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Shift, The (2023)

Posted: 02/09/24 15:57
by bunniefuu
This is not my world.

Ive never been

to this lake before,

Never walked

its shores.

This is not my world,

but I will find my way home.

And I will find my

way back to her.

...Wall Street is

in shock today

as a liquidity crisis sees

Bear Stearns balance sheet

reduced by 16.1 Billion dollars

in less than three days,

crushing investor confidence.

Stocks tumbled, and the

once stable housing market

has taken an unbelievable

turn for the worse,

resulting in the collapse

of Bear Stearns

and the f*ring of

all its employees.

Shocked ex-employees say

theyre dumbfounded by this

turn of events, citing the

three year housing...

Here you go, boss.

When we first met,

I had lost almost everything.

and I was about to throw

away what was left.

Well, there's the

saddest, most pathetic man

I've ever seen.

I'm sorry. What?

You just look so sad

sitting here like this.

I'm in a hotel bar.

How--how am I supposed to look?

No, no, no. It's fine.

I happen to like sad men, so.

- Oh, really?

- Yeah.

Okay, well,

you see, that's pathetic.

Your flirting game leaves a

lot to be desired, my friend.

Flirting, is that--is that

what we're doing?

Because you--you know,

you came up to me.

Only because they dared me to.

They just...

they forced me to.

What...what was the dare?

To talk to you,

find out what your deal is,

and get you interested

so you asked me out.


It's actually

quite a dangerous dare

now that I think about it.

How so?

- You could be a serial k*ller.

- Oh!

Trapping women with your

sad, lonely, tortured soul act.

Wow. May I buy

you a drink?

Oh, no.

Actually, you know what?

Have you met my friend, Sharon?

She would have a drink

from you.

She's a lush.

So are you!

- Trying not to be...

- Really?

...these days, yeah

Same, actually.


So, what

am I a serial k*ller?

Yeah. What's your deal?

Yeah, that right there.

That's me.


Yeah, some people think

I'm worse than a serial k*ller.

Ooh. Fair, though.


Kevin? Molly. Hi.

I didn't come over here

honestly expecting a date.

But, you know, I feel like

that's where this is going.


I do find you attractive,

oddly enough.

Oh, gee, thanks.

Okay, so the idea

is what we, ah...

We go on a date and

we have some fun,

And maybe we kiss.


Okay, I can get behind

that. Fifth date...

Whoa. Hold on,

fifth date already?

Try to keep up.

Fifth date...

We are really a part of

each other's lives now, right?

So it's a real

thing, right?

You're introducing me

to your friends.

We're shopping for dinner

in, together.

I'm taking you

to my church.

But do you even like church?

Do you even go?

I mean, when

I was a kid.

But I guess I could...

go back?

You're sweet.

Sounds like a huge


Yeah, the biggest.

Does that scare you?


Me too.

And that's what

I'm trying to tell my friends.

Is that having someone else in

your life is so much,

and I already have enough

going on in my life.

And then there's the bad thing

that happens

Now wait, hold on,

time out.

What's--what's the bad thing?

I have no idea,

but it'll happen.

Life will happen

and we'll be tested.

It's inevitable.

And when

two people come together,

They just have that

much more to lose.

- Exactly.

- Right

Can we weather a storm

together, Kevin?

You know,

if you asked me this

a few hours ago,

I would've said, no. No way.

But the worst thing,

literally, the worst thing

that's ever happened to me,

just happened to me.

And now I'm sitting here,

And I'm talking to you,

And it, it doesn't

seem so bad anymore.

Here's the thing, Kevin.

I actually

really am busy.

I am busy

I don't have time

for all that.

Especially with a sad, fired,

hedge fund bro with a

drinking problem:

Yeah, no, it's the worst.

So thank you

for being a good listener,


but I-I think you can see

this is a bad idea.

There's this place...

it's like right

down the street.

And you're not allowed to fall

for anybody there.

They have

this weird rule.

Seriously, it's like,

It's a tea house.

Do you like tea?

I would love some tea.


Where were ya?



training meeting.

This morning...

I brought donuts.

I missed the donuts?

That's, that's too bad.

My office...


Guys like you...

Are why my parents

lost their house.

But, it's like

my yoga instructor always says:

"We all get what we deserve."

Yeah? But it doesn't mean that

we can't...

You know what?

Why don't you take the

rest of the day off?

And then, bright and

early tomorrow morning,

you and I will have a good talk

about your future here.

Hey, honey,

Where are you?

Um, I'm in the car.

I'm stuck in traffic.

It's early, what's wrong?

Hey, listen, about

this morning.

I'm sorry,

I just miss him so much.

I'm not home. I'm not

sure when I'll be back.

Did you pay

the bills yet?

When am I supposed

to pay those?

I'm at work all morning

And now I'm in the car...

Hey, you're okay.

Right here.

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Hey. Hey!

There we go.

Welcome back.

You okay?

You alright?

Yeah, I'm okay,

I guess. Yeah.


Hey, drink this.

Come on.

You got a nasty

gash right there.

I had a kit,

so I bandaged it up for you.

You seem okay otherwise.

- Thank you.

- You remember your name?

Yeah. Kevin. Garner.

Good, Nice to finally

meet you, Kevin.

I'm the Benefactor.

My ears are ringing;

I can't hear you.

The Benefactor.

I don't understand.

Is that a joke?

