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01x24 - Ghost Channel

Posted: 01/16/24 14:49
by bunniefuu
[theme tune intro playing]

[digital sputtering and beeping]

-[upbeat synthesizers come in]

♪ Here we are ♪

♪ Going far
To save all that we love ♪

♪ If we give all we've got
We will make it through ♪

♪ Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world ♪

♪ Today, make evil go away ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, be there when you call ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall ♪

♪ Code Lyoko, stronger after all ♪


[action music]


[lasers blasting]

[mechanical whirring]

[Yumi grunts]


[lasers blasting]


[electricity crackling]

[Ulrich] Odd, take Aelita to the tower.

Yumi's in trouble.

[Odd] Okay, here we go.

Hang on, Yumi, you can do it.

[Odd grunts]

[Odd] Aelita!


Okay, princess, the home stretch.

[Odd and Aelita panting]

[computer beeping]

[Jeremy gasps]

[Jeremy] Odd,
two Bloks are coming at you!

[mechanical whirring]

No sweat. Be back in a second, Aelita.

[Aelita pants]

[lasers blasting]

Laser arrow!



-[Odd] He is amazing! How does he do it?

-[Odd] The crowd is going wild.
-[Jeremy] Odd, cut it out, will you?

[Jeremy] There's a third Blok!

[Odd] A third one?

[charged laser blast]

-[fiery whooshing]
-[Odd yells]


-[Odd] Oh, no!
-[computer beeping]

[Jeremy] Odd, you've lost
too many life points.

[computer blipping]

Odd, what are you doing?

[Jeremy] Take cover.

-[Jeremy] It's too risky!
-[Odd panting]

[mechanical whirring]

[Jeremy] Odd, one impact,
and it's game over.

[Jeremy] You've got ten life points.
That's all!

-Ten is more than enough. Here we go!
-[laser blasting]

-[electricity crackling]

You see? What did I tell you?

-[Ulrich] Great, Odd!
-[Aelita] Congratulations!

[Odd] Hey, Jeremy,
next time just enjoy the show,

and let the real pros get
the job done. Okay?

[Jeremy gasps]

[Odd laughing] Huh?

[all grumble]

I'll go take care of the tower.

Hey, take it easy. I was just kidding.

I didn't mean it!

Hey Einstein, you hear me? It was a joke!

[digital whooshing]

Return to the past now!


[rewind whirring]

[theme music]

[light music]

-[Mrs. Hertz] Valerie?
-[Valerie] Present.

-[Mrs. Hertz] Benjamin?
-[Benjamin] Present.

-[Herb] Present, ma'am.

-[Mrs. Hertz] Nicolas?
-[Nicolas] Here.

[Mrs. Hertz] Sissi?


-[Mrs. Hertz] Jeremy?
-Present. Hey, great work, guys.

You were better than ever.
No hard feelings, Odd. It was...

[Mrs. Hertz] Odd?... Odd?

-[tense music]


Odd's absent? Well, and so is Ulrich.


-[Mrs. Hertz] Herb?
-[Herb] Present, ma'am.

-[Nicolas] Here.

-[Sissi] Present.


[Jeremy] Present.

-[Mrs. Hertz] Dylan?
-[Dylan] Present.

Hey, that was great work, Einstein.
You were never better.

-No hard feelings, huh?
-[Mrs. Hertz] Sabrina?

-[Mrs. Hertz] Caroline?
-[Caroline] Present.

After what you said to him before,
it's no wonder he's sulking.

[Mrs. Hertz] Odd, Ulrich!

-[Odd and Ulrich] Here, ma'am!
-I know that you're here.

What I do not know is what you have to say
to each other that's so interesting.

They'd asked me if I'd noticed that,
with all due respect, ma'am,

the Brower equation you wrote on
the blackboard is wrong.


[Jeremy] It's not wrong
from a mathematical point of view;

but it fails to take into account
Bronsky's theories

on the phenomenon of compared masses.

You should treat
the second unknown element

as a squared mass, not a factorial.

Why yes, you're...

you're absolutely right.

I'm sorry about that.

[Jeremy] Hmm...


[Mrs. Hertz] Jeremy,
would you know where Ulrich and Odd are?

-[door opens]
-[running footsteps]

[door swings shut]

[running footsteps]

This is weird. I don't believe it!

Yumi's gone too!

[tense music]

[running footsteps]

-[door opens]
-[Jeremy] Nobody here?

[Jeremy] Aelita!

[computer blipping]

Aelita! Ulrich, Odd and Yumi...

Tell me they're with you.

Why? Didn't they come back from Lyoko?

No, Aelita, I've lost them!

[Jeremy] Something must've gone wrong
on the return trip!

