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08x04 - Secrets and Lies

Posted: 10/20/14 13:00
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Heartland"...

Lou: I think starbright is a really good fit for her.

(Quietly) Because it'll give her a chance to catch up.

Catch up?

Ms. Wadsworth doesn't think that Katie is ready.

She's beautiful.

Bob: She's nearing the end of her pregnancy.

I like you, Ty, you impress me.

Ah, well, you know I already have a job.

Well, with this grant I can match what Scott pays.

You really gonna do this?

You left me no choice.

I saw the video, Amy. I saw you kissing Ahmed.

I'm not working for Ahmed anymore.

So come on, let's take it for a spin before I have to ship it back.

(Truck roars)

Ty: Whooo!

Amy: I'll see you tonight?

Ty: Absolutely. (Small laugh) You know, maybe you could just tell Bob Granger that you thought you start work tomorrow not today.

Amy: Right?

Ty: No... I gotta go.

Amy: Okay. We'll see you tonight.

Ty: Okay. See ya.

Amy: Bye.

(Truck door shuts)

(Engine starts and hums)

(Ty honks)

(Hooves thunder)

Sandra: Okay. Go easy! That's it, Georgie! Okay. Not bad. Do you wanna work on your "backward thunder"?

Georgie: Yeah sure. (Georgie clicks her tongue) (Grunts with effort) I messed up at the end. Can I go again?

Sandra: Sorry, Georgie, you've run out of time. There's another girl signed up.

But I only had a half hour. Can I just have ten more minutes? Please? I'm never gonna get the practice time I need to audition for the extreme team.

Sandra: I can't keep my students waiting. And you've still got plenty of time to get ready for that audition. Don't stress.

(Gate clanks and squeaks open)

Olivia: Are you finally finished?

Georgie: What are you doing here?

Olivia: What do you think? I'm taking lessons just like you. Only, Sandra gives me private ones. She says I'm a natural.

(Truck rumbles up)

Tim: Hi.

Casey: Hey Tim!

Tim: I heard you were pulling out of town.

Casey: Yeah. I got a string of rodeos from longview right through to Southern Montana. So... I'll be gone for a few weeks.

Tim: Well, we never got that lunch we talked about.

Casey: Well, you never asked so...

(Surprised laugh)

Tim: This is me asking.


Well, that sounds good.

Tim: Okay.

Casey: Name the date.

Tim: Okay.

Casey: No pressure.

(Laughs) Bye!

Lou: Surely the doctor can see her before then? I mean, four months? That's crazy... No. I-I appreciate that you have a waiting list but... but what if there is a cancellation? Yes. No, please, please do let me know. Thank you. Four month wait. Can you believe that?

Peter: You know, just because some know it all principal at an overpriced preschool thinks she's not ready does not mean there is anything wrong with our daughter, sweetheart.

Lou: Dr. Lauder is the best special education psychologist in the field, honey. I mean, there's no harm in checking, right?

Peter: Okay. Yeah, absolutely. I won't mention it again.

Lou: How was your class?

Jack: Wrong question.

Georgie: It sucked!

Lou: Hey language...

Georgie: Okay. Well, it did. And I barely had any time on Chaplin. And too many people signed up so there weren't enough horses. Oh, and guess who's taking private lessons with Sandra?

Georgie: Guess!

Lou: I-I don't know.

Georgie: Olivia!

Lou: Olivia. Great.

Georgie: Yep. She couldn't stand that I was doing something she wasn't. So she just had to signed up. And that was the only reason she signed up. Agh. I'm so mad! Hi Katie.

Katie: Hi.

(Phone rings)

Lou: Grandpa, it might be the clinic...

Jack: Hello. Hang on, is Amy...?

Lou: No. She rode over to Ty's. She'll be back soon.

Jack: No, I'm sorry she's riding her horse back from Ty's place. But I'm sure she won't be that long.

Right. Have a good one.

Who was it?

You will never guess.

(Hooves thud)

(Horse snorts)

(Hooves thunder)

Ahmed: Hello. I was hoping I would run into you. You look beautiful.

Secrets and Lies

♪ And at the break of day you sank into your dream ♪
♪ You dreamer
♪ oh-oh-oh...
♪ You dreamer
♪ you dreamer

Amy: What are you doing here?

Why aren't you in Europe with the rest of your team?

Ahmed: It's a pleasure to see you too.