N-no, I wouldn't do that.

Look at you.

I wouldn't joke at a

time like this.

I appreciate your

help, man.

I've gotta...

I gotta...

I gotta...

Whoa, whoa,

whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey, hey.

Stay with me.

Keep talking,

Keep talking.

I'm here

to help you.

You okay?


I'm fine.


I want to talk to you

about business.

What business?

I want to

offer you a job.

I have a job.

Well, not for long.

I appreciate your help.

I'm gonna go find my car.

All right. Oh--easy!

I'll walk with you. C'mon.

Where is everyone?

Where's my car?

Where's the accident?

What happened?

Nothing happened.

There was no accident here.

What do you mean

there was no accident?

What day is it?

How long was I out?

Just a little while.

Check your phone.

I'm calling my wife.

That won't work.

Well, I'm going to

call the police.


Well they won't help.

Who are you, man?

The police. Seriously?

That's very funny,

that is...

Who are you laughing at?

Are you laughing at me?

No, no, I'm sorry.

It's just not your usual go-to.

This isn't the first time

we've done this.

You are certifiable.

I have never

seen you in my entire life.

No, of course

you haven't.

Who are you!? Huh?

Who are you

and where did everybody go!?

They didn't go anywhere.

You did.

Are you sure you are

where you think you are?

I'm hungry.

Let's get some dinner.

I'm buying.

Mark, how is little Josh doing?

Like we

talked about.


Who am I?


Tina. Thank you.

Right this way.

After you.

Sit, please.

Who am I?

Fine. You're the Benefactor.

No. I mean, I'm

called many names.

Most of them not

as nice as that one.

Who am I, really?

Wha...what can

I get for you?

The usual, Tina.

Steak and eggs, with

a tall glass of milk.

That's right. Kevin?

I just want a water, please.

Oh, come on.

Kevin will have a beer.


I think the truth is

that you're a liar.

I think your goal...

is misery.

Wow, that's straight

out of Sunday school.


religious, then.

That's different.

None of the

rest of you were.

Why don't we talk

about your marriage?

What about--

what about my marriage?

You know the number one reason

for broken marriages?

Can you guess?

Lack of

communication. Misunderstanding.


are the reason

for conflict in this world.

Wars are fought over it.


lucrative professions

are built around fixing it.

Once the communication

breaks down...


Oh, wow.

So prompt.

Thank you very much.

Steak and eggs, with a

tall glass of milk, and...

one beer.

Is there anything else

I can get for you?

No, come on, join us.

Stay. There's plenty of

food here. Join us.

Oh, no. I really...



It's good, isn't it?

This morning you had

a fight with your wife

about paying some bills.

Did you promise

to pay some bills?

No, I didn't.

I don't think I did.


Two people see

a car accident,

but their accounts differ

wildly. Why?

It's because we see each thing

from our own perspective,

our own bias.


They both see two

different accidents.

They're both telling the truth,

but they'll never agree.

Wait... what?

For every

choice you make,

there are countless

other realities,

where you make

a different choice.

Choice breeds

infinite possibilities.

Choice breeds realities.

There isn't anything that

you can imagine

that doesn't exist...

Somewhere, somewhen.

Imagined having the power

to move people

from one reality to the next.

To swap a person out

with their doppelganger

From another earth,

to shift them.

That's what I do.

Are you telling me that

I never talked to Molly

about paying the bills?

No. No, you didn't.

I shifted her.

I replaced her

with a version of your

wife whose husband

did actually promise

to pay the bills. - Why?

One tiny little difference.


Where's my wife?

Oh, I shifted her.

Well, the first time

I shifted her,

was when you gave her that

ridiculous pendant.

No, wait.

No. No, no, no.

She threw that away.

Not the

original Molly.

You know what?

I don't believe you.

I don't believe you.

Prove it.

- Prove it?

Prove it. Shift somebody.

- Um...

Who would you like me to shift?

I don't--I don't care.

I don't care.

Her, shift her.

You want me to shift Tina?

Are you sure?

Prove it.


Where did she go?

Somewhere else.

I would have

swapped her with another Tina,

but you wouldn't have noticed.

She's in a world

where her parents never met

Or fell in love.

Where there is no Tina.

You see, small deviations

work best.

But this was a big shift.

And big shifts take people

out of the game

and into psych wards. It...

makes me sad.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Don't be broken by that.

They have lots of daughters,

or they did.

Maybe it's time to

find a new cafe.

What do you want with me?

I can't do this all by myself.

It's a big job.

Big job.

In every other world

I have Shifters


strategic positions

To do the work I

would do if I were there.

What work?

You know,

the fun stuff.

What, murdering people?

What is this?

No, no, no.

That's not me.

You're a halfway

decent guy. Sit.

But, it's the

other half that I'm...

particularly fond of.

All the other Kevins

have made this choice,

And so will you.

No, that's not me.

You don't know that.

I can make you

a captain of industry.

A King.

I have a thousand

versions of you in a thousand

different worlds,

all working for me.

Not being hampered

by a combative spouse

Or some idiot

supervisor on a power trip.

I can give you a

Molly who is exactly

what you want,

who will do anything you want,

be whoever you want,

as a reward for working

as one of my Shifters.

Come on,

let me lift you out of that

embarrassing farce

you call a life and give

you something glorious.

Just say the word.

