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04x06 - Dead Man's Bridge

Posted: 02/25/24 17:08
by bunniefuu
Angel to Sorcerer, come in.

This is Sorcerer and as always,
your voice has brightened up my day.

Down, partner. How's the drive so far?

Roads are smooth and clear.

If this keeps up, I'll
be ahead of schedule.

Keep to the limit, Jon.

You're going to be
coming up on some curves.

Don't you worry about me, Angel.

I've got this under control.

Roger that.

I'll check in with you a little later.

You know where to find me.

♪ As ready as I'll ever be ♪

♪ Take me now, I'm ready ♪

♪ Come along with me ♪


Angel, this is Sorcerer.

Come in.

I got some potential trouble
knocking on my back door.

Angel, you there? Come back to me.



What can I do for you folks?

- Jon Carling?

JON: That's my name.
Although most people

call me by my handle, Sorcerer.

You seem pretty relaxed considering
we just forced you off the road.

I figured if you all were truck jackers,

you would have drawn
those weapons by now.

My guess is cops.

Good guess.

All clear. So far so good.

Listen, I know I was
going over the limit

but I've got 40 pallets
of frozen rock shrimp

that need to be in
Burgeo before nightfall.

SARAH: There's plenty of
mercury in that trailer

- but not in any seafood.
- CHARLIE: Yeah, we know the real cargo

is actually liquid expl*sives

heading for a road demolition
project on the coast.

I was just testing you.

Making sure you are who you say you are.

Yeah, well we appreciate the caution.

If that ended up in the wrong hands

it could do a lot of damage.


Which is why I was the man
chosen for this particular run.

There's the best and
then there's the rest.

So what are you and your dog
doing out here on this fine day?

DONOVAN: We were contacted
by a federal agent

who received an anonymous tip.

I was able to confirm And based on that,

that the Arnold Trucking
Company was recently hacked.

And the cargo manifest and delivery
schedule of the entire fleet

was accessed.

- What are you saying?
- What we're saying is that

we think you're about to be
high-jacked for your expl*sive cargo.



- And we're going to stop them.




SARAH: Well, the canisters are
sealed stamped, and accounted for.

CHARLIE: And Rex confirms
the presence of nitroglycerin.

You all know I got nothing
to do with this, right?

If you were a suspect
you'd already be in cuffs.

- SARAH: In fact, we need your help.
- JON: I'm listening.

DONOVAN: You're not here
as an insurance policy.

We're here to catch these highjackers

so it needs to look like you're
out here alone as expected.

Yeah, we're going to travel
in front and behind you

maintaining a distance of
one kilometer on both sides.

JESSE: Okay. So, the
tracking device is good to go.

Yeah, and if anyone makes
a move, we'll be here.


Why does it feel like I'm the bait?

Hey. You're under no
obligation here, okay?

Yeah, we figured a trucker
with the handle Sorcerer

wouldn't mind assuming a little risk.

Well, I am making triple my rate
in hazard pay on this run, so...

Ah, well, that sounds like we can
count on your cooperation then.

JON: Why not?

I figure at least it'll
give me a little more time

to get to know you better, Mama Bear.

Do I look like a Mama Bear to you?

Oh, it's just what we road jockeys

call female law enforcement
officers. Let me get that for you.

SARAH: Okay, well maybe
you can just call me Sarah.

All right Sarah.

You know what they say about
the size of a man's truck?

The bigger it is the more he's
compensating for something?


- She's feisty. I like that.
- Hey.

- Easy.
- Yeah, we're wasting daylight.

- Let's get on the road.
- Yeah, we're switching to a secure channel.

Stay off the common
usage channels, all right?

We have to assume
they're being monitored.

That means no phone calls
in, no phone calls out,

unless we say so. You got that?

Ten-four on that, good buddy.

CHARLIE: Good. Let's roll.


- Oh, hi!
- Hey, come on, pal.

You coming in for a scratch?



- Hey.

Is this what you want?

