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02x10 - Burke's Seven

Posted: 01/20/11 05:50
by bunniefuu
I have something very intriguing for you.

Fowler bought the expl*sives that blew up Kate's plane.

Two parts. Two-part code?

I don't know if he's interested in the music box.

I think he just wants to find Fowler.

Whatever you think happ... Tell me why you k*lled Kate!

I don't know who the guy is pulling these strings, but I had finally gotten a meeting with the intermediary.

Julian Larssen.

We trained together in Special Forces.

Get two lines in.


We need to go.

He's in a medically induced coma.

There's nothing you can do for him here.

But there's something you can do out there.

Come on.

Our suspect.

His name is Julian Larssen.

This is who sh*t Moz?

We think so.

And, according to Fowler, he's the right hand behind whoever's manipulating you...

Kate, the music box, everything.

Where is he now?

He's gone to ground.

If he's smart, he'll leave town, and we need to make sure that doesn't happen.

How'd you stay ahead of me when I was after you?

And don't say good looks and charm.

Aliases. I had several.

I kept burning them.

And I kept making new ones.

But this passport... I recognize the work.

It's a forger out of Belgium.

Larssen doesn't forge his own I.D.s.

It's not easy.

You need specialized equipment, ink, paper.

If we burn all of his aliases, he'll have to have new papers made by someone here in the city. Exactly.

I'll work up a list of all of Larssen's aliases and start shutting 'em down, put him on every watch list until he has no way out of New York.

All right, I'll talk to the forger community to make sure he can't buy another one.


What if we let him buy one, one that we pick?

Julian Larssen worked intelligence in Special Forces.

You served with him.

We need to find any aliases he might be operating under.

Jones, put him in holding till I finish with this guy.

Larssen's a regular at your bar.

What name does he use there?

Uh, I can't remember. And keep in mind that I know about your expired liquor license.


Forget it, Caffrey.

The only thing you ever bring is trouble.

This isn't about me.

Diana, how's it going?

We've b*rned Larssen's Kyle Albertson alias.

Good. I've got another name to add to the list...

Brian Blitek.

On it.

All right, I think that's everyone.

Thank you all for coming.

What's this about, Caffrey?

The man in this photo is going to come to you looking for a new identity.

When he does, I want you to make him the best I.D. that you can.

What's the angle?

I'm gonna tell you what name to give him...

Justin Springer.

Come on, Caffrey.

It's bad for business.

It's not for me.

It's for Mozzie.

Is this the guy who...? Yeah.

You want New York I.D. or out-of-state?

Don't pull it out, buddy. Don't pull it out.


They did it.

They finally got me.

What happened?

The b*llet missed your heart by two millimeters.

That's because I don't have a heart.

Oh, well, look at the bright side.

You're not dead.

I know. It's worse.

I'm in the system.

Not exactly.

"Ivan Bliminse"?

Invisible man?

That's apropos.

Look, I hate to ask you this, Moz.

But I need to I.D. your sh**t.

Can you...?

I can't.


We can do it later.

I can't remember.

It's okay.

We're gonna find him.


Diana's taken out the last of Larssen's aliases.

How's your end?

Mozzie's awake.

That's great.

How's he doing?

He quoted Nietzsche to a nurse. He's gonna be okay.


Neal, can he I.D. Larssen?

No. No, he doesn't remember.

All right. Well, we've hit Larssen hard.

It's his move.

You're coming after me now?

I'm not after you.

Tell me why you sh*t my friend.

Your FBI friends are making it very hard for me to leave the city.

I'd like you to change that.

You want me to help you?

I want to make a deal.

There's nothing you could offer me.

I was hired to k*ll your friend.

What if I deliver you the man behind the curtain?

Not even that.

I guess you'll never know who ordered the sh**ting...

Or who k*lled Kate.


He's more desperate than I thought.

He sh*t your best friend.

What could he possibly offer you?

Larssen sh*t Mozzie on orders.

He's offering me the man who gave the order.

Wait, is this the same man who's responsible for Kate's death?


You make that deal, a k*ller walks free.

Neal, you can find your revenge in the justice.

It's there. I know.

You're not listening to me.

You are listening to me.

That's why I'm here.

This time... we do it your way.