Heavenly Father,

it has been a long time

since I've come to you.

Are you praying?

I'm sorry, but I

need your help.

Well, that's a first.

I'm in trouble, and I

can't do this alone.

Amazing. I love it. I love it.

I love this. I really--

He's still praying.

Do you honestly think

that He will help you

after what you just did?

You are tainted goods.

You're not even worth

His effort anymore.

Even if He did help you

do you think I will ever leave

you alone? Ever?

There is nothing that

I won't do to you.

No temptation, no

low that you won't sink to.

I know you, Kevin.

And you are nothing.

Nothing. I am greater than Him.

I am certainly

greater than you.

Jesus Christ. Amen.

I don't really know if

I thought that would work,

or if I just

didn't know what else to do.

But it did work.

And now...

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

And now I knew

I would never be the same.

I'm so sorry.

That nothing would be.

Ever again.

This is not my world.

Five years

I've been here now.

Left in this dark place.

The people here,

almost destroyed everything

with w*r and hate.

Then, the Shifters showed up.

They worked in secret,

using their deviators

to exile politicians,

pastors, soldiers--anyone

deemed "problematic."

Billions of people, gone.

Peace, restored.

And then, he arrived.

The leaders that were left

gave him control.

And he made the world

over in his image.

No hope.

No faith.

Here, he rules. And it's here

the Benefactor

chooses to recruit

the many Kevin Garners

of many different worlds.

Until I came along.

It has

now been nearly five years

since the unlawful prayer at

the Korban Family Restaurant,

the last public appearance

of the Benefactor,

and the disappearance

of the Kevin Who Refused.

Viewers might recall

that the Korban

was used a record

seven times for the stagings.

In other news, multi-phase

viewing technology

sees widespread adoption

as more than half

of all the city's multiplexes

have now been converted

into Vica-Viewer Theaters,

providing entertainment,


and enlightenment

for a much greater portion

of the population.

How many times have you viewed?

I--a few, I guess.

-A few? Be honest.

Okay. I am a big fan of

the Vica-Viewer.

-Yes, you are.

So, yes, more than a few.


Lancer forces

under the direction of Mayor

Navarro are now executing

morning clear outs to help.

People say the

secret Shifters have left.

...have continued to

raise concerns that

drastic steps will be taken

if the rule of the Benefactor

is not respected.

They say that,

but I'm not so sure.

No one knows

who they are.

They can move themselves

and others between worlds.

If I can get my hands

on one of their deviators,

I just might find a way back.

Back to my Molly.

Lunch time.


Thank you, Kevin.

Shh. Don't call me that.

- Sorry.

- Call me Daniel.

What happened the first

time we met?

The Kevin Who Refused?

You know, your voice carries.

Who did I tell? No one.

I can't be the first person

to tell you that.

I know how to

keep a secret.

Yeah, a secret that you spin

out to the entire room.

Hey, these pages? They're

giving hope back to South End.

Now, I don't really

go in for it,

but they inspire a lot of

people, you know?


Have they given

you any new intel

to help me get off this world?

One lady did say she

saw a deviator on a guy's arm.


Look, I don't think

they're just gonna shift

you back to your wife

because you ask nice.

Then I'm not gonna

ask nice.

You find me a Shifter,

I'll find a way.

That is a terrible

plan. Terrible.

Engle! Asada!

Lunch time is over.

Sorry, boss.

- Dad, is this our room?

- Is this our room?

Is it gonna have a bed?

Is it gonna have a bed?

-Come on!

Come on, dad. Hurry up!

What is taking so long?

Mom, are we gonna have a bed?

-Come on, dad!

Hurry up!


The people here

have nowhere to turn.

Nothing to live for.

Only dreams of a life

they never lived.

Another world

they've never known.

It's all they look forward to.

Thank you.

I try to do what I can.

Try to help with

whatever I have.

Thank you.

All suspicious

activity must be reported to

the nearest Lancer precinct.

I search for signs.

Glimmers in the darkness.

Well, there's

the saddest,

most pathetic man

I've ever seen.

Scripture is illegal.

I write what I remember.

What she brought

back into my life.

Lots of heavy lifting today.

Teachings and words

largely forgotten.

Only whispered here.

Thanks, Kevin.

I'm sorry.

Your flirting game leaves

a lot to be desired, my friend.

Flirting. Is that--is

that what we're doing?

This little light of mine...

I'm gonna let it shine...

This little light of mine...


nourish our bodies so they

will be strong and be able to...

thank you

...loving wife...

-It was you!


He did it!

What are you waking me up for?

-It's Saturday.

Anything you want.



Oh. Ah...

You need rest, Daniel.

Not work.

-I need food. Please.


What do you think they need?


You ain't special.

Oh! You got it.

Well, I got something for you.


Well, the word is

there's a guy.

He's a new guy.

Kind of keeps to himself.

And he passes through

now and then.

Nobody new

goes to South End.

You see what I'm saying?

How are you holding up?

You don't look good.

I'm fine.

Who you are,

what you did.

You think you'd be getting a

little more support from...

I'm fine.

I got a good friend.

I'm having a

delicious sandwich.

What do you think

you're doing wrong?


If I would've...taken out

the Benefactor like you did...

Hey, I didn't do that.

It was Him.

You're so sick, you can't work.

You're still looking for

that wife of yours.

If I was you, I'd be

thinking to myself

maybe I did something

to tick Him off.