Are you teaching him to
open up the glove box?

I mean, you know, when it comes to food,

Rex'll do pretty much
anything. Hey, pal!

- We're driving.

Hey, did you notice if my
notebook was in the glove box?

I don't see it, why?

I was just hoping to write down
some of that guy's pickup lines.

(SARAH LAUGHS) You think the
lines were his strong suit, hey?

Yeah, well you know, what else?

Yeah, for me it was the mesh cap.

Yeah? No judgement. You're single.


Wait a second.

Or not? Truong!


- Dish it!
- I did meet somebody recently.

Oh! Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm!

I mean, we've only gone
out a couple of times.

It's way too soon to know
if it's going anywhere.

- A good guy though?
- Yeah, I think so.


DONOVAN: We are five by
five through the switch.

- Blue skies ahead.
- OFFICER: 10-Roger. Red's on a tight circle.

Standing by.

Touch back at the next switch.

- Catch any of that?
- Hmm? Oh yeah!

RCMP maintaining perimeter
unless told otherwise.

Cool codes. But you know,

we've got some pretty sweet encryption

on this here system, so unbeatable.

You want to bet lives on that?


- Hmmm.

What is it?

Well, it's just Rex has been
acting funny all morning.

I mean,

probably nothing.

You don't sound convinced.

Well, I learned to
trust Rex's instincts.

- If his guard's up, then...
- So is yours.



Come in, Sorcerer.

- What's on your mind, Rubber Duck?
- Uh...

- Huh?

Don't take offence
where none's intended.

Rubber Duck is radio code for
the lead vehicle in a convoy.

Well, I'm just checking
in to see how you're doing.

Oh, everything's hunky dory on my end.

However, I would love some company

if you're up for a
change of view, Sarah.

Uh, I'm okay right
where I am. Thank you.

Can't blame a guy for trying.


- Rubber Duck.
- Oh, don't complain to Momma Bear.


I lost visual on the truck again.

Well, I mean the road does wind
for the next few clicks, but,

not to worry, that is
why we have the tracker.

Yeah, I feel better when I
see it with my own two eyes.


Hey, what do you think of the
driver's handle, Sorcerer?

It's pretty cool, right?

You think it's inspired
by Dungeons and Dragons?

Are you serious?

Tell me you've heard of
the movie Sorcerer?

It's a classic.

What year did that come out?

Not that long ago.

Late 70s maybe.

Oh, so before I was born then.

Maybe we should just focus on the drive.

SARAH: You think it's
Sorcerer putting Rex on edge?


Maybe the unusual assignment

or being cooped up in the car.

Yeah, maybe we'll go for a
run on the beach after this.

- Huh, Rex?

Yeah, it was strange that Sorcerer
agreed to our plan so quickly.

Well, Jesse's profile did tell us
that he's a risk-taker by nature.

I mean it's what we
were counting on, right?

- Yeah.
- He's got no criminal record.

No history of dr*gs or v*olence.

Aside from a few speeding tickets,

- the guy's clean.
- Right.


- JESSE: Hmm.

DONOVAN: What is it?

I lost signal on the GPS.

- Dead spot?
- No, no! There shouldn't be any on this route.

- I checked.

- Whoah!

Hey, hey!

- Are you okay?
- Oh God.

- What happened?
- You were unconscious.

You lost control of the vehicle.

I was feeling dizzy and
so I tried to pull over.

I must be dehydrated.

You know, I have water in the car.

- Do you want it?
- That would be great, thank you.

- DONOVAN: Jesse! Is she okay?
- JESSE: Yeah!

She's mostly just shaken up!

DONOVAN: Okay well, look,
we'll send roadside assistance

- but we have to go!

- This should help.
- WOMAN: Awesome.

- You sure you're going to be okay?

- Oh yes, go ahead.
- JESSE: Yeah?

And thank you. Thank you. Okay.


Where are they?

Something's not right here.

We should have gotten that woman's I.D.

Well, I mean you were the one
who wanted to leave in a rush.