Amy: (Scoff) I'm sorry it's just...

Ahmed: I was compelled to come back. What else could I do? You were ignoring all my emails and texts.


Ahmed: And then the truck. I don't understand why you would return the truck. It was a bonus for all your hard work.

It was too big of a gesture. I wasn't comfortable with it.

Ahmed: It would have been valuable when we are back working at Hillhurst. You wouldn't always be depending on other peoples' vehicles.

I'm not coming back to work at Hillhurst. I told you that.

No. You said you weren't coming back to the tour.

That's not what I said.

Now you're saying you don't want to be my head trainer here at Hillhurst? Not possible. Of course you are staying on.

No. I'm not. I thought you understood.

Why would you walk away from something you excelled at, that you enjoyed.

Ahmed, you know why...

All right. I admit the circumstances were slightly awkward... before you left France... You're just tired from the tour. When you have time to relax, rethink, you will see things more clearly.

Amy: Ahmed...

Ahmed: Can I at least accompany you home?

(Frustrated sigh) Sure.

(Door creaks open)

(Birds chirping, howling)

Bob: I am freaking out here, man. Four new animals have been dropped off since yesterday! Four!

A bear cub that turned up in someone's garbage. Two coyote cubs, and a porcupine that we gotta check for rabies.

Ty: Absolutely. Yeah.

Bob: Oh, and hey, see that feed shipment that just arrived? Take care of that. Also the llama fence over there looks like the side is sagging. If it is, fix it.

Ty: Yeah, I can handle that.

Bob: Oh and on top of everything else, the pregnant wolf is about to pop. So take a look at her for me?

Will do.

Bob: Thanks, bud.

Lou: Yes, but are you sure that's necessary? Because I'd really like to see Dr. Lauder not... I understand. Yes, thank you.

Tim: Hi.

Lou: Oh hi. Dad. Okay, so apparently she should see a special education evaluator if we can't get an appointment with Dr. Lauder. What do you think?

Tim: What?

Lou: A special education evaluator. It's for Katie.

Tim: Oh. Listen, you two, don't stress this. There is nothing wrong with my grand daughter.

Thank you, Tim. I couldn't agree more.

Tim: That's gotta be a first, general.

Tim: Lou.

Tim: Ahmed is back.

Lou: What?!

Now that is a relationship worth nurturing.

Lou: Yes, so you've said. Dad. Dad, come back here! Dad... Just wait a second.

Tim: Ahmed! Good to see you!

Congratulations on a successful tour.

Ahmed: Our success was greatly due to your daughter's expertise.

Well, I think it calls for a celebration. Why don't join us for dinner tonight?

What's do you say? Is it okay, Lou?

Ahmed: I would love to, but I will have to take... what do you call it? A rain check.

Another evening would be wonderful.


Ahmed: I will talk to you soon, Amy.


Amy: Georgie is that a trick ridding saddle on Phoenix?

There's no way.

Phoenix is a great horse but he's not a trick riding horse.

Phoenix can do anything. Including trick riding.

So, Ahmed is back. That's just great, isn't it?

Amy: Georgie! You are not trick riding on Phoenix!

Georgie: Relax. I'm just getting him used to the saddle!

Tim: Lou. Lou. I don't understand why you're ticked off with me for inviting Ahmed to dinner?

Lou: Because, it's just...

Tim: It's-it's what? It's not very hospitable.

Lou: What? I'm not prepared to invite a prince to dinner at the last minute, okay?

Tim: I don't-I don't think he'd care, okay? The guy- he's down to earth.

Jack: Yeah. For a guy who owns a private jet.

Tim: Let's not forget how kind he wad to Amy when she was injured. He was very, very generous. We should all remember that. So I don't see what the problem is.

Georgie: Good boy, Phoenix. You like this saddle, don't you?

(Phoenix snorts) Whoa! Oof!

Amy: Georgie! Come on now, you said you weren't gonna do a trick!

You could have really hurt yourself or Phoenix!

Georgie: Okay! Okay!

Amy: No. It's not okay!

You need to learn to think before you make these crazy decisions!

Georgie: You should talk.

(Georgie clicks her tongue, Phoenix snorts)

Amy: You know I'm right.

Georgie: You have to talk to Sandra!

Maybe she can give me some extra time on Chaplin after school or something.

Peter: You got a lot going on after school already.

