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07x10 - Faith and Despondency

Posted: 11/12/14 13:07
by bunniefuu
Happy: Previously on Sons of Anarchy...

Jax: Leland.

Leland: You bring another police escort?

Jax: We had nothing to do with the sheriffs. You gunned them down, so now they're everyone's problem.

Scoot: We hear the bitch lived.

Chibs: But she's not talking.

Gemma: k*lling your mommy was an accident. It was such an awful accident.

Harrison: Abel hit the kid with a metal lunchbox and put a gash in his head. It was unprovoked.

Gemma: Why'd you hit that kid?

Abel: It was an accident.

Gemma: Do you understand what an accident is?

Abel: Do you?

Nero: So, I was talking to my uncle. He'll give me his farm if I can come up with 150 cash as a down. It's us having a place that we can run to. I want you with me. We deserve something better, Gemma.

Gemma: Do we?

Jax: It's all gonna come together. I just need to show him the video. Make him think he's getting the leverage.

Grant: What happened? Why do you need more leverage?

Jax: Marks grabbed one of my guys.

( Bobby yelling )

Tyler: For every 24 hours August has to wait, he's gonna cut off another part of your guy. I mean, I'm with you, but I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to keep playing double agent.

Jax: Jesus.

August: If you or your mother ever get the idea to betray me, this is what happens.

Jax: No! No!

Grant: What happens now?

Jax: You should find a good lawyer. I'll keep a couple of my guys with you. I'm giving the DA your statement. I'll lead the cops to the pastor's body.

( Motorcycle engines humming )

♪ ♪

( Passionate moaning )

( Bed creaking )

Venus: Oh, my God!

( Passionate moaning )

( Panting )

( Headboard tapping )

( Panting )

( Passionate moaning )

( Vibrator buzzing )

( Grunting )

( Winsome moaning )

( Jax crying )

Winsome: Did I do something wrong?

Jax: No.

Winsome: I heard from the girls what happened to your wife. I'm sorry.

Jax: Yeah.

(Jax inhales deeply) Where you going?

Winsome: Figured you wanted me to leave.

Jax: No. Stay. Please.

Winsome: Is this okay?

Jax: Yeah. That's nice.

♪ Riding through this world ♪
♪ All alone ♪
♪ God takes your soul ♪
♪ You're on your own ♪
♪ The crow flies straight ♪
♪ A perfect line ♪
♪ On the devil's bed ♪
♪ Until you die ♪
♪ Gotta look this life ♪
♪ In the eye. ♪

Nero: How's your crew holding up?

Jax: It's brutal. Bobby was... We all leaned on him, you know? I'm not sure what SAMCRO looks like without him.

Nero: Yeah. It really rocked Gemma. Look, I tried to bring this up a few times, Mano, but, uh, you know, with everything going on, you know... I was serious about selling my piece.

Jax: Yeah, I know. I'm just not in a place where I can do that right now.

Nero: Mm-hmm. I figured as much. I've been talking to Alvarez. He's got the cash. I'll sell him my half and he'll let Oso and his crew run the house in Stockton.

Jax: You made this deal behind my back?

Nero: No. Just exploring my options. Nothing's set in stone.

Jax: This about your uncle's farm?

Nero: Yeah. It's time, Jax. We both know that. Hey, I ain't dropping out. I'll be around, make sure the transition works.

Winsome: Hey. Morning.

Nero: Morning.

Winsome: I'm gonna head over to Red Woody. Lyla's gonna help me with all the computer shit.

Jax: Okay, good. The hard copy's in the closet next to the kitchen.

Winsome: Okay.

Nero: You got to take all that data then and re-enter it.

Winsome: I don't really know what that means, but okay.

Nero: She seems to be adjusting to life indoors.

Jax: Yeah. She's a smart girl. A little unstable, but smart.

Nero: Mm-hmm, that's the way we like them. About selling my piece. This ain't about me and you, Jax.

Jax: I get it. I'm okay with Alvarez. I just... I don't know, I... Guess I'm just not ready to lose my partner.

Nero: I'm gonna be around. Uh, I love your mom. And I'm hoping that, uh, she comes down, spends time with me. Your boys, too. Lucius will be there. It's quiet, it's safe. Be a nice little escape.

