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05x05 - The British Olympic Synchronised Swimming Contest

Posted: 01/21/24 11:10
by bunniefuu
Funny things, toes, when you think about it, aren't they? And the moment is ruined.

I mean, you've got ten of them, like little fingers, but you can't do anything with them, can you? Mmm.

There was a fella in Ireland did paintings with his.

He won an Oscar for it.

I don't think I could paint a picture with my feet.

Do you, Mick? Mmm.

Like ten little sausages.

Imagine if they were all joined together.

They'd be like two big chops.

Is that why they call them 'plates of meat'? Is it, Mick? It's rhyming slang.

What? Plates of meat feet.

Oh, yeah.

Rhyming slang.

Do you know any more? Yeah.

'Shut the book up.

' Shut the book? Oh, that's nice! Well, we can sit in silence, if that's what you want.

Oh, finally! Jan Janice, I'm sorry.

All right? It's just, I've had a lot of stress with the sun
-bed shop burning down and everything and this is my one chance to relax before it all kicks off again.

Janice Come on.

Tell me about your toes.

Well, I was just saying: imagine if all your toes were fused together Oh, for Christ's sake! You asked me to tell Oh, god, Mother! What's she playing at? I thought Borat was going home today.

He was.

I think my mother's taken a shine to him.

She's like one of them older women who go out with younger men a cougar.

Cougar? More like Freddie Krueger.

Oh, my god! I think I've come to the wrong place.

Oh, excuse me, love.

Could you tell me where the Solana is, please? Oh, Kenneth, you're so funny.

You're in a good mood.

What's the occasion? Are Boots doing a three
-two on frosted
-peach lipstick? We've had the most fabulous bit of news.

You're being transferred to Faliraki? No, cheeky.

A contact of mine now works for the British Olympic Association.

There's a swimming event in Valencia tomorrow, and guess where Team GB are staying.

Not here? And they're putting on a display in our pool tonight.

So exciting! The great and the good of Benidorm high society are attending the gala tonight, including the deputy mayor.

A load of teens with pegs on their noses splashing around? No, thanks.

Hey, there's a lot of work goes into them routines, Kenneth.

You mark my words.

I mean, from the waist up it's all grace and elegance, but down below they're thrashing about like a bag of cats in a canal, man! I say, that's a nifty
-looking set of wheels, Madge! The Tandoori Tandem only one in Benidorm.

We wanted to have a stroll on the promenade, so I hired it for the day.

This is Mr Mohammed he was a friend of Mel's from Morocco.

Donald and Jacqueline Stewart.

Good to know you.

Ah, you speak Arabic? Donald spent a bit of time in Tangiers last year well, let's say on a canoeing expedition.

You picked it up there, didn't you? From your accent, I'd say you come from the southwest of the country.

I live in Marrakesh, but my family's from Casablanca.


'Who loves ya, baby?' Er here's looking at you, kid.

Donald, stop it! Honestly, he'll flirt with anyone! I'll see you later.

Bye! What did he say? It translates as, 'I feel like chicken tonight.

' I bet he does, the mucky Arab.

No offence.

Pack your stuff up, Queen, cos we are going on a trip.

How do you mean? I've booked us on a booze cruise.

Booze cruise? 'We drop the anchor.

You get wankered.

' Hmm, subtle.

Oh, come on, Sam.

It'll be fun.

I woke up this morning wondering if the bric
-brac market was on.

So? I'm starting to think like an old person! No, you're right we should get out for a bit.

I've been playing Shag, Marry, k*ll round the pool, and I'm currently serving 27 life sentences for m*rder.


It comes to something when the nearest thing to eye candy is Brylcreem Billy over there.

I think he fancies you.

Oh, behave.

He's like a shaved polar bear.

What about Liam? He's young.

What, little Ron Weasley? You fancy him, don't you? Get lost! Natalie thought he was cute in a Some Mothers Do Have 'Em way, but nah, he's not my type at all.

Come on, then.

You can help me pick out a thong
-sarong combo.

You know the Olympic games? Aye.

