Standing Firm (2010)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.
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Standing Firm (2010)

Post by bunniefuu »


How do you feel it?

There; r u م.

S m م م م
announcement and if you need anything, okay?

A; I have to make م.

How many few friends from work
m م will help

until you return you.


S م م BE gr're not; you.

See you later.


How are you, son?


I love you.

I love you.

Tat م, do not need.

Take Dave, how many; you get it.

I'm not a must.

Dave, please cite
;'re it for me.

S م م
go home; I was م you rest, you.

If you need anything, call
م s م m later.


Tat, is, you ready?

Tat م?

Yes, I will be ready soon.

Tat, tat م, waking you up.
Is 7.30.

You do go, or not?

No, no; your time.

Okay then.

S م s م door and not come
s m م م take, right?

I was looking م.

Door and S م not.

Well, we'll see.


Steven and م i
not come tat م م t l u?

No, to my dismay.

It's okay, let
c م drive you.



Thank, I appreciate it.

And م i forgot you?

Yes, I want to say that م م
I Board; it much with me; ina.

How hard it is s
م م not mind c m م م م should take?

You said something?

P i, which would have been م

No car م m not;
know how م- help him.

It started with my day, then the day came

Can no longer keep in mind no car
c m م م م m م must take from work.

S م shut everything will not help.

Do not just go and complain م
; i s a م, م toe and that things change.


Stay c م came.

م s Please do not get angry.

not much he helped lately.

I have م son.

Talk to you later, okay?


Dinner is ready, Maggie.

خ م still have problems?

You must stake our م م m
still for them.

You came home early.

Yeah, I checked
us; you acts.

Ast م
day lest you forget something?

I'm خ م r u.

E; you too busy.

There are too busy
c م just forgot.

Tat م, today morning I
g م م م mas sleeping on site.

How many hours of sleep you succeed; it was م
accumulate in recent months?

How many things do you forgot to م?

Steven, how r م remains the affairs
which thou م f you cut?

I have a lot on my plate right now.

Yes, as i myself!

ھ I know it is hard to م م م you pl;
your bills but can not c م...

Paying bills?

You have no idea what they mean
م م م pl you; your bills.

I work like crazy.

We can barely survive م s UIM.

My income is half م
ity of what it was before.

Steven Hai,
May م- m م leave alone.


I will g خ م م and another person with whom
م م م come home.

Why we build it again?

Ing م is to reap; for the other tools.

ھ him for hiding places م
Zoar my chips.

O; know your mother,
it is a fo ru م ;.

You always
v م mother scold them on chips.

On her i
ate them already; you know that.


I heard what you said.

What have you heard?

C are a hoa م م chips.

did not say that.

You are an i as a couple
b م installments.

C م s م pests and yes.
B م Trane.

Listen م.

خ finally, drag م.

Dave may have م help?


I really do.

م be a family thing.

F م I have not cut anything
family for a while.

Just, a, Steven.

Except pushed their chairs.

I really want م s help.

S م s م م م m
joke aside.

Have you seen م giving a hammer?

Do not charge م.

No, I know what I say م.

For our project.

S م
we have a toast for the project.


God bless م !

I'm called Dave, Jen; and Steven.

R م We can not respond now,

but not close it.

L م il Message
i will call you back م.

We thank
V م s م م ave him a good day.

Good م David

Brian Johnson Bank Lebonds.

I must م م m
urgent call in connection with mortgage م م tour.

If you could م s م م m
call the num ber م you hear

A; م greatly appreciate it.

Have a good S م م,

That's what I was called upon to م
because Christ suffered for you,

Sandu-v l م م
an example that should follow him م-

C م lcând his footsteps.

He did not p c م م sinned; and in his mouth
g did not lie م م site.

When they insulted Him,
He was r م zbunat.

When he suffered
not threatened anyone.

خ contrast, was confident م
in the judge with justice.

Here we see Jesus f م
CANDU is an example for us

Chose to do م م م
Father's will, even though م

م had to suffer for it
م s م be fulfilled.

ھ we know that we have
م s م be an example.

