Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker (2012)

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Detective Conan Movie 16: The Eleventh Striker (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

Father, the phone is ringing

I know!

Hello, this is Detective Mouri's Agency.

Mouri Kogoro, right?

Yes, who is this?

I have planted a b*mb somewhere.

What? A b*mb?

It'll explode at 3:30 p.m.

If you want to stop it,
you have to solve a riddle.

Are you kidding?
If you say so, I'll call the police!

What's so funny?

Look outside the window.

Outside the window?

Outside, what is it?

No way!


Detective Conan

The Eleventh Striker

I was a high school student detective,
Shinichi Kudo

When I went to the amusement park with
my classmate and childhood friend, Mouri Ran,

I witnessed a man in black
in the midst of a suspicious transaction

While focusing on watching the trade,

I did not notice another accomplice
approaching behind me.

I was drugged by the man.

When I woke up ...

my body actually had shrunk.

If those men know Shinichi Kudo's still alive,

They'll not only k*ll me,
they'll also hurt the people around me.

Prof. Agasa suggested that I should hide my identity.
So when Ran asked my name

I hurriedly replied "Conan Edogawa".

In order to collect information about them,

I come to live with Ran's father
who is a private detective.

Prof. Agasa is so late

Perhaps he can't find his driver's license.

It has always been like this.

If we don't hurry up, we'll not
get the signature of Hide.

And not get the front row seats.

All people should see and take
this opportunity more seriously.

Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko

They're my school classmates.

Recently, they seem to be interested in J-League.

Ah ... he finally came out.

Sorry sorry, I could not
find my driver's license!

I knew it!

Come now.

Oh my ...! Prof!

His name is Agasa Hiroshi.
Oh my ...! Prof!

His name is Agasa Hiroshi.

And then ... Haibara Ai,

one of the people
who knows my true identity.

What are you mumbling by yourself?

Let's go to Sports Land.

Keeps dawdling, and we'll leave you behind!

Ah ... oh!

Forgetting something?

You know, the usual one.

Oh ... yeah.

Although my body's smaller,
my mind remains the same.

The Detective who never gives up.

There is always only one truth!

J-League, Nichiuri-TV 16th year's
football boot camp.

Woa, they're all J-Leaguers!

Yasuhito Endo!

Player Narazaki and Player Nakamura too!

Well, let's begin, shall we?


Hey, boy in No. 10 jersey!

What's wrong, Conan?

He tells me to standby now,
they're gonna start with only 4 first.

Pardon me, this is Mouri Kogoro, isn't it?

I'm manager of Nichiuri TV
sports program, Yamamori.

Woa, it's so exciting to be able
to meet great detective Mouri!

Koda, quick! Take a picture.

Yes, of course.

Thank you!

She's Nichiuri TV's cameraman,
Ms. Koda Kaoru.

This year, dispatched to the
sport department from social department.

Mr. Yamamori, why say those things
on this occasion?

But I heard that if you do a good job here, you'll be
transferred back to the Social Department, is not it?

Well, good luck to you.

Instead of concerning about me,

I heard that if you don't raise football's
broadcast ratings, Boss will demote you.

Unfortunately yes. Do you happen
to have any good idea, Mr. Mouri?

Ah, well. Of all people,
why you're asking Uncle?

Oh, got one.


Me and Yoko as guest appearances
will certainly increase ratings.

- Ms. Yoko, eh?
- But I'm afraid I cant afford her!

Quick, look at them. Those kids're
playing really good, aren't they?

Really ?

Didn't see them for a while.


Quite worthy of professional training!
Quick improvement!

Speaking of football,
Ran's not very interested in it. Right?

That's not true. I often watch it
with Conan on television.

But you have not played.

Yeah, but in high school
I watch Shinichi played once.

Oh, then, that guy...

Huh? What's it, Ran?


Eh ... that man?
No doubt.

The miracle champion player,
Nakaoka Kazumasa.

Miracle champ player?

Yes. 3 years ago, the one that led Haido High School
to national championship was Nakaoka.

Based on Spirits' try out, it can be said
that he's a future ace player.

But one week after final,
he had a motorcycle accident.

After that, he never appeared
in the world of football.

Then if he appears here. It means ...

Maybe he cannot leave football.

Well played, everybody.
Let's switch now.


Hey, No. 10 Jersey

He's calling you, Conan.

Ah, finally my turn to play.

Right on, you devil!

Hello, Mr. Mouri.

I'm Sakaki Ryousuke from Beika University ...

Ah! The Own Goal Sakaki.

Own Goal?

This guy kicked the ball into
his own team's goal in the final game

so Beika team lost the championship
after five year winning streak!

Ah, you knew about it, eh?

Of course, I was in the stand watching it.

When was that?

I got traumatized and
sometimes still have the nightmares.

Father, you shouldn't mention about his past!

Right. So how about now?

I'm a sport gym instructor while
coaching youth football team.

Eh? That's wonderful, isn't it.

And so, there's someone that
I want Mouri-senpai to meet

He is a big fan of you.

Can you spare some time?

Ah yeah.

Thank you very much ...
I'll bring him immediately.

What is....

I concede

Wow, amazing!

No doubt. On the inside
he's just a football kid.

Nice work, Conan.

Hey ...

Wow! A fine looking guy!

Amazing, it's real Hiro.

Kudo Shinichi

Do you know him?

That ... that ...


Do you know Shinichi...?

Ah. Some time ago, I watched one
of his matches and spoke to him.

And the form of this boy's kick
looks very like his.

I ... I think that's because I learned
football from Shinichi-niichan.

I see.
So you really learn from that guy.

Keep trying hard in football.

So nice!

Conan got praised

and his head got touched.

I'm so jealous!

Oh yeah...


Wait a minute!

Now wash your hair.


We also want to touch it...

You guys! Stop it!

Sorry, to keep you waiting, Mr. Mouri.

May we have a moment?


I'll introduce, this is the president of
the youth football team in Haido Disctrict.

The team sponsor, Mr. Motoura Keiichirou.

I'm Motoura, really admire you.

Thanks about that.

Mr. Motoura is a big fan of you. He wanted
to meet you when I told him you're here.

So I see.

Mr. Mouri, I have some photos
that I definitely would like you to see.

For me to see?

Yes, please.

We want to see them too.

Oh my...

What the...
That man is...

Conan, come and see.

This is the picture of...?

My son, Tomofumi.

Please take a look at the rest of his photos.

He looks very happy.

Is your son here today?

That ... In fact, Tomofumi died
from an illness in August this year.

He was a 4th-grader.

I see, ah.

Originally, his body was very weak. Doctors say
it's best for him not to have any intense exercises.

But these photos are ...

He begged to play football, so we forced
Coach Sakagi to let him playing.

These photos were taken by the coach,
for some moment before him scoring a goal.

This is the moment of the shot.


He's so good at football.

This must be the last one. Anyway, why
do you want me to look at these photos?

Uh.. I just want you to see the time when he's alive.
It must've ruined the atmosphere with it. Sorry.

Members participate in the J-League,
the second half of the J-League 16th game...

- Really makes people sad.
- Yeah.


In case of a time like this, we should...

- Oh no.
- Could it be...

Is it...

Let's have the usual riddle quiz
to ease our mood.

So now, everyone may as well join.

Guess what in the football player's jargon is
the same as "turning off the closing of the door."

What do you say, given the following terms:

Is it too difficult this time ?

Conan, do you know the answer?

Well, the answer is


The foul hand.

