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01x07 - How to Hamster/A Bad Case of the Beeps

Posted: 02/27/24 08:31
by bunniefuu
♪Lyla in the Loop!

♪Yeah, Lyla's in the loop!

♪C'mon in the loop!

♪Lyla in the loop, round and round with Stu!♪

♪Now you can jump in too, with Lyla in the Loop!♪

♪Got a big idea? Step it out, break it down!♪

♪Now put it all together! Loop around and around!♪

♪You've got what it takes to imagine and discover♪

♪that we can solve it one way and another and another!♪

♪So keep trying, thinking, asking.♪

♪Now we're building, now we're laughing.♪

♪We keep growing, ideas flowing, let's get going,♪

♪Lyla in the Loop!

[Luke] How to Hamster

[Louis] C'mon back soon!

Phew! The lunch rush is over!

[door opens]

We're home!

[laughing] And the Loops rush has begun!

[Louisa] [beatboxing] [Liana] [chanty] It's Friday!

It's my day!

Oh, oh, it's Friday!

[relaxed sigh] Anything exciting happen at school?

[Lyla] Oh, nothing much.

Well, except...

[door opens]

I got a hamster!

Ah ah ah, you got a hamster for the weekend, Lukey. [chuckle]

I got a hamster for the weekend!

Meet Samantha da Hamsta.

[in unison] Awwww!

[Liana] Look at her! [Louisa] What a cutie!

Sammy's the kindergarten class pet.

She goes home with a

different classmate each weekend.

And it's a big responsibility!


This is the Hammy Manny.

Also known as the Hamster Manual.

It tells you everything you need to know about taking

care of Sammy girl.

Hmm, what's that?

[Luke] That's the Sammy Scrapbook.

[Luke] It's where you put a picture of

[Luke] all the fun things you did with Sammy!

[Luke] See?

[Luke] Having a tea party...

[Luke] Driving a car...

[Luke] Relaxin' at the beach!

And now me and Sammy get to have our own adventure!

C'mon! Let's go!

[Sammy squeaking]

[imitating] [squeak squeak!]

[Sammy squeaking]

[imitating] [squeak squeak!]

According to the Hammy Manny, Sammy needs three things.

[Lyla] Water, food, and fun!

Right! Water, check!

Food, check!

Says here, you should make sure you lock the cage.

[Luke] Lock, check!


[giggles] Looks like you made a friend, Stu!

Have fun Luke, gonna go get a snack.


Now for the fun part: the fun!

Check out my favorite thing ever... shoelace collection!

[Luke] Here are my red ones! Tada!

[tired squeaks]

Oh, I guess red isn't your favorite color.

What about purple polka dots?

Or...light up laces?

That's okay, let's do something else...


I'll show you my favorite dance, the Carrot Cake!

Chop the carrots with s'um power!

[Luke] Mix the eggs, sugar, flour!

Pour the batter with a slide...


...Maybe you don't like carrots?

[Luke] No, she definitely likes carrots...

[sighs] What am I going to do now?...

[Lydia] Something wrong Lukey?

I just want Sammy to have fun at our house!



But look, she's bored!

[Lydia] Hmmm... I think she might just be sleepy.

The Hammy Manny says... Ah!

" <span tts:fontStyle="italic">Hamsters like to be awake in</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic"> the morning and evening</span>,

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">and they sleep in</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic"> the afternoon.</span>"”

[Sammy] [yawn] [Stu] [yawn]

Well maybe if she naps now, she'll play when she wakes up.

Yeah, and I know just what we can do!

Have a good nap, Sammy!

I'll have something really fun for us when you wake up!

[ominous music]

...And since Sammy is awake at night, I decided we can

have a movie night!

[gasp] Where's Sammy?

Uh, Luke?

Dads gonna to make pickle popcorn, and we're gonna

watch Hamsters in Space!

[Lyla] Luke!

Where is Sammy?

In her cage.



[gasp] ...which I forgot to lock...

...oof-fa-loof, she escaped!

[Louisa] Aaaah! What was that?!

[Luke] [gasp] [Lyla] Uh oh!

What happened?

I was gonna practice trombone,

but there's something in it!

[Stu] [trills] [Lyla/Luke] Huh?/Wait, what?


[in unison] Aghh! [Stu] [trills]

[Lyla] Follow that hamster!

[relieved sigh]



[heavy inhaling]


[shocked gasp]

[sniffing] Mmm, pickle pasta perfection!


Woah! Gah! Eee-hee-hee!

[in unison] [gasp]

Hey Stu, catch that Hammy!

[slow motion] [trills]



Hey Luke, whatcha up to?



You okay?

I have to take Sammy back to school tomorrow, and I still

haven't found anything she likes to do.


She liked running around the apartment...

Mom and Dad said she's not allowed to do that again.

[Lydia] And we mean it! [Louis] And we mean it!



Maybe to understand what a hamster likes, you need to

pretend to be a hamster.