ھ must know that م م
s m c م م his footsteps lc

; And yet, I do not, because again
م s م be well with us.

I want you م s م v i think about it.

Afar م people are lost and going to hell

; And often we do nothing

For example, or to save them.

We are just very scared them.

Frankly م s son, to make a commitment to Christ

It is something to fear.

But, you and why?

November we have God with us.

He can help us
s dep م م, م im the team.

ھ And even if we are afraid م م م again,
He will make it disappear م s م.

He will do great things through us.

But here it is the key,
must make a connection م م earth.

i v م challenge you here
if you agree م s م do this,

Yes, it will be difficult
yes, i have to suffer م,

but God will give you a great result.

; ti c م matter what we go

Everything is c م م
fulfill His will the best م.

Hello, tat م.

I want to apologize for what I said

ھ know that م
situation is difficult in the last few months م م

I c م've had many per
; i c i م do everything po.

Meri something better.


خ م n rule.

Tomorrow م s م go to church?

No, I do not think so.

You have not been for months.


Work; you م until exhaustion.

- I want to say that م م...
- Do not go in there.

You do not have م
trust me?

You can not i i gave you a
م s م trust me?


Ok, I'll wake up tomorrow morning I

S م
this mess in the evening to sleep faster.

I do not understand this thing with God.

He changed my life
; and you realize its not.

What you م م d?

I am here, I am real.

This house is real.

Where is God?

There خ م d v l.

I am here.

's You v م d, but have م d
as we go down.

We all walked around
this; I am tired.

No I have not tried م car.

We do our best in our circles separated

Try م م m s get back
from time to time

S st م م م together
m i s م not be with loved ones, tri.

But I can not tr
م s م istrative something you do not feel.

God comes first, Dave,
i can not change that.

I can not change.


See you in م untrue, right?





You have succeeded; it was م- make him come م s م?


However, I'm less tense.

I am not surprised by this.

There has not been here in a while.


Tat, is, you ready?

Tat م?

God is a God of love.

He wants us to be م i s i save
i م shows us that,

By the fact that every day we م م ruIe
d;'re in good م his tits,

م r of patience, and His mercy.

If we are honest
م with us; get,

R not normally respond م م call
his country to go to heaven through good م his tits.

Jokes; you?
But then what?

Why when things were going well
we do not need God?

Become his own god.

lot with what we have; i
He becomes the last thing on our minds م.

And yet ھ i,
after م However,

God, in love, in love
d م,

Allow difficulties OF THE م s م between م
in our life, but not t*rture our م s,

But as we awaken م s م.

He will do everything he can for me
; and thou

s missing from Heaven
even if this means م م م w i.

م Because we loved thee.

What kind of garbage is; that?

Las م- m s م م- explain.

Yes, م- me explain.

I have م- explain.

He wanted
c م م م say God is sovereign.


God is sovereign?


He took her mother,
on my wife.

That v d c م م not bother.

How can i s م pass
sight of; something?

ھ longer stay there
s i s your favorite pig م م those tories.

What is his purpose in someone's death?

Where is the divine plan of God in this?

No, I know!

No, I know that is his plan.

But, I know; I think he has one م

Mother, knew this, why did not you
i po?

ھ know something, stuff Church

S no م
not hear of; something.

I do not wanna hear about
speaking pastor م last Sunday.

Tat م.

And you pray
م s i s م cite; your Bible

When I'm not around م.

Ready, م up here.

Not want.

م not listen to what I say and م-.

I tried.


Here's the problem,
does not want م م m not listen.

I said.

I tried, that is.

Yes, I tried.

I do not even;
know what م do.

I think any counseling
م not; and pointless.

Did not happen م م d s
a; something in the near future.

P م Store is free?

Lord, it is very difficult

Help م- m م s م example
son needs.

Father, I need your strength
; and perseverance م.

All م s م n ruIe, Lord; and only You can save her c م snicia this.

I need you, Lord, for thy power

I can and keep م.

Good م, you have less leisure?

Yes, sure.
In م.

Let s see what he says.

