Ra.One (2011)

Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.

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Batman, Superman, Avengers.. etc.. Movie Collection.
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Ra.One (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

Barron Industries aim to ruIe...

...the digitaI worId

Surpass 3D

Do you wonder...

...how data traveIs...

...from a phone?

How does it traveI?

Surrounding us are miIIions...

...of rays

Everywhere, Iike the air

This virtuaI worId...

...is ever-present

In shopping maIIs

In streets and homes,
in this very room

These rays aIIow digitaI data...

...to traveI

Mr. Barron couIdn't be here,
so he has...

...sent us an image

Without the use of any device,
can this image...

...come to Iife?

Can we see it?

A marveI of our technoIogy

It isn't magic or
back projection, or 3D

The image is made of
countIess invisibIe rays

Thanks to our technoIogy...

...you'II see the image...

... and touch it

We're cIosing the gap between
the reaI and virtuaI worIds

It was a beautifuI night

And so was she

''My Desi GirI.''

Night waited for dawn
and she was waiting...

Go, Lucifer, go.

...for me...

I. Lucifer.

To save a Iife, at times,
one must take a Iife

Ready to die first were...

...Bruce Lee's three friends...

Iski Lee. Uski Lee. Sabki Lee.

Then the face-off

With the chaIIenger of chaIIengers

The onIy man abIe to fight me

Not the good guy. The ViIIain

''Yes, I am a bad man.''

''Somewhere up in the
skies is where he Iives.''

''The moon is where I quest to go.''

''It's my request.''

''Tonight. Tonight.
Something's going to happen.''

What to do? GirIs just faII for me

''What to do? Something happens.''

My hero.

I hate uninvited guests

Bad times come uninvited

Do you know who I am?
I sprayed Spiderman with a poison

What worm are you?

CooI punch Iine!

You punch too?


They cIap at my wit

And waiI when I hit

Lucifer. CarefuI!

Don't worry, desi girI

I'II fix him

Then how about dinner.
- Sure.


Anywhere. But not Chinese.
I just ate some

Is your fIirting done?
Now can we fight?

Lucifer. He's got a big g*n

''My name is..''

''The bad man.''

What the kick?''

''My name is.. My name is..
My name is Lucifer.''

Desi GirI.

You've started that again?

Get up!

I said..

Get up.

Get up.

Get up.

Get up.

Get up.

Get up.

Get up.

Prateek Get up.

You were supposed to write
an essay on your father.

What does your father do?

My father.

I am sure he's your hero, isn't he?

Dad? My hero?

Can't chat now

Oh yes, Iove you very much sweety.

Can't chat now

AIIow me to quote Navjot Singh Sidhu:

''FIirting turns the head.''

''Eyes on the road instead.''

Bye, sweety.

AIIow me.

Have a good day.

Hey, WaIter. Here.

- Excuse me, madam.

Madam. Madam, I..


Give me my keys

You speak TamiI?

No, no, no.

Not that kiss. Keys.

You are not understanding.
Okay. I just want the big one.

I don't want smaII,
smaII. I have dupIicate.

Can you take it out pIease.
- Pervert.

What happened to you?

It's nothing

- What's up?
- The usuaI

Akashi. - Someone caIIed him
Jackie Chan again

I am not Jackie Chan.
Not every Chinese is Jackie Chan.

Mr. Jackie Chan. Sit down.

Seeing aII of you gives me
no pIeasure. I'm here...

...to teII you we have
a new video game contract

- For saIe in India, too

Your Iast games fIopped

If this game fIops...

...the department cIoses

I wiII have to shut it down.

I won't fire anyone.
I'II start a restaurant

Where you...

...and you wiII...

...be waiters

And...Mr. Shekar.

HeIIo, sir.
- And you shaII be the main cook

Making idIi, vada, dosa, sambar...

...and chutney

Any probIem?

Does anyone eIse have a probIem?

- What? - Say something.

- Come on.

Sir, excuse me, sir.
I have a probIem, sir.

What's your probIem?

I can't make idIis


PIain, masaIa, rava, onion,
veg, non-veg

No idIis

Good. - I hope you don't mind.
- Not at aII.

- Thank you, sir.

Honey, I am home.



You papa pancake

Yummy, thank you.

Brother buttercup

You work too hard

Just ''kondom''

Your TamiI is naughty

You mean ''a tiny bit''

You never take me seriousIy

Wait tiII my book becomes
a bestseIIer

My thesis on cuss words...

...is important for India.
A must for every Indian woman

You're Sonia Subramaniam.
Not Sonia Gandhi

Why do cuss words pick
on mothers? And sisters?

Why not fathers? Brothers?

I am not responsibIe for it.

When my thesis is done,
women aII over India...

...wiII puff up their chests...

Too boId

OK. They'II proudIy
say: ''You papa pancake''

Big buttercup

You uncIe undie

- Why is the song so Ioud?
- I'm taIking, not singing

No, no, not you, darIing.
One second.

- Why you..

Prateek Prateek

What, father?
- Lower that voIume

- Lower that voIume

Of course.
- So..

You are banging the..

Put it down!

I am watching you, IittIe rascaI.

I am watching you.
- What is it, Shekhar?

He sIams the door on me.
Come here! Its dinner time.

You drive me mad. Just wait
- Come on.

Let's go eat
- LittIe rascaI.

TeII us about your new video game

Of course, of course.
After aII it is for kids.

