Manborg (2011)

Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.

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Space, Time-travel, Futuristic, Aliens, Sci-Fi movie collection.
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Manborg (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

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from Astron-6

Go! Go! Go!

f*cking move!

Hold the line!

Get these people
outta here!

Yeah, bro!

I mean, sir yes, sir!

Jesus Christ!
sh**t like a man!

Come on,
you bastards!

I said hold the line!


- Get out of here.
- No!

I'm not leaving you here.
Come on.

We made a good team.

You're a good brother.

No... Don't go...

Don't go... Don't...

Remember, it's not
about the k*lling...

It's about... Family...

- Now go!
- No!

- I won't leave you here...
- Go on!

I won't leave you...

- Go on get out of here!
- No!

I'm not going to
leave you here.

- That's an order.
- Yes, sir!

Go to hell.

Not yet, but soon,
I will bring Hell to you.

They taste so much better
when they still have hope.


Such a shame
you are so fragile.

We could have had
a real fight.

This isn't over,
I'm going to find you,

And I'm going to
rip you to pieces.


I look forward to that.




Don't speak.

They'll hear you.


My name is
#1 Man.

The only way we'll make
it out of this alive

Is if we work together.


You. Stop.


Take him out.

Welcome Citizen to
Meganet City.

Welcome to your
new HELL.

All renegades will be

Volunteer for
experimentation today.

So, what have you
brought for me today?


# 1 Man.

I see your epic escape
was short lived.

You're the one who's
going to be short lived.

Oh yes.

You'll be greatly rewarded
for your outbursts.

I look forward to it.

This one k*lled
officer X3-9.



We need more like him.

Put them with the others!

Send your men to
read the arena

And begin data processing

On the new subject

The baron demands
more blood.

I will be down shortly to
make my final analysis.

Have everything ready.



You answer me,
when I'm talking to you.

Be still, Justice.

Save your energy
for the arena.

Whatever, man.

What do you care?

What's that
supposed to mean?

"What's that
supposed to mean?"

You left us in here to rot.

Whatever happened to
sticking together?


I had no other choice.

Yeah. Yeah.

You got a name, buddy?

I am...

I am...



My name is Manborg.


More like assh*le.

Why don't you chill out?


I can't catch a
break around here!

What the hell are you
doing here anyway?

He k*lled one of theirs.

I trust him.

He can help us.



I'm sorry I wasn't
here for you.



What you starring at?

You look at my sister
like that again...

And I'll k*ll ya.

Number 3 and
number 6 as well.

And number 8
and number 9.

So, you must be
the new recruit.

Number 10 as well.

Lets see what he can do.


Fight hard today.

You just might make it
out of this alive.

Have the prisoners processed
and ready for combat.

Do not fail us, Doctor.

I shall take great pleasure

In watching their bodies
bloodied and broken.

Scattered across the...

Oh, hello!

Who's this?

Prisoner number 7, sir.

Such a beautiful name.

That's not my name.


The perfect specimen.

I'm sorry, Prisoner #7.

Where are my manners?

Are you comfortable?

Can I get you anything or...

You could get lost.

such a fire brand too.

You're requested in the
control room, sir.


Oh. Yes.

I have to do everything
around here.

Perhaps when all your
friends are all destroyed

We can find a little
more time to chat.

I've got my own
nightmare chamber.

I'd rather be dead.


We have so much
in common.

Be seeing you!

Get up.
All of you.

No dancing.

What the...


Battle will commence

In t-minus two minutes
and counting.


Blood drinking freaks.

All of them.

You get in my way,
I'll k*ll ya!


Mina, be careful,

I've got your back.

Welcome humans to
the TerrorOpticon.

There are no losers.

You are either win
or you die.

Now that I say it out loud,

It seems fairly obvious
who the losers would be,

Let the games begin!

Game on.


They not fooling around.

I wannna help.

Just back off.

We need him or
we're all dead.

Yeah and how
would you know?

Hey. Are you ready to
focus there, bro?

Well, well it depends.

Are you ready to

Just watch me.

Mina, no!

Nice one, Mina.

Game on.


To the death, please.

Are you gonna help
anytime soon...


Humans win.



I'm sorry.
Oh god!



No. Why?

What have I done...

You promised these games

Would bring blood.

They're working together.

This is not the
first time they've won.

There is no more room
for mistakes.

Not again.



Those were some pretty
fancy schenanigrams

You pulled there, Manborg.

Just what in the
hell are you anyway?