F م You cut the estimate?


There is little expensive?

Damages are great, Shawn.

However i is too much.

That's it.

Dave, if this م i would have happened ie,
no you did not have money and you م م pl; ti.

You tell me.

I can not pl م م TESC this.

Why is a; a lot?

lady, I can not fix
م م you fly, the less for that.

But I did not take money ATA.

I can not م- them all once TESC pl م م.

Perhaps only in installments.

I can accept rates now.

I need all the money
before starting work.

Think you م him for a day or two م

Call him م m i a i m s م.

If م م m not contacted you consider
c i g م م site to someone else.

I've called all the time
;, none is free.

I had a hand م s م for م s م
give you.

What do I do now?

That's it.

S م announced to him.

You were rough with price م stand.

You could however i s م cut from it.

Shawn i i payments م tit
bills, just like her.

Yeah, you're right.

Speaking of bills,
I laid eyes on a project and I want م bid on it.

If we go
you out of the pit that is, you.

If n خ م stand
let us م s b g م م m.

I hope we catch this work.

It's something that we need both.

We'll be fine.

Yeah, if you say م.

Too much to bear,
not to; the?

You told Grandpa
u t م about this?

Least I spoke on the phone,

But not about this.

You should words; you with him in person م

Because م م if anyone knew the tat
م م t l u, u م t that's grandfather.


Tata is a
; to lose.

Pure i do not;
know how to fix things م.

Steven, tat م م l t p u was still م م م day Anat not yet
; Survey.

I could not do it م- s م s م mow the grass, but there م-
i do م homework.

I s م You can not fix anything.

What shall I do
if م م s are f r م م power?

C م I did not say it; you f r م م power.

I said i po
c م s م not fix anything for him.

Then what should I do?

If he does not understand, how م-
I help him?

you responsible for what you do in life that,

Not making tat م م t l u.

God cares م
is up here, down here.

I am م b installments.

I f م already cut choices.

Tat م م u l t i f م he cut his own,
م now you must make them yours.

But if you do not م م
right choice?

Not always; we know that.

But we read the Word
i s c م م believe God

us م م guidance of it to make the right choice
م whatever it may be.

How is he?
What is it ?

P i,
hardly sleeps, and works م 24 of 24.

It was a tough month م,
but you did it م village.

But that does not mean
c م م is u, t.

This is not something that م does it for me,

But I can not have م م d
how to destroy himself.

should know that م s م م m please, i do, but...

No longer; م know what they do.

You must م
something happen quickly.

You must م
happen, something good.

No, I know, I lose patience very quickly
r م.

You successful; however it i s
م م get up here.

God sends r م م
answer after his hour, after م not ours.

What will I do?

What is this, Dave?

Nc خ م م a bank account?

A; م you purchased the rat bike?


ھ and when you were going there م- me?

I was not going.

ھ and you wonder what goes
our relationship م.

C م never thought you would be interested.

Do not tell me about things dynasty,

It is that i like i min
me in front م.

ھ you know something?

That's mine.

Dave, we have problems
; and you are not able; e; s م you solve them.

I can still fix things م s i s م can not save us,

I no longer; م know what they do.

I should go.
S م م m going somewhere.

Dave Corwin?


Steven, Jesus is the way, truth
م ber; s life.

On m م م sur
you study the Bible, and it cau and the Lord

I pray that his Word م م change
s i s م transform

Your life, just as
has changed mine.

Although م love

God, I gre; it has, the much

'm So nervous.

Why you should
s م take it from me?

م s I can not do anything alone

I need help م T u,

I need
s م- You drive me life.

I was revving م م be worried
s i s م- be afraid م.

I have more bills than I need.

My son loves م m;'re a; a much

And I do not; I know م-
s i t c م م would love him.

i; m You know that م م loves; ti.

If I want life, take it.

م it is all yours.

Hello, how are you?

Steven may have م least
talk to you?

I have not been a good father م,
or pattern for you.

I behaved badly, you, mad, you.

I wrong; it very much.

Last night, I talked to God, and I told him if
c م م like my life was م can take.