Jax: Yeah. Okay.

Nero: Seems like you're not the only son who was seeking a little, uh, professional comfort.

Jax: Uh, I guess not. I'll catch you later?

Nero: Yeah.

Rat Boy: Didn't know you were here.

Jax: Couldn't sleep. I crashed here the last couple nights.

Rat Boy: Yeah. I kind of... I just had to let off some...

Jax: I don't need to know.

Rat Boy: Okay. Anything more on Marks?

Jax: No, he's still in County.

Rat Boy: Three days and no hearing?

Jax: DA's dragging her feet. Making him sweat.

Rat Boy: Today still make sense?

Jax: Yeah. You all set with T.O.?

Rat Boy: Yeah, meeting at the Fireside.

Jax: You let him know. The second it looks like it's gonna go south...

Rat Boy: Yeah. I'll be clear.

Jax: You should head out.

Rat Boy: Oh. Yeah.

( Door opens )

Winsome: These the records?

( Door closes )

Jax: That's them. Thank you for helping out with this.

Winsome: Well, I don't really know what the hell I'm doing. But... it's cool. I like the girls. I think some of us are gonna get a place together. You know, before we all get gunned down by Chinese gangsters?

Jax: Perfect. Hey? Thank you for hanging out with me.

Winsome: Anytime. Hey. I don't know much about you. Your club or anything. But I can see you're in pain. I know how hard it is to look past the shit we do. I've lost track of all the people I've hurt. Disappointed. But you've been really nice to me. And-and kind. And you kept your word. Not a lot of people do that. You're a really decent guy, Jax. I just hope you can see some of that.

( Door opens )

( Door closes )

( Venus moans )

Venus: Are you off to new adventures, angel?

Tig: Yeah. Uh, I'm heading to Stockton.

Venus: Will I see you later?

Tig: Uh... I'm not sure.

Venus: Hey. Hey. You okay?

Tig: Yeah. Fine.

( Fingers scratch on stubble )

Gemma: Gonna be late, there, kiddo. Come on. Eat fast.

Wendy: Hey, what happened?

Abel: Tommy scratched me.

Gemma: Let me see. Well, how'd he do that?

Brooke: I'll trim his nails.

Gemma: Let me see 'em.

Montez: Here you go.

Loutreesha: Thank you.

Grant: You really should try to eat something, Ma.

Loutreesha: I will, baby. Did you sleep at all?

Grant: Not really.

( Door opens )

Quinn: All right. All right, we'll talk to you later. Got a call from Oakland. It's a go.

Montez: Good.

Loutreesha: When can we go home? We, uh... Jax said it, I have so many obligations.

Montez: We'll know more by the end of the day.

Loutreesha: I talked to the DA and I hired a lawyer. Jax said we could leave after I did all that.

Grant: Look, you need to tell us what's going on. We can't just sit here waiting to find out if someone's gonna k*ll us.

Montez: That's exactly why you're just gonna sit there.

Quinn: We'll bring you home when it's safe.

( Door closes )

Gemma: You be good, little man. I'll pick you up later.

Harrison: I've got him. Hey. What happened to your eye, sweetheart?

Abel: Tommy scratched me.

Harrison: Your brother? That's a big scratch for a little brother. Are you sure that's what happened? If someone else did this to you, like an adult or a friend, you need to tell me.

Abel: Why?

Harrison: Because it's wrong. And if they did it on purpose, they could get in trouble.

Abel: With the police?

Harrison: Yes. And the school. Come on.

( School bell ringing )

Tully: You find out why they put your boy in solitary?

Jax: No. Sheriff took the deal to the DA. I don't know what happened. Where's that leave us with Lin?

Tully: Well, I'm working on it. Might take me a day or two to have the right guys for the right shift.

Jax: Okay. We're all set to meet with Otis.

Tully: The sit-down is this afternoon. He'll bring everybody up to speed.

Jax: Is there anything I need to know about this guy?

Tully: He was my number two in Tempe. Just got out of Perryville. He's solid.

Jax: Time for the inbreds to move over, huh?

Tully: Yeah. I think Leland isn't so happy about the shift in management.

Jax: We'll help him adjust. But you need to make sure that Juice gets to Lin.