It's called "no hand touching ball" rule.

Turning off door closing,
is to disable the door handle.

With no handles,
no hands touching.


Amazing! Player Endo is not only
football skillful, but have high IQ as well.

Ladies and gentlemen,
sorry I'm late.

Takahiro, you are quite late!

Who is that guy?

Player Sanada

A newcomer, with rare skill as this year's
top reserve player. The sub player.

You've got guts to skip the first half.

I'm not very good at teaching children.

Hey, kids. It's not just Sub
but Super Sub.

Remember it well.

Enough, Sanada!

Hide-san, I've decided to
look upon you as a rival.

Let's compete in this competition!

Prior to this, we should play
in two different sides.

Of course.

- That's a declaration of duel, interesting.
- Very good!

The SPIRIT team vs the BIG team match will be
broadcast live, so we have to raise the tension.

I wish you both a good game!

Hey, do not look, please.

What's this?

This can not be seen yet.

Why are you so stingy?

This is a wonderful summary
that I'm gonna report.

K.K. What's that?

Hide, are you not going to the front?

Sanada, I'm going. Let's practice
at Touto Stadium for the next game.

Hide looks cool while he's running.

I'm not very good at running.

Neither am I.

We really should not be J-League players.

There is no such thing. There are a lot players in the football league who are not fast.

Is it true ?

For slower players, just be
one step ahead of other players.

That's why these players must learn
to master the flow of game and judge quickly.

In short, compared to the speed of the
foot, fast thinking is more important.

There are a lot of players who run slowly, so they need to
master this ability to achieve great success in their career.

Many people are saying,
even if you see it as a weakness,

just find a suitable method,
you can turn it into an advantage.

I see, such are worthy opinions
from the professionals.

Any more questions?

Can you tell me
how to do the free kick ?

You're such a blatant kid,
to ask such things.

No problem.

We still have a little time,
so I can demonstrate one.

Very good!

Kick with the front tip, then skid it a bit
rather than rub it. And focus on the ball.

He scored a goal from the free kick

Endo's free kick goal in the first half
make his team 1 point leading. . .

Amazing, how he scored from the free kick.

Amazing! he just taught me
to free-kick exactly the same.

Wait, Conan, which team
are you exactly supporting?

How can you support Osaka team
while sitting in Dock A.

But, the goal...

Here, put it on, and then
support SPIRITS team.

But, what about you..

Don't worry, I bought a new one

BIG Osaka?
Don't tell me you're supporting...

Don't get me wrong,
I just love the colors only!

Tchk ..., such a reason...

No way!

What's all this...

So let's continue about the riddle.

A blue kid and a blue zebra,

Rains from above,

The kid's left hand points
at the tree on the left.

Wait... say... what left tree?

His left hand points at the left tree.

His left eye points at ....

His left hand.
"Hand" as in "handling"

A blue kid and a blue zebra. Rains from
above. The kid's left hand points at the left tree.

So let's start the game

You ....

If you lose the game, there will be
a lot of people k*lled or injured.

What is your purpose?
Tell me what the purpose is.

You will know soon.

I already told you so much.

Wait! You only say the riddle,
I don't know what you mean.

Give me a hint, a tip...

Next one is Beika [rice flower],
Next stop is Beika ..

Wait. Hello, Hello.


Damn that jerk!

A blue kid and a blue zebra. Rains from
above. The kid's left hand points at the left tree.

Then the hint: Next one is Beika,
Next stop is Beika.

I read it many times,
but still don't understand.

Inspector Megure, the cause of the expl*si*n is
identified. The culprit was using a plastic b*mb

that was triggered by a phone call.

I see. I'm glad that no one was injured.

Still we don't know what
will happen with the next b*mb.

Since the culprit's threat, until the next b*mb
we only have 1 hour 5 minutes.

We also have to solve this riddle before that.

I get it!
I get it!

Next b*mb must be planted at Haido Park.

Haido Park?

Analyze this hint.

Next one is Beika, next stop is Beika ...

What does it mean, Mr. Mouri?

It's about several locations in Touto lines with related
words. So it means the next station is Haido Station.

And there is a large fountain
near the station close to Haido Park.


So that's "Rains from above"?


And below the fountain lie
sculptures of a kid and a zebra.

But what does the rest of the riddle mean?

We're gonna know it when we're there.

Hurray! Keep attacking...



Right here.

Excuse me. Move out of the way, please.

That's it.

There are really statues here.

But this is not a zebra, more like a donkey.

Undoubtedly the culprit
mistakenly thinks it's a zebra.

And it's not blue either.

Then the culprit sees it as blue.

Well, just wait and see.

Ah, Mr.Mouri, what're you....

I want to find the b*mb right away!

- Mr. Mouri!
- Father!

Okay, let's have a blockade around the Park

and get people to safety as soon as possible!


The blue kid and a blue zebra.

Rains from above.

The kid's left hand points at the left tree.

That means

The tree on the left.


The b*mb's in that tree.

That tree?

Okay, leave the rest to us.

Mouri-kun, you need to get out
of the park immediately.

Still, Spirits are behind by one point.

Uemura's making a breakthrough from the left!

kicks the ball to the center,

Wonderful diagonal pass.

Akagi heads the ball!

Goal! Goal!

Akagi of Spirits made the match tied in 1-1

Great one! Keep working!

Hide and Naoki are truly the best top pairs.

No b*mb?

Unfortunately nothing's in that tree.

Then it must be another tree on the left?

We have also searched that tree just in case.

Still no b*mb ...

in that one, together with all the other trees viewed below.

Could the place hinted in the riddle be not here?

That can't be!

People are too crowded!

Many fans are concentrated here

despite that the second half is about to begin.

Ah, Ran Mouri.

Excuse me, I go to the toilet.

Please pick up the phone, Shinichi.

Hello, this is Kudo.

Now I can not answer the phone...

I can't stand why always like that!

Shinichi, my dad received a b*mb threat.

If he can not solve the riddle in time...

Ran, it's me!


Tell me the riddle.


The last tip is

Next one is Beika,
Next stop is Beika.

Notice the expl*si*n time is 15:30

Only 40 minutes left, Shinichi!

I know.

Give me a little time.

The blue kid and blue zebra.

Rain above.

Below is the left hand of the person

pointing to

the tree on the left.

How it always felt familiar?!

I hate that!


You know the Spirits and Gamba mascots, don't you?

For Spirits, is Mr. Zebra.

It's a zebra.

Gamba mascot? Do you know?

I know it's blue.

That's Gamba BOY's.

These excellent kids make it very clear:

The Gamba BOY is striving for a symbol of victory.

Zebra? Gamba BOY?


It's just that

the blue kid and a blue zebra

mean Gamba and Spirits mascots.

Damn! Why didn't I see
such simple things earlier?!

Is it ...

The b*mb was installed inside the stadium


for the right time?

Of course it is.

I know.

Overhead rain means
the top character is "rain".

The person below means that character
in the lower half of a word.

Left hand means the
hand points to the left.

So that means exactly
the word "showing"

The tree on the left is the wood
character on the left side of a word.

Together, they imply

the "video screen"
[electronic display].

And the hint

Next one is Beika,
Next stop is Beika

is the electric sign displayed
in the East Capital Link car.

There's no doubt!

The b*mb was placed behind the video
screen in the East Capital Gymnasium.


Must hurry, there's no time!

Conan's gone a long time now!

Could he have gotten lost?


Doctor, lend me the car keys.


Where did you go?

The second half is about to begin.

