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20x04 - Discovery - Part 2

Posted: 02/16/24 16:53
by bunniefuu
He's confident, careful and forensically aware.

I'd be very surprised if he hadn't k*lled before.

Your finger prints are all over these screwdrivers.

You want to tell me what the angled tips are about? No idea.

This is corn-starch found on their victim, Tina Lunt.

And Clarissa's just retrieved corn-starch powder from Lucy Chatham's turbinates.

We're working the same case.

If she wants to play happy families with a junkie, that's her prerogative.

SHE CRIES OU When you turned the alarm off, was Alec's Land Rover outside? You're getting in a state about nothing.

- Was it parked outside? Which night did you stay at the guesthouse? Why are you asking? HE CRIES OUT

Massive trauma to the torso.

Trauma to the face.

Tyre tread marks on his clothing.

And in the blood.

If this is the same k*ller, he's learning fast.

How do you mean? He hit Lucy with his car, but she survived.

Multiple impact - he left nothing to chance.

So much for Beale being your prime suspect.

Just because someone's k*lled him doesn't mean he didn't k*ll Tina.

Wasn't a chance robbery.

There's a couple of hundred quid in here.

Which leaves what - pre-arranged meeting? With Wesley Beale doing the arranging.

Says who? Well, he lives less than a mile away.

No CCTV, no prying eyes.

Feels like his call.

If it's his choice of venue, why's he the one that's dead? Someone he under-estimated? Wolf in sheep's clothing? VEHICLE APPROACHING OUTSIDE What are you doing in here? How did you get in? Set of keys in your coat.

What coat? The one you keep in the guesthouse.

Mum was going to chuck all your stuff out.

I thought you might want it.


I think I know what Mum's worried about.

That the police will find out you used to be Brett Porter.

Mum was acting so weird, I decided to get some answers for myself.

Jessie I've read all the articles.

Only one thing I don't get.

You were found innocent - so why did you change your name? Jack.


Remember what that girl said? Jessica Timpson? Big bloke watching her from a black Fiesta.


We can get her to confirm easily enough.

So what was Hounslow Wesley doing in leafy Surrey? Getting petrol, for one.

Dated yesterday morning.

A service station in Surrey.

Isn't that near where Lucy was run down? Yeah.

And Alice and Jasper's flat.

So, we've got a dead bloke with form for dealing and a suspect with form for possession and as*ault.

Even if Beale was Jasper's supplier, why would Jasper k*ll Beale? He ripped him off? A bad batch? Any number of reasons.

I'm still not seeing a motive.

Beale's record includes blackmail, yeah? Maybe he tries to shake Jasper down cos he knows he's got something to do with Lucy's m*rder? We know there is a link between Lucy and Tina's murders.

We know Beale was in both locales very recently and we know he's in the drug business.

We need to talk to Jasper.

The police did everything they could to pin it on me.

The jury saw through it.

Well, they must've had something else for you to be their main suspect? I'd picked up a conviction two years earlier.

For, um, unlawful sex.

It was all consensual, completely consensual, but .


she was 15.

Jess, I know, I know.

But I I I was a different person back then.


I had half-a-dozen bars in Brighton and the girls were just on tap.

Shame you had to pick one that was 15(!) It was a mistake.

ONE mistake.


She didn't even want to press charges.

It was all down to her parents and the police and Ellie's right, though about the missing girl.

With all the police crawling around, they might find out I use the guesthouse.

So? So! If they do, it's best they don't know I stayed there on Friday night and only you know that I did.

You want me to lie?! The police are always looking for another sh*t at me.

Do you recognise the service station, Jasper? It's down the road from my flat.

What about the bloke filling up? You recognise him? Forgive me for asking.

What is it? Six, seven counts of possession you've clocked up over the years? Go on.

Indulge me.

One last look.

Maybe you remember him more like this? HE GROANS We know from Lucy that you blow up when things don't go your way.

Is that what happened to Beale? I don't know Beale! Did he think you were some sad, posh junkie that he could just push around? Did you put him straight on that score? Are you listening to me?! OK, OK.

You say you don't know him, I believe you.

Where were you this evening, say, from 8pm onwards? I've been at home all night with Alice.

