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04x01 - William Returns

Posted: 01/17/24 10:18
by bunniefuu
[theme song starts]

[digital typing and beeping]

Here we are, going far
To save all that we love

If we give all we've got
We will make it through

Here we are, like a star
Shining bright on your world

Today, make evil go away

Code Lyoko, we'll reset it all

Code Lyoko, be there when you call

Code Lyoko, we will stand real tall

Code Lyoko, stronger after all

[digital whirring and beeping]


I can't hear you very well, Mr. Dunbar.

Are you trying to say that your son,
William, has gone overseas

to stay with you,

and that he won't be attending classes
here until you bring him home?

[Jeremy] Yes, that's correct, sir.

I see, but it's quite surprising
that he would leave

without even bothering
to tell any of us here.

[Jeremy] It was a very sudden decision.

You know how youngsters can be
at this age.

[Jeremy in adult voice]
I'm sure your own daughter Sissi

is capable of doing the same thing.

That's very possible, yes.

But I didn't realize
that you knew my daughter,

and by her nickname as well.

[Jeremy] Uh, that is… Well,

actually, I don't really know her,
obviously, but well,

you see, William talks so much

about her.
It's always Sissi this

and Sissi that, and so it's almost
as if I really did know her.

Ah, I didn't know that William
was such a close friend of Elisabeth.

[Jeremy] Well, Sissi's a role model
for William, an example.

And how could it be otherwise?

I mean, considering the sort
of father that she has.

Thank you, Mr. Dunbar.

I was delighted to have
this little chat with you,

and please give William my best regards,

and tell him that we hope
he'll return to school very soon,

and that he'll always be welcome.

I will tell him. Goodbye, Mr. Delmas,

and many thanks for your understanding.

You're very welcome, sir.


I guess I make a good grown up.

Yes, but now all we have to do
is find William.

You're right.
We'd better get back to work.

[Jeremy] Piece of cake.

[Yumi] It worked with the principal,

but what'll happen
when William's real parents

want to see their son?

Yumi's right, and I'm not so sure
that voice synthesizer of yours

is gonna do the trick, Jeremy.

Who knows? Maybe by then,
we'll have localized William.

How are you gonna do that?

Thanks to the data we got from my father
before he disappeared into the network,

Jeremy and I have
just about recreated Lyoko.

You're recreating Lyoko?

We may even be ready by tonight.

That's right.
Aelita and I have worked on it every night

for the last week.

Ah, so that's why you look
like a couple of zombies, huh?

I thought that you looked like wrecks
'cause you were partying all night.

I was getting jealous.

[theme music]

[unintelligible chatter]

[Yumi] Hi, Milly. Hi, Tamiya.

You wouldn't mind if we sat here with you?

-Are they still sulking?
-What do you think?

You did sneak out the bathroom window
in the middle of an interview.

For ace reporters like them,
that is pretty insulting.

Being mad at me isn't as bad
as their being really mad at each other.

But how come?

They had a massive argument
over the newspaper, I think.

You mean the Kadic News
has folded for good?

-That's the best news I've heard in a--
-No, it's not.

How am I gonna know
who's going out with who now?

I'll have to console myself

by watching Jim dancing
to old disco music. He really…

Well, personally,
out of all the season of the year,

I like spring the best.

I like summer best,
because it's nice and warm.

Quiet, huh? I can't hear anything!

If you can't hear anything,
we should speak louder, shouldn't we?

Dork! It's not you I wanna listen to!

Odd, don't tell me you've been watching,
Paco The King Of Disco again?

I can't help myself.

Whenever I'm in a bad mood,
I put the film on.

I dunno why he's so ashamed
that he used to be an actor.

Most probably because the film was a flop.

I don't see what makes their conversation
more interesting than ours.

Yeah, me neither.

Well, I do, OK?

[birds chirping]


[Sissi] Come in.

You wanted to see me, huh, Sissi?


What's she doing here?

That's what I was gonna say.
What's she doing here?

