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Origin: Spirits of the Past (2006)

Posted: 02/06/24 16:57
by bunniefuu
A long, long time ago a seed shook the Heart of the Forest. The Dragon of the Forest fell from the moon. Confronted with the red breath of the Dragon of the forest, humans quivered. Confronted with the green tears of the Dragon of the Forest, humans bowed.

A long, long time ago, when the Dragon's tears dried, man strained his ears to hear the voice of the forest.

In the stillness, a single seed falls.

Its ripples spread out, lapping at the bottom of the well.

Oh, cold wind, that shakes the forest of my agitated heart,

if we can live and let live, let's go on as we are.

Everyone who heard the quiet voice of this forest wept for the noise.

The sound clamors within this forest incessantly, yet quietly.

It gives moments of tranquility back to my troubled heart.

The sound clamors within this forest incessantly, yet quietly.

It gives moments of tranquility back to my troubled heart.

The sound clamors within this forest incessantly, yet quietly.

It gives moments of tranquility back to my troubled heart.

Agito, what are you doing?

Hurry up, or I'm leaving without you!

Oh, they're going to get water again!

Old Man Nabe is the lookout today! Good luck!

Today, we're going 'til we get to the very bottom of the well!



I'm going on ahead!

All right...

I won, you know.

I got here faster.

This will let me quench Dad's thirst.


What are you planning to do once your pop passes away?

I'm going to leave this town.

There must still be some buried cities

on the other side of the desert, or deep in the forest...

I'd like to try carving out a town someday, like my dad did.

If you leave this town, I bet Minka will be lonely.

She looks forward to taking vegetables over to your house every day, you know.

But enough of that...

Let's hurry and get back.

If the Zruids find us, there'll be big trouble.

Zruid people... we're putting the water back...

Cain, run!

Huh? Hey!

It's the Zruids! Those kids are up to no good again!

It's the Zruids! Those kids are up to no good again!

Not again!

What have they done now!?

Now they've messed up!

What could that be?

Cain, it's you guys again, huh?

She's still alive!

Don't leave me by myself! No!!

The water is being drained out.

Over some children just horsing around?

That can't be why. There must be some other reason.


Where are we?

Here, drink some water.

Have some water. It will calm you down.

Thank you.

What are you doing in a place like this?

Were you captured by the Zruids?

Let's go! The Zruids are draining the water!

This is no good! It's too dangerous here! We have to move somewhere...

Can you swim over there?

Let's go!



This is the rd Stayfield Control Room.

What should we do!?

To enter this area, please set your Laban to screen mode,

and insert it into the panel on the side of the door.


This is the rd Stayfield Control Room.

To enter-

This is the rd Stayfield Control Room.

The sand has hardened here!

To enter this area, please set your Laban to screen mode,

Here comes the wave!

This is bad!

and insert it into the panel on the side of the door.

This is the rd Stayfield-

- It's open! - Let's hurry!

Thank you.

Thank you. I'm Toola.

I'm Agito. Come on, let's get to ground level.

It looks safe around here.

Over there is Neutral City. That's our town.

What happened?

I thought they'd had it this time.

Yeah, I'm surprised they're still alive.

Excuse us.

Hey, wait up!

Agito, Brother, how did it go?

Mommy told me to come down for her to see what was up.

They were terribly mad at us.

As punishment, they said we have to volunteer some salvage work tomorrow.


They said to go in.


Pardon me.

Are you someone from the world of the past?

I am Yolda. I serve as the town's representative.

From what Agito told me,

you were asleep in a glowing box deep in the forest, right?

A glowing... box?

You mean the Stayfield.

Um, how long have I been asleep?

There aren't any detailed records left.

There was another young man, who awoke from his sleep five years ago.

He went off to the m*llitary state of Laguna.

You appear to be somewhat different from him.

It must have been surprising to wake up, and find a world like this, huh?


In this region, the forest threatens our way of life.

The forest?


If we did not have the water that the forest stores up, we could not live.

Unlike the age you lived in,

people are not on friendly terms with the forest.

Even so, we have not given in to the forest,

but have been looking for ways to coexist with it.

But Laguna wants to use force to bring the forest under control.

So, while also managing to maintain a harmonious relationship with Laguna somehow,

we are able to live in a tenuous peace here, in Neutral City.

Agito, Cain, you're listening in, right?

Minka is here, too, huh? Perfect. Please look after Toola.

Cain, ask your father, as well.

All right, I will allow you to stay with us here in town.

You should get some rest first.

