04x09 - Goodbye, Goodbye

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Loretta Young Show". Aired: September 2, 1953 – June 4, 1961.*
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The program began with the premise that each drama was an answer to a question asked in her fan mail; the program's original title was Letter to Loretta.
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04x09 - Goodbye, Goodbye

Post by bunniefuu »

[waves crashing]

Open those up.What are you sweetie?


Where do you think you're going?

Get some safety for my leg.

Well, not now, honey.Later. I don't want you

Down there to the water.When I can't watch you.

I'll watch her mom.

Fire is going okay now, butjust keep her away from it.

I think you justbetter take her along,

will you? This is my vacationtoo, you know. Okay, oracia.

Wait for me.


Honey. Remember?You're getting that extra

fifty cents to keepher above the water.

I will mnother.

[waves crashing]


Mother grandsplash. And itwas salt water. Hurts my eyes.

Tell him to stop it then, honey.

Mother, make him stop.

Who's that man?

You remember Mr. Lord?


Oh, yes. Last summer.

Last summer.

Seems years ago.


Good morning.

Well, good morning.

Sitting here waitingfor the sun to come out.

Think it will?


Don't you think it's timethat we introduce ourselves?

I mean, couldn'tState keep drawings

Together here in thepost office door store.

Anyway, I'm Peter Lord.

How do you do, Mr. Lord.

How do you do? I live at thislittle white shack up the beach.

Oh, yes.

I'm Catherine harding.

How do you do?

You like your book?

Not very much.

It seems too complicated for me.

But then perhaps I'm not quite sureto the author because well, what

was keeping an eye on the children.My concentration seems divided.

Well, I read it too,and I found it very

complicated. And Ihad no kids to watch.

That makes me feel far less stupid.

Pass me the ball.

I'll get it.

Is he yours?


Hey, Mr pass me the ball.

Stay please.


Little girl your's too?


So's the other one.

What's the boy's name?


Graham, really

Here you go. Graham.

[waves crashing]

I was named after my father, too.

How I hated being called too.

-You did?-I sure did.

I guess it makes things easieraround the house though, doesn't it?


Well, I'm off for the point.

Oh, that's quite a walk.

Well, I'm a writer and I'msupposed to be concentrating.

Some writers have to sharpenfive dozen pencils before they

settle down. But I walk a few milesand then I collapse at my legs.


And you're rightwhile you're resting.

Well, a great dealif it reads that way.

Say, would you liketo read my book?

Well, it would give me a niceexcuse not to send it this one.


I'll drop it by tomorrow morning.

Thank you.



You're not still herewhen I come back.



-You still here?-Yes.

I can't get my masterbuildings to go home.

Well, how's concentrating?

-Well, I had one wonderful idea.-Oh.

I'm going to give hima party Saturday night.

I certainly hope youand Mr. Harding in that.

I'm a widow, Mr. Lord.

My husband was k*lled in Korea.

I'm sorry.

I'd like to accept yourinvitation, but well, so

far I haven't found anyoneup here to a babysit.

I know someone.

There's a verynice little girl who

works at the bookstore.Let me call her.

-Well.-Come on, come on.

You'll have finished mybook by then. And you

can tell everybody atthe party how great it is.


Don't you see the wholething is just a clever scheme

to get some prevaliveness.Of course, if you don't like it

oh, no, I'm sure I'llenjoy it very much.

It's about France. Paris,mostly. Do you like Paris?

-I don't know I've never been there.-Really?

Somehow you looklike a traveler to me.

Oh goodness, no.

N, my husband was never verycurious about sparring places.

Or what was acrossthe street, for that matter.

You know? You'renever having been there.

I'll be very anxiousto know if you

got the feel of thecity from the book.


I'll drop it by tomorrow.

You said that before.

yes, I did.

Mr. Lord.


We're going to have a picnicright here on the beach tomorrow.

Do you think youcould interrupt your

concentrating longenough to

join us?

I think so.

I welcome any excuse.

-Thank you.-Well,




Think I ought to payyou by the hour for all

those wonderful plugsyou gave them a book.

Thank you for walking me home.

You're welcome.

You really shouldn't have leftyour guest, though, should you?

No. I'm sure they don't evenknow where you've gone.

Oh.They're a very self sufficient lot.

I think they're the most fascinatinggroup of people I've ever met.

But I want to thankyou for inviting me.

I don't know when I'vehad such a good time.

Did you really mean all thosethings you said about my book?

Of course.

you did?


You're writing on somethingelse. Is it another book?


-I'm going to call it Spanish Album.-Oh.

Of course, I'm justdoing the outline now, but

I thought I would do theactual writing in Spain.


how exciting

Well, then, when I read it

I'll enjoy it. Doubly rememberingthat I knew the author.