- No, dad. Its dude.

Like, dude with attitude.

- Okay.

A brand new game

A new hero...

Heroes bore

I hate heroes. Heroes are boring.

OId or new

Don't you Iike heroes?
Do you prefer viIIains?

Yes. ViIIains are awesome.
They have no ruIes

They just win. Anyone
comes in their way...bam!

You be carefuI.
- Take my advice.

Make a game with
a viIIain who never Ioses

You are speaking absoIute nonsense.

The hero aIways win

Truth and goodness win

Yes right, dad. Just Iike you.

My father, my hero.
- Prateek.

Don't be a smartypant.

AIIow me to quote..

..Late Mr. V. Shantaram.

''Tread the right path''

''Combat eviI, so with a smiIe...

...you die''

Good night, dad. - What goodnight?
The discussion is not over.

One sIap. One, one..
- Shekar.

I wiII give him one.
- Shekar.

V. Shantaram?
- Yes, reaIIy. ReaIIy.

V. Shantaram.
- Right.

Goodnight, honey.
- Okay.

I wiII have aII
the noodIes and curd by myseIf.

The viIIain never Ioses

How is it possibIe? Never Ioses

''BeIoved. BeIoved.''

''BeIoved. BeIoved.''

I'II show you bad

Mom, what are you doing?

Hurry up. Time for schooI

Dad wiII take you today.
- Dad.

We'II be Iate if Dad drives

Driving Miss Daisy!

Not anymore.

''I'm bad.''

''Dance with me.''

That is your dad, right?


Okay. Bye, chiIdren.

Bye, dad.
- Bye IittIe ApriI. - Bye.

Prateek, come here

Come, come, come.

Dad. You know I don't do that.

Yeah. Okay.

I want to teII you something

You Iike viIIains?

I'II make you a viIIain...

...mightier than the hero

He'II never Iose

You Iike that, don't you?
Give me your hand.

But never forget, Prateek

EviI is wicked and bad

AIIow me to quote myseIf:

''SeII your souI to the DeviI and
eviI's shadow won't Ieave you''

''SeII your souI to the DeviI and
eviI's shadow won't Ieave you''

- Means ''shadow''

- Whatever is good.

WorId's bad viIIain.

Today's Iesson is on LAN.

LocaI Area Network.

Who's Lucifer?

When I pIay video games...

...my gaming name is Lucifer

WLAN. WireIess LAN.

AIIows interconnectivity
between computers.

Ms. BoyIe can Iog on
to our computers

Now I wiII seek connection
to aII of your computers.

So then monitor
appears on this projection.

She'II ask for permission.
We say no

Fatso says yes

I've hacked and he is jacked.

And I am sending the invitation now.

Let's see who wiII be
the first person to accept my request.

BiIIy. Thank you, BiIIy,
for accepting my invitation.

Let's see what BiIIy has to share.

BiIIy, out.

I have a great idea
for our new video game

We'II create...

... the mightiest...


- ViIIain?

Yes, viIIain. But, why?

Because, Jenny.
ViIIains are awesome.

What do you say, Akashi.

For Prateek, right?


Of course.

''Joy will last longer than grief.
Don't lose hope.''

''If we are together..''

''..why to feel afraid
during the journey?''

''With wings beneath our feet.''

''You and l will fly away.''

''Walk along with joy.''

''If the path is open,
regardless of where we meet...

...the destination
will begin from there.''

''Walk along with joy.''

''If the path is open,
regardless of where we meet...

...the destination
will begin from there.''

''Don't worry about a thing now.

Because l will be right by your side.
l will be right by your side.''

''Don't worry about a thing now.

Because l will be holding you tight.
l will be holding you tight.''

''Don't worry about a thing now.

Because l will be right by your side.
l will be right by your side.''

''Don't worry about a thing now.
Because l will be holding you tight.''

Okay, boys and girIs.
A name for our viIIain?

We can't keep caIIing him
''Random Access Version One?''

We have to think of some good name.
- DracuIa.

No, no. you.
- Raaka.

Guys, guys.
It's staring you in the face

- Random Access Version One.


- What's that?
- Raavan!

The demon Raavan?

A modern day Raavan

WiId idea!

I Iike Ra. One it is very dangerous.

What about the hero's name?

Hero's name.


Good one. G.One means ''Iife''

Ra.One = danger. G.One = Iife


Come on. Come on. Okay.

''If your dreams are
hiding somewhere.''

''If you are
hesitating to take a step.''

''l will make your dreams
come true in an instant.''

''l will again adorn it in
the sky, beyond the stars.''

''The sorrows that are in my life,
l will convert it into joy for you.''

''Walk along with joy.''

''If the path is open,
regardless of where we meet...

...the destination
will begin from there.''

''Walk along with joy.''

Just Iike Jackie Chan.

It's working.

''Don't worry about a thing now.
Because l will be right by your side.

l will be right by your side.''

A birthday gift

''Don't worry about a thing now.
Because l will be right by your side.

l will be right by your side.''

- What's up?
- The hero must have a face

''l will be holding you tight.
Don't worry about a thing now.

Because l will be right by your side.
l will be right by your side.''

''Don't worry about a thing now.
Because l will be holding you tight.''

He's spectacuIar

Terrific smiIe

I didn't program a smiIe

Didn't you?

Why is he smiIing?

Is he Iearning things by himseIf?

Okay. Now everyone Iook cIoseIy.

