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02x78 - House of Pitfalls

Posted: 01/16/24 08:10
by bunniefuu
The mask of anubis.

It's so pretty For a dog mask.

What are we waiting for? The golden prize will tempt the fool.

The wise should heed this golden rule.

- Frobisher

This game of senate you cannot win.

Only the reckless will even begin.

One wrong move will seal your fate, An end too dark to contemplate.

Okay, what does that mean? It means that we need to be absolutely sure of the rules.

Before we even think about playing.

We're thinking of playing? She's right.

It's too dangerous.

This one I do on my own.

No, no, look, what if we need other players? Nina, I will not let you do this by yourself.

Come on, we all got the mark together.

Not just Nina.

We can do this.



Hey, Jerome, So if that was you in Mara's article, Then does that mean your dad's, like, in prison? Yes, he is.

I mean, we're all cool with that, man.

Could have just told us.

Yeah, maybe.



Did I just hear that right? Did you just apologize? Shame Joy couldn't apologize to you, hey, Mara? She won't even come down to breakfast.

She feels really bad.

What'd she expect? I mean, with all the bad
-mouthing and lying.

And plagiarism.

She has been pretty out of order recently.

The article she wrote on Nina, it was just low.

But then to take credit for everything else.

That Mara has written But you all just assumed she'd written them.

Joy is not all bad, you know? See you later, guys.

- See ya.

- Bye.

Trudy, you're looking better.

I feel better.

I think I might be getting my memory back.

Best news ever.

I decided to start a dream diary.

And it's unlocking something.

Listen to this.

First, there's this figure in a black hood.

I can hear some sort of bells chiming.

And then I'm looking at anubis house, But when I go towards it, I'm a giant, And the house is really small.

Then I open the door, And I can just make out some tiny writing.

On one of the walls.

What did the words say? I don't know.

That's when I woke up.

It was all so real.

I'm going to go and tell Jasper.


Sweet, I know I can make this website bigger and better.

If you give me half a chance.

And I really think Mara could be a part of it.

How generous of you.

And there's this.

It's an online contest.

For best student website in the country.

If we win, this school gets a whole load of cash.

And more computers you can shake a memory stick at.

I see.

Oh, and there's also a prize for best student blogger.

I intend to win that also.

Well, you've given this.

Some serious thought, haven't you? .

Well, you've given this.

The jackal gets one final chance.

And you have my permission to enter it for the contest.

That's great.

Thank you, Mr.


Oh, and, Joy? Yes.

Make sure you put Mara's latest article forward.

For that blogger competition, will you? Very moving I thought.


Eddie Miller to Mr.

Sweet's office, please.



Edison sweet to the principal's office, please.

So we were thinking that maybe you could use.

Some visualization techniques to help remember what you saw.

- Yeah.

- Oh, trust us.

Nina's really good at it.

Okay, now close your eyes.

Now picture in your mind's eye, You're walking up to the tiny house.

You open the door.

There's writing on the wall.

But look closer, Trudy.

The words are becoming clearer.

What do they say? Something.

It's not a word, though.

It's It's a picture.

A key.

It's a key.

And there's something written underneath.



No, that can't be right.

Something else.

Uh, what is going on in here? Seat of learning.

Seat of learning.

Oh, hello, Victor.

We were just doing some visualization.

This is a public exhibition space.

It is not a lounge area for students.

Go back to school immediately.

Seat of learning.

It's here.

It's the library.

Right, we'll come back after school.

I have to go visit my gran tonight.

I'll come back with the others.

And I promise, if there's anything here, We'll find it.

I need to check the security alarms.

Trudy, you may take an early lunch break.

Oh, all right.

How's the head, Trudy? Any more memories? Not yet, but I'm confident they'll all come back, Given time.

Uh, Trudy, go.

What? Oh, yeah.

Of course.

Now, the entrance will be somewhere on the ground level.

It will more than likely be hidden behind something.


Victor, look at this.

Hmm? Oh, yes.

I think we may have just discovered our secret passage.

You called? And can we just make a deal that you'll never do that again? Ah, we promised each other we'd make more of an effort.

And this is me "making an effort.

" Effort appreciated.

You couldn't have just texted me? Oh.


Um, some of the things that Mara touched on.

In her article Did you really write me letters? For the first couple years, yeah.

Addressed to Eric sweet, teacher, u.



I see you never really got those, though, huh? No.

I I had my reasons for leaving you in America.

Yeah, I know.

Elderly parents over here.

Visas, blah, blah, blah.

They were excuses.

Tell me about it.

But I will Soon.

When you're ready.

What does that mean? I'm ready now.

Well, it's just that sometimes these things.

Aren't quite as black and white as they seem.

Um Eddie Shouldn't you be getting back to class? You call me by intercom, Talk to me in code about my past, And then you just tell me to get to class? I'm sorry.

I made a mistake.

It's too soon.

Nice effort, dad.

It's like a different world down here.

Victor, the mask.

Wait! The board is probably booby

I cannot imagine that Frobisher

Would allow someone to simply walk up and take the mask.

Oh, Victor.

It's so beautiful.

That mask must be worth a fortune.

Yes, yes, all in good time.

This board is familiar to me.

It is a board game that my late father used to play, A game of strategies and traps.

The final test, eh, Robert? Well, we shall be ready for you.



And Trudy definitely said a key? Yeah, but the key might not be an actual key.

Maybe Trudy's dreams are just that: Dreams.

Alfie, you're not helping.

Found any books on senate up there, Amber? Big fat zero on key and book of senate.

Look, I promised I'd find Nina something.

Before she got back from the hospital.

Fabian, I think I see something.

That tile on the floor is different to all the others.

And you haven't even been to Scotland, gran.

So you can't quit your tour just yet.