I did manage to get
her plate number though.

You thought she seemed suspicious?

Well, I mean I don't know. No no.

I just wanted to check in on her

- and make sure she got home okay. Why?

Do you think she seemed suspicious?

My phone's lost its signal.

I don't like the timing.

That's strange.

- Whoah!

JESSE: Hey hey! You okay?

Uh, uh...

One second!

Hey, come on!

Come on!

- Sit up!
- What? What?

- DONOVAN: Hey, hey.
- You took a nasty shot to the temple. Here.

DONOVAN: What happened?

Where's your truck?

I don't know.

I think that woman was a diversion.

What? We only stopped
a minute. Maybe two!

Yeah, that's enough time.
She knew we were here.

We lost radio contact.

What happened? Where
the hell's the trailer?

It's... I don't know! It's just gone!

And that was enough
time for them to escape

with enough expl*sives
to blow up a city block.


OK, let's go over this again.

Maybe some of the details
will come back to you.

JON: Well, like I said,

I was forced off the
road by a pickup truck.

And there were a couple of
armed fellows in the back.

DONOVAN: What kind of g*ns?

JON: Semi-a*t*matic.
Real serious hardware.

I tried to call for help
but my radio was dead.

- So was my phone.
- Which way did they go?

I don't know.

I tried to get out of the
truck and one of them belted me.



You kidding me?

Man, I thought you all were supposed

to be professionals or something.

My cargo is missing. My
reputation is in the toilet.

- Thank you!
- DONOVAN: Listen, we've got bigger things

to worry about than your rep.

What have you got, pal?

JON: Ow.


Go easy. It's still a little tender.

The laceration is deep.

You're going to need stitches.

You've also got concussion symptoms.

Well, that must be why
I'm seeing two of you.

But I ain't complaining.

Ah you really, you don't stop do you?

Good find, partner.

That's the tracker I put on the truck.

Yeah, they knew exactly where to find it

which means they've been watching us.

DONOVAN: Our friend in the sports car

has something to do with this.

You're sure you didn't
cross paths with her

- when you were on your way in here?
- CHARLIE: No, we didn't see

any westbound traffic for
at least five kilometres.

Well, I mean, maybe
she parked off the road

- laying in wait for us.
- Yeah, so instead of laying a trap

we walked into one. We need backup.

There's still no signal.

How long until the RCMP
realizes the comms are down?

Our next checkpoint's an hour.

I guess that means we're
on our own until then

unless you can get us online.

A semitrailer doesn't just disappear.

Well, there's one branch of highway

that's large enough for a
truck that size to travel on.

It's about a half
kilometre down the road.

Yeah, we saw that
before we circled back.

You think it could have gone that way?

- Yeah I mean, if we're fast enough, we can...
- Let's go.



Rex is on to something up there.

I'm going to check it out.


What is it?

Hey. Back up.

I got it. I got it.

Easy, pal.

Good job.


The road.

Somebody tried to hide it.

Good job, partner. They
didn't count on you, did they?

Big enough to get a truck down.

Come on. Let's find Sarah.

Hold on.

CHARLIE: Rex picked up the scent
down this road. We've got to go.

Oh, I'm not sure it's a good idea
to bounce him down a back road.

I don't want to leave you here.

Oh, I'll be fine.

In his condition, the most
I'll have to contend with

are a few more pickup lines.

No seriously, I'm good.

I'm more worried about you.

You have no idea what's down that road.

Rex won't let anything bad happen to me.

Okay, just be careful.

All right we'll be
back as soon as we can.

Come on, pal.


- You okay?
- Yeah.

Alone at last.

SARAH: Well, not for long.



- What is it?
- Well, based on our current speed

and the speed of the truck, we
should have intercepted it already.

Well, maybe your calculations are off.

Okay. All right, I get it. Hold on.


Take it slow. I just
got the bleeding to stop.

Oh, it'll take more than a
little goose egg to keep me down.


Hands where I can see them.