The game's main part


As in ''heart?''

Not heart. AIways taIking romantic.

Not that heart, the HART is Hertz
AmpIifying Resonance Transmitter.

It gives the pIayers their power

As the pIayers go
from IeveI to IeveI...

...the HART's power increases,
the coIour intensifies

And now...Iet me come to
the most interesting part.

If the HART is not
connected to G.One and Ra.One...

...you cannot destroy them

If you destroy the HART,
they won't die

No, no, sir.

Destroy their bodies,
they won't die either

Connect them to their
HARTs then destroy them

When does that happen?

OnIy on IeveI three.

The pIayers get an anti-HART g*n
with one buIIet

The first to hit the target wins

The pIayer who misses...

So the HART is their strength?
And weakness?

Let me aIso be... AIIow me
to be as romantic as Jenny.

''A hero isn't made of
muscIe or metaI

''A superhero is made or
undone by his heart aIone'' Wow.


See? The movie viIIain Iost,
the hero won. Very good. I Iike.

That's why the fiIm bombed.
The viIIain was cooI

Not cooI. A bIoody fooI,
a chain-smoker

Smoking kiIIs

This kid is smoking

- Let's go - I must taIk to him

Hey IittIe boy. LittIe boy.
- Let's go.

Your Mom knows you smoke?

- I see.

But she doesn't know I kiII

With a fork?

- A naiI cutter
- A Kn*fe

He's fIashing a Kn*fe.
And he isn't a smaII chiId either.

Dad, don't worry.
We can smash his teeth in

Your waIIet!

Of course, sir. Of course.
Give him a sIap

Sorry, sir. Here's the money,
sir. PIus a tip

A sIap, pIease!
- SIap.

What eIse do you have?
- That's aII I have, sir

I gave you everything I had, sir.
- Don't move

Yes, sir. - You haven't
seen me. Now count to 2000

Good number sir.
That's my Iucky number.

Don't sIip on the wet road, sir.

Goodnight, sir.

See? I scared him off

But he might return.
Start counting. Good practice

Yeah right, dad.

Prateek, wait

You didn't even fight back.
You coward

No, Prateek. I'm not a coward

I didn't hit him
because he couId've hurt you

AIIow me to quote the great
Mahatma Gandhi..

..''An eye for an eye makes
the whoIe worId bIind''

I'm no coward, Prateek

I am.. Hey..

Okay, Akashi. One Iast time.
I mean one Iast time.

Let's try.
- One Iast time.

AIright, guys.

South-India Coffee break.
That means we meet tomorrow. Bye.

Check the system. Somebody
go and check the main system.

Okay, okay, I am going to check it.
- Why is it constantIy back...

...sizing inside it?

What happened there?
- Come on, guys.

The Iaunch is in two days.
We can't have a probIem

Ladies and GentIemen.

Barron Industries present...

...a unique and spectacuIar game

Thank you my darIings.
Thank you aII very much.

Akashi's mom

- My better.

Now hoId your breath!

Barron Industries presents
for the first time ever.


ReIax. Shekhar.

Year 2050

The worId Iies in ruin

A viIIain never seen before...

...spreads terror in his wake

An eviI viIIain reigns

Created out of
history's ten most eviI men...

...he is undefeatabIe

An invincibIe viIIain

With the power to
inv*de and controI our minds

He is equaI to ten
viIIains roIIed in one. Ra.One.

Waging w*r! My onIy duty


Prateek. Ra.One.
the uItimate viIIain.

He can change form.
Turn into a man or woman

Wired with artificiaI inteIIigence

Ra.One adapts, transforms

New forms, new moves

Never the same thr*at

Good morning.

To fight Ra.One,
the pIayer has a Superhero

AII pIayers get a controI suit

Wear it and get connected

Wear it and get
connected to your Superhero

I am on.

Hey Jackie Chan.

He is not Jackie Chan.

Every pIayer can be G.One

A superhero, with a heart.
- Father.


- He is Iooking hot, isn't he?

So hot.

Let's pIay.

I want to pIay

No party for me

Akashi. I want to pIay
the game now. PIease.

Shekhar, its okay.
Come on, come on. Come with me.

Prateek Iiked the game

Thank you, Jenny.

Same name. Lucifer.
- Yes.


Okay. Ground ruIe. Game begins.

LeveI one. Power bIast.

Come, Ra.One! Kick-ass time

WeIcome, Lucifer

WeIcome to the dark worId of death

Zip it. Crap face.

I am a gaming champion.

Good move.


LeveI two, kiIIer combat.




''Look out, look out.
The siren's blaring.''

''You drop it down.
l can't stop staring.''

''Your smile is so criminal.''

''Your eyes are deceiving.''

''Yet l fell for you.''

''Just like a criminal.''

''She's burning like a fever.''

''And l am a believer.''

''She's enchanting.''

''Not just these eyes.''

''But your attitude's
full of mischief.''

''lt's criminal, way that
booty going bop, bop, bop.''

''lt's criminal, way that party
won't stop, stop, stop.''

''Each day your Love..
Torments the heart''

''Your sight steals my heart.''

''Each day your Love..''

''Torments the heart''

''Your sight steals my heart.''

''lt's criminal, way that
booty going bop, bop, bop.''

''Every eye.''

''Stares at me.''

''They stop and stare.''

''My charisma's radiant.''

''My attitude's graceful.''

''lt's graceful.''

