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02x15 - Finger Foodie

Posted: 02/25/24 16:47
by bunniefuu
And we've got six seconds
left on the clock!

Time's up!

Thank you, chefs.

I look forward to tasting it.


Chef David.

Please tell me about
your Beef Wellington.

What I've prepared

will satisfy the most
intense meat cravings.

But, it is 100 per cent plant-based.

I think you'll find that my
Vegan Wellington lacks nothing

in terms of taste or texture.

Plus, it has the added benefit
of a social conscience.

Mmm, that's savoury.

It's juicy and tender.

Oh, it's very surprising.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Chef Gregory.

Hello, Joan.


Please, tell me

about your Beef Wellington.

Imagine Arthur Wellesley,
Duke of Wellington

being fed some plant protein
concoction, right before

defeating Napoleon in
the battle of Waterloo.

We'd all be speaking French right now.

I have prepared

a mouth-watering young cal,

wrapped in a rich, buttery pastry.

Because, why mess with the classics?

Okay, let's see!

It's a little bit tough.

That's impossible.

Maybe the knife is dull.

Ah, well...

You hungry, buddy?

Yeah, just one second.

You know what? Let's
make this interesting.

A little eating contest.

First one to win earns
bragging rights, okay?

Ready, and...


Kind of cheating, I think. But...

Alright, pal. Time to go.

Another meal left uneaten. Let's go.

How bad is it?

Actually, we got lucky.

Chef Gregory prepared a
perfectly rare Beef Wellington

leaving the integrity of
the thumb fairly intact.

Enough to give us a read on anything?

We know it's Caucasian.

Definitely subjected to butchery.

It's a clean slice,
right through the bone.

Well, that doesn't
give us much to go on.

It's all I've got.

We're still waiting to see

what comes back from the
thumb print we lifted.

Which means there could be somebody

tied up in a basement somewhere

bleeding out of a missing thumb hole.

I've sent the thumb in for processing,

along with all the
knives we found on site.

Can you let me know as soon
as you hear anything back?

- Yeah, of course.
- You idiot!


Do I need to tell you
what a sous-chef does?

Is that Chef Gregory?

The one and only.

He's a little fired up.

He keeps insisting

that he oversaw every step
of the meal's preparation.

That makes you wonder why

he baked in a human thumb!

Hey. Have you ever prepared
a Beef Wellington?

Can you cook that in a microwave?

It was a staple in my house growing up.

Little known fact,

It's chilled for about thirty minutes

immediately prior to baking.

Meaning there was a window

where someone could have swapped it out.

Yeah, maybe someone in the crew?


Maybe someone slipped in
the back door, unnoticed.

Wouldn't be too hard either.

No security cameras in the area.

Everyone's buzzing around a TV set.

Yeah, the question is, though,

who would go to this length
to discredit Chef Gregory?


You scumbag! This is low, even for you!

What, you don't think I know

it was you that put that thumb in there?

- Just calm down!
- Yeah, I'll calm down!



Good job, partner.

Detective Hudson. I see you've met Rex.

Come on. Ughhh.

You want to know

who's behind this, huh?

This guy right here!

I do and I will.

But first, I'm going to talk to you.

Come on.

I invited Chef Dave onto my show

to settle the debate once and for all.

What debate is that?

Who's the better chef, obviously.

I mean, not that there
was ever any doubt.

This whole thing is a
PR nightmare, okay?

Do you know what this
could do to my rep?

Well, I could care less about your rep.

That thumb belongs to a person.

That person could still be alive.

So why don't we try this again?

Why would Chef Dave
try and sabotage you?

He doesn't like me.

Why not?

Why don't you go ask him yourself?

I have no idea what he's talking about.

You're sure?

Because there has to be some reason

why Chef Gregory accused
you of sabotage.

Maybe he can't let go of the past.

We used to be partners.

We had a restaurant
together, back in the day.

What happened?

It went under.

He insisted on an old school menu.

I kept pushing for vegan options.

Mm-hmm. So you blamed
him for the failure?

Oh, he blamed me.

He went online.

Started making jabs.

Making fun of my vegan ways.

I sometimes think he
became this caricature

of a boorish meat-eater,
just to spite me.

Huh. Oh, that must've upset you.

Yeah, a little.

He used to be one of the good ones.

You know,

he once told me that the
act of sharing a meal

is what saved his parents' marriage.