Think like a hamster and figure out why she likes

what she likes!

I will become the hamster.

[imitating hamster squeaks]

Let's check all the places Sammy liked when she got loose.

Okay Hamster Luke, what do you see?

[imitating hamster squeak] It's dark and narrow like a tunnel!

Sammy must think it's fun to crawl through it.

I feel cozy and safe.

That must be why Sammy liked it here.

[Louis] Ahem.

[Luke] [nervous chuckle]


Squeak squeak!

Running around these jars is like a game...

Or an obstacle course!

So what do we know about what Sammy likes?

She likes to crawl in tunnels...

Relax in soft spaces...

And run around obstacles!

If we put it all together, what do we get?

[gasp] A playground!

[Lydia] Hey, you figure out what you are going to

do with Sammy?

[Luke] Yeah! [Stu] [trills]

We're going to build her a hamster playground!

With stuff from around the house!

Love it, love it.

I would also love it if you made a fence

so Sammy doesn't wander off.



[Stu] [trills]

[nervous chuckle]

Before we make the playground, we're going

to ask Sammy which things she likes best.

Then we'll include them in the playground!

Okay Sammy, which do you like more? The short tunnel

or the long tunnel?

[Sammy squeaking]

Long one it is!

Next, do you like the fuzzy towel or the plain towel?

[Lyla] Fuzzy towel! Me too.

Last one: cardboard maze or ramp?

A-maze-ing choice!

Oop, it's hammy nap time.

And time for us to set up Sammy's playground!

[Luke] Sammy likes long tunnels more than short ones.

I wonder if I can make this one even longer...


[Luke] Oh, I know!

Sammy's gonna love this super tunnel!


Could this be a slide?...

...Or a swing?



Tada! Fuzzy hammy hammock!

And a cardboard maze!


[Lydia] Do not forget the fence, please!

On it!


How can we build a fence?

We have all those blocks in our room.

But they're kinda heavy.

Hey Stu!


Would you please get the big box of blocks from our room,

and bring it out here?




Luke, help me make a circle of blocks

around the playground.

[Lyla] Now Stu, put more blocks on

top of the fence, like this.

[Lyla] Stop when the fence is three blocks high.


Go, Stu, go!


What do you think, Luke?

I think it's what Sammy thinks that counts!

[Sammy squeaking]

That's one happy hammy.

[imitating hamster squeak] What?

That means " <span tts:fontStyle="italic">We did it!</span>" in hamster language.

[imitating hamster squeaks]


[Louisa] And... action!

Do you ever wish there was an easier way to

feed your pet fish?

So easy, you don't need to cross the room to do it?!

Man, I wish there was an easier way to

feed Baby Bruce!

And Bwoosie-Woosie does too!

Yes he does!

Well, have I got the invention for you!


...the Fish Feeder !

[gasp] How does the Fish Feeder work?!

Well, each plastic bottle cap on this conveyor belt

the perfect amount of fish food for Baby Bruce.

So, when you're ready to feed him, you turn this

crank and it pours the food right into his bowl.

Easy peasy!

[gasp] That's incredible!

Can I try it out?


[Liana] [struggling efforts]


[Louisa] Cutting!

Looks like the conveyor belt is stuck.

I just need to...

...loosen this and tighten that.

[Lyla] And...fixed!

[Liana] Ayy! Good going, Lyla! [Louisa] Woohoo!

Oh no, I wasn't recording!

I guess we'll have to try recording the Fish Feeder

again tomorrow.

Why tomorrow?

'‘Cause that's when Baby Bruce's bwekfast is!

Isn't that right, Bwoosie Woosie!?

[Lyla] A Bad Case of the Beeps



Here's how you... swing, Stu.

Move your legs...

... In and out.

In a loop.

Go, Stu, go!


Didn't see that coming.


[Luke] Hey Stu, come slide with me!


[Luke] Wheee! [Stu] [trills]

[Louisa] Hey Stu, come play catch with us!

[Lyla] Hey Stu, throw it to me!

[Luke] Hey Stu... Throw it to me, not her!


[Liana] No, Stu, throw it to me!


[Lyla] Hey Stu, over here!

[Liana] Oh oh! Toss it to me!

Over here!


Over here!

[Lyla/Luke] Over here! [Liana] Throw it to me! [Louisa] Here!

[Lyla] Over here!

Okay all you and Stu, time to stop and head home!


Hey, Stu?



What do you mean Stu beeped?

He just did it.

Like: Beeep.

But kinda weird sounding.

Like: Beep.

And confused.

Like: Beeeep?


[Lyla] See? It's been like that ever since the park.

So it just keeps happening?

[Lydia] Kinda like-- [Louis] A hiccup?

More like a beep-up.

Yeah, a hiccup with beeps.

Well, everybody knows how to stop hiccups.

Drink water!

[Luke] Hold your breath!

Stand on your head and say all the

odd numbers between and !


