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03x18 - House of Set-Up

Posted: 01/16/24 08:26
by bunniefuu
Only one day to go.

We know, Trudy.

The eclipse is tomorrow.

It's pretty much all we've been thinking about.

Well, Mr.

Sweet will be very pleased to hear it.

He just wants to make sure that everybody knows what's coming.

An ancient evil is what's coming.

- Yeah.

- Come on, guys.

I was sent here to fix this, and we're a day away, and we still have no plan.

There's got to be a way.

If we can't do the ceremony ourselves, then we just have to make sure the adults can't do it either.

- But I was sent here to stop
- To stop a great evil, yes.

So we make sure they can't have the things they need.

The bracelet and the descendent.

Am I right? But what about Frobisher? My great
-grandfather just stays asleep, forever? It's better than the whole great evil thing.

I can't give up on him.

I want to see him at peace.

No, Victor! No!
- No!
- It must be here! It's not in their rooms, not in their bags.

Where else would they hide it? Not that locker! It doesn't even belong to anybody from Anubis House! They are more clever than we give them credit for, these vermin.

They may well hide it somewhere we would never think to look.

Aha! For example Victor, the school is about to open.

We have to clear all of this up.

Otherwise, they will know we are onto them.

I am onto them, Eric.

I am onto them.


Mara and Willow, are they still roomies? I'm a professional, Jerome, of course not.

Willow's swapping rooms.

I love you.

So There's not need to tell Victor about any key that may be in my possession, is there? No, not until I can think of something else that I want from you.

And if you try that, I might just become very interested in the real
- reason you want Willow out of that room.

- Don't I told you.

I'm a professional, Jerome.

All these years, Corbierre.

All these long years of waiting, and now it is time, and we are staring into the jaws of failure! I must find that bracelet.

Mara? Can I talk to you? You might want to sit down.

You know how at the end of every day, the sun sets? That day is gone, and we can now look forward to a new dawn.

Yes? And every year The birds fly south.

And the whales swim to different seas.

And the penguins move inland onto thicker ice? Yes? I'm the whale or the penguin.


I was so worried that you were going to be mad at me.

- Willow, what are you talking about?
- Oh I thought I was quite clear.


I'm moving rooms.

You are? I mean You are? Willow, that's a shame.

But I understand if that's the way of things.

And hey.

At least we've still got the eclipse project.


So may I help you pack? Twice as fast with two people, you know? Oh, Mara.

You are so, so kind.

What would I do without you? All I'm saying is, KT has a point.

We can't just give up on her.

Look, I mean, we have this.

Right, and we have KT.

And the teachers could kidnap her at any minute.

Look, all we can do now is keep KT away.

Yeah, as far away as possible.

- What?
- She's in danger.

- She needs to get out of here.

- No, KT stays.

- What? No.

- What about KT? Nothing.

We're gonna be late for class.

Come on.

Alfie, my love life is becoming very complicated.

So break up with Willow.

I am not trying to hurt either one of their feelings, but I had to tell her that Mara still thinks we're together, because she's a little Okay, so if you break up with one of them.

Say, Willow, then you wouldn't have to worry.

Why Willow and not wait, why would What? Wait.

Are we a bit jealous, Alfredo? No, I am only jealous of people that can tightrope walk while gargling, because that's just like
- Admit it.

You've got a crush on her.

- I do not.

Why would I though my best friend would be on my side.

No, I do not have a crush on Willow.

- Hi, Alfie!
- Hi! I've got eclipse charts to hand out, you know, because I'm the project coordinator.


I'm running really late, though, so I was thinking I could ask Mr.

Sweet if we could just move the eclipse to Saturday instead of Friday.

Oh, great idea.


Of course, yeah.

- You think so?
- Yeah.


- Oh, great.

- Oh, well, that is.

- Hey.

- Oh.

- Mm.

- Oh, yeah.

Oh, man.

I do have a crush on Willow.

Only one day left, and we still don't have what we need for the ceremony.

And whose fault is that? Well, that's rather rich coming from the person who lost the t*nk.

All your attempts to get the bracelet have failed.

If there's blame Um, I know where the bracelet is.

Where? Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go now! No.

What are you talking about? If we get the bracelet, then we only have to worry about putting the descendent I am The Seeker.

The descendent is my responsibility.

And I have an idea that will bring us everything that we require.

Well, I still think moving the eclipse was a good idea.

I'm sure the others didn't mean to laugh.

Alfie said it was a great idea.

