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08x02 - On the Waterfront (Pt 2)

Posted: 10/14/14 05:42
by bunniefuu
Well, Mr. Dawkins, why have you gathered us all here?

There's no respect for the law anymore.

We're looking for Mick and Tim O'Shea.

You do agree that women are deserving of the right to vote?

I intend to see that women's suffrage is achieved in my lifetime.


Get off of her!

Take your hands off me!

Mick O'Shea?

You should have listened.

We own the waterfront.

Where are Mick and Tim O'Shea?

I've never seen them.

Don't lie to me.

If you have any idea where they are...

I don't.

I want it known that the Constabulary are done with mucking about.

I know you're frightened, but they assaulted a policeman.

Leave me alone.

Look, if there's anything you can tell me, there won't be any repercussions.

I said leave me alone.

Listen! If you know anything about the O'Shea brothers, you'll tell me.

Detective Murdoch!

Detective Murdoch!


Who did this to you?

Who did this to you? Was it the O'Sheas?

He said his name was Brackenreid.

It was him who done it. Almost k*lled me.


He wanted to know about the O'Sheas. Where they went.

Well, I'd like to know the same thing.

Where are they?

In all honesty, it wouldn't surprise me if they were on a boat back to Ireland.

Listen. You att*cked me.

I'm a police officer. You att*cked several others.

I will see you rot in the Don Jail if you don't tell me what you know.

Now, what happened to Richard Dawkins?

The O'Sheas k*lled him.

Did you see them do it?


But they did. Everyone knows that.

And the woman?

I don't know about any woman.

The drowned woman. The one that was shackled and chained.

I don't know.

On my word, I don't know!

I'm already a dead man if Mick O'Shea finds out I talked to you.

Why did the O'Sheas k*ll Richard Dawkins?

Probably because he didn't pay.

Or maybe because they were told to.

Explain that.

The O'Sheas have been extracting payments from all of the merchants down at the docks.

If they refused, cargo was left on ships to rot, goods weren't delivered, storefronts were vandalized, and in more extreme cases...

You get Mr. Dawkins.

He refused to pay up and the O'Sheas k*lled him.

I don't know.

Mr. Ridgeway seems to think the O'Sheas aren't acting alone.

That someone else is involved.

And, of course, he has no idea who that is.

If he does, I'm inclined to believe he'll take that to the grave.

I see.


Did Thomas Brackenreid beat that man?

I will not have him walk over the rules of law.

Nor will you.

I might have an overly friendly demeanour, but I am an honest cop.

If Thomas Brackenreid did something unwarranted, I will do my duty.

Oh, and Murdoch?


You're aware that your fiancée is in custody?

Oh yes, yes.

I've spoken with her.


Oh, Lord. Look.

Oh my.

Dr. Grace. Julia.

Mr. Garland.

It appears you are both caught in an unfortunate circumstance.

And what are you doing here?

I'm articling for the Crown Prosecutor.

You didn't hear the news?

I passed the bar.

Your accomplishments are hardly a matter of interest to me.

I see.

I could have a few words with the Crown, I know he'll listen to me. I could advocate leniency on your behalf.

Both of you, actually.

And the others?

Well, I'm not a miracle worker.

Then we need no favours from you.

Do you feel the same way, Emily?

You'd rather not know how I feel, Mr. Garland.

Have it your way.

But you should remember I offered to help you.

It's a shame you refused.

That little pissant.


Well, he is.

Mrs. McKinnon. Thank you for coming.

I cannot persuade you to call me Cecily?

Please, have a seat.

That was an impressive show of force you demonstrated yesterday.

Thank you. Unfortunately, the men we were after got away.

Tim and Mick O'Shea.

Yes, they do seem to possess a certain animal cunning.

Mrs. McKinnon, have you heard of them extorting people?

The services of wharfies and stevedores being denied if payments aren't made?

I don't know anything.

There's no need to be afraid, Mrs. McKinnon.

(scoffing) With Mr. Dawkins dead, and now that woman, how can you say that?

The police will protect you.

Well, if you say that the O'Sheas are extorting people, then I suppose that's possible.

And who else?

I don't believe the O'Sheas are acting alone.

Someone else is involved.

Do you know of anyone else who may be preying on their fellow merchants?

This won't come back on me?

Lionel Jeffries does appear to be buying out businesses at an alarming rate.

I think he means to take control of the entire harbour.

Thank you, Mrs. McKinnon.

And remember, you needn't worry about the O'Sheas.

I'll find them.

Who's there?

Do you remember me, Mr. Jeffries?

Thomas Brackenreid.