Georgie: Well, I need to practice time or else I'm not gonna make the extreme team. Please can I have private lessons, like Olivia?

Peter: No. You can't because we can't afford it, Georgie, okay?

And you have to understand that things aren't always gonna go the way you want them to, all right?

Georgie: Obviously.

(Bowl clanks on the floor) Peter: Oops!

Katie: Can you pick up my plate, please!

Ty: Sorry, I'm late, everyone.

Lou: Honey, it's a bowl. Can you say, pick up my bowl?

I just come straight from work, I didn't have time to change there.

Amy: How did it go?

Ty: It was great! The place is amazing!

It's a little disorganized.

Nothing we can't whip into shape.

I got to baby-sit a bear cub today.

Oh, that's what I'm smelling. (Laughs)

Georgie: How is the wolf?

Ty: She's about ready to have her babies.

Yeah-oh, I forgot to look at the llama fence today!

Georgie: What?

Ty: sh**t! I have to do that tomorrow.

Georgie: They have lamas?

Ty: Yeah. They do.

Georgie: I love lamas. They spit!


Tim: So Amy, honey, what's your plan?

Amy: What do you mean my plan?

Tim: Well, Ahmed is back. So what-what's your plan?

Are you gonna head up to Hillhurst?

Ty: Ahmed is back in town? I thought he was in Europe with his team.

Lou: Does anyone want seconds on the salad?

Amy: I'm okay.

Tim: I tell you, the guy - he is so friendly, huh?

Wasn't he this afternoon?

Ty: Oh, you saw him today?

Amy: Uh, yeah, I ran into him on the way back from your place.

You know what? I made pie. Who's up for coffee and pie?

(Screen door creaks shut)

Ty: So Ahmed... What was that about?

Amy: (Heavy exhale) Take a guess.

Ty: He came all the way back here to try and talk you out of your decision?

Amy: Yeah. But I set him straight.

Ty: That's my girl. Stick to your g*ns.

Ty: I'll call you tomorrow. I gotta work late so I might miss dinner.

Amy: Okay.

(SUV rumbles)

(Knock on door) Jack: Come in.

Jack: Ahmed. Welcome back!

Ahmed: Hello. Thank you.

Jack: Look who's here.

Hello. I'm on my way to an auction in Black Diamond. I would love you to come with me. Look over the horses I'm interested in. Give me advice.

Jack: Amy's got a great eye that's for sure.

Amy: Ah, it's just you know, I can't. I have chores pilling up.

Jack: Oh, I'll do your work for you. You should go. Catch up on the tour news.

It's just-it's a little short-notice... You know, I'm not ready.

Take your time.


Uh, yeah. I'll just need a few minutes.

Ahmed, would you mind if Ty came?

Ahmed: Not at all.

Amy: He's just really good at auctions.

Jack: Yeah.

Ahmed: I'll wait for you outside.

Amy: Okay. Nice to see you, Mr. Bartlett.

Jack: You too. Have fun.

Ahmed: Thank you.

(Door shuts, dialing beeps)

Ahmed: There's one animal in particular that is interesting to me. A belgian warmblood. Incredible lineage. I look forward to your opinion.

Amy: Yeah, of course.

Amy: So... did I tell you about the new business that Ty has started? He and a partner are buying rodeo prospect horses. and training them. They're actually really good at it. I've been helping train some of the horses.

(Phone chimes)

Excuse me.

(Phone beeps on) Hello, Ty.

Ty: I can't meet you. Bob just called. He's got called out on an emergency pick up. So I need to go into work right now. I'm sorry. But you can deal with him though, right?

Amy: Yeah. Of course. Absolutely. I love you.

Ty: Okay. Love you.

Ahmed: Everything all right?

Amy: Yeah, um, Ty just can't come. He got called into work.

(Door slams shut)

All I remember is it was crazy back than.

Casey: Well, you were crazy. You had partied and rodeoed and then partied some more.

Thanks for this, by the way. This is so much better than a restaurant.

Tim: From a restaurant.

(Casey giggles)

Casey: So that year... You just won your 3rd consecutive all round cowboy trophy, right?

(Chuckles) Oh. Your 4th? Who's counting?

Do you remember that big dance after stampede?

And nobody went home until noon the next day.

Tim: Yeah, yeah.

I don't remember that.

(Casey chuckles)

You know what I remember? And what I miss?

It's the atmosphere. You know, once that gets in your blood...

