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04x05 - Communication Gaffe

Posted: 01/17/24 09:13
by bunniefuu
Can't a guy get any privacy
around here?

Not when you're a TV star,
you can't.

Sounds like you looked at
the 11:00 news last night.

Yeah, that's right, I did.

Uh-huh. How'd you like it?

I thought it was
a pretty spectacular fire.

Spectacular fire?
What about my interview?

Oh, yeah.

You know, you had an
awfully lot of dirt on your face.

Oh, man,
people eat that stuff up.

In fact, before the interview,
I put a little soot on my forehead.

Hey, Roy, did you see me
on the news last night?

That was your face.

I couldn't tell because it
had so much dirt all over it.

Oh, man, you guys don't know
anything about showbiz, that's all.

Hope you're wrong.

Joanne and I are gonna be
doing one of those TV quiz shows.

Oh, yeah?
Hey, that sounds like fun.

I don't know.

Well, why not?

For instance, she's saying that

everybody that works on TV
has to wear makeup,

and that wouldn't make me
feel too comfortable.

Don't worry about a thing. All you
have to do is ask old Chester B. Here.

He's an expert on make-up.
Aren't you, Chester?


DISPATCHER: Squad 51, Engine 36,

sh**ting at the liquor store,

Cross street: Maple.

Time out, 0827.

STANLEY: Squad 51, KMG 365.


Watch out!

[HONKS norm]


You idiot!

He just blew that stop sign.

Hey, I'm Lieutenant Crockett.

One of my men is hurt and he's
bleeding badly. Over this way.

Hey, I said over here.



toxic chemicals are stored
in a tanker.

Use caution.

this is Rampart. Can you send me some EKG?


We're sending you a strip.
Vitals to follow.

Pulse is 160. The victim
is in extreme pain, Rampart.


This patient is in V-fib.

Rampart, we have lost the
victim's pulse. Beginning CPR.


We're defibrillating victim,

Rampart, we've defibrillated
victim. Decent sinus rhythm.

JOE ON RADIO: Administer 2 amps
sodium bicarb and insert an airway.


DIXIE: Squad 51, continue monitoring
Vitals and transport immediately.

We're on our way, Rampart.


Can't you give me something
for the pain?

Just relax for right now, okay?

Sam, can you give me a
description of the other guy?

No, none.

All I saw was a shadow
and then I got hit.

I must have blacked out
for a second

because I turned around
to look and he was gone.

What happened to your forehead?

I must have banged it
when I hit the ground.

I feel kind of dizzy,

and it

hurts here.

All right, let me take a look
at your eyes here.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

Right. All right, bye.

Go ahead, 51.

ROY: Right. We're at the
scene of a sh**ting here.

We have two victims.

Victim 1 is conscious.

He's got a b*llet wound
in his left leg.

Lost about 200 cos of blood.

Victim 2 is unconscious.

The b*llet has entered the right
lateral section of the rib cage,

just above the 10th rib.

The policeman has priority.


Victim 2, his extremities are cold
and clammy and he's ashen in color.

The systolic BP is 60
by palpation.

The pulse is 150 and thready.

He's on 6 liters of O2.

start an IV with Ringer's lactate

and transport as
soon as possible.

Send me a strip
when you're ready.

Victim 2, IV with Ringer's,
and stand by for EKG.

Got it.

Victim 1 is a male,
approximately 28 years of age.

On this b*llet wound in the left thigh,
it's in the lower section,

and the bleeding's
been controlled,

but the victim's complaining of
a considerable amount of pain.

There's one complication.

When he fell,
he struck his forehead

and was unconscious
for several minutes.

The victim is complaining
of dizziness and headaches.

with Ringer's lactate,

immobilize and transport
as soon as possible.

Rampart. IV with Ringer's and immobilize.

Hold this.

How you doing now, Sam?

I'm hurting.

He's gonna be okay. You
wanna hold this for me?

