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27x01 - Effective Range - Part 1

Posted: 02/16/24 17:38
by bunniefuu
Interview with Calvin Dunn

of 64 Elderwood Close, Ealing.

Mr Dunn is here voluntarily.

He is free to leave

the interview at any time.

Date for the recording

is February 11th 2004.

You're actually recording this?

Yeah. Home Office pilot scheme.

Recording and filming.

Belt and braces.

You don't mind?

I don't mind.

Oh, do you mind?

Don't tell my SIO.

Well, now that we're all comfortable,

how can I help?

So just screams, Control?

Did the caller happen to say

where in the woods

they heard these screams?

We were discussing your whereabouts

on the night of Tuesday,

January 22nd 2004.


Um Lynn has book group.

So it's my night to stay home.

You're not technically allowed

to call it babysitting

if they're yours, are you?

How many kids have you got, Mr Dunn?

Oh, Calvin, please.

Lee's eight and Mia's four.

My little sweet pea.

Can anyone confirm that

you were at home that night?

Ask Lee if you want. He'll tell you.

Talk your legs off, that lad.

Do you know St Margaret's

Church on Pond Lane?

It's barely a mile from your house.

St Mag's?

Hmm. It's, um

It's up by High End Woods.

What the hell is that?

We found dead birds hanging

outside St Margaret's.

It's not funny.

It is to me, love. Yeah.

Detective Constable, actually.

DC Ford.

Why is that funny?

Well some mad bastard's

k*lled four people

and you're worried about a few birds.

The whole world's gone mad.

They're cutting off heads in Iraq.

Did you see that, DC Ford?

They're cutting them off

and they're sticking them on spikes.

It's kind of quaint

to be worried about

little birdies, isn't it?

Your car was noted by

the verger at St Margaret's

on four occasions this last month.

Hmm. Yeah, I saw that bald git

giving me the evils.

I park there sometimes

when I get a Blockbuster's for the kids.

The Parade's no-stopping now,

and the church parking's always empty.

So you didn't go into the church?

No, I did once.

I was feeling a bit low.

I was looking for God, I suppose.


But God wasn't there.


MALE PC: You OK, sir?


I need you to turn around.




Detective Chief Inspector,

a body's been found.


Suspected homicide.

It's not my concern. It's my

The body was found in St Margaret's

Church, Ealing.

- Where are you going, boss?

- Homicide. Just in.

Everyone's coming. It's your send-off.

There's been a man found

in St Margaret's Church, Pond Lane.

St Margaret's?

That St Margaret's?


You were up with the lark.

The verdict came in on the Harrison case.

Heard it at the Coroner's Court.



Both of them.

- You did good.

- Really?

They were 15 and 16 years old.

The victim was only 14.

What do you say we skive off

for the afternoon, huh?

Take a long lunch by the river.

Or we could hop on a plane.

Forget about this place

for a week or three. Hmm?


I'm not here to fight.

Have you seen this?

There are police all around

St Margaret's Church.


Here he is.

Dr Alexander, is it you

or the professor on call?

I'll take it.

It's a suspected homicide.

Male, 30 to 40 years old.

He's in a church in Ealing.

A church? Which one?

St Margaret's.

They think he was strangled.

The ligature is still in place.

Red PVC clothesline, knotted,

and the body was found

in a kneeling position.


What is it?

Calvin Dunn.

That must be 20 years ago.

Can't be.

Who's Calvin Dunn?

Tell you on the way.

Baruch dayan ha'emet.

The first officers thought

that he was stiff.

Does that help us narrow down

when he d*ed?

Sadly not.

Too many variables for rig or mortis

to give a postmortem interval.

No signs of a struggle.

No scrapes on the floor.

Police found no ID on him.

NIKKI: What do you make of it?

JACK: Hmm It's a distinctive knot.

I'll check the database, see

if anything similar comes up.

It's not similar. It's the same.

Same knot, same supplication pose.

