02x12 - Still More Mush If By Land, Mush, Mush If By Sea

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman". Aired: May 29, 2006 - November 4, 2010.*
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A reality game show with animated host Ruff Ruffman features real kids facing real challenges.
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02x12 - Still More Mush If By Land, Mush, Mush If By Sea

Post by bunniefuu »

RUFF: It'sThe Ruff Ruffman Variety Hour,

featuring that canine cutup, that mount of mirth himself,

Ruff Ruffman!

Hi, I'm Ruff Ruffman.

And welcome to my new show.

It's going to be loads of fun.

In today'sVariety Hour,

you'll hear me sing a medley of comical cat songs.

♪ Oh, the cat

♪ He woke-a me up again.

I'll introduce a new dance that'll sweep the nation.

[dance music playing]

♪ Now wave your hands, now chase your tail ♪

♪ Yeah, everybody's doing the Ruff. ♪

And I'll show you how to make a plant holder

out of an unraveling rope bone.


But first, let's check out Ruff's mailbag.

This first letter is from Paula in Poughkeepsie.

[barking]Uh, Henry hot line.

Better answer it, see what the boss wants.

Henry, hi, how's it...

What happened to my reality game show?

Uh, well, there's been a slight glitch.

The is not getting reception

on our two challenges--

Paul Revere's Midnight Ride

and another involving a dog sledding straw hat.

It's a long story.

So anyway, I thought...

Cancel the variety show?

Start doing the game show or you'll cancel that, too?

Yes, sir.

Oh, what, you didn't think the cat medley was funny?

RUFF: ♪ Life was missing its mystique ♪

♪ My squeaky toys had lost their squeak. ♪

And then, out of the blue, I saw the phone and bam!

My destiny was calling me.

[instrumental jazz playing]

♪ Pitched my vision for a show

♪ They loved it, thought I was a pro ♪

♪ They got my contract back to find ♪

♪ To their alarm, a dog had signed ♪

♪FETCH!♪Oh, I like that name.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

♪ I didn't wait to renovate

♪ Found six contestants, all were great ♪

♪ And now I'm on the road to fame ♪

♪ I've got a game show and its name is... ♪


It's very catchy.

♪With Ruff Ruffman♪

It rolls off the tongue.

Wait, stop.♪Ruff Ruffman.♪

Somebody want to tell me why we got cats singing?


RUFF: And here come the contestants now!

"Entrepreneur"-- it's fun to say,

it's even more fun to be, according to Mike!

What color is Michael's shirt?

You can hear from the answer

in Spanish from Bridget!

She can make herself invisible at will-- it's Madi!


Uh, she too has mastered the art of invisibility--

it's, uh, it's Nina!

Uh, okay, I'm stalling for time, I admit it.


Hi, and welcome to FETCH! with Ruff Ruffman.

We're here in Studio G

with Michael and Bridget.Yeah.

Hey, guys, how's it going?

Good.Good, how are you doing, Ruff?

A little nervous today.

Things are not going well on the show,

as you've seen so far. I've got problems.

I mean, the FETCH is down

and I can handle that, but I've got kids out

in the field and I don't like it

when you guys are missing and I can't see you.

I've got Rosario and Madi out in the woods on dog sleds.

I've got Willie and Nina, they're running around,

looking for John Hancock and Samuel Adams.

I mean, I can't see anything.

But, hey, this isFETCH!

Are we just going to sit around and wait for the transmission

to be restored on the FETCH , huh?

No. No.

Actually, yes, that's kind of what we do here.

We wait for things to fix themselves.

Wait! You know what we need to do first?

What?Little recap.

All right.All right, sit down, let's watch a recap.

I mean, you know, you guys know what happened,

but, uh, for the folks at home.

Previously onFETCH! with Ruff Ruffman...

RUFF: Well, it's all pretty simple, really.

Paul Revere told Willie and Nina that they would have

to take his place and warn Boston

that the Redcoats were coming

and tell the leaders of the revolution,

Sam Adams and John Hancock, to flee.

See, I used to be John Hancock's dog.

Or, I used to reenact John Hancock's dog for tourists.