He might be a little biased, like me.


- Uh
- You always cheer me up.

Uh, didn't we agree to keep the "us" thing secret? Oh, so that we don't traumatize poor Mara? Ah, I keep forgetting.

See, that's why it's best you're swapping rooms.

It'll just make everyone's lives a lot simpler.


Oh! Uh gah!
- The secret thing, yeah?
- Oh, silly me.

Oh, that's one problem solved.

Is there something I should know? A diversion? Very clever, Eric.

Getting rid of the new American girl who is equally as troublesome as the last.


I like it.

Sometimes, Victor, we need to be subtle.

- Mm?
- Yes.

What do you mean, she was hugging you to say thanks? For some advice I was giving her.

Well, why would Willow come to you for advice? You hardly know her, do you? She came to me because she wanted advice about Alfie.

- What about him?
- She's got a crush on him! I knew it! I thought that poem she did on open day was about him, well, after I realized it couldn't have been about Victor.

- Uh, yeah, yeah, me too.

- They'd be perfect together.

Well, she's fairly sure he doesn't like her.

See, that's what she was trying to get off her chest.

So there's really no point in saying anything to Alfie.

Oh, don't you worry about that.

I'll have a chat with both of them.


I've decided to postpone normal lessons today.


And instead, we will concentrate on our eclipse projects, hmm? This eclipse must be pretty important to you.

- Isn't that right, Sir?
- It's going to be a great day, Eddie.

A day we will all remember for a very long time.


Sweet, surely an eclipse is just the moon passing across the sun, a fluke of cosmic positioning, which actually means nothing.

Well, Mara, the ancient Chinese didn't think so.

What about the Egyptians, Sir? What did they believe? The Egyptians believed They believed that a huge, evil snake encircled the Earth and fought the sun God every day.

Most days, the snake was defeated, and the sun came up just as normal.

But every so often, the snake devoured the sun.

Evil won, and darkness fell upon the Earth.

That's very good, Fabian.

Oh, KT, I almost forgot.

Could you run an errand for me, please? Me? Yes, could you go to the common room and pick up the astronomy books I left on the stage? I forgot to bring them with me.

- Um
- Now, please.


I no sweat.

I'll go grab them.

You need the extra study, Edison, sit.

I'll go.

I mean, I'm the best at carrying books, everyone always says so.


I want KT to go.

I'll be right back.

I told you.

They're gonna try and kidnap her.

Someone there? It is highly dangerous to gaze directly at an eclipse.

That is because the eye
- Eddie, we have to do something.

- I got a text from KT.

What does it say? "Help".

So As you will see, with my homemade viewer, you can now watch an eclipse in complete safe I just realized, Mr.

Sweet, I I left my locker open.

Well, it'll have to wait.

Now, the only safe way Mr.


You don't understand.

I my allowance is in it.

I mean, the money you gave me.

So really it's like your money at risk.

Well, very well.

Be quick.

Stop! Your jacket.

I've told you 100 times.

That is not school uniform.


KT! Thank you again.

I can't believe I was so forgetful.

No problem, Miss.


We thought you had been kidnapped.

What? No.

She asked to borrow my phone, which is kind of weird.

She said that she left hers at the Gate House and that she needed to text somebody.

- She texted me! It was me!
- Huh? No, no, no, no, no, no.

It's a trick, okay? It's not about you.

They needed me out of class.


Everything all right? Nothing missing, I hope.

Where'd everyone go? Oh, I've sent them all out to work on their individual projects.

Uh Here you go.

You'll be needing that.

Osirian, you idiot! I don't understand.

Why are you acting so No, the bracelet, okay? It was in my jacket, and now it's gone.

My dad took it.

They have the bracelet.

Oh, hey, Mara.

Oh, if you're looking for Jerome, he's not here.

I'm looking for you.

Okay, I don't know anything, um Okay.

I know someone who likes you a lot.

Now, flattery will not get you any of my chips, Mara.

- No way.

- I'm serious.

You've got an admirer.


And anyone can see why.

I don't follow.

All I'll say is W
-I Double L

Willwall likes me? Wait, Willow? Hmm.

This is all my fault.

I should have listened to the others.

- Okay, here.

- What? Train schedule.

You have to get out of here today.

KT, you're the descendent.

You're the only thing that's stopping them from completing the ceremony.

- Now they have the bracelet.

- I can't go.

My great
-grandpa Hey, a great evil is about to be unleashed, remember? Okay.