Tully: Well, in the meantime, I'm gonna keep that little Puerto Rican real close. I'll make sure no one breaks his heart.

Jax: Well, he could do with a little loving.

( Jax knocks on door )

( Vehicle approaching )

Tyler: What you need, man?

Moses: Not what I need. It's what Mr. Marks needs. Loutreesha Haddem has confirmed her statement with the DA. Secured herself a lawyer.

Tyler: So what happens now?

Moses: Well, Mr. Marks has his hearing the day after tomorrow. And before he posts bail and comes home, I have a task to complete.

Tyler: Yeah? What's that?

Moses: I need to talk to the pastor's family, convince them to rethink their statement. Teller's protecting them. I need you to find out where.

Tyler: We do business together. Ain't like I'm going to no biker barbecues.

Moses: One-Niners have been connected to SAMCRO for a couple of decades. We know how tight you are with Teller. In light of this recent betrayal, that bond concerns Mr. Marks. Makes him wonder where your loyalties lie.

Tyler: I'm here, man. We're with August.

Moses: Prove it.

Tyler: There's a guy that runs their support crew. T.O. He probably knows.

Moses: Grim Bastards?

Tyler: Yeah. I'll track him down and I'll let you know what I find out.

Moses: Hold on. Let's do that together.

Tyler: All right. Guess you're driving.

( Children chattering )

( Latch rattles )

( Lunchbox latch clicks )

( Engines rumbling )

Jax: You Otis?

Otis: Yeah.

Jax: Jax Teller.

Otis: Nice.

Jax: This is Chibs, Tig, Happy.

Otis: Let's go.

♪ ♪

Jax: I talked to Tully.

Otis: I know. Things are in play.

Chibs: Yeah? Where's Leland?

Otis: He's late. Don't know if he can read a watch.

Happy: Doubt it.

Otis: Most of my guys are in the house. Plus the two at the camper. I got four coming up from AZ today.

Happy: How many are having problems with the shift?

Otis: Leland's boy, Scoot. Rudy. Maybe Decker. The rest don't give a shit.

Scoot: The hell they doing here?

Otis: Tully wanted me to meet 'em.

Scoot: You tell Leland?

Jax: We will. When he gets here.

Scoot: Well, he ain't gonna like some tr*nny Humper at his sit-down.

Tig: What did you say?

Scoot: What, man? You think people don't know you suck d*ck?

(Other men laughing) Badass outlaw likes to ride bitch to some T-girl.

( Laughter )

Chibs: Not the time, brother. Not the time.

Tig: Wow.

Otis: I'm okay with the time.

Chibs: He's okay with the time.

Tig: Hey. Mule head. I think you owe me an apology.

Scoot: Are you kidding me? If you were in this crew, you'd get your d*ck shot off, you ass-raping freak.

( g*nsh*t )

( Scoot screams )

Tig: Like that?

Otis: Easy! Everyone. g*ns down! Now!

(Scoot groaning) Next shithead that doesn't listen is gonna get the same thing from me.

Scoot: Traitor! Siding with these b*tches!

Otis: Shut up, you redneck douchebag.

Scoot: You want to know where Leland is? He's on his way to k*ll that bitch cop.

Jax: What are you talking about?

( Scoot screams )

Happy: He asked you a question.

Scoot: You lied to us. Said you'd shut her up. Leland knows Tully's using you to take him out. Letting the cop turn him over for k*lling her n*gg*r partner.

Chibs: Eglee.

Jax: Shit. I gotta go. Do it.

( g*nshots )

Chibs: I'll call Rat.

( Phone beeps )

( Phone ringing )

Rat Boy: That's gotta be him.

T.O.: Yeah.

Rat Boy: Hello?

Tyler: That's T.O.

( Engine starts )

Rat Boy: That was Chibs. I gotta head to St. Thomas. Could use some help.

T.O.: What about the thing with...

Rat Boy: It's gotta wait. Oh, shit.

Moses: SAMCRO?

Tyler: Yeah. How 'bout that?

( Elevator bell dings )

Nurse: Bye-bye, thanks.

( Door beeps, latch clicks )

( Engines roaring, horns honking )

( Horn blaring )

( Door beeps, latch clicks )

Nurse: I don't think so.