Would you mind very much ifthe author tells you that you have

added quite a lot of enjoymentand excitement to his life?

He add excitement to your life?


Oh, you sure have.

You're the mostbeautiful,

and the most exciting woman.

that I've ever seen.

Now, don't tell me that Ishouldn't have done that

or that we've only knowneach other a few days.

I've waited for youfor a very long time.

A very long time.

I think perhaps that's whyI've always dodged marriage.

But I knew that one dayI'd meet someone like you.


What it is?

I'm afraid I'm suspicious.

- Why?- I doing know.

I don't want to be. But

I can't help feeling that

you're trying out achapter in your book on me.

Oh, Catherine.

What a terrible thing to say.

Well, after all, I ama widow with three

children. How could Ipossibly be exciting to you?

Hey silly?

the fact that youstand there looking

up at me and askme this question

makes you somethingreally quite rare.

You're so beautiful.


Good night.

Good Night.Thank you.

See you tomorrow.

You bet you will.

And tomorrow?


[door closing]


Should be getting back.


It's so early.


Don't go back Sunday.

I hope, too.


Get the children ready for school.

Peter, I love you so.

It's going to beso painful knowing

there's any kind ofdistance between us.

Because I want to be here.

Right here, Peter, always.


Marry me now.

There's no reason to wait. Darling.

-Kids like me-Like you?

They're mad about you.

Then let's rent a house.

We can put them in school.

In a few months, we'llall be on our way to Spain.


Kids will like that.

[laugh] They'll like it.

I will love it.


You will.

It's going to be such a joyto show you in the world.

Going to know somehow you're

like brand new.

- Peter.- What?

Are you sure you're not going tomind? Having a wife is a real story.


Life is so full with you.

I wanted to See everythingto do everything to.

Feel everything. Iwant us to get right out

in the middle of itand churn into a river.

We're a part of all of it.

Well, I love you.

You give my heartsuch a beat I love

you, I love you, Ilove you, I love you.

Let's tell the kids tomorrow.


All those what isto tell? I don't know.

They already consideryou a part of the family.

Yes, tomorrow will make it official.


I know what we'll have a picnic.

A very special picnic.


We'll make sort of an occasionout of our announcement.

Make an occasion?

-Listen to me.-What?

Not since the discoveryof the New World

has there been suchan announcement.

I love you so much.


[opening the fridge door]

I thought you'd.

Yes, I thought you had it.

Well, I'll do it this very second.What a picnic. Never has

there been such a picnic. Withwritting on the cake, and lemonade.

You know, the kids knowwe're up to something.

Betsy thought it was her birthday.

-Hey, Peter.-Yes.

Mom. Let's keep goingto the beach. Come on.

We're coming now, hold your horses.

Dear, you go ahead withthe children. I'll finish that.

-Anything else I can carry for you?-No.

-Now don't be too long hurry.-Yeah.

I love you. Don'tmake this so fancy.

I won't.

[door closing]

Here we go.

[telephone ringing]

[picking up telephone]


Oh, yes, Go aheadand read it, please


Hello, would you like meto repeat the message?


From the AmericanRed Cross Honolulu.

International Red Crosshas informed us that

your husband, CaptainGraham L. Harding,

comma Zero dash .

Is on route to Japan

after being releasedas a prisoner of w*r.




[telephone ringing]

What are you doing with thatcake? Catherine. Come on.


What's a matter?

What is it, darling?

What is it, sweetheart?You'll tell me.

It's Graham.

What's up? He'sright down the beach.


He's alive.


He's alive and justcalled me on the

telephone and readme a wire. He's alive

Listen, darling.

Maybe it's a mistake, Catherine.

Darling, listen to me now

There isn't a mistake.

They called me,they read me the wire.

-Darling.-He's been a prisoner of w*r.

All these years, he'sbeen a prisoner of w*r.

Listen to me darling,It might be a mistake.


Peter I can't believe it.

I thought he wasdead. I couldn't believe

it. And now I don'tbelieve that he's alive.

Listen to me now.

Listen, try not to think, darling.Just try to make your mind a blank.

Know that I love you.

-Listen to me.-Yes.

I love you, and you love me,and nothing to change that.

I do love you. I yes. I do.

Yes, Nothing candestroy you. I love nothing

can change. And Iwork it out. Promise you.

I promise you thatwe'll work it out.


Is this really happening?

Darling, please.


try not to think, I beg you.

How is she?

She says she'sgonna go to sleep now.

-And that she'll be all right.-Alright.

-Just say good night.-No.

She wants me to tellyou that she's fine and

good night, and she'llsee you tomorrow morning.


All right, Graham. I'llleave you in charge.

Okay Mr. Lord.

Mr. lord.

Will my father becoming home?

soon I expect graham.