No. Come on, Peter.

No. They have this whole...

No. No, the FBI is not gonna pay for your combat training.

Think about what I could do for you guys if I knew how to fight.

No, I'd rather not.

New York is safer if Neal Caffrey is lacking in at least one skill set.

Okay, what about self-preservation?

No, you've done pretty well with the whole running-away thing.

It suits you. Get a dog.

Can I borrow Satchmo? No, you can't borrow Satchmo.

Did you take my mug?

I think everyone knows not to touch your mug.

Elizabeth gave it to me. I need my coffee.

Boss, guess who just booked a flight to Samoa a week from Tuesday?

Justin Springer, one-way ticket.

Got you, Larssen.

Your forgers did well. They did.

Where is he now?

Tracked him to an apartment in Queens.

Search warrant?

Judge is putting it through now.

Excellent. We'll get coffee on the way.


FBI! Put your hands in the air!

You could have knocked.

Julian Larssen, you're under arrest for m*rder and attempted m*rder.

Get him out of here.

So what now?

We tear this place apart.

I want to find evidence directly linking Larssen to the sh**t.

I want to nail this son of a bitch.


Check that plant.

Bet ballistics finds a match.

It's nice to see you're recovering, bud.

Doctor says you'll be out of the wheelchair in the next couple days.

It builds something. What does?

The code inside the music box.

It's an equation that builds something.

We don't need to talk about this right now.

I was sh*t for that code!

Now that Larssen took my notebook, they have the equation, too.

I'll be damned if they're gonna build it before I do!

All right, you need to rest.

I'll rest when this is done.

When this is finished, I'm retired.

Okay, you know, deathbed epiphanies aren't your style.

If this is about not being able to remember, Moz...

It has nothing to do with that.

I betrayed everything I believe in.

What are you talking about?

I narc'ed!

I was the one who told the suit you were going after Fowler!

I was serious.

The reason the b*llet missed my heart is because I don't have one!

You told Peter?

I'm a Judas, a turncoat, a quisling!

Thank you. I...

If you hadn't, Moz...

I might have k*lled Fowler.

And Fowler didn't k*ll Kate.

He didn't?

Then who did?

The guy Larssen's working for...

I think.

So what does this coded equation build?

I have no idea.


How long have they been in there?

A long time.

Something's not right.

You offered Caffrey a deal.

He doesn't make deals around here.

I do.

Now, you're a g*n for hire, a b*llet aimed at a target.

I want to know the man who's pulling the trigger.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm innocent. Mm-hmm.

Burke. A moment?

Did we get the ballistics?

The inside of the barrel was filed down.

We couldn't make a match.

He's hiding his trail. What about prints?

The outside of the g*n was wiped down.

Agent Roe.

What's Department of Justice doing here?

Forensics found a single print inside the w*apon.

It was yours, agent Burke.

That's impossible.

The print was found inside the slide.

The only way it could have gotten there was if you assembled the g*n.

This is absurd. Agent Burke, you're hereby on leave until this investigation is completed.

Peter, your g*n and your badge.

What about Larssen?

We can't hold him.

Uncuff him.

You... you can't let him walk out of here.

Stay out of it, Caffrey. Uncuff him.

I'll send you a bill for my door.

Agent Burke...

You have to leave the building, as well.

Boss? What happened?

Larssen destroyed me.

No, we have to give them everything they ask for.

What do you got there?

Oh, Mozzie's care package, per his specific request.

We've got gluten-free brownies and bendy straws.

He's definitely feeling better.

Straws, though?

We'll get through this.

I know.

That was Diana.

Department of Justice has pulled all my files.

That was fast.

Evidence tampering...

Doesn't get any worse than that.

Every case I've closed will be brought into question.

Maybe I'll get my anklet off sooner than I thought.

You might.

How the hell did Larssen plant my print?

He could've used a photo-etched metal master of the print and used it to cast a latex positive.

Okay, let me rephrase that question...

Where the hell did Larssen get my fingerprints?

He didn't get it out of your personnel file.

The print on the g*n has detail outside the print on file.

Did he get it from a door knob?

No, too many other people touch it.

He'd need a clean print, preferably off a hard surface.


My mug.

It disappeared.

