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03x03 - Tower of David

Posted: 10/15/13 21:52
by bunniefuu
President Reagan: Air and naval forces of the United States launched a series of strikes against t*rror1st facilities...

Reporter: Pan Am Flight 103 crashed into the town of Lockerbie.

Reagan: He has sanctioned acts of terror in Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

President George H.W. Bush: This will not stand, this aggression against, uh, Kuwait.

Reagan: This relentless pursuit of terror.

President George H.W. Bush: We will make no distinction...

Reporter: The USS Cole was att*cked while refueling in the port of Aden.

This was an act of terrorism.

It was a despicable and cowardly act.

The next samba we're going to swing for you is one of the good old favorites.

...until something stops him.

Carrie: It was right in front of my eyes, and I never saw it coming.

Man: That plane crashed into the World Trade Center.

Thousands of people running.

We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad.

(speaking Arabic)

Saul: You're the smartest and the dumbest f*cking person I've ever known.

Carrie: I'm not the one who got it wrong.

I'm the only one who got it right.

Saul: Take 'em.

Take 'em all.

Homeland - 3x03
"Tower Of David"

Previously on Homeland...

It wasn't me.

It wasn't me.

We have to go.

What do you mean?

Go where?

No one else will believe you.

What are we doing here?

Activating my insurance policy.

A friend, June, will meet us at the border.

She'll drive us up to Montreal where we get onto a fishing boat, which takes us up to Newfoundland.

The border's in a few miles.

You're not coming, are you?

I can't now.

Frank: Have you seen the paper yet?

CIA officer linked to Langley Bomber.

The case officer in question, she's been diagnosed as bipolar.

It's Carrie.

She called a reporter.

Apparently she thinks it's important they quote, "Hear her side of the story."

The CIA gave you that story to set me up.

For what?

Nicholas Brody is not responsible for the expl*si*n at Langley.

Did Saul Berenson know when he testified before the senate subcommittee?

Of course he did.

Everything he said was bullshit.

Did you tell anyone that I was coming here?

We've got a psychiatric detention order.

You know she's off her meds, right?

Unless you think that's a good idea.

You really have to help me.

This is a f*cking sham!

Saul: Carrie.

I am so sorry.

f*ck..ou, Saul.

(vehicle approaching)

(men speaking in Spanish)

(yells in Spanish)

Don't sh**t!

(yelling in Spanish) - Don't sh**t!

Get out from the truck!

(in Spanish) Don't sh**t, don't sh**t.

He's back there. He's back there.

(in Spanish) - He's alive.

Look for him. Look for him.

(in Spanish) Don't sh**t.

I saved his life.

(in Spanish) Go faster!

(in Spanish) You stay there!

(in Spanish) It's okay, it's okay. All right.

(in Spanish) - What happened? - We got ambushed by f*cking Colombian soldiers.

(in Spanish) They k*lled two of us.

(in Spanish) Bring him to me, bring him to me.

(in Spanish) Remember, I saved his life.

(in Spanish) Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it.

(in Spanish) I brought him alive, man.

(in Spanish) Go, go, go.

(in Spanish) Remember, I saved his life.

(in Spanish) f*ck.


(engine starts) (in Spanish) - Go, go, go.

Let's go.

(engine starts)

(speaking in Spanish) Move that car, move that car.




(speaking Spanish) Go, fast, get him off the car.

Shit what happened to him?

Something went wrong.

I assumed.

Um, across the border.

(in Spanish) Oh, my God.


(speaking Spanish) I'm coming.

I'm going to take a look at you now, okay?

Are you a Doctor?


Interesting question.

(Brody yelling)

I know.

I know, I know it hurts.

Could someone do something about the lights?

(speaks Spanish) - Tranco.

I'm coming.

You've lost a lot of blood.

You're in hypovolemic shock.

We're going to try to repair the bleeds.


This will help with the pain.

Enough, enough.

We don't want to stop his heart.

Okay, Paco?

I need you to hold something for me.

Can you do that?

Give me your hand.

And put it right here.

Right... there.

Can you feel it?


It's beating-- boom, boom, boom?

Boom, boom, boom.

Yes, yes, yes.

Pinch it. Pinch.

Don't let go.

Where are my lights?

Can't work with a flickering light.

(speaking in Spanish) Almost there.

Where are my lights?


Well done.



Will he live?


How old were those antibiotics you got me?

Oh, he'll make it.

He's a strong one.

You know who he is.

Absolutely no idea.

Just an anonymous stranger with two b*ll*ts in his gut.

Though, hypothetically...


I'm wondering.

An American fugitive falls in your lap.

One with a bounty on his head.

$10 million, dead or alive.

Why go through a world of trouble to save him..nstead of just collecting the reward?

Maybe someone did you a favor once.