Don't ask. Doctor, quick!
Lend it to me!


The whistle to start
the second half has sounded.

In first half, Spirits has tenaciously
tied the game in the final moments.

In the second half it replaces no player,

using the same the players as in the
first half for continuing the attack.

On the other hand, Gamba team
also replaces no player.

Damn! Where can I go up?

Ah, here.


There's a kid climbing that place!

Jump across!

How scary!

Damn! Could never find...

In other words ...

Akagi dribbled with Endo in fierce contest

Akagi passed the ball back.

From behind Daojiao,
Shimura passed the ball to the front court.

Yamada jumped up to steal...

Akagi grabbed the ball, led it out to the front

And sh**t, but the goalkeeper
punched the ball out.


Isn't it ... Kudo?

What the...?

Spirits' player number 11 expressed
strong protest against the penalty.

Yuk! A penalty kick?

Certainly that's cheating!

Absolutely that's it!


Next, put the ball on the penalty spot.

Of course the guy
for the penalty kick is

Yasuhito Endo!

Ball in! 2 to 1.

Osaka team Gamba to lead again!

Perfect timing, Haibara!

Kudo, what are you doing up there?

Are you with Genta and the kids?

No, what do you say?

What? b*mb?

Yes. Although not confirmed yet.

But it may be put behind
the gymnasium electronic display.

Sorry Haibara. I'll call you.

What? ... Kudo, Kudo!

Sure enough, it's here.

Also installed in the pillars
supporting the electronic display.

And so that is

The criminal wants to make
the video panel crash down.

Hey, Kudo.


What do you say?

Bombs in the East Capital Stadium
behind the electronic display?

Dongdu Stadium?

Electronic display?

Yes, and please move people to
the side of Spirits' court for safety.

All right!

Although these bombs are made simply,

But now not enough time to remove them all!

What to do?

Think hard! There must be some ways.


If unable to remove all bombs ...

At least I want to know why...

Sorry about what I am going to say:

Sure, there is a b*mb here.

The criminal sets the time at 15:30

to b*mb down the display on top of
supporters of home team Spirits.

What?... Isn't it only 30 minutes left?!

Yes, those supporters should move to safety quickly.

You have to take care of Genta kids,
don't let them run like crazy.

I know that, Kudo, you ...

Anyway, I must prevent the
display from crashing down.

And to catch up, Spirits went offensive

Shimura stopped the ball with his chest.

Both sides strive hard.

The ball is blocked out.

Escaping ball fell back into the fight

The ball bounced out.

And Akagi shot it in!

Akagi today's second goal.

He's truly in his top form!


Finally equalized!

Genta! It hurt!

Strange, eh?

What the...?

Look at that man.

Finally, what's happening...?

A club's personnel has stopped
the game and is explaining something.

What happens?

Right in the middle of the game ...

Ah, Haibara.

Have you seen

the hero head-strikes
the ball at mid-air?

A little sad!

How do you?

Ladies and gentlemen,

Due to an unexpected situation...

Could this situation

has anything to do with Shinichi?


Kudo said it's installed
behind the electronic display.

You ... What did you say?

Repeat, the audience sitting on the Spirits side.

Please, under the guidance of
the management staff, leave rapidly.

Really, something has happened!

I truly want to know what happened.

We go nearer to see clearly...

No, before Conan is back,
don't stupidly stay here!

He will think of ways to prevent it

and will quickly come back just fine.


Not good! Too time consuming!

Anyway at least we must hold onto the pillars

Only ten minutes left!

Damn, it's too late!

Please leave the seats on this side.

People, please go down.

Follow our guides to the center of the field.

After all, what happened?

Don't know, but it seems serious.

Please, media reporters, quickly
move to the center of the field.

How could we do it quickly

with our heavy equipment?

Because it's dangerous,
don't mind your stuff please.

Don't be kidding!

Without a camera I have
no way to earn a living.

Exactly, what happened?

Hey... what gets into you?
Don't cause problems.

Please come back!

Broadcast live on the network now!

No matter, because
I'll take full responsibility.

You only need to do as I say!

That's it!

It has begun.

Here is the D3 D4 region,
evacuation has been completed

Block E confirm.

Block F confirm.

G Block confirm evacuation

Everyone, a little faster.

Please go down
a little bit to this side.


Go down forward.

Please be patient.
Don't leave.

I've tried all I could!

Please give me a little time!

Too ... too scary ...

Kudo ...

A success!

The ratings will surge!

How scary!

The expl*si*n of electronic display.

Success! Finally I grab a scoop!

Please move backwards slowly.

Do not push one another unnecessarily.

The expl*si*n has ended.

It has stopped.

Please hold on!

Not good! It can't hold!


How the...?

After all, what happens?

Is it an earthquake?

Doesn't matter, please calm down!

Hey, what's that?

Things fall!


Will hit people!

Things become worse.

We should also leave quickly.

No. Don't act emotionally.

Damn! Could not catch up in time!


It stops!

What luck!

Hold on for now! Recharge!

Pull back!

Good afternoon, everyone.

Today is Monday, November 21.

This is station MIYANE,
the Live Intelligence.

Major accident occurred yesterday
in the J-League match.

expl*si*n occurred in the game. Slightest mistake can easily lead to casualties.

See here.

Yesterday, in Tokyo Spirits
and Osaka Gamba game,

the accident of a sudden expl*si*n
of the electronic display occurred.

Fortunately there were no casualties.

As a result relating to the expl*si*n
here is the famous detective Mouri Kogoro.

We will switch to the front of his agency.

Miss Tabeta Miyuki.

Hi, here in front of the
Mouri detective agency,

I am correspondent Tabeta.

Mr. Mouri managed to crack
the riddle sent by the criminal

and save J-Union.

However, before the big expl*si*n in the Stadium

there were small bombings in front of his agency...

Police officers, thank you for coming early.

Because if I step out of the door
I will be troubled with endless noises.

Being the person cracking the secret codes,
when did you become Mr. Mouri?

As before, Kudo said not to mention his name.

Do not stand and talk,
everyone please sit.

- Thank you.
- Good.

Ah, boy.

Let's talk again about Mr. Mouri ...

I heard that you noticed
something about the criminal...

In fact I haven't noticed that.

But it's this boy


He kept asking me and Ran
about the criminal's phone call.

I'm thinking about telling it to Shinichi

because he would be very interested.

After all, let's say
what thing have you noticed?

The criminal said to uncle

"The hand commits
the foul hand."

Words like these have been heard before.

Conan you know?

Well, the answer is ...

The second.

The foul hand.

Does have some connection.

Usually people don't use the words "foul hand".

That's right. But when
the criminal asked back uncle

he inadvertently spoke out.

Such expression sounds striking to the ear.

Saying so seems to be the criminal's mistake.

Uh huh.

Then at that time who heard
the words of player Endo?

Besides us and the J-League players
who are ready to compete,

There are four suspects

Yamamori Shinzou

Koda Kaoru

Sakaki Ryosuke

Motoura Keiichirou

These four people

in my investigation appeared to be the suspects.

Oh, there's another person

at that time on a bench near by,

sat Nakaoka Kazumasa.

Nakaoka Kazumasa ... the one of
National High School in the snow ...

Takagi, do you know him?

Well, three years ago, my nephew
invited me to go see a game.

Because of heavy snow

the game scheduled for 2:05 p.m.
was substantially delayed.

Only at 3:40 the start whistle officially blew.

The game went into overtime with scores 0-0.