Oh, hey babe.

Your ride's here.

JON: You sure took
your sweet time, Angel.

Oh, you've got to be kidding.

Oh, don't judge me too harshly.

Everything was going perfectly

until you and your team
showed up out of the blue.

Okay, enough talking.

Check her for weapons and get her phone.

I left my phone in the car.


She's clean.

Come on. We've got to fly.

Well, I guess this
is where we part ways.

Oh, she's coming with us.


Is that really necessary?

She connects me to you, so, yeah.

It's really necessary.


You heard the lady. I guess
we're going for a ride.

You're sure you want
to add taking a hostage

to the list of charges?

ANGEL: Just get in the car.


CHALRIE: Yeah, I hear you, pal.

I've got a bad feeling about this too.



Maybe the road got too rough.

The highjackers cut their losses, huh?

JESSE: Where is everyone?

Someone's been here.

You know, these tread marks,
they're a little bit wider

than a standard vehicle
like the kind that you'd find

- on a sports car.
- On a blue sports car.

Well, I don't know if the colour
would have any bearings on...


Charlie's car went through this way.

Well, there are some old
logging roads out there.

Okay, that explains
where our trailer went.

- No, I don't think so.
- Why not?

I mean if a logging
truck went through here

then an 18-wheeler could definitely fit.

Yeah, but these roads are inactive.

My bet is that they haven't
been maintained in years.

Driving a truck full of expl*sives
down them could be dicey.

Jesse, what makes you think
that our highjackers are versed

in the chemistry of
bumpy roads and nitro?

- They should be!
- Come on! Let's go!



Drop your w*apon!

MAN: You first!

- Kai Dunn.

Rex! Hold.

Detective Hudson, what a

nice surprise.

Tell your men to stand down.

Why would I do that?

You forget,

I know your weakness.

And I have no problem dropping that dog

- where it stands.




CHARLIE: Hey. Easy.

Easy, pal. It's okay, it's okay.


- You'd better keep that mutt under control.
- Rex!

Hold, pal.

- Hold.

You know, I think he
just doesn't like you Kai.


I thought they buried
you in some deep dark hole

after you and Rupert Mankiewicz

pulled that as*ault on
our station last year.

Yeah, well I told the Feds everything
they wanted to know about Mank

and they dropped my
sentence down to six months.

Don't you just love the justice system?


What's all this about?

St. John's biggest power
player is rotting behind bars.

I guess I'm just trying to fill a void.


You're taking over your
old boss's territory.

- Is that right?
- Mm-hmm.

How are you going to do that with
a truck full of liquid expl*sives?

Don't you want to keep any surprises?

Cuff him to the rig.

- Hey!



- That's a detonator.
- Yeah!

You're planning to blow the whole rig.

Going to send a nice big message.

Rupert Mankiewicz doesn't have
any connection to Arnold Trucking.

- We already checked.
- Yeah, that's true, but,

you do know what runs
through here right?

I mean, literally right under your feet?

A string of mining operations
called Amber Diamond.

Our friend has a lot of investments

wrapped up in that company.

And a well-placed blast
from this exact spot

is going to put his whole
operation out of business.

Look, those mines are still active.

You're going to k*ll
dozens of innocent people.


What the hell is wrong with you?

Ah, I'd love to get into that with you.

- But we're on a tight clock here.

You know, you've got to
keep that dog under control

- or I'm going to k*ll him.
- Hey, no no no no no.


Just don't hurt him.

You love your pal so much, why don't,

why don't you spend your
last moments together?

Bring me that empty crate.



Relax. Relax, pal. Lay down, okay?

- It's going to be okay.



All right!

- Let's get to work!


- It's okay , pal! I'm right here!




DONOVAN: sh**t! Which way?

JESSE: Your guess is as good as mine.

I mean, both these directions
branch off at multiple points.

And we just have a maze of
logging and mining roads.

- Jesse, just pick one.
- Okay.

Uh, uh...

Stay right.

All right.