Thank you.

All right! This guy already has Minka, and I'm looking for a girlfriend, so-

I'm Minka. Nice to meet you.

Hot! Hot!

Dad, a lot happened today.

Have you found out where the girl is?

No, not yet.

Hurry. Once you find her, I will deal with her.

Dad, the morning sun is bad for your health, so I'm closing this.


It's time to go do our service salvage.


Hurry it up!

Say, where's Toola?

Minka took her to the market. Come on, let's go.

Long ago, these were just ordinary ruins.

Then, my daddy, Yolda, and Agito's daddy- all three of them having silver hair-

made it so people could live here.

Silver hair?

Daddy and the others are enhanced beings.

They're incredibly strong.

Let's go!

We exchange water for lots of things here at the market.


New here? I haven't seen your face around before.


He's a soldier in Laguna.

People from all over come together here in the market.

Minka is friends with all of them.


Yeah, see you later.

They tell us not to go near the people from Laguna, but they're all nice folks.

Minka helps out at that cafeteria over there. It's busy every day, and hard work.

Why are you still draining the water from the spring?

The forest acts according to the forest's will.

It's not as though we violated our contract, right?

It's hot. The forest is hot.

We can't give it back. We can't give the water back.

There hasn't been enough water lately.

Those who are going up have to take some water with them.

Toola, you can take only one.

Say, you know, about Agito...

No, it's nothing.

There is somebody who is trying to release a sealed power.

What do you mean? Shunack?

He is no longer anywhere within our reach.

Besides, we are both to blame for what he has done.

The girl is suspect.

The girl is suspect.

You mean Toola?

The girl will bring calamity to the forest.

Turn the girl over to the forest.


...the forest will stop all of the water.

Guess who!


I was just kidding around.

Somebody might have been trying to contact me.

Hey, how do you get that pretty light that was on a moment ago to come on?

I'm sorry, but the Laban can only be used by the one it belongs to.

That's no fun.

I'm going to be Agito's wife, understand?

Agito! Over here, over here!

I'll be right there.

Watch out for the glass.

Agito, good work!

I think we can use the stuff in this building! Go again!

Huh? Give me a break, boss!


She's heading towards the forest.


Sorry. I should have told you that the forest was dangerous.

No, it was my fault.

I should have just stayed asleep like I was, forever.


What am I... supposed to do?

My dad and the others are the ones who made this town.

Yolda, and Cain's father.

My dad is the one who worked the hardest among them. He was the coolest.

You're proud of your father, huh?

Mm-hmm. I'm proud of this whole town.

You may not understand it all right now, but you'll grow to like it in no time.

Both the town, and the people in it.

You think so?

Sure I do!

I like you, Agito.

Minka and the others, too. I like the air here, too.

As well as Minka's sleeping face. She's awfully cute.

But it's annoying when she talks in her sleep, huh?

I'd like to meet your father, Agito.

I'd like to meet the man who worked the hardest to make this town.

You can ask him anything you want.

Yolda and Cain's dad both come here to confer with him.

What's the matter? Come on, hurry.

Dad, you have a visitor. It's Toola.

I told you about her yesterday, remember? Toola.

She said she'd like to meet you, Dad.


Toola, this is my dad.

So you're...


I'm sorry if I frightened you.

I've used up a little too much of the forest's power, you see...

What do you think of this world?

It is a world that those who survived the destruction worked desperately to create.

As someone who knew the civilizations of the past, I'll bet it looks harsh,

but Agito and I both live here in this world, and we love it.

If you cannot accept this world, then you should go back to sleep.

Can't I stay in this world?

The forest is restless.

If you will abandon the past, you can go on living here.


Let me be by myself for a while.


Such an inconsiderate girl...

Just hush! Hold on a minute!

Three specials!

Have you heard? They say another person from the past has been found.

First one since Colonel Shunack, huh?

You'll get promoted just for finding them.

How are you supposed to tell if someone is from the past?

You're looking for Toola?

Oh, yeah?

That's what your pop said?

I'll bet Toola was shocked.

I wonder what Toola is going to do.

You don't need to worry.

No matter what your pop says, we'll stand by Toola.

After all, Toola is going to be my wife in the future.

W- what are you talking about!?

Aren't those Laguna tanks?


Agito! Stop!

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Toola Cm Sakul, I have been waiting anxiously for you.

When you awoke into this world, it must have been quite startling.

The cities have been destroyed.

The forests have become violent, and swallow people up.