As if it's ever really that easy.

Never underestimate the
power of food, Detective.

It's the great equalizer.

Chef Gregory understood that once, too.

Back when he respected his craft.

And now?

Now, it's all about the angry chef act.

It's made him lose
track of what matters.

I do not work that way.

And how do you work?

Ethically. Locally.

Growing lettuce in the garden

instead of trucking it in from Mexico.

Oh, and I happen to respect people.

And dogs.

So, you had nothing to
do with this thumb?

Do I look like the kind of person

who carries around an
assortment of human appendages?

I'm only asking about one.

My brand is about 100% compassion.

Veganism isn't just a diet.

It's a lifestyle.

It's a little off-brand for me.

Okay, well, if you had
nothing to do with this

then do you have any idea

who might want to sabotage Chef Gregory?

The real question is,

who wouldn't?

What do you mean?

The angry chef act may be fake.

But the fallout is real.

This is from an episode

where Chef Dave's staff

faced off against Chef Gregory.

You call that cooked?

You waste of space!

That is stone cold!

Hey! Look at me in the
eyes when I'm talking to you!

You can't cook for!

Ah, you call that seared?

No, it's!

Stick it up your!

Get out of my kitchen!



Yeah, I don't get it. It
seems pretty fake to me.

Yeah, but not everyone knows that.

For some contestants

the line between real and
not real can get blurred.

Yeah, it's not like reality TV

attracts the most stable contestants.

I mean, there have been at
least 40 ex-reality TV stars

who have died by su1c1de.

This is what happens when
humiliation goes viral.

Maybe that's what Chef
Dave meant by fallout.

Yeah, but none of that's
happened on this show.

At least not what I can
find with a quick search.

Yeah. It doesn't mean
that this guy's behaviour

didn't tick somebody off.

Let's just hope that this
is a tasteless prank

done with an already dead body.

Except I checked the local morgues.

All thumbs accounted for.

Which means that there could
be somebody out there

who's dead or in very serious trouble.

We need to move fast.

Okay, Jesse. I need you to
pull every single contestant

that Chef Gregory has either
mocked or humiliated.

Got it. So our working
theory is revenge.

Well, that sounds better than
a dust-up over veganism.

Um, I'm not so sure.

I mean, that's a polarizing topic.

As a practicing vegan,

I myself have admittedly adopted

what some might consider
extreme ideologies.

But, I temper myself.

- By eating a BLT?
- What?

Yeah, you had one last week.

You asked me to buy it for you.

Bad news.

Um, okay, here's the thing.

There are least 500 contestants.

This might take a while.

Okay, well it looks like
you'd better find someone

to help you speed it up.



Thanks for biking all the way down here.

- Oh.
- Chef Gregory deserves it.

But I am telling you,
you're wasting your time.

It's all an act.

I've been his sous-chef for years.

Trust me, the guy knows
how to drum up ratings.

Really? All the yelling, and
threatening, and cursing...

Oh, well, no one takes it personally.

They know it's all a part of the show.

Behind the scenes

he can actually be a
completely different person.

Well, except in the immediate aftermath

of finding a thumb in his meal.

Sure. Yeah.

I mean, the night before
the whole thumb incident,

we were working practically until dawn

developing a new menu.

And it was an absolute pleasure.

Well that doesn't sound
like a lot of fun.

Ah well, Chef Gregory made it fun.

You know, when he isn't
playing to an audience,

he can be downright genial.

Oh, good nose, buddy.

It's Chilean sea bass.

It's hard to get the
smell out of my hands

even after I wash them.

So you don't think

that any of Chef Gregory's
previous contestants

would have wanted to put a
severed thumb in his meal?

The only people cracked enough
to pull a stunt like that

are probably those crazy activists.

Which activists?

Oh, we have a couple of

vegan fanatics that loiter
outside the restaurant.

Oh. Why there?

Chef Gregory isn't the only
chef in town that cooks meat.

Oh, well they've had it in for him

ever since he expanded his menu

to include the bison,

horse, foie gras.

And then he took it a step further.

How so?

He was so fed up with them

loitering outside the restaurant.

So he decided to butcher a deer leg

in the window

right in front of them.


I mean,

of course, they have
it in for everybody.

I can't even drive to work anymore.

They've started egging my car.

That sounds pretty hypocritical.

Oh no. They were tofu

and nutritional yeast-based
eggs, of course.