Are you a spy?

Did Dr. Scorpius send you?

You aren't human.

You come here to k*ll us?

- I am...
- Don't answer that...



He almost got Mina k*lled.

I saw it.


You almost got my
sister k*lled?


I can't believe this.

What kind of a man
would do such a thing?

He's not a man.

He's one of them.

You're right, Mina.

He probably is.


I am not...

One of them...

I am...

Something else.

We didn't survive this long
for you to dance in here

In your expensive
silver boots

And your fancy
schenanigram outfits

And get us all k*lled.

Get out of here!
Get out!

Take a hike!
Get out of here!

If you're not one of us
the just take a hike!

Take a hike!
Get out of here!


Stick out your thumb,
get out there,

And catch a ride.

Cause you're not
wanted here.

It's okay, Mina.

You're safe now.


Hello there,
Prisoner #7.

I hope...

So... Do you like
Hover bikes or...

sh*t... So stupid...

Well, good luck!

Where did that come from?


Such an idiot.

I'll be in my
nightmare chamber!

Get up!

I don't think
he's coming back.

What can I be doing wrong?

I mean,
I'm trying so hard.

I mean, I don't know,

You can process human
emotion, what do you think?

Cause sometimes I feel like
she doesn't even knows I exist.

Hmm, I don't know.

Have you tried um...
Buying her something?

Flowers or...


Like what kind of
flowers... like a certain kind?

Listen, Baron,
I'm very busy here

I have a lot of work to do.

Perhaps you could
discuss this with,

I don't know,
The Count?

You two seem to
get along very well.

When he's sober...

I'm going to have a friggin
anxiety att*ck over here.

I need a cigarette.

You told me you quit.

Don't you start.

Battle will commence
in t-minus two minutes.

Come on.

You can do this.

No one's ever beaten
the champion.

This is terrible.

I can't watch this.


No way.

Oh no.

Ooh, yeah!


Humans win.

No one's ever won against
the champion before.

How could we let
this happen?

I guess there's a new
champion in town now.

Shut up.

Don't think I've
forgotten about you.

How could you?

I ripped out both your eyes.

I want that Man... Borg...

It's time to find out
what he is.

So, this is Manborg.

Shame you're still
just a man though.

Do you look forward to being
pulled apart piece by piece?


I saw you protecting
your friends in the arena.

Would you like to see them
begging for their lives?

They are just as
helpless as you.

Yeah. Great.

Super great.

Execute the remaining

Except for prisoner #7.

Shadow-Mega is one of
our finest creations,

A hybrid like you,

She'll show your friends
what pain really is.


But you, you will be
saved for when he returns.

Oh yeah.

No one will be able to stop
what The Count has become.

Even you will beg
for his mercy.

- Can you hear me?
- Yes!

My name is Doctor Scorpius

And what is your name?


And where are you from?

I woke up in a box.

Then this all must seem
very strange for you.

It's not the world you were
expecting to wake up to,

Is it?

I was a...

A soldier, yes,

In the last great w*r
against Hell.


How did you know that?

I know

Because I built you.



I don't believe you.

I'll ask the
questions here.


I built you when
Mankind fell.

I used their Robo-Technology

To create a w*apon
powerful enough

To destroy them forever.

I had to do it.

After all, this whole
nightmare is my doing.

You caused all this?

I had to.

For science.

I didn't know I was
opening the gates to Hell.

When I finally realized
what was happening

It was far too late.

You're my last chance
at redemption,

But not it seems,

Time has run out
for us all.

You d*ck!

It's all your fault...


You were a hero.

You were the only one to
face Count Draculon by himself.

I planned it, so you
would reawaken here

In the future

And finish what you started
all those years ago.

Why is this
happening to me?

There's no time.

Take this future cassette.

Thanks, man.

No... Just... That's enough.
All right.


I only helped them because
I had no other choice.

I understand.

Go make things right again.

I will!

Now's our chance
to get out of here.

But how?

Were trapped behind
these laser barriers!

Where's Manborg
and his gizmos

When you need them,

No talking.

No way.

Hello everyone.

sh**t the control panel
to free us from our cells!

Oh, yeah!

This way to the hanger bay.

You coming?

Am I allowed to?


Just don't sh**t me
or anything.

What's that noise?

Come on let's
get out of here!

Come on!

Hurry up, get
away from those TVs!

What the hell was that?

Keep moving!

Thats what I call
channel surfing!

Access denied.

It's got a future lock!

sh**t the lock, Justice!