Can't you give him
a sh*t of morphine?

I can't do that.

Now, look, out here
I'm in charge

and I'm telling you to
give him a sh*t of MS.

Forget it, Lieutenant.

Hey, where are you going?

Look, I've done
all I can for him.

Can we get these
cuffs off of him?

He's not gonna go anyplace. I thought I
told you to give him a sh*t of morphine.

Look, he's got a head injury.

Now, I don't know
how serious it is,

but you don't go mixing
a head injury with morphine.

You understand?

If you can take the cuffs
off him, we can treat him.

That way,
maybe he'll tell you what you need to know.

He's showing sinus tachycardia
with some PVCs.

Oh, the BP is 60 systolic.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

The second victim,

looks like he's in sinus
tachycardia with some PVCs.

The BP is 60 systolic.

KELLY ON RADIO.' 10-4, 51.

He's gone into V-fib.


now with a rate of 50.

Can you get me a blood pressure?

Rampart, Squad 51.

The pulse is 50 and weak.

The respiration is 5.
Stand by for BP.

BP is 55 over 30.

BP is 55 over 30.

atropine IV push,

then start a second IV
with Ringer's.

milligram atropine push,

and another IV with Ringer's.

The rate is 80. How's the BP?

[SIREN WAILING] BP's 80 over 60.

Rampart, the BP is 80 over 60.

soon as possible.

Dix, you better notify
Thoracic Surgery.

That kid's gonna need
all the help he can get.

Let me speak to Dr. Evans.

CROCKETT: How is it, Sam?

Lousy. I never sh*t
a man before.

Forget it, you were doing a job.

If you don't sh**t back,
the guy kills you.

You don't feel anything,
you don't even feel rotten.

How's he doing?

Not too good.

All right, I'll ride with you,
because I wanna ask him some questions.

He's unconscious.

Well, that's all right, I'll ride up front,
just in case he comes to.


Dr. Brackett and Dr. Morton
are waiting in 2, over there.

WOMAN ON PA.' Dr. Allen, 63.

Get this man to 3. Dr. Early
will be there in a minute.

Just a minute, Nurse.

Yes. Oh, Lieutenant.

That's a policeman
you're wheeling in there.

Yeah, the doctor's on his way.

Well, that's not
quite good enough.

No policeman of mine is gonna
lie around some hospital room

waiting for treatment.

Now, look.
This is an emergency ward,

and we treat life-threatening
injuries first.

What's the problem?

No problem.

They're waiting for us in 3.

I'm Dr. Early.
How are you feeling?

Kind of weak.

Please get a type
and cross match, stat,

and have the lab set up

Carol, we'll need an OR set up,

and notify the vascular
surgeon on duty.

And have X-ray stand by.

I want x-rays of his thigh and his
skull before he goes into surgery.

Gonna have to operate, huh?

Just a little sewing,
nothing serious.

Would you look at the
ceiling for a moment?

Looks good.

Did you get a lead
on that other suspect yet?

No, not yet,
they're working on his buddy now.

Look, I'm gonna shove off and I'll
tell the wife that you're gonna be okay.


How are you, Doc?

I wanna ask him some questions.


Why not?

Because he just d*ed.

What's your name, sweetie?

[STAMMERING] It's Robbie.

He's my only and my
favorite. Excuse me.

I'm Lyla.

Are you feeling better, Robbie?

My tooth.

Aw, honey,

you're gonna be getting
another one coming in soon.


Right? Right.

Oh, Dr. Brackett,
this is Mrs. Caine.

Uh-huh. Hi.

Hi, I'm Dr. Brackett.

Let me see that.


Kind of sore, huh?

Is he gonna be all right?

Well, I can't tell yet.
What happened?

Oh, you're probably
not going to believe it,

it's just so incredible.

Robbie was playing in the garage

and he went to grab something

off of the work table,
and he reached up

and instead, he knocked
over the hammer,

it fell down, and it just... It
hit him smack right in the face.