( Clicks )

( Shower running )

Unser: Looking for someone? Toss the g*n. In the sink.

( Grunting )

( g*nshots )

( Groans )

( Unser groans )

( Groans )

( Machine beeping rhythmically )

( Camera shutter clicking )

Althea: Where was Eglee?

Unser: First thing I did was move her to another room. I didn't have time to call it in.

Althea: Well, how did you know Leland Gruen was on his way to k*ll her?

Unser: I got a heads up.

Althea: From who?

Unser: Anonymous. Friends of Eglee's.

( Althea sighs )

Althea: You can't keep protecting them, Wayne.

Unser: This has got nothing to do with Tara. I gave my statement to Carreira. It was a clean k*ll.

Carreira: We need you in there, LT.

Althea: Okay. We're not done. I'll talk to you later.

Unser: Yes, ma'am.

Althea: I think your anonymous friends are waiting for you in the lobby.

Tig: Hey.

Jax: Is Eglee okay?

Unser: Yeah. Yeah. I put three b*ll*ts in that man's chest.

Chibs: Hey. That guy was a scumbag.

( Phone ringing )

Unser: Yeah.

Chibs: Excuse me.

Unser: You know how many kills I had on the job?

Jax: None.

Unser: That's right. Fired my w*apon maybe a dozen times. Two wounded perps. That's it. Does that tell you something, son, huh? About what's happening here?

Happy: You said Eglee wasn't gonna talk.

Unser: She told the DA it was a few white guys, some n*zi ink. She didn't ID anybody.

Tig: They didn't know that.

Unser: "They"? The AB? Does that mean there's more coming?

Jax: No. Leland was the end of it. Thank you. I owe you.

( Unser grunts )

Chibs: Jackie.

Jax: Tyler?

Chibs: No, Wendy. They need you at Abel's school.

Jax: What now?

Chibs: She doesn't know.

Jax: Well, have her send Gemma.

Chibs: Child Services were called in, Jackie. They need the father. Go. We'll handle black. You go take care of your family.

Tig: We got this, brother.

Jax: All right, yeah, all right.

Chibs: Hap, you stay with him.

( Sighs )

( Muttering )

Moses: You saw what happened to Bobby. I carved out his eye, cut his fingers off. That's what will happen if you don't cooperate. So why don't we save ourselves the agony and time. Where is SAMCRO hiding the pastor's son and wife?

( Grunting )

( Coughing )

( Panting )

T.O.: Jesus Christ.

( Blows landing )

Guard: From Tully.

Juice: Holy shit.

( Gemma sighs )

( Exhales )

Jax: What the hell is going on?

Gemma: I don't know. Won't tell me shit.

Mildred: Are you Mr. Teller?

Jax: Yeah.

Mildred: I'm the assistant principal, Mildred Treal. This is Investigator Syeed from Child Services.

Jax: Where's my kid? Is he okay?

Mildred: Yeah. Can you please just, uh, have a seat?

Syeed: I'll go get Ms. Harrison.

( Gemma scoffs )

Jax: Who's Ms. Harrison?

( Scoffs )

Gemma: Abel's nosy teacher.

Jax: Can you at least tell us why Child Services is here?

Mildred: We'll explain everything.

Jax: Hey, buddy. What's going on?

Harrison: Show him, Abel.

Jax: Jesus Christ.

Gemma: Oh, my God, what happened, baby?

Jax: Who did this to you?

Harrison: It's okay, honey, you can tell the truth. This is a safe room. Who did this to you?

Abel: Grandma.

Moses: A grapefruit spoon. Turns out to be the perfect little tool for taking out an eye. Who goes first?

( Sighs )

T.O.: I can't let this psycho take my g*dd*mn eye. I know where they got the wife and kid. It's a... cabin. Probably gonna have the whole charter there.

Rat Boy: Shit.

Moses: Where is it?

T.O.: I'll write it down.

Moses: Get him a pen and paper. I got to say, I'm really disappointed that a brother was the first one to cave.

Tyler: Moses, he give it up?

Moses: Yeah.

Tyler: So we good, right?

Moses: I'll let you know when we get there.