But the other reenactors just wanted me to bark,

even though I was sure Hancock's dog

had a bigger role in the founding of our country.

Anyway, they fired me.

But that's where I got the idea to send out Willie and Nina,

who warned Isaac Hall, and then they needed

to hurry on to Concord, but they couldn't catch a cab,

but ain't that the th century for you?

Anyway, meanwhile, Madi and Rosario were off

trying to reach the Continental Divide in Colorado

so they could send a message

in a bottle that would eventually reach

a genius straw hat maker on the beaches of Hawaii,

because I accidentally sat on my old hat,

and I need him to make a new one, and he doesn't have e-mail.

It all made perfect sense in the last episode.

See, all the snow and rain west of the Continental Divide

eventually makes its way to the Pacific.

So Madi and Rosario just have to get to the divide

while wearing cool sunglasses.

They tried tobogganing, skiing, and then they met some of

my cousins and they mushed their way to a fork in the path

and then the reception here at home base gave out!

Without any warning whatsoever, the computer shut down.

And now we're just sitting around without a show.

No kids, I don't know what's going on.

A few more minutes of this and we'll probably get canceled.

Everybody caught up? Good.


Rebooting the computer?

Oh, that almost never works.

Oh, well... [chuckles]

What do you know? It, uh, it worked.

Oh, I didn't see that coming.

What are we supposed to do?

RUFF: Oh, they're back!

We are back online.

Wait, what do we do?

That was a close one.

I can't have Fetchers lost in the woods.

So we crossed the bridge.


there are two trails, right?

MADI: I think we'd better go to the right.

All right, we're back on the trail,

we're back on track. Let's go!

All right, hike it up, hike it up!

Now Madi's driving.Hike it up!

Hah! Hah! Gee!

Now remember, "Gee" means go to the right.

Gee! Hike! Hike! Hike!

Hike it up, keep going, guys, keep going.

Hike it!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Ruff, where's the cab?

Ruff, the Redcoats are going to be here,

and we need a cab to tell everyone.

Oh, that's right, here's where we are.

Waiting on a cab, as usual.

Their last clue said to go to the Paul Revere Restaurant.

Come on, Ruff, you need to help us here.

Oh, it's the cab!

There we go! Phew!

NINA: Can you take us to the Paul Revere Restaurant?

Okay, get in.

All right, good.

I better check in with the satellite interview.

Thanks for sending the cab, Ruff.

Hey, how's it going, guys?

It's going good, Ruff, it's going good.

We're just on our way to the Paul Revere Restaurant.

Yeah, we've been working all day.

It's getting tiring.

How about my clues, a little too easy?

Uh, no, they're pretty hard, actually.

They're pretty tough.

What's going on with the pants, Willie?

They're actually way too big.

I had to hold them the whole time.

At least you have pants.

Here.Thank you.

All right, they made it to the restaurant.

WILLIE: Paul Revere Restaurant.

I guess all we can do now is look for clues.

There's one! I see one!

There's a clue.

Use this window of opportunity

to find an address in a nearby community.

I'm guessing this is

the window of opportunity.

RUFF: Now, what does it mean?

But how do we use it?

Do you have any idea what this is?

Ruff told me I couldn't help you,

but you should be able to figure it out just by looking.

Thank you, sir, I appreciate that.

Let's see if we can flip it over.

What if we turn it upside down?

See what it fits over.

Like, it should fit on something around here.

The menu! It looks like it fits perfectly.

WILLIE: Oh, yeah.

Here, put this on.Okay. Oh, yeah.

"Take the cab to..."

See, they have a clue, and they could order breakfast.

Okay.But there's no time. Moving on.

Bye. Thank you.Bye.

Maybe you should start the stopwatch now.

We don't even know how much time.

It doesn't say.

Oh, come on, Ruff, let's make a phone call.


RUFF: Willie, hey.

Hi, Ruff.

Uh, let me think a minute.

Uh, you've got minutes,

minutes for this segment.

No, wait, no, no, that's too long-- .

Okay, okay, it's .

Scratch that-- minutes.

You have minutes, okay?

We'll set it for .