Is that a thing?


Listen, do you think those
protestors are down there now?

Yeah, probably.

Pamela Simmons and her g*ng
is there all the time.

Oh, that is a lot of paraphernalia.

That's a lot of sentient beings

that don't belong on the menu.


Incidentally, dogs that abide
by a strict vegan diet

live longer and healthier,


Hey! Come here!

You want a treat?

Hey, bud!

Look, I've got a bunch
of treats for you.

Here you go.

Yeah, but are they happier?

You know what?

That's a question for another time.

I understand that you
and your cohorts here

were protesting last night.

Just exercising our democratic right.

Are you exercising your democratic right

to destroy Chef Gregory's reputation?

You think that was us?

Just asking questions.

In case you haven't noticed,
we're anti-cruelty.

That extends to humans.

Well, in that case, you won't mind

giving me a list of all
the protesters' names.

I'm not legally required to
provide you with anything.

No, that's right.

I could just come back with a warrant.

Let's go, Rex.

For so-called fanatics

these protesters have
pretty clean records.

A few cases of vandalism and
disturbance of the peace.

But nothing that screams
dismembering psychopath.

Tell me you found something.

Well, the thumb showed no signs

of having been frozen. So,

it's likely it hadn't been
separated from its body

for more than a couple of days.

- Any ID?
- I was able to lift a print.

But no matches in the system.

But based on the DNA results,

we know the thumb belongs to a male,

with brown hair.

Now we're getting somewhere.

- Anything else?
- Actually, yes.

Two substances under the thumb's nail.

When I broke it down it turned out to be

cornstarch and sacha
inchi protein isolates.

Is there a version in English?

It's a plant-based protein

most commonly used as
a meat alternative.

I've never heard of it.

Neither have I.

But I'll bet we know someone who has.

Sacha inchi.

It's pretty popular in vegan circles.

I'm surprised I'm the only one

who's really heard of it.

What's more surprising is our
token vegan eats pastrami.

Oh, you noticed that too?

Okay, I had one or two cheat days.

Big whoop!

Speaking of vegans though,

I went down a bit of a rabbit hole

and found some interesting
info on the dark web.

It's sort of a hit list

of some of the greatest local offenders,

written by your friend, Pamela Simmons.

Why does that not surprise me?

Well, what's equally unsurprising

is that Chef Gregory made the list

along with a slew of
other meat-loving chefs,

a few butchers and a food scientist
working out of a nearby lab.

Wait. A lab?

You know, that cornstarch

could have come from latex gloves.

Jesse, what's the food scientist's name?

Aaron Tarr.

What was his focus?

Let's see.

Oh, what do you know?

Looks like he's published
a few research articles

denouncing the health benefits
of a certain vegan product.

Sacha inchi.

Oh, this is Aaron Tarr's lab.

It's a big space.

Oh, I detect a hint of jealousy!

What have you got, partner?

It's not just big. It's immaculate.

Yeah, a little too
immaculate, don't you think?

Almost as if it's been recently cleaned?

What is it, pal?

Can you get the lights?



For someone working in
plant-based materials...

That is an awful lot of blood.


So this is definitely a crime scene.


Any other blood type found?

No, just the one.

We did find blood and brown hair

on that fire extinguisher.

It was probably used as a w*apon.

Yeah, it's certainly heavy
enough to do some damage.

Anything back yet on that
thumb print you lifted?

Yes. It's official.

The thumb definitely
belongs to Aaron Tarr.

Then where's the rest of him?

Aaron Tarr.

38 years old.

Single. Lives at home.

He's been working at
this research facility

for just under five years,

specializing in food sciences.

No sign of him at his home.

No trace of his silver SUV.

And he hasn't shown up to work.

What else do we know?

I was scanning some of his work.

And a research paper of his

claims that sacha inchi protein

can cause liver damage
and high cholesterol.

I should get a checkup.

Okay, so let's recap.

We have a, dead or seriously-maimed,

pro-meat food scientist's thumb

turning up in the dish

of a renowned pro-meat chef.

Looks like we're dealing
with one angry vegan.

But is our vegan a kidnapper?

Or a k*ller?

Why was Aaron Tarr on a hit
list published by you?

It was not a hit list.

It's a record of people

worth demonstrating against.

And Aaron practically
asked to be on that list.

How do you mean?

His published research was so abundant.