Must be some favor.



(speaking in Spanish) Don't, stay still.

Be still.

(speaking in Spanish)

Easy, easy.

(in Spanish) Try to relax.

You'll rip those stitches out.

(in Spanish) There, there, there.


(in Spanish) - Easy, easy, easy.


No fever.

(speaks Spanish) No fever, that's a good thing.

Yeah, yeah.

(in Spanish) Done.

Ah, thank you.

Ah, thank... thank you.


(movement nearby)

♪ ♪

(music in the distance)



(speaking Spanish) Stay there.

(in Spanish) You'll hurt yourself.

(in Spanish) Stay still.

No, I want to get up.

I want... (groans)

No more.

I can't think.

No more, please.



Will you help me get up, please?

No. (speaking Spanish) Stay there.

(in Spanish) Stay there.


(Spanish continues) Be careful, you'll get hurt.

(in Spanish) Easy.

Need to see.




(distant singing)

Where am I?

El Niã'o: Caracas.

Your new home.

You shouldn't be up.

(speaking Spanish)

Put him back on the bed.

(in Spanish) I told him...

You need to rest.

(Spanish continues)

I got him, I got him.

(in Spanish) - Be careful.

I'm careful.

(in Spanish) Sit down.

(panting, Spanish continues)

You're lucky to be alive, you know.

Those Colombians, they nearly k*lled you.

There's a bounty on your head.

I know.

A big one.

You're never safe, even here with me.

My wallet's missing, and so is my passport.

Somebody took them.

I couldn't stop him.

I need my passport for travel.


Don't worry about that.

I can't get another one.

Just-just get better now.

We'll try to find out who took your things.

(speaking Spanish) Make sure he doesn't move from there.

(in Spanish) Don't let him go up or go down.

(in Spanish) Keep him here, okay?

(in Spanish) Yes, daddy.

(in Spanish) Good work, my girl.

Why are you trying to help me?

You know Carrie Mathison.

So do I.

Stay here on this floor.

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(speaks Spanish) Done.

Thank you.



(low, indistinct conversations)

Oh, it feels good.

To be walking.




We're walking.

We're walking.

Yes, we're walking.

We're walking.

With a cane.



(indistinct talking)

We're walking with a cane.

We're walking with a cane.



(music playing distantly)

♪ ♪

(in Spanish) Water?

Oh, yes, yeah.



(in Spanish) Thank you.

(panting continues)

I prescribe rest.

You go gallivanting about.


Trekking clear across the building, what were you thinking?



You sure?

You seem like you're in a lot of pain.

I'll survive.

Guess you're good at that, aren't you?

So, what'd you make of it?


What you saw.

This abscess beyond healing we call home.

They call it the Tower of David.

Not for King David, heaven forbid.

For David Brillembourg, the particularly egomaniacal banker who commissioned it.

Unfortunately, before it was completed, David died.

Then the whole economy died, construction stopped, the squatters all moved in, and voila.


Well, if you hate it...

Did I say I hate it?

So why are you here?

That's a dangerous question.

"Why am I here?" leads to "Why are you here?"

You see?

We're here because the world outside can be..udgmental and cruel?

We're here because this is the place that accepts us.

We're here because we belong here.


I'm not staying.

Of course not.

I just need to get my strength back.

Don't we all need to get our strength back?



(distant singing)

(quietly singing along)

(shouts in Spanish)

There it goes!

(Spanish continues) There!





(panting continues)

(horns honking distantly)




Is this...

Is this him?

Is this the man that robbed you?

Is it?

He says he did it.

Yeah, okay, but...

No, no, no, wait, wait a second.


No, no, don't!


Get the...


You didn't have to k*ll him!


No, you didn't.

Fine. (speaks Spanish) It's okay, it's okay.

We let people rob us, no problem.

And then what if they recognize you with ten million dollars on your head?

What stops them from saying, "I know where he is."


Back to your room.

(speaking Spanish) - Go.

Let's go. Let's go.

(speaking Spanish)

Esme: Where you go?

Somewhere else.

Do you have money?

I need money.



Do you have any?

Don't go.

I can't stay here.

(indistinct conversations, music playing)

(man shouting in Spanish)

Hey, stop there.

You stop!

I'm going out.

(g*n cocks)

I need to leave.

Go out there.

I need to get out of here.

El Niã'o: Where?

Where you think you go?


Out... out where?

To the next place.

I've been taken from one place to the next.

From here to there to here...

You were nearly k*lled.

I can't stay here.


It's..t's not good enough?

No, I didn't mean that.

Not, not good enough for you?

Huh? (laughs)

Oh, I guess it's because of that-that thief?

He... he upset you?

Look... I appreciate all you've done for me, okay?

But I'm better now.

What does that mean?

Means I can make it on my own.

