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03x38 - House of Defeat

Posted: 01/16/24 08:36
by bunniefuu
Boy! Get down here now.

Ow, ow, ow! How come this never happened to Santa? Would you care to explain what you were doing in my chimney? Sweeping it.


I mean, what else would I be doing in a chimney, doofus?
- Oh.

- What indeed.

- Going somewhere?
- Uh, I'm sorry.

Uh, no.

- Alfie!
- Guys, go!
- But we can't leave you.

- No, go, get out of here.

We'll come back for you.

Don't sin, and they can't take you.

- Sibuna.

- Leave them.

Sibuna! It's nearly midday.

Let's get this one Upstairs.

No! Help! No! One for Victor.

One for his friend Trudy.

You do know you're not supposed to feed them saucers of milk.

I think they would struggle to hold a mug.

They can't digest milk.

I looked it up.

It's really not good for them.


See? Look, I know you mean well, but these are wild hedgehogs, Willow.

They need to be back in the wild.

No way.

It is a big bad world out there.

But thank you for the dietary advice.

- See what you've done?
- Me? You insisted on finding a replacement hedgehog.

Well, if you hadn't thrown my gifts from Jerome, I wouldn't have had to.


Your foolhardy heroism Means that you will become Our fifth and final sinner.


I wait.

No, don't do this.

I'm scared of small spaces and the dark and really anything else you've got.

You are only making this harder for yourself, come on! No! Wait, wait, wait.

Wait, I have to commit a sin, right? What's my sin? [Laughs]

Huh? You've got nothing on me.

I'm clean, and I'm staying clean.

Very well.

Then we'll have to resort to plan "B".

Ah, yes, plan "B".

Indeed, the two of you, go to Anubis House.

Bring me the girl.

She can be Our final sinner.

What girl? Willow, of course.

Wait a minute.

You leave her alone.

The poor child, she won't suspect a thing.


Leave my girlfriend alone, or you will have me to deal with.

- [Shutters sarcastically]

- Did you hear me? Leave her alone! Leave her alone! That should be enough.

Get him in the sarcophagus.

What? No, no, my girlfriend! What have we done? We let them get Alfie.

Well, look, if we stayed, they would've gotten the artifact.

We had no choice.

We can't let them turn Alfie into a sinner, we just can't.

If we find the final artifact quickly, we can stop them.

- We just need to find the summer house.

- How? We don't even know where it is.

I know, but we've still got some time.

Nothing's gonna happen to Alfie until it's [Clock chiming]

It's 12:00.


- Oh, that was good.

- How are you feeling? My fifth glorious sinner How am I feeling? Bad.

Very, very bad.



Now clear the room.

We must prepare for the great one's coming.

There's got to be some way to find the summer house.

If they've got Alfie, we're already too late.

Ah, when Ammit walks the earth, the endless storm begins.

- It's sunny outside, KT.

- We're not too late.

Come on, let's see if one of Fabian's books can tell us anything.


[Door opening]


Go, go, go.

- How long is this going to take?
- As long as it takes.

I thought you were supposed to be evil, Fabian.

All you do is read.

Same as good Fabian.

Ah, and does good Fabian tear out the last page of every single book to spoil it for others?
- No.

Now, that is evil.

- [Laughs]

Anyway, it shouldn't take too long.

This is Robert Frobisher
-Smythe's diaries.

Should contain some references to the summer house if you know where to find them, which I do.

It'd be so much easier if Robert just could remember.

He's been asleep for a very long time.

Robert wants to be sure.

If we find the final artifact and we destroy it once and for all, then there's really nothing anyone can do.

What are we gonna do? The triassic period.

Exact dates, or I'll fail you for the whole subject.

to 200 million years ago.

I said exact.


But, Mr.

Sweet, nobody knows the exact dates.

How unfortunate for you.


But I've had grade "A" s all term.

Oh, boo
-hoo for you.


Sir, can I can I go to the bathroom? Oh, I think I'd much prefer it if you sat there and suffered.

No, it's not like that.

I need to shower.

I've got this terrible itching.

You too? I've had it since I woke up.