Casey: Well, if you really do miss it, maybe you should come with me on my rodeo tour.


That atmosphere still exists. There's nothing like it.

I don't know.

Lou: There was a cancellation? Fantastic. No. Absolutely, we can make it. Thank you for letting me know.

Peter: Here we go.

Dr. Lauder's office, there is a cancellation.

Peter: I gathered that.

Lou: They can see Katie in an hour.

Honey, he is so hard to get into. You know he has a huge-

Peter: Waiting list. Yeah, I know you told me.

Um, I guess that's why he's the best.

Lou: I'm just saying, he can give us a reliable opinion on Katie.

I don't see why you're fighting me on this?

He's a really good doctor.

Katie: No doctor!

Lou: Katie? Katie! Honey... (Katie slams the door)

Ty: Oh great. They're out!

C'mon, guys!

Go this way!

No. No. No. No!

Here we go! Here we go!

Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!

It's okay. (Llama spits)

Oh! What was that?!

Amy: Oh! Oh! You missed your turn. The auction is that way.

Ahmed: We're going to make a small detour. I have something else I need your advice on.

Lou: Come on, Katie, we really have to go now.

Katie: No, mamma.

Lou: (Sighs) Okay. Honey, it's gonna be really, really fun. You can colour pictures and play with toys.

Katie: No needles.

Lou: No needles. I promise.

Lou: Look. You can bring Mookie if you want. Do you wanna bring Mookie?

Katie please.


(Hooves thunder)

Sandra: Nice work! All right, Georgie, you're up.

Georgie: All right. (Clicks tongue)

(Hooves thunder)

Sandra: That was great! You're doing really well. Now with just a little bit more practice...

That's the problem. I can't practice. It's not that I don't have the time. It's that I don't have a horse. Chaplin isn't available very often.

I know. But what can I say? He's a popular horse, Georgie. All the girls want their lessons on him.

Olivia: Nice, huh?

My dad just got him for me yesterday. His name is winner and that's just what I intend on doing.

(SUV rumbles)

(Buttons click)

(Tires crunch)

(Birds chirp)

Amy: Wow. Is this a hotel?

Ahmed: No. No. A private residence. What do you think?

Amy: It's amazing... It's huge...

Ahmed: Not really. Just over 13,000 square feet. I'm thinking of buying it. I'd be glad to get your honest opinion about it. You know I value it on everything... not just auction horses. Hmm?

Come. I want to show you around. It's quite impressive.

Amy: Yeah.

Ahmed: 147 acres. Totally private. Took them years to landscape it. Everything had to be brought in. Apparently in the summer this is a massive rose garden. The best in Alberta I'm told. And the views are spectacular. Don't you think?

Amy: It's beautiful. I've really never seen anything like it. Your house in France is incredible.

It is. But I feel the need to put down some roots here as well. And I'll show you the inside too. And the stables. I think you will love the stables. I'm happy to see you're wearing my necklace.

Well, this is from the team.

No, it was from me. I bought it alone for you. You see, Amy. I want to give you things. I've never wanted to give anything to any other person in my life.

Ahmed, please...

Ahmed: No. Hear me out. I'm a man who has been accused of being... unfeeling. I'm not proud of it. It was simply the way I was raised. Emotion doesn't come easily to me. But I know it now. How it feels. And I must tell you because I'm not sure I will ever feel this way again.

Amy: Ahmed...

Ahmed: No. It has to be said. You have to know. I'm in love with you. You see, Amy... I've been feeling this way for a very, very long time. Amy, please, listen to me. You are the only woman ever in my life that I can be completely myself with. The only woman that will tell me the truth about myself. The only woman I have ever had feelings for in such a strong undeniable way.

Amy: Ahmed, I'm flattered. I really am, but this can't happen, okay?

We can be friends, but-but that's it. I'm engaged. I'm in love with Ty.

Ahmed: Are you?

Amy: Yes!

Ahmed: Then why did you kiss me?

Amy: I-I didn't kiss you. You kissed me.

You gave me every reason to. I don't make a habit of kissing random girls.

Amy: If I gave you that impression, I am sorry. But I thought I made it perfectly clear that night how I felt. That we are friends and team mates, and nothing more. You know, Ahmed, I really enjoyed and valued our relationship, but given the circumstances, we need to end this. Look, I think it's fair to either of us to continue. I need some distance.

Some distance. All right. Of course. I understand.