What do all the rings stand for? Oh, it's the five different continents, like.

Yellow's for Australia, cos they get a lot of sun.

Blue's for the Antarctic, cos it's so cold.

Black's Africa for obvious reasons.

Asia's red, cos it's full of Communists, and green's America.

Something to do with the dollar.

You missed Europe out.

Oh, I think Europe might have joined quite late.

Kenneth, what do the five different coloured rings represent? Mykonos, 1989.

Ooh, what a holiday that was! The Olympic rings were designed in father of the modern Olympiad.

De Coubertin also coined the Olympic motto, 'Citius, altius, fortius.

' Faster, higher, stronger! Thank you, girls.

Rest easy.

Bloody hell.

It's the h*tler Youth.

Stand up, boy, when your elders enter a room.

Hazel McCafferty.

Could you tell the manager I wish to speak with him? Oh, it's a 'she'.

Would you tell the manager I wish to speak with him, please, madam? No, no, I meant the manager is a 'she'.

It's a lady.

I am so sorry.

Joyce Temple
-Savage, Solana manageress.

You must be Hazel.

That is correct.

I won't touch you.

I'm hapnophobic.

What starrage is this hotel? I beg your pardon? How many stars do you have? We are what is known in the hotel industry as four

So, three stars.

Girls, we are leaving.

Is there a problem? We are preparing for the London Olympic Games.

We are not a school trip or a hen party.

It is paramount that my girls have first
-class accommodation and facilities, and I don't see that in your establishment.

Put the leaflet down, Hermione.

We are here in Spain to compete, not to throw ourselves down a rusty metal chute into a pool of hepatitis
-filled slime.

I'm sorry.

We shan't be staying.

Let's not get off on the wrong foot, Miss McCafferty.

I have allocated your girls Executive Twin rooms.

I have also upgraded you to the luxurious El Presidente suite.

There's a honeymoon couple just checked in.

They've just cancelled.

I can also offer you a free beauty treatment at our in
-house salon, where you'll be attended to by our very own Kenneth.

Excuse me I'll need exclusive use of the pool for training purposes.

I'm sure we can come to some arrangement.

Very well.

Girls, check in and go to your rooms.

Practice will begin at 1100 hours sharp.

We'll see how we get on.

Excuse me I can assure you you'll have an excellent stay here, and your girls will be perfectly safe with us at all times.

I wish to report an abduction and an attempted sexual as*ault.

Yes, my love? Just a coffee, son.

Strong and black.

Ah, someone has been burning the candle in both ends! I was in town last night with Gavin, the gentleman who's here on his own, and we must have had the friendliest taxi driver in all of Benidorm.

He invited us to a party with some of his friends, and we played the funniest game of Blind Man's Buff.

What is Blind Man Buff? Well, you tie somebody up, and then you try to feel one another.

But in Spain they play it with a full leather mask on.

And then to make it harder, everybody took their clothes off.

Oh, what a scream! Ta
-ta! Ta

Mateo, I want you to help me get everyone out of the pool.

Is there a problem? The swimmers want to practise for tonight.

-wow! Are you sure these girls are English? Well, they're British.

Why? They do not have ass like jelly.

Mateo, they're athletes, and if you can stop slavering like a dog at a barbecue, you might have the honour of seeing them in action.

I empty pool.

Excuse me! Everybody, get out of the pool! Quick you need to get out.


Vite, vite.


Our Olympic sportswomen need the pool for training purposes.

I'm sure you won't mind vacating the pool for just a moment.

Thanking you for your indulgence, this is Joyce Temple
-Savage signing out.

Bloody cheek! You pay for all
-inclusive, then they turf you out the pool, so a load of hairy lesbians can swill their sweaty gussets! They're very graceful athletes.

Oh, beautiful.

I could watch it all day long.

So, Mel was in business with your old man, was he, Mohammed? He means your father.

Ah, that is correct, yes.

And it's Mr Mohammed to you.

Eh? His Christian name's the same as his second name.

That's what they do in Morocco, isn't it? Yes, but not Christian name.