- Even the same church.

- JACK: You know this case?

I took these pictures 20 years ago.

Right here.

I was a junior DC on the killings.

I'm DCI now. Jane Ford.

Dr Alexander, pathologist.

Jack Hodgson, forensics.

This is our colleague Velvy Schur.

You investigated Calvin Dunn?

Four victims - two male, two female -

were found strangled

and placed in churches

in the west London area,

2003 to 2004.

A fifth woman was presumed abducted.

Her body was never found.

There was a sixth att*ck,

Dominic Johnson,

but he managed to get away.

What about Dunn?

Didn't he disappear as well?

He was interviewed

four times by different teams.

Never arrested. By the time

we matched his DNA

to the crime scenes, he was

without a trace.

So he was never charged? Never tried?

You can't charge them

if you don't have them.

And now you think he's back?

Could it be some sort of copycat?

We never released details of the

ligature -

the type or the knot.

Well, I get why you're connecting this

to another case, but I can't.

I can only examine

what I see here now.

And I know what I see.

You find me the evidence.

I'll do the rest.

JACK: No broken nails?

Uneven, but I don't think

from a struggle.

No obvious defence wounds to his hands,

and nothing around the ligature either.

Hands bound before ligature applied?

Likely k*lled elsewhere, then

brought here.

What does he weigh?

About 70kg?

Yeah? He'd take him under the arms,

drag him backwards, right?

No drag marks.

There's nothing on the threshold or

the front door.

And he's got bare feet, and there

are no abrasions

- on his heels.

- Right.

So maybe put him on his shoulder.

Nah. It's too far.

Wouldn't do that.

I can't see him, Nikki.

Got to be a trace. Got to be a trace.

How about this?

His jumper's orange, right?

NIKKI: Yeah.

Come here.

I think he carried him

through here on his shoulder.

There's parchmentation around

the ligature mark here

and all the way across to here.

Generally, that suggests

a perimortem injury.

The ligature abrasions follow

a predictable pattern

of horizontal circumscription

about the neck,

distinguishable from marks

left by, say, hanging.

No discord bruising.

Hands were bound with a cable tie,

presumably prior to

the ligature being applied.

There are petechial

haemorrhages in the eyes,

consistent with an asphyxial death.

Moving to the chest and upper torso.

There's bruising consistent

with a sustained as*ault.

Any idea yet?

Fingerprints came back negative.

Somewhere out there,

people are missing him.

At least, I hope so.

Family, friends.

It's like an echo, isn't it?

Down through time.

On and on.

- We'll find out who he was.

- We don't always.


That's a bowline.

I didn't have you down as a Boy Scout.

I'm not.

I sail.

The bowline is the king of all knots.

Was Calvin Dunn ex-Navy?

I don't know.

I don't know or care about

Calvin Dunn right now,

and I don't need him in my head.

FORD: Calvin Dunn. 35 years old in 2004.

Degree in computer sciences

from Bracknell University.

Married Lynn, a nursery school teacher.

Two kids, Lee and Mia.

Calvin was working for an

American weapons tech company

since 1998.

JACK: Weapons tech? Doing what?

Never got a clear answer.

There's a theory going

that whatever Calvin was doing

was so sensitive

that someone made him disappear.

You said he was interviewed four times.

Mmm. And one of those

interviews was with me.

Calvin had an alibi, a strong one.

His wife?

An eight-year-old boy.

His son Lee.

We interviewed him back then too.

Do you know the difference

between telling the truth

and telling lies, Lee?

Why is it important to tell the truth?

You have to tell the truth, miss.

God wants you to be good.

Did you learn that at school?

Dad says God sees everything.

Do you go to church?

Dad says it's between me and him.

Him? You mean God?

You don't need a church

to know what's right.

You were telling me what

you and your dad were watching.


First three of them didn't even

get the easy questions right.

What's the "N" in NHS?

What animal is Disney's Donald?