Uh, why are we... ?

Why are we stopping?

Uh, why are we stopping?

ANGEL: None of your business.

Well, we haven't even left the area,

are we here to meet up with someone?

It's Angel's job to keep
all communications offline.

From this vantage point, we can k*ll
the signal for five square miles.

ANGEL: You talk too
much, baby. You know that?

You don't think anyone will
notice what you're doing?

JON: I wouldn't count on it.

This is about as remote
an area as you can get.

- ANGEL: Jon, seriously. Shut up.
- Sorry.


Your injury still bothering you?

Oh, just a splitting headache mostly.

They hit me really hard.


They had to make it look real, babe.

Barely pulled it off as it was,

thanks to the cops showing up.

Well, you really saved our
bacon back there, Angel.

If you hadn't improvised that plan

to slow down that tail car,

this would've gone sideways. We'd
all be stewing in a federal prison.

Ah, you still could be.

I've got to make a bathroom run.

Try not to give our hostage
our life story while I'm gone.

You need to let me go.

- I can't do that.
- Jon. I've read your file.

You've never been in
trouble before in your life.

What are you doing?


it's a cliché,

but love does funny things to a man.

Angel needed help getting
out of a financial jam.

But at what cost?

Grand larceny?

Kidnapping, domestic terrorism?


Listen, I am no damned t*rror1st.

All I did was take some cash
to stage a truck jacking.

Why did they even need to stage it?

Why not just ambush
you and steal the truck?


Hmm. I hadn't thought of that.

Because you're in way over your head.

Listen, I can help.

I mean, come on, Jon,
you're not gonna sh**t me.

Give me the g*n.

We'll figure it out together.


She give you any trouble?

CHARLIE: If you have any
ideas, now's the time to share!


Hey. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Good job, buddy! Good job!

Keep digging!

- Come on!

I just don't understand why we need her.

Don't you see what she's doing?

She's trying to drive
a wedge between us.

It's a cop trick.

Okay. So what's the endgame, Angel?

We have to get rid of her.

No no no no.

Don't say that. We are not K*llers.

She's the only one who could
prove I was part of this.

I'm not going to prison.

JON: But you're fine with
throwing me under the bus?

ANGEL: No, I didn't say that.

Look there's still a chance both
of us can get out of this clean.

But you need to listen to reason.

Can you do that, for me?

You have to know you aren't
getting away with this, right?

Remember what I said.

Eyes on the prize.

- All right?
- JON: Yeah.

Once we get the rest of that payment,

we're gonna be home free.

SARAH: Uh...

You didn't get the full payoff?


What's funny?


I've just seen this before.

There isn't going to
be a second payment.

Whoever hired you is long gone.


CHARLIE: Go, buddy. Come
on, come on, come on.

You're almost there!


Good job, pal! Come
here! Come here, Rex!

Good job! Oh, I am
happy to see you, pal.

Hi, hi!

Okay, listen, I need you
to do me a favour, okay?

I need the cuff keys.

They're in the car, okay?

They're in the glove box
next to your treats okay?

Go on!

Good job, pal!



Come on, pal.


Hold it, pal.

Come on, pal.

Hold. Good job! Good job!

Good job, partner.

I'm not going to be able to

disarm that detonator. It's too risky.

And it's bolted in so
it's not going anywhere.

I think our best chance is to just

drive this truck out of here

as fast as we can with
the time we've got left.

Come on, partner. Let's go.

DONOVAN: Another dead end.

We keep this up Jesse, we're
going to run out of gas.

You know, if we backtrack
to the original turnoff,

there should be a road that leads us

to something called Amber Diamond.

Hold on. Amber Diamond.

That's a mining company. Yeah,
we should be able to refuel there.

And if we're out of jamming range,

we can finally call for backup.

Well, it's as good a plan as we've got.


Nine minutes left.

We might just make it
clear of the mines yet.

- Can you read me? Come in.


Can you read?






We're making lousy time on this

but I can't go any faster.



What if she's right?