So, what is your Christian name, then? I do not have one.

So, your middle name's Mohammed? It is my given name and my family name.

Mohammed Mohammed? Mohammed Mohammed.

It is my father's name, and his father before that.

Bloody hell! I bet it's fun handing out the presents round your house on Christmas Day! They don't have Christmas, do they? They have whatsit.



That's it.

How do you celebrate that? From dawn to sunset for one month, we must refrain from eating, drinking and sexual relations.

Jesus! I couldn't go without food for a month.

I've always said we could learn a thing or two from the Muslims.

When have you ever said that? They look after their old people.

You'd never see a Muslim grandmother left to fend for herself.

They get included.

You get included, Mam! You're always coming on holiday with us.

Oh, a week in Benidorm, and that's your duty done for the year is that what you think? I didn't say that.

If we were Muslamic, you'd have me living with you in your house.

Where's all this come from? You were perfectly happy last night.

What's got into you? Oh, don't worry.

I'll be out of your hair soon enough.

Come along, Mohammed.

I'd like to show you the Benidorm Palace.

And I can see we're not wanted here.

Thank you, but first I must pray.

Do you know which way is Mecca? Oh, don't worry about that they have bingo on here later.

Come on.

Follow me.

What was all that about? God knows.

Is everything to your satisfaction, Hazel? Just as I thought 21 degrees.

An Olympic pool must be heated to a minimum of 25 to 28 degrees, and it'll be even colder tonight.

Well, it'll just make them kick a bit harder, won't it? Watch your splits, Madeleine! You need a cleaner entry, Evie.

I can still see ripples.

Ah, yes.

That is because the water is cold.

Hazel, I've been thinking.

While we pamper you this afternoon, the girls might like to do a bit of sightseeing.

They must be sick of being stuck in a pool for hours and hours.

Out of the question.

I couldn't possibly let them go out in Benidorm.

God knows what they might pick up.

No, no.

I was thinking of Calpe or Altea nice little Spanish towns, where they won't see any trouble.

Well, anything to get them out of this slum.

But I shall need to accompany them at all times.

Oh, nonsense.

You stay here and relax.

I have got a member of staff who's a very able chaperone.

Mateo Si? Go and fetch Liam.

I've got a job for him.

Go on.

They're very good, aren't they? 'My dearest Troy.

I don't think I could bear to see your face when I tell you this, so I'm taking the coward's way out and writing it down.

I've been a fool and can only beg that you will one day forgive me.

' Yoo
-hoo! Anybody home? Hello, love! Look I found this Oooh! I'm sorry.

I just wanted to return this fan to you.

I'll have you know that notepaper was laid ivory.

It's almost one pound a sheet! Oh, 'eck.

Now, please, just leave me alone.

All right.

I am sorry.

'Eck! It's stuck.

There you go what did I tell you? Wow! I'd almost forgotten what real men look like.

Looks like there's ten times more guys than girls, an' all.

Thank you, darling.

I'll just stick this wristband on you.

All your drinks are included.

Nice one.

Are they named spirits? Well, they've got names.

Got any Grey Goose vodka? I've got Grey Squirrel.

Or you could have a Quack Daniels and Coke.

You get what you pay for.

Oh, yeah? What's your gin Pork Eater? No, but you might be, after a few glasses of it.

Sorry, darling.

18 to 30s only.

You what? I can't let you on if you're over 30.

Company policy.

Cheeky sod! I've got a ticket.

Well, your rep should have told you.

She is 30, anyway.

Yeah, right! I am.

I've just had a hard life.

What year were you born, then? Making you, what, 23? Life's not that hard, sweetheart.

Look just because I'm slightly older doesn't mean I can't party down with the rest of the kids.

What was the last tune you downloaded? It was Spandau Ballet.

You're not helping yourself, sweetheart! Oh, let her on.

She's always looked ten years older than she is.

Thanks, Queen! All right.


We won't go.

Thanks, mate! And if we don't get a refund, I won't be the only one in Benidorm with a broken arm.