That's not what SHE says.

She says you didn't get home until 11.

So, who's lying? You left here under a bit of a cloud, didn't you? Alice didn't want you in the same car as her, let alone the same house.

So where did you go, Jasper? Jesus That's it Get it off your chest.

I went out to score.

All that sh*t you put me through, I needed a fix.

But my dealer is not Wesley Beale.

And where does he reside, YOUR dealer? Brentford.

42, Pixley Road.

You lot have got cameras up and down that street, for all the good it does you.

So, unless I snuck out the back, hightailed it over to this, what Industrial estate? Ran this poor chap over - not forgetting I don't have my car - before quietly sneaking back I think you'd better order me a cab.


Sorry it's late.

Can you process that for me? Sure.

Huh! What's it's, er, provenance? Bit unusual.

OK It was dumped by a girl only tangentially involved in the case.


If you just find one set of prints, one set of female DNA, then no further action required.

I see.

Getting soft in your old age? SHUTTER CLANKS SHUTTER CLANKS AND WHIRS Where've you been? Visiting a patient.

But you weren't on call tonight? Clive Jones.

He seems to distrust the younger doctors.

And, it must be said, they're not crazy about him.

What's that car you're driving? I told you.

Garage lent it to me.

While they're fixing the VW.

Mm, right.

What's wrong with it? The petrol gauge is playing up.

Says "empty" when it's full.

I asked Jess, point blank, which night she saw Alec at the guesthouse.

She said it was Thursday.

And? And I know her well enough to know when she's lying.

Not this again And I remember her being around on Thursday night.

What are you saying? That he got her to lie? I think they've seen each other.

Well, they've always been close.

At the very least, they've spoken.

Why are you torturing yourself? If he was here Friday, that means he left Saturday morning.

And that's when Lucy Chatham So, we're back to that again? Ellie, you're worrying about nothing.

Am I? How do you know? ON VIDEO: 'That trust.

That love.

'I think you mean total, undiluted dependence.


'I know love when I see it.

'God, you're such a softie! 'If we stopped feeding her and the neighbours stepped in, 'they'd get that look.

That's just cynical 'What're you saying? 'Our kids never love us? 'It's never real? 'What crap is Mummy spouting? 'Let me translate.

'"I love my Dad.

'"He's the greatest.

' "He can do no wrong.

" 'What about Mum?! ' "On the fence about Mum.

" ' "On the fence"! 'Hello.

'Say "hello" to the camera.

'Look at you! Lovely girl! 'Yay!' BEEPING STEEMSON: 'Obviously, the discovery of Lucy's body is a devastating blow 'to the family, but from an investigative angle, 'we now have a wealth of new evidence to work with.

'The net is closing in on this man, make no mistake' Someone have a nightcap? I had a couple after you went to bed.

"Couple" (!) Shouldn't it be me hitting the bottle? What is it? Nick? I've had a lot of patients die recently.

Mostly of old age, no great surprises, but .


people who meant a lot to me I'm so proud of you.

Is there anything else? This girl going missing, it's stirred up memories for me, too.

What Alec went through when we were young the trauma, the after-effects .


we all weathered that storm, me included.

I've always thought you didn't like Alec.

Back in the day, not much.

Not sure he liked me much, either.

Thought I was trying to cramp his sister's style.

That's not true.

But I like the man he grew into.

I like Alec.

That's what matters, isn't it? Who we are today? In the here and now? Who'd like their younger self if they met them in the street? I was a stuffy old git when I was young.

If I hadn't met you.

I would've stayed one.


'Dr Timpson? 'Ali from the garage here.

' Ali, hi 'Well, your car's ready, all fixed.

' Right.


'We can drop that off later 'and we'll pop the keys through the letterbox if no-one's there.

' No, no, I'll come and collect it.

'It's no bother.

' I'll come and collect it now, thank you.

I found two sets of prints and DNA on the hash pipe and the clingfilm.

What hash pipe? This one.

I saw Jessica Timpson get rid of a carrier bag in a bin just down the road from her house.

She's the daughter of the guy whose car alarm went off.

Yeah, I know who she is.

I didn't want to take any action unless it related to the case.