Only thing, how do we convince school to let me go? I hope you know what you're doing, Miss Denby.

I am wholly committed to those children being all that they can be, Victor.


You know that.



Ah, Trudy.

And KT.


To what do I owe this pleasure? This little mite is homesick.

Homesick? She's missing her family, and Patricia says she cries herself to sleep at night, calling out for her little puppy.

Yeah, she may have exaggerated on that last bit.

KT, it's not that I'm unsympathetic, but this is a crucial time for your studies.

My studies will suffer if I'm unhappy.

I'd be very reluctant to let you leave.


Sweet, as housekeeper, I have a duty of care to KT.

And well, I can see no good reason why she should be kept here at the moment.

All right.



Thank you.

Quick, before he changes his mind.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Wait, are you saying that we flunked history already? The thing is, Mr.

Sweet hinted That, um, if you guys were to fail one more subject You might lose your scholarships.

Without the scholarship, I'm gonna have to quit the school.

- Me too.

- Oh, let's not panic.

If you were to give this eclipse project a really good sh*t.

I can make sure it counts towards your final grades.

- You can really do that?
- Leave it to me.

Well, no time to waste.

First group meeting at the Gate House, tonight.

He agreed too quickly.

Why would Sweet say yes if they needed me for the ceremony?
- Something's not right.

- I don't see how.

I had everything worked out.

I can't have missed anything.

Are you saying that KT's not the descendent, then? Of course I am.

That is totally my great
-grandfather asleep in that t*nk.

No, it could be a double bluff.

Perhaps they'll swoop in and try and grab KT before she has the chance to get away.

I don't like this.

Okay, we need to figure out what they know.

Yeah, and how do we do that? Eddie? Okay, I'm gonna go get into my dad's office.

Okay, I want to see what they got on you.

Well, it's kind of a shame that you're moving out.

We could have pulled an all
-nighter to work on the project.


I was thinking, if we concentrate on the scientific fact behind the eclipses I love science.

I'm a really big fan.

You are? Well, what's your favorite science subject? Pottery.

Pottery is not exactly a science.

That's where I've been going wrong.

You're so right for him.

- What's that?
- Alfie.

You and Alfie.

You'd be perfect together.

Alfie? It'd be great if you got with him.

He's been so unlucky in love.

I wish you could find the same thing as me and Jerome.

But we all need to move on someday.

- Don't we, Mara?
- You are so right.

We all have to move on.

I'll certainly think about your advice.

I hope so.

What do you mean, Mr.

Sweet is here? What does he want? I don't know.

He just said to go and find you.

Maybe he caught Eddie sneaking into school, or maybe Eddie told.

Yeah, maybe he just wants to hang out.

We are pretty cool.

Yeah, you're right.

He would have just asked me.

Ah, I've come to collect you for your extra tuition.

Sorry, Mr.


For a crazy second then, I thought you said, "extra tuition".

For the eclipse project.

You do know that Miss Denby's arranged a late
-night meeting for your group? Jerome and Joy are over there already.

You're missing out on all the fun.

- I can do without fun.

- Me too.

I hate fun.

Well, don't worry.

There'll be lots of hard work too.

And we don't want you to mess up on the big day, now, do we? Exeamus.


Descendent, descendent.

Nothing! I guess it won't do any harm to look.

See if anyone understands her.


What? Hey, hey, check this out.

You stole Patricia's file and Alfie's and Jerome's, Joy's.

Look, I'll return them, okay? But you never would have believed me otherwise.

Believed what? Okay, did you know that Alfie, Patricia, Jerome, and Joy are all here on the same scholarship? No.

Why would we? Okay, it's called the Candy Foundation Fund.

So what? Okay, so what do you guys call candy? We call them sweets.

As in Mr.

Sweet, The Seeker.

Wait, are you saying he brought them here to the school deliberately?
- Why?
- Okay, look.

That's Frobisher.

Okay, and see, this is Patricia's great

This is Alfie's great
-grandpa, Jerome's, Joy's.


- I don't believe it.

- Wait.

My great
-grandfather's expedition party.

They've all got descendents at the school? They're the descendents, not you.

They're the ones they need for the ceremony.

- We have to warn them.

- It's too late.

They've all gone to the Gate House.

Ah, there you are.

Starting to think you had other plans.

So why don't we all go inside, and I'll tell you all about The very special eclipse ceremony.

- Super idea, Miss.

- I think I'm gonna go back.

Yeah, I've got a really important sandwich to finish.

Inside, please, Alfie, I insist.