I don't know.

Maybe He was never even

there in the first place.

Maybe it was some

kind of a trick.

Hey Gabriel,

do you ever read

these pages that I give you?

Does the mailman read the mail?

Maybe you

should some time.

He puts his people

to the test.

If that's what you think it is.

He requires patience.


You've been here

for five years.

How much more patience you got?

Gabriel, what do

you believe in?



What keeps you going?

I don't know.

I believe in myself.

I guess I believe

in a higher power.

But I'm not

really sure.

I don't know.

You oughta'

do something

nice for yourself, y'know?

You ever view anymore?


Why not?

I don't like what I see.

Well you ought to go

back there and try.

You never know.

Life is hard enough,

without having to

live in it all the time.


Girly girl, Amelia!

Stupid furball.

Hey, Russo.

Are you still looking

for that cat?

Long time, man.


What's it look like, anyway?

A cat.

Yeah, all right.

You're in luck.

I had a cancellation. Come on.

Yeah, well, actually,

things have changed a bit.

Used to be people just wanted

to see themselves happy,

you know.

Live vicariously, forget

their crap life and this

garbage reality in favor

their high life in another.

The way it's intended, right?

Good old fashioned,

wholesome pacification.

Yeah, well,

now more... No.

What people want to see now?

The dark stuff.

Yeah, the kind of stuff

you used to get.

They ask to see their dopps,

down and out, mutilated,

in prison. Oh, man, they rave

when they get a prison view.

I tell them, I tell them all,

Hey, it is random.

It is totally random.

I got like,

zero control, right?

I can't pay.

Don't insult me.

Come on, you

know the drill.

All right.

The sequence

occurs randomly.

Push the button

to call the next one up.

Neither myself nor this fine

establishment are responsible.

for the content

you are about to view.

All views are 100% real

looks into realities

which we do not

currently occupy

and are limited to your direct


Questions or concerns.

Still no wireless?

Ha! Wireless.

Wireless. You want

wireless, man,

you go to one of those

fancy multiplexes.

You come to my place

for peace and quiet.

You get old school.

What are you doing

back here anyway, man?

Maybe I'll see her this time.


Thanks, Russo.


Come on, Kevin.

Hi, I see you.

Time's up.

Hey, hey, Russo!

Hey! Russo, get down here!

Hey, did you see what

I just saw?

Did you see that?

-That was her?

That was Molly?

Yes. Well,

I mean, it was a Molly.

You were not in the frame,

man at all.

That is not possible.

Again, I want to

see her again.


- Yes.

- No

Alright look, If, if...

I'm a business man.

I don't care who you are,

I keep your secret.

So if, then you have

to do this for me,

you will not tell anyone

about that. You promise?

This is a businessman

thing, it's a quid...

- Quid pro quo.

- Quid pro quo.

All right, Quid pro quo.

All right.

I promise. I promise.

All right.

You cannot go again now.


through Wednesday.

Thursday. I'll see

you Thursday.

No one enters

the South End.

Get behind the line!

I said back.

You back.

By order

of Mayor Navarro...



What's going on?

Looks like we're

taking the long way home.

South End is

scheduled for demolition!

-No, you can't!

I've got kids in there, man!

Get back. You! Back!

Stop, or we'll sh**t!


It's the Shifters!

Now! Back

behind the line!

Death to the Benefactor!

We've got dissidents--

round them up!


Get them! Find them!


You asked me...

You asked me,

what do I believe in?

Well, you know what, Kevin?

I want to believe in God.

I try to believe in God.

But He has abandoned us.

He's abandoned you.

It wasn't God that

took that man away.

It was a Shifter.

Wait a minute, really.

Yeah. You don't have to act

so excited about it.

But I didn't see a deviator.

Well you wouldn't, they hide.

No one knows who they are.

They could have jobs,

they could have families.


they have all the same faces.

But I don't know

and I can't tell.

They could be anybody.

I think it's safe

Hey, when I prayed,

The Benefactor

told me that

he was never going

to leave me alone.


It's never safe.

He needs

IB Profruen...Naproxen...

He uses an inhaler...

IB Profuren,

and Naproxen.


Hey, ma... Ma'am. Ma...

Ma'am, do you have any

idea where your son just was?

Excuse me?

Your son, he left,

and you didn't know.

You didn't even notice.

He's right here.

No, ma'am. It takes a

second. It's just one second.

Just like, pfft.

Just like that, and he's gone.

Are you threatening us?

What? No, No. What?

Who are you?

Who are you?

And look who it is babe?


- Remember the Christmas party?

Make sure you stay close

to us, okay?

Who am I?

So you guys are in a new home?

That's amazing, when did

you guys move in?

I was a husband.

I was a father.

Hey sweetie...

I failed them.

And I lost you.

You're acting like

it's not even happening.

What do you

want me to do!?

Nothing! It's like yesterday,

it just happened!

I couldn't save him.

I couldn't save her.

I couldn't save us.

You've got to let him go,

Kevin, he's gone.

I can't.

Just grieve with me.

Maybe there's a chance

that he's not dead.

Maybe he is alive.

Give me the necklace. Just give

it to me. Give it to me.

I will wear it.

Don't tell me to let go.

What good am I now?

It might have

been better,

if I'd never been born at all.

Are you hungry?



Come on.

- Daddy!!

- Ah, my angels!