I just need to get to the next place.

There's no next place.

What? There has to be.


Does Carrie know I'm here?

Does she?

No one can know.

We have to tell her.

I call her on the phone?


No, I didn't mean that.

Or better yet, or better yet, a postcard then?

Or we just call the CIA, they give us $10 million-- split it, eh... even Steven?

I tell you last time, where you are, Carrie doesn't want to know.

This is it for you.

End of the line.

El Niño thinks you're an ingrate.

I assured him you're just confused.

But he's right, you know.

This is your home.

It isn't easy to accept-- believe me, I know.

It's not how you pictured yourself.

You weren't planning this.

There must be some mistake, and on and on.

Those voices in your head are not your friends right now.

You have to make them go away.

The Germans who invented a special name for a medicine powerful enough to do just that.



The drug is.

So you don't have to be.

Get out.

Come, Paco.

Come, come.
I slept six whole hours yesterday.

I can't remember the last time that happened, so...

Yeah, all things considered, I feel pretty damn lucid.

And you're drinking enough water?

I think so.

Any headaches?

They'll go away.

This isn't my first time acclimating to lithium, you know?

Dizzy spells?

One or two.

Nothing unbearable.

I was wondering if you could tell Saul Berenson how much better I'm doing.

What... makes you think I'm in touch with Saul Berenson?

We both know who you're writing those notes for.

You think I'm reporting back to the CIA?

I know you are.

And that's fine.

Just..ell Saul I'm sorry I f*cked up.

It won't happen again.

What do you mean you f*cked up?

I mean...

I went off my meds.

Clearly, that was a bad idea.

You told Dr. Harlan your meds dulled you.

Well, maybe that's not such a bad thing.

This is quite the sea change for you.


After three weeks in here, it's..ard to hold on to any grudges.

So Saul did you a favor putting you in the hospital.


Removing you from a delusional relationship.

With a suspected t*rror1st, no less.

That was his testimony, wasn't it?

It was.

You're saying that was the right thing to do?


And you honestly believe that?


I want you to answer truthfully.

I want you to recover.

From what?

We both know I'm not here because I'm crazy.

I'm here because they don't know where else to put me.

No one said you were crazy.

Well, no one had to.

I'm in a f*cking psych ward.

Look... (sighs) the sooner I can talk to Saul, the sooner I can go home and you can go back to doing something useful with your life.

W-What are you writing?

I was out of line just then.

I'm sorry. I...

You want to earn your visiting privileges, you'll have to be a bit more cooperative than that.

I know.

And then there's the question of the efficacy of your medication.

All right, I'm sorry, I just...

Will you please tell Saul that I'm better?

(grunting quietly)

Esme: Hey...

They see you.

You can't do that.

I have to.


He know.

He know.

He know what happened.

Listen. Stop.

(men speaking Spanish in distance)


I can't stay here.

I can't.

I have to leave.

I have to go out there.

I can't live here.

(speaking Spanish) It's not safe out there for you.

(in Spanish) You're safe in here.

(in Spanish) Here.

No aqui.


I'll die here.

No place to go.

There is a place.

There is.

There is somewhere to go.

No. My father say...

There is a place.

The mosque.

Will you help me?

Well, well..hat's really quite something.

Is that a little balcony?

It is, yeah.

It's just darling.


Mike, Sarah-- come look at this.

Isn't that lovely?

Look at all the detail.

Can I use the restroom?

Of course.

Jim, why don't you put some paint on that?

Carrie, are you in here?

Yeah, I'm fine...

What, what...

I needed to get out of there.

...what happened?

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.


I just had to get out of there.



Oh, shit.

Honey, if you are hurting yourself, I need to know.

No, I said I'm fine.

I know, Carrie, what you said.

Let me see.

Look, I had a bad moment-- that's all.

I'm-I'm taking my lithium.

(voice breaking): I'm going to group.

I'm doing everything that's asked of me.

I'm... okay. Okay.


That's it. That's it.


That's all right.

It's all right now.

Okay, that's okay.

(Carrie sobs)

Please don't tell.


(sobs quietly)

(stall door bangs shut)

(conversing in Spanish)

(in Spanish) - Good afternoon.

Good afternoon.

(in Spanish) - Be careful out there.

Yeah, sure.

♪ ♪

So promise me this will not happen again.

I promise.

Because, if it does...

It won't.

I was just frustrated.

Okay. When I get frustrated, I take a deep breath and I count to ten.

Hey, Carrie, keep your head up.

It's not like they're going to forget you in here.

Someone's already come by to check on you.


I'm not sure.

What, you didn't get his name?

Nope. He didn't say.

He asked about you, how you're doing.

We don't tell 'em anything.

Well, if he comes again, let me know.

I need to see him.