Ignorant tosser! It's all right, Sam.

You go and have a good time.

I'll catch up with you later.

Are you sure? Yeah.

I'm sure.

See you.

Oh, look! There's Gavin, waving! Whooo! Come down! You're missing the synchronised swimming! Ah, he's not bothered.

Bless him.

I never had him down as the sporty type, to be honest.

Did you? Well, we can't all be blessed with an athlete's physique.

You do a lot of sport, do you? Yes.

We can often be found in the weightlifting suite at the Tees Valley Gym and Sauna, can't we? Oh, yes.

Donald wipes the floor at the over
-50s clean and jerk.

And Jacqueline's snatch has to be seen to be believed.

I don't doubt it! Sit down, love.

You'll do yourself a mischief.

Why is everybody ignoring me? Am I invisible or something? Who said that? Ah, got you! This is ridiculous.

There must be something we can do.

Just a minute.

-da! What was it Jean
-Paul Sartre said? 'Hell is other people.

' Oh, I know.

Good job it's just the two of us.

Come on.

Rack up.

So, this is the lovely town of Calpe.

This is where the local fishermen come with their fish, to sell to the local restaurants here, so that they can sell it to us as food.

I don't know whether any of you have ever had crabs, but these are meant to be some of the nicest ones what people have ever tasted.

Michael There are other types of seafood here in
-including prawns, erm little baby octopuses Hey, look they do boat trips.

It's no good I can't think of anything to say.

Ah, you're doing really well.

Am I? Yeah.

Well, they haven't paid, so what are they gonna do ask for their money back? Girls? No, girls! This isn't on the itinerary.

Yeah, I know.

We're going off piste.

Come on it'll be a laugh.

I don't know.

Excuse me.

Do you actually go out to sea? No.

No, we go inland from here, up the hills, near Altea! Oh, well, I don't think that I'm taking the piss, mate.

We go out by the rock, four hours, all

Do you actually provide refreshments? thirsty I'll promise you that.

There's eight of us is that all right? Oh, that's the best kind of party! Welcome aboard.

In you go, sweetheart.

Whoa! 18 to 30s, son.

I am 18.

Date of birth? I bet your maths teacher's a bit sh*t, isn't she? Ah, yeah, she's proper strict she makes us do fractions and Oh, er Sorry, son.

I can't really leave the girls on their own, so Will you be all right here for four hours, or do you want to go back? Pssst! Eh? I'll get him on the boat don't you worry.

I've got a plan.

I'm not sure Come on.

Michael? I forbid you, Michael Well, be careful! Wristband! Yeah, OK.

Take it.

OK! Where are those cleaners when you need them? They poke their noses in when it's not convenient, but when they could finally be of some use, they're harder to get hold of than a greased pig.

Oh, that reminds me.

I could ring our Geoff.

But if you've had a phone all this time, why didn't you call the hotel and get them to send somebody up? I haven't got very much battery left, and besides, it costs a fortune to ring Spain on an English mobile.

But you're you're! Hello, Geoff.

It's me, your mother.

I'm very good.

How are you, son? Oh, congratulations! He's guessed the Countdown Conundrum.

Now, listen.

I'm going to say this very quickly, because I haven't got much time.

I'm sitting here on a balcony with Gavin.

He's one of that nice couple that helped me do YMCA at your coming
-out party.

Remember? Oh, I don't know.

I'll ask him.

Are you the fat one or the thin one? I was formerly the fat one, but as you can see Yes, the fat one.

Well, anyway, you'll never believe what happened to us last night.

We sent for a taxi, we got in and we fastened our seatbelts I can't go any faster he'll think I'm having a stroke.

Just give me that.

Hello? Could you please Hello? The battery's gone dead.

Oh, blither.

I wanted to know if Deirdre had had her highlights done.

What did you do that for? I was just going to charge it up.

Where's our Michael got to? Dunno.

He said he was going out with that Liam.

I don't like not knowing where he is.

Text him and tell him we're going up.

He's not even had his dinner.