If your father, Dr. Sakul, were alive,

I'm sure he would not allow such a world to exist.

My father? You know my father?

The girl is suspect.

The flames will burn the forest up.

Separate the girl and the man.

As I expected, a woodland beast is coming.

A Laban! So, who are you?

Someone who came from the past, just like you.

I knew your father, Dr. Sakul, quite well.

I was a member of the Earth Forestation Project that the Doctor set up.

But apparently, after the Doctor's death, the project was suspended.

I don't think anyone expected that it could bring about this situation.

I want you to help me.

If I am to normalize this world, I need to have your Laban to locate...

...the Environmental Regrowth Defragment System that the Doctor developed - Istok.


My name is Shunack. Will you work with me?

It is after you. Stay close to me.




Shunack, you're the one who has angered the forest, aren't you?

It's been a long time, Yolda. You too, Hajan.

I'm taking the girl to Laguna.

Toola is not going with you.

Don't drag her into your delusions.

Looks like you're still pushing others around, the same as always.

I'm sorry, but I'm going with him.

My father's research is the key to returning the world back to normal!

Agito, thank you.

Toola, you must not trust Shunack! Toola!

Patience, Agito.

Let me go! Let me go!

What are you planning?

Don't trust him, Toola!

In any case,

I don't have much time left.

Let me go!


I don't understand.

I see.

She left, did she?

Shunack is possessed by the power of the past.

The girl has also been seduced by it.

What will happen to Toola?

She holds the key to reviving the civilization of the past.

It is a power that will bring about a great conflict between mankind and the forest.

If the forest is destroyed,

the earth will soon wither up, and mankind will be destroyed, too.

That's terrible. What should we do?

Dad is going to descend into the forest's consciousness.


I leave the path up to you, whether to sink into the forest, or return to dust.


I've made it so the rain, the wind, and the sunlight can enter.



...going to the forest.

Sorry to put you in an unpleasant position.

Yolda and the other people in Neutral City

do not like me, since I am from the past.

Why not? What happened?

Once, I shared their ideas, became enhanced,

and contributed to Neutral City.

However, for those of us who knew what the world was like in the past,

this world seemed abnormal.

Once people realized the change that had taken place in my heart,

they must have found me offensive.

I saw a person in Neutral City that had become a tree.

Are you going to become like him someday?

Yeah. I want to return the world to normal.

That determination is what supports me.

Welcome to Tria City.

This is Laguna's lifeline - Tria City.

The air is so...

The city is nothing but factories and m*llitary industry.

With these products, the people of Laguna are barely able to maintain a civilization.

We use these devices to obtain whatever little water we can from the parched desert.

We're not like Neutral City, who has been swallowed up by the will of the forest.

Why should people have to submit themselves to the forest?

Having become alienated from Neutral City, I got into disputes with them.

In the middle of it all, I lost my own Laban,

and all means of searching for Istok were cut off.

Istok was said to be able to return the world to normal.

My father spent his whole life developing it.

So, why couldn't my father press the button?

The mountainous region near Neutral City, huh?

Begin preparations for mining operations at once.

Yes, sir.

We'll set out as soon as we're ready.



Come eat dinner already, or you're going to get tuckered out.

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm sure that Agito has gone to the forest.

--I have to stop Agito! --You don't know that for sure, right?

What's the matter?

What are you doing?

Minka, listen closely.

It's true, Agito may have gone to the forest.

But Agito must have decided to do so himself.

All we can do is watch over him.


Come eat dinner.

Your mother is worried about you. Come on down, now.

Agito, son of Agashi...

Agito, son of the warrior...

Do you desire power?

Do you wish to fight?

I came to get Toola back!

The girl will give rise to flames.

The girl will burn everything up.

Toola wouldn't do any of that!

Can you stop it from happening?

Can you save the girl?

We will trust your heart.

We will give you the power of the forest.

Can you save the forest?

Can you save your friends?

Can you save the girl?

Can you save the future?

--Become a tree. --Become the forest.

--A seedling. --A fruit.

The forest is with you.

--Agito. --Agito.

Open your eyes.

Fight for the forest, Agito!

It's time.

--Let's be off. --Right.

What's going on!?


Is that you, Agito?

Let's go, Toola.

The color of your hair... Don't tell me you've become enhanced!

Why? Why would you do such a thing?

It was the last thing I promised my dad.

I can't let you revive the civilizations of the past.


W- what is this?

My body feels heavy...


It's hard to control the power of one's enhanced form.