Ha, ha. Yeah!

Get in there.

This is it, Baron.

No turning back now.

Prisoner #7,

There's something I'd
like to say to you.


Well, blown it again, Baron.

Sometimes I think the universe
wants me to be alone.

?Called her prisoner #7,

But to me,

She was always
prisoner #1...



They appeared
to have escaped.

What have you got there?
Behind your back?

Those... aren't
for me... are they?

The prisoners.

They must have utilized
these in their escape.

I'm going to go man
the a*tillery g*n.



Those are what we need.

I'm on it.

How do you make
them hover?

It's just a hover converter!

What was that?

Nice job, moron!

Drop your w*apon's
and surrender!

Come on.

Get a move on!

You kick that guy's
ass back there.

Of course! I was the
one who trained him.

Citizen alert.

Armed and Dangerous
criminals have escaped.


They got you.

Oy, It's just a scratch.

So disappointing.

Whatever you're
going to do.

Do it now.

It won't matter
in the end anyhow.

Mankind has survived
worse then you.

Mankind has survived worse!

No Lucy, no!

Leave my daughter alone!

That guy's house is made
out of newspaper.

That means he's p... poor.

There's burger wrappers

I think that guy's got
garbage on his head!

Oy, mate.

Take that garbage
off your head.

Oy, he can't even hear
a word I'm saying.

This way, the entrance
is over here.

I was just wondering
if they had sandwiches...

Pretty good, uh, Mina?

Oh man,
showing off as always.

I'm just as strong
as he is but

Don't tell him that because
he'll get jealous as always...

What the!?

It's okay.
It's just me.

Wait, wait, wait, wait...

Come on, guys.

I'm got to pet
that little guy.

Where did you find
all this stuff?

This is where I stayed
when I escaped.

Ah, tasty treats.

You're a life saver,
#1 Man.

What if they find us?

They don't control
down here anymore.

We'll be safe here.

People have been hiding
down here for years.


We need to clean this up.

You should rest, Justice.

You've been hurt.

How do you feel?

Yeah. I'm fine.
I'm fine.

We should stay down here

Until we come up with
some sort of a plan.

We can't just sit around.

We don't have a choice.

I'll be outside.

What's her problem?

Who cares.

Let's eat!


You are alone...



You think you can
save her?

Come and face me.

Four cups of water,

That's what that says
right there.




And then we
bring it to a boil.

- Ah, right.
- No.

Not yet.

After we boil the water.


After you boil the water...

Yea, it says it right there.

Small print as always...

Can I... ask you

You can ask me
anything, Justice.

I am a friend.

Why did you...


It's a long story.

I had a choice,
train their soldiers,

Or die.

I was going to come
back to save you.

Save Mina.

Let's finish making
this delicious meal.

All right.


Hello Manborg.

You remember me,
don't you?

It's your old friend
Doctor Scorpius.

- Hi.
- Quiet, I'm talking.

If you're watching this,
chances are I'm already dead,

Or worse!

But that means
it's time to fight,

To send those Killborgs
back to Hell,

And save mankind forever!

You got the wrong brother.

I'm not a hero.

Calm down, Manborg.

I was there when you
feel before the Count.

I hid your body away,

Building you in secret,

And I used there

To create the
ultimate warrior!

No man has ever come
close to defeating The Count.

The only one that can
stand against him - is you.

# 1 Man.

I found something.

- It's from Mina.
- Oh.

It says...

Just one second...

I should've worn my glasses.

Ah, who cares
what it says?

She's gone.

My god.

It's su1c1de.


She's returned to
the Genesis Tower.

To the Arena.

She's going to fight -

Count Draculon.

Mina. Why?

How can we save her?

We can't fight an
army on our own!

If you care about her -

You'll do it.


I'll tell you how.


We go in there
and we kick some ass.

That's quite the proposition
you have there Manborg -

But what if we're too late?

It's never too late -

To be a hero.

You're bonkers, Manborg.

I love it.

Let's get to work.

Glad to have you back,

# 1 Man,
glad to work with you...



Holy Mackerel.

Your power is beyond

The world has ever
seen Manborg,

But the greatest power
of all lies within you.

When the times comes
you will understand.

Oh yeah,
you like that, little guy.

What is your problem?

Very good.

You've got a lot of
k*lling a head of you.

Good luck.

It's not about the k*lling -

It's about... family.

We're a family now.

You don't have to do this.

We can help you.

Sorry for crashing
your party.