It felt almost personal.

So we held the odd protest
outside his facility.

Just exercising your democratic right.


You know, it technically
is a food scientist's job

to study the basic elements of food

and analyze their nutritional content.

Yeah. Not like this.

I swear, his research is bunk.

Yeah, she's not wrong.

Jesse got me into Aaron's computer.

And I've been going through his data.

It doesn't add up.

His research doesn't
support any of the claims

he's made in his publications.

- You're sure?
- Yeah.

Even his findings on sacha
inchi, for example,

point to the exact opposite
of what he published.

And his conclusions,

actually require long-term studies

which couldn't have been completed yet.

Why would he purposely
falsify his information?

Maybe he has a personal
stake in the meat industry.

Or maybe he was in somebody's pocket.

See, based on his banking records,

Aaron was carrying some
serious debt, until recently.

I'm guessing this isn't about
his smart investment decisions.

Not exactly.

See, I was trying to find a connection

between Chef Gregory and Aaron Tarr.

It turns out, he was
listed as a consultant

on Chef Gregory's cooking show, Seared

and has been receiving a regular
paycheck from the production.

Was there any evidence

that he actually was a
consultant on the show?

Well, as far as I can tell

he did an episode about a year ago.

I'm still trying to track it down.

Wow, that's a pretty good deal

for a one-time gig.


Let's go, pal.

I hope he's not a shedder.

Because fur and filet is
not exactly a great look.

Well, I'm sure if you cooperate

we'll be out of here before the
health inspector can swing by.

Do you know Aaron Tarr?

Yeah, Aaron.

He was on my show. The
guy's an absolute hoot.

Well, I'm afraid, he might be dead.

Can you help me understand something?

He was on your show occasionally.

Yet he received a regular payout.

Yeah, he was on retainer.

He was a good gimmick from time to time.

What kind of a gimmick?

Well, when he was on the show

I would have him analyze
the health benefits

of our contestants' meals.

You know. Shake things up.

And how does that shake things up?

I don't know if you've heard, Detective.

But meat kind of has a bad rap.

Okay, a lot of people are talking about

how it's unhealthy and inhumane.

Did you know that a single cow

can feed over 800 people?

What's more humane than that?

Using its fields to cultivate
crops that could feed thousands?

How woke of you, Detective.

Despite some trendy disillusions,

the human body needs more

than grain and water to survive.


I had Aaron on my TV show, okay?

To challenge some common misconceptions.

And how'd that work out?


Not everyone loved what he was saying.

But we had some arguments,

some threats, some profanities.

TV at its finest.

When was the last time you saw Aaron?

Not since that last appearance.


Let's talk about the so-called
health benefits of sacha inchi.

800 grams of sodium.

6.5 grams of saturated fat.

14 grams of sugar.

Man! Those numbers are fake!
That's ridiculous.

The only thing ridiculous around here

is your your idea of a healthy meal.

Yeah, the trash you call food

has twice the amount of
sodium as a Big Mac.

You're selling people cancer!

Get out of here!

This was a mistake!

Well, that was painful.

Yeah, well it gets worse.

That chef who stalked off,

he died two months later.

Daniel Owens. He was
a real up-and-comer.

- How'd he die?
- Overdose.

Just after the episode aired.

What do you think are the chances

of that being a coincidence?

Well, that's not the only thing.
I did a little digging.

And you'll never guess
who his mentor was.

Chef Dave.

Why didn't you tell me
that Chef Daniel Owens,

your protégé,

overdosed shortly after
being berated on air

by Chef Gregory?

I did not sabotage his dish, I swear.

That's not what I asked you.

Look, it's true.

I knew Daniel Owens.

I had only mentored him a month or so.

He was a promising young chef.

We had similar philosophies about food.

You were both vegan?


After the TV show, he changed.

He got quieter and quieter.

Started showing up later and later.

And then didn't show up at all.

One day,

they found him on the ground.


Was it an accident?

All I know is he was real depressed.


Depressed about what?

He had just started building his brand.

He developed this sacha inchi steak

which really put him on the map.

He called it the

healthy alternative to rib eye.


That was the meal he made
on Chef Gregory's show.

The meal that so-called
food scientist tore apart.

He was driven to make a
revolutionary food product,

a meat alternative.


After the TV appearance,
his investors backed out.

His deals with food
vendors fell through.

Everything he'd been working towards.