Who picked a peck of pickled peppers?

Is Daddy in trouble?

Why do you say that?

He's helping us.

Find that lady?

I saw her on the news.

NIKKI: There's bruising

in the strap muscles.

It's limited, but that's

not unusual with a ligature.

The larynx was fractured,

consistent with strangulation.

Are you any closer

to finding out who he was?

Calvin didn't have a type.





He never seemed to care

who or what they were.

He seemed to select them

for their availability.


Isolated locations.

Late at night.

His last target was a young

sex worker, Dominic Johnson,

at Hammersmith Bridge, but

Dominic got away,

and Calvin went to ground.

For 20 years?

Then he just starts up again

after that long?

FORD: They call it cooling-off periods.

There was one who k*lled seven times,

stopped for 14 years,

then k*lled three more

before they caught him.

I'm sorry. I've got to go.

Did I say something to upset you?

You have to make assumptions

to investigate.

If I make assumptions, I can't

help your investigation.

If you're right, and this is Calvin Dunn,

what can we expect?

The last time, there was barely

a month between his first

and fourth att*ck.

I don't have much time.

So where do you start?

The things Calvin left behind.

The abducted woman - Zoe Beck.

The survivor - Dominic.

What about the son?


Could he be covering for him?

You don't know Lee Dunn.

Hello, Lee.

What took you so long?

I went to the house. Aysha

told me you'd moved out.


What else did she say?

- Aysha.

- Well, she didn't have to.

She's showing.

Six months, right?

She knew I didn't want kids.

That body they found at St Margaret's

He did it, didn't he?

Well, we don't know who's responsible.

And was the body left there?

You know, like..

Like the others?

Has anything else happened

to suggest your father might be back?

- Oh, my God.

- Lee


He never went away.

I've been telling you this for years now.

- All right

- No, no, it's not all right.

You haven't returned my calls for months.

- I told you, I'm retiring.

- From what?

You gave up years ago.


How's it going?

The ambulances.

I'm not doing crew any more. I'm MRU.

- Motorcycle response.

- Hmm.

On your own?

Prefer it that way.

Once people know who I am

You know, it's not easy being you, Lee.

But I thought you could talk to Aysha.

I never wanted a kid.

I told her that from the off.

You are not your dad, Lee.

You prove that every day.

Every life you save.

And Beck?

You told him?

Not yet.

That poor bastard's

been waiting 20 years.

He has a right to know if Calvin's back.



what I told you, right?

Consider everything.

- Yes, but test little.

- Yeah, yeah.

Let me know how it goes, all right?


FORD: The surviving witness

mentioned leather gloves.

Is it Dunn's?

We don't know yet.

And it hasn't been lying there for years?

There are no signs of the

disintegration you'd expect

from being on the woodland floor

for a long period of time.

It's been there two weeks, max, I reckon.

There's no trace of the Sahara dust

from the rain we had on New Year's Eve.

And the DNA from that glove?

Yeah. Minitaped and sent.


And what about this?

The PVC ligature from the current victim

matches the clothesline used

on the victims back then.

Not only that,

the PVC coating was marked with an indent

at regular intervals.

The shape of the groove

in the current lig -

almost identical to the one

Dunn used in 2004.

Oh, God.

I thought this was

what you'd been waiting for.

It isn't that.

I understand you want to stay out of it,

but I need your help.

I have to go and speak to a man

called Charles Beck.

He used to be a pathologist.

I know who he is.

We read Beck at medical school.

And he examined the first

four victims on the Dunn case.

God. And wasn't his wife the fifth?

He did a lot of media for us

during the course

of the investigation,

and then his wife went missing.

And she was never found.

I need to tell him about

the new body at the church.

He'll have questions.

Questions that you can answer

better than me.

I wonder what these are for.

Beck convinced himself he could

find Zoe where we couldn't.

Pollen tracking.

Hedgerow analysis.

Forensic botany?