Of course.

The policeman who was down here months ago.

I've got one or two questions for you.

I have talked to the Constabulary repeatedly.

I'm not sure what I could add.

Where are Mick and Tim O'Shea?

The comings and goings of a couple of drunk Irishmen are not something I concern myself with.

When I was here last, you bragged about how you knew all there was to know about this place.

Now where are they?

I don't know.

They almost k*lled me. They've att*cked another copper.

I'll not be leaving here without an answer.

I don't know.

Then I'll take your best guess!

And just to let you know, Jeffries, I'm not a copper anymore, so there are no niceties that I need to abide to.

Will the accused please rise.

You have all been charged with unlawful assembly and causing a public nuisance.

How do you plead?


Your Honour, we should like to add a charge of common as*ault.


Which one of you att*cked the man in question?

(all): I did.

Enough. One more word and I will hold you all in contempt.

Be seated.

Excuse us, may we help you, madam?

Yes, Your Honour. May I speak?

This has been an unusual enough day in court already, so I don't see why not.

My name is Clara Brett Martin.

I have standing with the Law Society of Upper Canada.

How extraordinary.

So, what can we do for you?

I would like to represent the women who are currently facing charges.

That is, with your permission, of course.

This could certainly help our cause.

Of course.

Sir. This can't be permitted.

An accused does deserve the right to council.

You are a lawyer, aren't you, Miss Martin?

You're not having one over on me?

No, Your Honour.

I'm the first female lawyer in all of the British Empire.

Well, this could be quite something for you, Atkinson.

I will permit it.

I object to this, sir.

Don't be such a poor sport.

Thank you, Your Honour.

I would like some time with my clients to properly prepare a defense.

Of course.

We will continue two days hence.

Thank you, Miss Martin.




Julia Ogden.


You need to hear him out.

Mr. Jeffries.

I was visited by Thomas Brackenreid.

You were?

He's no longer an active policeman, am I correct?

You are.

Then I would like to lodge a complaint.

He manhandled me.

You appear to be suffering no ill effects.


He broke into my shop like a common criminal.

Then I'll speak with him.

What did he say?

He wanted to know where the O'Sheas were.

I'd very much like that information as well.

You see, Mr. Jeffries, it's come to my attention that the O'Sheas have been extorting money from the merchants.

Not from me.

It's also come to my attention that they may be working for someone.

I hope you're not insinuating...

Mr. Jeffries, if you know where the O'Sheas hang their hat, you had best tell me.

If only to clear your own name.

Hello? Anyone here?

It seems the O'Sheas enjoyed gracious living.

Alright, you. Get up.



Doctor Ogden, how are you two ladies faring?

As well as can be expected.

If you want my opinion, one shouldn't be jailed for speaking one's mind.

Thank you, George.

Dr. Grace, you need to come with me.

I'm bringing her to the morgue. I'll return her when I'm finished.

George, I am prepared to face the charges.

Yes, and you no doubt will.

And I do hope you triumph. But in the meantime, the Detective needs you.


Dr. Ogden, is there anything else I can get for you in the meantime?

A pillow.

Now, Doctor, you're being highly unreasonable.


I'll see what I can do.

Both men were shot in the temple; it would appear at close range.

From the angle of entry, I would conclude they were both kneeling.

Another execution.

But this one not so public.

I'm afraid there's not much more I can tell you.

I should return to the cells.


Thank you, Doctor.

I'm sorry we had to keep you in custody so long.

It was only so that you'd be protected from the O'Sheas.

So why am I safe now?

Because those men are dead now.

Did you k*ll them?

No, son, we're the police. We don't just k*ll people.

We arrest them, send them off to the courts.

But you k*ll people sometimes.

Only when there's no other choice.

Well, my mother will probably... k*ll me.


Hello, mother.

I was so worried about you.

What did you do this time?

Well, I...

George Crabtree?

Miss Garrison!

It's been so long.


And it's Brooks now, not Garrison.


When Constable Higgins told me he was taken into custody, I had half a mind to leave him there.

What did he do?

Well, he... provided the Constabulary with some very useful information.

There was a crime and Simon here came forward.

And, uh... how did he come to be in a position to do that?

I'll let Simon fill you in on the details there.

There's some stew on the stove.

Go get yourself something to eat.

It will give you time to come up with a good story.

That boy is trouble.

All boys are trouble.

I should be off, I suppose.


You can stay and have a cup of tea.

If you'll just wait a moment, I'll finish this.

Of course.

The door.

Ladies, you are free to go.

The Crown has dropped all the charges.

