supposed
to watch the field.

We're supposed
to use our heads.

Hank, you already
made that mistake twice.

You're gonna shut up or
you're gonna go on report.

There he goes.

MAN: Zuckerman tract,
Canoga Park.

Here it is.

Of course,
I can only give you
the current owners.

On a title search
you gonna have to go
to the Assessor's Office.

I just want to know
who owns the land now.

Here we are.

It's quite
a large tract.

It's been subdivided into
parcels of an acre,
acre and a half...

Well, I can't tell
which parcel it is.

Would it be possible
to give me all the names?

Look, I don't
really have time...
It's important.

we got a Fridell,
Jerome and Lucille.

Matthew and Eleanor...

HANK: What's he want
at the Hall of Records?

I mean,
what's he gonna
find out there?

He come straight
from the field here.

I mean,
what do you think
he's gonna find out?

He's checking on
who owns that land.

How long ago
did Lee buy it?

She didn't buy it.

Dad did.

Which one? Come on, Hank,
she's been married five times.


We got a Ronstadt.
Virgil and Lee.

Lynch, Winona...

Was that it?
Winona Lynch?
Yeah, thanks.

You got a pay phone
around here?

Yeah, it's on the hallway.

Sergeant Becker.

I'd like to speak to
Sergeant Becker, please.

How long ago?

Do you know
when he'll be back?

No, I have
to talk to him.

Look, could you tell him
to call Jim Rockford?
He has my number.

Thank you.

There he is.

You got no right to
make this kind of decision.

That's up to
the Security Council.

We gotta stop him.

you've done this twice
and you've seen what happened.

I'm telling you,
we gotta check in.

We do that
and he gets away.


Mom never should have
let you have the car.

DIEHL: Okay,
Andy, lock it up
and let's get moving.

Be careful with that stuff,

Is that it, Mrs. Ronstadt?

We got it all?

How about it, Hank?
There's some more over by...

Give them your name
and shut up.

That's all they
got a right to ask.

Your name.

That's international law.

What international law?

I think she means
name, rank and serial number.

This isn't Anzio,
it's Canoga Park!

Mrs. Ronstadt, your son's
already told us about your
paramilitary operation.

Now, stockpiling that
kind of ordnance is
against the law.

We got
a right to bear arms.
It's in the Constitution.

Well, it's not spelled
out in the Constitution,

that doesn't mean
hand grenades and bazookas

and a*t*matic weapons.

Why don't you keep
your mouth closed,

You got no part of this.

Your son tried to k*ll me.

He tried to frame me
for Reidy's m*rder.

That's a lie.

It kind of turned out
that way,

but it wasn't
anything I planned.

It was more like an accident.

What's the matter with you?
Didn't I teach you nothing?

We'd better clear the area,

They're ready to detonate.

You're not gonna
blow it all up?

Just the dynamite,
Mrs. Ronstadt.

The weaponry,
we will take in for evidence.

We was ready.

We was prepared.

Who were you expecting?

Who were they expecting?

BECKER: The enemy.
What enemy?

Who knows, Rocky?

They are all
certifiable bananas.

They are sitting there
watching through their

I thought you quit.
I did.

I have an apology to make.

Seems like I talked
out of turn.

Police had me
down at the station.

First time
I've ever been

to a police station
in my whole life.

What about the apology?

I'm getting to it.
I'm getting to it.

It was that first day
I was here, remember?

You know,
I'm not the type that
just cleans where it shows.

So when I opened
that cookie jar,

I was fixing
to rinse it out.

And you found my g*n.

Which I happened to
mention to the van driver.

Hank Shleger.

It did seem
like a funny place
to be finding a g*n.

I never figured that
he was the kind of a guy

that'd steal it and
go off and commit m*rder.


if you were so inclined,

I suppose you could say,
in a way that,

I had something
to do with the fix
you got yourself into.

That's an apology?

That's it.

She's saying she's sorry,

And the police did drop
all charges against you.

Yeah. Sure. Sure.
And I'm out of five grand.

Oh, I'll see that
you get it back.

I'll clean your house
for you once a week
till it's paid off.

No, no, Viola,
just forget it,
all right?

No, I pay my debts.

I wouldn't hear of it.

There's nothing
more to be talked about.

It's all settled.

And since
I apologized to you,

I think
it's only fair that
you apologize to Leonard.