He's considered

quite the expert these days.

He gets calls from forces

all over the world.

He doesn't do dead bodies any more.

I mean, would you?

He's not here.

We should go.

I know where he'll be.

FORD: Hello, Dr Beck.

This is Dr Alexander.

She's from the Lyell Centre.

Thomas Lyell's house of horrors.

I was hoping we could

Heard about the body in

St Margaret's. You did the PM.

That's right.

Birds hanging from the trees.

Ligature strangulation. Red clothesline.

Found posed, kneeling towards

the altar. Hmm?

Who was he?

DNA doesn't match

with anyone on

the Missing Persons register

I wasn't asking you. I was

talking to a professional.

Do you think it was his work,

Calvin Andrew Dunn?

I don't know.

It wasn't.

Dunn's dead.

You seem very sure.

Why did he do it that way, Dr Alexander?

The churches, the supplication pose?

He wants to desecrate

and defile a holy place.

So why go back to St Margaret's?

He'd already profaned it.

Even the Church thought so.

They closed it down.

Dr Beck has been very generous

with his theories.

They flooded this valley in 1973.

At its centre, Fordham is 100ft deep.

You could hide a Chieftain t*nk in there,

and my home is barely a mile away.

Defile. Desecrate.


You believe that Calvin Dunn

put your wife's body into the water here?

BECK: It was all about power with Dunn.

Depriving me of Zoe

made him feel powerful.

We dredged the reservoir several times.

I knew the assistant commissioner,

so they sent a couple of

hobbyist frogmen to humour me.

I can't imagine how that

must feel, to live with that.

Oh, I think you can.

You're like me. You live with a lot.

I think you know just how I feel.

If you want my once-expert advice,

you'd stop looking

for Calvin Dunn. He's dead.

I'd know if he wasn't.

Why birds? What's that about?

Lee said his dad used to take him camping

and they'd trap sparrows

just for the fun of it.

Power? Like Beck says?

K*llers often start

with animals, don't they?

It's textbook.

But birds seem to mean something to him.

PHONE VIBRATES The little birdies.

Beck's wrong about one thing.


That glove.

"Calvin Dunn's DNA was on the glove

"and his fingerprints in the lining."

Maybe he's not so dead.

You're interested now, aren't you?

Is it a sex thing?

Do you think?

I mean, he's

He's k*lling boys

as well as girls, right?

FORD: Oh, we're keeping an open mind

as to what the motive is

behind the k*lling.

We're interviewing anyone

who was in the vicinity

of St Margaret's and asking

for a voluntary DNA.

But he leaves them in a church.

Do you go to church?

I'm sorry, Lee, you weren't

supposed to see this.

Is that him?

That's what your father looks like now,

at least according to Al.

Do I look like him?

It's not real, Lee.

Could you come with me? Come on.

I've been trying to get hold of Mia.

The number on file is disconnected,

and we never had an email for her.

Me and my sister don't talk.

She got married.

There's a baby now.

I need to talk to her.

What happens if your father

tries to make contact?

He was never that bothered with Mia.

Lucky for her.

She was too young to do what he said.

He used to tell me

about this dream he had.

Him - high above everyone and everything.

Looking down from the clouds

like God himself.

He doesn't have power over you

any more, Lee.

You don't have to be afraid.

You're bigger than him.

Stronger than he ever was.

I will never be free until you find him.



I'm sorry. You've mistaken me

for someone else.

My name is Jane Ford.

I'm a police officer.

We met when you were much younger.

I'm sorry. The place is a mess.


I wish my place was this messy.

I like things tidy.

Drives Anton crazy.

Lee said he thought you might

have been working at a nursery.

Oh that.

We decided I should leave.

Mia, if you ever need anyone

- to vouch for you

- We're very happy.

Anton says we're blessed.

You are.

Your baby's beautiful.


Is that why you're here?

To check on me and Emily?

What? No, it's nothing like that.

