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New Mutants, The (2020)

Posted: 02/03/24 10:54
by bunniefuu
An old Native American saying goes:

"In every human being there live two bears
fighting for their soul.

One bear is all good.
Mercy, love, trust.

The other is all evil.

Fear, shame, and self-destruction. "

What happens?
- We must run, all we can!

Do not let go of my hand!

What happens?

Hide here.

I have to help them.
- No, father! Do not leave me!

Dani, I have to go back.
Stay here.

Race! Hurry away!



Hello! Let me out!

Calm down, Dani. I'm on the way.

Where am I?
Where is my family?

I know you're scared,
but you'm safe.

I would be happy to come in and explain.
Will it be okay with you?

Door, hospital.

Hi, Dani.
I'm dr. Reyes.

Sit down and I will unravel your hand.

What I will now tell you
will be harsh to hear.

A Category 5 tornado hit your reservation.

You're the only survivor.

No ...

It snarled.
There was something chasing us.


Shock can make us remember things that
have not happened.


I think it belongs to you.

It hurts me terribly.

Why did I not die with them?
Why me?

Guilt is a common
shock reaction. We are looking for explanations.

Most often we find none.

But the explanation that you survived, -

- is that you are highly unusual.

Your reservation was destroyed,
but you escaped without a scratch.

Do you know what mutants are?

Mutations occur during puberty.

You can live the first 13 years
of your life relatively normally.

And all of a sudden you become mature
and discover your true nature.

What is my true nature?
- We have to find out together.

How do you know I'm a mutant?

My guardian possesses the ability to
detect newly hatched mutants.

That's how we found you
and your fellow patients.

You're not alone, Dani.

This is a home
for young mutants like you.

Teenagers who need
extra care on the eve of adulthood.

There you have some warm clothes
and toiletries.

How long should I be here?
- Until you pose a danger.

A danger to whom?
- Yourself.

You've been through a lot.

Get yourself some sleep.
We'll talk further tomorrow.

Dr. Reyes ...

Are there no survivors at all?

But you're safe now.
Nothing can harm you here.

Good night.

I have asked you to remember the first time
your mutation appeared.

Who wants to tell?





We can not help each other
if we do not talk to each other.

I have said it to skinlessness.

We can not help you
if you do not want to participate.

Rahne, you do not want to post?

Come and sit down, Dani.

This is our new patient,
Danielle Moonstar.

Wildly enough.

Let's welcome her.
Goodbye, Rahne.

Okay. I was 13 years old.

I ran through the woods.

How did it feel?


I had never
felt so free in my entire life.

But also ashamed.


Because I knew it was wrong.

I asked Pastor Craig
if he could ask it out of me.

He asked to see it,
so I transformed.

What did the pastor do then?

b*at me half to death.

He said I was a witch -

- and would end up in Hell.

Are there others
who will tell about their first time?

New girl.

How f*cked up are you?
- She's probably on dr*gs.

Or nymphomaniac, if you are lucky.

Continue with that behavior
and you will smoke in isolation for the rest of the day.

You need to think carefully about how
you would like to spend your time here.

And how long that time should be.

Illyana, can you not show Dani around?

Why should I?

Because I'm asking you to.

How long have you been here?

Are there other doctors?

Why do not you want ...?

What do you say, Lockheed?

I know.

I can 't stand her either.

Dr. Reyes!

Main building. College.
Church, if you believe in that piss.

And have. Do you know how to grow pot?


What are you, an Indian?
- Cheyenne.

It was a rhetorical question.

You're on guard.

Where are we?
- I have no idea.

Dr. Reyes always says
the nearest town is 30 km away.

But it can be a lie
to prevent us from fleeing.

There is no fence.
- No, no fence.

There is nothing
that stands between you and freedom.

Run, new girl, run!


This is not a hospital, Pocahontas.

It's a cage
and you're trapped in it forever.

I should have warned you.

I have to help them.
- No, father!

Do not leave me!
- Guilt is a shock reaction.

Stay here!

You're the only survivor.

What are you doing out here? Pardon.
It was not to scare you.

That's really far down.
A fall would turn you into pluck fish.

It would k*ll me. On-site.

I would not notice anything.

I would also like to get away from here,
but not in this way.

My home has been wiped out.
My dad is dead.

My people believe
that su1c1de is the straight path to Hell.