Justice, behind you!


Where do you think
you're going?

Go save Mina.

I've got a score to settle.

What did you say
about us being a family?

Families stick together.

I'll see you soon.

Oy! Oy! Oy!
Manborg, don't go in there.

That says Danger...

Oh... Elevator.
All right.


Get out of here.

You'll see him again.

I know.

I know.

I was hoping we would
meet again, Manborg.

Is that what they're
calling you now?

You... k*lled my brother.

Then take your

Oh yeah!



You guys going
to save some for me?

You're alive?

Damn right.

He can handle himself.

I wish I could say
the same for us.

You're good #1 Man,
but now you're obsolete!

The power of the human
spirit will never be obsolete.

Why you...

We gave you a
chance to join us -

To become something
more than just a man.

I'm more then you'll
ever become, Baron.

Why did your pathetic
human desire

Make you throw it
all away?

It wasn't love was it?



- Justice!
- Oy!

Grab the gre...


All right, Justice.

All right, buddy.

Come on,
sound it out.


A backwards 3...

It's grenades!

Oh my god.


Aw, that was intense.


What the hell was that?


Mina! Mina!

Prepare to meet
your brother...

In hell!

Suck on this!


More like assh*le.

She took a hit of pure
electron energy.

Instant cardiac arrest.

My sister's dead?

You have to do something.

There's nothing we can do.

She's gone.


I have something
inside me that can help.



Don't tell me
that heart serum

Was the only one
that you had!

It was.

You're a hero, Manborg.

Hello, Manborg.

Yes, it's me Manborg,

And I have someone with me
that would like to say hello.

Hey, bro.

It's me your brother.

Remember I d*ed
at the beginning?

I just wanted to say
you did great up there.

There's no heaven.

Goodbye, Manborg.

There's no...
There's no... heaven.

Let go, buddy.
Let go.

Is there a light
or something?


Coming soon from
Astron-6 home video.

There is something
in the streets.

Something in the shadows.

This territory belongs to
the Super Burly Bros,


Something in the dark.

Something more horrifying

Than anything you
could imagine.

Oh God! Help me!

And his name is...


What happened in that lab
was a horrible tragedy,

And you want to
take that poor man,

And turn him into
some kind of super cop?!


A freak accident made
him indestructible,

Now he's a one man

Ready to lay down the law.

So, you're the
new guy, huh?

Why am I alive?!

Shut the f*ck up!

Get your act together

I can't let somebody out
on the street with a g*n,

Who's got emotional problems!

Please k*ll me!

My purse!

You m*therf*cking,
cocksucking assh*le!

He's part man,
part nightmare.

And he's taking justice
to the streets.

You have the right
to remain-

With those two bit thugs
the Super Burly Bros

Selling our latest creation
to every Joe-nobody

And Nancy-nitwit
out on the street,

It's only a matter of time
before the mayor himself

Comes calling with
the key to the city,

Just so he can
get himself a fix.

Nothing gets you high,
like DRUGGZ!

We need Bio-Cop!


Bio-Cop, move your
ass, let's go man!

I was wrong about you,

If there's anybody that
can stop the distribution

Of that designer drug,
it's you.

The Super Burly Bros,

They're just the tip
of the iceberg,

You know what I mean?

My eyes!

You ready partner?

Aw sh*t!


Here's the goods,
now where's the money?

I like this guy's style.

can you hear me?

Hey wait a second...

come in Bio-Cop,

What's your 20?

Hey man,
this guy's a cop!


He's unstoppable!

You have the right
to remain dead.


Oh, Jesus Christ,

You got some kind of
death wish, Bio-Cop?!


Aw, hell no!

You're under arrest...

Bio-Cop, you're crazy!

How is it that an entire g*ng
of vicious criminals

Can't k*ll one Bio-Cop?!


Bio-Cop, you haven't
said a word in 15 years,

But you're my best friend.

Get away from me!

What happened to
Detective Mills?

That's it, you're
off the force, Bio-Cop,

Give me your badge!




The dr*gs have triggered
some kind of bio-psychosis,

Making him the
ultimate k*lling machine.


Police appear to be
completely powerless

Against the fury of
this raging lunatic.

Anybody who is in this area

Should vacate immediately
or you will be k*lled!


Put your hand's up!


Experience the fury
of a cop

Pushed to his limits in
the ultimate showdown.

Justice is about
to be served.


Bio-Cop. Bio-Cop.


Once in a lifetime,

You make a friendship
that lasts forever.

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