What's in the bag?

I bring the goodies.

Priya, we have a guest.

- What's in the bag?

- Come here, I'll show you...

The city has spoiled you.

What happend to my

desert possums, eh?

Where did they go?

You come from

beyond the city.

No one lives in the reaches.

It's not that bad.

It's mostly just people

like us out there.

Looking for a little hope.

I've been to the reaches once.

I've never seen anything

like it in my life.

I would rather live

in the gutters here,

then spend another night

cowering in some rusty,

abandoned t*nk out there.

I want it.

Here, take this one.

I've gotta go.

No, I want it!

It's the exact same.

Kevin. wait.


What did you just say?

Kevin, please sit.

Hold on.

Give it!

Girls, quiet.

-I got it first!

What's going

on right now?

Stay where you are.

I'm not whoever you think I am.

You're the one we've

been looking for.

Ever since Gabriel called you

by your real name, I knew.

I see what you give him.

Okay, those are docu--

they're just some documents.

They're scripture.

I'm not him.

But you are.

Are you a Shifter?

Huh? Are you both Shifters?

Is that what's

going on here?

Is that what you think?

I don't know. I don't know

what's happening right now.


What is happening?

Kevin would like

to hear your song.

Go ahead. Quietly.

This little light of mine,

I'm gonna let it shine.

This little

light of mine,

I'm gonna let it shine.

Let it shine, let it shine,

let it shine.

Even when I'm afraid,

I'm gonna let it shine.

Even when I'm afraid,

I'm gonna let it shine...

Even when--

-Hey, that was--

that was great.

I'm sorry. I don't mean to...

No, it's okay.

I'm sorry.

What do you want?

How can I help you?

Will you teach them?


Tell them a story.

They're not...they're

not word-for-word.

They're just what I remember.


what are you working on

right now?

All right. All right.


let's sit down.

Oh, all right.

I got one for you.

There was a righteous man,

and his name was Job.


there was a devil.

And this devil,

he believed that

Job only praised God

because God protected him

and blessed him.

And one day,

God decided

that he was going

to take away His protection.

And He was going to

allow the devil to hurt Job.

So the devil,

took away his wife,

and his children.

Took away his money.

Took away his health.

You all right?



So, in the end he gets

it all back?

Money, a new family, all of it?

All that he had and

more besides. Yeah.

Twice as much.

I bet that really pissed

the devil off.

I bet it did.

What's that?

What's, what?

The tattoo.

Oh this?


It's a tomb.

Empty tomb.

Turn to channel 4,

you idiots.

Good evening.


we bring you the good news

that at long last

the Benefactor has returned.

His primary purpose,

as always, is

the staging of a Kevin


In two days,

these citizens

chosen by random lottery,

are to report to

McLellan's on Olive street,

for their outfitting and

their instructions.

I remind all those

called to McLellan's

that to serve in astaging

is a civic responsibility,

a sign of fealty

to the Benefactor,

and ensures the

continuation of the peace

that we all have enjoyed

these past decades.

Now, for those

required at the staging,

failure to appear

is death.

Peace unto all.

And good night.

We're closed.

What is this "we?"

It's Thursday,

we made an appointment.

Closed on Thursdays.

Come on, Russo.

Let me in.

Cut it out. All right,

look, he is back.

He is back. All right?

So I do not know you

right now.

Now, go away.


You hear that?

I found your cat.

Open up.

I'll give him back to you.

- I don't have anything.

- Hey, you know what, man?

You're a jerk!

Couldn't steer clear for

a couple of days, man?

Let me ask you

something, Russo.

How long has

your cat been gone?

Four years.

Four years.


And maybe you're thinking

that she's not coming back?

Yeah, well,

maybe the Shifters took her.

Maybe she's still out there.

If she's still out there, then

she can come back. All right?


Yeah, I guess so.

I guess she could.

What are the chances?

Of seeing another Molly dopp?

Zero. The other day...

That was a fluke, man.

All right,

The sequence occurs randomly.

You push the button

to call the next one up,

neither myself...

Things on this world

don't often happen

for a reason,

but today, right now...

it will.

I'm going to get in

so much trouble over this.

I can feel it.


Hey, Russo!

Russo, do you see this?

I don't believe it.

I don't believe it.

That's her?

Yeah. Yeah, that's her.

Look it, on this world,

she must be a,

uh, a nurse. Huh.

And a single parent.

How do you know that?


no ring.


Kevin, are you all right?

Ah, that was her!

That was my Molly!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

That was my Molly.

What do you mean, your Molly?

The one before he shifted her.

Oh no, man, you can't

be certain of that.

Oh, I am certain.

I gave my Molly a

necklace when our son...

I gave her a necklace,

that had a pendant,

a symbol of resurrection.

And my Molly kept it.

She kept it.

And that Molly had it.

That was her. Where is she?

How can I find her?

I don't know, man.

It moves too fast for that.

Just show me.

Which one is she?

I can't show you.

C'mon, Russo! Tell me,

how do I find her!?

I don't know. All right.

I don't know.

You left the room.

The feed turned off. The feeds

are localized to the viewer.

No viewer, no feed.

Well, then let's just

go reset the feed.

We'll find her again.

Can we do that?

No. Listen.

The chance of finding the

exact, same Molly dopp?

It's a miracle

it happened once.


Oh, no, no, no, no.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Listen to me. Please.

