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05x03 - Airdrop

Posted: 01/20/24 14:10
by bunniefuu
One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

a 211 in progress.

One-Adam-12, handle code 3.


We should've packed a lunch.
This is really out in the boonies.

For now. Give it
a couple of years,

there'll probably be a shopping
center every half a mile along here.

Yeah. Seems a shame.

Progress, partner. Enjoy
the view while you can.

Hey, Pete.

Gee, I'm glad I saw you fellas.

I was on my way back
to call from the stables.

- What's your name?
- Teri Daner.

There's something
fishy going on.

There's an airplane over
on the other side of the hill.

Did it crash?

It landed on purpose.

I saw it come down right
on the old wagon road.

I can show you how to get there. You'd
miss it if you didn't know where it was.

All right. We'll follow you.

- Kid can really ride.
- Yeah.

There it is. Just
follow that over the hill,

and it'll take you
right down there.

Can I come with you? I bet
they're crooks or something.

How many people did you see?

Just two. The man in the
plane and the other one.

- The other one?
- The man in the jeep.

Can I ride up with you?

Well, I'll tell you, we're
gonna be calling another unit.

It would be helpful if you would
stay here and give them directions.


It looks like a drop, all right.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting backup,

and Air-10 meet us
approximately six miles north

of Madison turnoff
in Madison Park.

One-Adam-12, you're
breaking up badly.

Change your location and repeat.

No time for that. Let's go.

- One-Adam-12, disregard.
- One-Adam-12, roger.

Are you guys crazy? What
do you think you're doing?

Turn around.

- Suppose I don't?
- Just turn around, mister.

Hey, what's going on?
I didn't even see you.

All right. You can
turn back around.

Where'd your friend go?

Oh, you mean
the guy in the jeep.

Yeah, he's the one.
What'd you give him?

You guys got some
imagination, I tell you.

I never saw him
before in my life.

He's one of those rock hounds.

The mountains are
crawling with them.

He saw my plane
come down, and, uh,

came over to see
if I needed any help.

- Just like that?
- Sure.

If you don't believe me, why
don't you find him and ask him?

We'll try. That your plane?


This is a rental from
Norman Air Park.

I took it for the weekend.

I sort of hang
out at that airport.

Mind if I have a look at it?

Help yourself.

- Step over here, please.
- Sure. Why not?

Do you have any identification?


This is my pilot's license

and a copy of the
plane rental contract.

Just push the
lever. It isn't locked.

Is this your present
address, Mr. Stocker?


Sorry to disappoint you boys.

That's all right,
Mr. Stocker. We're used to it.

- Where you coming from?
- San Felipe.

Nice place. You ever been there?

- It's down in Mexico,
isn't it?
- Yeah.

About 120 miles south of
Mexicali, right on the Gulf.

Did you file a flight
plan with the FAA?

Sure. It's the law, isn't it?

Well, if you're so concerned
about the law, Mr. Stocker,

why'd you try to take off
when you saw us coming?

Who said I saw you?

I sure didn't hear you, not
with my engine revving up.

Got all the answers, don't you?

Just one more question,
Stocker. Why'd you land here?

You forgot the "Mr." that time.

Just answer the question.

Well, I had a foul-up
in my fuel line,

and I didn't wanna chance
flying over a populated area

and have my
engine cut out on me,

so I sat down here to clear it.


I hope you guys are around
the next time I have some trouble.

You've been a big help.

We'll be around.

When they're clean,
we get the bad mouth.

When the mule's dirty is when
he's all sweetness and smiles.

- You let him go.
- We had nothing to hold him on.

He must've been up to something. Why
else would he have landed back here?

He said he had engine trouble.

And you believed that?

There was nothing wrong with
his engine. It sounded perfect.

You know about airplanes, Teri?

I should. Been handling my
father's plane since I was 12.

As soon as I'm

Well, if you handle the plane

as well as you handle that horse,
you shouldn't have any trouble.

I won't.

See you around.

Confident, isn't she?

Looks like she's got
a right to be. Let's go.

- They're late.
- Yeah.

Here they come.

- Hi, Pete, Jim.
- How you doing?

Thanks for meeting us here.

- This is my partner
Cole Edwards.
- Hi, Cole.

What can we do for you, Sarge?

Well, we've been
going over your report

on that plane
incident yesterday.

- Anything you can add to it?
- We pretty well covered it.

We had no P.C.
to hold Stocker on,

and with our radio transmission
breaking up, we couldn't run a make on it.

We did, and it came up clean.

I don't think Stocker's
a pro. Not yet anyway.

We've nailed half a dozen
like him in the last year.

Private plane owners looking to pick
up a fast buck without too much risk.

- Stocker's plane was a rental.
- That's the new switch.

We can't confiscate a rental,

and if they do get nailed, they can claim
they didn't know the stuff was aboard.

A reasonable doubt,
and they're off the hook.

The only way we
can make it stick

is to actually get them on
the ground moving the stuff.

Good luck.

Yeah, we need it. You can
pick any weekend you want,

and there'll be from

crossing the border
between TJ and Mexicali.

Some of them cross back
carrying as much as 600 kilos.

That's a lot of money.

System's almost foolproof.

Those planes can sit
down practically anywhere...

An open field, a strip of road,
even on highways, usually at night.

They kick the stuff
out to a drop man,

take off clean and land at the
airport for Customs inspection.

Doesn't sound like a
freelance operation.

To move that much stuff,
you'd need an organization.

You said that you didn't
think Stocker was a pro.

How do you figure that?

Every mule we've
managed to intercept so far

is another Stocker.

No record, no warrants,

apparently a legit
citizen above suspicion.

Someone's doing a good
screening job picking the mules.