Amy: Do you?

Ahmed: Yes. I will drive you home.

(Wolf groans in discomfort)

Ty: Whoa, whoa, easy girl. Easy. I'm not gonna hurt you.

She's fighting me a bit. That's a good sign. She's got her strength back. She's hydrated. And she's looking a lot better than when I first saw her.

Bob: I know. Well, that's why I hired you. Hey... good girl.


Lou: So you were pretty quiet the whole way home. What did you think?

Peter: Uh, that it was a complete waste of time and energy to be honest with you. We did it, right? So... Good. Find out soon.

Lou: Okay? Hey honey...

(SUV rumbles)

Ahmed: I want you to know I meant every word I said. Perhaps you should take some time to think.

Amy: I am sorry, but there's nothing for me to think about.

Ahmed: Amy, I think you have to open your mind to life's possibilities.

I know what I want in life. And I already have it. Goodbye Ahmed.

Lou: He said that? He actually said that he loved you?

Amy: Yes. He did!

Lou: Oh Amy...

Amy: Lou, I know I never gave him any signs that we were more than just co-workers, or friends... I don't think I did anything to lead him on. And I've asked myself that over and over again. Look, we were friends, okay? Just friends. And I told him that the night of the party. And I didn't think he listen to me. I don't think he listened to me today!

I don't know what to do, okay? I have no idea. And... do I tell Ty?

Lou: No! Do not tell Ty, okay?

You've tried that in the past and it didn't work out.

I know, but Lou...

Amy, just deal with this Ahmed situation as swiftly and smoothly as you can on your own. Be firm with him and he will go away. And then everything will go back to normal.

I want that. I just don't wanna hurt Ty. You know, I love him so much.

And I don't want... (Georgie sobs)

Lou: You know Ahmed is just used to getting exactly what he wants. Don't worry, okay?

Georgie: It's all my fault.

Lou: No! Georgie!

(Georgie slams door) Peter: What's that all about?

Lou: Pour me a glass of wine and I'll tell you all about it.


Amy: Georgie. Hey... There's no reason to cry. It's not your fault.

Georgie: Yes it is.

Amy: How?

Georgie: Because I was the one who found the video.

Amy: You did?

Georgie: Yes, I followed your tour online. And it was on some stupid blog.

Amy: But I thought Lou...

Georgie: I'm the one who showed her... And I should have kept it to myself! I am so sorry.

Amy: No. You have no reason to apologize.

Georgie: But I blamed you for what happened at that party. It was all that stupid Ahmed's fault. I am so sorry. Will you ever forgive me?

Of course. It's okay.

(Birds chirp)

Jack: So how did the appointment go?

Lou: The doctor said he would let us know. He seemed pretty noncommittal.

Jack: Hmm. See, it's my opinion that you know, people they look at this stuff and get all wrought up about it before they even know if there is anything really wrong.

Okay, grandpa...

I have a sore knee today, Lou.

And I bet if I looked up "sore knee" on the Internet I'd find a bunch of articles and opinions that end up making me think I have to have my whole damn leg cut off at the hip.

I'm just arming myself, okay? In case...

You're scaring yourself, Lou.

If there's a problem, which I very much doubt, you and Peter, you'll work it out.

We all will.

A word to the wise... take that Internet stuff with the grain of salt. It betrays as much as it enlightens.

Lou: Were there any messages on the home line?

Georgie: Just one. From guess who? Olivia.

Lou: What did she want?

Georgie: I don't know, I didn't call her back. But did I tell you that her parents bought her her very own trick riding horse?

Lou: Really? Well, that will free up some time on Chaplin.

Georgie: Not really. I mean, there's a line up of kids waiting to ride Chaplin. So, she's got her own trick riding horse when I don't even have a trick horse to practice on.

Lou: Honey...

Ty: Hey there!

Amy: Hey...

Ty: Our mamma wolf is about to give birth tonight. So I might have to take off early.

Amy: Oh, okay.

Ty: This looks good.

Amy: Uh... Hey, you don't happen to know a trick riding horse that's orphaned, do you?

Ty: Hmm. I don't know. Maybe. I'll give Caleb a call. See what's he's got on the go.

Georgie: Really? That'd be awesome!

Tim: Hey, look who's coming to dinner!

Well, now that you have all that experience from the tour, Amy I think you can name your price when it comes to training, but you owe a lot of thanks to Ahmed here. He's the one who took the leap of faith.