Wendy: Jax, I dressed Abel for school this morning. Other than the scratch over his eye from Thomas, he had no cuts, no bruises, nothing.

Jax: Then what the hell happened? Why would he lie? He knew that was gonna get you in trouble.

Gemma: I don't know, baby. He's been quiet, kind of distant.

Nero: It's got to be about Tara. Maybe he thinks Gemma is trying to replace her. You know? Thinks that if he gets her out of the way, somehow his mom comes back.

Wendy: He needs to talk to someone.

Gemma: He's five. Doesn't need a shrink.

Jax: Well, he needs something! I mean, if he did this to himself...

Nero: Wendy's right. We, uh, we got to find someone that'll help him figure this shit out.

Jax softly: Yeah. But for now, you can't be alone with him, Mom.

Gemma: Jackson, you know I would never hurt my boys.

Jax: It doesn't matter what I know. Child Services are calling the sh*ts now. The state could take them if we don't follow protocol.

(Sighs) I'm gonna bring them to my house. I'm gonna need some help. You think you could stay with us until we figure this out? Sleep in the nursery?

Wendy: Yeah, sure.

Chibs: Sorry, Jackie. You want us to handle this thing without you?

Jax: No, no, just give me a minute. I'm sorry, Mom.

Gemma: It's okay.

Wendy: I'll pack up their stuff. I'll bring them by after school.

Jax: Thank you.

( Door opens, closes )

Moses: Up here. Turn right.

( Door creaks open )

( g*nsh*t )

Rat Boy: Shit!

Tyler: Sorry. That was a little messy.

T.O.: You think?!

Moses: This has got to be it. Driver: Yeah. No Harleys. Think he was lying?

Moses: I don't know. Clear it.

( Windmill creaking )

Man: Clear.

Driver: House is all clear.

( Phone ringing )

Moses: The camper.

( expl*si*n )

( High-pitched squealing )

( Squealing stops )

( g*nf*re )

( Yells )

Jax: Hold it!

( g*nf*re stops )

( g*nsh*t )

( Moses groaning )

( Panting )

( Moses continues panting )

( Panting continues )

Moses: Good on you, Teller.

( Groaning )

( Muffled screaming )

( Eye squelches, snaps )

( Screaming )

( Screaming continues )

( Whimpering )

( Panting )

( g*nsh*t )

( Two g*nshots )

( Insects trilling )

( Door creaks open )

( Door closes )

( Jax sighs )

Jax: You sure you don't mind getting rid of the trash?

Otis: I'll keep the cars. That'll cover my cleaning fee.

Jax: Take them.

Otis: Need a lift to your wheels?

Jax: Nah, we're just down the road.

(Sighs) I appreciate the backup.

Otis: A favor for a favor.

( Vehicle approaching )

Jax: Yeah.

Otis: Heard it was a cop who put down Leland. You set that shit up?

Jax: Sort of.

Otis: Don't matter. Just couldn't be me.

Jax: Yeah.

Tig: What the hell?

Chibs: Shit. What the hell happened to him?

Tyler: Couldn't get away from Moses to give them a heads up.

Rat Boy: We were heading out for the hospital. He scooped up both of us.

Jax: Shit. You okay?

Rat Boy: Yeah. Couldn't cave too easy. Took a few hits.

Jax: I'm sorry it went down that way.

Rat Boy: It's cool.

( Groans )

( Chuckles )

Jax: I'm proud of you.

Rat Boy: Thanks, man.

Chibs: Well done, brother.

( Tig muttering )

( Sighs )

Jax: I owe you, brother. Thank you.

T.O.: Anything for you, Jax.

Rat Boy: Guess things went okay here?

Tig: Well, we got a pile of dead black guys in the backyard.

T.O.: What? Was LAPD here?

( Light laughter )

Happy: There's three left if you want one.

Rat Boy: I'm good, man.

T.O.: Yeah, me, too.

Tyler: We did it.

Tig: Good luck.

Chibs: Good luck to you.

Chibs: Yo.

( Door opens )

Quinn: Pack your bags.

Grant: What's going on?

Montez: Marks' hit squad has been discharged.

Grant: What about August?

Quinn: He won't be out for a few days. We're gonna take you home, keep an eye on you. We'll see what happens then.

Grant: Okay.