He was unconscious for just,
you know... Just a few minutes.

You've been here before,
haven't you?

Oh, right, right,
it was about a month ago.

Yeah, a fractured finger,
wasn't it?


[STAMMERING] Brock, that's my husband,
and Robbie were playing football.

The bleeding's stopped.

Dix, let's get him up to
X-ray. I want a full skull series.

We're going to take
some pictures of you.

It won't hurt a bit.

Is that all?

I want to check that finger.

Which one did you break, son?


Where do we go for those x-rays?

I'm not finished yet.

What you looking for?


Mrs. Caine, where did
he get those bruises?

I don't know.

I'd like to keep him here
for a full series of tests.

Okay, all right.

It's gonna be all right.

I'll bring you plenty of ice cream,
and I'll visit you every day, I promise.

We'll get started
right away on those.

I'd like to talk to your
husband as soon as possible.

It's all right with me,
but I guess I'd better check with him.

Where is he?

Brock's a mechanic.
We own a gas station.

Angie, get him right
up to X-ray, huh?

Mrs. Caine,
I'd like to talk to you for a moment.

Aren't you coming, Mom?

Honey, I'll be there
as soon as I can, okay?

Mrs. Caine,
have you ever seen your husband hit Robbie?

Well, they spend
a lot of time together,

but I don't watch them
every minute.

Is he

frustrated on his job
or at home?

No more than anybody else.

I see.

You know, perhaps he could
stop by on his lunch hour.


He's not going to
like that very much.

Thank you.

So, what are you doing to
get ready for this TV quiz show?

There's nothing
to get ready for.

It just depends on how
well you know your spouse.

Oh, yeah? Yeah.

Like, they might ask me what's
Joanne's favorite color,

or what do I do that
annoys her the most.

Yeah, but couldn't you have

certain things planned out
between you and Joanne?

I mean, like,
have certain answers for certain questions.

You know what I mean?


Well, say they ask you

about any given situation,
you say, "Depressed."

I mean, any...

Any situation
they ask you about,

you give a depressing answer.

What if they ask me
about my honeymoon?

Well, you...

[SIGHS] Yeah,
I see what you mean.


Besides, I'd only think that's
exactly what they had in mind.

Joanne and I know
each other pretty well.

nobody knows anybody,

no matter how much time
they've spent together.

Maybe you're right.

Look at you and me.

You know, ROY.

I think that's different,
you know?

I mean, anybody that works as
long and as close as you and I do...

[RADIO BEEPING] I think...

Squad 51, man unconscious,

2952 Woodcrest, Apartment 3.

Cross street: Healey.

2-9-5-2 Woodcrest.

Time out, 1217.


Squad 51, 10-4.

In here.

That's Arnie, my boyfriend.

We're having a party tonight
and I can't even wake him up.

Nitrous oxide, laughing gas.

Better get some oxygen on him.

Pulse is 110.


BP's 120 over 80.

Respiration's 16.

Rampart, this is Squad 51,
how do you read?

Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a male,
approximately 25 years old.

He's unconscious. He's
inhaled nitrous oxide.

The vital signs are:
BP is 120 over 80,

pulse is 110
and respiration is 16.

We have him on

Start IV D5W, TKO,
transport as soon as possible.

Hey, hey, hey, keep this on. Hey,
what's happened?

Come on, now, keep this on.

That's what I wanna know, Arnie.

No, no, no, no.

Hey, don't stick me
with that needle.


Well, the hospital
authorized an IV for you.

Not if you're gonna use that needle,
you don't.


All right, if that's
the way you want it.

But you're gonna have to get to a
hospital and see a doctor, all right?

Well, hey,
I got guests coming here in a few hours.

What's with the laughing gas,

Oh, hey, it was a surprise.

I figured we'd bust
them at midnight

and everybody'd get high,
you know?

I guess I breathed in too much
when I was blowing them up.