How often have you tried م-
I would م his path.

But I have refused.

I'm خ م r u.

Things will change between me, and you, Steven.

I hope ھ c
m م م you'll be able to forgive.

I love my son very much.

Dave, that's great.

It's amazing.

خ you realize how many times I prayed
م together with Jen

Here in the office that day that they come م م?

What God does is amazing.

Now you promise from God that م c "r م farewell"

Whom you took from Jen
p م here on earth,

Is now a temporary one.

its day will come, I will come

Each again
'll go to heaven.

But who will meet in heaven, Dave?

You'll see her again Jen.

That is why the Bible says c م November increase, Tinie
م m sad, of course c م do.

Because we are humans.

But we م m saddened that
those who did not have any hope م.

Bible tells us that one day we will meet again
loved ones in heaven.

Is not it amazing?

Jen tried م- tell me about Jesus much
م م time.

Jen era, to the faithful م.

M م look at Jen, and I said:
do the right thing.

Do the right thing.
Do the best thing.

I looked, and my son, Steven.

خ know him, know him so well

Example was right in front of me,
to take it, my child.

ھ keep all try
; i m م pushing from behind,

م م m as they encourage
both f م ceau this.

But I climb in the truck م م m
; i m م went to work.

ھ م know that u will not be; or,

But the peace that we now

C م tells me it will be better.

My Relationship with Steven
countries will Ret م more.

On m sur م م as time passes, bad change
will show م م countries.

A i f م You cut
all this?

Yeah, mostly.

You'll be here later?

I have to us; you organized things,
but I will not stay long.

Do you have any plans?

What is it?

ق ie even like م
to church, not to, huh?

Yes, very much.

ھ know, his mother was the
pl م م م serve.

Do not have much free time from hospital

But when have there
t i م he wanted to be.

I miss her.

Yes, I know,
; i me is me.

How long have you supported?

I want to say that م م
else would be waived.

I never could.

I mean م, م I wanted to do.

There were many times when I was
furious and frustrated because of your

But I, knew that م م if I give up,
Jesus would not do it.

I'm proud of you.
I really am.

I f م cut us; things that you
them; be forgiven if they would be f م م cut others.

But you stood by me as long م

I respect you for that.


م- I should say something.


We are in danger of being give them out of the house م م.

How, huh?

crazy when your mother died.

M م mean
duty at the funeral.

It's a lot of money.

i did not realize it until
when he had a pl م s م TESC.

I never realized how lazy
; I was sitting م year.

I succeeded; it, my life
changed too quickly.

No f م job to barge; the right way,
not check م م m c r a s; it was supposed to.

ھ know, your mother was there when needed

م to help when he could.

Even if م work at the hospital, bringing home
ity م م half of our income.

ھ know, not too م-
I wanted to call him that.

I was afraid م م
s not scare you.

That's why you all f م cut
worry for the work that big?


I thought
c م will be less aid

C م s م will help us get back.

Shawn knowledge; you someone involved
; i hope that م will arrange everything.

How was your weekend?

I changed my life.


Mine was not too cool.

I went to purchase r م م م tourists Sunday
i forgot c م م Elul in the house.

ھ and completely destroyed the living room couch.

I think you had fun م م
until you f م clean cut?

Yeah, what م say.

I thought my
take her م م them a s; supports.

He came home م i was just over
all material.

- I can not support م dogs.
- No children are not م u work; oar م.

I, and I ap م something?

Yes, it is in front م.

Yeah, no children is not u, t.
ھ know i do this.

We are not preparing your م i,
at least I'm not.

What's up?

What's with that bible?

I just started to read.

I hope now م م n a s s م- begin my sermon?

S م- and preach?

Yeah, ii p م My parents tried everything
م put me on the neck

While I was small.
Never م م not cut my payments.

Do not tell me this until now م.

Probably not
م م I had to say.

There are only bad memories.

ھ know, no car م m not talking to p
ii م my parents.

My mother'll call م م
from time to time

S م م see what do i s م- tell me
م م status of my father.

That's about all.

's Status?