Okay, as soon as you're granted visiting privileges...

No. Sooner than that.

It's Saul. Has to be.

Okay, honey, let's get you back to group, okay?

Will you promise me?

Carrie, I've already risked my job once.

And this is the last favor I'll ask. I mean it.


People see you.

They know.

Oh, the Imam won't turn me in.

He'll help me.

I'm a Muslim.

Me..e Muslim.

See? Refuge.

Esme: Refugio.

(in Spanish) Perfect.


Take me with you.

What? No.

You can't leave me here.

No, I can't take you with me.

No, I...

Oh, God, I'm sorry.

I can't.

I can't. I...

I'm sorry.

Salaam Alaykum.

Alaykum Salaam.

(Brody speaking Arabic)

♪ ♪
♪ ♪

(speaking Arabic)

(in Arabic) Thank you, thank you.

♪ ♪

Someone's here to see me.

I need an elevator key.

If you could just wait in the rec room.

No, I have a visitor.

I have to see him.

You're still not on the list.


He's waiting for me.

I need you to calm down.

I am calm.

Where's Abby?

She's on break.

Well, will you go get her?

Because he's going to leave soon.

Okay, now, let's talk about this.

Jesus. Where the f*ck is Abby?

What's going on here?

Oh, thank God.

Someone's here to see me.

He's downstairs.

All right, all right.

I-I'll handle this.

We'll take her back to her room.

Come on. Let's go.

It's Saul.

I saw him through the window.

Keep your voice down.

(shower running)



(grunting and groaning)


You're not a Muslim.

You are a t*rror1st.


(Imam's wife screaming)

Brody: No, no, no.

Don't! What are you doing?




Who are you?

Paul Franklin.

What happened to your head?

Uh, I-I fell.

Did Saul send you?

No. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't approve of my being here.

I'm an associate at Bennett, Parr and Hamilton.

We're a law firm.

Yeah, I know.

I've heard of you.

Is there anywhere we could speak a little more privately?

(speaking Spanish) - Come on, come on.

It wasn't his fault, dad.

(in Spanish) - It wasn't his fault.

Enough, enough.

(in Spanish) It wasn't his fault.


(door closes)

(grunting and groaning)

I told you, don't leave.

But you go.

This... this is what happens.

We all get trouble.

So now you stay here.

(speaks Spanish) Here, between these walls.

This is your new home.

You will eat here, sleep here, shit here, die here.

Carrie won't save you.

No one will.


Do you understand me?


And you stay away from my daughter.

You stay away.

(speaks Spanish) f*cking lunatic...

Graham: Been a naughty boy.

Naughty, naughty boy.

Paul: I heard you had a difficult hearing.

Carrie: "Difficult" doesn't really cover it.

So we both know you could be here for quite a while.

One of our partners would like to meet with you.

Well, he knows where to find me.

I don't think you understand.

I'm talking about getting you out of here.

You could do that?

Why would you want to help me?

As I said, I'm here on behalf of a partner.

And what does he want?

Simply to talk to you.


Whatever it is, it's important enough that he sent me.

Look, I know how that sounds.

In your position, I'd be paranoid, too.

You don't know the first thing about my position.

I know you don't belong here.

That you're not actually crazy.

And I know you want nothing more than to get out and go home.


I'm on your side.

Are you all right?


I'm just... I'm trying to remember where I've heard that line before.

What line?

"I'm on your side."

I know what you're doing.

What do you mean?

I mean I'm a case officer.

I used to recruit assets for a living.

This isn't like that.

Isn't it?

No, you think I'm vulnerable.

Not at all.

No, worse than that.

You think I'm weak, and maybe, with just the right incentive, I'll turn against the people who did this to me.

Well, I'm telling you no.

So whoever the hell it is you're working for-- the Syrians, the Israelis, the Iranians-- you tell them that.

You tell them I would rather die in here.

You're not seeing this clearly.

Yeah, which part did I get wrong?

(indistinct broadcast over TV)


Abby: Carrie?

Are you all right?

I need my meds.

Graham: What are we going to do with you?

I can't stay here.

Of course you can.

It's like the hole in Iraq.

I can't do it again.

Well, I'm sure you'll find a way.

Everywhere you go, other people die, but you always manage to survive.

Have you noticed that?

You're like a cockroach, still there after the last nuclear bombs go off.

You belong here.

Am I right?


Come on.

(lock clicking)

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

Saul's not talking to me anymore, so you have to.

What do you want me to tell him?

I give up. I can't stand another second in this place.


I can go?

How the hell did that happen?

♪ for 24 hours, so...

Listen to what the man has to say.

She's vulnerable.

Right now, she could be saying anything to anybody.

Find her.

I'm not a traitor.

What you are is a liability to a lot of people who've got a lot to lose.

What are you doing here?