Sometimes he's not too bright.


But he sure is lots of fun.

Now, dummy,

you go get one of your
buddies to take you to the doctor

and I'll go get ready
for the party.

Rampart, this is Squad 51.

The victim is now conscious

and he's refusing help.

But he is going to go see his own doctor,

You wanna sign this form

for me, please?

Oh, what's it for?

It's just a release form. It
shows that you refused treatment.

oh. Just sign right down there.

No problem.

Hey, how about we use some of
this stuff to blow up the balloons?

Yeah... Well, sorry,

see, we're in kind of a hurry.

We'd sure like to
oblige you, though.

Well, thanks, anyway.

That's okay.

So long. Excuse me, here.

Be sure to see a doctor.

Yeah, I see.

So long.

I'll bet she's a lot of fun.

Yeah, I know. Okay, Dix.

Have Dr. Morton handle it, okay?


Thank you. Come in!

Mr. Caine? I'm Dr. Brackett.


What's wrong with my kid?

Would you sit down, please?



He's incurred several
injuries recently.

Like the broken finger?

Yes, and severe bruises
on his torso.

You know how they are
when they play. Like the finger.

Lyla told me

some kid knocked him down.

Then he didn't hurt it
playing football with you?

Football? Look,

I run a gas station

I haven't got time for football

or for hanging around hospitals.

Mr. Caine?

It's my opinion that your
son is a victim of child abuse.

Now, I suggest it might
be worth a little of your time

to get this matter
straightened out.

Carol, would you ask Mrs.
Caine to step in my office, please?

Thank you.

Doc, I swear to you. I swear
I have never hit Robbie.

And Lyla, why.

She's spoiled him, if anything.

I just don't understand.

Lyla, what's going on?

The doc says that somebody's
been b*ating up Robbie,

and it isn't me
and it can't be you.


Why, Lyla?

I... I just can't help myself.

Every morning

I say'

"I swear I won't do it.
I swear it!"

And then

he just gets to me.

Oh, I love him.

Mrs. Caine,

how long ago did you start
having these reactions?

It seems like forever.

Have you had any illnesses
or injuries recently?

Yeah, she

was in a car accident
a couple of months ago.

Were you knocked unconscious?

She was out about five minutes.

Have you had any headaches
or dizziness

or ringing in your ears?

Nothing to speak of.

Come on, Lyla, you've been
having a lot of headaches lately.

Well, everybody
has some pain, I...

Every day, Doc?

Exactly where do you
feel the pain?

Well, it's right around
in there.

Mrs. Caine,
I'd like to run a series of tests on you,

if it's okay with you.


You bet.

You bet, Doc.

And I'll be here whenever
you need me, honey.

I'd like to get started
as soon as possible.


Hey, Roy, you nervous about
being on the tube tonight?

Not really, Cap.

Cap, I could have told you that.

Well, great, Gage.

Next time we want to know
Roy's mother's name, we'll ask you.

Harriet. Mmm?

Harriet. That's Roy's
mother's name.

Is that right, Roy?


Roy ought to take you on the
show with him instead of Joanne.

Oh, I'm sure Joanne knows
him in some ways better than I do.

That's a relief.

We know one another pretty well,
don't we, Roy?


Come on,
we know one another pretty well, don't we?

Not enough to leave
each other alone.

Hey, well,
when you guys quit arguing,

I'm gonna have a
poker game Friday night.

What's the address?

Chet, this here is
Lieutenant Crockett.

He's from the police department.

Oh, well, Lieutenant, we don't
play for any money, it's just for fun.

How's Sam doing?

He's gonna be fine. A month's
rest and he's back on the job.

Hey, listen,
would you like a sandwich or something?

No, I better not.

Look, the reason why I came by,
I was wondering

if either one of you guys saw anyone
leaving the area when you drove in.

No, I...

The car, the green car. Yeah.

It was a green car that blew a stop
sign and almost smashed right into us.