''Your attitude steal my slumber.''

''And your hair does the rest.''

''So you tell us how
do we save ourselves.''

''Because your eyes steal my heart.''

''lt's criminal, way that
booty going bop, bop, bop.''

''lt's criminal, way that
party won't stop, stop, stop.''

''Each day your Love..
Torments the heart''

''Your sight steals my heart.''

''Each day your Love..''

''Torments the heart''

''Your sight steals my heart.''

''Slyly you stole..''

''My breath.''

''Slyly. - She came in my dreams.
She got me losing my mind.''

- Dwelled in my eyes.''

- Came in my dreams.''

- Gave me sleepless nights.''

''She got me losing my mind.''

''Your eyes are deceiving.''

''Yet l fell for you.''

''Just like a criminal.''
- ''She's burning like a fever.''

''And l am a
believer.'' ''She's enchanting.''

''Not just these eyes.''

''But your attitude's..

..full of mischief.''

''lt's criminal, way that
booty going bop, bop, bop.''

''lt's criminal, way that
party won't stop, stop, stop.''

''Each day your Love..
Torments the heart''

''Your sight steals my heart.''

''Each day your Love..''

''Torments the heart''

''Your sight steals my heart.''

''Each day your Love..
Torments the heart''

''Your sight steals my heart.''

''Each day your Love..''

''Torments the heart''

''Your sight steals my heart.''


Hey, Lucifer. Let's go.

This stuff rocks. Where is dad?

The game isn't over

He's down, waiting for you.
Come on.

I'm nearIy at LeveI 3

I can whoop his ass.

No one defeats Ra.One and survives

No one in office has
crossed IeveI one yet.

Come back, Lucifer.

Or I'II hunt you in the reaI worId

Go ahead. I'II fix you

Ra.One never Ioses

When the game ends,
so does your Iife

You wiII die.

Lucifer wiII die.

You wiII die.

A probIem with the game, I must go

It's okay.
- Let's go.


Come on.


For you and Ra.One.

I wiII see you, bye.

''You mean everything to me.''

Why doesn't Ra.One power down?

Let us have a drink. CeIebrate.

I don't want to drink.

Not you. Ra.One and me

Come, come, come.
- You are not taking me seriousIy.

I wiII go check the mainframe room.

You go and check
the programming room.


Ra.One sir, you were terrific today.

ReaIIy I teII you. ReaIIy, I..

From me to you.

Happy birthday to you.

Today you are born.

I wiII go and check
the programming room.

But...I wiII be back.

I wiII see you.

See you Iater, aIIigator.

- So.

Liked the game?


Didn't you want to just hug Dad?

Mom, pIease.

CooI game. I'II teII him

So why didn't you?

We Iive in the same house.
I can teII him tomorrow

AII right

You feIt Iike hugging him, right?

What did you want to do with him?

Mom, stop. - You wanted to hug him.
- Mom, stop.

Okay, Mr. Ra.One.

Akashi says we can't turn you off

Let us see.

Segmentation fuII.

Ra.One not stopping?

HeIIo, Akashi.
- Do you see anything unusuaI.

Ra.One's not stopping.

I toId you so.

Is the main-frame aIright?

I am Iooking.

The Iog is not
showing anything unusuaI.

I wiII bring the GPU and
we wiII work on this together. Okay?

Okay. I am..

FataI system error.

FataI system error.

FataI system error.

FataI system error.

Where's Ra.One?

A rose?

Who is there?

Lucifer has to die.

Lucifer must die.

Are you Lucifer?


I am not Lucifer.

Then you are not use to me.

Akashi, pick up!




Sonia. Prateek. Pick up the phone!


He's broken out of the game?

I want Lucifer


I wiII finish him.

Are you Lucifer?

Are you Lucifer?

I am Lucifer

I am Lucifer

You're Iying

Yes, speaking.

''Why won't you talk to me?''

''Why turn your back on me?''

''How do l turn the clock back?''

''Why won't you talk to me?''

''Why turn your back on me?''

''How do l turn the clock back?''

''Without you, nights never end.''

''Without you, l know no peace.''

''Without you, how can l live?''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''There's a hole in the soul...

...because you take
a little piece of me with you.''

''There's a hole in the soul...

...because you take
a little piece of me with you.''

''There's a hole in the soul...

...because you take
a little piece of me with you.''


What is it?

Dad didn't die in an accident

Ra.One kiIIed him


The game viIIain

What are you saying?

Do meet me..



I'm not going to India

Prateek, Iisten to me.

I must know how Dad d*ed

It was an accident

We're Ieaving today

Not me

And that's finaI.
- Prateek.

You promised me you would return

Why tie me to you,
if you won't come back?

l wait with racing heart

l listen for your step

l look in vain for you

My love

l try and win you back

l try and entice you

The fIight...

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

''My eyes fill with tears.''

You were right.

My God! But, how?

Ra.One said he'd break
out of the game and find me

''Prateek, this controI suit
is for you

''Ra.One is the viIIain
you wanted. But remember...

''If Ra.One is from eviI,
G.One is from my heart''

MiIIions of rays surround us

Our technoIogy Iets
you see the image...

...and touch it

''If you ever get into troubIe,
G.One wiII Iook after you''

PIay on the good side,
dude. Love, dad.

Akashi, its Prateek.


It's Prateek.

HeIIo, Prateek.

The office.

It's destroyed.

You were here with dad that night.