It has always kept me from it.

I do not want to be here.
I want to be with my family.

If they're dead and you're here,
then there's probably a reason for it.

Maybe the time is not right yet.

But I'm all alone.

There are two of us up here.

Maybe I'm not someone?

Come on, it's probably going to get better.

I promise.

Let's live a little longer, Dani Moonstar.

Dani, where have you been?

I just showed her the church.

No one should stay away here, Rahne.
- Sorry, dr. Reyes.

Did I get you in the fat dish?
- No, she likes me.

Me and Sam are some of the good ones.

Did he explode?

No, he can just mill away.
From 0 to 100 as a cannonball.

He's just not good at landing.
- Does he train?

I do not know.

Sometimes it seems
like he wants to hurt himself.

He grew up in Kentucky.
He was good at school, -

- but dropped out to work in the
mines to feed the family.

Poor guy.
- Yes exactly.

And then there's Roberto.

His family is arguably Brazil's richest.

Yes, vuffer.

He probably lived in a hurry.
Something must have gone completely wrong.

What are his powers?

He will not say that.
He was sent here to be cured.

Can accuracy be cured?
Maybe he's just crazy.

No, that place has been taken.

It's been nice,
Dani, but now I have to go.

We must not be in other people's rooms.
- Why does she always keep an eye on us?

For our own good.

She's trying to help us.

If you follow the treatment,
you should probably get away from here.

Probably before us other cones.

Good night.


Thank you for helping me.

What do I know? Maybe we should
both have taken the plunge.



The dishwasher really makes a
dent in my wardrobe.

When a sweater gets dirty,
do you just throw it out?

Here you go.


Was it creepy to work in the mines?

Yes very.


Now I have to.

If so you gave me a million,
you did not get me down in such a.

I still do not have a million.

You can borrow from me.
My parents have the box.

Good night, Kentucky.
- Good night.



Is there anybody?



What have you done?



Are there any cameras in here?
- The only safe place in the house.

But there may be microphones, so ...

I call it intense body art.

Wasn't the tattoo painful enough?

That was not my idea.

What does that stand for?

I do not feel like talking about it.






And ...

... control.

I only have one arm.
This requires two.

Hi, Silver Arrow.

Do you want a sip of fire water?

Your people always wear a little feather.

Let her be, though.
- No.

It is okay.

"Silver arrow", it was good.

More inventive than "Pocahontas".

It was great in fifth grade.

I am not afraid of you.
My dad told me about cramps like you.

Here. Show us on the doll
where dad pissed at you.


You must not mention my father, so!

You know nothing about me.
- What do you know yourself?

16 years old and has not even
discovered his mutant ability yet.

Let her be.
- I'm helping her.

Keep the teddy bears away.
- What will you do about it?

Let's find out.

Din so!

Illyana, no!

You know the rules.

We do not use force inside
and we never fight.

Sorry, Doctor.
I thought Dani was invincible.

I just wanted to look.

Isolation, both.
- But it was not Dani ...

In others go upside down in bed.

I'll see you tomorrow.

See you in Hell.

Come on.

What do you say, Lockheed?

Do not be afraid.

We go to our safe place.

There, the smiling men can not reach us.



What's happening to me?






We need to perform more analyzes
to clarify what is going on.

Don't worry, I'm a doctor.

I'm from a medical family.

My mother was a vet.

She often got pets
in with rattlesnake bites.

Did you know that rattlesnake cubs
are more dangerous than adults?

They cannot yet control
how much poison they excrete.

Even the mutants we call heroes today ...

When they got their powers,
they probably did some harm too.

Therefore, new mutants are dangerous
and need to be kept ...


Separated from ordinary people -

- for their own and our safety.

Press to.

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

It's been a week since my last confession.

My parent has a school
for talented mutants.

You can get there one day.

Rahne said I could get out of here
quickly if I followed your program.

You and Rahne seem to get along well
with each other. It is well.

She has a good influence.

And she's right.

We must have identified your forces
so we can teach you to control them.

I have masturbated twice.

I lied to dr. Reyes
and I have crawled into the air duct again.


I'm asking for a father
and two Ave Marys, okay?


Who is it?


Your witch!
I have to peel the flesh off your bones!

Demons can not enter churches ...

Where have you been?

Are you okay?

I just needed to be a little alone.

Come on.