[Aelita] Calm down, Jeremy,
they couldn't have just vanished.

Go and check the scanners
while I look around Lyoko.

[Jeremy] Good idea. I'll go and see.


[Aelita gasps]

What are you doing here?

-[Jeremy whimpers]

[Yumi] You guys okay?

As okay as two guys can be
with two hours of bio ahead of them.

-Anyone know why he's sulking?
-He's angry at Odd.

Listen, something really strange
happened in English class.

[Ms. Kensington] "All the world's a stage

and all the men and women merely players.

They have their entrances, and..."


"And all men and women merely players.

They have their entrances and..."

Like a broken record.
But it only lasted a second.

And you're thinking it could be XANA?

I really don't know, Ulrich,

but it sure wouldn't hurt
to keep an eye on things.

[theme music]

[Aelita] Nobody.



[ethereal music]


[Mr. Delmas] Jeremy, this is serious.

Everyone is very concerned.

Now, for the last time, do you know
where Yumi, Odd and Ulrich are?

[Jeremy] No, sir, I...

[Jeremy sighs]

As I'm sure you can imagine
their parents are worried sick!

[Jeremy] But I told you,
I don't know where they are.


[Aelita] Jeremy...

[Mr. Delmas] Think about it, please!
Any clue could prove to be of great help.

You four are always together.

All right, sir. I'll think about it,
but I need to be alone.

You have an awful lot of nerve, young man!

However, if it's the only way
to bring you to your senses,

-I'll give you three minutes.
-[Jeremy] Thank you, sir.

[theme music]

[Jeremy] I felt your message. What's new?

I'm sorry, Jeremy,
but they're not on Lyoko.

There's an activated tower though,

only I can't seem to locate it.

I need your help.
Go to the factory.

I'm stuck in the Mr. Delmas's office.

You are? Don't worry.
I'll help you out of there.

Yes Jeremy, just like XANA,

I can operate
on the school's network as well.

Listen closely now...

[Mr. Delmas] I'm sure Jeremy knows more
than he's saying.

Should we call the police?

I've thought it over.
I'll tell you where they are.

-[student] Pass the peas.

-[student] No, you can reach 'em yourself.
-[student] Thanks!

[student] D'you hear Rockout's new single?

-[Odd] Didn't I tell you?
-No, go on.

[Odd] Well, I needed new wheels
because I broke them on a ramp.

So I call over the guy selling them...
Oh! Hey Sissi!

Did you use canary feathers
in the washing machine instead of soap?

That is so dumb.
I'll have you know that yellow

is the "in" color this year!

[Odd laughing]

-What a dope!
-[student] Pass the peas.

-[student] No, you can reach 'em yourself.
-[student] Thanks!

[student] D'you hear Rockout's new single?


Hey, did you hear that?

[Odd] I sure did!

[Sissy] That is so dumb!

I'll have you know that yellow
is the "in" color this year!

I didn't say anything that time!

-[sinister music]
-[Yumi] We've got a problem, guys.


[birds chirping]

[Mr. Delmas] But there's nobody here!

We have to wait a while.


They'll be here any minute.

[pipes hissing]


[watch ticking]


-[pipes rattling]

Well, where are they?

[pipe bursts]

-[steam hissing]

[Jim and Mr. Delmas coughing]


[action music]

[Jeremy panting]

-He's gone!

He couldn't have just disappeared!

[action music]

[elevator whirring]

-[Aelita] Yes, Jeremy?

[mechanical clanking]

Thanks for giving me a hand.

[sinister music]

I hope you realize that if...

If you don't detect anything alive on the
scanners, it'll mean that...

Yes, I know. We'll find out soon enough.

[elevator whirring]

[mechanical clanking]


[Jeremy] Empty.

[disappointed sigh]

[theme music]

-[Jeremy] They aren't there.
-[computer beeping]

I don't get it, if they're not here,
and they're not on Lyoko either,

where are they?

[Aelita] Jeremy, just before you got here,
I captured this sound byte...

a sort of radio
or TV station transmission.

But be careful, Jeremy.
It was really bizarre. Let me show you.

-[Jim] All right, let's go.

-[Jim] We'll start with some stretching.

[Odd laughing]

Hey, that's crazy!

[Jim] And one and two,

and one and two...

And one and two...

[Jim] That's it!

[Herb] Hey, watch what you're doing, huh?

[Herb] You did that on purpose. I saw you!

[Jim] And one...

-[Jim] And two...
-[Herb] Hey watch what you're doing, huh?

-[Herb] You did that on purpose!
-It happened again!

-I'll show you what it feels like!
-[Jim] And two, and one...

And it's happening all the time!

[Jim] Keep going on your own.


[Jeremy] What am I looking at?