People have turned to
dr*gs for a lot less.

You know,

if a protégé of mine had
been treated that way,

I think I'd want to strike back.

That's not my style.

I'd prefer to let Gregory

drown in his own guilt.

If he still has a conscience.

Your dog

has good taste.

Those are going to grow
into Craigella tomatoes.

Those are my favourite too.

I don't think he's admiring your
seedlings. What have you got, pal?

Is this your style?

- Hey, Sarah.
- Hey.

We found ID in his pocket.

It's Aaron Tarr.

Yeah, the missing thumb
kind of gave it away.

Well, that's not what k*lled him though.

The deep blow his head was more
likely the cause of death.

Was the blow fire extinguisher-shaped?

I'll tell you after the autopsy.

But I'd say it's likely.

Hey, tell me something.

So, what did Chef Dave say
when Rex dug up the body?

What do you think?

Where were you two nights ago?

I was at my restaurant.

Then I went home.

- Can anyone corroborate that?
- My lady's out of town.

She went to visit her
sister in Stone's Cove.

- That's convenient.
- It's also the truth!

You're sure you're not leaving
out any pertinent information?


See, because my team is looking into it.

And it turns out that

you didn't just take Chef
Daniel under your wing.

You also partnered with him
on the sacha inchi steaks.

Which means when the sacha
inchi brand was destroyed

on Chef Gregory's show months ago,

you lost a significant,
significant investment.

I didn't think that was important.

I think it's motive.

Motive for what?

k*lling a guy? Cutting off his thumb?

And baking it into a pie?

I would never do that!

Besides, what kind of idiot

hides the body in his
own vegetable garden?

We are not going to get away
with holding Dave much longer.

Talk to me, people.
What are we thinking?

Jesse, let's go through the
movements one more time.

Okay, so based on the
blood and m*rder w*apon,

which we've now established

as the fire extinguisher from the lab,

the initial confrontation

between Aaron Tarr and his k*ller

took place at the
research facility, here.

And then the body was transported
to Dave's greenhouse

on Freshwater Road, here.

Only for the body's thumb to turn up,

inside a Beef Wellington

at Chef Gregory's restaurant,


Okay, Jesse.

I want you to check the CCTV
footage from two days ago.

See if the same vehicle turn up

in more than one of those locations.

Well, Aaron drove a silver SUV

that hasn't been seen
in a couple of days.

Okay, well I'll keep an eye
out for any silver SUVs

on the CCTV footage.

While we still have him in custody,

I'm going to swing by
Chef Dave's kitchen.

See if Rex can pick up any
traces of Beef Wellington.

Alright, partner.

This is not the freshest.

But do your best, okay?

Okay. Track it.

Let's see what we've got here, shall we?

Chef's knife.

Utility knife.

Paring knife.

Bread knife.

Definitely not getting a clean
slice with any of these.

What have you got?


This is either icing sugar,

or Chef Dave is cutting something else.

That's cocaine, alright.

What is it with professional
kitchens and dr*gs?

Might have something to do

with the high pressure, intense speed,

long hours, and forced closeness.

Oh, you seem familiar!

Yeah, I waitressed a bit

through university.

Some of the things I witnessed
in kitchens would horrify you.

Like what?

- Hey, Jesse.
- Charlie.

You might want to come see this.

Jessie's got something.

So. The fact that the attack
on the research facility

happened in the middle of the night

meant the roads were fairly quiet.

So I got a little lucky.

Here it is.

At 1:35 AM,

the silver SUV

driving south two blocks

from Aaron Tarr's research facility.

- Is that Aaron's car?
- It's the same model.

But I couldn't get a
proper angle on the plate.

But I did, however, get this.

Notice the driver's cap.

The image is a little blurry.

But it looks familiar to me.


Right there.

How fanatic is this woman?

Here me bleat! Don't eat meat!

- Meat is m*rder!
- Ahhh!

I have a few questions,

about Aaron Tarr's m*rder.

This is CCTV footage

- of the night of the m*rder.
- That isn't me.

Just someone with the exact same hat

and general disdain for Aaron Tarr?

The two go hand in hand.

You know, you have a pretty
militant approach to veganism.

Bloody spray paint one day.

m*rder the next.

The spray paint is a symbol for blood.

It doesn't make me a m*rder*r.

I'm not Sweeney Todd.

Uh, but you clearly have a
hate-on for Chef Gregory.