You think Larssen's brazen enough to walk into the FBI?

If he was, we've got him on camera.

I think I got something.

This is the elevator lobby from two nights ago.

Is that Caffrey?

No, wait a second.

He doesn't walk like Caffrey.

You don't think that's Larssen, do you?

Try camera "b."

Does he go into Peter's office?

Zoom in. There.

That's the mug.

Hold on, hold on.

Go back 10 seconds on "b."

I can't get a clear sh*t of his face.

He's playing the camera angles with the hat.

Yeah, but look behind him.

Look at the glow on Peter's desk.

Desktop monitor.

That wasn't on before he entered.

He was on Peter's computer.


Look, I know you and Peter have been up to something, and I've been patient.

I just need to know what the hell is going on.

Peter should be the one to tell you.

Catch yourself cheating yet?

I tried, but my opponent's always one step ahead of me.

Imagine that.

Look familiar?

It's Larssen.

How'd he get past security?

He used a maintenance pass.

The guys at the booth are used to seeing a guy wearing a hat walk into my office.

He got onto my computer when he was there.

What'd he do?

Well, he erased all history of being there.

Fortunately, I keep a secret keylogger on my computer.

I have never appreciated your distrust of me more.

Larssen logged in and erased something from his own file.

There's a copy of his most recent file, and there's a copy of a file days ago.

He erased the name Frederick Bilal?

He's a Nigerian prince I thought those only existed in spam e-mail.

Bilal likes to race horses internationally.

He owns a number of shipping companies, and he handles a lot of import and export out of New York Harbor.

Where can we find his royal highness?

He spends his days at the Rodgers Yacht Club.

Rodgers is pretty tough to get into.

Yeah. I can't flash my badge anymore.

You don't need one.

I'll go in as an upper-crust spoiled elite.

I'll make a scene, then you come in, and you're pissed at me because...

The only options aren't the law or the con, Neal.

Hey, it's Peter.

I'm calling in a favor.

You get the plan, Peter.

I do. I do.


Sorry, sir. Members only.

They're with me.

Sara Ellis, Sterling Bosch Insurance.

Hi, Sara. Hi, Peter.

Neal. It's been a while.

Nice to see you fully clothed.

Love the hat.

So...You're a member?

My company insures a number of yachts here.

Thanks for the assist. I owe you one.

That's our guy.

Prince Bilal.

A prince, huh? I've been a prince.

When was that? Yeah, when was that?

You want me to talk to him?

Why you?

'Cause of your situation?

What's wrong?

You make it sound like I'm dying.

Things are complicated at the FBI.

But I don't need a badge to do good detective work.

All right, then what's your in?

He likes horses.

Keep an eye on his boat.

He's like superman without his powers.

How you doing? Good.

Turn on the horse races, will you?

Channel 12. Yes. Sir.


Puddle of money cost me 100 grand last time he ran.

Oh, that's what you get for betting the chalk.

Puddle will always fail to fire on the home turn.

A racing enthusiast! Yeah.

Thank God.

Everyone here just wants to talk sailing.

Well, Clark Kent seems to be doing pretty well for himself.

What now, boy wonder?

You're mixing your superheroes.

Oh, God. And you're working guard duty.

"Keep an eye on something" is code between me and Peter, okay?

It means do some digging, see what I can find.

Does Peter know that's what it means?

So your company ships around the world?

We do.

Give me some advice.

I have a couple horses I want to race internationally, but the mandatory quarantine period is k*lling my profits.

Any way around that?

What you're suggesting is illegal.

So is giving you an inside track on whether one of my jockeys is gonna be dragging the reins in an upcoming race.

I'll check the logbook tonight.

I appreciate that.

Mm! Okay, here we go! Here we go!

Mm-hmm! And they're off!

Come on!

Come on, come on!

Is that the captain of Bilal's yacht?

Yeah. What are you thinking?

Who's the owner of this club?

Frank Wellington.

Does he come out here often?

Rarely. I take it that's who you'll be?

Only if you'll be my Mrs. Wellington.

All right.

Your wallet, please.

Marriage is based on trust.

Trust that I have my baton, and I really do love to hit people with it.


50 bucks if you pop by and give this to that lady in the blue dress right there.

Say hi.

You gave him my wallet?