That's my call, not yours.

One set of prints scored a match with a Brett Porter.

Prime suspect in the r*pe and m*rder of Leah Tyler in Brighton in '96 - he now goes by the name of Alec Porter.

Name change.

Never a good sign 17-year-old Leah was walking home when she was r*ped, bludgeoned and strangled near Porter's house.

Local offie recalled Porter coming in for cigarettes at 3am.

Right when the pathologist believed that Leah was k*lled.

When police got wind of his unlawful sex conviction, and their interest doubled.

But he didn't go down for it? But swathes of the public still thought he did it.

Pretty clear the police did, too.

Porter's prints showing up could be just a coincidence.

She's young, blonde and pretty - just like Lucy.

And she suffered blunt force trauma to the head.

Porter's vehicle's registered in Brighton, but he's no stranger to Surrey.

Last year, he got three points going through a camera on the A34.

A34, that's, what, half a mile from Lucy's front door? Hang on, still leaves Tina Lunt.

Maybe she was a witness? I know - well, I KNEW - the pathologist on the Leah Tyler m*rder.

Mike Liston.

But? He's in Esher Open Prison.

Got caught falsifying path reports, casting doubt on all his previous cases.

Including Leah Tyler's? Are you up for speaking to him? It might speed things up? Just sign some paperwork for us.

I got my own.


Couldn't hold the page down for me, could you? Oh, sure.


Good as new.

You'd never know anything ever happened.



Where's the key? Oh.

You don't mind me asking how the air bag went off? What? I've no idea.

Some kind of malfunction.

That can happen, but we'd usually see it when we strip it out.

OK? There was nothing wrong with your air bag.

Thanks so much, Ali.

Key, please.

Everything all right, Dr Timpson? Fine.

Lots of patients to see.


Here you go, Dr Alexander.


Mike! You have a visitor.

Oh Thanks.

Hi, Mike.

Thanks for seeing me.

Sit down.

I, er I was going to just read the path report, but, um You thought it might have been one of ones I doctored? Well, it wasn't.

CHATTER Hello, Jessica.

Hi Do you know an Alec Porter? Um He's my uncle.

He tore off her skirt and underwear, and probably r*ped her.

"Probably"? There was evidence of recent sexual activity and the presence of semen.

But as you know, r*pe is, er, notoriously hard to prove.

What about cause of death? Well, I called that wrong to start with.

At the scene, I assumed the cause of death was blunt force trauma to the skull Think I might've thought the same Yeah, well, I found a Yorkstone brick in the undergrowth which matched the yellow brick dust in Leah's wounds The brick itself came from a pallet on Porter's front drive - he was having his house extended.

Another black mark against him? Big one.

Yeah, but where the case against Porter fell down was the semen deposits.

Didn't match his DNA? The police were not deterred.

I mean, they formed a theory that the semen came from an earlier sexual encounter and that Porter wore a condom, or he was unable to perform after a heavy night at his club.

That might've explained his rage and overkill.

Well, it might.

Anything else to support the theory? Leah had told a girlfriend that she was seeing an older, married man.

The police thought the semen was his, but he'd never come forward, for obvious reasons He was never traced? No.

g*n to the head, do you think Porter k*lled her? Mmm, it always bothered me we never ID'd the secretor of the semen found on Leah.

It bothered the jury, too.

It was a factor in his acquittal? The ONLY factor.

Almost the definition of "reasonable doubt".

Thanks, Mike.

I appreciate this.

I I I don't feel sorry for myself.

Only for the people I've let down.

My family, my colleagues When I was first sentenced, I had an answer for everything.

I'd tell myself it wasn't fair to judge a man by his worst decision.

By a moment of weakness and greed.

But now, I know better.

It's our worst decisions that define us, Nikki.

They're the ones we have to live by.

KNOCK AT DOOR Grace? It's me.

It's Nick.

How have you been, Grace? Oh, you know.

Can't complain.

Up to date with your pills? I've been using that timer you got me.


Glad that's working out.

Oh! What's happened here? Oh I've been asking myself that question all day.

Have you put it in your journal? Be a blessing when the rest of my memory goes Oh, what sort of talk is that? The pipe, the dope - it's all mine.