It wasn't a leap of faith. I was quite confident that Amy had the knowledge and the personality to excel at being a head trainer. And I was proven right. I do hope that it increases the quality of your clientele, I also hope it will not interfere with the time you allow me at Hillhurst.

Amy: Ahmed, I told you, that's not really part of my plan.

Ty: I think Amy made it very clear, she isn't working for you anymore. She works with horses that really need her. Not the high end animals you deal with. She's getting back to her roots.

Ahmed: Back to her roots... that's not the best plan for a profitable career.

Ty: Well, I think that's Amy's business.

Amy: Okay Ty.

Ahmed: Well, I think that you should be encouraging her to move forward, not backward.

Ty: I don't think it's your business to have an opinion at all.

Tim: I don't-I don't think that Amy has made up her mind yet, have you, honey?

Amy: Yes dad. I've made my decision.

Tim: Well, Ahmed has been very generous.

Georgie: Actually he's not generous!

He's fake and a liar. You don't understand.

Peter: Hey! Hey!

Lou: That's enough...

Peter: Georgie, stay out of it!

He's pretending to be friends with all of us just so he can steal Amy away from Ty.

Peter: Honey...

Georgie: He told Amy he loved her, Ty.

Amy: Oh...

Georgie: He did!

I hate you!

Peter: Hey, Georgie. Excuse me. I got it.

Ty: Okay, what is she talking about?

Ahmed: I have no idea.

Lou: Yes, you do. You know what? I've seen it from the first with you. Trying to buy Amy's love with fancy necklaces and trucks and horses. I'm sorry, but who do you think you are?

Amy: Lou! No.

Ahmed: Excuse me?

Lou: No. No. You may think you're in love with my sister but you're not.

Lou: If you did, you would respect Amy and Ty's relationship and not try to ruin it.

Ty: Okay, what the heck is going on?

Ahmed: Amy, tell him.

Amy: Tell him what?

I told you I quit, but you don't listen. Look, I ended our relationship.

Ty: Relationship?! What relationship?!

Amy: Whoa, whoa! Our working relationship... Ty-I have... Look, I quit a million times!

But you only hear what you wanna hear!

Jack: Think it would be a good idea if you left.

Ahmed: Gladly. I certainly don't need to listen to this.

Amy: No, Ty, just leave it.

Hey, when did all this happen? Tell me!

Ahmed: I don't need to answer to you.

Ty: Oh, yes, you do. Was it right from the start?

Was it when you gave her that damn saddle? Huh?

Ty: Was it?!

Ahmed: Don't touch me!

Ty: Where do you get off telling her that you love her?

Ahmed: Of course I love her. I would do anything for her. And you! All you do is hold her back. You will be the man that prevents her from a future you have no idea how to even imagine!

She could have anything! You will stand in her way!

(Forceful grunt)

Amy: Ty!

Ahmed: You can't do that to me!

Ahmed: Oof! (Landing a punch)

Ty: Yes, I can...

Jack: C'mon now! Ease off...

Ahmed: Get off me!

Jack: Enough! Enough!

(Gathering breaths)

Ahmed: After all I did for you, this is how you want to leave things?!

(Retreating footsteps)

(Calming breaths)

(Door slams, truck starts and rumbles away)

Amy: Ty...

Ty: What was that about?

Were you ever gonna tell me?

Amy: There was nothing to tell! It was all in his head!

I don't even know what to say to you right now!

You always do this to me.

Amy: Do what?

Ty: Secrets, Amy. You keep these damn secrets!

Amy: Look, he thought that we were more than friends, I told him we weren't! It's not my fault!

I can't help that he thought we were more than friends!

Ty: I don't care what happened. I don't care, Amy!

Amy: Nothing happened!

Ty: Whatever did happen, you weren't about to tell me!

And I had to face off with this damn idiot!

When are you gonna be straight with me, Amy? Huh?

I've just about had it!

Amy: What do you mean by that?

(Phone rings)

(Beeps phone on)

Ty: Bob. Okay. Yeah. I'm on my way. (Beeps phone off)

The wolf is about to give birth.

(Footsteps crunch)

(Truck door slams) Amy: Ty! Wait!

(Truck rumbles away)


(Door slams shut)

Lou: Honey, you okay?

Georgie: I'm sorry, Amy.