Where are you going?

Reyes's sleeping so we'm going up ...
- You're not invited.

Stop it, Illy. Come on, take a look.


So you're hanging out on a ceiling?

Yes. It's one of the few places
Reyes does not keep an eye on.

It's full of stuff
from before mutants came here.

Let's play a game.

Consequence. - It's not in the doctor's.

Fine. In gods.


How many girls have you banged?
- I have no idea about that at all.


He's lying.

It's a lie detector. We know it.

Okay, three.
- It's not so bad.

- I told you so.

Why not? - I'm getting too hot.

Then try, you assh*le.

What do you need with the coal?

I got it from my dad.

Just before ...

... he d*ed.

I am sorry.

You should not think about.

I belong here.
- None of us belong here.

I do.
- Why?

You've asked him a question.
Now it's your turn.

Should I not join?

Even without a lie detector, I can tell
if you're lying.

What are your powers?

I do not know.
- I knew you would say that.

One more question.
What are you going to do with the weak-minded bear?

It's like Sam.
My dad made it for me.


As a child I was ...

... very scared of the dark.

So much so that I did not dare go to bed.

So my dad told me
a legend about a bear.

A demon bear, -

- who live within us
and are nourished by our fears.

Nice goodnight story.
- Clap in, Berto.

When one is born, -

- the bear is small and weak.

And the older we get, -

- the more scared we become ...

... the bigger
and stronger the bear grows.

My father ...

... made it to remind me
how small it was when I was born.

To remind me never to be scared.

Thank you, it's me.

Come now.

- Why are you here?

Because I k*lled 18 men.

One by one ...

... with my sword.

And Lockheed.

You are lying.
- She does not.

Do not you believe me?

I'm the most powerful mutant in the institution.

Today we need to talk about obedience.

If you want to go on
to my parents' school, -

- it's crucial
that I can trust you.


What if we do not want to go to your boss's school?
What if I just want to go home?

Sam, you probably remember what happened.
Don't you think you're still wanted?

If you were not here, you would
be behind bars. Or worse.

It was an accident.

Do you think anyone believes that?
- I do. Sam is a good person.

Either way, do I have to live here my
whole life because of one mistake?

Until you are healthy.
- When am I?

There is something completely wrong.
I see the most horrible visions.

When am I fast?
- When I say you are.

What a break. You do not listen to me.

What have you done to her?

I possibly got something in her tea.

Hold on to hat and bones!

It's truly undeniable, -

- that you're the worst mutants
I've ever seen.

Ergo, my guardian
will be utterly disappointed in me.

I would probably get an ending for
being so naughty.

Oh, my guardian!

Who is the guardian she always waffles about?

Isn't that obvious?
You know the X-Men well, do you?

Yes, but why should we
want to be X-Men?

I do not mind being dressed up
and fighting with people. I am rich.

I really wanted to be an X-Man.
- What do they do with a dog?


I have to show you something.

- It's a surprise.

What are the two for?


Rahne, are you sure
you know where we end up?

Yes, I can see in the dark.
Just follow me.

We get so much trouble.

What can she do? Throw us out?

I still do not
want to be here.

As long as Dr. Phil covers the place with
his magic bubble, you have no choice.

I've never had a choice.

What do you mean?

I was forced to
work in the mines with my father.

I was still new to the subject.

And then one day ...

... I got claustrophobic.
I could not get air.

And then you milled.


I k*lled my father.

And most of his chess.

I could not forgive myself.
- I am sorry.

I could only think of, -

- that I would do
anything to do it again.

What about you? What have you done?


Have you always
been able to get out of the building?

I can get around anywhere
through the canals. This is the only way out.

Just Reyes not discovering it.
- She will discover a lot tomorrow.

Believe me, it's worth it.

Lie down.

Hold da on.

Is not it beautiful?

Yes it is.

Our beautiful cage.

My father called it that.

Did you have a dome over the reserve?


He meant our bodies.

That we are trapped in them ...

... and that death sets our souls free.

Free to be with those
we care about.

That honestly sounds very nice.

I thought I heard you ...

Do you want company?


But then you have to turn off the light.

With pleasure.


Are you afraid?
- No.

I think now you are ...

... Virgin.

First you have to catch me.


It does not feel real.

You also do not feel completely real.

What do you mean?

It is only ...

... because you're so sweet to me.