Only four minutes into the penalty sh**t

Nakaoka decided the outcome with a kick.

The game ended at 10 minutes before 6:00 pm.

So, with Nakaoka there are five suspects.

Perhaps he said so by chance,
but that doesn't rule out the possibility

that the criminal's motive is
just to challenge me.

These days, people who avoid such game violation

are only those from the football classroom.

I know.

I will investigate these five individuals.

We've quickly investigated

Shiratori Jun

First is Yamamori.

The bombing made his program's ratings soared,

enabled him to avoid the crisis of being demoted.

Can say that, thanks to this incident.

Next is Koda.

Thanks to her exclusive photos

her goal of retuning to the
Social Ministry is one step closer

So that's the blessing of the event too.

Next is Sakaki.

Not yet found any motive
to b*mb the East Capital Stadium.

The only possible motivation is
provocative words of Mr. Mouri.

Sakaki's kick into own goal in college
was ridiculed by Mr. Mouri.

Ah the own goal Sakaki!

I'm not laughing at him ...

Even he himself also laughed.

Smiling on the outside
doesn't mean the same inside.

Next Motoura.

At East Capital Stadium in August this year,
it's known that his only son watched ...

the J-League All-Star Game.
After the match his illness broke out.

He was rushed by ambulance to
East Capital Hospital

but the treatment was ineffective
and he died.

Ah, East Capital Stadium ambulance!

What's up, Mr. Mouri?

That... seems reminding me of something.


No, that can't be!

Ah, just an illusion!

Yet another really confusing reaction!

Finally, Nakaoka.

Three years ago in February,

after a motorcycle accident
he immediately had surgery

and followed six months of rehabilitation.

But the left leg still can not recover.

His contract with Spirits team was canceled.

Spirits really did that?

Right. After that he gave up football,

went alone to South America.

One year later, in August last year, he went back,

returned to his home in Gunma county.

And always riding bicycle around like crazy.

What a miserable way to live!

To conclude,

Yamamori and Koda

are considered to have motive
for bombing the East Capital Stadium.

To install the b*mb is easy,

but it is difficult to imagine them
plan and act like that.

Also difficult to imagine Sakaki,
because being ridiculed for the own goal kick

could hate Mr. Mouri so much
to start a w*r with him.

Let's say I did not ridicule...

more than I care about Motoura's son's illness

because of seeing the
East Capital Stadium after the game.

Well, I also care about that.

But saying that caused the hatred
for J-League is a little far fetched.

What happened has nothing to do
with his son's conditions.


So at last the problem centers on
the remaining Nakaoka

according to a testimony from
the village police office of Gunma County.

That was exaggerating too much, eh!

How should I say then...

like a critically injured wolf looking for a place to die, something like that.

He couldn't join the J League

because of his own motorcycling accident.

Yet he turned it into a big grudge.

It's very likely because Tokyo's Spirits
had canceled his contract.

Based on the above reasons,

let's thoroughly investigate
Nakaoka Kazumasa.

That motorcycle, stop!

Give me a little room!

Why do you always follow me?

We do not intend to follow you.

Don't play dumb!

All the afternoon you guys have been
staring at me outside the shop.

What have I done wrong?

We just want to make sure
you didn't do anything.

You police clown talks like shit!

Don't kid me!

Nakaoka Kazumasa!

I arrest you for your attempted v*olence
and obstruction of public service.

What! Nakaoka has been arrested?

Eh! Last night when we watched him

He came up wanting to fight.

So this morning after he has calmed
down a bit we conduct a questioning.

It seems he holds
no grudge against Spirits.


How could that be?

We talk about the time when
Spirits canceled the contract.

You've got the wrong guy!

I should like to thank Spirits.

I don't hate them.

Don't lie!

What do you say?

This even the media do not know.

Not that Spirits canceled my contract.

It's me who asked them to.

But they treated it as nothing happened.

After the motorcycle accident,

Spirits paid all the costs of
my surgery and rehabilitation.

But the left leg somehow
can not fully recover.

They are still willing
to sign a contract with me

even if I play for only 15 minutes

hoping that I can act as
a striker at a crucial moment.

So why ...?

My pride will never allow that.

A man who can't stand
on the field for 90 minutes

has no right to play football,

let alone to play
professionally for J-League.

We also confirmed that with Spirits.

And the manager of
his shop gave us this thing.

It looks like a photo sent home
from South America.

Doesn't look like what
the Village Police Department said.

On the back there is a message:

"Boss, I guess I cannot give up football."
-- Nakaoka

So much for that!

Can't judge people by the face!

Perhaps surprisingly there
is a good man who likes kids and football.

But if Nakaoka is not the suspect,

then who could that be?

Speaking at that time

"Suginami Sports Park
at 6:00 am."


After all, who is K.K?

Next, what should I do ...?

Even if K.K turns out to be ...

Ah, that man!

Good morning, that's early, kid!

Good morning.

So K.K is simply "King knows"!

That man is Miura Kazuyoshi!

Well... Excuse me, sir!

What's up, kid?

Do you know Koda Kaoru?

From the daily newspaper.

Koda Kaoru? The daily?

Ah I don't know where she found out

that I often come here alone to train.

Later she proposed to do
a photo sh**t of me.

So that's it.

However, I refused.

Pros consider good practice would bring
the chance to gain a terrific sport photo

especially at the moment
of scoring the goal.

So this has nothing to do
with what happened.

Oh yes,

you kid like football?



Let's play with it.


Wanting to keep on singing,
she can touch your heart.

Running on the football field,

Dream of the stars

No matter when, keep on shinning.

Played very well, little friend.

Thank you.

Good! Let's run together!

Seeing with pure eyes

suddenly carries me to a dreamland

With open arms...
go grab all you could.

Next, sh**t the goal!

Go grab with all your heart.

You'll shine up your light!

Good shot! A beautiful strike!

That's a really good shot, my friend!

Thank you, sir!

So cold ...!

Conan really has gone out there...

What is ...?
So early in the morning ...!

Couldn't be another warning letter!

Well, a letter to Dad.

Here we go again!

Little friend.

Ah, Hi.

This morning you've been very actively

helping me in my training.

No, it is my pleasure.

So take this... as my gift to you!

A wrist guard.

Thank you very much, sir.

This is the second time
I practice with a little friend.

Previously I had a red wrist guard.

That was 14, 15 years ago.

I practiced together with
a kid very young like you.

That kid also had an amazing goal shot.

Is that kid now in the J-League?

Who knows? If he still plays football,
maybe he now has joined J League.

Goodbye! Be careful on the way home, OK?


So please take care...

Hey, just a little walk already hurts your eyes?!

Mr. Yamamori!

Miss Kaoru.

Sorry I am a bit hasty ...

Well since that incident,
we all are busy, eh.

But I'm not as busy as Mr. Yamamori.

Your gentle smile can grab any News ...

Who could believe that?

So I wish you give it you best shot.

But be careful, don't let someone
take your credits.

I know. Sorry, I have something
that I got to run.

Hey! Hey...

Right! What's that girl's scheming now?

Is that her notebook?

Detective Mouri, did you think
what happened would stop here?

Next time at a place
more crowded than last time

a b*mb will detonate
in front of people.

I invite you to enjoy the terror.

I'll give you detailed instructions later.

So I wish you give it your best shot!

This package came to the office
early this morning.

After opening it
I saw this anonymous letter.

So that's it.

That is really sent by the criminal.

Could that be a hoax?

No, I'm afraid that's from the criminal.