Lou: It's okay. Let's just give her some space, okay?

(Door slams)

Tim: I didn't know. Nobody told me a thing.

You think I would have invited the guy for dinner?

(Sighs) I didn't know, Jack.

(Birds chirp)

Ty: Easy. Her heart rate's dropping.

(Wolf whimpers)

Ty: Yeah. Her gums are pale too.

Bob: She maybe be bleeding internally.

Ty: Shift over.

Bob: It's okay. It's okay. Easy now.

(Wolf whimpers)

Her pups are coming...

Tim: Hey.

Casey: Hey.

Casey: For you.

Tim: (Sighs) Thank you.

Casey: You're welcome.

(Tim sighs heavily)

Casey: You okay?

Tim: I messed up. Nobody... If I just known... You know, if people just... filled me in.

Casey: Well, sometimes these things can't be helped.

Tim: So were you serious when you asked if I... would go on a rodeo tour with you?

Casey: Yeah. Yes, I was.

Tim: All right. I'm going.

Bob: At least we saved one of them.

(Pup whimpers)

(Phone rings)

Hello. Oh yes. Really? That is good news. That is very good news. Uh, how did she score on her phonological processing?

(Relived) Really? That good?

Yes, thank you for calling. Bye. (Beeps phone off)

Uh, that was Dr. Lauder's office, and um, Katie is fine, honey. She's just fine.

Georgie: Wow! I can't believe it!

Jack: Yep. Courtesy of Caleb. She how flashy she looks. Now this is a trick riding horse if ever I saw one.

Georgie: Awww.

Ty: I'm glad Caleb came through for you?

Georgie: Thanks, Ty, so she's beautiful.

Ty: I'm glad you like her. Can I just say something... It was me who saw the video. And I never should have told anyone about it.

Ty: What video?

Georgie: I-I thought Amy told you.

Jack: In the barn.

Amy: Ty! I tried to call you... I'm so, so sorry about last night. How's the wolf?

Ty: We lost her.

Amy: I'm sorry.

Ty: Yeah. I don't get it. She seemed to be in pretty good shape.

(Exhales) I did everything, but... I lost her. One of the pups survived. He seems to be doing fine. So far.

Amy: There's something I think you should see, something that started this whole mess.

Ty: Some video? Georgie just told me.

Amy: I should have never kept it from you.

Ty: I don't wanna see it. I don't want to see anything, Amy.

Amy: No. I want you to see it. And right after that I pushed him away. And I told him that we were just friends. And I-I thought he got it. But like I said, Ahmed only hears what he wants to hear.

Ty: Well, I guess I do too.

Amy: What does that mean?

Well, I guess I've been convincing myself that we're good. But I'm not so sure right now.

Amy: Ty, we... we are good.

Ty: Amy, listen to me. I have to say this, okay?

You've changed.

How have I changed?

You just have. You're not the same girl.

Yes, I am. I am the same.

No. You're not. You used to be this girl who... You used to be this girl who would do anything to save a horse when everyone else was writing off as a lost cause. You rescued them. You fought for them. You fixed them! Where has that gone? Now you're just servicing rich people's horses.

What is that?

They don't need rescuing! They don't need you.

And that video...

I just watched a wolf and her pup die...

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.

Ty: Now you're showing me this video with people partying, and living it up and... I guess that was your life over there. I just don't feel like I know you anymore... And now this Ahmed thing is...

Amy: There was no Ahmed thing.

(Sharp exhale)

I think we need a break. We need to figure this out... on our own. No. Ty, come on!

I love you so much.

And I love you too... I do Amy. But we need some time to figure out what it is that we want.

What you want.

I know what I want.

Maybe. But sometimes we lose things and no matter how hard we try to hold on or without even knowing it... we've lost it.

No. No... Please... Ty no...

♪ And I...
♪ will swallow my pride
♪ You're the one that I love
♪ and I'm saying goodbye
♪ Say something I'm giving up on you ♪
♪ And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you ♪
♪ Anywhere, I would've followed you ♪
♪ Ohhh-ohhh-ohhh...
♪ Say something I'm giving up on you ♪

Announcer: Heartbreak on heartland.

What? It's not like he came to see me.

Announcer: Now it's up to Georgie to put things right.

It's all my fault.

We're still good, right?

Nothing's changed.

Everything's changed.

Announcer: An all-new heartland, next Sunday at 7:00 on CBC