Can we go to

Mass. Avenue, Lexington?

MAN: Okay.

RUFF: Lexington is the next town on the route.

I think we've gone about three miles.

ROSARIO: Take the turn and go this way, right?

'Cause that's where the mountains are

and the east trail.

So you get in the seat.

All right, Madi, let's do it.


Hike it up!Hike it up!

Hike it up! Come on, boys, good job.

RUFF: Boy, Madi's just a real natural at this.

ROSARIO: Gee! Hike it up!

MADI: Look, there's the old bridge,

the one that's on the map.

There's the bridge! They made it to the bridge! Awesome!

MADI: We must be heading in the right direction.


Whoa!Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

There's the post office!

Oh, they've made it to the post office!

What is that?

That's a post office?

Is that the post office?

You can't even tell it's a post office. Look at that.

Are you kidding me?

It just looks like falling down trees.

Wow. I wonder what happened.

And the prize to the worst looking post office goes to...

that one.All right,

better get back to the dogs. Yeah, right.

Okay, well,

they don't need to mail anything anyway.

Let's keep going.Hike it up!

Go, boys, go!

Get some air, get... Oh, they almost caught air again.

I love when they go over the jump.

It's so cool.

Gee, gee, gee.



Whoa. Whoa.

ROSARIO: Orion, what's that peak up there?

MADI: Is that the Continental Divide?

NINA: Only have seconds.

Go faster, faster, faster!

Stop it.

With time to spare. Thank you!

I guess we should start looking for another clue.

Where's a clue?



All right, they found the scooters.

Oh, look at this. Clue

But they're locked,

and that is because I locked them.

What's the code?

I don't know.

"Do some quick math,

and head out the path."

"First, find his age during the famous ride."

"Then count the letters in 'Paul Revere' and divide."


We have to find an age.All right,

let's find out how old Paul Revere was

during the famous ride.

to .

Oh, I get it.

You subtract from and that gives you...

Blossom, come on.


[chuckling]: Of course.

His age was .


Paul doesn't actually turn

until December in ,

so he's still technically years old on April .

Yeah, I think he was only . Oh, yeah.

Then count the letters in "Paul Revere" and divide.

Ten letters in Paul Revere's name.

You divide by ten and you get four.

NINA: What, I don't get it.

"Four" is the answer, but then what happens after that?

Oh, wait, wait, clue, clue, stop.

We have to spell out "four" on this, I think.


Okay, pull it.

Yes, it worked.

Unlocked and ready to scoot!

Hey, don't forget what Paul Revere said!

Now, this is going to be dangerous

and they will be watching for you.

Any sign of them?

I see them.


Over there.

They've spotted my Fetchers.

Let's get them.

We're after you!


I mean scoot!

Run and scoot!

Come back here!

Hold up, you!

Wow, good thing I got scooters for them.

Come back here, you rascals.


They got away.

Ruff, those kids are fast.

Nice job, guys.

Boy, I miss my old job sometimes.

Ruff, hey, I hope you come back, we miss you.

Aw, thanks, guys. Thanks.

A bit.

Small... a little bit.

That's real funny, guys.

Well, it's half-time, so that means it's time

for the Half-Time Quiz Show.

All right.All right, you guys ready?

You know the rules, right?Yeah!

I don't need to tell you.No.


All right, question number one.

Oh, I actually don't have

any Half-Time Quiz questions.

Right, because this isOoh.

an extension from the last show.

It's like a part two.

Okay, there's nothing for you guys to do.

Oh, wait a minute, hey!

There is something for you guys to do.

Hang on a second.

Uh-huh. Oh.

Oh, Ruff, you're brilliant.

Oh, that's a good one. Perfect.

Bridget, Mike, your instructions are now in the mailbox.



Let's go. Bye, Ruff.

All right.See you later, Ruff.

And now let's check back in with Rosario and Madi.

ROSARIO: Did it!

Look. Look.

ORION: All right. We did it!

Good job, good job.

They've made it to the top!

All right, guys,

here we are at the top of the Continental Divide.

Whoa.This is incredible.

It's so cool.

But I mean that even literally.

This is as far as I can take you with the dogs, okay?All right.