Oh, he'll give it back.

Probably. Follow my lead.

This the yacht?

It is. Isn't it it perfect?


Excuse me. Are you the captain?

I am.

I'm afraid we're unavailable for charter till early November.

Oh, no. My lovely wife, she's... She's dead set on this boat.

Could we get a tour?
Excuse me, Mrs. Wellington.

You dropped this.

Oh. Thank you so much.

She does have her moments.

Give him a $50, will you, sweetheart?

As a thank you.

Of course. Thank you.

Thank you, ma'am.

You're Mr. Wellington?

You caught me. Call me Frank.

I've met Frank Wellington.

Oh, I'm sure you have. I'm his son.

Just call him "Junior." Everybody does.

Honey, what should we do now?

Maybe I can convince someone to give us their reservation.

Who's taking her out next?

I'm sure I know one or two of the names in your logbook.

You know, I would love to just ask you a couple questions over here.

May I? First of all, how much do you think it would cost... I know this is silly... but to paint the whole thing pink?

Wow. Um, you know, I'm not sure.

Let me check on that, and I'll get back to you.

Wonderful. Thank you so much.

He bit on the horse races? He did.

Peter Burke... cowboy.

Why does that make so much sense?

I grew up in upstate. Lots of horses.

You pick up a thing or two.

Sara, thanks for your help.

Yeah. Thanks for the shotgun marriage.


You want the good news?


According to the log, every time Larssen came to New York, someone named Brian Blitek rented his yacht.

That's one of Larssen's aliases.

Larssen comes to town, smuggles something, then leaves.

Something important enough to break into the FBI to hide.

What's the next step?

Normally, I'd get a search warrant on the docks, do a wiretap and surveillance on Larssen and Bilal, and catch them red-handed smuggling whatever it is they smuggle.

What if we get someone else to arrest him?

What do you mean?

We can do all the things you mentioned.

We'll just do it my way.

A con.

Nothing illegal, but if we... All right.

Just hear me out.

I saw what you did there.

If it means bringing Larssen down, I'm in.

Nothing illegal.

No. How do we do it?

First, you'll need to form a crew.

Burke's crew?

Welcome to the other side.

Thanks, Peter.

Oh, I'm fine.

You're gonna need it.

Thanks for coming, Jones.

Of course.

I don't know why you kept me out of the loop in the first place.

To protect you.

To protect me?

From who?

Julian Larssen has hurt a lot of people in my life, and now Peter could lose his job, and every case he's solved could be in jeopardy.

Well, why didn't Peter just tell me?

Well, he's not a complainer.

Okay, what is this about?

A music box?

Open it up, it plays a little tune.

Ballerina goes around on top?

Something like that.

This one's a little more special.

It damn well better be.

It belonged to Catherine the Great.

I thought you stole it.

So did a lot of people.

It's worth a lot of money, isn't it? Yeah.

But more importantly, it contains a code.

A code to what?

We don't know yet.

Mozzie's working on it. Mozzie?

We need to figure it out before they do.

Who's "they"?

Larssen's working for someone, someone very powerful and very connected.

Clinton, what I'm asking you to do isn't sanctioned by the Bureau, and it's very dangerous.

You can walk away right now, no questions asked.

I'm on your team, Peter.

I'll back your play.

Anything to get out of that van.

So you need me to help you take down Larssen?

You don't have to go anywhere near this.

Our FBI access has been cut off.

We... we need some equipment.

Oh, so it's just my equipment you need to take down a m*rder*r and save Peter's career.


And...I'll owe you one.

My equipment goes where I go.

Does that mean you're in?

Now, what kind of wife doesn't support her husband?

I'm in, Junior.

Retired. Out of the business.

Mozzie, I am not here to recruit you.

I am just here to give you your care package.

Oh! Excellent!

You know, they do wash the glasses here.

Oh, yeah.

Next you'll tell me that Paul McCartney wasn't replaced by a lookalike in 1966.

How do they plan on catching Larssen?

Oh, they'll figure it out.

Honey, you need your rest.

And, hey, you, uh, you might actually like retirement.


Why are you helping us?

I like having Neal Caffrey owe me one.

You're fun to work with.

I like getting inside your head.

So I'm research?