And Aaron's research,

that must read like heresy to you.

So we have

a dead Aaron Tarr,

and an as*ault on Chef Gregory.

Two people on the top of your,

let's call it hate list.

And now we have this CCTV footage of you

or someone who's doing a
damn good impression of you.

I've got to be honest with you.

It's not looking good, Pamela.

Look, we have a deal going.


Chef Gregory and me.

He pays me for the stunts.

The protests, the chanting,
the disruptions.

All of it. The showier the better.


So he gets a steady stream of publicity.

And you get to spread
your message without fear

of having a restraining
order slapped on you.


It's win-win.


The only legitimate charge we
have against Pamela is as*ault.

Any luck here?

Actually, yeah, check this out.

So I pieced together
the silver SUV's route

using CCTV and nearby security footage.

I was able to locate it near
the second location here,

making its way away from
Chef Dave's greenhouse.

- What time was that?
- Shortly after 4:00 AM.

But here's the thing. Around here

the SUV just disappears.

Vanishes into thin air.

I was unable to find it
on any of the footage.

Then it might still be in
between those two spots.


Hang on, pal.


Good job, Rex.

I dusted the shovel you
found for fingerprints.

- It was clean.
- So it was wiped it down.

Yeah. There was a stain,

in the lining of the trunk.

- Blood?
- Maybe.

I couldn't tell against the dark fabric.

So I sent it in for testing.

Huh, anything else?


Actually, this.

Orange thread.

We've confirmed that the orange thread

is from a towel belonging
to Chef Gregory.

Could Chef Gregory actually
be behind all this?


I mean, we've got a dead guy
who was likely in his pocket

to falsify reports and
discredit an industry.


Maybe Aaron got too greedy.

He threatened to expose Chef Gregory,

- unless he ups the ante.
- So he k*lled him?

And framed his rival? I mean,
that sounds a bit extreme.

Sure, but Chef Gregory,

he's a pretty extreme kind of guy.

Why plant a thumb in his own dish?

Well, maybe, maybe to create
the illusion of innocence.

Well, it's also publicity.


Everybody knows that Chef Gregory

loves the limelight.

Well, I mean, that's a new shirt.

Thanks, Rex.

His popularity has never been higher.

Everybody online is talking
about the thumb debacle

and the court of public
opinion are coming down hard

- on the vegan t*rrorists.
- Mm-hmm.

So instead of discrediting him,

the thumb motivated his supporters.

His restaurant has never been busier.

The thumb exonerates him.

And his clientele responds

exactly like he would expect them to.

I hope we're not disturbing you, Chef.

Not at all.

I was just getting ahead of the
game before my staff arrives.


Well, we won't stay long.

How can I help you?

I was just curious as to

what type of knife could
cut through bone easily.

You mind if I look at your collection?

Be my guest.

This one looks like it could do it.

It certainly does.

Of course, if you're implying something,

I should say that my
collection is very standard.

Any chef worth his salt
uses a meat cleaver.

Unless they don't cook meat.

I did say any chef worth his salt.

Excuse me.


Don't look at me. I've got nothing.

Find anything, Jesse?


I tracked the GPS records
from Gregory's car.

Where was he the night of the m*rder?

At the restaurant.

Prepping his new menu, allegedly.

That's strange.

Because his car was somewhere else.


Good job, Jesse. See if
you can find anything

that places him at his car, okay?

I'll call you back. What is it, pal?

What have you got?

That's not...

Rex, go!

That's a new one!


Good job, partner.

Get your dog away from me!

Yeah yeah.


Let's go, partner.

That was fun!

This is ridiculous.

I didn't k*ll anyone. I was framed.

- Is that right?
- Yes.

I already told you it was Dave!

My success is eating him up inside.

Then why did you run?

I hadn't used this particular
knife set in a while.

Okay? I pulled this one out

because your guys took my
other one in for evidence.

Today, I opened it up
to find the cleaver,

which was missing
yesterday, suddenly back.


It had blood stains on it.

And at that moment

I realized I was being framed.

So the cleaver shows up
right when we arrive.

That is awfully coincidental.

You're damn right it is, okay?

And I know how it looked! So...

I panicked. And I wiped
the cleaver down.

And then I threw the rag outside.

You really expect me to believe that?

Even if I did k*ll the guy,

which I didn't, okay,

I obviously would have
wiped down the cleaver.