Help me.

We are way off

the map here, right?

How long have I

waited for a sign?


This is Him,

And He's turning His face

towards me.

And you said it yourself.

It's a miracle.

Fine, it's a miracle.

It's a miracle.

And this is your second one.

Wow! Oh, I always thought

miracles were rare things.

What makes you so special?

Listen to me, okay?

Even if you found

the Molly again,

and you got the right code,

to the right world,

and that is a huge if,

you still wouldn't be able

to do anything without the

wristy thing, with the, the,

the... the denominator.

It's a deviator.

I don't care what it's called.

Without that,

you ain't going nowhere.

The only people that got 'em

are the Shifters.

Oh, the Benefactor's back


Maybe you could ask him.


No, no, no, no, no, man,

that was a joke.

Kevin, you can't do that.

Hey, be ready.

Just be ready.

Because when I come back,

I'm probably going

to be in a hurry.

You can't get close to him.

What are you gonna do?

What are you gonna do?

Great, thanks.

The following

citizens are to report

tomorrow at 7 am

to McLellans on Olive street

to be outfitted for the staging

of a Kevin recruitment.

Erin Belle.

Bradley Cena.

Johanna Schmidt.

Saida Osman.

Ashley Davis.

Mohammed Wang.

Andreas Hoffman.

Kadesia Ahmed.

Maria Schneider.

Carlos Perea.

Christopher Williams.

Jack Lee.

Gabriella Olivera.

And Lucas Becker.

The penalty of your absence

is your immediate execution.

Shhh Hey, hey.


I need you to give me a g*n.

A g*n...they're illegal.

Listen, go to South End.

Find me a g*n.

I need it tonight.

No, what are you talking about?

I'm not going to get you a g*n.

He's back.

And I need it to make him

give me what I want.

The Benefactor?

That's suicidal.

What do you think the

people here are gonna think

when the Kevin Who Refused

shows up with a

g*n in his hand?

They're all

gonna see you.

Every Lancer,

everyone's gonna...

that's insane.

You know what?

You're gonna have

to choose a side

for real one day, Gabriel.

These are the last pages

that you're gonna get.


I'm always packin'.

I read some of the pages.

Thank you.

You can't just sh**t

the devil.

The last time he was here,

five years ago,

I held him in my hands, and

I pushed him against a wall.

Yeah, and he can shift

you to another dimension

and turn your brains

inside out.

But, I'm just saying.

I'm not going

to sh**t him.

I just needed to think

that I'm going to sh**t him.

What makes you think

he'll let you get close enough?

He wants me close.

That's all he's ever wanted.


the Benefactor

welcomes you to the staging.

Your view of our protector must

be from behind the barricades.

Be courteous, and

rotate to the back

once you have had

a vision opportunity,

to behold his fullness.

So that all can be...

Stop that. Stand down.

You are in violation

of Benefactor Peace

Protocol 120-77.


Got you.

Where are you, huh!?

I know! You're testing me!

I know that!

I know that! I know that!

I know that--you don't think

I know that? I'm trying.

I'm doing everything

I know to do.

What do you want from me?

What do you want from me?

Sorry to

make you wait.

I had some business

to take care of.

I'm sure

you understand.

Ooh. Where did that come from?

Oh, never mind.

I think I know.

Yeah, and

so I said--Ah!

Benefactor, sir.

Is this your g*n, Gabriel?

I found it here

in Kevin's room,

and Kevin says it's yours.


I don't know him.

Kevin. The ah...the

one who refused.

Everybody knows Kevin.

I mean, I don't know him,

know him.

I don't know Kevin.

So, that's what a

g*n looks like?

So you've never

met Kevin before?


This is classic.

Deny him again.

One more time, for me. Come on.

I, I, I don't know him

- You don't know him.

- No.

This is the guy that you trust

with your precious pages?


You're k*lling yourself

to help people in a world

that doesn't care about you.

Oh, I'm not going to sh**t you.

Come on.

Gabriel, clean this up.

Come on.

Okay, sir.

Do you know what

evil really is, Kevin?

When you break it down,

it's not scary.

It's not

blood rights

and red demons and horns,

none of that nonsense.

It's just


Self above anybody else.

It's the purest motivation

there is.

It's why I respect it

so darn much.

Hear that Gabriel?

I respect you.

Come on,

just sit. Sit.

Thank you, sir.

Time out chair.

Oh, -I wasn't expecting


Yes, you were.

You've been

expecting company

for five years.

See, that's your problem,


You keep expecting Him

to show up.

And why shouldn't you?

You prayed, He came.

You knocked, He answered.

Isn't it

reasonable to expect

that He should hold

the door open for you?

But He doesn't.

He never does.

When are you finally

going to wake up and realize,

He doesn't take care

of his own?

Come on, sit down.

Oh, He says that He helps you

and that He loves you,

And then...what?

What does he say? -What?

He'll always be with you.

No, He's gone,

and he left you holding

the bag, alone.

It's a test.

Have you listen to anything

that I've been saying?

You passed His test

five years ago.

How many tests do

you have to pass?

You're never going

to be good enough for Him.

And my

offer still stands.

You'll never have to eat

baked beans out of a can again.

Unless, of course, you like

eating baked beans

out of a can.

In which case,

I will get you a truck full.

I don't judge.

- Yeah.

- And...

unlike Him,

once you're with me,

that's it.