Although last time we disclosed the
meaning of the cyphered message.

But we'll not disclose his last sentence.

The last sentence?

So I wish you give it your best shot!

So that's it!

Wish you give it your best shot.

Yes, the last part of the message have ...

Damn! Don't kid me!

But this time there's no hidden hint.

yet it can still give a clue.

This part of the message:

"Next time at a place
more crowded than last time

"a b*mb will detonate
in front of people."

In my view it means
that the next time

the bombs will be set at a place
where there are more people.

Last time Dongdu [Eastern Capital] Stadium
has capacity of 80,000 people.

So next time it would be at a place
with more than 80,000 people.

Where is a place like that?

Yes, there!

Where? Chiba?

Right there! That poster.

Shiodome Arena, on December 3.

Performances by popular young singers and groups

Commonly known as
the "100,000 People Concert".

December 3?


This concert, is it Yoko Jam's?


Yoko Jam... No, Ms. Okino Yoko,
will be on stage singing.

What? Why on stage singing?

Just because you say so ...

Having personal relationship with
Mr. Mouri, Okino Yoko's concert arena

becomes the next bombing target.

That doesn't seem accidental.

It seems the criminal really
has a grudge against brother Mouri.

But the five people who may hate Mr. Mouri is ...

That ... this has nothing to do
with hatred for Mr. Mouri.

That concert sponsorship

is Mr. Yamamori's TV station's day of advertisement.

That evening he's the person
in charge of the plan

to broadcast News program live.

I understand that if the expl*si*n
occurred during a live broadcast,

That would guarantee to pull ratings.


Mentioning that
reminds me about him ...

Well, good luck to you.

I wish you both a good game!


So that

might just be a careless talk of cliché.

There remains Miss Koda,

Perhaps she had some grudge
towards Ms. Yoko.

What? Grudge towards Yoko?

According to her colleagues, she always wanted
to scoop up something exclusive about Yoko Okino.

But because of her subject's tight safeguard,

She had complained privately about
unability to take good photos.

So to say in that notes ...

Last time after the football training session,
I have seen Miss Kaoru's notes

that reads
[OY] [December 3 Shiodome Stadium].

What did you say?

[OY] is the abbreviation of "Okino Yoko".

You rascal!

- Only now that you tell such important detail!
- Dad, don't act like this!

- You stupid...!
- Well, Well, Mr. Mouri.

This is not enough to say
Miss Koda is the culprit.

But in that case those two people
become suspects again.

The rest of the suspects is ...

Oh by the way, Ran,

you know when the cards sent by the
criminal were put in the mailbox?

At least not yet when I opened
the mailbox yesterday evening.

Then it must be after that.

If so then Nakaoka could not be the culprit.

- Right.
- Why?

He was still in jail, not released
until today afternoon.

By the way, Ran, you also
received the package there?


The parcel seems to arrive this morning.

The sender is a Tokyo Spirits team's fan.

Inside is a message for Dad and a tie.

Oops, I'm sorry!

That envelope seems to be
sealed with too much glue!

Oh, it's OK.

Thank you.

Never mind.

Good. Anyway,

the possibility for the culprit to hold grudge against the J-League and Tokyo Spirits team has diminished.

Again we'll reopen the investigation on
Yamamori Shinzou and Koda Kaoru.

You still seem to find it strange, right?


That concert will be held on the December 3,

The same day with the J League's final game?

Very strange!

Why the culprit said things that help people
to guest about the potential crime location?

This will only increase police security
and make it harder to commit a crime.

That's right.

With security so tight like that

the criminal must be truly confident he can
place the b*mb or bring it inside the arena.


Maybe Shiodome stadium can hold
more than 80,000 people.

Or the criminal is just lying.

No, considering this kind of crime,
the criminal would not lie.

I'm sure about that.

If there were

If there were ...

It's just a misleading
set by a word trap!

TV Sport Intelligence
starts with the J-League game.

The season final game had been
set for Saturday, December 3.

Due to previous bombing incidence
of East Capital football Stadium,

there was talk about stopping the match,
but at recent J-League press conference,

Dadong district President has officially
announced the game's schedule.

J-League final match will occur
at 3:30 pm on December 3.

Also on Saturday Dec.3,
at 3:30 pm, the concert

will open in Shiodome Stadium.

That event is commonly known as
"The 100,000 people's concert".

Shiodome Stadium

At the entrance, please have your
belongings checked before entering.

Thank you.

At check point line up in two rows please...

So, Yoko. I'll see you
fire up the concert later.

Excuse me.

Live broadcasting preparation ready yet?

Yes, everything should be ready now.

We don't know what will happen
during live broadcast.

So tell everyone to be vigilant.


Sergeant, Shiodome Stadium
really is the criminal's target.

- Because ...
- You're still talking nonsense!

No other activities can bring together
more than 80,000 people.

Of course, only the Shiodome Stadium can, really.

That's why I asked you to go
to the movies with Little Ran.

Conan, what do you think?

The last game of the J-League and
the concert happen at the same time today.

Isn't it intentional?

That really makes people thinking.

Coincidence! Just coincidence, really!

Your few but unnecessary words
just hinder the case!


Also worrying about the possibility, we have
asked for intensified security just in case.

I remember the final game
is to start at 3:30 pm.

Almost started.

At this match, a win for Tokyo Spirits
would mean the championship.

while for Osaka RIG team, a loss
would mean yielding the title.

For both sides, that's a do-or-die battle.

The game starts at 3:30 pm.

Ah, already started!

Just in time!

Sonoko, why do you have to lie
about going to see a movie?

What? Ah, sorry!

That's a way to say
let's go watch a football game!

I think your Dad would not allow us.

Just to see Hiro showing off his talents,

today is the last chance for this season.

Hiro! Come on! Charge!

J League Club house

Hiro, score please!

Ah, I really want to eat something.

Eat a little is no big deal.

I'll go buy something then.

What happens to Hiro?

His thigh got cramped and he fell down.

It's not serious.

But Hiro will be replaced.

The more skillful a player, the more
he'll become a target of att*cks!

You better do not eat snacks.

Sanada, be ready.

I'm always ready.

Good, ride the ball back.


Sorry, Takahiro, from now it's up to you.

Just leave it to me.

Senior colleague, it's OK even if
you take a rest for one year.

b*stards, don't try to run up too fast!

Hiro's to the bench,
Sanada's now on the field.


How's the situation over there?
Nothing strange ...


Here it doesn't look like

They do.

Anyway, being able to enjoy a game
on stadium No. 10 is truly great!


But at the same time
people's tension is really strong.

How's that?
Did you hear, Edogawa?

At the same time, tension...

Hardly! The criminal's goal is ...

Miss Azusa!

Don't be concerned, she's the
downstairs coffee shop's waitress.

That ... our shop received a call
that sounds very strange.

What call?

"In the phone booth outside the coffee shop,

"there's a message for Mr Mouri with information."

What do you say?

"Warning!! Bombs have been planted
in J-League's stadium No. 10.


Damn it really was!

"The bombs will explode
at the end of the game.

"No chances for you to fix that!"

"But not giving you the opportunity to fix that
is no fun, so I'll give you a chance.

In the second half, with the guest team
attacking the home team's goal,

that can set up a case
to ask me to stop the bombs.

I'll take the big screen blinking twice
as a signal to stop the expl*si*n.

The big screen!

But to know the content of this instruction,

Only the team's coach and
an ace striker are allowed.

You're forbidden to inform other players.