It's probably psychological.

You know, you see one person itching, and it makes you want to itch too.

[Knock at door]

Oh, so sorry to interrupt, Mr.


You will be.

Um, could I see the Anubis residents immediately? I do believe we may have an infestation of fleas.

- What?
- Fleas.

How on earth could that have happened?
- Gah.

- [Laughs]

Did you know everyone in this place has fleas? I don't feel a thing.

Because they sense what we are.

They are as afraid of Ammit as everything else.

- Did you know that?
- [Chuckles]

- I think I have it.

- Go on then.

"The lawn party took place in the Nefertiti Gardens and the members of the archaeological society were thrilled by the new summer house".

"Standing at the center on a clear day, you can see the weather vanes of both the main house and Gate House".

Ugh, Robert is way more interesting now he's bad.

Uh, to see both weather vanes, you'd have to be here
- On the other side of the woods.

- Come on then.

Let's go.

We have to get there before they do.

Let's go via the crypt so they won't see us.

Okay, let's go.


We'll have to wash everything.

I'll need your help and the others as soon as they come out of detention.

- Do we know what they've done this time?
- Mr.

Sweet wouldn't say.

He just said they could be a really long time.

Well, you'll all have to stay in the house till these pesky fleas have all gone.

We don't want them spreading all over the school.

Follow me.

Me on lock down with you three? Why do I think this isn't going to be fun? This has to be it.

But we don't know where to look or what we're looking for.


The rhyme mentioned weeds.

Hey, hey.

Does this look like an artifact to you? It's got markings on it, might be hieroglyphics.

Uh Actually, I think that's pigeon poo.

- Ewe.

- Oh, great.

Please try and see sense.

It's not good for the hedgehogs, and it's obviously not good for us either.

- Yeah, for once I agree with her.

- Will you stop this? You're upsetting Victor and Trudy.

[Knock at door]


So much useless hippie junk.

Why have I never noticed that before? Alfie, will you tell them? I'm not going to release these two little hedgehogs.

Okay, if you don't, I will.

I can think of plenty of ways to get rid of two cute, defenseless animals.


Alfie I thought my own boyfriend would be on my side.

Get away from me, fleabag.

Oh, as for that boyfriend thing, you can forget that too.

What? Why would I want to date a total crazy like you? A soppy, kooky do
-gooder? [Scoffs]

- Please.

- Alfie.

Now, as for you, you've got a dangerous streak.


How would you like to be Alfie's new girl? Well or Yeah
- One of his girls.

- Ewe.


What's wrong with you? Hey, I think that might be a clue.



Okay, maybe the artifact's under this.

- Ugh, come on.

- It's no good.

Any bright ideas, stone
-face? Why would he be looking at the wall with his eyes closed? Ha! Yes!
- Eddie, you genius.

- Now, that looks like an artifact.

Come on.

We haven't got much time left.

So weird, it's like there's something moving in here.

Ah! KT! Eddie.


Eddie, I saw them watching us from the trees.


We thought we'd let you find it for us.


Now hand it over.

- Eddie, go.

- No.

- But when Alfie said, "go"
- That was Alfie.

- This is you.

- Aw, how touching.

You two would make a lovely couple.

- Ugh!
- Make your play, Osirian.


Oh, we can stand here all day.

Well, at least until the sky turns black.

Eddie, please, run! No, I'm not taking orders from these fakes.

Well, KT, how about me and you mosey on down to the Gate House And get ready to meet Ammit? Ammit The Devourer to use her full name.

Yeah, and I wonder what she'll want to do when she gets here.

Oh, yeah, that's right.

Devour something.

And by something, he means someone.

- Eddie
- All right.

You want it? Go get it!
- Run!
- Wait! Look.

They tricked us.

How very clever of them.


Denby, go to Anubis.

Make sure those interfering children are where they should be.

Patricia and Fabian are dealing with that.

I need to be certain.

It is too important.

Robert, I want to be by your side! Throughout to share in these precious moments.


Okay, quick, quick, quick, quick.

- [Chuckles]

- Ha
- Nice.

- Yes.