Save those against Doctor Grace.

We will fight for you, Emily.

Shame on you, Mr. Garland.

Have a pleasant sleep, Emily.

And you're still a Constable.

I am indeed.

A smart man such as yourself? I would have thought you an Inspector by now.

I'm content with what I do.

When did Miss Garrison become Mrs. Brooks?

I, uh...

I met Archibald about three years ago.

Simon's mother had passed away in childbirth, and he was quite lost without her.

He had such an easy smile.

He's dead now.

Sometimes I really... just wonder what I'm going to do.

I'm so sorry. What happened?

He went overseas.

The Boer w*r.

He was k*lled about three months ago.

Simon never mentioned anything to me.

I haven't told him. I just haven't had the heart.

I do my best to be his mother, but sometimes I just...

I'm sorry, George Crabtree, I meant only to share in a cup of tea.

I did not mean to unload my burdens on you.

It's quite alright.

If you need anything, you could call on me.

I'll manage, George.

No doubt there are many others worse off.

Thank you for not throwing my son in jail.


Well, thank you for the tea, Edna.

The missus said you wanted to talk to me.

She's worried, as am I.

It's a St. George's pin.

Margaret gave it to me.

Why was it found under Mick O'Shea's dead body?

Mick O'Shea's dead?

So is his brother. We found both of their bodies in the basement of the Laughing Dog.

When was this?

This morning.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Sir, why was your pin found with two dead bodies?

I don't know. Someone took it from me.

I need you to be honest with me.

You nearly k*lled a dockworker, threatened Mr. Jeffries, and now the O'Sheas.

Jeffries sent me to the Laughing Dog.

I didn't see the O'Sheas there.

Dead or alive.

Do you think I've k*lled them?

I think whoever they were working for k*lled them.

Sir, come back to work.

We'll find them together.

We're not solving this by following the rules.

Whoever the O'Sheas were working for tried to have me k*lled.

Threatened my family.


There are two laws now.

The law that I once upheld and the law of the jungle.

I know which one I choose.

If you do anything rash, I will have to arrest you.

Of course you will, Detective.

(sound of someone being beaten up, grunting)

It took a year for the Law Society to decide that the word "person" could apply equally to men and women.

But it finally did, and I was able to pursue law.

It was not easy, but then again, you went to medical school, you know all about tribulation, as does Dr. Grace.

In your opinion, is she going to go to jail?

It's likely.

But she was merely defending Kathleen from an attacker.

I saw it with my own eyes.

I have read the police reports, there is no mention of that incident.

In the eyes of the law, that attack never occurred.

Well, then the law and justice are two different things.

That may be. Remember, women are not supposed to rise up.

But we have been known to be underhanded.

Ladies. You wanted to see me?


Yes, well, before you get started, I should inform you that I have no interest in negotiating a plea.

Miss Grace is to be prosecuted to the full extent.

It's Dr. Grace, not Miss Grace.

And your doctor almost k*lled a man.

I do believe you're overstating.

Your "society" is responsible for public nuisance, disturbance, and incitement to riot.

I hardly think I am overstating anything.

Sir, we believe your assistant Leslie Garland is pushing for a reckless prosecution of Dr. Grace for personal reasons.

I set the charges. Not my assistant.

Be that as it may, I believe he has influenced you.

Miss Martin, are you going to continue to allow your client to speak to me in this fashion?

I see no reason not to.

Whether or not Mr. Garland has animosity toward Dr. Grace has no bearing on what she did.

Six months ago, Leslie Garland posed as notorious m*rder*r James Gillies and threatened the lives of Detective William Murdoch and myself.

I am willing to lay charges against him if this matter is not put to rest.

These are very serious allegations.

And ones Detective Murdoch and I can easily prove.

You have it in your power to save the office of the Crown Attorney significant embarrassment.

Right. Here's what we know.

Mick and Tim O'Shea have been strong-arming people down by the Toronto Harbour for the privilege of keeping their businesses open.

Mick and Tim O'Shea were likely responsible for Richard Dawkins' death.

And now Mick and Tim O'Shea are also dead.

Sounds like someone has done our job for us.

Yes, it does, Henry, and I'm not happy about that.

Because it means it's likely that Mick and Tim O'Shea were not acting alone.

What have you, George?

Sir, I was just looking into Dawkins' business dealings.

It turns out The Chandlery wasn't the only business he owned down at the Docklands.

He also had a warehouse on Polsen Street.


That's where I was beaten.
The noise came from around here, sir.


Jackson, keep an eye out.

Ugh! My God.

(George coughing)


And you say there's more people being held there?