I got your back for life.

Where's my son?


Did you shift

my son away?

You know,

you're the only Kevin

who's ever refused me.

You're not a good person.

And I'm going to

prove that to you.

And then,

you'll be free.

Go ahead.

I told you over and over again,

I don't know any Daniel Asada.

Where is Daniel--? -Hey!

That's not him.

Please--whoa, whoa!

Gabriel, get down!



You're not supposed

to be here.

Oh--whoa, whoa, whoa!

Some Shifters hide

No one knows

who they are.

They could have jobs,

they could have families.

Supposedly they all have

the same faces,

but I don't know,

they could be anybody.

Hey, Tina.


Tina, do you know where

you are today?

Of course.

Tell me.

Hey, Tina.

Do you remember me?

Kevin at the table.

That's right. It's me.

It's Kevin.

Kevin at the table points.

The multiplicity of

everything opens up.

I am eaten in the words.

Far, far away I go.

Sooo very far...

I had a family.

I had a husband.

I had a daughter. I had a life.

What has he done to them?

What has he done to them?

-I don't know.

You have to take me

away from here.

You have to take me

out of this place.

You have to take me--

-I don't know how, Tina.

I don't know how

to take you back.

No, you have to take me back!

Take me back! No!

No! No! No!

It's okay,

we're okay. Hold on.

We're okay--we're just

having a conversation.

No, you have to

take me baaaaack!!!

Let her go!!

Just give me a second!

-You have to take me back!

Yeah, you know,

Italians like their spaghetti,

right? Haha.

Now, watch this right here.

It's great,

it's about to blow up

and when it does the people,

they don't know about it.

A guy d*ed.

Actors, right?

I'm hungry.

Do I want cereal,

or do I want a sandwich?

I think I want a sandwich.

Do you want anything?

Do you want anything?

You're too skinny,

both of yous.

How about um...

How about um...


Want some beer?

I'll be right back.

Who sent you?

No one.

Who are you?

Do you know whose

house you're in?

And what you are

into just by being here?

Huh? Did they tell you?


I, I, Shut up,

and get on your knees.



Just let me explain.

- You're...

- Yeah.

What are you doing here?

You're the Kevin

who refused.


I know this is confusing.

I said, what are

you doing here?

This is my world!!

This is my world.

Look man, I don't want

anything you have.

Just put your g*n down

and I will go on my way.

You got one?

Why would he give you one?

He didn't.

He didn't?

He didn't.

Give it here.


Um, I can't do that.

Give it here!!


Please don't.


Aqui esta!

Aqui esta!

Suspect spotted.

Aqui esta!

In pursuit.

Aqui esta!




...something else, sorry.




It's me.

Are...are you alright?

Do you do need help?

No, I'm fine.

I'm fine now that

I'm here with you.

Hey, I don't know

how much time I have,

and there is too much

to explain, but the one thing

that means more than

anything--I love you.

Don't. Do not do that.

No matter where,

no matter when,

- I love you so much.

- Do not do that.

What are you doing?

You were the one

who ended things, remember?

I know, it wasn't me.

It's fine, it's...

it was hard and

I've moved on. Okay.

I found someone else.

And I'm happy now.

And you found someone else

too, so.

Hold on a second.

Hold on a second.

I know this is going

to be really hard.

It's impossible

for me to explain,

but whoever it is that you're

talking about, it isn't me.

When I left, there was a new

Kevin and he was shifted in.

You're not making

any sense.

Look, I can get you in

touch with my sponsor.

Is everything okay over here?

We're good. Look,

I would never.

I have never given up on us.

But you did.

Kevin, it's over.

You need to learn to let go.

You're wearing the pendant.

Sir. Please. I need you

to exit the mall.

Just give me a second,

please, Sir. Please.

I thought you hated it.

I don't hate it.

I wasn't ready for it.

I know that.

And I'm so sorry that

I didn't give you that time.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Why are you still wearing it?

Because it reminds me that...

one day we'll be

with our son again.


Molly, I hold onto

that hope, too.

That and that one day

we will be together again


All right, let's go.

I wish that I could

take back everything

and change everything that

happened to you

and to me.


But the one thing that is

and was and

will always be right is us.

There is no reality.

There is no reality, where if

we want it together?

Where we can't make it work.


Listen, I know that.

And what I need to know

is that there is the

smallest part of you

that knows that too.

I, I, I...

You need to let me go.


Stop telling me

that. I can't.

You really need to go.

I told you not to

trust him with your pages.

As if I would

let anything

you write find its

way to South End.

Kevin. Kevin. Kevin.

I keep you safe.

I keep the heat off

you all this time.

I, I, I give you

delightful v*olence.

I give you a

way back to Molly

and now you want to leave

without as much as a

thank you?

It's not cool, man.

Not after I've worked so hard

to give you

this second chance.

Second chance.

What second chance?

Hi, Tina.

Hey! hey!

Leave her alone!

Haven't you done

enough to her?

Oh, I think

there's enough blame

to go around here, Kevin.

Seriously, you worry

so much about

being good and resisting me

when you know,

you know

it's not me

that you're fighting

it's yourself.

Stop it.

And you

think you can just

drop a couple of coins

into some old woman's cup or

give the bread to the needy?

And that makes you

other than what you are.

I am not the worst

things that I've done.

Are you sure about that?