You want to arrest me - fine, go ahead.

Don't drag Alec into it.

He's been through enough sh*t, thanks to you.

Some would say he got off lightly.

You ruined his life.

How is that getting off "lightly"? When did you last see your uncle? In Brighton.

Two months ago.

See, I think you've seen him more recently.

And not in Brighton.

No, Alec never comes to our house.

Never? Not for ages That's funny, a week ago, he went through a speed camera half a mile from your front door.

You sure he didn't drop in for a cup of tea? CAR APPROACHES SIRENS IN DISTANCE SIRENS APPROACH CAR DOORS OPEN AND CLOSE HE GRUNTS SIRENS WAIL INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER BIRDSONG FIRE CRACKLES MOBILE RINGS Ellie 'Where've you been? Why the HELL aren't you answering your phone?' Sorry, I was with a patient 'Come home NOW.

The police are here.

' The police? Want do they want exactly? 'They went to arrest Alec mob-handed.

'He lashed out and ran.

'They're still looking for him.

'Nick?!' Yeah.

I'm still here.

What is that? This is an air bag, minus its housing.


Want to make yourself useful? Not particularly.

Fridge over there.

Top shelf.

Ah! Thank you.

You might want to stand well back.





Barely torn the flesh.

Sound familiar? Tina Lunt The screwdriver was driven into her with such force, it broke off the handle, smashed through her sternum and scarcely tore the skin Covering her in cornstarch powder.

If Tina Lunt wasn't m*rder*d, who moved her body and why? My money? Wesley Beale, for reasons of self-preservation.

The same powder was found on Lucy Chatham - are we saying Beale k*lled HER? Well, I'm hoping Wesley can provide some answers.

Have a look.

Right, this is what we know.

Cause of death - chest and abdominal injuries consistent with multiple overrunnings by a vehicle.

Look at these.

These are different.

They're older and the abrasions are not consistent with a collision.

He'd been struck repeatedly by the same implement.

Twin marks with a broadening at one end it's not a blade, or we'd see deeper cuts Is this a spanner? Well, a spanner is a contender, certainly.

Do you think we'd find a spanner lying around Maconi's garage? Yeah, one or two.

All right, Dan? All right.

So, this is a photograph of Wesley Beale's back.

I didn't k*ll him.

Those wounds were sustained some days before he d*ed.

Our money's on a spanner.

I can't help you.

Think of it more as helping yourself.

Beale's dead.


Those wounds they're systematic.


Features associated with t*rture.

In most juror's minds, from t*rture to m*rder's but a hop and a skip.

Added to which, Beale was k*lled by a car, and you, well You're in the car business.

He owed me some money, OK? Ah, so, your lot thought b*ating was a friendly reminder? Yeah! Seemed to work, too.

Go on He comes in yesterday, all cocky.

Pleased with himself.

He's found a way to get my money.

He's got some rich bloke over a barrel.

He mention a name? No.

You ask him what he had on this bloke? He said it wasn't m*rder, but it was as good as.

CAR ALARM WAILS Nick, tell them! They won't listen! Tell them what? Don't answer that, please.

That we haven't seen Alec for months.

Well? Is it true? Yes, we haven't seen Alec for a good while.

Fortunately, I don't have to take your word for it - this is a warrant to search the premises.

Shall we? Thank you.

What are you expecting to find, exactly? Well, whatever it is, we don't need any help, thank you.

Wait a second! I just spoke to your neighbours.

They say your brother's a frequent visitor and stays in a guesthouse in the back garden? That's not true You don't have a guesthouse? We do, but Alec doesn't stay in it.

So, when we process it for prints and DNA, we won't find results matching his profile? OK, Christ! Has he ever stayed there? Yes, but not recently, so it doesn't matter, does it? Can you show us the guesthouse, please? One of your vehicles have an oil leak? We had some friends staying last week.

It must be from their car.

Right, you two, just take a couple of paces that way, please.

Thank you.

She's lying.

Yeah, no sh*t(!) RINGING TONE Hi, can you check under Alec's vehicle, see if there's an oil leak, please? Checking now.


OK, thank you.

OK, just to clarify, no two brands of oil are the same.