م has a heart problem.

I do not; I know what it is, just
c م has been to the hospital because of it.

Shawn, I did not say that until you've
م now.

- Sometimes I'll call.
- Sometimes?

- Can we change the subject?
- Sure.

Only if we succeed م; it was his م say something.

We arrived at no common ground.

That was م not discourage you.

You have succeeded; it when you put a home run the first time
arm candy م م, م big deal.

I look م- me a raise, hold that the f
م cut it; I will be impressed.

However, I feel that م م park
I will not talk to him about it.

Jokes; you?
Will be easier; t.

Converse laid they are always good,

before they interact again.

Believe me,
it is a good thing.

Who p م father of here
me or you?

I think both م;
know who the father of p م here.

Way, is repetition to sketch
tomorrow, may live; and you.

I do not have time
but can you go there.

Yes, why not.

We'll find out if we م
phase out the work.

So tomorrow is the big day?

Yeah, they are less thoughtfully.

Do not be
a s م be fine.

- You succeeded; it was م live.
- Yes, I'm here.

You; and Maggie, ie
I i i م together...

Quite often, not to, huh?


Come tell me.

What do you think?

ھ know that م is more than a mere
م friendship.


No, tat م, you think there's any
a; a.

Steven is my son
i know you م long time.

Okay, you want م
s words; you down.

- V م d ui how you and her.
- We're just friends.

Have you talked to her?
I mean م you meant it?

No, I did not talk, okay?

Not too;
know how م call.

We are so good friends, and I do not want م م seem strange.


There is nothing strange about that, son.

You are an i
friends when you م; know.

It's not like i
how the relationship could destroy overnight.

Okay, thank.

What are you going م s doing?

خ like her,
it is a wonderful person م م.

M م'll do.

Park م s م must be working, right?

See you later, okay?

Okay, I see.

ق keep in mind, you have 10 years.
Words, by Maggie.


- Dave, Dave Corwin?
- Yes.

C M م م glad I met you.

- Kevin M م call.
- م Good, how are you?

I hope better
م م after that I'll talk to you.

م is desperate about her house.

Has some problems to structure م i m م wondering

if you have less time to go
م s م م its opinion the figure p i s i م a aju.

What are the damages and said?

I told م م has a hole in the cover

From flowing into pieces م م t Kitchen

destroys plasterboard; م show her ugly.

A call someone, but م
attempted to burn a pre م.

M م م wondering if you
less time to go م s م door and you?

Bid at outbuilding, and that's my priority.

ھ longer it lasts until م م م
must receive ve; ti.

It was م
go there right now?

Dave, that would be super.

I wrote ق name, her address.

Even its thank.

No problem.

You must go, my daughter immediately
م finish the song.


How was it?

Even better, it can handle
whole world م م well.

How many more you have to repeat them?

I think م three, but I
a; a great emotion.

I do not.

Each of you makes them a good job م م.

- You think so?
- Yes, certainly م.

You'll be in front of your Church,

E s م م if you give the bar م
you do in front of them.

There are people in you, not to, huh?

Not even, of embarrassing.

Come on, Maggie, was م go.

What's the rush?

I go with Mom to purchase م م r tourists,
م must go.

Okay, see you later

- Ceau.
- Ceau.

God, why here?


Dave, I've, you great.

V ber م my knowledge it; you
those with outhouse.

They have suggested i said if
c م م م a house we can have.

I can not come.

But if م stall,
may cancel the decision.

Not realize its importance م that has everything?

Sarah ھ keep house, the
that I was less harsh?

The one you've been less harsh?

S م get over it.

Else can not get our hands on م s م house?

i s م meet you; you
with them tomorrow.

You prepare your documents
; I will make necessary م situation.

I'll tell you something.

Meet Sarah's house when you're done, just do not sit
; to far.

What are you doing?

F م 's not worry, just come here


No, I know why
sent you here.

I can pl م you,
i've never said that.

- Here is م ruin christmas?
- Yes, there.

Now that م damage occurred
it will cost more than before.