Cause you're

certainly not the best either.

Where is my son?

Oh, come on,

not this again.

Did you have

anything to do

with what happened to my son?


Where is he?

Bring him back!

Kevin, I'm sorry.

But where your son is,

I can't just shift him back.


No, you can't.

Stop it. Stop it.


You know what? You're right.

What if I let you put Tina

back with her family?

Would you like that?

- Yeah. Of course.

- Great.

All right, bring them out.

Bring them all out.

Actually, wait...

What if,

I just put you

back with Molly?


that's right,


Despite the fact that you look

like absolute crap,

I do think she still has

something for you.

I know, love is blind.

I don't understand it either.

What are you saying?

One or the other

Molly or Tina?

Right an injustice

in the multiverse

and win back

the woman that you love.


Put the broken girl

who will be a burden

to her family back

to where she's from,

and never, ever

see your wife again.


Why do you worry

so much about Him?

Why? I really ask

yourself, why?

Because He doesn't

care about you, Kevin.

I do.

I mean, there's a way

to get out of this

where everyone gets

to be happy.

I will make sure

that Tina is not mistreated

and she gets

three square a day.

That is my promise to you.


it's Molly who needs you.

And just because it's

something that you want

doesn't make it wrong.

Why not make the

choice that you know

will make everybody happy?

Because it is

what I want.


And I'll make that choice more

and more

and more.


And if I choose that,

choose you,

that's the last choice

I'm ever going to make.


No, no,

that's not true at all.

You know me now.

I'm all about choices.

No, you're not.

You're a liar.

That is the second time you've

called me that.

I'm not a liar,


You've seen it. You

know what I can give to you.

Do you want to know who

the liar is?

Do you want to know?

He's the liar.

He lies to you when He says

there's hope and goodness

in this world.

He lies to you

when He says He loves,

He forgives,

He cares.

If He cares so much

then why am I allowed

to do these things to you?

Look at what He lets me do

to you, to Tina, to everyone.

If He really loves us,

why doesn't He stop me?

Why doesn't he just stop me?

Haha, Amelia.


I missed you so much.

I knew you'd come back.

I knew she'd come back.

I knew she'd come back.

Hi, girl.

You're right.

There is so much evil,

and horror,

and betrayal,

and inhumanity

in this world. Yes.

But even on this world,

and even,

even in me,

there is also goodness,

and kindness,

and so much beauty,

and hope.

God is here

and everything

that I've ever witnessed

and everything

that I have done,

everything that I've done,

and everything

that you've put me through,

just makes Him that

much easier to see.

Molly or Tina? Choose.

Tina. Of course, Tina.

Goodbye, my Molly.

Well, if this isn't

the saddest,

most pathetic

looking woman I've ever seen.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry. It's a ...

somebody used that line

on a dare once, and it worked.

And, so...

It worked?

- Yeah.

- For real?

- Sorry.

It is a terrible line.

It really, really is. Wow.

As it came out of my mouth.

I realized how bad it was.

My name is Kevin.

I used to be really...

I mean, I was pretty good

at this. It's been a lo--

No that's...

That's great, Kevin.

That's good for you. I am.

I, um... I am coming off a

17-hour shift right now.

So, if you don't mind...

if you don't mind.

Nurse, right?

- Yeah. I'm--I'm so sorry.

- Right, but if I could--

Hi, Ma.

No, I'm coming home soon.

Well, I'm


in a public place right

now, so I--I can't.

No, I'll do it. No, it's fine,

mom it's fine.

Just put her on. After

this, it's bedtime. Okay?

Hi, Sweetie.

This little

light of mine.

I'm gonna let it shine.

This little

light of mine.

I'm gonna let it shine.

Let it shine. Let it

shine. Let it shine.


I love you, Sweetie.

Goodnight. Mm-wa.



Yeah, just the one.

Just her and me now.

What's her name?

Um... Lucy.


My son.


His name was Daniel.

You are very lucky

to have Lucy.

I bet she is amazing.

I am lucky.

And she is.

She's sweet.

May I buy you a drink?

Yeah, I think I'm covered.

Yeah, that's not

what I meant.


Is there any chance

that you drink tea?


sure, I mean, I,

yes, why not?

I know a--a great place nearby.

We can...


Rarr! I'm gonna get you!



Whee! Whee!

I gonna get you. Oh...

Hey! C'mere!

This is not my world.

But this...

This is my home.

Hi, I'm Kristoffer


and I played Kevin Garner

in the movie

that you just watched.

Thank you so much for being

here to watch our film.

I was drawn

to the story of "The Shift"

because it's a story

that inspires

you to do something.

Kevin is lost

in a world of darkness,

and he is looking for hope

that he's not sure is there.

And I think we all know

that feeling.

I mean, I know in my

life I have.

"The Shift" is a reminder

that finding our way through

darkness means shining

the light that we have

for others.

And we can shine our light

with little acts

of kindness,

whether that's stopping

to truly listen

to the people that you love,


what little you have.

Sometimes it means

comforting someone in grief.

Kevin is more than

the worst things he's done.

So are we.

And I think

that's beautiful.

We all know

there are countless

opportunities to be kind.

But I want to give you

another chance right now.

Feel free

to take out your phone

and scan this QR code.

You can share this movie

with others.

It's that simple.

Thank you for watching our movie

and thank you for sending

a message to the world

that stories

like this matter.