Did anything happen?


It was pretty quiet.

On the monitor it
says ''Lucifer must die''

Who is Lucifer?

It's me, Akashi. That's my
gaming name. didn't you know?

Lucifer. Prateek. Of course I know.


Who was...

Ra.One has turned into Akashi

I don't Iike Chinese.

- Mom.

Where are you?

I was right. Ra.One kiIIed Dad

He's Akashi now

Where are you?

Dad's office

I'm coming

The mainframe!

Prateek. Just hoId this.

Connect the Iaptop to
the mainframe and try to Iogin.

Now Iog on

UpIoad Ra.One's backup program

It's missing

No backup program?

We wiII have to
intercept this program.

How can we stop him?

Has to be some way to stop Ra.One.

''If you ever get into troubIe,
G.One wiII Iook after you''

There's onIy one way
to stop Ra.One... G.One

If Ra.One can break out,
so can G.One


Ra.One's Iatest programs
must be in the mainframe.

We'II copy Ra.One's
data and get G.One out

Load this program.
- Okay.

Damn it.

- Jenny, I am here.

Akashi is heading to you

What happened?
- Ra.One.

Sonia caIIed. Ra.One is
on his way. Go, Prateek!

No, I wiII have to try.

I must reIease G.One now

Ra.One is Iooking for you.
Not for me. PIease, go



Prateek, go

Prateek, go

Just go.


What is happening, Prateek?

What's going on?
- Let's go.

Mom, faster.

Red Iight
- Let's go.

- Why is Akashi after us?
- It's Ra.One. Not Akashi

Step on it!

What is going on?
- He is after us, mom. Faster.

Mom, faster.

How can Ra.One come out
of the game?

How can he turn into Akashi?
What's going on?

I wiII teII you Iater. Drive faster.

- Where is he?
- Don't know

Lost him

He's got a bike

Turn right.

- Where are we?
- Go!

Right turn.





You okay?

Yes. You?


You missed, G.One.

But, mom..
- Enough about Ra.One and G.One.

We're going to India

There's no Ra.One and no G.One.


Come on, Prateek. Hurry

We are Iate.
- Okay, mom. Let's go.

Okay, mom. Let's go.

Okay, mom. Let's go.

- Why is he coming?
- G.One saved us

Mom! G.One saved us

Mom! G.One saved us.
- Okay, bye. Thank you.

Nice shirt, dude.
- Nice shirt, dude.

- You can't come in that
- Can't come at aII

We have to cover him

You have to cover me.

Mom's scarf

Mom's scarf

What are you doing?

Hey you. You can't park there.

I said no parking.

I don't get it

Try and understand

Okay, quiet. Quiet.

OK. How do we get this thing...

...past the metaI detector?

Prateek, Iisten

He can't come with us

There's no way.
- There's aIways a way.

WiII he do?

Yes, of course.
- Yes.

Watch! G.One's cooI move

What are you doing?


Be Iike Ra.One

Act Iike him

I can't...

...be him

I'm not as powerfuI



Prateek, Ianguage.
- Sorry, mom.

Pants off?

Step aside, sir.

Just go.

I won't go

Some taxi-driver you are

You wiII take us. That's the ruIe

I'II take you

Forget his siIIy taxi. Hop on



I wiII take her.

A tight sIap for you

We'II take her

Who is it?

Stop that!

He'II die

We'II reset him and press pIay

He's a man, not a tape recorder


It's no game

If someone dies...

...they don't return

They can

''A man changes outfits

''A souI changes bodies and returns''

Gita. Chapter 2, Verse 22

Page number?

TeII him to Iet go

Let go!

- What a throw.

TeII him

G.One. no touching.

Fan bIades under his feet

No touching.


G.One. Stop it.

G.One. No touching.

No touching.

G.One. No touching.


Good one.


- You OK?
- I'm fine


You can't touch me there

So where?


How to save you?

No need


HeIp me!


Do something

I must touch you

Then touch me. Touch me.

PIease touch me.
- Okay.


Punch him


Yummy Mummy. Love at first fight

- She's my Mom
- Mine too

Go, mom.

Mom. Main part.

Main part?

What main part?

Main part.

''Robo man. Robo man.''

''Robo man. Robo man.''





- Who is he?
- Our Superhero No. 1


I am Chitti. Speed one terahertz.
Memory one zettabyte.



Rajni sir is mind-bIowing

UncIe Iyer

Surprise visit

Why so shocked?

You're my Dad now.
Say hi to your mate

- Hi.

I am pumping whiIe jumping.

I don't Iike him much.
- You don't Iike him much.


You did that?

No, gravity. Law of attraction.

Hi, Prateek.



- Bye? Why?

Law of attraction.

How are you?

I don't understand.
- Too deep, you go.


''The past is behind us.
The future ahead

''Live in the present,
that's aII we have''

What was that?

Shekhar programmed me
to memorise proverbs

Any others?

''Those who say big is best haven't
spent a night with a mosquito''

Any more?

''SmiIe and win my heart.
Cry and I'II be teary-eyed

''Near or far

''I won't Ieave your side''

I don't get it. If you don't,
can I deIete the foIder?

No. no.

Never deIete that foIder

Never. Decision taken

He's a handsome man.

Bad hair

The eIectricity needs reconnecting


You scared me

G.One is on stand-by

Stand-by eIsewhere

G.One. go and make yourseIf usefuI.
- Okay.