Did you get a chance
to see the driver?

Couldn't see a thing,
it happened too fast.

It was just too fast.

Well, is there anything else
you can tell me about that car?

No, I mean, there
was just a green car.


Well, later, Lieutenant.

I'll go with you. DISPATCHER:
Boy unconscious.

Yeah, sure.

Thomwood Road, one half-mile
west of Ridge Road.

Yeah, they made that up.

DeSoto's mother is named "Mom."

Time out, 1310.

ROY: Squad 51, KMG 365.


What happened?

We were taking a shortcut
home through those things.

And then all of a sudden Ted screamed,
"Get a doctor!" and fell down the hill.

I think a bee stung him.

Where are his parents?

Well, they both work. They usually
don't ever get home till dinner time.

Looks like he's in
anaphylactic shock.

He's got hives and edema all
about the face and the lips, Roy.

Yeah, and the pulse is weak.


Looks like he's cyanotic.

Rampart, this is Squad 51,
how do you read me?

Go ahead, 51.

Rampart, we have a male,

approximately 12 years old.

He's been stung by a bee.

Looks like he's in
anaphylactic shock.

He's got edema

and hives about the
face and the mouth.

Looks like he's cyanotic.
Stand by for Vitals.

I'm picking up bilateral
rhonchi and BP is 80 over 40.

Respiration's 10.

Rampart, vital signs,

BP: 80 over 40, pulse is weak

and respiration is 10.

Looks like we're getting
bilateral rhonchi.

What are we gonna do?
We can't find the parents.

I don't know.


we can't locate the parents

to give permission
to start an IV.

His respiration's down to 6 and
his pulse is just barely perceptible.

Rampart, the respiration
is now down to 6

and the pulse is
still imperceptible.

CROCKETT: Treat him.

Well, go ahead and treat him,
I'm placing him under protective custody.

we have a police officer with us

and he's put the boy in protective
custody. We can now treat him.

One milligram epinephrine
IV push.

Then get me a new set of vitals.

JOHNNY: Rampart, 1 milligram
epinephrine IV push, 10-4.

BP still 80 over 40.
Respiration's 6.

Rampart, the BP is
still 80 over 40.

The respiration is 6.

Pulse is still imperceptible.

Benadryl IV push.

Continue monitoring vitals.

One milligram epinephrine
IV push.

BP is 105 over 70,
respiration's 20,

pulse is 90.

All right, he's got
fewer rhonchi.

Rampart, BP is now 105 over 70,

pulse is 90 and the respiration
is 20 and there's fewer rhonchi.

and transport as soon as possible.

You know,
that boy has his life to thank you for.

I was gonna say the
same thing to you.

Feels pretty good,
too, doesn't it? Yeah.

Now, well, about that car,

is there anything else
you can tell me about it,

such as the make, the model
or license plate number?

[SIGHS] Just a blur to me.

All I know is that it was just

a late model, green,
two-door car.

There's got to be more
than that somewhere.

Yeah. On the back of the
bumper was a white paper plate,

you know,
like one of those dealers' plates?


Which means it's
probably stolen.


Thank you. And how are you,
Miss McCall?


JOHNNY: You know, Roy,

you say that you're not

nervous about this
television quiz program,

but you've been
awfully quiet lately.

Oh, I was just thinking about
what you were saying, you know,

about two people not really
being close to one another.

Yeah, you know,
I was thinking about the same thing.

You know, I really think that you
and I are really exceptions to the rule.

I talked to Joanne about it.

We're pretty close,

but I guess there are always emotional
pockets where you hide from one another.

You know, well, we don't just

work together, you know,

we socialize a lot
together, too.

You know, what with
this 24-hour shift and all.

Sometimes I don't see Joanne
for a day at a time, you know,

but I feel that the rest
of the time we're together

just as much as most people.

So I guess, all in all,
we're about as close as two people can be.

[CHUCKLES] I agree.

Good morning.