So, if this oil comes from Alec's vehicle, I'll be able to prove that, chemically.

One more time.

When did you last see your brother? I think he may have stayed here Friday night.


I'll let the dogs go! Stop where you are! Stop now! Stop! SHOUTING BARKING What is it? A hunch.



I think Tina Lunt was k*lled by a deployed air bag.

'This morning, DS Wretzky' said something about Timpson's car alarm going off? A deployed air bag would trigger the alarm.


How does this tie in with Beale's m*rder? 'Not sure.

Seems like Beale was blackmailing someone 'and it backfired.

' I hear your car alarm went off on Saturday morning? Just a malfunction.

Was no harm done.

Had some work done recently? Sorry? Seat covers in your car.

Oh, petrol gauge was playing up.

Saying it was empty when it wasn't.

Covered your seats just for that? They know I'm a neat-freak.

So, nothing to do with the alarm going off? No.

Same vehicle, though? Yeah.

Same vehicle.


Thank you.

Looks like Nick's had some work done on his car.


Be good to know it had nothing to do with air bags.


Where is he? Did you see where Nick Timpson went to? No, why? Where's your husband? What? Where's Nick? MOBILE RINGS Dad? I need you to come and pick me up, sweetheart.

'What's going on?' It's Alec.

The police are hanging round like a bad smell 'and we need to warn him.

' Where are you? You sound weird.

It's very important you don't take any more calls, Jess.

'The police will be tracking your phone.

' What? Here's where I want you to meet me.

INDISTINCT RADIO CHATTER Where would Nick go? I don't know.

Think! I don't know where he'd go.

I don't know WHY he'd go.

I don't know! CAR DOOR CLOSES What have you got? I've just called his mechanics - they fitted a new air bag yesterday as well as replacing the front bumper, touching up the paintwork It looks like Tina Lunt tried to steal the air bag from Nick's car - k*lling herself in the process.

The air bag propelled the screwdriver into her heart.

Accidental death? Wesley Beale, her partner-in-crime - showed his true colours and fled the scene.

So, Jessica tells her dad his car alarm is going off.

He comes out to investigate and then 'decides to remove Tina's body from the car.

' From the direction Lucy was travelling in, she would have turned into the lane and would have had a clear view into the drive.

STEEMSON: 'And then, Nick had another problem on his hands.

CAR REVS THUDDING, CRASHING THUD! TYRES SCREECH 'Why?' Why did he take Tina's body out of the car? Why couldn't he call the police? Keep going straight ahead.

Almost there.

And turn left into the house.

Where are we going, Dad? Somewhere safe.

Alec will join us later.

And Mum.

It's all going to be OK! MOBILE RINGS SHOUTS: I told you to turn that off! It's Mum! Doesn't she need to know where to find us? Jessica's still not answering.

Look You're not in trouble, Ellie.

We just need your help.


So, who would Nick turn to when he's in a bind? Who are his mates? He doesn't really have any mates.

Sounds weird, but his best friends are probably his patients.

It's nice to meet you.

You too, Jessica.

Well, I'll put the kettle on.

No, I'll do it.

Nick? Mm-hm? Did you put something in the burner earlier? What? After you left, I had a walk around and it had been used.

Really? You sure? Mm.

It was hot.

It looked like someone had been burning clothes.


I think I shall call the police.

The police? I'm sure that's not necessary.

How do you know? If they're using the burner, what else are they doing? You're right, we should get to the bottom of this.

I'll call them in a minute.

Oh, you don't have to do that.

No trouble.

If they get a call from me, they'll take it seriously.

Thank you.

I'd be lost without your dad.

I'm tired.

Might have a sit down.

When the tea's ready, I'll bring it through.

Why don't you want her to phone the police? I told you Alec's meeting us here.

They'll arrest him.


I'm sorry I shouted in the car.

It's OK.

I'm just worried about Alec.

And Mum.


Me too.

Would you? Would you say I'm a good dad? That I've been a good father? Course.

You love me, don't you? Dad? Just tell me.



I love you.

And nothing can change that? No.

What's with all the weird questions? Whatever happens, whatever people tell you you brought out the good in me.

As a man, as a father.