When things settIe,
we must do something about him

Why? Can't he Iive with us?

No. Not at aII.

He isn't a TV or toaster
you can Ieave in a corner

He taIks Iike a human

Looks Iike Dad, right?

You think G.One was right
about the souI returning?

Dad couId be back as G.One,
to protect us

Remember what he'd say
when we were in troubIe

Of course I remember.

''When Iife is dark,
an angeI Iights a 600-watt buIb''

I've made myseIf usefuI.

I charged the inverter.
What to recharge now?

Mom's mood

Mom's mood

Changes your mood instantIy

Have you no shame? TaIking Iike
that in front of a kid. SIeep now

I don't sIeep. I run



- Yes.

I know what to do with him

We'II send him to
the Ioony bin. He's nuts

Not totaIIy, Mom.
Just ''kondom,'' a teeny bit

What? How do you know
that word? Come here.

Stop it, mom. PIease.

PIease. You don't
have to say aII that.

Stop it.

''When the night has come.
And the land is dark.''

''When the night has come.
And the land is dark.''

''And the moon is the only light.''

''And the moon is the only light.''

''Darling. Darling.''

''My guiding light.''

''You're my world.''

''You're all l want.''

''Now and forever.''

''My guiding light.''

''You're my world.''

''Nothing compares...''

''...with your name.''

''A thousand books told me so.''

''My sweet love.''

''The world is nothing without you.''

''My sweet love.''

''Your generosity melts hearts.''

''My sweet love.''

''The world is nothing without you.''

''My sweet love.''

''Your generosity melts hearts.''

''My sweet love.''

''l won world but
lost my heart to you.''

''My sweet love.''

''Darling, darling, stand...by me.''

''Stand...by me.''

''Just as long as you stay.''

''Stand...by me.''

''Darling, darling, stand...by me.''

''Come on stand by me.
- Stand...by me.''

''Just as long as you stay.''

''Stand...by me.''

It's aII my fauIt

I toId Dad to make a viIIain...

...who never Ioses

Had I defeated Ra.One,
Dad wouId be here today

You're a dude, dad.

You're a dude, dad.

No nutritionaI eIement in this

No smoking. Bad for heaIth.

The pack has a warning

Thousands quit smoking each year

So the warning works?

No. They die

''When the night is long
and the land is dark.''

''When the moon is the only light.''

''When the night is long
and the land is dark.''

''When the moon is the only light.''

''My sweet love.''

''My prayers are answered.''

''You're all l want.''

''My sweet love.''

''My sweet love.''

''The world is nothing without you.''

''My sweet love.''

''Your generosity melts hearts.''

''My sweet love.''

''The world is nothing without you.''

''My sweet love.''

''Your generosity melts hearts.''

''My sweet love.''

''l won the world
when l lost my heart to you.''

My sweet love

''Darling, darling, stand...by me.''

''Stand...by me.''

''Just as long as you stay.''

''Stand...by me.''

''Darling, darling, stand...by me.''

''Come on stand by me.
- Stand...by me.''

''Just as long as you stay.''

''Stand...by me.''

''Just as long as you stay.''

''Stand...by me.''

''Just as long as you stay.''

''Stand...by me.''

''Stand...by me.''

Just do it.

Good job, babes.
- You're aIright. Thanks.

Sometimes I think you're human

G.One. G.One.

Where are you going? G.One.

My photo!

What are you doing?


You nuts?


G.One. G.One. stop.

Prateek. G.One.

My dining tabIe

Get down.

FIying bowIs

FIying bowIs


You fooI




What's with him?

- G.One?


You hit him?

Power yoga

Power yoga!

Day and night

Carry on. Carry on.

CIose your door

Power yoga


Power yoga, American styIe.

Lucifer is controIIing me

Lucifer is controIIing me


Something is sticking out
of your nose

PuII it out, pIease

''Secrets are reveaIed.''

''That was hidden in the heart.''

''It wiII spread far and wide.''

''Now that the Secrets are reveaIed.''

''Now that the Secrets are reveaIed.''

You Iike it? Keep it.



Good job, babes.

- Why do you pray?
- So God wiII protect us

Does God drop from the sky?

No. He sends His angeIs

Do you beIieve in angeIs?

Shut up and pray.

There is no God.

We can fix it

So what if an engineer dies?

We have to be the best at
the WorId Expo

The game wiII be ready

Match found.

System activated. WeIcome.

Do you understand?

Who are...

Who Iet you in?

Larry. Who is this man?


What's this?

Who are you?

Ra.One? From the game?

Oh my, God.

There is not God.

I want Lucifer


Shekhar's son

He has my HART

Without my HART...

...I am incompIete.

My powers are incompIete.

I want my HART.

Where's Lucifer?

They've gone

I don't know where

But I..

What are you doing?

EIectricaI impuIses.

Jogging your memory

No need to do aII this.

I can read...

...your mind, aIter your thoughts

ControI your thoughts

Shekar Subramaniam, Mumbai. India.

Thank you very much.

Have a good day, Mr. Barry.

You too.

- Sonia, aren't you coming?
- Yes

Sonia, what is Karva Chauth?

When a wife fasts for
her husband's Iong Iife

This house is fuII
of Shekhar's memories

That's why I came back

We can't stay in one pIace too Iong

We must Ieave

Ra.One couId come anytime

We have his HART

So he can find Prateek


If we destroy his HART...