Oh, Jan, you've got to give him a bit of space.

He's a teenager now he won't want to be with us all the time.

It was exactly the same with Chantelle.

One minute it was, 'Can you plait my hair?' The next it's, 'Can I get a tattoo? Oh, and by the way, I'm pregnant.

' I wish I could get a tattoo.

No, you'll regret it when you're older.

I am older! You never let me do anything.

Oh, shut up.

Come on! What's the matter? It never comes.

What's the matter with you? Nothing! A couple of years ago there were seven of us on this holiday.

Now Chantelle and Coolio have moved out, Mel's gone, Michael's growing up Well, that's just life.

It's not a personal vendetta against you.

I know, but I just don't know what there's left for me to do.

I'm scared I'll turn into my mother.

You're scared? I'm bloody petrified.

Just text him for me.

Tell him to come home.

I've already done it.

I do love you, Mick Garvey.

Yeah, yeah, come on.

Let's get up to the room.

I'll give you some tips on how you can spend the next 25 years.

The next 25 minutes, you mean.

It's not your bloody birthday.

Is it possible for the refreshments to be served soon? All right.

Steady on.

We've only just set off.

It's just that my girls are getting dehydrated.

Your girls, eh? What are you the pimp out of Taxi Driver? Am I gonna have to go all Robert de Niro on you? Sorry? Are you talking to me? Yeah.

Very funny.

Nah, don't worry, Snoop Dogg.

I'll have your girls hydrated.

Oh, thanks.

What are they? These are called Leg Openers.

Couple of these, and they'll be on the deck, ankles in the air, faster than you can say 'man the lifeboats.

' Well, that's perfect, cos they need to keep their legs up that's their job.

Course it is, sunshine.

Course it is.

Lovely, Carmen.

I thought she had a touch phobia.

Depends who's touching her, obviously.

If this event goes well tonight, we'll be one step closer to that fourth star.

That'll be my gold medal, and I'll be able to pass this torch on to somebody else.

Fingers crossed, then.

Mateo, is that the Prosecco for tonight? Si.

I take outside.

You're not still sulking, are you? Yes.

Is unfair.

I am senior to Liam, yet he gets to go out with the chicas, while I am here humping boxes.

I can hardly let you go with them.

It'd be like putting a mongoose in charge of a whole load of chickens.

At least with Liam, I know they'll stay out of trouble.


This one's called a Smurf's Cock I think cos it's blue.

Well, it's the best offer I've had since I've been here.


Funny we should bump into each other out here, isn't it? 'Of all the parties on all the boats in all the world, you happened to walk into this one.

' I used to love Crackerjack.

Oh, yeah, and thanks for bringing a load of teenage Olympic athletes with you an' all.

That's really helped me out! So, you've not pulled, then? Nah.

They're all self
-indulgent tossers.

Besides, it's quite hard selling yourself as a sexy playmate when your arm's encased in plaster.

It marks you out as being different, and most men don't want 'different'.

They want clones.

And what about you? What do you want? I want a Nintendo 3DS, but my dad keeps telling me to look at my old Nintendo and squint.

I mean, what do you want in a girl? Dunno.

Someone funny and vivacious.

Someone different.

I hope Michael's all right.

I wonder where he is.

Don't fret.

Trudy'll look after him.

I can smell something fishy.

That might be me it's dead hot under here.

Let's go and have a look I'm gasping for a bevvy.

Come on, Benidorm let's get this party started! Do you think we may have got on the wrong boat? Is this a party? Yeah, I think it's safe to say we got on the wrong boat.

When do you go back? How many hours? Ah, dos.

Oh, we'll be back in a couple of hours.

No, dos dias.


Two days! My mam's gonna k*ll me.

Is there no other way to get back to Benidorm? Oh, crap.

Michael row the boat ashore.

There I've just had a text off Michael.

What does it say? 'Gone fishing.

' Fishing? I'm having words with that Liam when they get back.

And where's my mother? She's been gone all afternoon an' all.

Probably gone with Mohammed to join the Taliban.