Don't start.

JON: Getting this payday

and helping you get out of debt,
that's the whole reason I'm here.

Me and my bleeding heart.

But I'm starting to think
maybe you've been using me

since the beginning.

Dial back the paranoia, babe.

You are playing right into her hands.

SARAH: There is an easy way
to find out if I'm right.

Hey! I'm getting tired
of that mouth of yours.

I think we should hear her out.

Go ahead. We're listening.

You have a way of contacting
the highjackers, right?

Call the number.

I bet it's a burner phone and
they've already ditched it.

What do you think?

Maybe you should call.

And when they answer, ask them how much

this mouthy cop is worth.

Make the call.

You're going to have to turn off
the scrambler so I can call out.

Make it short.

Any of her team notices
the signal's back,

this whole area is going
to be swarming with cops.

- CHARLIE: Are you kidding me?

Yeah, I know, I know.

I don't feel good about this either.







- MAN: Keep coming, keep coming!
- Yeah.

Hey, it's Sorcerer. Let me talk to Kai.

Looks like you were wrong.


We need to talk.

I wasn't expecting to hear from you

until the next payment exchange.

Yeah, well we think
it would be a good idea

to move up the schedule.

The sooner we get paid,
the sooner we can part ways.

Yeah, well I'll think about it.

There's one more thing.

We took a hostage.

What are you talking about?

You've got a cop with you?

Her name's Sarah.

And now you don't know
what to do with her.

Yeah. Something like that.

All right.

All right, you deliver her
to me. I'll take care of her.

- Wait, take care of it how?
- Don't you worry about it.

You just get to the underpass
on 9th line. You got it?

Underpass on 9th line. Yeah, got it.

- All right, well I'll see you soon.
- And the cash.

We good?

Yeah, we're good.

- Good.






There's no one here.

JESSE: There were
vehicles here recently.

You can tell by the tire tracks.

They went off road.

What the hell happened here?



Hey hey hey! It's a text from Sarah.

- The signal's back?
- No, no,

but it must have been back long
enough to get a message out.

It's an address.

Jesse, this is to us and to Charlie.

They must've gotten separated.



- Come on, come on.

Just a little bit further.


That's not good.





(LOUD expl*si*n)


(expl*si*n IN DISTANCE)



My God.

The expl*sives must've been triggered.

Charlie and Rex? You don't think... ?

- Hey.

Let's check you out. Come here.

That was a close one, pal.

Looks like we're going to live.


The amount of nitro in that,

there's no way we should
have survived that blast.

Something's not right.

- We're okay!
- JESSE: Charlie!

Rex! Oh, I'm glad too see you!

You had us scared for
a second there, buddy!

DONOVAN: You guys really do
know how to make an entrance.

CHARLIE: I'm just
glad it wasn't an exit.

Come on.


Careful now.

They'll be finding pieces
of us scattered for miles.

ANGEL: All right, let's get
paid, and get out of here.

SARAH: Listen to me. I've
dealt with this man before.

You stay here and there's no
chance we get out of this alive.

JON: What if she's right, Angel?

Maybe we should just
cut our losses here.

ANGEL: She's desperate.
She's going to say anything

to save her own neck.

Come on. High risk, high reward.

That's always been your philosophy.

Give me the g*n and the car keys.

- First tell Kai that we just want to...
- g*n and keys, now!

And the tablet too.

Stay in the car.


Still think you're in control?

I didn't think we'd be hearing
from Kai again, or ever.

Well, you know what they
say about bad pennies.

DONOVAN: Yeah, well, this bad
penny has a lot of firepower.

But the power from that blast,

that took out the bridge, it wasn't
as big as it should have been.

Kai must have taken some of
those expl*sives with him.

For what purpose?

Well, let's catch him before
we find out the hard way.

Are Sarah and Sorcerer
still with the other car?


What is it?

They're not with us, Charlie.

The mystery woman from the sports car,

we think she might have got them.

- I shouldn't have left them there.
- It's not your fault.