How are you feeling?

Like someone's been
rummaging around in my head.

Well, it was worth it,
believe me.

That clot we removed was
putting pressure on your brain.

That explains your
irrational behavior.

So she'll be okay now?

Well, I see no reason why not.

I'm really hungry.

Starvation part of the
treatment around here?

Nope. Lunch should
be along in just a minute.


Could I... Could I see Robbie?


Come here, honey. Come here.


Mommy has something
to explain to you.

Dad told me everything.

I just want you
to come home soon.

Hey, Roy, Cap just told me
that Lieutenant Crockett called

and he told him that
they caught that guy.

That's good.

Hey, tonight's
the big night, huh?


Who's taking your
place tonight? Dwyer.

Oh, yeah? Yeah.

You know, now that this
thing's getting a little closer,

I'm getting a little nervous.

Oh, listen, don't do that,
I called Joanne yesterday.

Gave her a few pointers.

Yeah, I know. She told me.


DISPATCHER: Station 51,
vehicle accident, with injuries.

Rockridge Canyon,
between Old Trail and Summit.

Rockridge Canyon,
between Old Trail and Summit.

Time out, 0302.

KMG 365.





OFFICER: A station wagon and pickup
collided and then rolled over the hill.

The pickup was carrying
a load of kerosene drums.

Chet, an inch and a half.

Roy, John, check for
a driver of the pickup.

Take your Handie-Talkie
with you.

LA, Engine 51.


LA, we've got a fire at this
Rockridge Canyon accident.

Request a full brush response.

Engine 51, 10-4.



We're gonna need
forcible entry tools

to unravel that guy
from his station wagon.

Throw him on a Stokes and
sh**t them down in a line. Right.

We're gonna have to tie that
car off so it don't roll any further.

I'll get you more
manpower when I can. Okay.

I'll get some equipment
from the squad, all right?



So what do you think,
down there? Yeah.

Looks the easiest.


Yeah. Roy?

Hey, are you the driver
of that pickup?

No, no, I was in the wagon. I
guess I got this far and passed out.

Okay. Okay, then I'm going down.

All right.

Where are you hurt?

I'm just dizzy, dizzy.

Now, I'm gonna just
check you out here.

You tell me if anything
hurts, all right?


Engine 69, Engine 51,

come on in.
Give Engine 51 your water.

FIREFIGHTER: 10-4, 51.

Bill, pull a line and hit the east
side of the fire for me, will you?

All right. Give 51 our water,

and run a line out to
the east side of the fire.

Hurt in the legs at all?

Why don't you take a look here at
the numbers on my helmet, all right?

Just look right there.

Oh, I think
you're gonna be okay.

We'll get some help down
here and bring you up to the top.


Will you come down here
and give this man a hand?

He's gonna be all right,
he just needs to get to the top there.

You betcha. Come on.

See you in a bit.

DISPATCHER: Battalion 5,
we have made the following move-ups.

58 to 69, 236 to 88, 214 to 68...

Johnny, over here!

Right down there!

All right.

Are you the only one
in this pickup?

MAN: The only one.
I think my leg is broken.

All right, just hang on.

All right, now just
grab tight. Hang on.


That hurts!

Hang on.

Oh, my leg'

Okay, is it this leg here?


Can you walk at all?


It's okay. No rush.



OFFICER: All right, I got it.

What do you think?

Well, it looks like the seat
is just jammed forward.

I think I can get it
with a pry bar.


Hold on to him.
All right. Go ahead.

Here we go.

Easy, the car's slipping. Easy.

Wait a minute, I think I can
get it better back from over here.

All right.

My legs! My legs!

It's all right,
just relax. We're gonna help you out, now.


Hold on.


Go ahead.



Cap, we've got the
victim of the pickup.

I've got to splint him before I
can get him out of here, though.

STANLEY: 10-4.

Give it one more try.

All right.

Be careful.

Okay, here we go.