-I thought it was me you wanted to see.
-[Tamiya] Same here.

Well, at least you agree on that.

It's not much,
but it's a pretty good start.

And it's all thanks to me.

Which is why for the good
of the Kadic News,

I've decided to become
the editor-in-chief.

-You've decided what?
-[Tamiya] Who do you think you are?

The daughter of the principal,

the only person who can stop you

from printing that poor excuse for a paper

that you're so proud of.

-You're not a real journalist.
-She's right.

You don't even know the meaning
of the word "scoop."

Wrong again, little ones. A scoop, huh?

How about an enormous scoop?

[tense music]

-I'm all set.
-[Odd nods]

-[Jeremy] Here we go.
-[digital whirring]

I don't want to be a party pooper,

but there doesn't seem
to be very much happening.


The data that my father transmitted
wasn't enough.

I guess we must've been really crazy
to think that we could recreate Lyoko!

Hey wait, look at that!

[digital chirping]

[rapid digital whirring]

That's incredible! It worked!

Aelita, Jeremy, you guys are gods.

Well, almost but not quite.

For now, all we've been able to recreate
is Sector Five of Lyoko.

We've still got to work
to create the other sectors.

But we should be able to do that soon.

OK, but it can wait a night or two.

You guys deserve a good night's sleep.

Yes, Yumi's right, Jeremy.

We're going to be needing every bit
of our strength to look for William.

We'll start tomorrow.

Uh, yeah, well, all right.

Hey, do you guys wanna watch
Paco The King of Disco with me?

[Odd] It'll take your mind off things.

[tense music]

[digital whirring]

[airlock releasing]

[theme music]


Hey, what's this?


A newspaper without much news?

Let me see that.


You promised not to tell anyone.

And to think I actually trusted you!

Jim, I didn't give your secret away.
I swear.

You must think I'm an imbecile.

[Odd] Do you know
what Jim's gonna do to me for this?

No, but I can't wait to find out,

and I'm sure that my readers
are dying to know, too.

[Jeremy] Sissi, since when have you been
involved with the Kadic News?

Ever since I made myself editor-in-chief.

Oh, and since you're all together,
as usual,

I'd like to ask Yumi a few questions
for the next issue.

What are you two waiting for?
Come on, we're rolling!

Well, Yumi,
our readers would really like to know

how you and William are getting along.

Uh, William? Me and William?

I dunno what you're talking about.

Would you rather I asked
the same question to William?

He may not be as shy as you are.

As a matter of fact, where is he?

The last time I saw him was a week ago.

He's gone abroad.
His father called your father to tell him.

Oh? How come you know that, huh?

-I, uh…
-[William] Are you talking about me?

All I can remember is being virtualized
on Lyoko

and being captured by the Scyphozoa.

It's a blank after that.

That is until this morning,
when I woke up in the factory.

Hey, what are you doing, Odd?
You're hurting me.

Just checking to make sure
you're not one of XANA's ghosts.

No danger of that.
There isn't any activated tower on Lyoko.

William couldn't have been sent by XANA.

So you can stop pinching me, Odd.

-[Odd chuckles]
-[bell ringing]

Anyhow, you're just in time
for a quiz in math.

Timing, huh? I haven't studied at all.

So? Since when have you ever studied?

[both chuckle]

The next problem is explaining
William's sudden return to Delmas.

Yeah, you said it.

What I don't get
is why when Lyoko disappeared,

William didn't fall into the Digital Sea.
It's really weird.

I'd love to know how he managed to escape.

-[gentle knocking]
-Who is it?

[Sissi] Hi Aelita.
We're not disturbing you, I hope.

We would really like
to do a feature story on you

for our next issue. It's true

that we don't know a lot about you.

Are you really Odd's cousin?

And well, is it really
that cold in Canada?

Why did you suddenly come here
in the middle of the year.

Our readers are interested.

Can't you let her study in peace, huh?

Get going, all three of you.

You've annoyed her enough.

Oh, William, you came back.

I thought you were overseas.

Get going, I said!