It makes sense.

I mean, how do you know I'm not like him?

Like Calvin.

Lee was asking after you.

You might have heard the news.

I don't watch news.

It's all bad.

Don't even have it on my phone.

Anton tells me if there's

anything I need to know.

There was a body found

at St Margaret's Church,

and we can't rule out

that your father was involved.

I don't have a father.

We don't talk about that man

in this house.

I understand.

But I have to ask you -

can you think of anywhere

that he might be?

Did your mum ever talk about?

She never talked about him either.

I'm sorry about Lynn.

She did her best for us.


I'm a good mum

I think.

I can see that.

Mia, don't worry about

the police being around.

It's standard in the circumstances.

They're there for you.

FORD: Mmm?

- FORD: Take care.

- MIA: Thank you.

Might we take a little break?

You must be knackered too.

What am I, your tenth interview today?

FORD: Something like that.

Can I get you anything, Calvin?


Three lumps.

I get a bit blood-sugary.

FORD: Interview suspended 15.11.





He's calling the police idiots.

Brilliant. Thank you.

She lipread it.

He's calling the police idiots.

He's playing with them. He still is.

Maybe he left that glove on purpose.


Maybe he wants us to know he's back.

Cara shouldn't be watching

that stuff, Jack.

Huh? Oh, come on.

I thought she was upstairs.

She shouldn't be around any of this.

Calvin Dunn targeted

the pathologist's family.

That was a long time ago, Nikki.


Well, she's got a reading week coming up

and her mum wanted her

to come home, so

I think that would be

a really good idea, don't you?



Dr Beck?

Whatever you're selling, I

don't need it. Please go away.

Oh, sorry. Dr Beck

You don't have an appointment.

I'd know if you had an appointment.

Now, please go away.

I'm Dr Alexander.

We met yesterday?

I'm from the Lyell Centre.

I did the postmortem on the body we found

at St Margaret's Church.

Nikki, right?

Sorry. I don't get many visitors.

Why don't we go inside?

- After you.

- Thanks.

Old lab habits die hard.

Please, go through.

I heard about your work

in forensic botany.

It's a fascinating field.

I put out acres of netting,

but the buggers still get through.

Stomach contents create a map

of how specific species are

digested at a cellular level.

Leaves. Seeds. Pollen.

You've come to talk to me

about the body they found.

Why are you so convinced

Calvin Dunn is dead?

Because I've studied him.

Four bodies on the table.

My wife in the water.

"By their works shall you know them.”

NIKKI: What do you know about him?

That's why you're really here, isn't it?

I have no prurient interest in Dunn.

Everybody wants to know

about Calvin eventually.

I just want to understand

the case, as you saw it.

Well, nobody found out

much about him anyway.

He worked for the Americans.

Something connected to the m*llitary.

At one point, the papers

said that the Russians

swooped in to extract

their key serial-k*ller asset.

You've never thought

of leaving this house?

Because he was here?

He's still here.

You feel him, don't you?

I didn't want to give him

the satisfaction.

Even though he's dead?

You want to know why I know he's dead?

He's dead because we haven't

heard from him in 20 years.

A man like that can't stay silent.

We've found a glove

with Dunn's DNA on it.

It was dropped near St Margaret's

in the last few days.


That's not possible.

You don't want it to be him,

I understand that,

but we've made huge advances

in forensics and DNA analysis

in the last 20 years.

This would never have happened in my day!

- Sorry?

- You've made a mistake.

Cross-contaminated evidence.

You outsource everything these days,

don't you?

Listen, Charles,

maybe there's a real chance

of getting him this time.

That's what I thought then.

We spent so much time trying

to understand him back then.

Every other cop was a profiler in 2004.

The victims weren't his real work.

What do you mean?

It was us.


The other families.

Ford, even.

Then there's his own

car wreck of a family.

And now we're all talking

about Calvin again.

A narcissist's fever dream.