Don't be ridiculous! There's no way my mother would Oh, my god! Oh, Janice, is that you? Do us a favour and light my ciggy, will you? I can't see a bloody thing.

Mother, what are you playing at? Mohammed bought it for me.

It's a traditional Muslim dress.

I know that, but what do you want to wear it for? Cos we're getting married.

Oh, Donald, doesn't it look fabulous? Absolutely.

The management have certainly pulled out all the stops.

And what a spread! Look.

Chinese, Indian, Spanish.

I don't know what to go for first! Mmm, and the food's not bad, either.

We should be paid extra for this.

Tell me about it! I feel a right prat, dressed like this.

You're all right you look a bobby dazzler.

Look at me I look like a flippin' snooker referee.

Are these alcoholic? Yeah, that's a mixture of creme de cassis Bloody hell! She's on a mission.

I know.

She's had a difficult day.

Ah, well, you just make sure she doesn't get into any mischief.

I will.

Oi, you! Where's our Michael? I thought you were looking after him.

Oh, he's here.

He's just gone up to get changed.

We got separated.

Well, he'd better not be pissed again, or I'll separate you from your balls.

Mateo Oh, yes, we're hoping to have regular functions, where we can attract a higher calibre of clientele.

Of course, being three
-star doesn't help, but as tonight demonstrates, we are amply able to deliver a four
-star service.

Come on, Carmen.

Grab a couple of melon balls and do as I do.

Lovely, Carmen.

Here you are.

I don't know what they are, but they're free.

Oh, there's all leaves in mine! You see, that's why I hate drinking outside.

You end up swallowing all sorts of muck.

That won't be a problem once you've converted.

One sip of any booze and they'll chop your hands off faster than you can say 'simsalabim'.

Mick! Right, then, Mother.

Come on.

You promised us an explanation, so let's hear it.

All right.

Don't get your knickers in a twist.

You've known him less than 48 hours.

How can you have agreed to marry him? It's a marriage of convenience.

As you know, Mel was doing a bit of business with Mohammed's dad.

Mohammed Mohammed.

What? Never mind.

Well, apparently, Mel was speaking to him just before he d*ed, about buying a hacienda just outside Marrakesh.

What would Mel want with a nightclub in Morocco? It's not a nightclub.

A hacienda's like a big estate.

They agreed on a price, and Mel arranged to pay a deposit of 650,000 dirhams.

Oh, aye, and what's that in proper money? A tenner? It's about 50 grand.

And the money has been sitting in a high
-interest account in Rabat ever since.

Bloody hell! Mel didn't want to put it in his own name, because, otherwise, the bailiffs would have been after it, so Mr Mohammed suggested putting it into his son's name.


Mohammed Mohammed.

He wants to give me the money back.

Only, there's so many legal loopholes, we could be waiting years for them to sort it out.

So he offered to marry you.

Once we have the same name, he can move the money over, no questions asked.

Quick divorce, and we're back in business.

It's a miracle! It's a bloody miracle! I told you something would turn up, didn't I? I dunno.

It all sounds too good to be true to me.

What's he talking about? That's my money, you know.

It's not a frigging free
-all! Hello? Hello? Oh, thank you, thank you.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Buenas noches.

This is Joyce Temple
-Savage welcoming you to the Gala Olympic Celebration.

Now, we do have for entertainment Swimming team.

Yes! But before that, because we always go for Gold here at the Solana, please welcome our very own Asa Elliot! Gold always believe in your soul You've got the power to know You're indestructible Always believing Cos you are gold So I'm a woman.

I'm British.

I'm a public figure.

I'm not a singer.

I'm not an actress.

I'm not a newsreader.

I'm not a dancer.

But I am a former Prime Minister? I believe we've established that over the past90 minutes, yes.

Erm It's no use you're going to have to give me a clue.

Er 'You turn if you want to.

The lady's not for turning.

' Martina Ratnavalova! No! You're Margaret Thatcher! All right? Margaret Thatcher! Of course! I should have asked: did I ever wear a fuchsia two
-piece with pearls and a Ferragamo court shoe? Wait a minute.