Here's what we do:

Know someone who makes those, and things that i us

Will come here next following days م م v
to solve the problem.

- We will do everything for free.
- Free, words; you serious?

My company will take care of this, I will contact
م after I leave.


Talk to you later.

I need to fix this as quickly
, thank.

Thank Joe.

What about you?

I'll get its work
year, and you م m at i ponds م.

Shawn م had to be
a more prominent place.

What is more important that that work?

What about bills that you have to pl م م you; you?

Not you realize how lucky
e; ti c م gave him an extra day.

ھ I know, but I felt
c م God wanted me here.

May leave م- m م, م
what happens to you?

م d v First Bible in me; your machine
; I now abandon him in this work.

However i, why is; it here?

Because م s م must make things right.

What if i ھ م has problems

Issues they should م either; a large

If you have not kept م
as pre.

That's why I help م m free.

Never f م م have not cut
things dynasty.

- Now they are different.
- Yes, of; e; ti.

Shawmut henceforth a s m
م م- honor the service of our Lord م.

ھ know something, you start s p م م become like my parents ii
talking about Jesus.

- I'm outta here.
- Shawn.

- Sun م- m م when its brain recover.
- Shawn, Shawn.

What happens م?

The reason I talk to you م s,

I want to ask you something.


- M م م wondering if...
- Do not م bi gr.

If م not somehow, could...

It's about you; and Maggie?


Son, the risen
them together م small children

Have been part of our family م

Think م م
if you want to م Board; and Maggie

م s as a knowledge; you better have my consent

i think م e;
your man.


What do you do here?

Talking about sports, and favorite teams,

How well م plays when they match.

- See you later?
- Good.

We will continue gave another م م.

I f pl cut م م required.
We talk later.

See you,
talk later.

Okay, bye.

S م should not either; the harder.

S م should not either; the harder.

What are you doing?

I wanted to apologize
م- earlier.

I said we;
things that you did not have to say م.

Stay lines; tit,
not worry.

No, not right م.

I sat him past
s م م م mastery st م put on me

I n م dezl I forget you.

You must م door and past
of all I should م; I know that.

Not only that,
you; you are my best friend.

I really wanted م d c s v م م
things go better for you.

ھ م i v d you're risking
م stand in the way.

Even م must go
to the house of that woman?

There God wanted م s son.

I could not say no.

I have not heard dynasty from you?

Because م Jen wanted much
s م- م me say this,

But I never understood.

م- always tried to tell me how much
م م loves me; you Jesus.

And م i; i and م i,
I wanted to listen م.

go to church; I have a big smile on his face

Str م م Park glistened, but I do not understand
, I could not.

Park م م was furious that she had something
more than me.

I have rejected it.

Shawn, I think م
biggest thing I rejected

C م was that she needed Jesus
more than me.

I just came
s م- apologize.

Okay, thank you for coming
c م s م talk.

See you tomorrow at work?


Way, say hello to your
take her from me.

I have not seen you for a long م.

Ok, I have م do.
S م م have a good night.

It was, of what you thought?

I was scared when she came.

I thought م م and i will ipa

See what happens when you worry م

- ھ him, how is Maggie?
- Do not start.

S م leave you?
Po i did not condemn c م م ask.


I talked to him م her father.

With Dan
you talked to Dan?


I thought if م م
c e s م ask her hour ;,

Must م, م
know that it م her father agrees.

ھ him what he said?

I accepted as part of the family
i said,

C م is honored to work even م stand.

Check on concern?


Tomorrow go to the stake م bitterly?

What or م?

I think م at 6.30.

Tomorrow I'll go م م م m
meet Grandpa t u م.

And after that م s م
must talk with the client.

I must catch
م this work.

It was very nice what you f م cut for that family.

You needed courage.


Never م
I never assumed such a risk.

That's why is called; you م faith.

Yes, I received the letter.

I thought I had more time.


How effective time do I have?

What else can they do م?

ھ you.

Well, hello.

My son is just a house م, م
family is more important.

Yes, but it was Jen's house.

It was our minul c م.

Perhaps we p م م orders.