It certainly appeared that way.

Well, if he's the one who did this, then it's a good thing he's gone.

I share your sentiments.

So who k*lled Dawkins?

Likely the person who knew he was holding these women c*ptive.

Tell me about the warehouse on Polsen Street.

What warehouse?

The warehouse on Polsen Street that your husband owned.

My husband owned a chandlery down there.

That's the extent of it.

That's not entirely true.

I didn't know about this.

Detective Murdoch, what is this about?

We found evidence that several people - women - have been held there against their will.

Chained, possibly tortured.

One of whom we know for certain is now dead.

And you think my husband...

Oh, my God.

You said your husband had been acting strangely prior to his m*rder.


You said that he had been planning on leaving the docks.


You also knew that the O'Sheas were capable of m*rder.

Did you discover what your husband had been doing?

Did you tell the O'Sheas...

If I knew my husband was doing this, I would have gladly had him k*lled.

But I didn't know.

Oh God, I didn't know.

Feels like a dark cloud has passed.

Well, you know what they say about the weather.

What's that?

It's ever changing.

Especially since the death of the O'Sheas.

You live by the sword.

Who did it, Mr. Blake?

I don't know.

They died in the basement of your bloody pub.

Who did it?

I don't know.

Who ran the O'Sheas?

What does it matter, they're dead.

Whoever they were working for tried to have me k*lled.

Who did it?

I don't...

I swear I don't know.

Paying off scumbags like that.

You're a bloody coward, son.

A live one.

Take it from me, that's not much of a life.

All rise.

Be seated.

Miss Martin, have you had ample time to prepare your defense?

I have.

Your Honour.

Mr. Atkinson.

Based on new information that the Crown Attorney's office has just received, we wish to formally withdraw all charges against Dr. Emily Grace.

(Murmurs) Sir.

Keep your mouth closed, Mr. Garland.

I apologize for wasting the Court's time.

What did you two do?

I trust you have no objections, Miss Martin?

Of course not, Your Honour.

Well, Dr. Grace, it appears you are free to go.

Miss Martin.

Yes, Your Honour.

It is a shame I did not get a chance to see you practice your wizardry.

I do hope there will be another time, sir.

Good day, Mr. Garland.

It appears that building hasn't been in use for quite some time.

(knocking lightly) Gentlemen.

I'd like to return to you your city coroner.

That is very good news.

Congratulations, Emily, you won.

Not exactly. The Crown withdrew the charges.

William, I don't suppose you'd care to celebrate?

Perhaps another time.

Enjoy yourselves.

We will.


Who owns this building:


Richard Dawkins.

Sir, this is it, 9B.


I don't think there's anything in here, sir.

(footfalls and panting)

(speaking Hungarian)

It's alright. It's alright.


Police. You're safe.

Come out of there.

(rambling in Hungarian)

It's alright. It's alright. You're safe.

Any idea who she is yet?

No, sir.

She doesn't speak a word of English.

I see.

Well, let me have a go. I'm quite a communicator.

Hello. I'm Inspector Hamish Slorach.

Who are you?

(speaking Hungarian)

Murdoch, this is your lucky day.

Ma, I need you to ask her her name.

(speaking Hungarian)

Gulyás Zsuzsanna.




Could you ask her how long she's been in Canada?

(speaking Hungarian)

Shh, shh.

She has been here three weeks.

Could you ask her if she's ever seen this man?

(speaking Hungarian)

What about him?

(speaking Hungarian)

She knows much more than what she is saying.

But she is frightened.

Could I trouble you to stay just a little while longer?


I would like to see how my Hamish behaves when he's at work.


Where is everyone?

I think the arrests scared them all away.

Eileen was beaten by her husband.

Jane was relieved of her duties at Eaton's.

Looks like we've won the battle but lost the w*r.

No one said this would be easy, Margaret.

So this is it?

This is what's left of the suffrage society.

I'm afraid so.

So what do we do?

We fight on.

The four of us?

We have to.

Women have no power in this world.

I've seen it all too clearly and I don't care to see it anymore.

We are women of intelligence and privilege, it's our duty.

The four will become more.

I agree with you.

This is a fight that we can win.



To the Furious Four.

The Furious Four?

I like it.

(beating and grunting)

Thank you for coming.

I'm not sure what I can do.

I'm hoping she sees you as a woman of authority.

A person she can trust.

Tell her no harm will come to her.

I'm a doctor. My name is Julia.

(speaking Hungarian)

How did she come to be here?

(speaking Hungarian)

They came by ship.

And what happened when they arrived?