My second question was: 'Do I work in the music industry?' And you said 'no'.

Well, she doesn't.

Oh, you're thinking of the other Tina Turner.

The other Tina Turner? Yes.

I was thinking of the one that works in the Co
-Op at Wythenshawe.

She's a real character, is Tina.

You should meet her.

Yes, I should, and then perhaps I'd have a chance of guessing who she is in this stupid bloody game! I think you're a little bit upset, aren't you? Have you fallen out with your friend? A lover's tiff? None of your business.

Well, we all do daft things from time to time.

I remember when our Pauline rang me while I was doing the ironing.

Oh, I nearly took my ear off.

But whenever I got myself into a state, Ron would say to me, 'Noggin' cos that's what he called me.

'Noggin, there's no point you saying sorry to me, until you've forgiven yourself.

Remember: to err is human, to forgive divine.

' To err is human, to forgive divine.

Thank you.

Of course, I didn't know who this Divine woman was, but I forgave her, anyway.

Ah, Hazel.

Asa's just got a couple of numbers, and we'll be ready for your girls in No, it is most certainly not all right.

Look! What's wrong with them? They are inebriated that's what.

It seems the oafish handyman you sent them out with saw fit to coerce them onto a party boat and ply them with alcohol.

Can they still do their aerobics, though? I beg your pardon? I mean that water
-dancing thingy.

We've got fireworks and everything! I arrived with six Olympic athletes and I'm leaving with a gaggle of drunkards reeking of vomit and tequila.

Welcome to Benidorm.

Why don't they just get in the water and have a splash about? We can announce it as a paralympic team this lot'll not even know the difference.

How dare you? That is deeply, deeply insulting! Well, I mean Girls, out now! Get out of the pool! You're not fit to be in the water! Oh, no! It's a disaster! I'm going to be a laughing stock.

Leave this to me, pet.

Mateo, follow me.

Kenneth! Sam? What's going on? What the hell are you doing? I'm drunk.

I'm desperate.

He was standing in front of me.

OK? This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

What happened to you, anyway? Been on t'pull? Yeah, I pulled this.

Is that a red snapper? 'Ey! Her name's Trudy.

So, are these what they call the chains of office? Only, we've got some chains in our room, but they're not quite as fancy as that.

I think I see Troy in the bushes.

Ooh, having a bit of a secret tryst, are they? That's what I love about the gays they'll do it anywhere! No, it's a photo look.

Probably blew down off Gavin's balcony.

Let's go up and return it to him.

See if we can't entice him down to join in the fun.

Yes, good idea.

Don't go away, cos I'll be back in a jiffy.

Here have some of this and loosen up a bit.

Gold Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, that was Asa Elliot singing Gold.

Erm I'm afraid there's been a slight change to the published schedule, in that the synchronised
-swimming display has had to be cancelled.

I'm sorry.

So, if you'd like to make your way to the exits, which you'll find located here Hang on! Hang on! What? It might not be Esther Williams, but we're gonna try and put a show on for you.

Stop fiddling with your bits and dive in.

It's uncomfortable.

Oh, I see you tucked yours between your legs.

No, I haven't, you cheeky bastard! Tom Daley, eat your heart out! Oh, my God! That's my dad! Hey! Pool party! What? Sam! What are you Oh, sod it.

You're only young once.

There you are! Where have you been all this time? I've been out.

I sent you a text.

A text? I'm your mother, not one of your friends.

Tell me about it.

Did you have a good time, son? Yeah.

Why the long face, then? Well, I want to jump in the pool, but my mam's not gonna let me.

No, she's not.

I'm gonna throw you in! Come on, then.

One, two, three! Hermione, Madeleine out now! You're a disgrace to your sport and a disgrace to your country! Oh, I'm so sorry.

Hello, Gavin! It's just us.

We've found something of yours Oh, he's with Noreen look.

Shall we join them? No, best leave them to it and get back downstairs.

I think what this pool party needs is a bit of skinny dipping! Oh, yes!