Too sweet.

It feels like you're someone
I've invented.

I'm not fictitious. I am really.

Your eyes ...

- You do not have to say that.

They're beautiful.

I've never done this before.

With a girl?
- With anyone.

What's wrong?

I can not.
I need to cool down a bit.

Do you not want to?

Yes, but ...

... I must not get too hot.

If I get too hot ...

Just tell me.

I was with my boyfriend.

I liked her, but ...

... I b*rned her.

I k*lled her with my bare hands.
I b*rned her.

Hey, look at me.

You can not burn me.

You can not harm me.

Men ...

... first you have to catch me again.



Mariella, no!

What is it?
- It's Berto.

Control room, unlock.

What happens?
- Enter your room.

Holy sh*t. What happened?


What is the code?
- Give me my phone.

I'm the one in charge.
- You do not decide a sh*t.

Illyana tried to k*ll me.
- It was not me.

Illyana was in her room.
You were all alone in the pool.

Did not you see what I saw?

We're trapped here with demons!
What is the code?

Relax, Berto.

I'm going to get out of here.
- You're not going anywhere.

Your doctor says so.

Piss with you. You're not a doctor.

I've known men like you.
Men who kept children in cages.

I have known them and I have k*lled them.

She was not in the pool.

But I know what you did to me.
You help the others clean up.

You dream.

Let me out!

I do not want to die here! Are you following? Let me out!

Start locking.

Today we need to go deeper.

Tie your hand.
This will make you relax.

Now I'm asking you a series of questions.

I will ask you to answer honestly.

What is the last thing you remember
before you came here?

My father woke me up.
He said we had to flee.

And everything shook.
- What did you flee from?

He said it was a tornado.
- It was not a tornado.

What did you flee from?

It snowed. - In the summer?

It has the snow with it.

What have?

The demon bear.

Where are you?
- I'm right here.

What kind of place is this?

What are you doing?
- Dani?

No! No!


Dani? Who is it?

You're not real.

I k*lled you.

And like Christ, I am resurrected.

Stay away!

Lockheed, what's going on?

It is her.

Concentrate, Dani.
Can you control it?

No one can.

Stay away!



Is it real?
I told you it was real.

What happened to her?
- You happened.

It's Danny's fault.

Danny's fault, it all.
- I have not done anything.

You have brought evil here.

Now I know your powers, new girl.

Let me show you mine.

Do not use force!

She's in our heads.
She wants to k*ll us.

Something is happening to me
that I cannot control.

The place you led me to ...

Was it Hell?

Limbo. A place we have invented.


Me and Lockheed.

I have someone with you.

In the beginning, it was our safe place.

We got there in mind
when there was something nasty on the way.

But we were there so often ...

... and stayed there for so long ...

... that it became real.

I saw a memory.

It was not mine.

Who were they? - I do not know their names.

They were all the same.

They made us cry ...

... and it made them smile.








Are you in pain?
- The painkillers help.

Was it really him?

- At least he really worked.

Come in though.

I am not afraid of you.

I'm scared of what I saw. For him.

What if it's my fault he came?

Even if it's you
who makes all this happen ...

... then you had no choice.
It's not your fault.

I saw something
when dr. Reyes examined me.

I saw children like us. Mutants
who were forced to do things.

Terrible things.

I do not think we're in a hospital.

I think I saw the place
we're going to when we're leaving here.

If we come from here.

I'm ready, Dani.

I have to go.

Do you just want her to fill you
with medication again?

Last time I got an insight into
their secrets.

Maybe it's happening again.
Maybe I'll find a way out of here.

- I do not know yet.

But let's live a little longer, Rahne Sinclair.

Dani asked me to stay with him.
- You have to wait outside.

You can come back when she wakes up.

Doors, corridor H.

What's wrong with you?


It is only ...

Reyes exists ...

What was she?

Can you hear that?

Is it music?

I know that song.

What should I test for now?

It's me to be tested.

As I said, my mother was a vet.
One day our dog went crazy ...

... and embarrassed the neighbor's son.

Lift your head.


It had rabies.

It's coming from my room.

I'm picking up Dr. Reyes.

Illyana, no.

What kind of place is it?

No ...

I've buried this.

Let her be, you pig!

Look at me. He can do nothing to you.

Look, he's not real.



My mother tried everything.
The disease was too advanced.