During the game, if there appears
any unnatural activities

like trying to evacuate people
or searching for bombs

I will immediately detonate them!

The selected ace striker
should wear a red wrist guard.

The only action that can stop the b*mb blast ...


has been marked
in the text of this warning.


As another case of unexploded bombs,

you're forbidden to search for them
within 35 minutes after the end of the game.

By not following this instruction,

you'll put people's lives at risk.

If Mouri Kogoro wants to stop me,

come see me as the 11th striker!

So I wish you success.

Damn! Nonsense! What a jerk!

True. That message is just a trap
to mislead people.

He has arranged for

all programs to start at
the same time today.

If we add up all the audience

it would be much more
than 80,000 people.

Indeed, the warning letter did not
mention any one location.

Takagi, when does the game end?

As I remember, it's 5:15 p.m.

Ah! Only one hour left!

What's up, Sato?

The top part of this message,

the word "WARNING"

It looks like he first used a stapler

to staple up the pages before writing.

If you look carefully, the red ink used
to draw the [SU] [Straight Up] line

stains the staple!

So it is.

But the question now is ...

Why did you staple before writing?

The staple ...

Looks like an intentionally sticking
red ink at its center.

Hey, what are you doing?

So that's what it is!

I know what is
the criminal's requested action.

What's that, Conan?

What do you know?

The warning message
is framed inside a rectangle.

Doesn't it look like a football field?

What nonsense are you talking?

If the rectangle is the stadium, then

The staple is the goal.

If you think about the shape of the staple

doesn't it look exactly like the goal?

Let me see.

And so, the [SU] line,

doesn't it extend straight up toward the
staple goal? And doesn't it represent...

the line of the ball shot?

Doesn't that mean the ball must be shot
straight at the center of the goal?

Wait a minute, Sergent!

To score the goal, the ball must first
pass through the goal entrance.

If so, the straight line must have been drawn before the staple was nailed down

and would be under the staple.

But in fact it was drawn
after the staple has been nailed down.

The straight line touches the staple and stops.

So I understand,
where the red ink stains the staple,

It can be said that is
the middle of the crossbar.

So the criminal just requires that
the ball hits the middle of the crossbar.

Good. Contact the J-League teams immediately!


This is Megure.

This is Shiratori.

Looks like we can almost
determine who the culprit is.

What? You know who that is?



Right. The police has just called.

So? Can you do it?

If unable, then don't pretend you could.

Even if you refuse, no one will blame you.

I'll look for someone else...

Look for whom?

Who are you going to find?

Who can you ask to do it?

The criminal specifically requires
the top striker, right?

Yet Hiro has been sidelined.

First no matter whether
I'm a star player or not,

Being called a front-line striker,
there's only me left.


Que sera sera.

And if we can stop the b*mb, then

I can become famous.

If surrounded by the girls
I won't know how to behave!


Wear this on your left wrist.

No. It's just I'm too excited.

I'm relying on you, Sanada.

I understand.

Will the championship go to
Tokyo Spirits team?

No, should go to Osaka Gamba team.

Players go on the field.

The second half is about to start.

I can't wait anymore.

The second half should be exciting.

Ah yeah.


Haibara, listen to me carefully.

The criminal's target really is the J-League.

What with the star striker
wearing a red wrist guard.

If figuring out any abnormality
I'll tell you.


I am now going to the suspect ...

Sorry I'll call you later.

Hey Kudo.

Waiting so long!

You heard it out there?


Settling in alright, brother Mouri?

Settling what?

How you also sit in here?

So be it! Let's go.


You ... you say what?

Professor, you're too loud!

Oops ... I'm sorry!

Who is the ace striker
on the guest's court?

The one with a red wrist guard.

According to what Kudo said,

The time of the expl*si*n is
the end of the game at 5:15.

Why not find a way to evacuate people?

No way!

If they do so,

The m*rder*r would trigger the expl*si*n.

J-League has to rely on
a few of them.


This is related to the fate of all the fans.

They are 10 front line strikers.


They hit it!

Sanada just kicked the ball
hitting the goal's crossbar.

Really, Conan?

The live radio broadcasting says so.

Good! If so, this National Arena
is now safe.

No. It's still hard to say.

Once a confirmed release signal
appears on the big screen,

I asked them to immediately call this car.

But no call yet ...

What the hell!
Didn't it hit yet?

Hey Sanada, hurry back to defensive position.


Hey, what are you doing Sanada?

That's no good!

Sonoko, sit down.


Why has Hiro to be injured?

I came here just to see him!

Sanada, if you miss again
I won't forgive you!

What the hell!

No matter on what side,
they just keep hitting the crossbar.

Obviously, there is no goal being scored!

Why are they so happy?

Those selected strikers are really good!

In this extremely stressful state
they still can hit the crossbar.

Yes, truly amazing!


The bombs in charge of Sakura team
have been dismantled.

I understand.

Very good!

The rest still out there?

We'll get them!

So Mr. Mouri comes here too.

Exactly what happened for you
to go to w*r like that?

Without much time, let me
go straight to the point.

We know the story of your son.

He died after being sent
to hospital in an ambulance.

Some time before that, someone detonated
a b*mb near the East Stadium football field.

We investigated a bit,

On that day, the East Stadium has just
completed the J-League champion match.

Later, it was said when the ambulance was
about to pass near by the football field,

fans in high spirits blocked the road.

Therefore the ambulance was delayed for some time.

It was said, at that time the fans used hands and other
objects to knock on the ambulance and make endless noise!

Leading the group of fans is ...

I remember that!

Yes, Mr. Mouri.



That day, I bet big, won big,
then went and got dead drunk!

Damn, I still don't remember a thing!


it was your son being
transported in that ambulance?

Probably how long was the ambulance delayed?

I think just about 2 minutes.

But we can't say that's clearly the cause of death.

But ...

But if they didn't block

perhaps the situation could still be saved.

I was very happy that my son likes football ...

and of course, the J League too ...

But anyway, I can't forgive
Mr. Mouri and that crowd.

That group of fans is a club.

I don't know because
I don't witness first hand.

I only know Mouri Kogoro and fans
caused the ambulance to stall.

So that's it.

Because not knowing they're fans of what team,

you retaliate by planting bombs
all over the ball field during a match.

Mr. Motoura,

right after unlocking the secret signal, we confirm
it with coach Kami, then we determine that

you are the culprit.

After all, you say the culprit is ... ?!

Knowing the right moment to strike
is how the ball must be shot.

That is ... to kick so that the ball hits
crossbar's mid point and then slid into the goal.

That answer fits the culprit's secret signal

that requires us to kick the ball
right at the middle of the goal's crossbar.

That's it, Mr. Motoura.

I've said many times,

no matter what riddles of what culprit,
in the end what the hell do they mean?

Mr. Motoura,

In fact, our talk about the ambulance
earlier has a follow-up.

Mr. Mouri's g*ng blocking the ambulance's road

in fact, is to save lives.


At the time, before calling 119, we got to save
an old man who fainted due to a heat-stroke,

So we gave first aid while waiting for
the arrival of an ambulance.

Finally it arrives.

People, please let the ambulance come.

Damn! That ambulance has turned to the wrong way!

Hey! Over here!

Then the ambulance I called for arrived.

The old man was saved.

That's it.

Although it is a misunderstanding

I am very sorry for blocking the road
of your son's ambulance.

If you want to hate me,
then I have nothing to say.

Affecting innocent people by
what one's doing is wrong.

Mr. Motoura,

What Mr. Mouri said is right.
Please disarm the bombs immediately.