[Louisa] [whispering] [Liana] Mhmm, mhmm.

We can show you our remedy better than we can tell ya.

But it'll work percent.

Okay, let's just try all these ideas, until one of them works!


And fast!

Ok Stu,

every time I get the hiccups, I drink water and boom!

My hiccups are gone.

So, drink this super fast and you're...


[in unison] Awww.

Now just hold this pose,

and count the odd numbers up to one hundred.

One, three, five, seven, nine, eleven...


Oh dear.

My turn!

This is gonna stop those beep-ups for sure.

Hey, Stu, take a deep breath...

[deep breath]

Ok, now I'll count: one, two, three,

four, five!

Breathe out, Stu!

[exhale woosh] [trills]

[Beep Beep Beep!]

[disappointed] Awww.

He's beeping even more now!

Now it's Liana and Louisa's turn to try.

Where are they anyway?

[pots and pans clattering] [in unison] [startled gasps]

OK, that had to do the trick.

A good scare always gets rid of hiccups.

Y'all can relax now.

Well, you sure gave us a scare.

Is Stu better now?

[Beep Beep Beep Beep]

Not more beeps!

What are we gonna do?

Aww, poor you, Stu.

I guess Stu's beep-ups are not like our hiccups.

Yeah, Stu's different.

Maybe the beeps mean something.

Huh, like a message.

When exactly did all Stu's beeping start?

Uhh, when we were at the park.

Yeah I showed Stu how to swing--

And then we did the slide...

Then I said, "“ <span tts:fontStyle="italic">Hey Stu play</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic"> catch with us!</span>"”

And I said, "“ <span tts:fontStyle="italic">Throw it to</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic"> me!</span>"”

And me!

Me too!

[overlapping chatter]

Then I said, "“ <span tts:fontStyle="italic">Stop! Time to go</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic"> home.</span>"”

And that's when the beeping started.


[Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep]

Uh oh.

Ok, that's worse.

[sigh] Usually, talking through the steps

helps us figure things out.

Actually, it did help.


I think I know what caused Stu's beeps.

[in unison] You do?

I think we gave him too many directions.

But we always give Stu directions.

Yeah, but not all at once.

So... you think we overloaded Stu or something?


Think about it, when there's too many things

to do all at once, I feel overloaded, too.

But you don't beep.


So, what do you do to stop feeling overloaded?

I do something that helps me relax!

So, maybe instead of giving Stu more

things to do, we can help Stu

by giving him ways to relax.


No problem.

I'm the chillest guy around.

Whoop, whoa... See?


Jump up in here with me, Stu!

Now just lean back, close your eyes...

And breathe in that fresh air.

[in unison] [deep inhale]

Yeah, thats-- [choking gasps]


Whoa oof!

[Louis] I swallowed a bug...



You ok Stu?

[Beep Beep]

[Lydia] And now, Stu, just paint and embrace the moment.


[Beep Beep Beep]

Know what's relaxing?

A piccolo solo!

[piccolo melody]

Hey Stu, close your eyes and just play it out, buddy.


[excellent piccolo solo]

[Beep Beep Beep]

[Luke] Organizing my shoelaces really calms me down.

Hey Stu, try matching them up by color. You'll love it!


[Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep]


In these trying times, ask not what Stu can do for you,

[Lyla] but what you can do for Stu.

But we've tried everything -

telling him how to get rid of the beeps like hiccups...

And then telling him to relax

in case he's overloaded!

We keep telling him and telling him

and the beeps just get worse.


That's it!

[Lydia] What is?

We keep telling Stu what to do!

Telling him what to do started him

beeping in the first place.

And telling him how to fix it made it worse.

So... telling him things to do is the problem?


I think.

Maybe Stu just needs to rest.

Without anyone telling him anything.

Hmm, it's worth a try!

Hey Stu... I mean, uh... just... just do you, Stu.

Do you think this will work?

Seems quiet now...

... too quiet.

How do we know he's OK?

I need to go in there and help him.

[Louisa] Chill, Sis!

Let Stu do Stu.


Ok, ok!

How about I check on Stu for you, real quietly.


Stu is all... uh... wiggly.

What do you mean WIGGLY?!


Is he... melting?

I think he's... break dancing?


Huh. Not bad!




Stu! Are the beeps all gone?


[Liana] Whoa, no more beeps?



You were right Lyla!

When he's overloaded, Stu needs to reboot the Stu way:

Move around!

I get it!


Stu, we'll try not to overload you anymore.

[Louisa] But if we accidentally do...

Just take a b*at and dance. It. Out.


[Liana] Yeah! [Louisa] Go Stu! Go Stu!

Okay Loops, who's helping with dinner?

I need a hand mashing potatoes, and slicing

[Louis] cucumbers, and making the salad dressing, and mixing

[Louis] the lemonade and we also need--

[in unison] [beeping]

Ha. Ha. Very funny!