A psychopath

with narcissistic tendencies.

That was the profilers' wisdom back then.

I understand your anger.

All these years - no justice.


What's that, then?

I don't know.

Some sort of balance?

Punishing the perpetrator to acknowledge

the pain they've caused.

Restoring the moral order.

All with the bang of a judge's gavel?

Or an eye for an eye.

I can understand why you'd want that.

How can you ever extract a price

from someone who can never

feel your pain?

How many years in a cage

would be adequate punishment?

I sometimes think she's still here.

I don't want to forget.

I understand him really well.

And look what it's done to me.

FORD: What work did you do at

Clearable Systems, Mr Dunn?

Oh, you're going to have to talk to them

about that one, I'm afraid.

I'm not allowed to.

Made me sign an NDA.

Hmm. Clearable do a lot of work

for the Pentagon, don't they?

Do you have a lot of secrets, Calvin?

You're only as sick

as your secrets, right?

You know, I worry about that sometimes.

My agreement means that

..I just can't even talk to

my own family about what I do.

Do you talk to your boyfriend

about your work

DC Ford?

JACK: Any updates on Dunn?

No. I'm on my third day

of live facial recognition.

When was the last reported

sighting of him?

Calvin Dunn's been seen once a week

for the last 20 years,

from Moorgate to Manitoba.

Any news on the John Doe?

DNA from our guy at St Margaret's

doesn't match to anyone. Nobody's

called to claim him.

Also, they sent over the evidence boxes

from the historic crime scenes.

I'll let you know what we find.

Yeah. Thanks.

Let's go through the sightings again.

Crackpots and conspiracists.

It's like you've always told me.

If you can't find

what you're looking for,

look again with your eyes open.

Do I actually say that sh*t?

- Mmm.

- Sorry, ma'am.

- A report of a break-in.

- Look around you.

This is a m*rder incident room,

not a neighbourhood watch.

It's at 14 South Hill Place.

FORD: That's Mia Dunn's house.


This the point of entry?

And exit, most likely.

There's CCTV. Let's review the footage.

We're on it.

- This could be Dunn.

- Mmhm.

Come on, Mia.

I'm not going in there.

It's OK. I'm with you.

He's in there.

No, he isn't.

I've been through every room.

Come on.

We don't know it was your father.

I know.

The minute I walked

in the door, I could smell him.


It was him.

FORD: If we start at the top,

go through room by room,

and you just tell me

if anything's moved

or if anything's missing.

I don't want to.

It's all right.

Come on.

What's up there?


Mum's stuff.

Right, what do you make of this, then?


It's not opportunistic.

- He's hiding his face, look.

- Uh-huh.

He's done his homework.

He knows where the camera is.



MAN: Sleep tight, sweet pea.

What is it?

It's him.

Oh, this is This is live.

JACK: See that shadow?

- What?

- There.

He's still here.


Where did he go? I lost him.

Velvy, stay there.

Can I get some help over here?



JACK: Velvy!




Jesus, Velvy. Velvy, are you OK?

Let me see you. Argh!

Are you OK?

I think that might be

the most exciting thing

that's ever happened to me.

Just stay there.

Just stay still.

JACK: Ford found these rubber

overshoes in Mia's attic.

Could be Calvin's.

Police always thought he was

wearing something like these.

Never left shoe prints.

Mia identified it as the one

her dad bought for her mum.

Doting husband.

She k*lled herself, right?

Lynn Dunn?

Yeah. Ford said she held it together

until the kids left home.

Another victim of Calvin Dunn.

Velvy was lucky.

Don't look at me.

I didn't tell him

to go haring after a k*ller.

No, he went haring after you

haring after a k*ller.

Scalpel, please, Doctor.

Thank you.

Bit of light, please?

NIKKI: What is it?

Come on. Come on.


Where's Simone when you need her?

Send it off to forensic botany.

I think I know a man who can help.

BECK: Weissia rostellata.

