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01x17 - Iggy's Quest

Posted: 02/18/24 09:52
by bunniefuu

and iguana

knows no fear

an iguana knows no fear


Oh get away piggy piggy

he what oh what oh hi hello how'd you do

you were screaming you had the nightmare

again didn't you

all I felt confused wing-it moth

nibbling my shiny toenail and that force

is small yet that is all good night to

sambar a cucumber

it was a nightmare rig the same

nightmare you had last night and the

night before that hammer night before

that when you told us about the Polo the

course for Louie's all that night me no

I do not think of such things besides as

an iguana I fear nothing ghosts

get behind me did you see them letting

Stan you scared the garbanzos out of us

next time call first I made contact with

one of them the glowing spoke with these

things oh they don't sound so spooky

more like lost little kids crying for

their mom it was like touching the wind

and understanding it and in that moment

I realized their nature spirits boy

Salem loose the lost course for yes I

blame myself for I was no match for the

creepy creepiness I faced

don't worry Aggie it's not your fault

we'll find it of course we will first

thing in the morning we'll set out to

find the course poor

another no no it's the core sport of

nature I have a very good idea where to

start looking

Nike Nike Bull


Boogedy morning she has broken time to

take a nap in the Sun even the brave and

noble iguana need to take the day off

now in game this is the life for me

diggity iguana you got mail this letter

is old it was sent on us an animal

animal go give me a break it's snail

mail there Italy before I move on

Tunisia lizard world I must see you meet

me at your iguana family tree you're old

enough now to know your part chameleon

dad it's a gift nature's given you and

you gotta learn to use your chameleon

powers before it's too late the future

of Animalia may hang in the balance

hurry love your grandfather carmine

chameleon the future then a media hi

chameleon i EVD Guana and part chameleon

yes no I am 100% pure iguana no

additives no preservatives

could it be grandpa carmine is a

chameleon I barely remember him we left

a family tree when I was fresh out of

the egg do I have chameleon blood

running through my veins but wait I am

talking to myself in an alarmingly

incessant way could this be a sign I am

I thought you left I did give me a break

I'm a snail I'm glad you're still here

this means I am NOT talking to myself

after all

haha this is a letter of trickery the

old lizard just wants me to visit him

chameleons ha ha if I were pod chameleon

I could change into the color of this

rock and no one would see me can anybody

see me I can you're still hearing me a


Oh sounds like trouble I'll go for help


Farah Fontes yesterday best banana crop

ever today this tomorrow who knows the

future doesn't look too bright the

future the future of Animalia just like

in the letter

kibou boo I I must go away now where Oh

somewhere out there not following you

idiot yes and please don't there is

something I must do and I must face it

alone when will you be back

you are coming back right




good bad feeling about this

we'll start our search here ancient

valley nature spirits were once said to

live peacefully in ancient valley so

please climb what he said he was going

away to somewhere out there and who

knows where that is she said not to

follow him he had something enter face


something's wrong I can feel it here

look I found a letter written in the

language I can't read but it's gonna be

a clue right stories he win it might be

but I'm not familiar with this language

me me

me neither we can figure out what this

says right rainy well I do hmm of course

we can these are rotten my whole crops

like that

just when I feared the nature's birds

keep the crops growing the wind's

blowing the tides flowing can't do their

job if they lost and can't find their

way home Livingstone we'd better hurry

huh cheer up big guy I bet he just went

off to find the core sport of nature by

himself that's all not after that creepy

portal experience he had a week ago no

he left cuz there's something he

couldn't even talk about to his best bud

and I got a bad feeling he's never

coming back

I'm right not to tell you boo-boo if I

am part chameleon which I am NOT I vow I

will never let anyone know for if it is

known that I am NOT the Iggy dig one I

claim to be my friends will reject me

like a screaming hamster for who can

trust the chameleon he is changing

always never the same one day green one

day red the next day aquamarine nature

is thoughtless and cruel for being part

chameleon is not a gift it is a curse oh

hello hopefully not even yet spooky

nature spirits

did you hear a slanderous scoundrel

saying nature distort listen cruel

he went dad away behind you quick before

he gets away ancient valley where our

ancestors lived in our civilization

began Livingston look

the coolest boy was here whoever yanked

it out of the ground went that way


we remember Joey called it

she said the nature spirits sound like

kids crying for their mother mother



this lizard down here and the ones in

the tree is a look at Guana

like Iggy but these others are different

I think I got it

lizard hardened lightning give me an a

the crystal ball reveals it's time to

read a book The Ghost opens his gift

it's to howl is it and as she sigh I

have a lizard on holiday at the beach I

sh**t arrows at a tree full of iguanas

and he'd made piggy deer your turn

I wonder if there's a way in a polo

this place is fit for Mother Nature


what you trying to say

she's not having a very good day

the family tree is that you hi I'm

Constance uncle Alphonse good to see you

oh how are the twins cousin Marie I

almost did not recognize you

Iggy you haven't changed a bit you bet

for good that all depends on grandpa

carmine where is his perch

he used to perch up on the top branch

wouldn't bother though no one's seen

your guy for a long time oh quit

blubbering like you just hatched out of

an egg Roberta

right here beside you moon doodle can't

you see me don't just sit there

squinting like a goofy gofer

focus grappa carmine you are here so as

you head finally what took you so long

slowpoke you sent a letter by snail mail

hey - we don't have high speed grapevine

connection out here alright let's get

down to business you are not a chameleon

you are iguana like me you have been

playing the tricks on me want to see

another trick yes for your tricks are