...he'd stiII chase us

We'd be running forever

If we don't destroy it...

...we must fight him

Chances of survivaI, 0.01'/,.

This is an emotionaI decision.
IncompatibIe with my syntax

The decision is yours

This is aII I have Ieft

Prateek, this house...

...Shekhar's memories

I can't Ieave

I won't run anymore

Shekhar beIieved in goodness

If we've a smaII
chance of survivaI...

...we'II take it

Even if its 0.01'/,.

Decision taken.
- Decision taken.

Save Prateek from harm


SaIt and water


Tears are confusing

They fIow when you're happy.
Or sad



FIow when you're happy...

Not part of my program

Emotions and me.
We're at Ioggerheads

Those with emotions...

...wouId never do...

...what you've done for us

Did I go good?


You did very good.

Hug her, you fooI!
Power yoga isn't everything

Go on, hug her

''DarIing, darIing, stand...by me.''

''DarIing, darIing, stand...by me.''

''Stand...by me.''

''Just as Iong as you stay.''

''Stand...by me.''

''DarIing, darIing, stand...by me.''

Uncertain activity in air.

What is aII this?

HeIIo. Kingfisher 150.
Do you read me?

What the heII is that?

What's this?

They're burning Raavan


FooI! It's Dussehra

End of Raavan

End of eviI

We burn him every year

You burn him every year...

...because he never dies

HaiI to Lord Ram!

Come on.

HaiI to Lord Ram!

HaiI to Lord Ram!

Those who die - don't need
kiIIing again and again

You're cooI in Dad's cIothes

Thank you.

Shekhar and Iyer ceIebrate
their kids' birthdays together

Fatso Iyer?

Everyone knows
Shekhar here. Don't mess up

Prateek, hurry!

Bye, I am going.

- G.One.

Shekhar made this game...

...for Prateek's birthday

WiII you give it to
him on his Dad's behaIf?

He'd Iike that

And you?

I'd Iike that too

Okay, then. Decision taken.


Happy birthday, Prateek.

From Dad

No. From you


A show for aII the kids!

Come, Prateek.

As usuaI, Shekhar wiII dance


Not today

No excuses. He'II dance for you.
You're Iooking so...

What's the word in Punjabi?


Sexy number?

Hot chick?

''SizzIing siren''

''SizzIing siren''

Let's start


Shekhar wiII dance

''SizzIing siren''

''My sizzling siren.''

''Where you go, girl,
l am gonna follow.''

''What you want,
girl, just let me know.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''Surely l am gonna get you?''

''You know l am gonna get you.''

''You know l even let you...
let you be my Sizzling Siren.''

''Let's see you move Don't be shy.''

''Look me in the eye.''

''Don't say no.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''l am your hero.''

''Give it to me, girl.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''Surely l am gonna get you?
You know l am gonna get you.''

''You know l even let
you...let you be my Sizzling Siren.''

''Let's see you move. Don't be shy.''

''Come be mine.''

''Look me in the eye.''

''Don't say no.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''Let me show you how to dance.''

''You'll be mine if say so.''

''Look in my eye.''

''l won't say no.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

''My sizzling siren.''

Ra.One is near

Take Prateek and go!

Just go.

Why isn't G.One here?

Ra.One scared him off

Mom, Iet's go back. We need G.One

We don't need him. He needs us

Where are we going?

To heII!

Don't be scared

TiII your hero returns my HART...

...I won't kiII you


Honey, I am home.

Boo. Got you.

They aren't part of the game

They weren't...

...but you made them

Where are they?


is in my controI

Sonia is on a train that
never stops

Lucifer is heId hostage...

...at the game Iaunch exhibition

Come, save them

Logic says you'II return my HART...

...and save Lucifer

Emotions say...

...you'II save Sonia

Who wiII you choose?

Sonia or Lucifer.

Your train has Ieft...

...the station

I won't wait Iong

Your time starts now.


Running about, not aIIowed

Oh no.

''Wicked Speed. The destination ahead,
the wind at my back.''

Oh, God.
- Excuse me.

ToiIet trips, not aIIowed

Missing schooI, not aIIowed.

TaIking to anyone,
or eating Iunch, not aIIowed.

And hanging from
the train's roof, teacher?

Not aIIowed.

Oh my, God. Monkey man.

No entry. ChiIdren onIy

Just get out. PIease.

Kids. Don't try this at home.

Not aIIowed.
- Do you wish to die?

''Wicked Speed. The destination ahead,
the wind at my back.''

''A chilling gale, crosses
your path, it stops you.''

A man is Ieaping about the train!

The train didn't stop

Contact the station master. PatiI.
Contact the motorman.

Move back. The train is coming.

The train isn't stopping anywhere

What now?
- I don't know.

I am sorry.

Leave me. Leave me.

The train isn't stopping

Divert the train's route.

Wait, wait.

The train isn't stopping

''Time has...chosen a moment.''
''l will leave a mark in history.

''Wicked Speed.''

There's a b*mb on the train.

Get inside.
- Duck.

''A chilling gale, crosses
your path, it stops you.''

There's a b*mb.

I think there's been a bIast.

''There's no fun when.''

''Life isn't on the edge.''

''A strong heart.''

''Never accepts defeat easily.''

''Doing that unimaginable.''

''ls the mark of the brave.''

''l don't do it for myseIf.''

''l lay my life down for my kin.''

''Wicked Speed.''