[Sissi] OK, OK, we're outta here.

Thanks, William.

Without you,
I'd have been Sissi's next victim,

-and that's even worse than--
-…than becoming a prisoner of XANA?

Is that what you're saying?

William only came back because of Aelita.

-That's a scoop, isn't it?

I can't wait to tell the news to Jeremy
and see what he has to say.

-Hold on.
-There's no reason

for him to know before our readers do.

Once we've printed it, then
we'll ask Jeremy what he thinks of it.

William came to Aelita's room?
You're kidding.

Are you sure he did?

We sure are. We were there.
What do you think?

Uh, well, I think that… I know why!

She's gonna help him catch up
on what he missed in math.

Look, I'm sorry,
but I've gotta go now and take a shower.

Sissi, you want a scoop?

A real one this time?

-OK, here, I quit.
-So do I, Sissi.

But you couldn't possible do that.

[both] Wanna bet?

[tense music]

[phone rings]

Yeah, Jeremy?

Ulrich, there's something weird
going on with William.

[Ulrich] Why? What's wrong?

He left for the factory with Aelita.

I picked up the signals
of their cell phones.

I'm pretty sure this is XANA's doing.

[Ulrich] What makes you think that?

[Jeremy] Just a hunch.
It's strange

that he escaped the Digital Sea.

-[Jeremy] Meet you at the factory, OK?
-Right, no problem.

You get Yumi, and I'll clue Odd in.

[Jeremy] He's not with you?

Odd? No. As a matter of fact,
I dunno where he is.

[Jim] Keep trying.

I'm sure you can do
a lot better that that.

-[disco music playing]
-You remember the scene?

You told me that you watched
the film a dozen times, right?

But, Jim, I swear it's not my fault.

I didn't tell anybody.

You'll continue
until you know the steps by heart.

[Odd groans]

Unless you'd like me
to change your class instead.


All of your pals will be so sorry
not to have you with them.

OK, OK, I get the picture, Jim.

Odd was right.
This film is incredibly funny.

[disco music playing]

[phone rings]

Oh, no,
just when I was trying to chill out!


[theme music]

[tense music]

[digital whirring]

[mechanical clanking]

Impossible to reach Odd.
I've already tried three times.

I'll bet he's living it up somewhere,

just when we need him.

[digital humming]

[digital whirring]

[tense music]

[electrical sparking]

[Aelita groans]

They're not here.

I can see that. They're in Sector Five,

and I don't like that at all.

Hurry, Ulrich, head for the scanner room.

I'm on my way.

-I'll keep trying to reach Odd.

We really need him.

-[phone rings]
-[disco music playing]

That's better, much better.

Just a few more hours,
and you'll be all set.


Oh, no, where can Odd be, I wonder?

-[Ulrich] I'm ready, Jeremy.
-Okay, I'll launch the procedure.

Transfer Ulrich.

Scanner Ulrich.

[digital humming]


[electrical sparking]

[Jeremy] Ulrich, you've got to take
the corridor right in front of you.

Is there a key I've gotta trip?

No. When we recreated Sector Five,

-we got rid of that procedure.
-[Ulrich] Here I go.

Step on it
while they're not too far away, Ulrich.

Once you're in the core zone,
I'll guide you.

Where am I?

[Aelita] What's going on?

William, where are you taking me?

Let me go!

-Energy field!

[action music]

So, having fun without inviting us?

You sure have changed, haven't you?

[sinister laugh]

[Jeremy] Be careful, Ulrich.

XANA's sent some Creepers,
just behind you.

[William in distorted voice]
Super smoke.

[action music]

[lasers blasting]

And I thought this was gonna be easy.

[theme music]

Aelita, can you hear me?

Jeremy, what's going on?

[Jeremy] Be very careful, Aelita.
William's coming after you.

[Aelita] What's the matter with him?

I have no idea.

The tower in Sector Five
hasn't been activated,

but it seems that William
is under the control of XANA.

You'd better get out of there fast.