- This one?
- [Whispering excitedly]

We still don't know what to do with it.

- Can't we just figure that out on the way?
- No, Eddie.

We have too much riding on this.



I know exactly what to do with it.

Come on.

- KT, shouldn't you be at school?
- I I'm I'm running a bit late, Miss.

Very late and very empty

You're right.

I've been so scatterbrained.

I'll go get my books.

And what about Eddie? Where might he be?
- I have no idea.

- Really? Because I would hate for him to leave the building empty
-handed like you.

Oh no.



Let's go find him, shall we? No, but, Miss, he's not up there.

- Believe me.

- Let's go.

Alfie can be weird at times.

Boys can be weird, period.

It was so not like him.

He was so mean.

Hey, no guy is worth all these tears.

You've got us.

That's way more important.

You say that, but you two aren't even friends anymore.

And that's because of a boy.


Anyway It's no use crying.

People are wild spirits.

You can't tie them down against their will.

If you love someone, set them free.

There's something I've got to do.

[Hedgehogs squeaking]


Come on, Victor.

Come on, Trudy.

She's right, isn't she? Friends should probably come before boyfriends.


Guess we should bury the hatchet.


- Come on.

- Ah.

Whoa! If you want the staff, you're gonna have to fight me for
- Willow?
- [Gasps]

What's this? What no, no, no.


Don't worry about that.

Sorry for shouting, by the way.

Do you know anything about the best way to release hedgehogs into the wild? Yeah, cover them with leaves and tell them to stay hidden.

Okay, this could get a little messy.

Is it getting dark? Still early.


Ooh, Eddie! You've dropped something! Mm.


Gone? Without even saying good
-bye? [Indistinct talking on tv]

- I was watching that.

- You should take lessons from me, dude.

All that angst when you were dating Willow and Mara You should've just used the Alfie method.

"You're history, Pixie girl.

Get used to it".

Excuse me? Yeah, she's heartbroken now but, I guess that's the chance you take when you date the Alf

You broke up with Willow.

Now, you're boasting about it? I thought you'd be proud, dude.

You've broken, what, three hearts at least? Good work.

I didn't plan to hurt anybody.

Yeah, and I didn't plan on throwing out everyone's dinner,
- but, you know, it just sort of hap
- You threw what?
- What has gotten into you?
- A change for the better, J

And I knew you'd be the one to appreciate it.

Me? Joy really liked you.

And you not only broke her heart, you tore it up into tiny, little pieces, and then you tore those up too.

Respect, man, respect.

So he's not in the house.

It would really help you both if you remembered where he's gone.

I'm sorry, Miss.

I just can't think of where he might want to go.

[Door opens]

For the last time Where is Eddie? I Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Come on.



No, no, no! How many times are they gonna change this thing? [Sighs]

[Chanting in foreign language]

Our visitor has arrived.

Then it is time to call the sinners back.

This is your final chance, KT.

Tell us where he is.

Robert is calling.

It's time.

- [Chuckles]

- [Breathing heavily]

Hurry up.

It's imperative we stick together.

We have been summoned.

We must not be late.

[Keypad beeping]

I can't see.


- Ah, Patricia.

- The staff he's got the staff! Shh, shh.

Listen to me for one second.

This evil Patricia, it's not you not the real you.

Okay, the Patricia I know is in there.

She still is.

You've got all of her memories, okay? You must have some of her feelings too.

Thankfully not.

You don't remember? I mean How it felt the first time we saw each other.

Or the first time we went on a date, kissed Your first
-ever kiss Or the first time you poured a jug of milk over my head.


I mean, that's got to give you a little glow, doesn't it? Oh, come on, Patricia, remember.

Okay, or just tell me you still care deep down.

Because If not, it might as well just be the end of everything.

I KT, KT, go! Arise, great power.

Together, we shall conquer all.

Arise! Arise and rule! Arise and rule! All: Arise and rule! Arise and rule! No! [Laughs]


Thank you, Osirian.

Thank you, great

I needed the staff for the ritual, but I didn't know where it was.

You've done just what I wanted you to do.

[Loud whooshing]

What is that?