Let the soldiers look after him here for a while,

and it will help inhibit his transformation into a tree, as well.

You've woken up.



...let's go back to our town together.

If we go now, there is still time...

The tranquilizer must still be affecting him.

Let's go home. Everyone is waiting for us.

I can't go home just yet.

Why not?

What is this?

Agito, listen to me.

Why have you done this?

Please listen to me. There's something that I must do.

Toola, think again about what you're doing!

The forest is very angry.

The only ones who can turn the world back to normal

are those of us from the past.

It doesn't have to go back to normal!

You'll understand that once you come live with us, Toola!

If I can find Istok, which my father left behind,

the world is sure to return to normal.

I might even be able to return your body to normal.

I made up my own mind to become enhanced.

You might not be able to imagine it.

A normal world, where forests don't att*ck people, and there is lots of water.

We're going to show it to you.

k*ll him.

Yes, sir.

Just you wait, Agito.


Damn it!!

I- it's a monster!

What's going on!?

The rear of the train has sustained damage. We are doing a status check.

Understood. I will go check the situation as well.

Yes, sir!

The tranquilizer gas will not have any effect being blown away in the wind.

Should we come to a stop?

We don't have time for that.

Cut loose the right train, and blow him up along with the train.

Move the soldiers to the left train.

Dispose of him before Toola notices.

We're going to separate from the malfunctioning train.

It may shake a little, but don't worry.


--Let me have it. --Yes, ma'am.

It's okay now.

You should rest until we arrive.


you have become enhanced too, have you?





--Settle down! --Toola!

You must not elevate your fighting instincts all at once!

You'll rapidly turn into a tree,

and won't be able to return to normal, like your father!


Calm down.

Focus on the little seedling deep within your body.

By doing so, you can stop your body from running out of control.

In every way- even in his little mannerisms- he is his father's son,





We sure bought a lot of clothes, huh?

What should we get to eat?

What's wrong?



To think that the wisdom of mankind past is buried in this mountain...

It's really here! Istok!

You guys wait for us here.


There's nothing you could do even if you did come in.

I have orders from central command not to leave you, Colonel.

Istok is for those of us from humanity's past. I will not allow you to touch it.

You intend to betray the Laguna Army!?

Hmph, I doubt you could do anything about it, enhanced as I am.

We will not meet again.


So, you've finally shown your true colors, have you?

Hurry and gather our troops!

Are you sure you should have done that to those people?

They were going to use Istok for m*llitary purposes.

I won't let them do that.

Now, place your Laban.


Istok has started up!

I am Toolone Cm Sakul,

General Manager of the Earth Forestation Project.


Via Laban startup, the Project is entering its final stage.

The Earth Forestation Project,

which activates a plant's dominant genes in order to bring trees to impoverished lands,

had its experiments within the lunar surface dome fail,

and the plants there grew out of control, and att*cked Earth.

The plants began attacking humankind,

and most of those who were not able to take shelter within Stayfields perished.

As the only core member of the Project to have survived,

I have left behind a means for mankind to take back their future.

That is this Environmental Regrowth Defragment System, Istok.

Istok has the ability to effect a localized environmental reset,

by returning an ecological system to its original state-

the power to burn everything up, and foster the original natural conditions.

However, this choice is accompanied by a great sacrifice.

I will entrust the decision whether or not to use this power... you, people who lie asleep within the Stayfield.

What are they planning to start?

What in the world is this mountain doing?

Dr. Sakul was a fascinating man.

Imagine, using the enormous energy of a volcano as a w*apon.

Even the Laguna folks are powerless against this.

A w*apon? What do you mean?

Now, I can finally be rid of all those hundreds of years of guilt.

I am the one who caused the plants to grow out of control within the lunar surface dome.

I was in a rush to determine the outcome of our research,

and mishandled the control over the plants' dominant genes.

My mistake, which caused the plants to grow out of control,

altered Earth's ecosystem, and triggered the destruction of civilization.

I am going to bring an end to this tragedy with Istok's power.

Those of you asleep within the Stayfield, the time of your revival has come.

The world will now come back to life,

as we join hands in creating a new future!

Soon, we will reach the forest.

As well as Neutral City.

I will not let them interfere anymore.

Neutral City?

That is where I am going to engage Istok.

I doubt there will be any trace of it left.

I won't let you!


The mountain is moving in the direction of Neutral City!



Wait! The girl you're looking for is inside that mountain.

We were also had by Shunack.

He was apparently planning to use the mountain for something from the outset.