Beaked beardlessmoss.

It's on the nationally scarce list.

Rare is good.

It's only ever been recorded

in one area of Greater London.

Why am I looking at this?

The moss was found in an overshoe

belonging to Calvin Dunn from 20

years ago.

JACK: Where in London? Where was the

moss recorded?

She knows.

Fordham Reservoir?

I told you.

He put her in the water so that

I'd never see her again.

FORD: It doesn't prove anything.

BECK: The moss puts Dunn here.

My mum was here.

She had a picnic with her sewing circle.

What does that prove? Half

of west London's been here.

We searched the reservoir, as you


and we found nothing.

Two divers, four days. The

water's 100ft at its deepest.

You barely gave it a chance.

The moss - is that all you've got?

So far.

Is the species localised

to this part of the shoreline?

No, it's all over

the reservoir. Both banks.

That's more than a square mile of water.

And as the good doctor said,

it's 100ft deep.

Even if there were

human remains in there,

they've been there for years.

And I've been telling you for years.

If the remains were wrapped and weighted,

they could still be intact.

- I've been telling her that too.

- That's not the point.

No chief super is going to sign off

on the cost of a search of this scale

based on a fragment of moss on a

20-year-old shoe.

The water level's dropped, hasn't it?

BECK: Every year. Planet's heating up.

Don't know if you heard about it.

So, 20 years ago

The water would have been

six feet higher.


So all this would have been underwater.

Over there.

FORD: What's over there?

In 2004, that's the only place

you'd have found Weissia rostellata.

It stretches all the way to the car park.

The section of reservoir in front of

the car park

is the deepest part.

He put her there.

She's there.

NIKKI: Charles

You shouldn't be here.

Where else should I be?

This could take days.

Weeks, maybe.

Why don't you wait at home?

And whatever I said to Ford,

we both know the chance

of finding anything

after all this time is

very slim.

BECK: We used to sail here on the lake.

NIKKI: It must be hard

to spend time here.

I was

I was in court. A double m*rder.

At least, I believed it was a m*rder.

There was this young defence barrister -

thought she knew it all.

Took me on.

Totally shredded me

on the physical evidence.

Felt like I'd been 12 rounds

with Mike Tyson.

I was in the bar, drowning my sorrows.

Zoe walked in and she sat

on the stool next to me.

She said, "You look like

you need a drink.”

I did.

So we did.

I was six Jamesons in

before I realised she was

the QC that had mugged me.

She looked different

without the lawyer's wig

and the terrifying snarl.

It was three years before

I could get her to marry me.

Being the barrister she was,

she kept raising objections.

She was too young. I was too old.

Marriage was an outdated institution.

She said we'd both seen too much

to believe in human connection,

to believe that love could last

in a world like this,

with all that we'd borne witness to -

in court, in the mortuary.

I said it was because of that.

Because of what we knew,

because we'd seen the worst

the world could do,

that we had to prove

it could be different.

The world could be good

Could be love.

That we could grow without

taking the air from each other.

I told her if we didn't believe

in anything else,

we could believe in us.

We were together ten years.

Every year seemed to prove

that I was right.

We could grow closer,

the love could get deeper.

And that

even though we would have to

deal with a world that was violent

a world that was cruel, we

could try and make it better.

I told her we'd built a life that was

loving and real.

I told her we were safe.

I was wrong.

NIKKI: Poor Charles.

FORD: Really?

The body was wrapped in a sail

from Charles Beck's boat,

and we had CCTV on Zoe Beck

with bruises all over her face

the day before she disappeared.


We asked him about it.

He claims she got them sailing,

but plenty of people told us

it was stormy between them.

You think he was violent towards her?

The rest of Dunn's victims

were posed and presented.

Only Zoe's body was hidden.

Are you serious?

I'm not the only one who thought it.

FORD: Could the pathologist

have used his knowledge

of Calvin Dunn's killings to get

rid of his own wife?