(speaking Hungarian)

Once here they were imprisoned.

By these men?

(speaking Hungarian)

Tell her she's safe. All these men are dead.

(speaking Hungarian)

These two men imprisoned her and a number of her friends.

But not this one.

What did he do?

Mr. Dawkins hid her from the O'Sheas.

She waited for his return but he never came back.

He saved her.

And the drowned woman was her friend, Melinka.

Yes, she identified her.

If Dawkins did this, then why wouldn't he have contacted the police?

Perhaps he intended to.

It may be that he called the dinner to alert the others of what the O'Sheas had been up to.

But they got to him first.

Did she say anything about what happened to the rest of the women?

They've been in Canada for at least three weeks. Nine of them.

They were being sold, William.

Good lord.

Did she mention where she thought the others could be now?

She'd heard the word 'Chicago.'


I should've locked the door.

Irish whiskey.

Slightly tastes better than piss.

I don't believe I've had the pleasure.

You know very well who I am.

I'm the man you tried to have k*lled.


Don't tell me you don't remember.

We've got some very urgent business to discuss.

I hardly think so.

After you.

We're looking for a ship heading for Chicago.

What if it's already left?

I've contacted the Chicago Port Authority and asked them to search any vessel coming from Toronto.

What about the other outgoing vessels?

We're on our way to look now, sir.

Constables, I know I'm asking you to search for a needle in a haystack, but this is important.

The lives of seven innocent women could be at stake here.

Well, this has all been rather enjoyable, but could you get to the point?

The point is you're behind all this.

All what?

The O'Sheas. The extortion. The murders.

You don't really believe that?

I hardly seem capable...

Sit down and shut up!

When I was poking around the docks all those months ago, you knew that I'd find out something out.

You had to stop that.

It was none of your business.

You sent your thugs to have me k*lled.

I thought they had k*lled you.

Damn shame for you that they didn't.

I'm searching for vessels that are destined to depart for Chicago.

Sir, if they were smuggling women, would they... would they be writing it down?


What ships can enter and exit a harbour without declaring their cargo?

Fishing boats.

Take me to the police.

I am happy to defend myself.

Of course you are.

The only ones that could speak out against you are dead.

That's why we are now playing by your rules.

And your rules are an eye for an eye.

You're going to k*ll me?

An officer of the law?

(cocking g*n)

That's about the size of it.

Sir, put that down immediately.

You're not getting on this ship.

Thank you, George.

You have no right to be on board.

We'll be off presently.

I said, get off. Now!


George, see that these women get some medical attention and some shelter immediately.


Who's responsible for this?

Well... what are you waiting for?

Are you afraid that if you k*ll me, you'll hang?

That would be a shame if you were to hang.

What would happen to that wife, and those two children?

All alone in the world...

They'd be safe from the likes of you.

Oh, there's a lot more like me.

(cocking g*n)



Inspector, what have you done?

She thought she was above the law.

By my count, there are four deaths that she's responsible for.

Let's bring her in.

She almost had us both k*lled, Murdoch.

She sent the O'Sheas after my family.

And she'll be punished.

She will.

You can't do this!

Can you give me one good reason why she deserves to live?

Well, can you?

No, I can't.

Neither can I.


(uncocking g*n)

No reason except for the law.

And the law trumps the likes of you.


They don't know where they were held.

(speaking Hungarian)

(door opening)



I've come to deliver some good news.

I've been fired.

But I suppose you already know that, don't you?

I didn't know what the consequences would be.

But I don't imagine you regret doing what you did.

I most certainly do not.

You've destroyed my good name.

I think you did that all on your own, Mr. Garland.

You'll be leaving Doctor Ogden's office now.

And if you ever come back, I will take this badge off and I will deal with you.

Detective, I was simply explaining...

Did you not hear me?

Goodbye, Mr. Garland.

(chuckling) William!

I must say, that was... most surprising.

And more than a little impressive.

Sometimes one must employ the law of the jungle.


Well, that about does it.

I'm very grateful, Hamish.

It was always your job, Tommy. I just did my best to fill in.

Detective Murdoch.

A pleasure.

I will miss our conversations.

As will I, sir.

Now quit lollygagging and get yourself married before I go and steal her from you.

(laughing) Alright, bye-bye.

It's good to have you back, Inspector.

Thank you, Murdoch.


Put the bloody kettle on?


Announcer: All new Murdoch...

Who are you?

Bat Masterson.

Are you saying... Damn right.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are in Toronto.

He's permitted our wedding to take place in the church.

Announcer: Murdoch Mysteries, next Monday at 8:00 on CBC.