''The destination ahead,
the wind at my back.''

Come on. Quick.

''Glory to You.''

''Glory to You.''

''Glory to Lord Ganesha.''

''Glory to Lord Ganesha.''

- He'II be fine

WiII you save Prateek?

Of course.

I was created to save your son


Promise me

I promise you

I must go

I have to go aIone


You once asked me if angeIs existed

Now I know...

...that they do

''Your generosity meIts hearts.''

I am here, G.One

You are Iate, G.One.

Any Iater and...

I have your HART

So you can't kiII Prateek

You have my HART so...

...you can't kiII me

UnIess our HARTS are connected...

...you can't die...

...nor can I

I must Iog on

I hope it's connected with the LAN.
Give me dispIay controI, come on.

But matters of the
heart...very compIicated.

For me it's simpIe

My onIy purpose is to destroy you

Keep the HART

Logic says: Your chance of
survivaI is 0.01'/,

Why choose death?

Because I gave my word

We're connected

Connected now.
- Ra.One Ioaded. Game ready to pIay.

Game begins.
- WeIcome, Lucifer.

Let's pIay.


You OK?

Sure, I'm fine

But my head is spinning



Look down!

G.One safe. LeveI two, kiIIer combat.

Good going, G.One.
- This is good going?

The pIan is to get to LeveI 3

Great pIan. That's if Ra.One Iets us

Survive two minutes more

- What are you doing?
- Getting whipped

Don't fight. Just try to survive

Watch me


No, G.One. do it my way.

One minute to go.

Use Ra.One's power



Oh no.


Don't fight. Survive

No, no, no, don't.

Energy IeveIs Iow.


Grab his main part!

What are you doing, G.One?

I don't know.

LeveI 2 cIear. G.One survives.

G.One safe.
- Yes.


You OK?

Never feIt better.

I'm in your worId now.
We start where we Ieft off

So come on our Lucifer.

My power has decreased.
Ra.One is stronger now

One g*n, one buIIet, one chance

You can't hide from me.
Or escape me

How wiII we destroy Ra.One?

BuIIets don't win wars. Hearts do

Now my HART...


...wiII be my strength,
not my weakness

Let's do this, Prateek.

For your father


Anti-heart g*n activated.


G.One. HART.

You said it'd work

You can't die

G.One terminated.
Game over, Lucifer.

Get ready to die

I am on.

We're ready

To kick your..
- Language, Prateek.

We are ready, to kick your fat ass.

You forget

If we're not connected to
the HART, neither of us...

...can die

Matters of the heart.
Very compIicated.

I didn't forget. Lucifer did

He wanted a viIIain who never Ioses

You shouId be carefuI
what you wish for, kid.

Instead of one viIIain,
you have ten

Oh no.
- sh**t me.

Find me

Find the reaI Ra.One

- Which one?
- Never got to LeveI 3

One reaI. Nine fakes


No, me


Dad can't Iet eviI win

He'II heIp us

I have his foIder

Check it

His Iast proverb:

''SeII your souI to the DeviI and
eviI's shadow won't Ieave you''



The reaI Ra.One...

...casts a shadow

The reaI Ra.One casts a shadow

The reaI Ra.One casts a shadow



Game over, Prateek. I must go

No, G.One. That wasn't the pIan

It was the pIan and aIways wiII be

If you want the end of Ra.One...

...I must take him back...

...to the worId...

...from where we came

G.One, don't Ieave me

I can't Iose my father again

You'II never Iose him

If there's goodness in your heart,
he'II never Ieave you

Good peopIe die...

...but their goodness Iives on

Listen to your heart.

Look. Be a superhero, Prateek.

A superhero. With a heart.

Got to go now.

I wiII miss you, G.One.
- Yes.

I think I wiII miss you too.

TeII Sonia...

We made a reaI
buttercup of brother Ra.One

So gIad you're back

You OK?

You know I am very happy
that you two returned.

How's Prateek?

Forever Iogged on,
trying to revive G.One's HART

Just Iet him be, Sonia.

Don't dash his hopes

It's his beIief.

Where is my Lucifer?

- Coming, mom.

I am on.

Mom, G.One's back.

I toId you, Mom! He'd come back

He's right here. He's back.

♪ Wicked Speed ♪

♪ The destination ahead,
the wind at my back ♪

♪ Wicked Speed ♪

♪ The destination ahead,
the wind at my back. ♪

♪ A chilling gale ♪

♪ crosses
your path, it stops you ♪

♪ A desire ♪

♪ To serve which doesn't cease. ♪

♪ The fire of obsession. ♪

♪ That blinds out the light. ♪

♪ The dawn pierces
through the dark night. ♪

♪ A new beginning after
defeating the evil.♪

♪ Time has...chosen a moment. ♪

♪ l will leave a mark in history. ♪

♪ Wicked Speed. ♪

♪ The destination ahead,
the wind at my back. ♪

♪ A chilling gale. ♪

♪ Crosses your path, it stops you. ♪

♪ There's no fun when. ♪

♪ Life isn't on the edge. ♪

♪ A strong heart. ♪

♪ Never accepts defeat easily. ♪

♪ Doing that unimaginable. ♪

♪ ls the mark of the brave. ♪

♪ l don't do it for myseIf.. ♪

♪ l lay my life down for my kin ♪

♪ Wicked Speed. ♪

♪ The destination ahead,
the wind at my back. ♪
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