A chef's knife is like his paintbrush!

Then why are you lying to me

about where you were the
night of the m*rder?

Excuse me?

You know what? It's no problem.

You don't want to come clean

about where you were?

I'm sure I can find someone
who can be persuaded

to come clean for you.

Thanks again for coming in, Molly.

You know, I still don't
get why I'm here.

Well it was like I said on the phone.
We just had

a few things I wanted to verify

about Chef Gregory's alibi.

You said

that he was with you,
prepping a new menu,

the night that Aaron was m*rder*d.

Yeah, that's right.

Well, we have evidence
that suggests otherwise.

And I just need some
clarification as to why he,

or you,

might be lying.

Was it because he was purchasing cocaine

to fuel the long hours
creating the new menu?


He owned up to it.

He didn't want his illegal dealings

to get wrapped up in all of this.


So I lied about where he was.

I mean, there's an unwritten
code between chefs.

The bonds of the kitchen are sacred.

I was just trying to protect him.

There is a special bond between chefs.

But yours wasn't with
Chef Gregory, was it?

It was with Chef Daniel.

So I asked myself,

why you'd go to such lengths

to incriminate and
discredit so many people.

But then it occurred to me.

Chef Gregory.

Chef Dave.

Pamela Simmons and Aaron Tarr.

What do they all have in common?

Daniel Owens.

Let's talk about the so-called

health benefits of sacha inchi.

Aaron Tarr. He provided
the false research.

What are you talking about?
Those numbers are fake, man.

You're a hypocrite!

Chef Gregory humiliated him.

Chef Dave provided the cocaine

that led to his demise.

They k*lled him.

All of them.

Do you know what it's like being a chef?


You have zero social life.

So when you find someone
that you connect with,

it's a miracle.

When did you meet Daniel?

During pre-production.

I was Team Gregory.

And he was the enemy.

The lightweight vegan.

We cracked each other up about it.

And then, one night,

he dared me to let him cook for me.

And then something happened.

And we were still up when the sun rose.

Daniel was this really
passionate, creative soul.

And they just destroyed him.

For what?

Hmm? Ratings?

So you k*lled Aaron Tarr.

I only went there to expose his lies.

To set the story straight.

For Daniel.

His car wasn't there when I got there.

But he came back.

And he caught me.

And he threatened me.

Things escalated.

I just grabbed the
closest thing I could.

I swung!

It was an accident.

With the thumb and the body

and the multiple cover-ups,

I don't think anyone's
going to buy self-defense

as one of those ingredients.

Yeah, we've got six
uniforms on the case.


So we're just fine. It's funny.

- Lost my tag.
- One second.

Hey, buddy!



Hey guys!

Lunch is on me!

What is this? Beef Wellington?

Oh, you're kidding, right?

That is dark, Jesse. Even for you.

Well, I figured I'd
never had one before.

Figured I may as well try it.

I thought you were vegan?

They are not Beef Wellingtons.

They are Pea Protein

and Tofu Wellingtons.


Should have known.

No such thing as a free lunch. Right?

Come on! Try it!

It's an acquired taste.

And what if we don't want to acquire it?

Fine. To each their own.

I'm just trying to do my part

to end animal cruelty
and save the planet.

But I get it.

Being vegan's a commitment.

And not everybody's
up for the sacrifice.

Is that salami stick vegan too?

Your dog has good taste!

Hey! Chef Gregory.

I came here to say thank
you for solving the case.


to also invite you all to a fundraiser

I'm having at the restaurant.

Don't worry. No cameras. No publicity.

It's all about food.

And we're raising money for
victims of substance abuse.

Why not?

I could use one of your meals.

It'd be nice to have some real meat.


I think we're going
to try something new.

Thanks to my new consultant.

Hey everybody!

Hey! Score one for the good guys!

You know, I think this is great.

Finally doing your part
to save the planet.

And capitalizing on cheap publicity.

Old habits die hard.

He came over to the dark side

once he realized how much vegan
ingredient have improved.


Come on and get it!

Yeah, there you go.

He likes it!

Way to go, partner.

Next time on Hudson & Rex

We're too late

It's the historic Merkley house.

It's gone

So, you're on the Green
Bottle Bomber case

Asher Browning.

Nice to meet you.

I've been chasing this
pyro since the beginning

So we've got mafia connections,

dead body,

potential cover-up.