making my mouth - the chuckling

how come you're not laughing got my work

cut out for me I've seen this before

it's a symbol for an Amelia good eyes

away and this it's not a ghost it's a

nature spirit you can't knock it off

thanks go boo boo the figure to feel

like kids I'd used my dad voice swirly

flying ghosts kitties I can't sleep with

all that racket and it's making me


follow me tumblr remember I want to show

you something that'll really spin you on

your tail nowhere am i following you

that's where I'm going home suit

yourself lumpy my name is Iggy Iggy the

Iguana go to my name when you've earned

it now you came all this way you might

as well have a look-see come on I'm

coming but is that better as you say

spin neon my cash as long as doesn't

give me the whoopsies

a rock yes very impressive you should

move here the viewers to die for this is

visionary rock I can see visions of the

past the present and the future what I

see is his Gramps you have gone loco in

a casaba chameleons have the sight which

means you don't if you using it's a rock

behold the future of Animalia the

shining city at peace and in harmony see

it I see nothing

the call is restored and thanks in part

to the help of a heroic iguana you me

yes you if you accept and learn to use

that part of UT's chameleon I do not

think so but tell me what happens if I

do not become this hero as you say I

could be I see another future for an

Emilia it is a barren wasteland the city

lies in ruins no language no

communication no library no God you're

making it up the future doesn't depend

upon me my friends living single boo boo

Alex Zoey they're the heroes not me if

you truly believe you're too

insignificant to make a difference I

have nothing to teach you


this is like the portal that he told us

about in his nightmare the calls for

would have been here

weasel tracks where's she taking us to

where the answers are locked away


who is it who's there it is I a GD

iguana and again the chameleon that's my

grandson I accept Who I am and I cannot

worry about what others think teach me

the ways of the chameleon so I may do

what needs to be done for the future of


look out hope you're a fast learner

punky looks like nature's busting out

all over


however don't you have a home to go to

leavin until them thingamadoodles are

gone and you shouldn't be snooping at

Iggy's letter anyway letters are private

how do you know it's to Iggy can you

read it what Shane I can figure out some

of it it's pictures ain't it not words

my great gammy Gator used to writing

them kind of pictures ain't a popular

all of a sudden Iggy's missing and this

is our only clue to where he is tell us

what you can

hmm might want to start at the top diff

here's the Liz already in language in

Lazard Ian you start down here and go up

duh we be looking at it wrong the whole

time it goes bottom to top that's it

dear and that there is Iggy dear Iggy

master the art of camouflage you must

become one with nature become one with

the tree like this

I am one with the tree I am one with

nature and no one can see me morning

here Iggy one second Iggy

it is hopeless

I'm a koala not chameleon so you accept

who you are up here but not in here you

got to believe here in your heart and

stop being afraid afraid

an iguana knows no fear you're afraid

you can't be iguana and chameleons well

you're wrong you're not one or the other

you're both that's the if nature's given

you stop fighting it

you can't fight mother nature I am

iguana and I am chameleon I am one with

nature that's it I get yes I did it I

have the power of the chameleon but you

got a lot more to learn GP come on


now no matter what don't move don't make

a sound you did not tell the booboo

about being chameleon did you I cannot

blame you he is not enough of a true

friend to stick with you right crusty

say no more about my friend no no no to

remain hidden you must control your

temper alright let's start again from

the top


the good news is that's definitely not

the weasel the bad news is when the

course w*r of nature blew mother nature

must have been locked in there and their

nature spirits locked out the only way

to stop her is to get the nature's birds

back in there with her and for that we

need the missing crossbow come on

I see nothing nothing you can do it

focus believe it is not the future I am

seeing it is my nightmare change it

change it how is it possible go into the

vision change the outcome of your

nightmare let your chameleon powers

guide your way and you might be strong

enough to succeed in the flipside if you

fail you'll be trapped in your nightmare

forever more

I'd like to avoid that so I'd better not

fail I smell the blood of chameleons

excuse me I'm me


lovely slowpoke moon doodle creepers

doesn't stand a chance with us

chameleons right crappy I am so proud of

you Iggy yeah you called me eggy

that's your name is it not well I'd best

be moving on moving on

there she is your grandmama sweet iris

she's been waiting for me my work here

is done

carry on for me grandson gran papa

I don't don't start bawling like a boo

hoo baby fresh out of the egg it is you

who are booing and hawing Am I no no no

no no listen wherever you are whatever

happens in the future remember I'll

always be at your side so long edy

I better get back


okay I have absolutely no idea where I



dear Iggy meet me at your iguana family

tree I must see you what does this say

baits may my brains running on empty

we're never gonna find eggy it says

you're old enough now to know your car

chameleons and the nature spirit and the

gift box are Lizardi and for a gift

nature's giving you being part

chameleons a gift Nature has given you

that's it

thank shake ok you got some explaining

to do


this might be coming in handy about now

yes the cause poor nature there

and that is how I came to know my

chameleons ancestry of which I am proud

to be excellent at first I was afraid

you would not accept my newness but then

I realize no matter who you are if you

accept your shelf you will be accepted

yes shell spell writing help help

go boo boos in trouble that's with days

ago yeah everything's cool now wha great

I went way off my delivery route to get

help and this is the thanks I get well

just for that your mails gonna be late

what else is new hey give me a break say

oh just for the a blizzard I'm gonna

slime you hey where'd he go hey he's

gone again hey Iggy where are you he's

here somewhere I can feel it I would

enjoy being chameleon very much indeed