We are going to mobilize all of our forces and att*ck the mountain.

If you do that, you'll hurt Toola!

You make your way inside there and retrieve the Laban and the girl.

We'll press them from the outside.

Alert all forces to guard our line of defense.

Yes, ma'am!

Are you in? we join hands in creating a new future!

Those of you asleep within the Stayfield,

the time of your revival has come.

Here goes!

The world will now come back to life,

as we join hands in creating a new future!

Good luck.


You again?


Let's go home, Toola.

--We're getting out of here. --Just a minute!

--If this thing keeps up, the town will be- --I know.


Target is still approaching!

It is about to enter the f*ring range of the Walking Sticks' turrets!

All turrets, aim for the target's legs!

It is within f*ring range!


Those of you asleep within the Stayfield-



Stop! Stop!

Stop! Stop, please!

Looks like you've become a little more familiarized with your strength,

but you still have a long way to go.

Brace yourself.


Stop! Stop! Please! Stop!

Stop, already!

You think you can stand up to me?

Stop, already! Please!

Too... la...



Hurry... and stop the mountain...


...what about you, Agito?

All right. I'm going to go stop Istok.

Then, I'm coming right back.

Wait! Wait! Stop! Stop!

Hang on, Agito!

This wasn't supposed to happen!




...and everyone else...


Toola Cm Sakul verified.

Commencing forced shutdown of Istok.

All right! It stopped!

Forced shutdown of Istok complete.

I did it!

To safeguard classified information, self-destruct system is activating.

The area around Istok is now a hazardous region.

All personnel, please evacuate at once.


Oh, no! It's starting to erupt! All hands, retreat!

--That was close! --Stay calm!

We'll take shelter underground!

We'll redirect the magma to minimize the damage!

Concentrate fire on the side of the mountain! Fire!


Hey, Agito! I'm back!

Hey, you can hear me, right?

It can't be... This can't be!


I've stopped Istok.

So let's hurry home now.


You can hear me, right?

This is all because I was so foolish!

Hey, Agito, I'm sure I'll grow to like your town.

After all... after all...

...your father was the one who built the town.

It's the town where you live!

Agito, you dummy...

You were the one who said I should come home with you, aren't you?

Don't leave me by myself!




When I get bigger, I'm going to be a fine grown-up, just like you, Dad.

Agito, you're already fine enough as it is.

Dad is proud to have you for a son.

There's no need to fight anymore.

Now that I am part of the forest, I understand.

This is another way for me to live.

--Agito... --Agito...

The forest swallows people up,

and the forest gives birth to people.

Go back.

Bind the forest and mankind.

Hurry off, now.

She is waiting for you.




Thank goodness!

You've come back to me!


I understand now.

Dad... and the forest explained it to me.

We are all connected.

We're going to bind mankind and the forest together from now on.

Let's go back to the town together.

Dad, I need to borrow some of your strength.

Let's go, for our future's sake!

It's Agito!

Hold on tight!


Agito, you're amazing!

It's not just my own power.

It's the forest's, Dad's, and everyone else's power!

Thank you, Agito.

We're going to jump!




You're just like the sunlight through the leaves that

gave me the happy smile, courage and will to make me live on

The warmth of the heart in my memory,

is beyond all the trammels.

It is all because of you, that I can live myself.

Singing "I was born to love you" is the proof of my love,

and I trust this feeling will be sent to you, and that you are still alive.

Pitty, happiness, sorrow, vexation,

regret and anxiety, make up the melody of love.

Before I untied the knot in my heart,

we were separated, but I have no regrets even though I was sad.

"Keep the love alive", I said this to myself

in order to keep this promise forever.

The melody is surrounded by the love, fly to the sky.

In that spring of love, to show you something more important then you ever have seen with your own eyes.

This love for you is so deep, through time and space, beyond life itself, this is the song of my love.

I touch your body, and feel your breath.

"Are you asleep already?"

If you are then I will wisper "I love you" in your ear.

It is all because of you, that I can live myself.

Singing "I was born to love you" is the proof of my love,

and I trust this feeling will be sent to you, and that you are still alive.

In that spring of love, to show you something more important then you ever have seen with your own eyes.

The flows of the melody when I met you

still exist in this shaking time.

Pitty, happiness, sorrow, vexation,

regret and anxiety, make up the melody of love.

Pitty, happiness, sorrow, vexation,

regret and anxiety, make up the melody of love.

Pitty, happiness, sorrow, vexation,

regret and anxiety, make up the melody of love.