(Loutreesha crying) Hey. Hey, it's okay, Mom. It's okay. Hey. We're gonna be okay.

(Chuckles) We're gonna be okay.

( Loutreesha continues crying )

( Machines beeping rhythmically )

(Music playing over TV) Catherine (Over TV): I've waited over three years, Mr. Heathcliff. Heathcliff: And I've waited at your gate over an hour, Mrs. Linton. Catherine: You can be quite the scoundrel, Heathcliff. Heathcliff: Never, my love. We will let the horses set the pace for our hearts, as we become reacquainted.

Tully: "A brotherhood of misery, with smiles as sad as sighs. The madness daily maddening me and turning into agony. The bliss before my eyes. So stood I in Heaven's glorious sun, and in the glare of Hell, my spirit drank a mingled tone, of seraph's song and demon's moan. What my soul bore, my soul alone, within itself may tell."

Chibs: Hey, darling.

Althea: Hi.

Chibs: Rough day?

Althea: What do you think? Some Aryan psycho tried to k*ll one of my sheriffs.

Chibs: Right.

( Chuckles )

Althea: I can't do this anymore.

Chibs: What?

Althea: I don't know what I was thinking. I'm... Jesus, I'm an idiot. It's not you, Filip. I always put myself in these situations where... that just can't go anywhere. It's like I seek out shit that I know is gonna crash and burn. I'm sorry. I should've never let this happen.

( Sighs )

( Sighs )

( Chuckles )

Chibs: Okay.

Althea: That's it? Okay?

( Sighs )

Chibs: What do you want from me, Althea?

Althea: I don't know, man. Am I right?

Chibs: You're a cop and I'm a criminal. I'm never gonna tell you about my business, and you sure as shit ain't gonna tell me yours. So, no. We won't be taking strolls down Main Street hand in hand, picking out furniture and whatever other shite that normal couples do. I like you. The sex is great. And when you're not tearing apart every single moment that we're together, you're actually a lot of fun. But no... I'm not gonna make up your mind for you.

( Chibs grunts )

( Material ripping )

( Zipping opening )

( Panting )

( Moans )

( Knocking )

Tig: Hey. Why you sitting in the dark?

Venus: Please turn that off. Please.

Tig: What's going on?

Venus: I know what this is, Alexander. Why you're with me.

Tig: What are you talking about?

Venus: You're a man who dares to dance with the freaks. I perpetuate that deviance for you. Allow you to show the world that you live outside the box. But... I know that's where it ends for us, and I understand. It comes with the territory of my complicated identity. But my... my feelings for you are simpler. They live very much inside the box. I'm afraid... Alexander, that... I may have fallen in love with you.

( Sniffles )

Tig: Um, I don't know what to say.

Venus: Please, let me say it for you. Uh... I'm a man. I am a man who knows she's a woman. And that's exactly where I'm supposed to be. That's the crisscross that I've come to love. I don't want the surgery. I don't want to undo what God has given me. I-I know how beautiful I am.

Tig: You are beautiful.

Venus: Thank you. I'm-I'm gonna need to put some-some distance between us. (Sniffles) At least un-until I can, uh... climb outside the box again.

Tig: Well... you're right, baby. About me. About everything. This is my crisscross. Because when I'm with you, I don't have any secrets. I mean, I can't. I-I ha... I have to open myself up for this. And... you see everything. All the things that I hide. All the shit that I hate about myself. You see it all, baby. You see it all. And through all that, you still love me? Wow. I mean, man, I've never had that ever with anyone. In any box, you know? But when I try to get close... you know, to feel...

Venus: Normal.

Tig: Yeah.

Venus: Yeah.

Tig: Yes. I-I, I just, I can't hook it up.

Venus: I-I understand...

Tig: No, let me finish, baby. But I want to. I want to. I want to feel... what it's like... for you to be mine. I want to be able to go anywhere, anyplace with you... being mine. Come on, baby. Why don't you just go get yourself cleaned up. Put on a pretty dress. Put those flowers back in your hair. 'Cause I want to hear your lilt when you say my name. 'Cause you are my, my sweet, my beautiful... Venus.

Venus: Oh... Okay. Okay?

Tig: Yeah.