And everyone at anubis house has been asking about you, Even Victor.

So you've got to get better.

You've just got to.

Gran! Gran! Gran? Foolish girl.

The chosen one? Such a disappointment.

What have you done to my gran? Nina, help me.

You must do as she asks.

I'm here.

I'm here.

You heard what she said.

Now bring me the mask.

I will.

I will.

Just don't hurt her, please.


Please don't hurt her.

So it's a cross between snakes and ladders.

And checkers.

Check and chadders.

Check adders.



Look, okay, the journey across the board.

Represents the journey from this life to the afterlife.


- Hey.

- How's it going? Okay, we need to Hey, isn't that Mysteriously returned.

No note or anything.

And only slightly damaged.

I restored it to its original state.

That means Rufus knows it was a fake.

It would appear so.


Good, so he's going to be very, very disappointed.

And sniffing around for the real mask any time now.

Which is why it's good that we found Robert's senate board.

I'm the one who found it.

No way.

And look.

The rules? Trust frobisher to know the true ancient rules to the game.

And what about the key Trudy mentioned? The clue from the Dollhouse? Well If there even is a clue in the Dollhouse.

Maybe this is the key to playing senate.

- This all looks kind of one

More like pawns versus queens.

Or humans versus gods.

Want to be human or a God, Vera? Not you too.

I beg your pardon? I was referring to the game of senate.

God anubis? Or mere mortal? Right, yes, of course.

Senkhara spoke through your gran?
- Shh.

- That is seriously scary.

Believe me, it was.

We have to get her that mask, Fabian.


And we will.

Thing is, has anyone else wondered.

What senkhara's going to do with it? I mean, she can hardly wear it as an accessory.

She's a ghost.

I don't think senkhara's.

Really interested in fashion, Amber.

Who cares what she wants it for? She's asked for the mask, and we're gonna give it to her.

So we can be free of this.


I brought you some food.

Marshmallow sandwich, no crust.

Not hungry.

What are you doing?
- Writing an award
-winning article, if you must know.

Mara's not the only one who can cut.

Oh, great.

Don't act like you care.

-I do care.

Yeah, right.

You made it pretty clear whose side you're on.

Side? You mean Mara's? Because she's been sticking up for you.

No, not Mara.


This is still about Nina? I wrote that stuff about her, Hoping she'd just take the hint and go.

I know it was stupid and mean, But when someone's taken everything from you Stop being such a drama queen, Joy.

She hasn't taken anything from you.

You would say that, wouldn't you? Now she's your new best friend.

Captain of your secret g*ng.

Well, I don't need you anymore.

I don't think I ever thanked you.

What for? Going to see sweetie like that and getting my ban lifted.

Hey, you deserve to take full credit.

Your column's great.

And that last piece you did, well You liked it? I hardly recognized myself.

Is that really how you see me? As a human being, With emotions and a conscience.

I like that Jerome.

I wish he showed up sooner.

Sorry, I thought My mistake.

Jerome, I really like you.

But as a friend.

I get it.

No, it's not that.

I'm still seeing Mick.

No, you're not.

He's in Australia.

You're not seeing him at all.

You know what I mean.

I'm trying to give this long
-distance thing a go.


But when you get bored of him messaging you about.

Jogging on bondi with the kangaroos, I may well have moved on.

Just fyi.

'cause we all know the girls are just lining up.

To go out with me, right? Right.

Hey, how's it going? Yeah, yeah, I think we're getting the hang of it.

Just have to get past the guards.

Without landing on one of these danger squares.

And if you land on one of those, you lose a life.

Metaphorically speaking.


Fabian's managed to get past them two times out of four.


So we have a 50/50 chance of suffering.

An end too dark to contemplate.

Or a 50/50 chance of getting across the board.

And to the mask.

We have to go down tonight.

No, we're not ready.

We're as ready as we'll ever be.

And we're running out of time, Amber.

For my gran, for me, maybe for all of us.

Okay, shh.

He's sleeping.

All right, let the game begin.

Here's how it works.

Those guards are our opponents.

First, we make our move, then it's their turn.

And how do they move exactly? We don't know yet.

I need to get you all safely.

Onto the other side of the board, Avoiding any pitfalls.

Wonder what pitfalls.

Mad Robert's got in store for us.

All right, and remember, an anubis piece.

Can only take you if you're on a danger square.

And that's the ones with a jackal mark.

Like the snake in snakes and ladders.

But what happens after that? Let's Hope we never find out.

So not reassured.

Okay, our side moves four squares each time, So that's one square each.

So, Amber, go forward one square.

Me? Alfie said he really wanted to go first.

I never cut in front of a lady.

Amber, do it.

Okay, Nina, Patricia, move forward one square.

Alfie, you too.

Show us what you have, Robert.

Is that all you got, frobisher? This is gonna be a piece of cake.

Are we going to attempt to play the game for real, Victor? No, no.

The anubis pieces are already in place, So the other set must be comprised of Actual people.


Those brats are down there now.

We need to see what they're up to.

And if they reach the mask, we must be ready to intervene.

Lucky we have a direct route from the library.

Victor, what is it? Come on.

I am watching you.

Come on, Victor.

What are you waiting for? We can't.

Now is not the right time.

Okay, and finally, Amber, one square forward.

But that's a danger square.

How come everyone else gets a safe one? Look, I don't have any choice.

Amber, please just do it.

- Yes.

- Yes! Okay, good job, Fabian.

What now? Uh, Nina, Patricia, and Alfie, Forward one square.

Amber, one square to your left.

I know it's a danger square.

I'm sorry.

I really hate this game.

It's okay.

I'll be on one too.

Look, if I'm right, you'll both be safe.

Okay? Don't worry, Fabian.

I trust you.


What do I do now! No!