Something like that.

From Larssen's interrogation, there are 99 words that you can use.

If you stick to these, the computer converts them to Larssen's voice.

Not over the phone.

Too dangerous.

Not over the phone.

Too dangerous.

Oh. Watch your sibilance.

Easy on the S's.


Too dangerous.

Too dangerous.

Much better.

I owe you one.


Do you want to prank-call Peter?

Absolutely. Okay.

Right now. Let's do it.

The little guy's not coming?

I sent my best operative to get him.

I know you're all surprised to see me.

Not one of you is surprised to see me.


Nicely played, Mrs. Suit.

Good luck with your little con.

It's not a con!

Well, technically, it is a con.

It's a sting.

Yeah, but a sting's another word for...

Okay, let's start the sting.

Let me start by saying we have limited resources and no other backup.

The six of us are all we have.

The Burke Six. I like it.

I appreciate you guys being here.

All right, here's the deal...

Larssen is using our Prince Bilal as a smuggler.

We're gonna spook Bilal into contacting Larssen.

And Larssen is going to tell Bilal to make the delivery to us.

How's that?

Oh, I'm glad you asked.

Every day, Bilal takes a regular route from his apartment to the yacht club.

Diana, you're gonna flash your badge and scare him into making a call to Larssen.

I can scare him. I know.

You're gonna do it in front of this phone booth.

Jones, you'll install a transmitter which will reroute any call that he makes to us.

Yeah, but nobody uses pay phones in New York anymore.


Mozzie, do you still have your cellphone scrambler?

Russian surplus with a two-block radius.

But it's cumbersome.

Plus, it needs to be hidden in something that's motorized with a power source.

That's where I come in.

Very good, ironside.

Thank you.

We knock out his cell, force him to make the call on our pay phone.

He's gonna know it's not Larssen on the other end.

That's where Sara comes in.

We're using her voice-modulation software.

Oh, that stuff never works.

Well, the software that's legal in the U.S. doesn't.

Oh. A lady who colors outside the lines.

Once we catch Bilal smuggling red-handed, we flip him on Larssen.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

A true con gets you everything you want.

Suit, once this is all finished, we may have Larssen, but you're still framed for planting the g*n.

One con at a time.

Sara, you ready to go? Yep.

Neal, remember... only the words on the board.

All right.

I have eyes on Bilal.

Right on time.

Okay. Get out of there.

I'm out.

Diana, Mozzie, you're up.

Frederick Bilal?

Diana Berrigan, FBI.

I'm interested in your yacht.

I don't think you can afford it.

Then how about I confiscate it instead?

All right, Mozzie, now.

Weigh both options. That's the only thing.

Houston, we have a problem.

His call is redirecting here.

You need to talk him off the phone.

All right. Hello?

I must have dialed the wrong number.

Your turn.

Lose him.

Hey, man.

I think he's expecting a woman.

We have reason to believe your docking logs aren't quite in order.

Then you'll have to take that up with my lawyer.

I was thinking about taking it up with Brian Blitek.

Or should I say Julian Larssen?

Hand me that. I'll dump him.

No, you're not.


Angela, is that you, sweetie?

Honey, I can hardly hear you. Can you call me back later?

We can't leave our conversation the way we did.

Okay, honey, this is what I want you to do.

I want you to go, and I want you to buy me some flowers.

You know the ones I love.

When you walk through the door, I want you to kiss me.

Then you're gonna sweep me off my feet, and you're gonna make love to me.

Can you do that?

Uh...Yeah, I can.

Good. I'm gonna pretend this conversation never happened, and so are you.

Now get off the phone and go.

Now it's the Burke Seven.

I told you, you have no proof.

For now. But we'll find some soon.

Have a nice day.

Spare some change?

Come on. Look around.

Oh, you're a true samaritan, sir.

Ah. Told you.

New Yorkers don't carry change anymore.

All right, Neal, you're up.

Watch your S's.

All right.

What? What?

Julian, we must talk.

Why? Why?

The FBI just paid me a visit.

They're looking into your shipment.

Not over the phone. Not over the phone.

Too dangerous. Too dangerous.

No, I'm going to get rid of it.

No! No!

I will pay you... I will pay you...



Yes. Yes.