They didn't come back to Earth, did they?

What if what we're seeing is a recording?

But how can that be, Aelita?

[Jeremy] I'm in the picture!

There are weird things happening.
Any news from Aelita?

I'm having difficulty contacting her.

I have no idea
if there's an activated tower or not,

but at the slightest alert,
we'll have to move in.

Hey, how come you're not doing phys ed,

Jim agreed to excuse me.

He did?

That's weird.
You're not exactly his star athlete.

You've gotta know how to handle him.

[Jim] Twenty-six, 27! Keep going! 28!

-Not like them.
-[Yumi] Huh?

[Yumi] Incredible!

It sure isn't a tape.
It's happening somewhere, right now.

They're neither in Lyoko,
nor in the real world.

They're somewhere else!

Yes, I know,

but I've checked
all the transfer protocol data,

and unless a sort of parallel world
exists somewhere,

there's no such thing
as an intermediate space.

Unless XANA has manufactured one.

That's it! A world parallel to Lyoko!

And he modelled it after the school.
He couldn't have made a better trap!

[Jeremy] Yumi and the others
think they're in reality,

but it's only an illusion.

They're living under XANA's control,
completely at his mercy!

[Jeremy] We've gotta rescue them!

Find out where the signal is coming from.

[Aelita] I've been trying to,
but it's been masked.

The signal is scrambled.

All we have is a sound wave,
not the signal itself.

That's what we'll have to use.

We've gotta program it to guide
the scanner and dive towards the source,

-using trial and error.
-But that's crazy, and you know it.

And besides, who could do it?

We're all alone, Jeremy.

It's gotta be me.

If you take over the controls,
I'll be able to go.

It's too dangerous.

But we can't leave Ulrich and Odd and Yumi
at the mercy of XANA.

Think about it.

If I'm here in front of you,
who's the other Jeremy?

[Jeremy through computer] Aelita,

there's something I want to tell you.

I'd rather be entering a virtual world
to find you waiting there for me.


So would I.

[computer beeping]

[Jeremy] Here we go.

[mechanical clanking]

[tense music]

[computer blipping]

[Aelita] It's okay, Jeremy.
I've prepared the transfer procedure.

You can get into the scanner.

[tense music]

[mechanical clanking]

-[Aelita] Scanner Jeremy.
-[computer blipping]


-[computer blipping]
-[Aelita] Virtualization!

[Jeremy whimpers]

-[digital whirring]
-Huh? Woah!

Aelita, can you hear me?
No, of course not. That would be too easy.

[tense music]

[digital humming]


[XANA as Jeremy] Ugh. There he is at last.


[door opens]

[XANA as Jeremy] We've got a visitor, Jim.

[Jim growls]

[action music]

That's got to be it.

I'd better go now and have a closer look.

[Aelita panting]

[theme music]

[birds chirping]

Yumi's what you might call intuitive,
but she can be wrong sometimes.

And let's face it Ulrich,

Any girl with a crush on you
can't be absolutely normal.

What about Jeremy? Don't tell me
you don't find him strange.

Well yeah, he's been acting weird lately,
but to think he's hiding a huge secret...

Yeah, hello... Yumi, is that you?

It started again,
but this time it's worse than ever!

This time it's at my home!

-[Ulrich] What's going on, Yumi?
-[tense music]

[Yumi] It's my parents.
They're acting so, I dunno, so strangely.

They keep making the same gestures,

and they act as if I'm not even there.

It's as if they were phony imitations
of my real mom and dad.

We've gotta do something!

You'd better not stay there.

I'll see you in the park.
We'll go to the factory. I'll warn Jeremy.

[Yumi] No, not Jeremy.
Just Odd, you and me, okay?

Let's leave Jeremy out this time.

[Yumi] I... I have my doubts. See ya.


Let's hope they're in their room.

-[Jim growling]

[Jim growls]

[Jeremy groans]

[Jim growling]

[tense music]

[Jim snarling]

-[XANA as Jeremy] I've got you!

[Jeremy panting]

[Jim growling]

[XANA as Jeremy] Soon I won't have
any more obstacles.


[electricity crackling]

[Aelita] I only hope it's not too late.

-[running footsteps]
-[electricity crackling]

[Yumi] What about Jeremy?

[Ulrich] We didn't tell him, but you know,
once we're at the factory,

-we can't get to Lyoko without him.
-[sinister music]

We'll see when we get there,
but I'm afraid he can't be trusted.

-[leaves rustle]

Must have been a squirrel or something.

[Odd] C'mon, let's go.

Oh, no, too late!

[Jim growling]

[Jeremy gasps]

[Herb and Nicolas growling]


[Jeremy screams]

[Herb and Nicolas growling]

[Jim laughing]

[theme music]

[Aelita panting]

[electricity crackling]

[Jeremy panting]

[Jim] Outta my way!