We all know Sarah's more than
capable of taking care of herself.

Yeah, she even sent us a text
message right before we found you.

- She sent us a location.
- How far?

DONOVAN: We don't even know if
Sarah even sent us that message.

- It could be a trap.
- Well, I guess we'll find out

when we get there.

Let's head back to the other vehicle.

Jesse, you can take the car until
you're out of range of the jammer.

What will you two be
doing in the meantime?

We're going to pin them down until
you get there with the cavalry.

You know we're seriously
outgunned, right?

Yeah, but we've got our secret
w*apon with us. Right, pal?


I'm sure if we just talk to
him... He's a businessman.

No, he's a criminal.

- A k*ller. And the three of us are just loose ends.
- Enough.


If you don't have the spine
to deal with this, I will.

- JON: No no no. Wait wait!
- MAN: Hey hey whoah whoah whoah!

ANGEL: Hey, Kai!

Look, can we just talk this out? Hey!

Hey, get your hands off of me!

KAI: Go and get them out of the car.

- All of them.
- Oh this is bad.

- This is so bad.
- Keep it together a little longer.

Help is on the way.

How do you know that?


Hey, hi, hi! Listen,

if this is about the cops showing up,

we didn't tip them off.

Oh, I know you didn't.

I did.

ANGEL: Wait. Why would you do that?

Because he always planned for the
two of you to take the fall for this.

She's right.

I get the expl*sives.

You get the time. Of course,

things got way more interesting

when Hudson and his mutt showed up.

But him blowing up to smithereens

was an added bonus.


That's right, Doc.




Don't worry. You'll be
reunited with them soon enough.

Once I leave in the truck,

get rid of them.

All of them!



- (COCKING g*n)

CHARLIE: Drop your
weapons! Get on the ground!

Come on! Come on! Behind the van!

Come on! Come on! Heads down!

DONOVAN: Let's go Kai! We're
not going to say it twice!

KAI: Do not

lower your weapons!

You've got nine lives there, Hudson!

Ah, you're thinking about cats.

I'm more of a dog person.

It's over, Kai!

You're not getting out of
here with those expl*sives!

Oh yeah?

Maybe nobody's coming out of here!

DONOVAN: Whoah whoah whoah whoah!

What, you'd k*ll your
men just to make a point?

KAI: Maybe I'm bluffing!

You willing to take the chance, Donovan?



Get him off!

Get him off of me!

DONOVAN: Put down your weapons!

Hands above your heads!

Put them down! Drop it!

Stay down!



Sorry I got you and your
team mixed up in all this.

Well, letting me get that text
out probably saved all our lives.

I'll pass that information
on to your defense attorney.

Appreciate that, Momma Bear.

- Sorry. Force of habit.
- It's growing on me.

Wait, what did she say?

- You went behind my back?
- Angel, shut up.

She seemed really nice.

Is it possible I just have
a thing for criminal women?

You definitely do.

CHARLIE: I know why
you targeted the mine.

You needed to make sure the
expl*si*n made maximum damage

so that nobody would realize you
made off with part of the cargo.

You got me.

What do you want, a Milk Bone?

You were willing to k*ll
dozens of mine workers

just to hide your secondary objective.

Well, I suppose you've got
that figured out as well.

And you know, I want
to hear that from you.

You've got nothing to lose.
What were the expl*sives for?

Maybe I was going to target

some of my old boss's key
import/export operations.

Let me guess. The ones
you didn't blow skyhigh

were going to fall all over
themselves to work for you.

You're not the first
person to make a play

for a former crime boss's territory.

You're not the first one
I've put away for it either.

You think prison scares me?

Well, it should.

Because you're going
to your boss's facility.

And you'll probably be
in the same cell block.

I wonder how he's going
to react when he sees you?

Okay, how about...

What do you want to
know? Make another deal.

- Nah, I'm good. Rex?

I don't think he wants
to make a deal either.

- That felt good.

I call first shower when we get home.