It is horrible for a doctor
to face it.

The powerlessness.

One can do anything to save a patient,
but sometimes -

- is it most humane to k*ll it.




Help me!

Help me!

So funny.

Leave me alone!


You're the most powerful mutant
we've ever had.

But my superiors believe
your powers are impossible to control.

It's just over.



Dani, wake up.

Dr. Reyes! They must help us!

Dr. Reyes!

Lockheed, we're going to die.

Come on, Illyana, do something!
- I can not. I can not!

Illyana, do something!


Berto! Berto!

The bitch has placed force fields
at all exits.

Are the jokers her too?
- No, they's Illyanas.

Have you seen the girls?
- No.

On top.

Where the hell have you been?

In my safe place.

It was naughty.

What's going on? Where is dr. Reyes?

She tried to k*ll Dani.

It was not a test.
She tried to k*ll her.

Min journal.

"The patient abhors authorities, -

- but her fragmented psyche and
hatred of people make her ideal.


A k*ller with immense potential.

Continue the development. "

"Essex Corporation".
- That must have been what I saw.

We were not to be made into the X-Men.
We were to be made K*llers.

We are busy. Reyes will be back soon
to get rid of me.

The house is designed to hold us.
Even with our powers, it is hopeless.

No, it's not.
We got each other out of our cages.

We also get out of this.
- That sounds great.

But there are still force fields
all over the building. For the windows.

How will you penetrate it?

By suffocating the root.

Let's neck that sow.

Tonight I will talk about accountability.

You have a responsibility for your treatment.

Go back to your rooms immediately.

If you refuse
or attempt to leave the place, -

- then it's my responsibility to stop you.

Whatever it takes.

How do you know she's still here?

I have a good sense of smell.

You have a k*ller instinct.
- What's going on?

What is Essex Corp?

A research organization
founded by my parents.

Founded to drive us crazy?

To save you!

Were it not for me, you would be dead!

Calm. Fall down. Now listen.

I want you to fall down.

All right? Promise me you will.

Then you will be allowed to go. All except Dani.

Dani must be k*lled.
- Shut us out!

Take it easy.
It's for her own sake.

And yours.

You have probably gradually discovered
what her powers consist of.

She takes your worst fear,
your deepest secret, -

- and let you go through it.


Repeatedly, -

- until it kills you.


Such. Breathe.


You should see your father again immediately -

- in the spirit world.


What are you doing, Dani?

Dani! She will not wake up. Help me.


Days! Days!

It's coming again!

It's chasing us.
- No, it's chasing Dani.

Why Dani?

Because that's what she's afraid of.

Come, help me.

One two Three.

Get Dani to safety, and I'll fix the bear.

What do you want to do?
- Play with it.

Get her out of here.

Are you crazy? It kills you!
- He's right. It's magical.

I am also.



Lions and tigers and bears, off off.

Not too, Lockheed?

Holy sh*t!
- I want to marry her.

Are you okay, Lockheed?

Get going.
- Berto, you can run with her.

I'm not ready for that.
- You're not harming her.

Come along.

Go. I'm helping Illy.
- Sam!

It must get better one day.

Give me her.


Demons cannot penetrate churches.

Dani, you have to wake up.

Come here, you kryster!

Hail Mary, full of grace.
Blessed are you among women.

Pray for us sinners now
and in our hour of death. Amen.

Demon bear!

You can not escape now.

I know you're in there.

You are not alone. We are all here.

We fight for you.

Rahne, where are you?


Dani, I know you can hear me.

What are you doing?
- Saves me like you.



Berto, get together!


You have to wake up,
or we'll all die.


No, Berto!

You're the only one who can stop this.

I can not.


Forgive me.

It was not your fault.

But now you have to wake up.
- Well, the bear is way too big.

You're bigger.


Dani, help!






It's me who decides now.



It should all work out.

There is no need to
be afraid anymore.

But now you have to sleep.


Thank you, everybody.

Because you saved me.


It was you who saved us.

Friends, the dome is gone.

Are we so free?

Reyes said the
nearest town is 30 km away.

That may have been a lie.

Shall we find out?

My father told me
that there are two bears in every human being.

One bear is all good.
Mercy, love, trust.

The other is all evil.
Fear, shame and self-destruction.

I asked him, "Which bear wins?"

He answered:

"The one you feed."