Raising you saved me.

What do you mean? You gave me something to live for.

What about Mum? Your mum .


couldn't help.

Because in so many ways she was to blame.

TV: 'You're not looking at' CHANGES CHANNEL 'Tonight, police in Surrey have launched a manhunt 'for the missing GP, Nick Timpson, 'in connection with the m*rder of Lucy Chatham.

'She was found dead yesterday in a pond close to the M25.

' You got the list of his patients? Yeah, it's a bloody mile long.

I'd prioritise any farms or residences near farms.

Why? There's what looks and smells like slurry under here.

That could've been there for weeks Nope.

The mechanics said they cleaned it inside and out.

These deposits were made today.

'them immediately.

Police say the man should not be approached.

' Who are you phoning, Grace? SHE SHIVERS Just a friend.

Which friend? I I Give me the phone, Grace.


Give me the phone.


Yes? Brett and Mum aren't coming, are they? What's the matter? What's going on? When I was small, you always said, "A problem shared is a problem halved.

" Some problems can't be shared.

Look, whatever it is, I can take it.

I can help you.

Your mum.

She was the best thing that ever happened to me.

The best thing.

I had to pinch myself that she was you know mine.

But deep down I knew it was too good to be true.

That there'd be a a reckoning.

A price to pay.

I just didn't know it would hurt so much.

What do you mean? What price? I love you.

Dad! Let's go back to the car.

MOANING No! No, no! Stop! Oh, God I told you not to go in there! THUD, SHE GROANS Jess I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

SHE SOBS AND GASPS Jess! Talk to me! Are you OK? CROCKERY SMASHES Argh! Argh Jess! SHE WHIMPERS Jess! SIRENS APPROACH JESS! SIRENS WAIL Nick Timpson, I'm arresting you on the suspicion of the murders of Lucy Chatham and Wesley Beale.

You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence.

Put him in.

Put him in.

LATCHES CLICK I need to take a DNA swab sample.

Of course.

Open your mouth.

I need you to open your mouth.


VEHICLE APPROACHES I had a chat with Tina Lunt's stepdad.

All the way from Florida.


She was more appreciated than we thought.

That's something.

Yeah, yeah, it is.

God bless Professor Jeffreys, eh? The forefather of DNA profiling.

I know who he is, Einstein! Well, this is me.

CAR ALARM CHIRPS Oh, I've got something for you, Maureen.

Oh, yeah? HE CHUCKLES I will have to do some work now, won't I! We've got news on your brother's condition.

He's going to have serious and lasting injuries, but he's going to live.

And there's something else.

We've taken Nick's DNA and it's a match to the man who r*ped and m*rder*d Leah Tyler in Brighton in 1996.

The m*rder your brother was charged and acquitted of.

That's impossible.

DNA doesn't lie, I'm afraid.

Now we know why Nick removed Tina's body.

If he'd called the police, they'd have processed his car and found his DNA which would have linked him to Leah's m*rder.

But Nick wasn't there.

He was in London.

He was doing his finals, and that's why I That's why I came down to see Alec.

'We went out to his club' Cheers, mate.

Thanks very much.

MUSIC PLAYS FROM CAR STEREO 'and I met an old boyfriend there.

' Here we are.

THEY LAUGH AND CHATTER, MINICAB REVS AWAY SHE GIGGLES Get a room, you two! Down the hall on the right.

Where are you going? Going to get some fags.

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

'And Nick wasn't there.

' He was in London.

He was doing his finals in London.

Well, clearly he was there.

You just didn't know it.

And the question is, why didn't you know? What was the state of your relationship with Nick at the time? He was studying every night but at the same time, he was He was very possessive.

We fell out about it.


He's my husband.

How could I not know it? How could I not see it? How could I not know?! How could I not know? SHE SOBS How long has she been in there? Looks like an indentation of an H.

'Cos there's no way that's a coincidence, is it? 'Two young women.

Two friends.

'It has to be the same k*ller.

' I wouldn't hurt her, OK? I never touched her.

That's better! Some reaction! 'You want her to have been m*rder*d, don't you?' I want to know the truth.


You want to be right.

I will do everything I can to find her, I promise!