What you intend to do is wrong.

Please ... please wait!

I don't understand
what you're talking about!

Isn't it you

who planted bombs on the football field?

Isn't it?

Why do I always feel something's wrong

Inspector, Shiratori, follow me.

Questioning like that doesn't work.

We don't have much time
to obtain conclusive evidence.

We have to go in less than 10 minutes.

Is this feeling ...?

It really is.

This person ...

Officer, you should probably stop now!

You ask me why I knew about that.

But I have nothing to do with what happens.

I also think Mr. Motoura is not a suspect.

Because the culprit is really concerned
about the time the game ends.

But Mr. Motoura never glanced at his watch

even when you didn't look at him.

Really, Conan?

Yes, I've been watching.

That's right ...

But the b*mb's location and info about
how to sh**t at the goal are the same thing.

It could not be a coincidence.

That in the end is for what reason?

Damn! I'm back to square one!

My officers!

There is some news.


About clearing the bombs from National stadium
where BIG vs. Spirits game takes place,

it's done!

Finally accomplish something!

Mr. Motoura, please turn on the TV.

Only 5 minutes left!

Sanada is the BIG's striker.

Originally, isn't it Hiro?


Given the time left,

can only let Sanada turn off the bombs.

Now what I can do is

catch the real culprit as soon as possible.

This one ...

is the same as the photo
in Mr. Motoura's cell phone.

That Tomofumi ...

Not looking at the camera.

To whom did he wave?

Aye aye, Mr. Motoura,
did you sh**t this video?

Ah, my camera.

That photo is my wife's shot.

This camera, can I take a look at it?


Thank you.

If my reasoning is correct,
then there must appear...

Here, that person is...

Not sh**ting?

What an opportunity!

Mr. Motoura, please turn up the volume.


Ah, almost being hit by Tanaka!

Can this penalty shot score?

Just a perfect ball to sh**t!

Everyone looks rather nervous.

Can they seize this opportunity?

Can BIG team win today's match?

Ball scores!

BIG has won!
They really tried hard!

What the...?

That shot hits the middle just now!

TV doesn't show it clearly.

Well done!

Exactly at 90 minutes into the game!

Did he hit it?

That's not according to the warning!

Why there's no expl*si*n?

Could the culprit make a mistake?

No! From the beginning isn't it just
a talk about having a b*mb?

I think that's due to the failure in
turning on the bulletin board.

Whatever, it's really lucky.

The only remaining question is
"who is the culprit?"

Already said I'm not him!

If that person is the culprit,
then he and the boy probably is...

Aye, uncle!

About the death of Tomofumi,
did anyone come asking you?

About that... It seems my wife has mentioned
there's someone who came to ask.

But who was that person?

Sure enough, that guy is the culprit.

But how that person ...?

That label of Tomofumi ...

The glue has torn off.

Seems on the edge of the envelope
there is some extra glue.

Ah, no good!

What's with you?

That man is the culprit!

That's it!
The time of expl*si*n hasn't arrived yet!



Is that Mouri Kogoro?

Could that be...?

Where are you now?

No matter what, you cannot find where I am.

What do you say?

This matter can only be done by the 11th striker!


The game is now finished.

The winning club this year is Kasiwarensoku.

Gosh! Just like this
it would to be too late!

Hey, hop on!

But, how could you ...?

Dr. Agasa has told us.

Going alone is really not friendly!

We certainly want to help you.


And anywhere you Conan are,
we can find you!

Right, Ai?

That's right.

Dr., Eastern Capital Stadium, quick!


Must hurry, Dr.
No time left!

I know. But why Eastern Capital Stadium?

That place is still under repairs.

It's where the first event started, and
that's where the final event would take place.

Ah, that's sister Ran and sister Sonoko.


I'm watching live television broadcast from there.

National Stadium lucky viewers!

Sister Ran, they are in the National Stadium.

Weird! Overthere it should be safe.

In contrast, right now the culprit must be...

You guys stay here and watch for
any suspicious person coming out.

I go to find out where the bombs were installed.

Sure, got it!

Uncle Kogoro that you wait for won't be here.

Only I come.

By the way, the nearby police will soon arrive.

Soon there will be a lot of cops.

I understand your little trick in the mailbox.

You delivered that card on the day of
the Eastern Capital Stadium's bombing

before calling uncle Kogoro.

You snap the card's top and bottom edges
into horizontal tracks inside the mail box.

Usual checking mail without
lowering one's head won't see it.

If there are other letters and people don't
look carefully, they also won't find it.

Then on that day, you pretended
to be a Spirits' fan and sent another letter.

That is also an oversize letter like
the one in the mailbox that didn't fall.

You need an envelope that's fixed at
both ends but can bent slightly in the middle.

So the mail man, in order
not to let the mail sticking out,

would push it all the way into the mailbox.

To make the card's top released from something,

you applied sticky glue to the envelope's ends.

In this way, it looks like
the card has just arrived

and it has moved to where people can see it.

So, it looks like the card has just
been delivered that day.

People would not know
the actual time the card was sent.

On the other hand,

such a timing later provides
a perfect alibi to the culprit.

Isn't it

being in police custody at the time
a perfect alibi,

Mr. Nakaoka Kazumasa, former
super striker of Haido High School?

Quite a clever rascal!

What's your name?

Conan Edogawa, a detective.

No one shows up.

Then, we should go and look for a b*mb!

That's right.
And the place is so big,

Together we'll find it faster.

No. The stadium is dangerous.
Wait until Conan comes back ...

Hey, guys!

Don't go, kids!

- Young Detective League, let's go!
- Aye!

Disaster! Stop them at once!

Dr., wait here.
Leave the kids to me!

Dr., if you see the culprit escape,
chase him.

Ignore any others.

Ah good.

So when did you know about Tomofumi?

How did you know I know Tomofumi?

You see you in a video shot by Mr. Motoura

where Mr. Nakaoka waving to Tomofumi.

You both must get acquainted
when you were a high school senior,

at the training boot camp
in Haido Park Stadium.

How did you know?

Mr. Nakaoka lives in Haido High School's
dormitory next to Haido Park.

I guess you are a boarder
because your home is in Gunma.

At the boot camp, Mr. Nakaoka
helped Tomofumi in training.

Just like Mr. Kazuyoshi had helped
training Mr. Nakaoka before.

Little friend, sh**t the ball.


Yes, I first met Tomofumi during
my senior year in high school

just like you say,
at a Haido Park boot camp.


Born with a frail body, Tomofumi could not
do strenuous physical activities.

He and I just did some simple exercises.

I and Tomofumi practiced together
until the end of that year's winter.

During that time I was entering
trials in high school.

I was determined to win a game
and celebrate with Tomofumi.

My friend, this is for you.

I hope you one day can play
a football game on the field.

Thank you.

But soon after that, Mr. Nakaoka was
injured in a motorcycle accident.

The relationship with Tomofumi ended.

Half a month after undergoing surgery,
there was no improvement.

I was always trying to run away.

Then, in June this year, I returned
to Haido Park after a long time.


Grade 4's Tomofumi has been
in the school's football team.

But due to his frailty, at a game
he just sits on the sideline cheering.

The coach told him next game he can
let him go out there and make a shot.

I and Tomofumi agreed
he must score in that game.

The agreement seems to be good.
Tomofumi scored in that game.

Seeing these, I thought of restarting over!


So you wanted to take revenge
against uncle Kogoro and the fans.

Where did you get the bombs?