You've got the Atlantic shed over there

and we've got the Pacific shed over here.

MADI: We want to go here.

ORION: We want to go to the Pacific.

Oh, how cool is that?

All the snow on the east side of the divide will melt

and run into the Atlantic,

and all the snow just a few inches away on the west side

will melt and run into the Pacific.

All right, you got your map?

ROSARIO: Yep, right here.

ORION: So here we are.

Came up this trail. Okay.

Now we're at the top of the Continental Divide.All right.

What you need to do

is go south to the river here.Okay.

Oh, yeah, because the river's on the west side of the divide,

the water will flow west towards Hawaii,

which will get the bottle to Mr. Elio.

All right,

let's do it.Now, I'm going to wait here

with the dogs. Okay.

Madi, you take the compass.I got the map.

Rosario, you got the map?Yep.

Now, I'll give you a radio

in case anything happens, you call me. All right,

just click and Orion.

You guys are going to have to take it here,

on... what did we decide?

So we're going to go with snowshoes.

Remember now, they said the dogs can only take them so far.

They had to find another mode of transportation

and they elected snowshoes.

MADI: These are the ones.

Now they're going to use those snowshoes to get

to the western flowing river.

Thank you, Orion.

I don't want to get lost.

Yeah, me neither.

Use your compass, Madi.

So let's go that way.

Okay, so we're going straight, right?

Pretty much.And then it should be over there.

This is so emotional.

I'm totally moved.

And it's not just the music.

Here, it says to go over here.

We going the right way?

Yes, we are. All right.

They're almost at the river!

All right. That looks pretty right.

All right.

Wow, those snowshoes are really working.


And of course as soon as I say that, down goes Rosario.

You are just determined to fall.

Are you okay? All right. It's all right.

Are you sure? Yeah...

I'm scared.

Come on. All right,

All right, we're good. We're good.

Oh, that's very nice helping Madi across the water.

What, wait, wait, the water?

Oh, that's it!

They've made it! They're at the river!

Look, here it is, finally.

They made it!

We made it, Madi, we did.

We did it, Madi. Finally.

I suggest after all our hard work,

we both put it in together.

Putting it in together, that is a great idea.

Right here, right?

Yeah. All right, you ready?

All right, you grab that. All right.

Here we go. And...

there we go.

Now the bottle goes into the-- little push--

into the river.

Off it goes.

We did it!

Into the Pacific.

Uh... eventually.

Luckily, Mr. Elio is going to take this out of the river.

It's important not to litter, people.

The Redcoats

are coming.

The Redcoats are coming.

Better watch out.

Redcoats are coming.

Ruff, my legs hurt.

It's good exercise.

You're helping save the nation and working the calves.

Uh, we're over time.[bell ringing]

Okay, A clue!

so they went a little over time but they found a clue.

That's the most important thing.

Set the clock to ten after three

to find out where you need to be.

All right, so ten...

Ten minutes after three.

So put it to :.

This one goes to ten.

Turn right at Hancock Street.

You have five minutes.

Good job, guys. Good job.

We have to find our next clue.

And now my pants are falling down again.

Okay, Willie, next time you're getting colonial spandex.

I see our next clue.

"You've reached the Hancock-Clarke House.

Knock on the door."

Oh, we didn't make it.

It's at :.

Hancock-Clarke House?

Oh, I bet that's where John Hancock

and Samuel Adams are supposed to be.

You must find the leaders of our rebellion,

John Hancock and Sam Adams.

Warn them.

I think I see someone in the window.

Events are moving toward a confrontation.

General Gage is sending troops into the countryside.

King George will not be happy to have his colonies in revolt.

Certainly not, sir.

We must take up arms and oppose them!

But not you and I, John.

We are needed elsewhere.

Yes, we have... we have bowling on Tuesday.

Someone's at the door.


Are you Samuel Adams and John Hancock?

Yes, Samuel Adams at your service.

And I am John Hancock.

Uh, we've come to warn you of something. What?

The Redcoats are coming. The Redcoats are here.

Great job, guys!

Excellent warning!

The Redcoats, the Regulars?Yes.