[ethereal music]


[mechanical clanking]

Yumi, at last.
Head for the scanner room, fast.

Ulrich and Aelita really need your help.

-And Odd?
-I've been trying to reach him.

I dunno where he is.

-[mechanical clanking]
-[airlock seals]

[disco music playing]

I can't take anymore of this,
honestly, Jim.

Now that, my friend,
is what you should've thought about

before talking to the press.


There he is! I told you!
I recognized the music!

-[music stops]
-What are you doing up at this hour?

[girls giggling]

[phone rings]

You see, Jim,
we just watched your disco film.

It's incredible, too!

You mean you liked it that much?

-[girl] It's a masterpiece!
-Would you give us your autograph?

Uh, yeah, why sure.
I'd be happy to, if that's what you want.

Oh, no.

[Jim] To Lakeisha, is that right?

[tense music]


-Energy field!


No, Aelita, no!

[Aelita] No, William! Listen to me!

-[Aelita shrieks]

[Jeremy] Ulrich, better make it snappy.

William's taking Aelita
straight to the dome area.

[Ulrich] I'm doing my best.

[lasers blasting]

[Creepers groan]

Obviously, my best isn't good enough.

[Yumi] Yee-ah!

I guess you could use some help.

You guessed right. Let's go!

[lasers blasting]

[Yumi groans]

-[sword slices]

[Creeper roars]


On three, we att*ck. One… Two… Three!


[sword slices]


[Yumi] Let's get out of here.

[mechanical clanking]

I didn't get here too late, I hope.

Odd, it's about time!

What were you doing, huh?

I was taking a disco dancing class.

Get to the scanner room.
You're going on a little trip.


-[mechanical clanking]
-[airlock seals]


What's he trying to do now?

[Yumi] What's going on, Jeremy?

[Jeremy] It looks as if William
wants out of Sector Five.

[Yumi] But I thought you hadn't managed
to create any other sectors.

That's what makes it
so hard to understand.

At the end of Sector Five,
there's nothing except…

The Digital Sea.

[Jeremy] If he jumps into it with Aelita,

she'll be devirtualized for good,
just like her father!

Don't worry, Jeremy.

We'll do all we can to stop him.

But for that,
we're gonna need our vehicles.

Right. I'll see that you get them
in no time flat.

[digital whirring]

[electrical sparking]

[engine starts]

-[action music]
-[Odd panting]

[vehicles zooming]

Better watch out. There are mines.

[mines exploding]

-You okay, Yumi?
-[Yumi] No problem.

Ulrich, in front of you!



[tense music]

-[mechanical clanking]
-[airlock releases]

[Jeremy] Move it, Odd.
They just went into the tunnel!

[Odd] Not a problem.

[manta screeching]

[Jeremy] Yumi, you have to stop William
from jumping into the Digital Sea!

I know, Jeremy. I'm on it.

[action music]

-[laser blasts]
-[Yumi screams]

Yumi, no!


[digital sparking]

[manta screeching]


[airlock releases]

[Yumi moans]


[Aelita screams]

[manta screeches]

I hate to cut in, William,

but Aelita's always preferred
the company of real gentlemen.

-Laser arrow!
-[laser blasts]


Sorry, but I hate being tailgated.

[expl*sive splash]

You think William's gone forever?

No, I think he just went back
to his new master…


[theme music]

Why would William want to drag me
into the Digital Sea? I don't get it.

Well, I think it's part
of XANA's new strategy.

And so, we've got to be very careful.

William could come back at anytime.

And now we have to think up
another excuse for his absence,

and Delmas might not buy it this time.

-[Tamiya and Milly] Hello, Jeremy.
-[Jeremy] Hello.

They don't hate you now?

I guess they found someone
they can hate even more.

-Kinda like us and William.
-[children chanting] Paco!

Right on, Jim!

It's incredible. Jim's become a real star.

It's mainly thanks to you, right, Odd?

[children cheering]

[disco music playing]


The guy's great. Incredible presence.

A real super star.

[theme music]