Venus: Yeah? I'll-I'll-I'll do that for you, baby. My precious Alex... Alexander. Alexan... Alexander.

( Laughs )

Tig: Come on.

Venus: Oh! My savior.

Tig: Oh, my baby.

Venus: Oh, you're my angel.

Tig: I know, baby.

( Groans )

Brooke: Ooh, sorry.

Rat Boy: It's okay.

Nero: What the hell happened?

Rat Boy: Just a little dustup with a few African-American fellows.

Nero: Marks' guys? What went down?

Rat Boy: Jax can fill you in.

Nero: Yeah, well until he does, anything we need to get ready for here?!

Brooke: Hey! He's exhausted! Jax is at his house. You want answers, talk to him. Gemma's in her room.

( Quiet laugh )

Nero: Feeling any better?

Gemma: I don't know.

Nero: I'm sorry this happened, mama. I know this... I know what this does to you.

Gemma: When are you going to Norco?

Nero: Hmm, well, I pick up my money from Alvarez tomorrow. Probably head down there the next couple of days, you know? See what needs to be done. Start setting things up.

Gemma: Need some help?

Nero: Serious?

Gemma: Yeah, you know. At least for a while. Till the shit gets sorted out with Abel.

Nero: Oh, that'll be good, mama. Yeah, I mean, we could do it together, hmm? Ma-Make it our place, you know? No, no, no. It's gonna be okay, Gem. Baby, we're gonna get through all this.

Gemma: I don't know why you're still here. Why you still love me.

Nero: Oh, don't-don't say that.

Gemma: I don't who I am anymore. I don't know.

Nero: Baby, baby. You're my girl. Hmm?

(Gemma sniffles) That's who you are. You're my girl.

( Door opens )

( Insects trilling )

Wendy: Hey.

Jax: Hey.

(Door closes) Did they go down okay?

Wendy: Yeah. I tried talking to him a little bit, but he wasn't having it.

Jax: Yeah, give him a couple days. He's got to know what he did was wrong.

Wendy: I got the names of a couple of good therapists.

Jax: Thank you for doing all this, Wendy. For helping getting them settled back here.

Wendy: I don't mind. I was gonna make some tea.

Jax: Sounds nice.

(Footsteps approaching) Hey, buddy. What are you doing up?

Abel: May I have some water, please?

Wendy: I got it.

( Water pouring )

Jax: Abel, come here.

Wendy: Here you go, buddy.

Abel: Thank you.

Wendy: You're welcome.

Jax: Why don't you sit down for a minute? I want to tell you something, Abel. And I want you to try to really understand, okay?

Abel: Okay.

Jax: You remember when I told you that me and Mommy got married after you were born? When you were already three?

Abel: Yeah.

Jax: And that you didn't come out of Mommy's tummy the way Thomas did? Well, that's because you came out of another mommy's tummy. Do you know whose tummy that was? It was Wendy's. Wendy was your first mommy. You came out of her tummy. That's kind of crazy, right? You see, Daddy and Wendy, we used to be married. But we realized that we were better off just being friends. But that's why she's here now. To help take care of you now that you need a mommy. Okay? I just want you to know there are so many people that love you, Abel. No matter what happens, you're always gonna have a daddy and a mommy that are gonna do their best for you.

Wendy: Hey. You want to ask me anything, baby?

Abel: No.

Jax: Well, we can talk about it whenever you want. Or not, okay? It's up to you. All right. Why don't you go get back into bed? I'll come in in a minute and tuck you in. All right.

Wendy: Oh, buddy. Good night.

( Sniffles )

(Kettle whistling) Oh, Jesus, Jax. A little heads up would've been nice.

( Kettle continues whistling )

( Whistling stops )

Jax: You okay?

Wendy: Thank you.

(Sniffles) What kind of tea do you want?

Jax: The kind that goes good with a shot of Jameson.

( Grunting )

Jax: I love you, son.

Abel: Love you, Daddy.

Jax: All right. Get some sleep.

Abel: Daddy?

Jax: Yeah?

Abel: Is Wendy my first mommy 'cause I came out of her tummy?

Jax: Yeah. That's right.

Abel: So, is that why Grandma k*lled my other mommy? So my first mommy could be here with me?