We're going to need a new rendezvous for the exchange.

4268 Fifth Avenue. 4268 Fifth Avenue.

Now. Now.

Let's hope that worked.


Not quite.

Guess you were expecting someone else.

sh**t this man. Hey again.

Over there.


Told you you shouldn't bet the chalk.

Let's see what's so important to Larssen's boss.

Cuff yourselves together on the banister.


It's China...

From the '30s or '40s.

This looks like the contents of someone's house.

What's so valuable about this stuff?

I don't know. I never look in the crates.

Definitely the '40s.

The FBI won't leave me alone.

They're looking for your crate, and they're closing in.

And where is the crate now?

I got it to a safehouse before they could find it.

I'm giving you half an hour to move it, or I'm delivering it to the FBI myself and cutting a deal.

Calm down. Don't do anything stupid.

This agent Burke won't leave me alone!

Peter Burke?

Are you sure?

Yes, positive.


You text me the address, and I'll meet you there immediately.

I know how to solve this.

He's meeting me there.

Sara, you're up.

Excuse me.

I need to speak with the D.O.J. agent in charge of the Burke case.

Uh, that'd be agent Roe.

Agent Roe!

Hi. Sara Ellis.

I'm an insurance investigator with Sterling Bosch.

What can I do for you, miss Ellis?

Well, I just got a call from my client, and he's being harassed by agent Peter Burke.

I'd like to file a complaint.

Burke? You're sure about this?

Burke's there right now, if you'd like to go see for yourself.

Yeah, let's go.

Still think this is a witch hunt?

I guess we'll find out.


What the hell is going on here?

Peter needs our help.

What are you doing?

Latex fingerprints for agent Peter Burke.

They find Burke's prints all over the g*ns.

That's right.

He planted evidence against me...


Hands in the air!

I said in the air! Now!

What's that on his hands?

Jones, check his hands.

Latex fingerprints.

I'll bet they match Burke's.

Let's get the fingerprints into evidence.

Can we get a little farther away?

My nose isn't bleeding yet.

Close enough.

How's it going?

We're about to find out.

There it is.

That there is a sight.

No. No, no, no.

He's got Roe's g*n.

All right, where's the car?

Two blocks in the wrong direction.

Officer, I need to borrow your horse.

FBI. We're in pursuit of a fugitive.


Go get him, boss.

Would you look at that?

It's all right. It's all right.

You got him.

Nice riding, Butch.

Thanks, Sundance.


Larssen's got a hard face.

Oh, it felt good, though, didn't it? Hell, yes, it did.

Before you get your badge back, there is a seven-man con that I have been meaning to...

No. The Burke Seven is hereby disbanded.

We made a good team.

Oh, come on. Admit it... You enjoyed yourself.

A good con never admits to anything.

Oh. You taught me that.

I'm gonna call Moz, give him the good news.

Hey, Moz, we got Larssen.


I will see your accomplishment and raise you one.

I built our equation.


You need to come see this.

Thank you, ma'am. Yes, sir.

Any idea why Larssen was so intent on shipping n*zi dinnerware?

Not really. No.

Larssen's not talking, but it's clearly important to whoever he's working for.

Where was it going?


Which isn't exactly in the FBI's jurisdiction.

It's in mine.

Sterling Bosch has a few clients in South America, and I have vacation days coming up.

Are you offering to go to Argentina?

Could be dangerous.

Could be fun.

Tell Junior I'll send him a postcard.


We got you a welcome-back gift.

A new mug. Look at that.

Oh, that's good.

Almost as good as what Hughes got me.

It's great to have you back, boss.


So, what'd you want to show me?


Only this time, it doesn't end with you walking out a free man.

What's your offer?

Excuse me?

I'm the b*llet, remember?

You want the man pulling the trigger.

Offer's expired.

This is what the music box encoded.

Now, I know bendy straws aren't the most elegant medium, but they make the point.

It's a fractal design.

Fractals are used in, like, everything from predicting natural disasters to metallurgy.

There's one in your cellphone.

Moz, I've seen something like this before.

I know who's behind everything.

The only deal I'll make is to protect you from him.

Get him out.

His name is Vincent Adler.

We both know who he is, Moz.

He's the man who made me who I am today.