Oh, okay.


Now, let's bring him
out this side.

All right. Be careful with his legs,
will you?

Let me clear him. Okay, got him.

You ready? Go.


Okay, easy, now.
Go ahead, I've got him.



Got a broken tibia.
Gonna need your help.

Hey, you guys better hurry up.

The Wind's shifted,
this fire's moving right up on us.


Cap, we may need an air drop.

Battalion 5, do you read?

10-4, 51.

All right, now,
this may hurt a little bit.

Okay, but let's get out of here.

What do we got, Captain?

Well, the wind just shifted
to the west, Chief.

We got two victims
still down there.

You'd better get down there and
supervise. I'll handle it up here.

It's all yours.

Copter 10, Battalion 5,
what's your ETA at the scene?

Copter 10, three minutes.

Engine 88, work south side.

Got him ready to move?

Just about, Cap.

My legs are cold.

We'll check you out as soon as
we get you up there, so take it easy.

Come on, we'll slide
him under here.


Got him. I got him.


All under? Yeah.



Battalion 5, Copter 10,
I'm over the scene.

Copter 10, give me a report.

Battalion 5, the northern
perimeter looks good,

but the south looks pretty hot and
the fire's coming up the west ridge.

a drop on the west ridge.

10-4, Battalion 5.

Copter 14, stand by, we may need
your water drop for a rescue operation.

Hey, you guys,
we got hot spots coming behind us.

Now, we got to get out of here.

I agree.

Johnny, we don't have
any water here.

We're gonna need an air drop.

Engine 51, this is Squad 51.

We're out of water. We're gonna
need an air drop immediately.

Copter 14, give me a drop
right on top of those trapped men

below Engine 51.

Easy. Okay, that's good.

JOHNNY: Yeah, just slide it up
underneath here in between us.



Ambulance is right
behind Engine 51.

You got it, Marco? Yeah,
I'll take it from here.

All right.

You Okay?

I just got a little dirt in my eyes.

What about the other
victims? How are they?

They're safe, they're okay.

Battalion 5, Engine 51,
rescue operations completed.

MAN.' 10-4, 51.

Engine 67 and Engine 125,

assist Crew 91 and 92 in
establishing a perimeter on the north.

It's all yours.

I was beginning to think I was
gonna have to go on with Joanne.

Yeah, I know. I'd better get
cleaned up or I'll be late for that show.

Hey, hey, now, look.

One of the things you've
got to remember is don't...


I'm driving.

DISPATCHER: Station 51,
broken gas meter,

525 East Sepulveda.

5-2-5 East Sepulveda.
Cross street: Moorpark.

Time out, 1800.

STANLEY: Station 51, KMG 365.



Come on,
you guys. It's been on for 15 minutes.

What's the matter with this
machine? Come on, warm up.

HOST: And now, Joanne,

what do you think is
Roy's favorite vegetable?

JOANNE: I know it's
between peas and carrots.


Peas, Joanne, peas.

JOANNE: I'll say...



Oh, Joanne! She blew it!

She blew it!
HOST: Thank you, Joanne.

Machine, hurry up! Warm up!

Quit hitting it, man,
or we'll never get a picture.

What's the matter
with this thing?



HOST: And now, Roy DeSoto,
for a trip to Santiago, Chile,

and $1,000 expense money,

what did Joanne say is
your favorite vegetable?

Peas. It's gonna be peas.

Well, let's see now.

Don't ask for them very often,

'cause they're quite a bit
of trouble to fix.

My favorite vegetable



HOST: Oops, sorry, Roy. Joanne
said carrots. Artichokes? Artichokes?

But for a consolation prize,
we're going to give you

a dinner for two at La
Pigalle Restaurant in Pacoima,

where dining is an art.


Now, as soon as Roy
leaves the stage...

I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.

Roy should have known that
his favorite vegetables were peas.

Well, it just goes
to show you, Gage,

nobody really knows anybody.