You know, I can hardly remember him.

-Good night.-Good night.

[waves crashing]

-Good morning, Darling.-Good morning.

How are you? Did you sleep?

Some. Have you had breakfast?

No, I wasn't hungry.But did you eat it?

Yes, I ate earlier withthe children. I wanted

to get them on thebeach before you arrived.


What's a matter.

Well, I

first I want to thankyou for insisting

that nothing bedecided last night.

Thank me? Well,Daring, you were hardly in

the condition to decideanything last night.

No, I know.


What is it? darling, tell me.

Peter, you're a wonderfulman. And I don't suppose

I'll ever get you completelyout of my heart. But

I'm going to try with everyounce of strength that's in mind.

What are you sayingto me, Catherine?

I'm saying myhusband's coming home.

What about us darling?

I Don't know.

My husband's coming home.

-Answer me, Catherine what about us?-There is no other answer.

I love you.

You love me, you love me.

It doesn't make anydifference anymore, Peter.

it's the only that doesn'tmake any difference.

No, it doesn't. Ithought about it all night.

No. I won't let youdo this. I won't let

you destroy ourlove. I won't let it end.

-It's got to end.-No.

Peter. Peter, please. Listento me for a minute. Please.

It must end.

And it must right nowand just like this.

No, Please peter I know.

No. I won't let it go.

Help me, Peter help me, helpme, help me don't make it worst.

Catherine I,

I don't understand.

Help me is what?

I don't understand.

I just know whatwe've got to do. And

I know we've gotto do it right now. So

please, say goodbye,Peter, and go.

But why Catherine?

You expect me to walk off theporch like we never had met here?

I haven't any rightto love you anymore.

-Right?-I've got husband who's coming home.

He's coming home to awife and three children.

Now, if I'm not trueto that right now,

I shall never again be trueto anything as long as I live

Even you.

whom I love morethan life right now?

Well, then that's allthat matters, darling.

-No, it isn't. No, please.-Listen.

You're telling yourselfsomething that you

think you ought to do,not what you want to do.

I can't help. But there'sother things that are more

important than what youwant or what I want. Peter

no, that's not true.Nothing is more important.

Listen to me. I want you.

I want you for the rest of mylife. Now look at me and answer

me truthfully. Do you wantme? Tell me, do you want me?

I wish you had all my heart

that you would stop

existing for me at this moment.

I wish I'd never have toknow anything more about you.

Where you were,

whether you were alive, whetheryou were married, whether you

were dead. I wish you'd stopfor me right now, this instant.

No, I wouldn't stop.

Not ever.

Please, Peter. Please.I can't think anymore.

Will you just go right now.

-No.-Please, Peter go right now.

-Catherine, listen to me.-Please.

If you love me, you'll go.


Alright, Catherine, I will go.

I'll come back later.

If I love you.


[door opening]

[door closing]

Hello, Catherine.

Hello, Peter.

-Hello.-Hello Sarah.

You've grown quite a lot Sarah.

So have Graham and Betsy.

You all look wonderful.

Sarah, do me a favor.

Go ask Graham andBetsy to come and say hello.




Come here, dear. I wantyou me to see Mr. Lord.

You remember Mr. Lord?

Sure, hello.

-Hello, Graham.-Betsy.

Hello, Betsy.

Hey, it's sign again.

You weren't puttingmore wet stuff on it.

She put wet seeds on the farm.

That will be enoughout of you, too now.

Go and get some more wood and thencome on back and we'll have lunch.

Honey, just go and get some..

Are you fine?

Are you going to eat lunch with us?

Betsy? No.

Mr. Lord has togo back to the city.

I get he's in the city.He comes up on Friday.

Let me go I want to play.


Well, how's yourride in the country?

Pretty well.

That's good.


Have you read Spanish album?


It's doing quite well

Oh, I understand.


Look at me.

I'll be gone in a second.

Told me it's allright that I can.

At least tell me that.

It's alright, Peter.

Hey, mom.

They're found a placewhere there's lots of drywood.

Goodbye, kids.

You got a go? do you?

Yes, I have to getback to the city.

Come on. Bye, Mr. Lord.

As a matter of fact, I do.

I have a plane to catch.

Going back to Europe?




-There's so much to say.-No, there isn't, Peter.

Only that I hope you're happy.

Are you?


Well, there are manyways to be happy, Peter.

And we're a very happy family.



Bye, Peter.


[waves crashing]

Hey mom.

Hey, this fire is goingokay now. Bring the hot dog.

Alright honey.

Goodbye Mr. Peter.


Mother say Goodbye.

I already did dear.

[waves crashing]

Mother, where is the Hotdog?

-Mother, what's a matter?-Nothing.

-I got some sand in my eye.-Alright.

Bring the hotdog bun.


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