From someone who knows
how to make them.

Those bombs were placed
in the Eastern Capital stadium.

But the 10th stadium
is not the National Stadium.

That is the Eastern Capital stadium.

National Stadium is just a false target.

That's why Sanada's shot
did not have any effect.

Avoiding the National Stadium
is in the design of Mr. Nakaoka.

On the other hand, Mr. Nakaoka acted
like an old member of Jri-ra group,

setting the bombs at Eastern Capital Stadium
to explode at 5:50pm.

If uncle Kogoro figured out the secret signal
and came, then both sides die together.

Is that the plan?

most watched time in Japan,

So you must set the time to be 5:50,
after the end of the game.

Ah, yes. After this game,
football career for me is over.

It means my life is also over from that moment.

Mr. Nakaoka said, a man
unable to withstand for 90 minutes

has no right to play football.
That is wrong.


Consider Tomofumi,
the sick boy barely able to play,

totally unqualified to play.

Instead of trying to stick for a long time,
isn't it better to give it all you could?

Like you, the kid knows that.

Indeed it is a real Jri-ra saying.

You do not know the real football!

If you want to find a way to increase your impacts,
there are a lot better places

So Mr. Nakaoka still doesn't understand something.

That is ...

Wow... that's great!

How about another stadium in the city?

See if you can find any.

Geez, no power!

Lier! You said Mouri Kogoro
and the fans wanted to save lives?

That must be a lie!

I didn't lie.
That is true, Mr. Nakaoka.

Stop making things up!

Stop it! You doing such things
makes Tomofumi sad.

Sorry, I can't turn back anymore!


It seems the expl*si*n has started.

We split up to work!

Hey, Genta, Ayumi, wait for me!

Bad! If people can't evacuate soon enough ...

Now there's only one way to stop the expl*si*n.

Look at the electronic bulletin board.

What to do now is
a test for the front line strikers.

From here on, every minute is precious.

And this last expl*si*n, when

the bombs planted at several places all explode,
that's the end.

Mouri Kogoro and those fans will die!

Uncle and those fans will die?

By the way, your reasoning has a big error.

That can't be!
Not in here?

Right. The stadium mentioned in the
threatening letter doesn't imply this one.

What happens doesn't involve
the bombing of Eastern Capital stadium.

So that is not the No. 10 Stadium

but the No. 11 Stadium.

The No. 10 Stadium is ...

National Stadium?

Thus... 35 minutes after the game
we can't search for bombs

so that the bombs at the
National Stadium can't be found.

Right. The bombs at National Stadium
are triggered from here with those in this bag.

I set the expl*si*n time at

Because the game sustained my life,

so my life should end with it.

Are there no problems, Mr. Mouri?

I am here to deal with the culprit.

Sure. I'll go to the video surveillance room,
you stay here.


Handsome Inami. You're great!
Inami, I love you, ha ha.

Who's calling now?

I hate it! Why hang up?

Ran, please pick up, quick!

Here is the voice mail ...

How come Ran...

Kid, forget it, OK?

You and I have nothing against each other.

Only the 11th striker could prevent the expl*si*n.

But now that has become impossible.

Only 2 minutes before revenge.
Tomofumi's spirit in heaven would be comforted.

Don't be kidding! Only because
your life dream was shattered,

you just use Tomofumi's death
as an excuse to hurt other peoples.


Just a coward easily giving up his life dream, and
arbitrarily deciding on other people's life and death!

What nonsense are you rascal saying?!

The rascal must be you!

You blame everything on other people's fault,

use lies to cover up your own errors,
truly an obstinate and unreasonable guy.

I don't understand. You destroy
Tomofumi's beloved game that is football!

Why pretend to be nice to Tomofumi?

You still don't understand,

do you, big brother?


How do you have that wrist guard?

That one, I gave to Tomofumi...
No, impossible!

Anyone can make mistake, so stop, big brother!

Tomofumi, did you say that was my fault?

I thought you were unwilling...
so I do the revenge for you.

But why, Tomofumi, that you blame me?

Mr. Nakaoka.

I can't stop it.
Tomofumi, run!



How could...

How could he quit?

The kid's impossible force!

Stop? Only I can prevent the expl*si*n!


Got it!

How come? Clearly I almost hit it.

Too bad, if I miss again...

What to do? At the beginning there's

And something blocks the way of the shot.

And I have no other ball!

What to do ?


Isn't that... Ayumi?

We come to save you.

Run! Bombs are going to explode!


Mitsuhiko! Genta!


All of you! Run fast!

Without a ball, no way to stop the bombs!

I have a ball!

The autographed ball!

Although I don't know what's going on,
but if this ball can stop the expl*si*n

then certainly that's worth it!

Can you use this ball?

Here the ball.
Catch it.

Ayumi, catch the ball, then pass to Conan.

I'm ready.

Here it goes!

Ah, stop, don't run!

Quick, pass it, Ayumi!

Pass it to Conan!

But it's too far. I can't pass it, what to do?

Don't worry, just try your best.

Use all your strength.

You guys ...

Here it comes, Conan.

What a...

Really, always something wrong
at the last moment!

- Haibara!
- Great!

Ai, please pass the ball to Conan!


Kudo, following everyone's ideas
I pass this to you.

Catch it.

You guys are great, everyone!

What? What are these kids' doing?

They think doing so can stop the expl*si*n!

Quick! No more time!

No way! Not even a minute left!

Remember, the rule of the shot.

At the football training session,
Mr. Endo taught the swing shot.

I can do it!

Imagine the ball trajectory.

Calibrate the kick

and feel the level of friction at contact.

Then sh**t!


No! sh**t like that won't make it!


Fly back!

How's it...?

Very well done!

Really a wonderful shot!

The 11th striker. That's you,
Conan Edogawa!

Want to tell you what I wanted to say that day
伝えたくて届けたくて あの日の君へ

For someday we'll say goodbye, even with a heavy heart
いつの日かのさよならさえも 胸にしまって

Squinting eyes look at the blue sky,
inadvertently raising the hands.

Wind filled with fragrance gently blows past
to announce a new season.

Suddenly a whistle blows, that seems able to change
wind's direction, but only causes you a little tear!

Tomorrow is a little spooky. I murmured something
by myself, and can't help staring at your profile.

Want to tell you what I wanted to say that day

For someday we'll say goodbye, even with a heavy heart

One day we will become adults and meet again.

With you here, we agree
to smile just to smile.

To clench our palms,
To radiate without loosening them.

Not knowing tomorrow we'll stop breathing
and fade away into the high sky.

We move in the dark, probing around,
until seeing a glimmer of light, and recognition.

Words are hard to find,
our only choice is the word "hope"

In here we can't leave,
and can't communicate.

Whenever we look up to the blue sky

That day we rekindle the remnants
of the dream left in our hearts.

So pray for you here with the usual smile.

I finally understand what you said to me, as if
counting the falling stars at beginning of the night.

Shapeless thoughts now and then radiated from you.
We both go to our agreed upon place.

Want to tell you what I wanted to say that day

For someday we'll say goodbye, even with a heavy heart

One day we will become adults and meet again

With you here, we agree
to smile just to smile.

I couldn't believe there were bombs
in the stadium when we were there!

Oh, that's right!

By the way, how about that one?


That one, in junior high,
Shinichi has shot just like that.

The overhead shot.

Sister Ran.

I see white!

I hate Conan!

Hard to believe!

The little demon!


True color.

Ah, that!



Right! Must not high kick!
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