I, like
s r م م I now answer.


I spoke with Steven
from that i work.

Not always have answers م r.

But we have the ability to go
to the One who has م r answers,

That we will not always
d م what we want, when we want,

Or whatever we want, but we believe he never
c م م not wrong; it thee.

How good was if I thought م
a; a mother when she died.

That was the hardest moment for me

I wondered if God م
is there, if I م; tie pain.

But, he knew even; tia.

It was there.

It has used her death as
c م s م show me is there; i c m م م loves thee.

Jen When he died, I accused

Because all he wanted
م s م م do was to talk م.

A م wanted me there; I know who is
i م who would have wanted to be.

And I m any car I wanted م s م
have to do with it.

All I remember it.

If م me; be f م cut time

Stay with her م s i s م listen,

I do not think would be perfect م م cut accident.

I think the only thing م
your mother; and Jen

I wanted was you م-
s L i ACCEP Christ.

ھ i f م you cut it,
f م you cut it.

i would be very proud of yourself
; and Steven

S م م not this door and never

I'm خ م r u tat م,
is Shawn, do you mind?

R م respond.

Shawn, what is it?

- Dave...
- What is Shawn?

- Man.
- What is it ?

No, I know how م- say.

I have not received outhouse.


I have not received
were م r zgândit.

Shawn, I really
m م headed toward them.

Ast day I م م s م m meet them.

Had been living م first meeting.

I told c ق م might be
s r م م م zgândeasc.

- I talked about this.
- ھ know.

Dave, stop;
know how م help.

P i م, م still have time
Save م م m s house.

But if po not it?

F م I did all I could.

Everything is in God's hands.

If م s م can do something,
s م م m s i.

A; the will.

What begins
Sunday م م or the church?

At 10

You want to go?

I thought.

خ م not nc; م know what they do.

I think م م should go.

Nc خ م not, know.

Maybe I'll do something else.

I hope we'll see you there.

Maybe we'll see.

Toward trying خ م s م
have a nice weekend.

Talk to you later.



- Tata.
- Steven.

S خ م I'm glad you're م d.

If all is; it here,
is a letter for you in my box.


No, I know of who he is,
but came this morning م.

- I was taking him م.
- Ok.

Drag م David, I, and with it we can not take account

How God changed her life.

G م joy that you sit in the Lord is a blessing

for Sunday, and we are glad to
; i s م have you with us.

I called my sister
i told you f م cut for her.

I want to thank him for
م- generosity would م م tat my family.

S m c م م م I hope the Lord will help us turn our م-
s favor.

Again thank the Lord and bless م
; i thee; and son t u م.

Love, Kevin.


Come least.

Yes, tat م, what is it?

It was in his box po; م tal?

There has م m; expected.

Do not get tickets it.

If م people who informed them, you notice the change means
م م م c is good.

Do you think Shawn will appear م م bad tomorrow?

I really do not, know.

Bad م not really interested p.

You must م to, expectations
م m i s see what happens م م.

Tat م, see you later.

Well, son, we'll talk later.

- Ceau.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Ceau.

So you succeed; it.

I was not me.

- What do you do after م- this table?
- Nothing Why ?

- Want to م ie, im in time;?
- Sure.

Do you have time, ok.

Numa least م s
arrange things here i go.

- Okay.
- Super.

M م م glad you came.

It's been a while since
I have not been to church م.

Not for me n u were
; s م or begin again.

I must do something.

I'll i s م م hand for future
م if it's ok for you.

Yes, call م well.

- See you tomorrow at work.
- Good.

Good م, م mam.

I'm fine,
dad is there?

Can I talk to him?


Good م, م drag.

I'm خ م r u c م
I have not visited, of how it should have.

ھ م know that I was the husband
which had to be م.

I missed so much.

Steven fend م great.

I raised a wonderful son.

A; I have wanted to be here
s م م- see him grow thee.

I love you.

I always خ م
p layer here, and here.

"The other م hand, know that م all
things work م together م

for good to them
who love God,

; namely the good
those who are called upon

after م plan S م u." Romans 8:28
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