[Jim, Herb and Nicolas growling]

[Jeremy panting]

[Jim growling]

For a program,
you're a pretty good imitation!


[Jeremy grunts]


-[wolf howls]
-[tense music]


[Yumi] I don't understand.
There's no link.

It's like Lyoko didn't exist anymore.

[XANA as Jeremy] And that might be exactly
what happened.

[everyone gasps]

[sinister music]

[Ulrich] Jeremy?

Jeremy, but what are you doing here?

I got a message from Aelita
that a tower's just been activated.

She said something
about a program to erase Lyoko.

I haven't heard from her since.

Okay, we've gotta check this out, Yumi.

Hey, wait a minute.

If the link has been cut,
how will you send us there?

I've created a new access protocol.

All we need now are the scanners.

Well, what are we waiting for?


Hold it, Odd. I'm not too sure of this.

[Jeremy gasps]

What's wrong with you?
Look, it's Jeremy, Yumi!

We've gotta get moving.
What if Lyoko does get erased, huh?

Have you thought about Aelita?

Look, you've gotta believe me,
but if you have any doubt,

let Ulrich and Odd
be transferred before you.

-[elevator door opens]

Yumi, you're right.

[Jeremy] It's a trap.

-[everyone gasps]

[Jeremy] Don't go!

[XANA as Jeremy]
XANA, is that the best you can do?

A cheap imitation to delay us?

He's lying! The phony is there. It's him.

Everything here is phony.

You never came back from your last trip.

You're in a virtual world created by XANA.

That would explain
all the inconsistencies.

Of course it would.
XANA can make mistakes too.

He only has
theoretical knowledge of reality.

What he wants
is to get you into the scanner,

to get rid of you once and for all.

That's absurd, XANA.

It's true, we have no proof that
he's not the one who's lying to us, right?

He could have created
the inconsistencies too.

Exactly, to hold us up while Aelita
and Lyoko are being erased forever.

The only proof is the fact
that I'm here with you.

You have to decide
which one of us is lying.

And it's not me.

Assuming as you claim,
that this world is virtual,

you mind telling us how you got here?
We're listening, XANA.

I got in here via the scanner.
I'm here in virtual form.

You gave yourself away.

Everyone knows the real Jeremy
wouldn't step foot in the scanner;

he'd be much too frightened!

[Jeremy gasps]

And I'm sure he would go into the scanner
if his friends were in danger.

No doubt about it.

Absolutely none.

But it's not logical, don't you see?

He's too scared to even try.

I'm much too scared.

If not, then why haven't
I already done it?

I told you why.

Because he's not infallible.

XANA's knowledge of people
is only approximative.

That's right,
and as far as friendship goes,

it's not approximative; it's double zero!

Good to see you again, Einstein.

No, it's not logical!


-[electricity crackling]
-[XANA as Jeremy shouts]

[XANA in distorted voice] Not logical!

[Odd gasps]

[XANA screams]

[everyone gasps]

-[tense music]
-[digital whooshing]

[electricity crackling]

[minions growling]

[everyone screaming]

[electricity crackling]

[Jeremy yells]


[XANA laughing]

[XANA in distorted voice]
You are going to die!


[Jeremy] Aelita!

[Aelita screams]

[Aelita gasps]

[heartbeat accelerating]


-[everyone screaming]
-[minions growling]

[XANA laughing]

-[Jeremy straining]
-[fast heartbeat]

[tense music]

[electricity crackling]

[ethereal music]



[XANA screaming]

[everyone screaming]

-[Yumi] Jeremy! No!
-[Jeremy screaming]


[scanner powering up]

[Jeremy groans]


[mechanical clanking]

[computer blipping]

Aelita, here I am. Are you okay?

Yes, fine. Don't worry.

[relieved sigh]

I got them back.
All of them, safe and sound.

The parallel world bubble has disappeared.

I don't remember anything,
but I feel just great.

[Ulrich] Aelita!

What happened to us?

XANA created a replica of where you live
so you'd think it was reality.

He locked us up in a virtual prison.

[Aelita] But Jeremy and I
did all we could to set you free.

What? Jeremy came to Lyoko?

[Aelita nods]

Fantastic, Einstein.

[Odd] Join the daredevil heroes' club.

-Thanks, Odd. No hard feelings, huh?
-[computer blipping]

[Jeremy] Look, it's XANA's
welcoming committee!

[mechanical whirring]

Don't worry, Jeremy.
We're used to this. It's a piece o' cake.

-Here we go.
-I'm with you!

[everyone shouts]

-[lasers blasting]
-[theme music]

[theme music]