They must be headed for Concord

and our military supplies. Please, come inside.

We must warn the people in Concord.

Will you be able to get there and do that?

Yeah. Good. I have a clue that may help.

Thank you.

"This final clue will test what you know.

It will also tell you where to go."

Paul Revere, right.? Yeah.

I think these are the answers.

And I guess we stick them on this.

That's Paul Revere.

Adams. Yeah.Is that Adams?

Now take a look at the first letter of each clue.

It's probably going to spell something.



The Redcoats, the Regulars?


King George.

King George will not be happy

to have his colonies in revolt.

WILLIE: So, so far we have "Park."

P-A-R-K, "park."

Captain Medford? Let's just skip that one and come back to it.

No.The Redcoats are coming!

Okay, so that's on six, right?Right.

No, okay, so we have park, a space and an N.

That's General Gage. Yeah, yeah.

General Gage is sending troops

into the countryside.


Mass. Ave, Lexington.

Old North Church.

What's this?"The signal of lanterns

displayed in the steeple of this church."

"Blank" if by sea.Two.

They're almost done.

They're doing so well.

So that means this one.

Oh, that leaves Isaac Hall.

NINA: "On this site lived Captain Isaac Hall."

I'm Isaac Hall!

Do you have a message for me?

WILLIE: So, "park in glot."

Park in glot.

Park in glot?

NINA: "Parking lot!"

Oh, "parking lot."

Hello, I wrote it.

Well, I guess that means we have to go to the parking lot.

So what parking lot are we supposed to go to?

NINA: We're here and we need to go here.

WILLIE: Yeah, I'm guessing that bus is going to take us.

Hello, can I help you?

We need to get to the Minute Man National Historical Park.

Well, you're in luck

because that's where we go.Thanks.

Oh, how convenient.

We're done! We did it! Ruff!

Ruff, you're going to get your hat!

Thanks, Rosario; did you get my order for the straw tote bag?

All right. We did it!

What we've got to do is get back to base camp

before it gets too dark, okay? BOTH: All right.

Let's do it.All right, here we go.

ROSARIO: That was awesome.

All right.All right, hike it up.

Hike it up, guys.

MADI: Come on, guys, hike it up.

Ruff, we're coming home.We're coming home.

We'll see you at the garage, buddy! Bye.

You'll see me at Studio G,

Rosario, gee!

Gee! Oh, boy.

Oh, you can't say "Studio G" in front

of the dogs-- they think you want to go right.

Good boys.

Good dogs.

Back to home base.

ROSARIO: Hike it up, guys.

We made it.

Good job, you guys.

You guys were the best.

Yes, you were.

MADI: Thank you so much for today.

It was awesome.You're welcome.

We've got to get back to the garage.

See you there, Ruff.See you there, Ruff, bye.

Rosario, you're k*lling me. Studio G!

Must be the cold air,

the high altitude.


Whoa indeed, there's horses.

That's a horse command, uh, joke thing.



Ruff, this is so fun!

NINA: Ruff, I was wondering when you would put us

on a horse because Paul Revere was on a horse

his whole ride, and we've been

on buses, taxis and motorcycle side cars... and scooters.

Oh, I know, so it's not specifically

how Paul Revere did it, but you got on a horse eventually.

NINA: I see a clue!

It's a "read me" sign.

WILLIE: Look, "the capture of Paul Revere."

He got captured?

"At this stretch of the Battle Road, the famous Midnight Ride

of Paul Revere came to an end."

That's right, he got captured and since you're playing him...

"...the Regulars were out."Oh, my gosh.

Halt! Halt in the name of the king!

What are you doing here? Where are you going?

You ever heard of Ruff Ruffman?We're reading...

I don't know Ruff.What are you doing out here?

Okay, well, we're on a show with Ruff Ruffman. Oh.

Okay, here come Bridget and Michael.

Here we go.Ow.

Come on. I'm sorry.

Uh, um, yes, yes--

oh, they've been captured by the Redcoats.

So, um... I guess you guys

on the horses don't need to follow.

Very crafty.

That's right, Blossom.

Paul Revere was captured by Redcoats

before he reached Concord.