What about the one's you've caught?
Have you gotten anything out of them?

Not one of them admitted
knowing he was hauling weed.

They'd either claimed they didn't
know they had the stuff aboard,

or else they were
doing a favor for some

guy in Mexico who
was willing to pay for it.

Whoever they're working for
scares them more than we do.

But sooner or later, we'll get
a line on one of the drop men.

You know, it's too bad you fellas
went after the plane instead of the jeep.

- He'd have been the key.
- Well, there was no way.

I mean, it was uphill,
four-wheel drive.

Broken terrain would've
torn the bottom out of the unit.

I didn't mean it as a criticism.
It's just bad luck, that's all.

You did say in your report that
Stocker had a walkie-talkie in the plane?

Yeah. A Citizen's
Band five-watter.

He had it set on channel 21.

And you can bet the
mate to it was in the jeep.

I wish we could be of
more help, but that's it.

Well, you gave us
the line on Stocker.

The next time he rents a
plane, we'll know about it.

Keep us posted, will you?

You know, that Daner
gal almost got us a bust.

It might be a good idea to
keep the kids in the stable

alerted to what's
going on, you know?

Who knows? We might get lucky.

- We'll do that.
- Be seeing you.

Where you guys come from?

Turn around and put your
hands on top of your head.

- You gonna give me a ticket?
- Turn around and put
your hands on top of your head.

I didn't do nothing.

Reds and Muscatel. Can't you
find a faster way to k*ll yourself?

- You gonna give me a ticket?
- At least.

This is One-Adam-12 requesting
code 7 at Victory and Sherman Way.

One-Adam-12, stand by.

One-Adam-12, okay, 7.

One-Adam-12, roger.

- Hi, fellas.
- Hi.

- Counter or a booth?
- Anywhere will be fine.

Anywhere is fine with
you. I'd like a booth.

He's going through his
repressive stage of analysis.

The goulash is very good today.

That sounds fine. I'll
have that and coffee.


I'll have a hamburger,
medium well.

You don't wanna try the goulash?

- No, thank you.
- Coffee?

Yeah, please.

Good-looking girl.

I should've had the goulash.

- Want me to call her back?
- Nah.


Hi, Jenny. How's my girl?

Tell me who she
is, and I'll ask her.

What are you guys doing here?

We're about to
play a round of golf.

That's funny.

Look, I'm just surprised to see
you here. You mind if I join you?

No. Have a seat.

Something on your mind, Stocker?

No. I'm just trying
to be sociable.

I gave you guys a
bad time the other day.

Forget it. We've had worse.

- Anything new
you wanna tell us?
- No.

You want anything?

Yeah. Coffee.

Excuse me.

I can't figure her out. I
smell bad or something?

Do you want my
professional opinion?

What are you guys
so uptight about?

You act like I'm John
Dillinger or something.

- You gonna go flying today?
- I thought I'd put
a few hours in.

Oh, don't let us keep
you. How's the goulash?

It's pretty good.

That's it. She's uniform-happy.

I'll have to get
myself a uniform.

Well, maybe we can help you
out. How do you look in gray?

You're really burned about
the other day, aren't you?

Why don't you take off, Stocker?

All right.

So antisocial.

This is One-Adam-12
requesting DMV

on California license

One-Adam-12, stand by.

One-Adam-12, 145-Ida-Nora-Victor

is a 1970 Maverick

registered to
Duke's Muffler Shop,

307 East 22nd
Street, Sun Valley.

One-Adam-12, roger.

We'll roll by for a look.

On the left.

Looks like we hit pay dirt.

The name is Donald
Joseph Webber.

We got him on a
receiving charge in '67.

Did a year in the county,
three on probation.

The muffler shop is in
his brother-in-law's name.

- You gonna pick him up?
- No, not yet.

But when we do, it'll stick.

We've got the jeep
under surveillance,

and when it comes, we move.

You fellas saved
us a lot of work.

That was good thinking
getting that license plate number.

We luck out once in a while.

Stocker was lying about
going up for a couple of hours.

We checked with
the rental outfit.

He paid for three
days in advance.

In about 10 to 12 hours,

he'll be back, and
we'll be waiting for him.

We'd like to be there to see
his face when you grab him.

You've earned it. I'll check
with your watch commander.

As soon as we know it's
going down, we'll bring you in.

We'll be in touch.

Well, not much left of that
ten hours Marco gave Stocker.

Relax, Pete. If it
happens, we'll hear about it.

Yeah. I'd just like
to nail that guy.

I don't like having
my nose tweaked.

Your nose what?

One-Adam-12, One-Adam-12,

meet One-King-90 on tack 2.

One-Adam-12, roger.

One-Adam-12 to King-90, go.

What's your location, Adam-12?

Rover's on his
way, heading north.

Air-10 and King-40 are on him.

Meet us at the 4600
block, north side, court 2.

That's a roger, King-90. K.M.A.

Suspect vehicle turning onto
Canyon Road, heading north.

Suspect vehicle is now turning
into a dirt road just past a farmhouse.

He's stopping.
Pulling off the road.

I'm clearing out
before he spots me.

King-40 to King-90, come in.

King-90. Go ahead.

Got him pegged.

Our car's off the
road, under the trees.

Roger, King-40.

Be sure your unit
isn't visible from the air.

We're on our way. Let's hit it.

He's boxed himself in.

This is the only way
out of the canyon.

Except to the pilot.

Once he's down, he stays down.

Unless he thinks he can
fly through a helicopter.

King-90 to Air-10, come in.

Air-10 here. Go, King-90.

He's down. Move it.

Roger, King. Give
me two minutes.

Let's go.

Police. Stay where you are.

Don't move.

Well, you guys sure get around.

I might say the
same thing about you.