All the historians say so,

butIhave a different theory.

The Redcoats weren't really Redcoats.

They were actually Colonial allies of Revere,

only pretending to be Redcoats

so they could save Paul Revere.

And who was behind the brilliant plan?

Ha, ha-ha!

None other than John Hancock's dog,

Master Thaddeus Rover Hancock himself.

What? It's a theory.

I know he was really captured by the Redcoats,

but they let him go.

Oh, well, anyway,

let's welcome back

our intrepid postal duo,

Madi and Rosario.

Welcome back, guys. Wow!

Yeah, take your coats off, it is, whoo,

hot in here under these lights.

Thanks for doing that little errand for me.

Next time, I promise

I am buying a hat online.

No problem. All right.

It was actually fun, Ruff.

Well, I'm glad.

And now, here come our Redcoats and Reveres now.

Willie, Nina, Mike and Bridget.

Wow, those outfits look really good.

BRIDGET: Thanks, now can I take it off?

Because it's itchy.

Is it a little itchy?Yeah.

Oh, please, remove.[sighs]

Triumph Tally.


Well, Rosario and Madi, for braving the elements,

I'm giving each of you points.

All right.

Hike it up, boys.

With those sled dogs you gee'd, hawed

and put the brakes on the sled like the mushiest of mushers.

Another points.

Yeah! Nice, guys.

I think we've gone about three miles.

Now for your map reading skills,



And another

for agile snow transportation testing.

These are the ones.

Which nets you a total

of points.

Good job!

BOTH: The Redcoats are coming!

Willie and Nina,

you two also had to deliver

a message in difficult circumstances.

Not only did you cover miles in one day,

you had to do it in clothes that

went out of fashion years ago.

Ruff, my pants are too big.

points right there.

Good job, guys.

For warning the city that the Regulars were coming...

[shouting]: The Redcoats are coming!

Ten points.

Awesome, guys.

High Street, High Street.

You get points for cracking the puzzles.

Did we make it in five minutes?

Yeah, we had two minutes to spare.

I was going to give you points

for making it to all your destinations on time.

Aw, we're over time.

But you were late for a couple,

so I'm going to have to deduct ten points.

That gives you a grand total of points.

All right, guys.

But is that all the points a dog can give?

No.What time is it?

Bonus points!

I've got five big bonus points

going to the contestant who insisted

on sharing the glory

of a mission completed.

We did it, Madi. I suggest after all our hard work,Finally.

we both put it in together.Let's go on the rocks.

That gives Rosario points,

which means...

Rosario is today's daily winner.

All right, Rosario, here's the deal.

Behind one of these Declarations of Independence

is a fabulous prize.

Behind the other,

nothing to write home about.

Which is it going to be?

I'd go with B.

I'm going to go with B, Ruff.

Rosario, guess where your prize is.

It's in the mailbox.

It's in the mailbox.


Oh, no, Madi!

Oh, wow!


Cross-country skis, my friend.

Oh, wow.

Easy, watch it, don't club your Fetchers, you need them.

Awesome, Rosario, enjoy your skis.

Thank you, Ruff.

Fetchers, this was a great episode.

Everybody's back safe and sound.

I love you all, but it's time to say good-bye.

We love you too, Ruff.Bye!

Until next time.


Bye, Ruff. Adios.

♪ Now wave your hands now chase your tail, yeah ♪

♪ Everybody's doing the Ruff, wow ♪

♪ Everybody's doing the Ruff

♪ Umph, the Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff ♪

♪ Everybody's doing the Ruff.

Oh, this stuff is gold.

Solid gold; maybe I can convince

another TV station to... what?

Oh, that bad, huh?

♪ One more time, yeah, everybody's doing the Ruff ♪

♪ How, everybody's doing the Ruff boogie! ♪

Oh, yeah, okay, I see it now.

Uh, I'll stick to reality game show hosting.

I promise.

[Ruff scatting]


♪With Ruff Ruffman!♪

[Ruff scatting]

[Ruff meowing]

[Ruff barking]

[Ruff hissing, barking]



♪With Ruff Ruffman!♪

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